onsdag 19. mars 2008

Grandiosa XIII. (In Norwegian).

[rediger] Klage på bruker Harrywad
Jeg vil gjerne klage på denne brukeren. Jeg mener brukeren forsøker å diktere, sensurere og sabotere innholdet, på en artikkel som brukeren har skrevet han ikke interesserer seg for. Brukeren dukket også opp, uten foranledning, på min diskusjonsside, i desember, og tilbød seg å samarbeide med meg om et prosjekt. Jeg foreslo Grandiosa-artikelen. Brukeren sa han ikke var interessert i Grandiosa. Og nå dukker han opp, og skal diktere og sensurere og sabotere for innholde i Grandiosa-artikkelen. Jeg mener dette er folkeskikk av et slag som ikke hører hjemme noen steder. Og synes også brukeren forfølgerer meg rundt på Wikipedia, og er kun interessert i Grandiosa, når jeg bidrar der. Jeg finner ikke noen grunn for at brukeren skal være så interessert i meg. Jeg synes det er for ille, at man ikke skal kunne få være i fred, å bidre på artikklene, uten å bli forfulgt og trakassert og sabotert for hele tiden. Jeg legger ved denne diffen: [3]. Og her er linken til diskusjonssiden, hvor man kan se brukerens flertallige, gjentatte avsporinger: [4]. Så jeg håper det er mulig å sperre brukernavnet til denne brukeren, slik at man slipper å bli forstyrret av sensurering, mobbing og sabotering, når man ønsker å komme med bidrag til artikkelene på Wikipedia. Håper dette er i orden. Med vennlig hilsen Johncons 19. mar 2008 kl. 23:15 (CET)


Grandiosa XII. (In Norwegian).

Nytt forsøk på presisering
Artikkel-siden ble sperret for redigering, på grunn av at noen synes det så ut som et tilløp til edit-war. Mitt poeng, var at en Dagbladet-artikkel, ikke ble gjenspeilet så bra på Wikipedia-siden, men at den så litt 'goddag mann økseskaft'-aktig ut. Her forklarer jeg litt mer:

'Etter 1997 ble det i en periode brukt gelatin (basert på svin) som bindemiddel i kjøttblandingen, som en erstattning for soyaproteinen, siden Stabburets hemmelige leverandør av soyaprotein, ikke kunne tilby nok ikke-genmodifisert soya på lang sikt. [2] [3]'.

Grunnen til at jeg da tar med denne delen:

'som en erstattning for soyaproteinen, siden Stabburets hemmelige leverandør av soyaprotein, ikke kunne tilby nok ikke-genmodifisert soya på lang sikt.'.

Det er for å få med hva det står i Dagbladet-artikkelen. Sånn som det står nå, så ser man ikke at gelatinen erstattet soyaproteinen. Så jeg tenkte bare å klaregjøre om dette. Siden dette fremgår av Dagbladet-artikkelen. Så da vil Grandiosa-artikkelen vår, være mer overens med Dagbladet-artikkelen. Med vennlig hilsen Johncons 19. mar 2008 kl. 02:28 (CET)

Jeg legger forresten til en link til Dagbladet-artikkelen, så er det enklere å finne den aktuelle artikkelen, og eventuelt kikke over, for å eventuelt se om man er enig i at artikkelen er gjenspeilet på en såkalt 'goddag mann økseskaft'-måte, på Wikipeida, (se også forklaring over).: [1] Håper dette er i orden, med vennlig hilsen Johncons 19. mar 2008 kl. 22:19 (CET)

Her fant jeg et sitat fra Dagladet-artikkelen, som beskriver hva ideen deres i forbindelse med å skrive artikkelen var:

'vi ønsket å gå bak varedeklarasjonen på den velkjente gule og røde pappeska. Som hvilket kjøtt som brukes - hva på feet spiser vi når vi spiser Grandiosa? Eller om vi kan være trygge på at soyaproteinet som brukes til å binde sammen kjøttet ikke er genmodifisert. Hva med tomatpuréen? Vi ønsket å spore ingrediensene tilbake til produsenten. Og vi undret oss på hva man egentlig kan få for 25.90.'.

Med vennlig hilsen Johncons 19. mar 2008 kl. 22:26 (CET)

Hvis man leser artikkelen, så kan man se at journalisten spørr om kjøttet på Grandiosaen hele tiden, at hun nok får svar som avsporer litt, det er mulig. Journalisten er også opptatt av om soyaproteinen som binder sammen kjøttblandingen er genmodifisert, eller ikke, og i den forbindelse, så får hun vite følgende:

'Soyaproteinet har de nettopp byttet ut med gelatin. Nettopp fordi leverandøren på lang sikt ikke kunne garantere tilstrekkelige mengder soya som ikke er genmanipulert.'.

Med vennlig hilsen Johncons 19. mar 2008 kl. 22:32 (CET)



From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk Peter Crouch
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:37:05 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Your Complaint To IPCC


I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, that's why
I'm sending it again.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 4, 2008 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Your Complaint To IPCC
To: Peter Crouch <peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk>


well like I had decided to wait on the Ipcc answer which you sent me last

I didn't get a letter sent to me on 10/1, so I have not recieved
confirmation of dispensation, untill I read this e-mail now.

But now I'm aware of this, and I would please like to appeal to the Ipcc,
with the reason that I haven't got any confidense
in the force, due to the reasons already mentioned.

That they have a phoney general enquiery e-mail address and more.

And I also think the cases are linked.

I have sent the new case as an update to the old case, when I have been
contacting you.

So I think they should be investigated collected, by the Ipcc.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 3/4/08, Peter Crouch <peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
> Dear Mr Ribsskog,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I understand that you have lost of confidence in the Merseyside Police and
> have decided to await confirmation of dispensation. It appears from my
> records that a dispensation was granted by IPCC and a letter sent to you on
> 10th January 2008.
> With regard to any more recent complaints that we have forwarded to
> Merseyside Professional Standards department (PSD), the same situation may
> arise if you do not respond to any letters you have been sent. You may be
> better advised to cooperate with the PSD, despite your lack of confidence,
> allowing them to complete any enquiries they intend to make. At the end of
> this process you then may have a right of appeal to the IPCC. Ultimately the
> decision is yours, but I just wanted to make it clear that you may
> disadvantage yourself by not cooperating.
> yours sincerely
> *Peter Crouch*
> *Senior Casework Manager*
> *Telephone Complaints Centre*
> *Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)*
> 90 High Holborn
> London WC1V 6BH
> Direct Line: 020 7166 3123
> Personal Fax: 020 7166 3423
> E-mail: peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 28 February 2008 19:12
> *To:* Peter Crouch
> *Subject:* Re: Your Complaint To IPCC
> Hi,
> thank you very much for your answer!
> Like I exlained earlier, I've lost a bit of confidence in the Merseyside
> Police, due
> to the phoney e-mail addresses etc., so I don't think theres any point in
> me
> going to any more meetings with them etc.
> I'll just wait untill they're finished, and then I'll appeal to the Ipcc,
> for the Ipcc,
> to have a look at the incidents collected.
> Like I informed the Ipcc about in one of the former e-mail, which you are
> answering
> me on now, I recieved a letter from the Merseyside Police, from 3/12, last
> year,
> from an Inspector on the Complaints Investigation Bureau.
> It says in the letter, that they want an answer, within 21 days from 3/12.
> Then they were going to inform the Ipcc, that 'the need for further
> investigation
> of your complaint be discontinued because of lack of co-operation'.
> So I reackon I'll eighter hear from you, the Ipcc, or the Force then, once
> the Force
> have finished with their enquieries.
> And then I'll contact the Ipcc, when I've got confirmation from the Force
> or the Ipcc,
> that the investigation from the Force have been discontinued.
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> On 2/28/08, Peter Crouch <peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Mr Ribsskog,
> >
> > I am writing in reference to your e-mail of 3rd January 2008 marked for
> > the attention of Douglas Cleaver. As the line manager for Sarah Brown
> > and previously the line manager for Joanne Fitzgerald, he has asked me
> > to respond to the concerns that you raise.
> >
> > Firstly please accept my sincere apologies for the prolonged delay in
> > contacting you.
> >
> > The first issue that you raised concerned an e-mail that you sent to my
> > colleague Joanne Fitzgerald on 10th November 2007, in which you
> > expressed a lack of confidence in the Police, following a meeting with
> > Walton Lane Police Station on 8th November 2007. You were informed by Ms
> > Fitzgerald that she had forwarded the e-mail to Michael Gibbs, the IPCC
> > Casework Manager who had been dealing with an Appeal that you had
> > submitted. Your concern appears to be a lack of response from Mr Gibbs.
> > Having looked into the matter I can see that Ms Fitzgerald asked Mr
> > Gibbs to consider whether the e-mail you had sent was part of the
> > previous Appeal. She also stated that he should pass the e-mail back if
> > he believed it to be a new complaint, which he duly did.
> > For your information the IPCC allocates the work to its staff based on
> > the category of work and geographical location of the force who are the
> > subject of the complaint. Accordingly all new complaints are dealt with
> > by my team at our London office and all Appeals, Dispensations and
> > Discontinuances are dealt with by the IPCC regional office dealing with
> > the Police Force concerned. In your case our Sale office deal with all
> > such matters regarding Merseyside Police related Appeals, Dispensation
> > And Discontinuances.
> > Since the e-mail of the 10th November 2007 was considered a new
> > complaint it was passed back to my department where it was assigned to
> > Casework Manager Sarah Brown, Joanne Fitzgerald having since moved into
> > a different department. Ms Brown contacted you on the 7th December 2007
> > and informed you that she had taken over the matter from Ms Fitzgerald.
> > However, I can see that since Ms Fitzgerald had informed you that she
> > had passed the e-mail to Mr Gibbs, you might still have expected a reply
> > from him even though you had been contacted by Ms Brown. I apologise if
> > there was any confusion there.
> > Also in your e-mail of 3rd January I notice that you refer to advice
> > received from Ms Brown that you should contact the police regarding your
> > lack of confidence in them. You state that this doesn't make sense.
> > While I appreciate you may wish the IPCC to become involved at this
> > point, you must remember that each police force is responsible for
> > considering complaints made against that force and for recording your
> > complaint. If you are not happy with the police's decision on recording
> > your complaint, you have the right to appeal to us. Therefore, while I
> > acknowledge your frustration with the response, Ms Brown advice to you
> > was appropriate.
> >
> > You also raised 3 concerns following a new e-mail sent to Ms Fitzgerald
> > on 5th December 2007.
> > 1) How to deal with a letter from the police.
> > 2) How to deal with a letter from the IPCC, in connection with an
> > harassment episode on Walton Lane Police Station on 8/11.
> > 3) The problem with Mr. Gibbs not answering the e-mail sent on 10th
> > November 2007.
> >
> > You go on to say that you consider only the 2nd point to have been
> > answered by Sarah Brown. However I can see that Ms Brown contacted you
> > by e-mail on 11th December 2007 and stated that whilst the police are
> > conducting an investigation into your complaint the IPCC is unable to
> > intervene and is not able to dictate which department carries out this
> > investigation. She went on to say that you will need to speak to the
> > Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Merseyside Police to discuss
> > further. While I appreciate that this does not make specific reference
> > to the letter received from the police, dated 3rd December 2007, it is
> > quite clear that we were not able to intervene and that you should
> > contact the PSD. As for the 3rd point concerning Mr Gibbs not
> > responding, I assume that Mr Gibbs did not feel it was necessary to
> > contact you since Ms Brown was now dealing with the e-mail from you. Ms
> > Brown similarly did not make reference to Mr Gibbs since she had
> > informed you that she would be responding to the e-mail that you had
> > sent Miss Fitzgerald.
> >
> > The final point you make in your e-mail, dated 3rd January 2008, was,
> > broadly, that the latest complaint should perhaps be dealt with together
> > with the previously made complaints. As you will be aware, the Appeal
> > that you submitted to IPCC in August 2007 had already been upheld and
> > the Merseyside Force instructed to 'record' your complaint. Therefore
> > they were already looking into that matter and the IPCC would not have
> > been able to instruct them to add any new matters to the existing
> > complaint. However, it is entirely possible that they might have chosen
> > to add them together once the new complaint was submitted. Once the
> > Force had completed their enquiries into any of the complaints that you
> > raised, you would have had a right to Appeal to the IPCC.
> >
> > I hope that this e-mail addresses the concerns that you have raised and
> > helps to explain the process that the IPCC has to follow and the reasons
> > behind some of the decisions that we took.
> >
> > yours sincerely
> >
> >
> > Peter Crouch
> > Senior Casework Manager
> > Telephone Complaints Centre
> > Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
> > 90 High Holborn
> > London WC1V 6BH
> > Direct Line: 020 7166 3123
> > Personal Fax: 020 7166 3423
> > E-mail: peter.crouch@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ******************************************************************************
> > The information in this email is confidential and may be legally
> > privileged.
> > It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended
> > recipient
> > please notify the sender and delete this email; any disclosure, copying
> > or
> > distribution of this email is prohibited and may be unlawful. The
> > content of
> > this email represents the views of the individual and not necessarily
> > those
> > of IPCC. IPCC reserves the right to monitor the content of all emails in
> > accordance with lawful business practice.This e-mail has been swept for
> > computer viruses but IPCC does not accept any liability in respect of
> > your
> > receipt of this email.
> >
> > Independent Police Complaints Commission
> > 90 High Holborn
> > London,
> > WC1V 6BH.
> >
> > ******************************************************************************
> >
> > The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government
> > Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Cable&Wireless in
> > partnership with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2007/11/0032.) On
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> > Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
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> >
> This email was received from the INTERNET and scanned by the Government
> Secure Intranet anti-virus service supplied by Cable&Wireless in partnership
> with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2007/11/0032.) In case of
> problems, please call your organisation's IT Helpdesk.
> Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
> recorded for legal purposes.
> ******************************************************************************
> The information in this email is confidential and may be legally
> privileged.
> It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended
> recipient
> please notify the sender and delete this email; any disclosure, copying or
> distribution of this email is prohibited and may be unlawful. The content
> of
> this email represents the views of the individual and not necessarily
> those
> of IPCC. IPCC reserves the right to monitor the content of all emails in
> accordance with lawful business practice.This e-mail has been swept for
> computer viruses but IPCC does not accept any liability in respect of your
> receipt of this email.
> Independent Police Complaints Commission
> 90 High Holborn
> London,
> WC1V 6BH.
> ******************************************************************************
> The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government
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Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus. III. (In Norwegian).

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: postmottak@fmoa.no
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:28:18 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Avslag på søknad om fritt rettsråd, ref: 2007/32677 FM-J


jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt svar på denne e-posten ennå, derfor
prøver jeg å sende den igjen.

Håper dette er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 14, 2008 5:29 PM
Subject: Avslag på søknad om fritt rettsråd, ref: 2007/32677 FM-J
To: postmottak@fmoa.no


jeg viser til brev jeg mottok i dag, angående avslag om fri rettshjelp.

Jeg tenkte jeg skulle sende en klage på avslaget.

Men det er jo mye som har skjedd.

Så før jeg gjør det, så tenkte jeg at jeg skulle høre med dere om hva dere
med et par av tingene dere skriver:

Dere sier at det som jeg søker om fri rettshjelp for, ikke er prioriterte

Men hva er det som er prioriterte saker?

Og dere skriver også, at det kan:

'unntaksvis gis fritt redsråd [..] dersom saken objektivt sett berører søker
i særlig sterk grad'.

Jeg lurer på hvordan det defineres?

På forhånd takk for svar!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Røde Kors VI. (In Norwegian).

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: nrx.center@redcross.no
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:18:35 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Råd i forbindelse med at jeg måtte flykte fra Norge.


jeg kan ikke se å ha mottatt noe svar på denne e-posten ennå, derfor prøver
jeg å sende den igjen.

Håper dette er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mar 14, 2008 3:46 PM
Subject: Råd i forbindelse med at jeg måtte flykte fra Norge.
To: nrx.center@redcross.no


jeg har vært i kontakt, med britiske røde kors, i forbindelse med at jeg
prøver å få
råd, om hva man burde gjøre i min situasjon.

Jeg ble jaget fra Norge, fra gården til onkelen min i Kvelde, i juli 2005,
av folk som jeg
ikke vet sikkert hvem var, men som jeg overhørte sa at de skulle skyte meg

Jeg har prøvd å kontakte norske myndigheter, dvs. Kripos, politiet i
Vestfold og Oslo,
med flere, etter dette, men jeg får ikke noe hjelp av norske myndigheter.

Jeg har også kontaktet politiet med flere i Storbritannia, men det virker
som at jeg
har blitt som noe 'target guy'/spion av britisk politi, mot noe organiserte
nettverk osv.

Så jeg har ikke fått noe hjelp i Storbritannia heller.

Men jeg kontakter britiske røde kors nå, og de anbefalte meg å kontakte

Jeg sender med kopier av e-poster, som jeg sendte britiske røde kors.

Håper dette er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

British Expats.

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: notify@britishexpats.com British Expats
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:14:36 +0000
Subject: Re: Reply to thread 'Problems with US imigration control, 'no ties outside US'.'


I just wondered who it is one should complain to, if one wanted to complain
about your message-board?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 2/13/08, British Expats <notify@britishexpats.com> wrote:
> Hello johncons,
> Marocco has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled -
> Problems with US imigration control, 'no ties outside US'. - in the US
> Immigration and Visas forum of British Expats.
> This thread is located at:
> http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=513951&goto=newpost
> There may be other replies also, but you will not receive any
> more notifications until you visit the forum again.
> Mobile friendly link:
> http://wap.britishexpats.com/GetThread.php?f=34&t=513951
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> Yours,
> British Expats team

Hegnar Online. (In Norwegian).

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: sohaugen@hegnar.no
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:59:33 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Trenering fra myndighetene, ulovlige ledelsesmetoder hos Arvato Microsoft, Problemer i Hakon/Ica-gruppen mm.


jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt noe svar på denne e-posten ennå, derfor
prøver jeg å sende den på nytt.

Håper dette er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 27, 2008 10:13 AM
Subject: Trenering fra myndighetene, ulovlige ledelsesmetoder hos Arvato
Microsoft, Problemer i Hakon/Ica-gruppen mm.
To: sohaugen@hegnar.no


jeg har fått råd å kontakte media angående en del forskjellige problemener
jeg har hatt med trenering fra myndighetene,
ulovlige ledelsesmetoder hos Arvato Microsoft, problemer i
Hakon/Ica-gruppen, problemer med korrupsjon/infiltrasjon
av/fra private firmaer og myndigheter i Norge og Storbritannia.

Så jeg bare sender en del e-poster og dokumenter osv., som jeg har
tilgjengelig, så bare kontakt meg hvis det er noe
jeg burde forklart mer om.

Håper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog

Human Rights Watch.

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: hrwuk@hrw.org HRW UK
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:41:45 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Inhumane treatment from the Government.


I can't see that I've recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, that's why I'm
sending it again.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 31, 2008 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Inhumane treatment from the Government.
To: HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>


ok it says this on your website:

'Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people
around the world.

We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold
political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and
to bring offenders to justice.

We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers

We challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices
and respect international human rights law.

We enlist the public and the international community to support the cause of
human rights for all.'.

It says that you 'investigate and expose human rights violations and hold
abuser accountable'.

I'll try to explain a bit better, and summarise some of the things that has
been going on:

- In December 03, in Bjørndal, in Oslo, Norway, I overheard that I was
followed by 'the mafia'.

- In July 05, I was chased away from my uncles farm in Kvelde, outside of
Larvik in Norway, by people
with dogs and guns.

- And I've also been chased by what seems to be mafia in France, Germany and
Holland etc, in 2005.

- And in Liverpool, in 05 and 06, I've been working in a company, Arvato,
which seems to have been
infiltrated by a criminal network, and there were problems with illigal
management methods and
organised harassment etc.

- And in my home, in Liverpool, now last month, I'm getting visits by
'phoney' inspectors from the
water-company, who are saying that they want to inspect the water-meter,
even if my flat hasn't got
a water-meter installed.

And the inspector was also looking in the boiler-room and the
electricity-cabinet, for the water-meter.

And then I called United Utilities, and they say that their representatives
never inspect the electricity-

So theres obviously something 'phoney' going on.

And I'm also worried about what has happened with some of my former
collegues at Arvato, who I think
can have been victims for trafficing, prostitution etc., possibly organised
from within the company.

So these are some of the things that has been going on.

There have also been more things, but there have been so many things going
on, that's it hard to focus
and summarise it all, I'm sorry I'm a bit overworked.

The problem, is that I've been contacting the police in both Norway and
Britain, and they don't want to
give me any advice or information, or any help at all, even if it's clear
that I'm having problems with
being followed/chased by criminal networks etc.

And the incident with the 'phoney' water-company inspector, I think, must be
someone from the Government,
like police or intelligence, and I also get 'phoney' people contacting me on
my facebook-page, which also
seems something from like the police.

So it's obvious that the governments in both Norway and Britain are spying
on me.

And they don't want to tell me what's going on, they're keeping me

And I think this is like torture, because I've heard and seen that I'm being
followed by mafia and I understand that I'm
being spyed on by the government, and I'm worried about some of my former
collegues at Aravto, who I havn't heard
from in more than a year, and whom someone seems to have been
making 'phoney' facebook pages in the name of.

So this is more or less driving me insane.

I've been smashing up the houshold-equipment, and I've considered killing
myself and/or the police, since it's making
me go insane, that they won't tell me anything, even if it's more than a
year ago, that I sent the e-mails from Arvato,
to the press, explaining that there were some organised harassment etc.,
going on there.

But the British police just pretends that there has been nothing going on.

Like the Norwegian police are doing, they aren't even answering my e-mails
or phone-calls, when I try to contact them,
regarding the how to deal with the situation, with that I've overheard, and
seen, that I'm being followed by mafia, and that
I was chased from uncles farm in 2005, and around Europe, also the same

So I have been thinking that it is one's right to get information from the
police about what's going on, when oneself are
involved in a case.

And also, that one have the right to ask for advice on how to deal with
haveing problems with criminal networks etc.

But the police refuse to tell me anything, they won't give me any
information or advice, and this has been going on since
December 2003, in Norway, and then from 2004/2005 in Britain.

So I think I have the right to get some information and advice, before I
loose my mind completly here.

But the police in both countries don't seem to think that.

So that's why I'm trying to contact you, because I was wondering if you by
any chance, have some information, regarding,
if it isn't my right to get information and advice from the police in
situations like this, when one are almost going insane,
since one don't know what's going on?

Also, I've been contacting the Norwegian department of Amnesty
International, but they are only harassing me, and
pretending to not understand what I mean, so I thought it would maybe be
right to complain about the department,
since I think that they should know how to answer enquieries like that,
without any lying or harassment.

So I hope very much that you have the chance to have a look at this.

I'm sorry that I've been using a bit of time to reply, but I havn't got much
founds, so I have to work a lot of overtime etc.,
so I've had to use a lot of time at work.

So I think it would be very fine if you had the chance you have a look at
this again!

Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 1/31/08, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org> wrote:
> Dear Erik Ribsskog,
> Thank you for your email. I am afraid Human Rights Watch is a research and
> advocacy organisation which does not usually deal with individual cases of
> human rights violations apart from our current reports in progress. We do
> not have the resources or expertise to give advice on individual cases of
> human rights problems and would suggest you consult a lawyer and/or a
> non-governmental advice centre.
> We are regretful that we can't be of more assistance and sincerely hope
> your situation is improved as quickly as possible.
> Yours kindly,
> Helen Raynsford
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:42 AM
> *To:* HRW UK
> *Subject:* Inhumane treatment from the Government.
> Hi,
> I was just wondering if you by any chance could have any possiblity to
> please help with some problems
> with inhuma treatment from the Government.
> I've been followed by one or more criminal networks, and the police don't
> want to give me any help, or
> information or advice on how to deal with this.
> And it also seems like the governments of the United States, Britain and
> Norway, may have used me
> like a living target against some mafia, possibly Albanian.
> And I've been trying to contact a lot of organisations about these
> problems, but I haven't managed
> to get any help, so I would think it would be very fine if you would have
> had the oppertunity to please
> help me with the problems with the inhume treatment from the different
> Governments.
> Thank you very much for your help in advance!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog

Blog.dk. (In Norwegian).

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: kundeservice@vix.dk
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:32:37 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Sletting av blogg


jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt noe svar på denne e-posten ennå, derfor
prøver jeg å sende den igjen.

Håper dette er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 31, 2008 10:44 AM
Subject: Sletting av blogg
To: kundeservice@vix.dk


dere kan ikke bare uten videre slette en blogg.

Det går under ånsverksloven, det har vi i Norge, så det regner jeg med
finnes i Danmark og.

Så dette vil jeg gjerne klage på, og jeg håper at dere gjenoppretter


Erik Ribsskog


From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: enquiriesC@allingtonhughes.co.uk
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:20:11 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Legal Aid/Harassment at Work-case.


I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, that's why
I'm sending it again.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 31, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: Legal Aid/Harassment at Work-case.
To: enquiriesC@allingtonhughes.co.uk


I called just now, and spoke with Mrs. Jennifer Claytons secretary, and I
was adviced
to send an e-mail to the general enquiery e-mail address, regarding this

Since I've been in contact with the LSC, and they adviced me to search on
web-site for a solicitors firm, that could possibly help me with an
harassment at
work case, regarding my former employer.

And Mrs. Claytons secretary, adviced me to send you an e-mail on this e-mail

I have been in contact with other solicitors from before, regarding this,
but I thought I'd
try to send you an e-mail, since Chester isn't that far away from where I
live, and I've
already been in contact with the companies from Liverpool on the list, so I
thought I'd
try to hear with your company, if you please had the oppertunity to help.

I can send the files I've got regarding the case, by post or e-mail, or I
could eg. take
the train and meet with the documents.

So I think it would be very fine if you have the chance to have a look at
this, my phone-
number by the way, is 0151 236 3298, if it's needed.

Or else, please just e-mail me back, and then if it's something I've
forgotten to explain,
then I'll contact you back as soon as possible.

Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: r.agnew@lgo.org.uk Rosemary Agnew
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:56:25 +0000
Subject: Fwd: Your letter of 23. January 2008. (07/C/06289/RA).


I can't see that I have recieved any answer to this e-mail yet, that's why
I'm sending it again.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Feb 8, 2008 10:26 PM
Subject: Your letter of 23. January 2008. (07/C/06289/RA).
To: Rosemary Agnew <r.agnew@lgo.org.uk>


I know there have been some correspondence already surrounding issues like
this, but
I'm just writing you now, anyway, just to try to make things clear.

You write in your letter of 23/1, that 'you had not exhausted the Council
complaint procedure'.

But, it was actually the Council, who didn't stick to the complaint

I sent the Council a complaint, but the Council didn't answer my e-mail.

And it says in the complaint-procedure, that complaints should be answered
within 2 weeks,
which the Council didn't.

So I'm sure exactly why it is that you are writing, that I haven't exhausted
the Council complaint

Because I wrote to you, the LGO, since the Council didn't answer me.

And then, the Council wanted to investigate another comlaint, than my
complaint, and meet
me to discuss another complaint than my complaint.

I've tried to contact both you and the Council regarding this.

Since, it isn't possible for me, to exhaust the Council complaint procedure,
when the Council
aren't dealing with my complaint.

So that's where the problems are.

I'll try to summarise them.

1. The Council, didn't answer my complaint within two weeks, so they didn't
stick to the Council
Complaint procedure.

2. If point 1, isn't enough, then later, the Council, weren't dealing with
my complaint at all, but
wanted to discuss another complaint than my complaint.

And I can't be expected to exhaust a complaint procedure that doesn't belong
to my complaint.

I shouldn't be blaimed for not exhausting a complaint procedure that doesn't
belong to my complaint.

This is the Councils fault, since they want me to exhaust a
complaint-procedure which is belonging
to another complaint, than my complaint.

So, I just wanted to make this clear, before I complain to the Ombudsman

Since I think things like these, the mentioned points, should be made clear,
before I complain to
the Ombudsman again.

Hope this is alright, and thank you very much for your help in advance!

Your sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Letter from LGO, 23/1.

Krig i Norge? 55. (In Norwegian).

Fattern sa også at ingen hjelper deg, hvis du er forfulgt av noe mafia osv.

Husk hvordan det gikk med han som døde av det radioaktive stoffet i London osv.

Krig i Norge? 54. (In Norwegian).

Fattern ringte for et par timer siden.

Han hadde tatt seg et par øl, siden det snart var påske.

Så det var ikke alt jeg skjønnte like mye av.

Men det han sa, var at det stod i Drammens Tidende, om at mattilsynet skulle rydde opp i probelmet med rottene.

Så sa han at naboen hadde kalt Haldis hore.

Så sa jeg, at det var kanskje fordi hu var blond, fordi utleningene ikke likte blonde.

Så sa fattern, at i Sverige, så kaller de utlendinger for 'svart-skaller'.

Så sa jeg, at jeg trodde ikke fattern likte Sverige.

At han pleide å si, at Volvo ikke er bil.

Så sa han, at det var før det.

Så sa han, at Christell var sammen med en svenske.

Så gjorde han et poeng av at de tre barn.

Så skjønte ikke jeg hvorfor han gjorde et poeng av det, så spurte jeg om det.

Men jeg skjønte ikke helt poenget etter forklaringa heller.

Før det, så prata vi om hva som hadde skjedd, siden jeg dreiv med sånne rettsaker osv., mot Arvato osv.

Så sa jeg, at det virket som om myndighetene i Norge og England, hadde brukt meg som spion/target-guy mot mafian.

Så sa jeg at Skodvin på Rimi, antagelig har satt meg til å jobbe i butikker hvor det var mafia osv., fordi de viste at jeg var streight, og konsentrerte meg om å gjøre jobben.

Så sa fattern, at det var kanskje folk som ville tjene på lure Rimi økonomisk osv., som de ville ha inn i firmaene.

Så sa jeg, at det var mulig.

Men at det i England (På Arvato, Liverpool), så virka det som om de mafia-nettverkene ville ha de Skandinaviske damene som jobba der.

At de dro på masse rare ferier osv., hvor jeg mistenkte at de ble utnytta av noe nettverk da.

Da forandra fattern stemme, så han ikke var så høyrøsta, og sa at det var mulig, eller noe sånt.

Og jeg sa, også at det virka som mafian inne i Oslo, ville kontrollere hele byen.

Jeg sa, at jeg trodde var noe Albanere, eller noe.

Og da sa fattern, at det måtte det vært, for det fantes ikke noe norsk mafia.

Da sa jeg, at politiet i England, prata om at det var en norsk mafia. (De refererte til 'the Norwegian mafia', i et brev).

Da sa fattern, at det er de som satt inne i forbindelse med Nokas-saken, sa de var i fengsel osv.

Det var vel noe sånt, det er mulig jeg fikk rekkefølgen av noen av setningene feil, men det var vel noe sånt.

Så det er tydelig at det er noe som foregår.

Jeg synes fattern reagerte rart, når jeg prata om de skandinaviske damene på jobben i England, og at han plutselig likte svensker.

Så jeg lurer litt på her, så det får jeg heller høre med han neste gang jeg prater med han osv., hva det her eventuelt kan være.