I searched, on www.nwo.no, on the ip/website search site www.ip-adress.com.
And I found, that www.nwo.no, was drifted/hosted, by a company in Norway, named Basefarm.
Basefarm, is one of Scandinavias biggest companies, for drifting/hosting websites.
And, they only work with company/organisation-customers, it seems clear, from their website.
So, it seems certain, that the www.nwo.no website, must be linked, with a professional organisation/company.
So, it doesn't seem, like it's a bogus website.
So, I guess, that what New World Order Norway, is writing on the website, that they don't think democracy, is a good idea, that they want a world government, and that they work through Bilderberger Group etc., to achieve these, I would say, facist targets, since they want to have 'a clean and orderly world society', which seems a bit facist-like to me.
I guess, that this is a real agenda.
And not, like I suspected, at first, something someone had put up for fun.
Basefarm, is owned by Norways biggest media-company, Schibsted, who is publishing Norways two biggest newspapers, VG, and Aftenposten, etc.
So, it seems, that Schibsted, can be linked with New World Order, (in this way also).
(I've read that they have been linked, before, and I've been harassed on these papers' message-boards, by message-boards administrators etc., and these papers, haven't replied, to the letters I've sent them, with complaints, regarding the harassment, on their message-boards.)
tirsdag 29. april 2008
Research om New World Order Norge: Er domene-navnet www.nwo.no, linket til Toll- og Avgiftsdirektoratet? (In Norwegian).
Jeg lurte litt på om nettstedet, www.nwo.no, var reelt, eller ikke, siden det der står, at New World Order Norge, ikke er så glade i demokratiet, men vil ha en verdensomspennende regjering, og jobber for dette, gjennom bl.a. Bilderberger Group, hvor Jens Stoltenberg, og Siv Jensen, er med.
I tillegg, synes jeg agendaen deres så litt facistisk ut, det står bl.a. at:
demokratiet ikke har klart å oppnå det globale perspektivet som er nødvendig for et ryddig og ordentlig verdenssamfunn.
Dette budskapet, tolker jeg som anti-demokratisk, og facistisk.
Jeg prøvde å taste inn 'www.nwo.no', på nettstedet, www.ip-adress.com, et veldig bra nettsted for å finne ut hvem som står bak webadresser, og ip-adresser, mm.:

Det er bare et par kvartaler fra Regjeringskvartalet og også fra Youngstorget osv.
Jeg pleide å bo ikke så langt derfra, jeg tok bussen fra like ovenfor VG-huset der, i Akersgata osv.
18-bussen var det vel, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Men samme det.
Det står at webstedet, drives, av et firma, som heter Basefarm.
Så jeg søkte litt på de:
Basefarm, er eiet av Schibsted, som eier VG og Aftenposten osv. (NWO-aviser, begge, spørr du meg. Og jeg har også blitt trakassert på debat-forumene deres, av moderatorer, og Torry Pedersen, m.fl.):
Schibsted ASA som har vært en av investorene i Basefarm siden vi startet, kjøpte i desember 2005 ut alle øvrige eksterne investorer og ble med det majoritetseier.
Så kikka jeg på 'referanser', fra hovedmenyen, på Basefarm websiden:

Og der stod det blant annet, Toll og Avgiftsdirektoratet.
Så da blinket jo den siste sovjetstat varsellampene, for fullt her.
Så da måtte jeg jo trykke på den linken og:
Visste du at Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet samler inn 20 % av midlene på statsbudsjettet? Men det er mer å hente. Derfor ønsker man å ta flere av regelbryterne. Ved årsskiftet tok norske myndigheter i bruk et nytt verktøy – Valutaregisteret.
Det betyr, at hvis man jobber i en arbeidsuke, så jobber du fredagen gratis. Det du tjener da, får de luringene i Toll- og Avgiftsdirektoratet. (Pluss at kemnern skal vel ha det du tjente onsdag og torsdag. Og det du tjente på mandag, går til boliglånet. Så det er det du tjener, fra lunch, til klokken 13.30, på tirsdager, som du kan bruke til hva du vil.).
Ja, jeg leste det vel litt feil, men det får være det samme.
Så da begynte jeg å lengte skikkelig tilbake til Norge, når jeg leste det.
Jeg tenkte jo, at jeg måtte vel prøve å finne den ordentlige webadressen til Toll- og Avgiftsdirektoratet også.
Og den viste seg å være:
Så søkte jeg på www.toll.no, på den søke-siden, som jeg brukte for www.nwo.no, det vil si, www-ip-adress.com.
Så får vi se hva som skjedde da:

Joda, http://www.toll.no, og http://www.nwo.no,
holder til i akkurat samme bygning, kan man se på bildene.
Uten at jeg har sjekket opp noe mer om det, enda, for jeg fant det nå nettopp.
Det kan jo være at et internett-firma holder til der, for eksempel.
Jeg får prøve å finne ut, hvor det Toll og Avgiftsdirektoratet holder til da, om det er i den bygningen.
Så får jeg heller oppdatere mer om det senere.
Men jeg fant jo ut noe annet nå, mens jeg skrev her.
At Schibsted, som eier VG og Aftenposten mm., synes å være linket til New World Order Norge, websiden.
Siden Basefarm, et profesjonellt internett webside-registrar (selv om ordet 'registrar', vel ikke høres ut som noe ordentlig norskt ord, for meg, kanskje registrator, f.eks. hadde vært et ordentlig ord? Men man kan jo ikke skjønne alt), og drift firma vel, drifter dette www.nwo.no, webstedet.
Så da er det kanskje ikke så rart, at dette New World Order, og Illuminati-greiene, ikke kommer i avisa.
LO, eier jo TV2 nå, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Og LO kontrolleres jo nå, av han Flåten, eller hva han heter, som Jens Stoltenberg (Bilderberger Group, del av NWO agenda) og vennene hans, that is Kolberg, Thyssen, og han reklame-karen, hva het han da, Kjetil Try.
De vennene til Jens, fikk jo ut Valla, fra LO.
Så nå er vel LO, New World Order, det og.
Og NRK, blir jo kallt ARK, Arbeiderpartiets Rikskringkasting.
Og i Arbeiderpartiet, så har vi Jens Stoltenberg, fra Bilderberger-group, som det står på www.nwo.no, at er del av New World Orders agenda.
Så det henger sammen, og er linket det her, virker det som.
De fem største mediaene, i Norge, er vel VG, Aftenposten, Dagbladet, NRK, og TV2.
Så da er det bare Dagbladet igjen, som vi ikke har linket til New World Order.
Jeg kan jo linke dem sånn, at Dagbladet, er kjent for å være en feminist-avis, og jeg har lest, at feminismen, er en del, av en Illuminati/New World Order agenda.
Men den linken, er ikke så lett å dokumentere, som de andre.
Så jeg må nok sette et spørsmålstegn, ved Dagbladet.
Men, det er linket mafia osv., med Illuminati/New World Order.
Og muslimsk innvanding, like så, har jeg lest.
Og han forlegger Nygård, som ga ut Rushdies 'Sataniske Vers', han ble jo skutt, i Norge, av muslimske terrorister, må man vel kalle dem, som handlet ut i fra en fatwa.
Kan det være noen sånne ting, at muslimsk mafia, eller annen mafia, er New World Orders militante fløy?
Ala de militante nazistene, som fløy rundt i Berlin osv., i 30-årene og banka opp intelektuelle mm?
Jeg har lest tidligere, at hele den norske pressen, ble redd, etter det som skjedde, med forlegger Nygård, het han vel.
Så kanskje de avisene, eller journalistene da, som ikke er med i en New World Order agenda, er så skremte, så de tørr ikke å trykke alt de vet, for de er redde, for å få en New World Order eller Illuminati mafia, eller noe, etter seg.
Det kan jo være en mulig teori, for hvorfor det ikke står om i nyhetene, om hva det er som foregår.
Noe er det i hvertfall som foregår, rundt en New World Order agenda.
Det mener jeg å snart å ha dokumentert her.
Så vi får se hva som skjer.
I tillegg, synes jeg agendaen deres så litt facistisk ut, det står bl.a. at:
demokratiet ikke har klart å oppnå det globale perspektivet som er nødvendig for et ryddig og ordentlig verdenssamfunn.
Dette budskapet, tolker jeg som anti-demokratisk, og facistisk.
Jeg prøvde å taste inn 'www.nwo.no', på nettstedet, www.ip-adress.com, et veldig bra nettsted for å finne ut hvem som står bak webadresser, og ip-adresser, mm.:

Det er bare et par kvartaler fra Regjeringskvartalet og også fra Youngstorget osv.
Jeg pleide å bo ikke så langt derfra, jeg tok bussen fra like ovenfor VG-huset der, i Akersgata osv.
18-bussen var det vel, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Men samme det.
Det står at webstedet, drives, av et firma, som heter Basefarm.
Så jeg søkte litt på de:
Basefarm, er eiet av Schibsted, som eier VG og Aftenposten osv. (NWO-aviser, begge, spørr du meg. Og jeg har også blitt trakassert på debat-forumene deres, av moderatorer, og Torry Pedersen, m.fl.):
Schibsted ASA som har vært en av investorene i Basefarm siden vi startet, kjøpte i desember 2005 ut alle øvrige eksterne investorer og ble med det majoritetseier.
Så kikka jeg på 'referanser', fra hovedmenyen, på Basefarm websiden:

Og der stod det blant annet, Toll og Avgiftsdirektoratet.
Så da blinket jo den siste sovjetstat varsellampene, for fullt her.
Så da måtte jeg jo trykke på den linken og:
Visste du at Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet samler inn 20 % av midlene på statsbudsjettet? Men det er mer å hente. Derfor ønsker man å ta flere av regelbryterne. Ved årsskiftet tok norske myndigheter i bruk et nytt verktøy – Valutaregisteret.
Det betyr, at hvis man jobber i en arbeidsuke, så jobber du fredagen gratis. Det du tjener da, får de luringene i Toll- og Avgiftsdirektoratet. (Pluss at kemnern skal vel ha det du tjente onsdag og torsdag. Og det du tjente på mandag, går til boliglånet. Så det er det du tjener, fra lunch, til klokken 13.30, på tirsdager, som du kan bruke til hva du vil.).
Ja, jeg leste det vel litt feil, men det får være det samme.
Så da begynte jeg å lengte skikkelig tilbake til Norge, når jeg leste det.
Jeg tenkte jo, at jeg måtte vel prøve å finne den ordentlige webadressen til Toll- og Avgiftsdirektoratet også.
Og den viste seg å være:
Så søkte jeg på www.toll.no, på den søke-siden, som jeg brukte for www.nwo.no, det vil si, www-ip-adress.com.
Så får vi se hva som skjedde da:

Joda, http://www.toll.no, og http://www.nwo.no,
holder til i akkurat samme bygning, kan man se på bildene.
Uten at jeg har sjekket opp noe mer om det, enda, for jeg fant det nå nettopp.
Det kan jo være at et internett-firma holder til der, for eksempel.
Jeg får prøve å finne ut, hvor det Toll og Avgiftsdirektoratet holder til da, om det er i den bygningen.
Så får jeg heller oppdatere mer om det senere.
Men jeg fant jo ut noe annet nå, mens jeg skrev her.
At Schibsted, som eier VG og Aftenposten mm., synes å være linket til New World Order Norge, websiden.
Siden Basefarm, et profesjonellt internett webside-registrar (selv om ordet 'registrar', vel ikke høres ut som noe ordentlig norskt ord, for meg, kanskje registrator, f.eks. hadde vært et ordentlig ord? Men man kan jo ikke skjønne alt), og drift firma vel, drifter dette www.nwo.no, webstedet.
Så da er det kanskje ikke så rart, at dette New World Order, og Illuminati-greiene, ikke kommer i avisa.
LO, eier jo TV2 nå, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Og LO kontrolleres jo nå, av han Flåten, eller hva han heter, som Jens Stoltenberg (Bilderberger Group, del av NWO agenda) og vennene hans, that is Kolberg, Thyssen, og han reklame-karen, hva het han da, Kjetil Try.
De vennene til Jens, fikk jo ut Valla, fra LO.
Så nå er vel LO, New World Order, det og.
Og NRK, blir jo kallt ARK, Arbeiderpartiets Rikskringkasting.
Og i Arbeiderpartiet, så har vi Jens Stoltenberg, fra Bilderberger-group, som det står på www.nwo.no, at er del av New World Orders agenda.
Så det henger sammen, og er linket det her, virker det som.
De fem største mediaene, i Norge, er vel VG, Aftenposten, Dagbladet, NRK, og TV2.
Så da er det bare Dagbladet igjen, som vi ikke har linket til New World Order.
Jeg kan jo linke dem sånn, at Dagbladet, er kjent for å være en feminist-avis, og jeg har lest, at feminismen, er en del, av en Illuminati/New World Order agenda.
Men den linken, er ikke så lett å dokumentere, som de andre.
Så jeg må nok sette et spørsmålstegn, ved Dagbladet.
Men, det er linket mafia osv., med Illuminati/New World Order.
Og muslimsk innvanding, like så, har jeg lest.
Og han forlegger Nygård, som ga ut Rushdies 'Sataniske Vers', han ble jo skutt, i Norge, av muslimske terrorister, må man vel kalle dem, som handlet ut i fra en fatwa.
Kan det være noen sånne ting, at muslimsk mafia, eller annen mafia, er New World Orders militante fløy?
Ala de militante nazistene, som fløy rundt i Berlin osv., i 30-årene og banka opp intelektuelle mm?
Jeg har lest tidligere, at hele den norske pressen, ble redd, etter det som skjedde, med forlegger Nygård, het han vel.
Så kanskje de avisene, eller journalistene da, som ikke er med i en New World Order agenda, er så skremte, så de tørr ikke å trykke alt de vet, for de er redde, for å få en New World Order eller Illuminati mafia, eller noe, etter seg.
Det kan jo være en mulig teori, for hvorfor det ikke står om i nyhetene, om hva det er som foregår.
Noe er det i hvertfall som foregår, rundt en New World Order agenda.
Det mener jeg å snart å ha dokumentert her.
Så vi får se hva som skjer.
New World Order Norway. Bilderberger-group agenda exposed?

I think this website, probably shows the real agenda, for the Bilderberger Group etc.
Since, I think that the organisation in Norway, who is administrating the .no domains, is very strict, in the way, that they won't let anyone register a bogus .no domain.
So this seems like a real website to me, at least, even if I haven't got this confirmed yet.
Bilderberger Siv og New World Order Norge. (In Norwegian).
Anbefalt av 0Bilderberger Siv. 29.04.08 17:54
(Svar til: Aftenposten)
Ikke registrertNorway
Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway
Kåre Willoch (1966, 1968), former Prime Minister of Norway
Jens Stoltenberg, (2002), current Prime Minister of Norway
Siv Jensen (2006), Chairman Fremskrittspartiet
Johann Olav Koss (2006)
Siv Jensen er med i Bilderberger Group, sammen med Jens Stoltenberg osv., så kanskje hus skulle gå i regjering sammen med han.
Her står det mer om Bilderberger Group, selv om jeg ikke vet hvem som står bak denne websiden:
'New World Order i Norgelogin
New World Order i Norge er del av en verdensomspennende organisasjon som jobber for en global unitarisk regjering, med sterk sentral styring som kan ta ansvar i en fragmentert verden, der demokratiet ikke har klart å oppnå det globale perspektivet som er nødvendig for et ryddig og ordentlig verdenssamfunn.
NWO har røtter i eldre organisasjoner som kan spores tilbake til tidlig middelalder, og har formet verdensopinionen og den globale agendaen i århundrer. NWO er i dag en moderne lobbyorganisasjon.
NWO jobber gjennom fora som Bilderberg og trilateral-kommisjonen o.a. for å fremme agenda på global basis. NWO Norge jobber for å oppnå regional makt gjennom lokale og rikspolitiske embeter, samt viktige roller i offentlig og privat næringsliv.'.

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: ordo20080301@nwo.no
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:57:07 +0100
Subject: New World Order.
er New World Order Norge, en reell webside, og organisasjon, eller er det
bare en tulleside som noen har satt opp?
På forhånd takk for svar!
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
(Svar til: Aftenposten)
Ikke registrertNorway
Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway
Kåre Willoch (1966, 1968), former Prime Minister of Norway
Jens Stoltenberg, (2002), current Prime Minister of Norway
Siv Jensen (2006), Chairman Fremskrittspartiet
Johann Olav Koss (2006)
Siv Jensen er med i Bilderberger Group, sammen med Jens Stoltenberg osv., så kanskje hus skulle gå i regjering sammen med han.
Her står det mer om Bilderberger Group, selv om jeg ikke vet hvem som står bak denne websiden:
'New World Order i Norgelogin
New World Order i Norge er del av en verdensomspennende organisasjon som jobber for en global unitarisk regjering, med sterk sentral styring som kan ta ansvar i en fragmentert verden, der demokratiet ikke har klart å oppnå det globale perspektivet som er nødvendig for et ryddig og ordentlig verdenssamfunn.
NWO har røtter i eldre organisasjoner som kan spores tilbake til tidlig middelalder, og har formet verdensopinionen og den globale agendaen i århundrer. NWO er i dag en moderne lobbyorganisasjon.
NWO jobber gjennom fora som Bilderberg og trilateral-kommisjonen o.a. for å fremme agenda på global basis. NWO Norge jobber for å oppnå regional makt gjennom lokale og rikspolitiske embeter, samt viktige roller i offentlig og privat næringsliv.'.

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: ordo20080301@nwo.no
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:57:07 +0100
Subject: New World Order.
er New World Order Norge, en reell webside, og organisasjon, eller er det
bare en tulleside som noen har satt opp?
På forhånd takk for svar!
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
E-mail from the independent CAB Adjuticator, Barbara Stow, on 29/4/08.
From: stow_adjudicator@btinternet.com Barbara Stow
To: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:13:33 +0100
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
I have thought carefully about what you say.
I do not know the explanation for the delay in sending the out of office reply but nor do I think it significant. I have made clear my strong criticism of the failure to respond to your messages and the particular point does not in any way alter my conclusion.
I am however now going to forward this correspondence to Citizens Advice who are going to write to you about my report. They may be able to explain why the out of office message was delayed.
I do not at all mind you making your views clear for the record but I think we must agree to differ and this should now be the end of our correspondence. I have no further involvement in your complaint.
Thank you for your courtesy.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Monday, 28 April, 2008 12:49:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
I think, that, when you wrote your report, you must have thought that the automated e-mail, was sent on the
same day, as the e-mail it was answering to.
(And not six days before).
And also, you must have thought, that the CAB, had the right e-mail adresse, on their website.
I explain to you, that this isn't right.
So, you have had wrong information, that you have based your report on.
I also question your judgement, regarding, what you wrote in your report.
This was mentioned, in points 1-8, in my previous e-mail, from 25/4.
This is only for the record.
I'm not telling you, what to do, regarding this. (Since I have no right to do that, since
the CAB is a charity, and I have no formell right to complain about your report, as far
I've understood).
I just wanted to make opinion clear.
Just for the record, so I at least can explain about the things I'm disagreeing with, even if I know,
that I have no formell right to appeal.
So I hope it is alright, that I bring this up for the record, anyway!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 4/28/08, Barbara Stow wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
The result of my review of how your complaint was handled is in my report. I was grateful to you for pointing out my error in the date of the e-mail and explaining where the wrong e-mail address for the bureau was displayed.
There is nothing else for me to add to the report.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Friday, 25 April, 2008 3:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
I see that you have conluded your involvement.
But, how can you say that the CAB haven't done anything wrong, when.
1. The meeting at the CAB, was held in the dark.
2. The CAB representative, was lieing, in report 1, where he said he turned the lights on there, at the beginning of the
meeting, which he didn't he turned them on at the end of the meeting.
3. How could the automated message, be delayed for six days?
4. Why doesn't anyone (neighter you, or the CAB Chief Executie), reflect on, that the automated message, was delayed for six days?
5. I tell you, that there was a street theater operation, going on in the CAB premisses.
I don't mean that the operation was on the steet outside the State House.
Street Theater, is a term, it doesn't have to be on the street, even if it's calles Street Theater.
6. How can the CAB have had the wrong e-mail address, on their website, for years, like it seems from the website design?
7. Why is it, that I'm writing all the time, that the meeting, on 5/4, was being held in the dark, and still noone reflects on this.
Isn't this a bit inpolite, to act in a way like that?
8. You say, that the delay with the automated message, was not due to something that was sinister.
I appriciate, that you are explaining to me, what it isn't due to.
But the reason I'm complaing, is not to find out what it isn't due to.
I'm trying to find out what it is due to.
So I'm really not very much viser, from your reply.
I know one thing that it isn't due to, but I think would be very fine, to know what it was due to.
What caused this, the six days delay, to the automated message.
So I hope you have the oppertunity to have a look at this again!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Again, I've seen that you have conluded your work, but like I explained, in the last e-mail, I can't see that these issues are
being taken seriously, by eighter you or the Chief Executive, so I'm goint
On 4/25/08, Barbara Stow wrote:
Dear Mr Ribbskog
Thank you for this message and for the second one to which you attached a screenshot.
I attach my letter in reply.
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:24:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
thank you very much for your answer!
I've been reading through your report now, and I have some comments on it.
I hope it's alright that I send you these comments!
Here you write, that I left the employment with Arvato Services Ltd.
What happened, was that the Managing Director ordered me home, with pay, since he wouldn't let
me stay and work there, since he feared for my security there, he said.
Arvato, were supposed to call me, when they had checked up more about what went on in the company.
They didn't call me, but they pushed a 'phoney' letter under the door to the building I live in, which was
written, by one the persons I had reported there, and which the Managing Director, had put in charge of
the investigation of the problems I had reported.
And then, I got a form, saying my employment there had ended.
I reported about this to the Police, as continuing of the harassment, which is the way I saw it.
Now lately, I've heard, that this type of dismissal, is also called 'constructed dismissal'.
So I didn't leave the employment.
I was the subject of a constructed dismissal.
I thought I'd make a point of this, since this isn't reflected in your report.
You write that the area was poorly lit.
It was in fact very poorly lit.
One couldn't read like a folder or a newspaper there.
(At the Liverpool Central CAB premisses).
And most of the meeting there, was held in the dark there.
This isn't reflected in your report I think, that the meeting was held in the
dark, so that it wasn't possible to read there.
Morecrofts had promissed me, on 10/4, that they would take on the case, on a payment plan type
of payment-solution.
Miss Pool said this.
So when they (Samantha) said on 24/4, that there could be no payment plan type of payment-solution,
then the company, went back on what I had previously agreed with them.
I thought I'd make a point of this as well, since I can't see it's reflected in your report.
You write, that the second e-mail I sent the CAB Chief Executive David Harker, was sent him on 22/8,
the same day as the automated reply for this e-mail was sent back.
This isn't right at all.
My e-mail, was sent on 16/8.
And the CEO's automated, or 'automated' reply, was sent back, on 22/8.
I'm a bit disapointed, since noone seem to think, that this is remarkable.
Since I myself, think, that automated replies, shouldn't be sent many days later.
Since then, I suspect that they aren't really automated at all.
Then I would start to think, that there's something phoney going on.
So I'm a bit disapointed that you write that the second e-mail, that I sent the Chief Executive,
was sent on 22/8, when it was in fact sent on 16/8.
You write, that you have checked yourself, that the e-mail address, listed on
www.liverpoolcab.org, now is the right e-mail address.
But I checked it now, I went to the website, and pressed the e-mail-button.
Then outlook opens, and the e-mail address that one get up, is:
and not the right e-mail address (bureau@liverpoolcab.org), like you write in your report.
I'm enclosing a screenshot, from the Liverpool Central CAB website, from today, that shows this.
You say that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
But I don't agree with this.
Due to these reasons:
The CAP-representative, said that the whole meeting there, on 5/4, was held with the lights on.
But I explained, to the Chair there, that this was a lie.
Since, he waited until the meeting was almost finished, before he switched the lights on.
And before this, it wasn't possible to read in the area.
The fact, that the representative, read the fax-number, from the phone list, instead of the
phone-number, to EAD, I think shows this, that the representative lied.
But this fact, that the representative lied, has been ignored, by the Chair there, thats Chairman of
the Board then, I presume. And by the CAB Chief Executive.
I don't think this is very fair.
Further, you write, that e-mails were answered late.
But some e-mails, like the ones I sent the Comlaints Manager there, Follows, weren't answered at all.
This isn't reflected on, as far as I can see, in your report.
And what about the problems with the automated reply.
Or the 'magic' automated reply, would maybe be a better description of the nature of this reply.
Since the automaded reply, waited, from 16/8, untill 22/8, before it found it right to send itself.
Isn't this a bit strange, that the CAB headoffice, is operating, with seemingly 'magic' automated replies?
Why didn't the Chief Executive reflect on this at all?
Even if I made a point of it, in the compaint.
So I don't agree with you, that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
And I also think also you yourself, should have maybe reflected more on, at least, point 1 and 3 here, in your report,
since I made a point out of these issues, in my remarks, regarding the Stage 3 report, from the Chief Executive.
These are the issues that comes to mind, from reading your report now.
So I thought I'd send you them, so that you could be aware, of the obvious errors you've made, with the Liverpool
Central CAB's e-mail address, on their website, which you write that you have checked, and you say it's now
the right address, which it isn't.
And the error, when you write, that my second e-mail to the Chief Executive, was sent on the same date, as the
('magic') automated reply, was sent back (22/8), when the e-mail was in fact sent on 16/8. (And not on 22/8,
like you write in your report).
So these are obvious errors, to do with obvious facts. So I don't think this can be disputed.
The other issues, surrounding that the lie from the CAB representative, isn't reflected on.
That the fact that the meeting there, was held in the dark, isn't acknoledgded, even if I make a point of it in the
answers to the various reports, I think is worrying.
Since I explain what happened around this in detail.
That I explain that the CAB representative read the fax-number to the EAD-company, instead of the phone-number.
So it shouldn't really be any doubt regarding if the meeting there, was held in the dark or not.
I also explained, that there seemed to be some kind of 'Street Theather', arranged there, at the Liverpool Central CAB.
That it seemed that there was a planned Street Theather operation, set up there, in connection with my meeting there
on 5/4, last year.
This isn't taken seriously.
I think this is probably something to do with, that I have been in contact, with the Liverpool Police, regarding something
I overheard, when I was working in Norway, that I was followed, for some reason unclear to me, by some mafia.
(Possibly due to some honour-stuff, due to some misunderstandings, with a collegue there, in the township, that the
shop I worked as part-time team-leader in, besides my University level studies).
When I got to Liverpool, I overheard that the Police-officer, that I explained to, that I was followed, said on the back-office,
on St. Ann St. Police Station there, that 'don't he understand, that noone wants to be involved'.
I think, that the British Police, after this, that they sent me out of the Police-station, without leting me explain properly,
about this, why I thought I was being followed, have been having some type of survailance operation, around me.
And that this Street Theater operation, at the CAB, last year, was part of this Police surveilance operation.
So that the whole meeting there, wasn't a proper meeting at all, just some kind of phoney set-up.
I don't think this is right.
Because since Norway are part of the EU-market, then Norwegian citizens have the right, to work and live in Britain.
And I have paid tax to the UK government, and to the Council.
So I don't think it's right that my rights should be ignored, in a way like this, since the Police want's to have some
kind of set-ups, like it seems.
Anyway, how this is, I can't see that this is reflected on in your report.
But I suspect, due to the mistakes in your report, that I've mentioned, and due to the many things you just ignore in it,
and fail to reflect on.
Due to this, I also suspect that your report, could be part of this phoney Police operation, or what this all is.
So I think this is very poor.
That the organisation, and system, around the CAB, that is supposed to work for making sure that peoples rights are
respected, just play games with peoples rights in a way like this.
Since I think it has to be something phoney going on here, since the whole CAB process around the meeting and
the complaint, is obviously corrupt.
So the reason that I'm writing this e-mail, isn't really because that I think something will be done regarding the
serious issues I've been pointing at here.
But I'm planning to publish my e-mail on my blog, so then at least, I'll be able to deal with this in that way, that
I at least get this published, so that maybe someone reads this, and maybe react or reflect on what's going on.
So that's really why I'm writing this e-mail.
Just to explain about this.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerly,
Erik Ribsskog
On 4/24/08, Barbara Stow wrote:
Dear Mr Eribsskog
I enclose the report of my review of your complaint.
I have also sent it to Citizens Advice. They will write to you within the next two weeks when they have considered the report.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Stow
To: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Friday, 18 April, 2008 12:12:35 PM
Subject: Fw: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
When I wrote to you on 1 April I said that I hoped to complete my review by today, 18 April.
I have almost done so but I am not yet quite ready to send the report.
I am sorry for the delay. I will write to you again not later than the end of next week.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Stow
To: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April, 2008 1:05:32 PM
Subject: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
I am the independent adjudicator for the Citizens Advice service and I write to confirm that Saffron Follows, on behalf of David Harker, has asked me to review how your complaint has been dealt with. I am writing by e-mail as I understand this is your preferred means of communication.
I will consider whether your complaint has been dealt with in line with the Citizens Advice national complaints procedure and fairly. I have no authority to say whether your complaint justified. My task is to say whether it has been considered properly.
Ms Follows has sent me the correspondence about your complaint. This includes the e-mail message of 14 March to David Harker in which you accepted the offer that someone independent could look at your complaint.
If there is anything more you would like to say to me about why you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been considered, please let me know at the e-mail address above.
I hope to be able to complete my review by 18 April. If I have not heard from you by 11 April I will assume that there is nothing you want to add to what you have explained already.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
To: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:13:33 +0100
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
I have thought carefully about what you say.
I do not know the explanation for the delay in sending the out of office reply but nor do I think it significant. I have made clear my strong criticism of the failure to respond to your messages and the particular point does not in any way alter my conclusion.
I am however now going to forward this correspondence to Citizens Advice who are going to write to you about my report. They may be able to explain why the out of office message was delayed.
I do not at all mind you making your views clear for the record but I think we must agree to differ and this should now be the end of our correspondence. I have no further involvement in your complaint.
Thank you for your courtesy.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Monday, 28 April, 2008 12:49:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
I think, that, when you wrote your report, you must have thought that the automated e-mail, was sent on the
same day, as the e-mail it was answering to.
(And not six days before).
And also, you must have thought, that the CAB, had the right e-mail adresse, on their website.
I explain to you, that this isn't right.
So, you have had wrong information, that you have based your report on.
I also question your judgement, regarding, what you wrote in your report.
This was mentioned, in points 1-8, in my previous e-mail, from 25/4.
This is only for the record.
I'm not telling you, what to do, regarding this. (Since I have no right to do that, since
the CAB is a charity, and I have no formell right to complain about your report, as far
I've understood).
I just wanted to make opinion clear.
Just for the record, so I at least can explain about the things I'm disagreeing with, even if I know,
that I have no formell right to appeal.
So I hope it is alright, that I bring this up for the record, anyway!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 4/28/08, Barbara Stow
Dear Mr Ribsskog
The result of my review of how your complaint was handled is in my report. I was grateful to you for pointing out my error in the date of the e-mail and explaining where the wrong e-mail address for the bureau was displayed.
There is nothing else for me to add to the report.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Friday, 25 April, 2008 3:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
I see that you have conluded your involvement.
But, how can you say that the CAB haven't done anything wrong, when.
1. The meeting at the CAB, was held in the dark.
2. The CAB representative, was lieing, in report 1, where he said he turned the lights on there, at the beginning of the
meeting, which he didn't he turned them on at the end of the meeting.
3. How could the automated message, be delayed for six days?
4. Why doesn't anyone (neighter you, or the CAB Chief Executie), reflect on, that the automated message, was delayed for six days?
5. I tell you, that there was a street theater operation, going on in the CAB premisses.
I don't mean that the operation was on the steet outside the State House.
Street Theater, is a term, it doesn't have to be on the street, even if it's calles Street Theater.
6. How can the CAB have had the wrong e-mail address, on their website, for years, like it seems from the website design?
7. Why is it, that I'm writing all the time, that the meeting, on 5/4, was being held in the dark, and still noone reflects on this.
Isn't this a bit inpolite, to act in a way like that?
8. You say, that the delay with the automated message, was not due to something that was sinister.
I appriciate, that you are explaining to me, what it isn't due to.
But the reason I'm complaing, is not to find out what it isn't due to.
I'm trying to find out what it is due to.
So I'm really not very much viser, from your reply.
I know one thing that it isn't due to, but I think would be very fine, to know what it was due to.
What caused this, the six days delay, to the automated message.
So I hope you have the oppertunity to have a look at this again!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Again, I've seen that you have conluded your work, but like I explained, in the last e-mail, I can't see that these issues are
being taken seriously, by eighter you or the Chief Executive, so I'm goint
On 4/25/08, Barbara Stow
Dear Mr Ribbskog
Thank you for this message and for the second one to which you attached a screenshot.
I attach my letter in reply.
Barbara Stow
----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: Barbara Stow
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:24:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
thank you very much for your answer!
I've been reading through your report now, and I have some comments on it.
I hope it's alright that I send you these comments!
Here you write, that I left the employment with Arvato Services Ltd.
What happened, was that the Managing Director ordered me home, with pay, since he wouldn't let
me stay and work there, since he feared for my security there, he said.
Arvato, were supposed to call me, when they had checked up more about what went on in the company.
They didn't call me, but they pushed a 'phoney' letter under the door to the building I live in, which was
written, by one the persons I had reported there, and which the Managing Director, had put in charge of
the investigation of the problems I had reported.
And then, I got a form, saying my employment there had ended.
I reported about this to the Police, as continuing of the harassment, which is the way I saw it.
Now lately, I've heard, that this type of dismissal, is also called 'constructed dismissal'.
So I didn't leave the employment.
I was the subject of a constructed dismissal.
I thought I'd make a point of this, since this isn't reflected in your report.
You write that the area was poorly lit.
It was in fact very poorly lit.
One couldn't read like a folder or a newspaper there.
(At the Liverpool Central CAB premisses).
And most of the meeting there, was held in the dark there.
This isn't reflected in your report I think, that the meeting was held in the
dark, so that it wasn't possible to read there.
Morecrofts had promissed me, on 10/4, that they would take on the case, on a payment plan type
of payment-solution.
Miss Pool said this.
So when they (Samantha) said on 24/4, that there could be no payment plan type of payment-solution,
then the company, went back on what I had previously agreed with them.
I thought I'd make a point of this as well, since I can't see it's reflected in your report.
You write, that the second e-mail I sent the CAB Chief Executive David Harker, was sent him on 22/8,
the same day as the automated reply for this e-mail was sent back.
This isn't right at all.
My e-mail, was sent on 16/8.
And the CEO's automated, or 'automated' reply, was sent back, on 22/8.
I'm a bit disapointed, since noone seem to think, that this is remarkable.
Since I myself, think, that automated replies, shouldn't be sent many days later.
Since then, I suspect that they aren't really automated at all.
Then I would start to think, that there's something phoney going on.
So I'm a bit disapointed that you write that the second e-mail, that I sent the Chief Executive,
was sent on 22/8, when it was in fact sent on 16/8.
You write, that you have checked yourself, that the e-mail address, listed on
www.liverpoolcab.org, now is the right e-mail address.
But I checked it now, I went to the website, and pressed the e-mail-button.
Then outlook opens, and the e-mail address that one get up, is:
and not the right e-mail address (bureau@liverpoolcab.org), like you write in your report.
I'm enclosing a screenshot, from the Liverpool Central CAB website, from today, that shows this.
You say that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
But I don't agree with this.
Due to these reasons:
The CAP-representative, said that the whole meeting there, on 5/4, was held with the lights on.
But I explained, to the Chair there, that this was a lie.
Since, he waited until the meeting was almost finished, before he switched the lights on.
And before this, it wasn't possible to read in the area.
The fact, that the representative, read the fax-number, from the phone list, instead of the
phone-number, to EAD, I think shows this, that the representative lied.
But this fact, that the representative lied, has been ignored, by the Chair there, thats Chairman of
the Board then, I presume. And by the CAB Chief Executive.
I don't think this is very fair.
Further, you write, that e-mails were answered late.
But some e-mails, like the ones I sent the Comlaints Manager there, Follows, weren't answered at all.
This isn't reflected on, as far as I can see, in your report.
And what about the problems with the automated reply.
Or the 'magic' automated reply, would maybe be a better description of the nature of this reply.
Since the automaded reply, waited, from 16/8, untill 22/8, before it found it right to send itself.
Isn't this a bit strange, that the CAB headoffice, is operating, with seemingly 'magic' automated replies?
Why didn't the Chief Executive reflect on this at all?
Even if I made a point of it, in the compaint.
So I don't agree with you, that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
And I also think also you yourself, should have maybe reflected more on, at least, point 1 and 3 here, in your report,
since I made a point out of these issues, in my remarks, regarding the Stage 3 report, from the Chief Executive.
These are the issues that comes to mind, from reading your report now.
So I thought I'd send you them, so that you could be aware, of the obvious errors you've made, with the Liverpool
Central CAB's e-mail address, on their website, which you write that you have checked, and you say it's now
the right address, which it isn't.
And the error, when you write, that my second e-mail to the Chief Executive, was sent on the same date, as the
('magic') automated reply, was sent back (22/8), when the e-mail was in fact sent on 16/8. (And not on 22/8,
like you write in your report).
So these are obvious errors, to do with obvious facts. So I don't think this can be disputed.
The other issues, surrounding that the lie from the CAB representative, isn't reflected on.
That the fact that the meeting there, was held in the dark, isn't acknoledgded, even if I make a point of it in the
answers to the various reports, I think is worrying.
Since I explain what happened around this in detail.
That I explain that the CAB representative read the fax-number to the EAD-company, instead of the phone-number.
So it shouldn't really be any doubt regarding if the meeting there, was held in the dark or not.
I also explained, that there seemed to be some kind of 'Street Theather', arranged there, at the Liverpool Central CAB.
That it seemed that there was a planned Street Theather operation, set up there, in connection with my meeting there
on 5/4, last year.
This isn't taken seriously.
I think this is probably something to do with, that I have been in contact, with the Liverpool Police, regarding something
I overheard, when I was working in Norway, that I was followed, for some reason unclear to me, by some mafia.
(Possibly due to some honour-stuff, due to some misunderstandings, with a collegue there, in the township, that the
shop I worked as part-time team-leader in, besides my University level studies).
When I got to Liverpool, I overheard that the Police-officer, that I explained to, that I was followed, said on the back-office,
on St. Ann St. Police Station there, that 'don't he understand, that noone wants to be involved'.
I think, that the British Police, after this, that they sent me out of the Police-station, without leting me explain properly,
about this, why I thought I was being followed, have been having some type of survailance operation, around me.
And that this Street Theater operation, at the CAB, last year, was part of this Police surveilance operation.
So that the whole meeting there, wasn't a proper meeting at all, just some kind of phoney set-up.
I don't think this is right.
Because since Norway are part of the EU-market, then Norwegian citizens have the right, to work and live in Britain.
And I have paid tax to the UK government, and to the Council.
So I don't think it's right that my rights should be ignored, in a way like this, since the Police want's to have some
kind of set-ups, like it seems.
Anyway, how this is, I can't see that this is reflected on in your report.
But I suspect, due to the mistakes in your report, that I've mentioned, and due to the many things you just ignore in it,
and fail to reflect on.
Due to this, I also suspect that your report, could be part of this phoney Police operation, or what this all is.
So I think this is very poor.
That the organisation, and system, around the CAB, that is supposed to work for making sure that peoples rights are
respected, just play games with peoples rights in a way like this.
Since I think it has to be something phoney going on here, since the whole CAB process around the meeting and
the complaint, is obviously corrupt.
So the reason that I'm writing this e-mail, isn't really because that I think something will be done regarding the
serious issues I've been pointing at here.
But I'm planning to publish my e-mail on my blog, so then at least, I'll be able to deal with this in that way, that
I at least get this published, so that maybe someone reads this, and maybe react or reflect on what's going on.
So that's really why I'm writing this e-mail.
Just to explain about this.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerly,
Erik Ribsskog
On 4/24/08, Barbara Stow
Dear Mr Eribsskog
I enclose the report of my review of your complaint.
I have also sent it to Citizens Advice. They will write to you within the next two weeks when they have considered the report.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Stow
To: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Friday, 18 April, 2008 12:12:35 PM
Subject: Fw: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
When I wrote to you on 1 April I said that I hoped to complete my review by today, 18 April.
I have almost done so but I am not yet quite ready to send the report.
I am sorry for the delay. I will write to you again not later than the end of next week.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Stow
To: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April, 2008 1:05:32 PM
Subject: Citizens Advice
Dear Mr Ribsskog
I am the independent adjudicator for the Citizens Advice service and I write to confirm that Saffron Follows, on behalf of David Harker, has asked me to review how your complaint has been dealt with. I am writing by e-mail as I understand this is your preferred means of communication.
I will consider whether your complaint has been dealt with in line with the Citizens Advice national complaints procedure and fairly. I have no authority to say whether your complaint justified. My task is to say whether it has been considered properly.
Ms Follows has sent me the correspondence about your complaint. This includes the e-mail message of 14 March to David Harker in which you accepted the offer that someone independent could look at your complaint.
If there is anything more you would like to say to me about why you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been considered, please let me know at the e-mail address above.
I hope to be able to complete my review by 18 April. If I have not heard from you by 11 April I will assume that there is nothing you want to add to what you have explained already.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator
E-mail from the UN, High Commissioner for Refugees, Britain. 29/4/08.
From: SOLOMONF@unhcr.org Fiona Solomon
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:53:36 +0100
Subject: Asylum enquiry
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
We are writing in response to your email, in which you informed us that you wish to apply for asylum in the United Kingdom.
Although in other countries in the world UNHCR recognizes and registers refugees, UNHCR London cannot grant refugee status to asylum seekers. We therefore wish to advise you that it is the responsibility of the UK Government to handle and decide applications for asylum in this country under the terms of the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. Applications for asylum should be submitted directly to the Home Office. For more information of how to do this, please refer to the website of the UK Border Agency of the UK Home Office, which can be located at http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk
Legal assistance and advice to asylum seekers is provided through private solicitors or through specialized agencies such as the Refugee Legal Centre and the Immigration and Advisory Service. Both the RLC and the IAS provide services free of charge under the Legal Aid scheme. Please find their addresses below:
Refugee Legal Centre Immigration Advisory Service
Nelson House, County House
157 Commercial Road 190 Great Dover Street
London E1 2EB London SE1 4YB
Tel: 020-7780 3200 Tel: 020 -7967 1200
Fax: 020 7780 3201 Fax: 020-7357 6917
http://www.refugee-legal-centre.org.uk http://www.iasuk.org
We hope that this information will be of use to you.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Solomon
Legal Protection Intern
UNHCR London
>>> London United Kingdom 28/04/2008 15:01 >>>
>>> "Erik Ribsskog" 28/04/2008 13:28 >>>
I was given your e-mail address, when I called your help-line, on 0207 759
8090, on 18/4.
I was just wondering, who I should contact, if I wanted to formally register
as a refugee in Britain.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerly,
Erik Ribsskog
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:53:36 +0100
Subject: Asylum enquiry
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
We are writing in response to your email, in which you informed us that you wish to apply for asylum in the United Kingdom.
Although in other countries in the world UNHCR recognizes and registers refugees, UNHCR London cannot grant refugee status to asylum seekers. We therefore wish to advise you that it is the responsibility of the UK Government to handle and decide applications for asylum in this country under the terms of the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. Applications for asylum should be submitted directly to the Home Office. For more information of how to do this, please refer to the website of the UK Border Agency of the UK Home Office, which can be located at http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk
Legal assistance and advice to asylum seekers is provided through private solicitors or through specialized agencies such as the Refugee Legal Centre and the Immigration and Advisory Service. Both the RLC and the IAS provide services free of charge under the Legal Aid scheme. Please find their addresses below:
Refugee Legal Centre Immigration Advisory Service
Nelson House, County House
157 Commercial Road 190 Great Dover Street
London E1 2EB London SE1 4YB
Tel: 020-7780 3200 Tel: 020 -7967 1200
Fax: 020 7780 3201 Fax: 020-7357 6917
http://www.refugee-legal-centre.org.uk http://www.iasuk.org
We hope that this information will be of use to you.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Solomon
Legal Protection Intern
UNHCR London
>>> London United Kingdom 28/04/2008 15:01 >>>
>>> "Erik Ribsskog"
I was given your e-mail address, when I called your help-line, on 0207 759
8090, on 18/4.
I was just wondering, who I should contact, if I wanted to formally register
as a refugee in Britain.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerly,
Erik Ribsskog