E-post til PFU. (In Norwegian).

Google Mail - Telefonsamtale, forrige måned.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Telefonsamtale, forrige måned.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:56 PM

Kjell Nyhuus <kjell.nyhuus@presse.no>



jeg viser til telefonsamtale, i forrige måned, hvor jeg etterlyste svar på klagen min, på trakassering og sensur,

fra VGD, Veggavisen, Debattcentralen og Dagbladet.


Jeg viste til de aktuelle punktene, i Vær Varsom-plakaten, og etterlyste også en egen Vær Varsom-plakat,

for debattforum.

Siden det finnes en Vær Varsom-plakat, for vanlige avisartikler.


Og også en Vær Varsom-plakat, for reklamer, mener jeg det var.

Men nå er det jo år 2008, så jeg lurte på om det ikke var på tide med en egen Vær Varsom-plakat, for

debattfoum, drevet av nettavisene også.

Bare et forslag, siden jeg ikke tror at de plakatene som man har nå, passer helt å bruke for problemer,

som med trakassering og sensur, på debattforum.

I allefall ikke, etter at jeg hørte du sa, over telefon, da jeg ringte den nevnte telefonsamtalen, at min klage

lå langt nede i bunken, og at du bare hadde tenkt å foreta en forenklet behandling.

Og det kan man jo tenke seg hva betyr, at du bare ville hive det i søpla, f.eks.

Men, da nevnte jo jeg det, at Solskjær, han hadde sagt, at PFU, bare var noe tull uansett, eller noe.

At man kunne bare like gjerne droppe PFU, de hadde ingen troverdighet, og heller ta det i et sivilt



Noe sånn var det vel han sa.

Men du sa at det var feil, det var agenten til Solskjær, en som Solbakken, som hadde sagt, at å klage

til PFU, var som å pisse i motvind.

Det er mulig.

I hvertfall, så virker det ikke helt enkelt.

Fordi, du sa, da jeg ringte, for 3-4 uker siden, at du skulle meg noe skriftlig, angående klagen på de

nevnte avisene, som jeg sendte dere.

Men jeg har ikke fått noe svar av deg.

Så jeg tror Solskjær og Solbakken, har rett i det her, at PFU, det er like greit å droppe å kontakte,

for de har ikke noen troverdighet uansett.


Det kan i hvertfall virke som at de kan ha rett, hvis man sammenligner hva dere sier, med hva dere gjør.


Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

E-mail to the Ministry of Justice.

Google Mail - RE: Our ref: TO08/2153

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

RE: Our ref: TO08/2153

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 2:42 PM




I can't see that I've recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm sending it again.


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 9:31 AM

Subject: Fwd: Our ref: TO08/2153
To: jan.farenden@justice.gsi.gov.uk



I called the Ministry of Justice today, and I got your e-mail address, from the clerk there.


The reason that I'm sending you this e-mail, is that I was wondering, who it is, that one

should contact, if one are having problems with the IPCC.


Since they are not answering my e-mails, and I've already been in contact, with the

complaints-manager there, so I think I've escalated it, as far as it's possible to

escalate, at the IPCC.

So I was wondering, if it isn't the Ministry of Justice, that one should contact, if the

IPCC, are having problems in the way, that they aren't answering e-mails etc.


Thanks in advance for any help regarding this!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 30, 2008 7:23 PM

Subject: Re: Our ref: TO08/2153

To: "Holmes, Ryan" <Ryan.Holmes@justice.gsi.gov.uk>




thank you very much for your answer!


I think that the IPCC, probably recieves founding from the Government.

And, I think, that if the IPCC, don't answer their e-mails etc, then this is a matter, for the Ministry,

who are administratively in charge of the IPCC.


Which I think must be the Ministry of Justice.


I don't think the Ministry of Justice, can't pretend that they aren't in charge of the Police, like

you are trying now.

So, I write this, mostly, to put it on my blog, and then I'll think further, on how to go forward with this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


On 6/30/08, Holmes, Ryan <Ryan.Holmes@justice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email reply of 23 June.

While I am sorry to read of your ongoing concerns, I am afraid there is little useful information I can add to the previous correspondence that you have received from this Department.

As previously explained, if you choose to further your concerns regarding your complaint with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), you must address the matter to the IPCC directly. Similarly, the Ministry of Justice is unable to comment on or give advice on how to escalate your case with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the American Embassy. I can only confirm that the points you have raised have been thoroughly considered and that the Department has been as helpful as possible in answering your concerns.

I am sorry that I am unable to be of more help, but I hope you can appreciate for the reasons given above that the Department is unable to intervene in your case. Hence, any further correspondence sent that addresses the same points will be placed on file and not responded to.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan Holmes

Legal Services Regulation and Redress Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 23 June 2008 14:20

To: Holmes, Ryan
Subject: Re: Our ref: TO08/2153



I've already been in contact with the Complaints Manager at the IPCC, but this hasn't resovled the problems.

I suspect could be some corruption involved there, because something is obviouslly wrong there in my opinion.


Also I wondering a bit on how to escalate the case I've been in contact with the FBI, or the American Embassy,



Also, I've been in contact with the Norwegian equivalent, of the IPCC, that's Spesialenheten, regarding another,

but linked, matter.


And they sort under the Norwegian Ministry of Justice.

So, I think that the IPCC are sorting under the British Ministy of Justice(?)


If not, who should they then be sorting under?


Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions.


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


On 6/23/08, Holmes, Ryan <Ryan.Holmes@justice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email reply of 19 June.

The Ministry of Justice is unable to submit a complaint on your behalf to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). Additionally, a complaint against the IPCC cannot be directed to the Ministry of Justice for review as this does not fall within the remit of this Department. If you wish to make a complaint against the IPCC you must do this by addressing your concerns to the IPCC directly. The information provided below outlines how to do this.

If you have a complaint or query about a casework decision, the IPCC will do their best to clearly explain the reason for their decisions and answer any concerns you have. Please note however that IPCC casework decisions are final and they will not necessarily be able to change the outcome. For further information or advice on your rights you can contact a Citizens Advice Bureau, solicitor or your local MP.

If you have a complaint about a member of staff at the IPCC, in the first instance you can contact the person concerned and the matter may be resolved there and then. As mentioned in my previous email, Casework Manager Sarah Brown is one of a number of IPCC staff that has conducted an investigation into your file and she can be contacted on 0207 166 3934 should you wish to discuss the details of your complaint further. However, since you mention that Miss Brown has not contacted you in the past, you may wish to raise any issues of concern through a line manager, or write to the Internal Complaints Manager. Alternatively, you can download a complaint form via the link

http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/index/contact-us/complaints_ipcc.htm and make your complaint against the IPCC using the contact details below.

Internal Complaints Manager

Independent Police Complaints Commission

90 High Holborn



Fax: 0207 404 0695



I do hope that this information is of some use to you.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan Holmes

Legal Services Regulation and Redress Division


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 19 June 2008 20:35
To: Holmes, Ryan
Subject: Re: Our ref: TO08/2153



thank you very much for your e-mail, and the advice!


I wanted to complain about the IPCC, since the whole case is a mess, and they don't reply to my e-mails,

and they don't call me, you mention Brown, she has been supposed to call me, regarding the problems

with the missing answers on the e-mails, but she haven't called.

I think that the IPCC must have some serious problems, with handeling the complaints I sent them,

which I view as one case really.

So I was wondering, how I could submit this complaint, on the IPCC, to the Ministry of Justice.

If you think that you could please submit this complaint for me.


Also, I've contacted the FBI, in the American Embassy, in London.


And I asked them, on how should go forward, regarding reporting a crime in the US, that someone,

has set up a hate-blog against me there.


The FBI/The American Embassy Legal Advice, tells me to contact my local police-station, about this.

But I've lost a bit of confidence, with the Merseyside Police, due to the things mentioned in the

complaints, sent to the IPCC, and more.

And then I thought, that I could contact the IPCC about this then, since I didn't think I could contact

the local Police about this.


But now there has been so much problems, with the IPCC, so that I've lost a bit of confidence, in

the IPCC, as well.


So then I have to contact the Ministry of Justice about this, since I don't think that eighter the

Merseyside Police or the IPCC, have showed themselves, to be worthy, of much confidence,


So I'm mentioning this now.


Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


On 6/19/08, Holmes, Ryan <Ryan.Holmes@justice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email reply of 5 June. I am also in receipt of your email dated 13 June.

As explained in my previous reply, the Law Society is the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales and will keep a comprehensive list of solicitors practising in your local area. Their website promotes a searchable database to help you find a solicitor which allows you to search by firm name, area of law and/or post code. To alleviate your concerns about contacting the Law Society due to previous personal experiences, I should point out that this list is a resource to assist the public locate suitable legal representation and promote solicitors across England and Wales. You can access the facility via the following link:


Alternatively, you could also look through a local directory, such as the Yellow Pages, which might help identify a suitable firm. As suggested in my previous reply, you may wish to contact the Law Centres Federation on 0207 428 4401 who can provide contact details for your local Law Centre. Also, you may find it helpful to access the Community Legal Services Direct website for information on providers of legal advice at

www.clsdirect.org.uk. These are all alternative options available to you that do not involve the assistance of the Law Society.

With regard to the complaint you have submitted to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), I have contacted the IPCC to investigate the status of your complaint. Senior lawyers at the IPCC inform me that without your expressed consent, I am unable to obtain any information that relates to your complaint. I was informed however that Casework Manager Sarah Brown is one of a number of IPCC staff that has conducted an investigation into your file and she can be contacted on 0207 166 3934 should you wish to discuss the details of your complaint further.

I do hope that this information is of some use to you.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan Holmes

Legal Services Regulation and Redress Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 05 June 2008 01:51

To: Holmes, Ryan
Subject: Re: Our ref: TO08/2153



thank you very much for your e-mail!


I have been thinking about contacting the Law Society, regarding getting a list, like you say,

for law firms, who take on law-cases on a 'pro bono' service basis.

But, like I might have forgotten to explain, the Law Society, are already involved in this,

I have complained about them to the Legal Services Ombudsman, who I have been contacting

you about.

So I've maybe lost a bit of confidence, in the Law Society, since I think they gave a bit of wrong

information, and some errors, that I thought were a bit strange, so they are really involved in this

from before.

So then I was wondering about, if it would be right to involve the Law Society again, since they

are involved from before.

Maybe there is someone else one could contact about getting the name of companies like this?

Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions.

I've also sent a complaint, on the Merseyside Police, to the IPCC.

But the IPCC, aren't dealing with the complaint at all, it seems, so I was wondering who I should

contact then, if I wanted to compain about the IPCC not dealing with the complaint on the Police?


Sorry again that I'm asking so many questions!

Thanks in advance for the reply!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


On 4/25/08, Holmes, Ryan <Ryan.Holmes@justice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email reply of 7 April, in which you request further advice on ways to proceed forward with your complaint against the Legal Services Ombudsman (LSO).  To assist you with your concerns, I shall set out the avenues of legal assistance available to you that acknowledge your specific financial concerns.

Firstly, while I understand you have already been in contact with the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB), you may also wish to consider contacting your local Law Centre.  Contact details for your local Law Centre can be found via the Law Centres Federation on 0207 428 4401, or by accessing their website www.lawcentres.org.uk. You may also find it helpful to access the Community Legal Services Direct website for information on providers of legal advice at www.clsdirect.org.uk.  Alternatively, you may choose to contact Community Legal Advice for free confidential help regarding your legal queries on 0845 345 4345.

Secondly, it may be worth investigating the possibility of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).  This allows a solicitor to accept a case on a 'no won, no fee' basis, under which they receive a fee from you only if the case is won.  It is worth pointing that the solicitor's standard fees can be increased by up to 100% to reflect the degree of risk to the solicitor in taking the case on (the 'success fee').  However, should you lose your case, you may still be liable to pay the successful party's costs, as well as expert witness fees and other disbursements.  There are insurance schemes that, for a premium, provide cover for these items.  As part of the implementation of the Access to Justice Act 1999, we have made it possible for the successful side to recover their lawyer's success fee and insurance premium form the loser. Effectively, this has made the operation of conditional fees fairer and more attractive to clients.

Thirdly, some solicitors may be prepared to take on your case on a pro bono agreement (i.e. provide you with a free service).  You can contact the Law Society who can provide you with a list of solicitors that may provide pro bono services.  The Law Society is the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales and you can write to them at the following address:

The Law Society

113 Chancery Lane



Tel: 0870 606 2555.

Alternatively, you can access the Law Society's website at www.solicitors-online.com.

I do hope that you find this information useful.

Yours sincerely

Ryan Holmes

Legal Services Regulation and Redress Division

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Problemer med Interpol. (In Norwegian).

Sv: Trafikering av nordiske jenter til UK etc

Nå ringte jeg Interpol.

Jeg sendte de først en e-post, 30. august, fra websidene deres:

<a href="http://www.interpol.int/Public/contact.asp">

Men de har ikke svart, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne prøve å ringe.

Det står ikke noe telefonnummer, på Interpol sine sider.

Men britene, de har en veldig bra utenlands nummeropplysning.

De finner vel de fleste telefonnummer, i verden, ville jeg tippe.

Man må bare ringe 118 661.

Og telefonnummeret, til Interpol, i Lyon, er 0033 472 447 000.

Og da svarer de på fransk, 'Bon jour, Interpol', eller omvendt.

Jeg forklarte at jeg sendte en e-post i forrige uke, men at jeg ikke hadde fått svar.

Da spurte de hva det gjaldt, så sa jeg 'organised crime'.

Så ble jeg satt over til en annen fransk dame, som ble skikkelig stressa, og spurte hvordan jeg hadde fått telefonnummeret dit osv.

Jeg sa navnet mitt, og forklarte at jeg hadde problemer med at politiet i 'Norway', ikke ville gi meg hjelp.

Men hun skjønte ikke hva 'Norway' betydde, så jeg måtte si 'Norvege'.

Og jeg sa til og med 'Royal Uni', eller hva det heter på fransk, som de sier når det er Melodi Grand Prix, det betyr England, eller noe.

Men hun spurte hvor jeg ringte fra, Liverpool, og hva jeg jobbet som, self-employed.

Så ventet hun litt, og sa at jeg måtte ringe det samme nummeret på nytt, for jeg hadde blitt 'misdirected'.

Hun var nesten i sjokk, så jeg måtte prøve å roe henne ned, så jeg måtte svare veldig rolig og sakte, når jeg sa jeg jobbet som self-employed osv., ellers så hadde hun kanskje fått noe anfall, eller noe.

Så ringte jeg det samme nummeret på nytt, og da sa den samme første damen, tror jeg det var, sa at

'Interpol can't do anything, if the Police don't call', og 'Interpol just work with the Police'.

Jeg lurte på hvorfor vanlige folk kunne sende Interpol e-post da, fra deres webside, og jeg nevnte at jeg hadde blitt anbefalt, på et debattforum, å kontakte Interpol, men de bare avviste meg, siden jeg ikke ringte fra politiet.

Så sånn fungerer visst Interpol.

Så de er det nok ikke mye hjelp å ringe, hvis man er en vanlig person.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Av johncons (idag kl 14:22)


Rosario from Sunderland.

Google Mail - Hello from Spain

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Hello from Spain

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 8:05 PM

Rosario González Oria <oria5482@hotmail.com>

Hi Rosario!


Thanks for your fine e-mail.


Your English is very fine now, you have a very good vocabulary in English, I think, so that I think

was very impressive.

I live in Liverpool now.

As you might remember, I lived at my uncles farm, in Larvik, in Norway, in 2005, but something

like a hunting-team, tried to kill me there.

I've later heard that it could have been the Illuminati:



I'm writing this to you, since I think you're safe with your family in Spain.


After this, I went to Liverpool, and started working for Microsoft's Arvato-run Scandinavian Product Activation.


There, there were a lot of problems with illigal management-methods etc., and it seemed to me, that the young

Scandinavian women, that were living there, were under control, by some 'mob' etc.


So I've started on an employment-case, agains Arvato and Microsoft, to try to get control, and to find out what's

going on, since neighter the Goverment in Norway, or Britain, are giving me any help.

So I'm like a refuge her in England, since the Norwegian Government, wont give me any help.

Here is the link to a document publishing site, that I've posted about the problems on the Microsoft-campaign




So I'm going to Wrexham, in Wales(!), on Tuesday, to speak with some lawyers there, about this case.


I think I'm going to be out of work now, and I'm late with all my bills, so I'm not sure how long I'm going to

be staying here, but I try to get help, and make people aware, of what's going on, on my blog etc.


It seems to me that it could be some kind of Illuminati-war, against Nordic people etc.

Something like this.

But anyway, it was very nice to hear from you again!


I don't hear that much from the other people in Sunderland, but I have only good memories, from you, you always acted very fine, so that's very impressing, I don't think many young women these days are so well behaved, and polite, as you are, so that's very impressing.


But if it's ok to ask, by the way.

Once, I went in to the kitchen, in Sunderland, and then you had fainted.


I never found out what that was about, but I remember it now, so I got a bit curious, about what it was, that was going on.

I remember it was when Federica had two Italian girls visiting from Italy.


Very nice to hear from you again, so thanks very much for the e-mail!



On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Rosario González Oria <oria5482@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Erik

How are you? I was very happy when I got your email a long time ago, I´m sorry it has taken me  a long time to reply to it. I have lost all the contact with a lot of our flatmates and people from Sunderland but I haven´t forgotten them, it´s a pity, I feel very bad about that , it just that life is very complicated in Spain and I keep very busy with all my studies. I´m trying to get in touch with some of them because I really think about them, it´s impossible to forget about all the months that we shared in Sunderland.

I hope you are fine, maybe you have finished your studies, you got a job and maybe you are married...., it has passed a long time, maybe 3 years since we said goodbye in Sunderland. It was very nice to live with you, I still remember all your help with the computting stuff, the romantic film that you downloaded me, the parties that we have in our flat....Ah! I still use the printer that you gave me, so it´s a great reminder of you.

My life is boring  in my town, I´m back in Spain since 2 years ago, after Sunderland I went to Ireland, got a job in McDonalds, (not great at all! ) and did some english courses, it was a very nice experience. Now I´m back in the University doing another teaching degree. It is very hard to get a job as a teacher here because you have to pass a national exam and there are lots of teachers and only a few places to work but definitely this year i will prepare myself for this exam because I really need to work. So studying and my family keeps me very busy here but sometimes I missed my life when I was away studying in a different city and country, It´s a great freedom. I´m going away every summer, I couldn´t live here all the year around, I need travelling to give me all the energy and strenght that I will need for the university year. I live in a solitary and isolated world here.

I hope you are fine, don´t know if you are living in Norwey or in a different country. Anyway I wish you all the best and maybe one day we will see each other again, it will be great. I don´t cook any spanish ommellete here, my mum cooks for me!

Hope we´l keep in touch, I´m sorry, Erik, I was lost and secluded in my world but haven´t forgotten you.

Take care

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Google Mail - (no subject)

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

(no subject)

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 11:35 PM

Rosario González Oria <oria5482@hotmail.com>

Hi Rosario,


yes you are right.


It was a very cool party, that you made.


Thanks for the whiskey again.


I was wondering.

There were a lot of people in our flat, at yours and Federicas party.

But why was Iwo and Dörte just sitting with Leyla and Dörthes friend, in Iwo's room.


I couldn't understand that.

When the flat we lived in, was packed with people.

Did you understand about that?

Thanks again for the Whiskey at the party, I have to start to remember to buy enough vodka and beer etc.


I have to improve my memory.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Rosario González Oria <oria5482@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Erik!

It is very nice to hear from you , Oh I feel very sorry  about everything that it´s happening to you although it sounds very strange for me because I don´t understand a lot about computer and informatics. I hope the lawyers will help you and you will solve the situation.

It was very funny what  you said about me lying down on the kitchen, yes I remember. I was sick with a terrible hangover because I think that the night before we had a party in our flat and I had a lot of drinks. You came to the party as well, I remember. My friend from Ireland was staying with me so I was all day travelling and feeling weak and when I got home I fainted, It was rerrible, I was feeling bad for all the week. But anyway it was a very good party. I remember you going into the kitchen that night....it was a mess

I hope you are lucky and you can continue working there. I wish you all the best


¡Trónchate de risa con los mejores capítulos de South Park en MSN Vídeo!

Mer om yttringsfriheten i Sverige og Nato osv. (In Norwegian).

Sv: Trafikering av nordiske jenter til UK etc


ja jeg er enig i det.

Det virker ikke som om man kan stole på myndighetene og media.

Selv om jeg må si, at media, på debattforum, i Norge og England, de ville nok ha sensurert meg, for lenge siden, hvis jeg hadde skrevet det samme der.

Og også i Danmark.

Så det virker som at det er mer yttringsfrihet i Sverige, i hvertfall foreløbig.

Jeg har blitt stengt ute fra VGs forum i Norge, Aftenpostens, Nettavisens og også Dagbladets kommentarfunksjon.

Og også fra BTs forum i Danmark.

Og BBCs og Daily Posts m.fl., i England.

Kanskje det er fordi Sverige ikke er med i Nato?

Kanskje Nato og New World Order og Illuminati, er forbundet?

Hvem vet.

Jeg får prøve å ringe Interpol, i morgen eller noe.

Så skal jeg prøve å huske å oppdatere her, og på blogg osv.

Hvis jeg fortsatt ikke blir sensurert.

Vi får se.

Igjen takk for bra råd osv.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Av johncons (idag kl 0:50)

Sv: Trafikering av nordiske jenter til UK

Ja du..tycker det är fel att tysta ned oxå- allra bästa att komma åt dyngan är väl att föra öppna diskussioner om problemet- inte tiga ihjäl det..

Av HumlAnz X (igår kl 23:59)


Middag. (In Norwegian).

Nå har jeg laget middag her.

Jeg lærte å lage mat, da jeg bodde sammen med søstra mi, og en kamerat som het Glenn, på Ungbo, på Ellingsrudåsen, i 1993 og 94, var det vel.

Søstra mi lærte meg, for da slapp hu vel å lage selv.

Noe sånt.

Hu hadde lært av somalierne, å lage spagetti.

For Somalia pleide å være italiensk koloni, så det gikk det mye av der, sa søstra mi.

Måten å finne ut, om spagettien var 'al dente', eller hva det heter.

Det var, at man skulle hive en bit spagetti, på kjøkkenskapet.

Og hvis spagettien hang fast, så var den ferdig kokt da.

Så sånn var det.

Nå lagde ikke jeg spagetti nå da.

Men en engelsk, eller indisk, rett, som heter Curry.

Det pleier dem å selge på indiske take-away resturanter osv. her.

Men det er bare å kjøpe en boks og, det er løk og tomater osv., i karrisaus.

Som koster kanskje 8 kroner.

Også koster to kyllingfileter, ca. 20 kroner.

Jeg er litt opptatt av priser, for jeg har jobba på Rimi i 12 år, så jeg har aldri hatt så særlig god råd.

Så sånn er det.

Så skjærer man opp kyllingfiletene i biter.

Man kan nok også bruke biff eller kjøttdeig.

Man tar panna på den sterkeste varmen.

tar oppi litt matolje.

Tørker bort med papir, hvis det blir for mye olje.

Det er noe sånn teflon-greier, tror jeg, så man behøver egentlig ikke så mye olje.

Også tar man et par dråper vann, fra fingrene, og legger oppi panna.

Når de dråpene er borte, så er panna varm nok.

Så legger man oppi de oppskjærte kyllingbitene.

Del hver filet, i 5-6 biter, eller noe.

Så stek de bitene, sånn at de blir stekt på hver side.

men ikke inni.

Så når dem er stekt på hver side, så hel oppi boksen med curri.

Så skru varmen, på det laveste eller nest laveste.

Så kan man etterhvert prøve å kutte kyllingbitene, i mindre deler, med en sånn stekespade.

Som om det var kjøttdeig omtrent.

Så ser man om kyllingen er gjennomstekt.

Men det her skal stå å putre, i ca. et kvarter da, stod det på boksen.

Og da blir kyllingen skikkelig mør.

Så gadd ikke jeg å lage ris da.

Jeg er litt lei av ris, for noen dager, når jeg har hatt dårlig råd, så har jeg bare spist ris, med soyasaus osv.

Så det er jeg litt lei nå.

Men men.

Så jeg bare smørte noen sånne engelske brødskiver, med hvitt brød, og smør eller margarin da.

For det brødet er veldig billig her.

Og det grove brødet i England, er ikke noe særlig bra alikevel.

Ikke halvparten så bra som det norske, Birkebeiner-brød osv., synes i hvertfall jeg.

Så da er det like greit å kjøpe det billige hvite brødet, det smaker egentlig ikke loff, for det er ikke så søtt.

Og det er ferdig skjært opp.

Så det er bare å hive fire brødskiver, på en tallerken.

Kline på noe margarin, noe sånn solsikkeolje-margarin, eller noe.

Og så helle over kylling og curri.

Og det var digg, for brødet var ferskt, og kyllingen var mør, så det var ikke vanskelig å spise den maten.

Det er sikkert.

Så den som hadde hatt penger og tid.

Da kunne man ha laget sånn mat hver dag omtrent.

Men man kan ikke ha alt.

Så sånn er det.

Så hvis det er noen som vil ha tips om mat, så bare skriv kommentar, for man lærer vel litt av å jobbe i matbutikk i 15 år og, får man vel håpe.

Selv om det nok er å overdrive, at man stille spørsmål om det.

Jeg kan vel bare noen få retter, det er ikke sånn at jeg skjønner hvordan man skal lage alt mulig.

Men broren min Axel er kokk, så han veit det, så han kan man kontakte antagelig, han jobber på en resturant som heter Oscar Braathen, eller noe, på Torshov.

Hvis han ikke har slutta.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog