tirsdag 9. september 2008
Someone are writing strange messages etc., on Facebook.
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Today at 5:05pm
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Dear, Miss Erik Ribsskog, aka 'Target Guy 008'.
We have discussed and debated your situation and concerns and we all quickly come to the decision that, you are, in fact... extremely paranoid and slightly fantastical. I, personally suggest that you buy a pet- maybe a small bird or Hamster or maybe even a cute little Guinea Pig to keep you company in those long, dark nights of paranoia and conspiracy. Failing that, you could invest in some nice, sturdy walking boots and embark on a nightly power-walk around the streets of L2, I have heard that this activity is extremely relaxing for the mind and highly therapeutic. Both of these hobbies would release all of that excess energy and feelings of self disdain that you have and hopefully lead you on the way to a more happy, and fruitful life and make you a 'fuller' individual with a more rounded personality.
We hope you can now forget this little misunderstanding and that you can live a happy and free life. If you still harbor any concerns of the whereabouts of your former colleagues, then I am happy to tell you that they are now in a better place.
As for the grammar issue, well, you know as well as anyone does that everyone makes mistakes, and i'm sure that is all it is- a mistake. No one likes to make mistakes, do they? They usually lead to worse things. ;)
Yours sincerely,
Your number 1 fan.
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Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
An apology.
DFSFSFSD FSFSF <rocksteady100@msn.com> |
Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:27 PM | |
To: Johncons <eribsskog@gmail.com> | ||
Mer fra 80-tallet. (In Norwegian).
Og på slutten av 80-tallet, så var jeg bare nede ved huset til Haldis og dem, hvis jeg hadde lite mat i huset i Leirfaret, og robba noe mat i garasjen dems.
En gang på begynnelsen av 80-tallet, da Christell hadde vært hos noe familie på Vestlandet, da kom hun tilbake og sang på den sangen her:
Christell har eller hadde vel familie i Bergen, Stavanger og Ålesund.
Og også en venninne på Stovner, mener jeg å huske.
Jeg pleide å gjøre innbrudd i huset dems og snoke i tinga dems, og da fant jeg et brev hu hadde fått fra en venninne på Stovner, som likte Duran Duran, husker jeg, sånn på begynnelsen av 80-tallet en gang.
Noe sånt.
Men men.
Christell har en onkel og tante i Bergen, og muligens også en halvbror som heter Bjørn, eller noe(?)
Jeg tror tanta heter Lete, eller noe.
Hvis ikke det er hun i Stavanger.
Jeg tror Christell pleide å dra til familien sin i Bergen om sommerne, for jeg husker hun pleide å komme tilbake fra ferie.
Og da sa hun ikke godteri, da sa hun at hun hadde lyst på noe snop.
Så sånn var det.