Jeg skrev jo på bloggen tidligere idag, om da jeg jobba på Det Norske Hageselskaps lager, på Tøyen i Oslo, i et par uker vel, i skoleåret 1990/91.
Der hadde noen utlendinger en kiosk, like ved.
Og da tror jeg at jeg fikk igjen en svensk femmer der.
Hvis ikke jeg betalte med en svensk femmer da.
Som jeg hadde fått på Narvesen, eller noe.
Men det tror jeg må være den eneste gangen at jeg har fått igjen en svensk femmer, i en butikk, i Norge.
Det har vel hendt med svenske femtiøringer kanskje, eller kroner, men vel ikke femmere.
Når jeg fikk svenske kronerstykker i kassa på Rimi, så kasta jeg de bare i søpla.
Ihvertfall de siste årene jeg jobba i Rimi.
For jeg ville ikke gi kundene svenske kronestykker.
Og det ville jo vært latterlig å dra til banken, bare for å veksle 4-5 svenske kroner, så jeg bare heiv dem i søppelbøtta.
Det var ikke så ofte vi fikk svenske kroner.
Men men.
Men kan det ha vært sånn da, tenker jeg nå, at jeg har blitt forfulgt av noe muslimsk mafia i Oslo, fordi jeg betalte med en svensk femmer i 1990?
Hvem vet, for jeg synes det var greit å bo i Oslo, det første året.
Men, det er mye rart.
Det var ihvertfall ikke sånn at den femmeren var en jeg hadde fått med meg hjem fra ferie i Sverige.
Neida, for vi dro til Sverige, jeg og Kjetil Holshagen og Magne Winnem og Øystein og Glenn, men det var sommeren etter det her.
Så den femmeren den hadde jeg fått tilbake i en eller annen kiosk, må det ha vært.
Og jeg ble kvitt den igjen og, mener jeg å huske, sikkert i en annen kiosk da.
Så kanskje det har blitt noe forfølgings på grunn av det?
Hvem vet.
Så sånn er kanskje det.
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
søndag 10. mai 2009
Lastet opp kopi av bloggen på (In Norwegian)
Jeg har pleid å ta sikkerhetskopien av bloggen, til noen Wordpress-blogger, som jeg også har.
Men nå har det programmet for å overføre bloggposter fra Blogger til Wordpress vært litt kinkig.
Men jeg har også hatt en annen Blogspot-blogg,, som jeg tidligere tenkte at jeg kunne bruke som en slags nettavis.
Men nå har jeg jo Kampen mot Den Siste Sovjetstat-webstedet, på Angelfire, på denne URL-en:
Så da har jeg nå begynt å bruke den andre Blogspot-bloggen,, som back-up blogg, på følgende webadresse, (også i tilfelle det er noen som har lyst til å lese på en blogg med et helt enkelt design, så er det mulig nå):
Men nå har det programmet for å overføre bloggposter fra Blogger til Wordpress vært litt kinkig.
Men jeg har også hatt en annen Blogspot-blogg,, som jeg tidligere tenkte at jeg kunne bruke som en slags nettavis.
Men nå har jeg jo Kampen mot Den Siste Sovjetstat-webstedet, på Angelfire, på denne URL-en:
Så da har jeg nå begynt å bruke den andre Blogspot-bloggen,, som back-up blogg, på følgende webadresse, (også i tilfelle det er noen som har lyst til å lese på en blogg med et helt enkelt design, så er det mulig nå):
Oppsummering av hva som har skjedd. (In Norwegian)
Nå fulgte jeg rådet fra han Færøyingen, (sa han ihvertfall at han var, selv om jeg også har lurt litt på om han egentlig var dansk), og har skrevet en oppsummering over hva som har foregått, siden jeg overhørte, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian':
Jeg levde et vanlig liv i Oslo, hvor jeg jobbet som butikkleder, var i Heimevernet og studerte.
Så overhørte jeg på jobb, på Rimi Bjørndal, at jeg var forfulgt av noe de kalte 'mafian', i 2003.
Så dro jeg til Sunderland, for å studere i 2004.
Da fikk jeg problemer med HiO og Lånekassa, at HiO ikke ville godkjenne fagene mine, enda de burde ha vært greie,
og Lånekassa var veldig treige meg å sende studielån.
Så jeg måtte oppgi studiene, for dette trakk ut og trakk ut i tid.
Så da jeg endelig fikk studielånet, så dro jeg til bl.a. London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt og Paris, for å prøve
å finne et sted jeg kunne få leilighet og jobb.
Dette var ikke så enkelt som det burde ha vært, for jeg hadde fått ødelagt ansiktet mitt, i Oslo, i 2003, på samme
tiden som jeg overhørte at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', og jeg synes også det virka som at mye rart skjedde, at
det var noe aktivitet i forbindelse med dette at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian' da rundt omkring, ihvertfall så
var jeg var for dette.
Blant annet satt det en kar som så ut som en albansk mafiaboss, i skreddersydd dress, en dag, i lobbyen i hotellet
jeg bodde på, i Paris, i april 2005, så da kontaktet jeg politiet i Paris, for det var noe med måten han resepsjonisten
og han mafia-karen, eller hva han var, veksla blikk osv.
Dette var hotellet som var like ved en kirke, hvor uteliggere og sånn fikk mat, ikke langt unna det området i Paris hvor
de store jernbanestasjonene Gard le Nord og Gar le Est lå, hvis jeg husker det riktig.
Jeg dro etterhvert tilbake til Norge, pga. at det var ikke så mye for meg i Paris, det var ikke så mange jobber for
nordmenn der f.eks.
Så jobbet jeg på gården til onkelen min, Martin Ribsskog, og hans dame, Grethe Ingebrigtsen, fra april til juli, i 2005,
i Larvik.
Men da ble jeg jaget derfra, av noe som minnet nesten som et jaktlag, synes jeg, med at de hadde jakthunder osv.
Da dro jeg til Liverpool, hvor jeg tok kontakt med Kripos i Norge og engelsk politi, uten at disse har gjort noe,
eller forklart meg hva som foregår.
Jeg fikk jobb på Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandianvian Product Activation, men der ble jeg også mobbet og man
kan vel også si nesten si forfulgt av team-leader fra Bergen, Vivian Steinsland og ei somalisk dame fra Danmark,
som heter Nina Jamma, med flere.
Her skjønte jeg tidlig at noe var 'muffens' i firmaet, så jeg har tatt vare på alle dokumenter vi fikk, da jeg jobbet
Etterhvert så ble mobbingen i firmaet så intenst og omfattende, så jeg måtte starte en arbeidssak.
Jeg ble forfulgt hjem fra jobb, av en team-leader, som het Chris Baines, som jobbet på en annen avdeling hos Arvato.
Da kontaktet jeg politiet og tok også kontakt med Managing Director i firmaet, og hadde et møte med denne, som endte med
at jeg ble permitert med lønn, fordi Managing Director sa at han ikke kunne garantere min sikkerhet på jobb.
En av de jeg rapporterte for trakassering, til Managing Director, ble satt til å lede etterforskningen av hva som hadde skjedd.
Så da ga jeg opp firmaet, og tok med papirene til politiet i Liverpool, som nektet å etterforske trakasseringen og hva det nå
skal kalles, på jobben, enda det var opplagt for meg, at dette var klare lovbrudd.
Trakassering er forbudt ved lov i Storbritannia, og trakassering var det minste man kunne kalle det som ble begått mot meg
av ledere og andre på Arvato.
I løpet av prosessen med å prøve å få slutt på mobbingen fra ledere, mot meg, på Arvato, så fant jeg også ut at lederne på
Arvatos Microsoft-aktivering, ble lært opp til å bruke noe de kalte 'reinforcement', eller forsterkning, på norsk.
Dette tok jeg opp på BBCs debattforum, og der fikk jeg høre, av en brite, som vel hadde jobbet som leder i næringslivet,
at slik behandling av ansatte, som forekom, på Arvato, det var 'bullying', bølling, og ulovlig i Storbritannia.
Så jeg har mange dokumenter om hva som har foregått av lovbrudd fra Bertelsmann Arvato, mot oss som jobbet der.
Det er snakk om mange hundre dokumenter, og de finnes i denne linken, på Scribd:
Her er en link til BBCs debattforum, hvor han briten forklarer at en slik måte å drive et firma på, et forbudt ved lov,
i Storbritannia, (legg også merke til at noen bøller også dukker opp i den tråden og forsøker å latterliggjøre meg,
antagelig i forbindelse med at jeg blir forfulgt):
Etter at Arvato ikke ringte meg igjen, og jeg mistet jobben der, så har jeg jobbet som noe som heter 'Company Researcher',
for Packaging Europe, i Norwich.
Men nå mistenker jeg at det kan være noe 'phoney'-e greier, og at jeg er i noe som på New World Order-språket kalles
'slaughterhouse', hvor jeg bare blir utnyttet.
Og jeg mistenker at den firmainformasjonen, som jeg skaffet tilveie, ved å søke på internett og ringe, til nordiske firma,
at denne kan brukes av 'New World Order' eller Illuminati, for å få bedre kontroll på Island og andre steder i Norden.
Så det at jeg ikke får rettighetene mine, fra norske myndigheter, det fører til at jeg blir brukt som noe slags spion,
mot norske og nordiske bedrifter, og dermed skader norske og nordiske interesser, sånn som jeg ser dette nå i ettertid,
etter at jeg har sluttet å jobbe for det firmaet.
Jeg har forsøkt i årevis, å få hjelp fra norske og britiske myndigheter, for å finne ut hva som foregår, men myndighetene
nekter å hjelpe meg, ved å forklare meg hva som foregår.
Så jeg blir utnyttet hemningsløst, av myndigheter og frimureri og Illuminati osv., som er i et slags hemmelig nettverk,
som trekker i tråder, virker det som.
Uten at noen gjør noe i forbindelse med dette, enda jeg har skrevet om dette på nett i årevis nå, må man vel si.
En som sa han var en amerikansk privat etterforsker, ved pseudonym-navn Nick Ewans, sa pr. e-post, tidligere iår, (2009),
at min morfar, Johannes Ribsskog, fornærmet eliten i Arbeiderparitiet, i etterkrigstiden i Norge.
Dvs. Stoltenberg- og Gerhardsen-familiene, iforbindelse med at morfaren min ikke fikk jobben som Sysselmann, på Svalbard,
som han søkte på.
Jeg har ingen i familien, som jeg kan stole på, alle er alkoholikere eller noen hasjrøykende slabbedasker nærmest, ihvertfall
så er de ikke den typen folk man kan stole på i en krise, eller som man vil gå i krigen med, for å si det sånn, så jeg har
ingen som kan hjelpe meg ut av denne situasjonen.
Så derfor prøver jeg å skrive om alt som har foregått, iforbindelse med det som jeg overhørte, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt
av noe 'mafian', og jeg skriver også om ting som har skjedd tidligere i livet mitt, i et forsøk på å finne ut hva det er
som kan ha utløst denne forfølgelse, fra noe 'mafian'.
For jeg har alltid prøvd 'å holde min sti ren', for å si det sånn, jeg har aldri vært kriminell og har alltid prøvd å
bruke hue og holde beina på jorda.
Det er klart at jeg er en person med mange interesser og mange sider, så jeg kan nok antagelig ha gjort et eller annet, som
noen kan tolke negativt, hvis de dømmer livet mitt, som fanden leser bibelen, for å si det sånn.
Men da burde man huske på at ingen har lov å dømme andre folk, annet enn i en rettferdig rettsak, heter det, i menneskerettighetene.
Men her har nok noen dømt meg, og ikke engang bedt meg forklare.
For da kunnne jeg nok antagelig ha forklart hva det nå var som de dømte meg for.
Men her dømmes det først og spørres etterpå, eller ikke det hele tatt.
Så det kan virke som at det er amerikanererne som tuller med meg, siden de vel er de mest 'cowboy-aktige' folkeslaget, når det
gjelder sånne ting, virker det som, for meg.
Men jeg har pratet med folk, som sier at media er kontrollert av 'New World Order', så å få noe ut i media, om det som har foregått,
har visst seg å være nytteløst foreløbig.
Jeg tenker sånn, at ingen har lov å tulle med mine rettigheter.
Jeg har fått opplyst, at hvis noen tuller med dine rettigheter, så har du en moralsk rett til å drepe de.
Og jeg er vant til å være i Heimevernet, og har studert mange år på universitetsnivå, og har jobbet som butikksjef i Oslo, i flere
år, så jeg er ikke vant til å bli behandlet som dritt, for å bruke det ordet, som jeg synes at jeg blir, av politi og myndigheter.
Så hvis jeg får kontroll, så kommer jeg nok å ta alle disse 'tullebukkene' til retten, for å få rettferdighet og oppreisning.
Så sånn er det.
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg levde et vanlig liv i Oslo, hvor jeg jobbet som butikkleder, var i Heimevernet og studerte.
Så overhørte jeg på jobb, på Rimi Bjørndal, at jeg var forfulgt av noe de kalte 'mafian', i 2003.
Så dro jeg til Sunderland, for å studere i 2004.
Da fikk jeg problemer med HiO og Lånekassa, at HiO ikke ville godkjenne fagene mine, enda de burde ha vært greie,
og Lånekassa var veldig treige meg å sende studielån.
Så jeg måtte oppgi studiene, for dette trakk ut og trakk ut i tid.
Så da jeg endelig fikk studielånet, så dro jeg til bl.a. London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt og Paris, for å prøve
å finne et sted jeg kunne få leilighet og jobb.
Dette var ikke så enkelt som det burde ha vært, for jeg hadde fått ødelagt ansiktet mitt, i Oslo, i 2003, på samme
tiden som jeg overhørte at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', og jeg synes også det virka som at mye rart skjedde, at
det var noe aktivitet i forbindelse med dette at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian' da rundt omkring, ihvertfall så
var jeg var for dette.
Blant annet satt det en kar som så ut som en albansk mafiaboss, i skreddersydd dress, en dag, i lobbyen i hotellet
jeg bodde på, i Paris, i april 2005, så da kontaktet jeg politiet i Paris, for det var noe med måten han resepsjonisten
og han mafia-karen, eller hva han var, veksla blikk osv.
Dette var hotellet som var like ved en kirke, hvor uteliggere og sånn fikk mat, ikke langt unna det området i Paris hvor
de store jernbanestasjonene Gard le Nord og Gar le Est lå, hvis jeg husker det riktig.
Jeg dro etterhvert tilbake til Norge, pga. at det var ikke så mye for meg i Paris, det var ikke så mange jobber for
nordmenn der f.eks.
Så jobbet jeg på gården til onkelen min, Martin Ribsskog, og hans dame, Grethe Ingebrigtsen, fra april til juli, i 2005,
i Larvik.
Men da ble jeg jaget derfra, av noe som minnet nesten som et jaktlag, synes jeg, med at de hadde jakthunder osv.
Da dro jeg til Liverpool, hvor jeg tok kontakt med Kripos i Norge og engelsk politi, uten at disse har gjort noe,
eller forklart meg hva som foregår.
Jeg fikk jobb på Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandianvian Product Activation, men der ble jeg også mobbet og man
kan vel også si nesten si forfulgt av team-leader fra Bergen, Vivian Steinsland og ei somalisk dame fra Danmark,
som heter Nina Jamma, med flere.
Her skjønte jeg tidlig at noe var 'muffens' i firmaet, så jeg har tatt vare på alle dokumenter vi fikk, da jeg jobbet
Etterhvert så ble mobbingen i firmaet så intenst og omfattende, så jeg måtte starte en arbeidssak.
Jeg ble forfulgt hjem fra jobb, av en team-leader, som het Chris Baines, som jobbet på en annen avdeling hos Arvato.
Da kontaktet jeg politiet og tok også kontakt med Managing Director i firmaet, og hadde et møte med denne, som endte med
at jeg ble permitert med lønn, fordi Managing Director sa at han ikke kunne garantere min sikkerhet på jobb.
En av de jeg rapporterte for trakassering, til Managing Director, ble satt til å lede etterforskningen av hva som hadde skjedd.
Så da ga jeg opp firmaet, og tok med papirene til politiet i Liverpool, som nektet å etterforske trakasseringen og hva det nå
skal kalles, på jobben, enda det var opplagt for meg, at dette var klare lovbrudd.
Trakassering er forbudt ved lov i Storbritannia, og trakassering var det minste man kunne kalle det som ble begått mot meg
av ledere og andre på Arvato.
I løpet av prosessen med å prøve å få slutt på mobbingen fra ledere, mot meg, på Arvato, så fant jeg også ut at lederne på
Arvatos Microsoft-aktivering, ble lært opp til å bruke noe de kalte 'reinforcement', eller forsterkning, på norsk.
Dette tok jeg opp på BBCs debattforum, og der fikk jeg høre, av en brite, som vel hadde jobbet som leder i næringslivet,
at slik behandling av ansatte, som forekom, på Arvato, det var 'bullying', bølling, og ulovlig i Storbritannia.
Så jeg har mange dokumenter om hva som har foregått av lovbrudd fra Bertelsmann Arvato, mot oss som jobbet der.
Det er snakk om mange hundre dokumenter, og de finnes i denne linken, på Scribd:
Her er en link til BBCs debattforum, hvor han briten forklarer at en slik måte å drive et firma på, et forbudt ved lov,
i Storbritannia, (legg også merke til at noen bøller også dukker opp i den tråden og forsøker å latterliggjøre meg,
antagelig i forbindelse med at jeg blir forfulgt):
Etter at Arvato ikke ringte meg igjen, og jeg mistet jobben der, så har jeg jobbet som noe som heter 'Company Researcher',
for Packaging Europe, i Norwich.
Men nå mistenker jeg at det kan være noe 'phoney'-e greier, og at jeg er i noe som på New World Order-språket kalles
'slaughterhouse', hvor jeg bare blir utnyttet.
Og jeg mistenker at den firmainformasjonen, som jeg skaffet tilveie, ved å søke på internett og ringe, til nordiske firma,
at denne kan brukes av 'New World Order' eller Illuminati, for å få bedre kontroll på Island og andre steder i Norden.
Så det at jeg ikke får rettighetene mine, fra norske myndigheter, det fører til at jeg blir brukt som noe slags spion,
mot norske og nordiske bedrifter, og dermed skader norske og nordiske interesser, sånn som jeg ser dette nå i ettertid,
etter at jeg har sluttet å jobbe for det firmaet.
Jeg har forsøkt i årevis, å få hjelp fra norske og britiske myndigheter, for å finne ut hva som foregår, men myndighetene
nekter å hjelpe meg, ved å forklare meg hva som foregår.
Så jeg blir utnyttet hemningsløst, av myndigheter og frimureri og Illuminati osv., som er i et slags hemmelig nettverk,
som trekker i tråder, virker det som.
Uten at noen gjør noe i forbindelse med dette, enda jeg har skrevet om dette på nett i årevis nå, må man vel si.
En som sa han var en amerikansk privat etterforsker, ved pseudonym-navn Nick Ewans, sa pr. e-post, tidligere iår, (2009),
at min morfar, Johannes Ribsskog, fornærmet eliten i Arbeiderparitiet, i etterkrigstiden i Norge.
Dvs. Stoltenberg- og Gerhardsen-familiene, iforbindelse med at morfaren min ikke fikk jobben som Sysselmann, på Svalbard,
som han søkte på.
Jeg har ingen i familien, som jeg kan stole på, alle er alkoholikere eller noen hasjrøykende slabbedasker nærmest, ihvertfall
så er de ikke den typen folk man kan stole på i en krise, eller som man vil gå i krigen med, for å si det sånn, så jeg har
ingen som kan hjelpe meg ut av denne situasjonen.
Så derfor prøver jeg å skrive om alt som har foregått, iforbindelse med det som jeg overhørte, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt
av noe 'mafian', og jeg skriver også om ting som har skjedd tidligere i livet mitt, i et forsøk på å finne ut hva det er
som kan ha utløst denne forfølgelse, fra noe 'mafian'.
For jeg har alltid prøvd 'å holde min sti ren', for å si det sånn, jeg har aldri vært kriminell og har alltid prøvd å
bruke hue og holde beina på jorda.
Det er klart at jeg er en person med mange interesser og mange sider, så jeg kan nok antagelig ha gjort et eller annet, som
noen kan tolke negativt, hvis de dømmer livet mitt, som fanden leser bibelen, for å si det sånn.
Men da burde man huske på at ingen har lov å dømme andre folk, annet enn i en rettferdig rettsak, heter det, i menneskerettighetene.
Men her har nok noen dømt meg, og ikke engang bedt meg forklare.
For da kunnne jeg nok antagelig ha forklart hva det nå var som de dømte meg for.
Men her dømmes det først og spørres etterpå, eller ikke det hele tatt.
Så det kan virke som at det er amerikanererne som tuller med meg, siden de vel er de mest 'cowboy-aktige' folkeslaget, når det
gjelder sånne ting, virker det som, for meg.
Men jeg har pratet med folk, som sier at media er kontrollert av 'New World Order', så å få noe ut i media, om det som har foregått,
har visst seg å være nytteløst foreløbig.
Jeg tenker sånn, at ingen har lov å tulle med mine rettigheter.
Jeg har fått opplyst, at hvis noen tuller med dine rettigheter, så har du en moralsk rett til å drepe de.
Og jeg er vant til å være i Heimevernet, og har studert mange år på universitetsnivå, og har jobbet som butikksjef i Oslo, i flere
år, så jeg er ikke vant til å bli behandlet som dritt, for å bruke det ordet, som jeg synes at jeg blir, av politi og myndigheter.
Så hvis jeg får kontroll, så kommer jeg nok å ta alle disse 'tullebukkene' til retten, for å få rettferdighet og oppreisning.
Så sånn er det.
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg synes amerikanere behandler folk som ikke er amerikanere dårlig. (In Norwegian)
Session Start: Sun May 10 02:39:01 2009
Session Ident: #usa
[02:39] * Now talking in #usa
[02:39] * Topic is ' Welcome to #USA :: CLEAN English only :: ::'
[02:39] * Set by KinG`PiN on Thu May 07 11:59:03
[02:39] <Droog4> everybody always told me it is not good to be nosey and then i started working for newspapers and they paid me $$$$$$$$$$$$ to be nosey
[02:39] * Badkiss give Q^TE a tequilla shot
[02:39] <Badkiss> gives*
[02:39] * RolsenRoyce has joined #usa
[02:39] * X sets mode: +l 98
[02:39] <Q^TE> Badkiss thx ill save it for later ;)
[02:40] * Badkiss bleh :p
[02:40] <john_cons> isn't banned anyway then? Just wondering how it works..
[02:40] <Q^TE> later means when i start to drink if i will oneday:p
[02:40] <Q^TE> john_cons it was a ban for lil time
[02:41] * bassist82 has quit IRC (Quit)
[02:41] <eric22> anyone wanna try to make me cum by controlling me over cam? anyone?
[02:41] <Maevlyn> O_o
[02:41] * smart_girl has joined #usa
[02:41] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*
[02:41] * eric22 was kicked by Jj` (eric22)
[02:41] * Doped has joined #usa
[02:41] <Maevlyn> about desperate
[02:41] <Bikerdawg_> Lol i saw that comin
[02:41] <john_cons> okok we'll see how long i'll survive now then, i'm used to being perm-banned
[02:41] <john_cons> only joking
[02:41] <Droog4> gee why'd you kick that classy eric guy?
[02:41] <john_cons> or we'll see
[02:41] * ChrstphrR starts up a conversation with eric22
[02:41] <Maevlyn> hehe
[02:41] <Jj`> lets all msg him
[02:42] <john_cons> i think you should have transparent rules, if i'm allowed to suggest that
[02:42] <Bikerdawg_> Lol Jj
[02:42] <john_cons> rules that are easy to understand, so that one know if one do something wrong
[02:42] <john_cons> just an idea
[02:42] <EdisonCarter> see you later
[02:42] * EdisonCarter has quit IRC (Quit:
[02:42] <john_cons> but i'll try to forget about that now
[02:42] <john_cons> bbl
[02:42] * DOREMI-FA has quit IRC (Quit)
[02:43] <Bikerdawg_> John you were told whatcha did wrong and you wouldnt let it go and still havent obviously damn
[02:43] <Q^TE> i dono he dont like the rules and he come here again after i banned him
[02:44] <Jj`> Bikerdawg_, some never learn
[02:44] * brave-heart has quit IRC (Quit)
[02:44] <Bikerdawg_> Lol hes an idiot i got sick of hearin him is why i left earlier today i wanted to punch him in the mouth
[02:44] * X sets mode: +l 95
[02:45] <Jj`> rofl well let me kick him in the arse
[02:45] <Bikerdawg_> And that takes a lot
[02:45] * Jj` sets mode: +b *!*@
[02:45] <Bikerdawg_> Rofl Jj
[02:45] * You were kicked by Jj` (lamah)
Session Close: Sun May 10 02:45:33 2009
Jeg sendte en e-post, til en jeg prata med på irc, fra Færøyene, om det store Hafnia-hotellet der, som jeg tror det kan være noe 'lurings' med
![]() |
Erik Ribsskog <> |
Hafnia hotel i Thorshavn
Erik Ribsskog <> |
Sun, May 10, 2009 at 2:02 AM | |
To: | ||
Her er bilde av Torshavn og Hafnia-hotellet, (legg merke Illuminati-pyramiden, må man vel si det er, malt på under hotellnavnet på latin, påmalt i, mer eller mindre, gigantiske proposjoner på bygningen):
PS 2.
En annen episode jeg kom på.
Det var da jeg tok et friår, fra studiene ved NHI, skoleåret 1990/91.
Da tenkte jeg at jeg skulle jobbe, for jeg fant ut at studielånet ikke holdt så lenge, siden NHI var en privat høyskole, og det kostet mer å studere der, enn på universitetet f.eks.
Så gikk jeg på arbeidsformidlingen, på Grünerløkka, for å registrere meg som arbeidsledig.
Og da ble jeg vist inn på et kontor, og fikk jobb hos det Norske Hageselskap.
En praksisplass.
Som skulle vare i tre måneder da.
Jeg fikk bare 4000 i måneden, i lønn, men jeg bodde billig, hos halvbroren min Axel, og faren hans og hans stemor, på Furuset.
Jeg betalte bare 1000 kroner i måneden.
Men jeg fikk en butikkjobb, på OBS Triaden, etter noen uker, så jeg jobbet ikke på Hageselskapet, i hele perioden på tre måneder.
Det var vel i underkant av to måneder, som jeg jobbet der, i deres bygg på Grønland.
Noe sånt.
Jeg jobbet i Norsk Hagetidend, sammen med redaktør Knut Lønø, hun som er redaktør der nå, som heter Bergljot Gundersen vel, og også ei som het Bjerregård, som var svensk, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Det som var rart, var at Bjerregård, hun spurte meg hvilken politiker de skulle velge, for å åpne landbruksdagene, eller hva det heter, på Hellerudsletta, i Skedsmo, tror jeg det ligger, høsten 1990, var det vel.
Og da sa jeg bare Kaci Kullmann Five, for jeg var høyremann, og det var vel på den tida her, at jeg var på et eller to møter, med Unge Høyre, i Høyres Hus, i Stortingsgata.
Sammen med Magne Winnem, fra skolen i Drammen, som dro meg dit.
Mer da.
Jo, så sa jeg bare Kaci Kullmann Five da, til hun Bjerregård, bare sånn i løse lufta liksom.
Så tror du søren meg ikke at Kaci Kullmann Five måtte åpne landbruksuka da?
Eller hva det heter der.
Enda hun er den politikeren kanskje, som forbindes minst med landbruk, en fin frue fra Bærum.
Men hun kom å åpna landbruks-greiene, hvor Hageselskapet hadde stand, som jeg hjalp å sette opp.
Jeg var altmulig-mann nesten, i Hageselskapet.
Eller 'slave', kan man kanskje kalle det.
Så jeg gjorde mye rart på de få ukene jeg jobbet i Hageselskapet.
Jeg gikk på Stortinget, og henta statsbudsjettet, før det kom i avisa, og satt med statsbudsjettet på T-banen.
Og måtte kjefte på kontordamene på Stortinget.
Så det her med Hageselskapet var noe 'mafian', tror jeg.
Noe rart ihvertfall, siden de fikk statsbudsjettet før avisene osv.
Uten at jeg vet hvordan sånt er ment å fungere.
Men man kan ikke vite alt.
Jeg ble også sent til Botanisk hage, for å hente noe kameraer, som var lagt igjen der, og da trodde sikkert alle at jeg var en kjent fotograf da, av folk jeg møtte på vei tilbake til Hageselskapets lokaler på Grønland, eller Vaterland, som det også kalles der.
(Sa stemora til Axel, at det kaltes der).
Bare noe jeg kom på.
Så sånn var det.
Og noen ganger, så var det ikke noe kontorarbeid, å gjøre, hos Norsk Hagetidend, så da ble jeg satt til å hjelpe en eldre kar fra Fredrikstad, med å sende masse greier i posten, fra Hageselskapets lager, på Tøyen.
Og da hadde noen på Færøyene kjøpt abonnement.
Og de ville ha drivhuset, som var premie da, hvis man kjøpte et veldig dyrt abonnement, eller hva det var.
Men den bestillingen, den hadde han fra Fredrikstad, den hadde han bare latt ligge, i et år eller noe.
Han visste ikke hva han skulle gjøre med den bestillingen fra Færøyene, så han bare ignorerte det, istedet for å spørre den sjefen han rapporterte til da.
Hvem nå det var.
Men det var nok ganske kjedelig der.
Og han var samvittighetsfull.
Vi dreit oss ut en dag.
Frankeringsmaskinen virka ikke.
Og jeg var litt sløv, for jeg var ikke så vant til å jobbe med så mye forskjellig.
Den ene dagen jobba jeg med kontorarbeid, så på lager, så var jeg på stortinget, så var jeg i foto-butikken på Grønland, så var jeg og kjøpte noe greier for å fikse noe greier til telefonen til Bjerregård, en sånn automatisk oppringe-maskin, som jeg kjøpte ny transformator til, i en elbutikk på Bislett tror jeg, (jeg hadde månedskort vel, så jeg bare dro dit), og fikset den automatiske oppringingsmaskinen da, som var litt av en maskin nesten, i 1990.
Det var en boks som var like stor som telefonen omtrent.
Men men.
Jo, så slutta frankeringsmaskinen, var det vel, å virke.
Og jeg var helt surrete i hue, etter å ha stått opp tidlig, og så pakka hageselskap-bøker, hele dagen.
Og jeg kjente ikke den frankeringsmaskinen så bra.
Så den slutta å virke, så da klagde jeg da, til han fra Fredrikstad.
Og da, så skjedde det, at han ringte til Frankeringsmaskin-service-firma.
Så kom de da, så var det bare kontakten som hadde falt ut, fra maskina.
Så da var vi rimelige flaue, for da hadde vi sløst med Hageselskapets penger, og driti vårs ut da.
Så sånn var det.
Så det var rimelig flaut.
Bare noe jeg kom på.
Mer da.
Jo, så hadde jeg hatt kontorfag, på handel og kontorlinja, på Sande videregående, noen år før det her.
Så jeg sa til han fra Fredrikstad da, at det gikk båt til Færøyene, fra Bergen.
For vi hadde som oppgaver, i det kontorfag-faget, å slå opp i rutetabeller og alt mulig sånt.
For jeg huska at vi hadde hatt en oppgave hvor noen skulle dra til Færøyene.
Men det var ikke så enkelt å sende ting med den båten da.
Men jeg synes det var litt dårlig service.
Her får Hageselskapet en morsom bestilling fra Færøyene.
Og hva skjer?
Jo, den bestillingen ble bare lagt i en boks.
Og for alt hva jeg vet, så ligger den lappen sikkert i den boksen ennå.
Så det syntes jeg var litt dårlig.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg kom på.
Jeg prata med en kar fra Færøyene, om problemer med 'mafian', Illuminati, frimurer og med å ta danske samtaler for Bertelsmann/Microsoft osv. (N)
Session Start: Sat May 09 19:43:09 2009
Session Ident: Son_of_thor
[19:43] Session Ident: Son_of_thor (~sdgs@
[19:43] <Son_of_thor> Mellom bakkar og berg ut med havet.
[19:43] <john_cons> hehe
[19:44] <john_cons> ja det er nynorsk dikt
[19:44] <john_cons> ikke d?rlig
[19:44] <john_cons> forst?r du norsk?
[19:44] <Son_of_thor> Well :p det er en fin sang.
[19:44] <Son_of_thor> Ja.
[19:44] <john_cons> ok, ikke d?rlig
[19:44] <john_cons> hva synes du om hafnia hotellet i thorshavn da?
[19:44] <Son_of_thor> Hvorfor er du s? flyttet fra Norge over til England?
[19:44] <john_cons> jeg ble forfulgt av noe 'mafian' i Oslo
[19:44] <john_cons> som ikke politiet hjelper med
[19:45] <Son_of_thor> Hotel hafnia.. jeg vet ikke. har ingen mening om Hotel hafnia.. det er den h?jeste bygning i Torshavn..
[19:45] <Son_of_thor> wtf? no kidding?
[19:45] <john_cons> nei, det er sant, jeg tror det er noe krig mot norske/nordiske/norr?ne folk i norge
[19:45] <john_cons> noe new world order-opplegg
[19:46] <Son_of_thor> Av invandrere?
[19:46] <Son_of_thor> N? new world order.. errr
[19:46] <john_cons> cia? illuminati? noe s?nt
[19:46] <john_cons> ja de liker ikke norske
[19:46] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. har litt kenskap til konspirasjons teorier
[19:46] <john_cons> de vil at norske skal v?re som amerikanere, tyskere etc
[19:46] <john_cons> ok
[19:46] <john_cons> jeg har en blogg hvor jeg skriver
[19:46] <john_cons>
[19:47] <Son_of_thor> faen.. lyder seri?st!!
[19:47] <john_cons> ja, jeg er til og med i det norske heimevernet, s? jeg hadde ikke planlagt ? flytte
[19:48] <john_cons> jeg tror de har island og n? (new world order), etter finanskrisen og at de skal s?ke eu-medlemskap osv
[19:48] <john_cons> s? n? er det bare f?r?yene igjen som ikke er new world order
[19:48] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[19:49] <Son_of_thor> Ja. Det skal ikke undre meg at Island bliver tvunget in i EU!!
[19:49] <Son_of_thor> Island bliver bombarderet til store pengel?n..
[19:49] <Son_of_thor> Penge som noe helt f? i Island har sl?set vekk.
[19:49] <Son_of_thor> Derfor bliver folket i Island garanteret tr?ler for at betale l?n tilbake..
[19:49] <Son_of_thor> Island har mange naturresurser!!
[19:51] <Son_of_thor> Faen du m? passe p? deg selv.. om det virkelig er som du sier....
[19:54] <Son_of_thor> er du der?
[19:57] <Son_of_thor> <--- min MSN adresse.
[20:25] <john_cons> ok thanks
[20:25] <john_cons> sorry jeg ble borte
[20:26] <john_cons> jeg tror det er s?nn at New World Order forf?lger norr?ne/nordiske p? samme m?te som de forf?lger taliban/afganere/irakere/nord-koreanere nesten
[20:26] <Son_of_thor> Men illuminati er de imot Blonde og imod nordiske folk??
[20:26] <john_cons> de vil at alle skal innordne seg amerikanerne/j?dene og v?re religi?se
[20:26] <john_cons> ja
[20:26] <john_cons> det synes jeg at det virker som
[20:26] <john_cons> det kan v?re at det er religi?st
[20:27] <john_cons> at de er mot alle som ikke tror p? gud, slik som du, ser det ut som, som har de norr?ne guder vel
[20:27] <john_cons> jeg selv er ateist, og det kan v?re derfor jeg er forfulgt
[20:27] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[20:29] <john_cons> at det er j?dene da antagelig, som har en krig mot de norr?ne, som har hams forbannelse eller noe, noe s?nt
[20:31] <Son_of_thor> Men atheismen er vel sterk i EU?
[20:33] <john_cons> jeg har bodd i storbritannia siden jeg studerte i sunderland i 2004, og jeg pleide ? lese the times, og der beskrives en som 'a catholic club'
[20:33] <Son_of_thor> Jeg tvivler litt.. Jeg tror gerne p? at illuminati og EU pr?ver at f? kontrol over alt evropa...
[20:34] <Son_of_thor> Men jeg tvivler p? at det er religi?st motiveret..
[20:34] <john_cons> nei, man har en fri vilje, s? man f?r tro hva man vil, jeg fors?ker bare ? si hvordan jeg tror det er
[20:34] <john_cons> ok, men da har ihvertfall jeg sagt hvordan jeg tror det er
[20:35] <john_cons> har du ikke sett at amerikanerne hater svenskene fordi de er ateister?
[20:38] <Son_of_thor> Lad mig lige sp?rge dig om noget!... Er du muslim? eller er du normand? :)
[20:38] <john_cons> muslim? hvorfor sp?rr du om jeg er det?
[20:40] <john_cons> ..
[20:43] <john_cons> jeg ble visst disconectet her, beklager
[20:44] <john_cons> jeg lurte p? hvorfor du sier jeg er muslim
[20:44] <john_cons> vigrid sier det samme, de er ariere, eller noe forresten
[20:47] <john_cons> er de ogs? muslimer?
[20:48] <john_cons> er du der?
[20:49] <john_cons> alts? det er to sivilisasjoner, if?lge new age etc, det er aryans og sumerians
[20:49] <john_cons> if?lge aryans s? er alle like mye verdt
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Nej nej.. jeg bare spekulere p? om du er..
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Fordi at j?der og muslimer er ikke s?rlig gode venner
[20:49] <john_cons> if?lge sumerians, s? er det de p? toppen av pyramiden (illuminati-symbol) som er verdt mest (j?dene?)
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Og du snakker om at illuminati er styrt av j?derne.
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. Vigrid er vel h?jre partiet i norge..
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Nei det er de ikke
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Tror jeg ikke.
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Men ser du.. J?dedommen er ikke s?rlig st?rk i evropa..
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> Ja
[20:49] <Son_of_thor> J?derne bliver forfulgte af muslimer ofte... Det var massive protester da Israel skulle spille imod sverige i malm?... Anti j?diske protester
[20:50] <Son_of_thor> J?derne er ikke s?rlig overrepresenteret i evropa!
[20:50] <john_cons> nei, men de har bilderberger
[20:50] <john_cons> regjeringen som styrer verden fra usa
[20:50] <john_cons> s? er europeiske politikere med i bilderberger
[20:50] <john_cons> som stoltenberg i norge, rasmussen i danmark etc
[20:50] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. Jeg er ogs? sterkt imod bilderberger og andre globaliserede institutioner!!!
[20:51] <john_cons> men det er de som har makten, ser du ikke?
[20:51] <john_cons> det er de som styrer norge
[20:51] <john_cons> f.eks.
[20:51] <Son_of_thor> Jo det er det...
[20:51] <Son_of_thor> Men j?dedom har ikke skylden af det..
[20:51] <john_cons> etter 2. verdenskrig s? har ikke norske styrt norge
[20:51] <john_cons> jo, det er gjennom bilderberg, som styres av rockefeller og rotshields osv
[20:52] <john_cons> de har noe mafia osv., som jager norske folk, som ikke lar seg underkue
[20:52] <john_cons> de kommer nok til f?r?yene ogs?, etter at de er ferdige med island
[20:53] <Son_of_thor> Ja... F?r?yene og Island er lette bytter..
[20:53] <Son_of_thor> Har intet millit?r..
[20:53] <Son_of_thor> Vi er noe sm? lande.
[20:53] <john_cons> jo, lige presis
[20:54] <john_cons> men de tar ikke makten milit?rt, de bruker nettverk, som frimurere og mafia osv
[20:54] <john_cons> ogs? forf?lger de nordmenn, som meg, og jager de til england osv
[20:56] <Son_of_thor> Hvordan er du blevet jaget bort??
[20:56] <Son_of_thor> Hat du f?t d?dstrusler?
[20:57] <john_cons> jo jeg har f?tt rare brev med pyramider osv
[20:58] <Son_of_thor> shit.. hmm..
[20:58] <john_cons> jeg overh?rte da jeg jobbet p? rimi bj?rndal, i oslo, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe de kalte 'mafian'
[20:58] <john_cons> og jeg fikk mitt ansikt ?delagt rundt den samme tiden
[20:58] <john_cons> s? dro jeg til sunderland for ? studere
[20:58] <Son_of_thor> Men hvorfor har de kontaktet lige pr?sis deg? Har du levet en livstil der har modarbejdet illuminati?
[20:59] <john_cons> nja, jeg er fra en gammel nordisk adelsslekt, p? morssiden, gjedde
[20:59] <john_cons> det var ove gjedde som koloniserte trankebar for danmark-norge
[21:00] <john_cons> samt at min morfar johannes ribsskog visstnok forn?rmet eliten i det norske arbeiderpartiet, da han s?kte sysselmann stillingen p? svalbard, (gerhardsen og stoltenberg) og da ble forfulgt av en mafia bygget opp av jens chr hauge etter krigen, fortalte en amerikans etterforsker i london meg, tidligere i ?r
[21:03] <john_cons> jeg har jobbet p? vegne av microsoft i liverpool, hvor jeg svarte bl.a. danske samtaler, og da ble jeg ogs? forfulgt
[21:03] <Son_of_thor> brb
[21:07] <Son_of_thor> wow..
[21:09] <Son_of_thor> Dit liv lyder at have v?ret ekstremt uvirkeligt og fylt med spenning og fare!!
[21:09] <Son_of_thor> Det som du forteller meg virker s? ekstremt unreal!
[21:11] <Son_of_thor> Blev din morfar forfulgt bare fordi han s?kte syselmands stillingen i Svalbard?
[21:12] <Son_of_thor> Om du utgiver en bok med al den information s? ville du blive verdens kent og bidrage til en revolution..
[21:12] <Son_of_thor> Men jeg ville nok g?re det annonym om jeg var deg.
[21:13] <john_cons> jeg har skrevet om det p? den nevnte blogg
[21:13] <Son_of_thor> ja jeg har l?st lidt i bloggen.. har ikke l?st alt
[21:13] <john_cons> ja, jeg var som sagt en vanlig kar, i heimevernet i norge, og butikkleder og student i 2003, da dette startet
[21:14] <john_cons> og jeg hadde ikke h?rt om dette med 'mafian' f?r dette
[21:14] <john_cons> okey
[21:16] <Son_of_thor> F?r?yinge lever i et fint samfund. Relativt moderne. Med teknologi og s?dan noget. Men s? har vi ogs? frit at tage ud i naturen og fange fisk og s?dan noget og mange benytter sig af det.. Det er frihet... Men nu i den senste tid er folk begndte at v?re Wannabe Globaliserede..
[21:18] <Son_of_thor> ok.. men shit ogs?.. Jeg hjelper gerne til at avsl?re noget!! Jeg har tit t?nkt p? at spionere i frimurer losjer i Danmark.!!!
[21:18] <Son_of_thor> Jeg er temmelig nyskerig for at f? at vide hvad der forg?r i slike steder!!
[21:23] <Son_of_thor> Kan jeg videregive link til din blog?
[21:23] <john_cons> jo, det m? du gerne
[21:23] <Son_of_thor> til en ven
[21:23] <Son_of_thor> ok
[21:23] <john_cons> jeg ble visst bannet fra #usa n?, fordi jeg spurte om dette med de som dro til sverige for ? skremme ateistene
[21:25] <Son_of_thor> wow ok..
[21:27] <Son_of_thor> Illuminati er ikke kristne!!
[21:27] <Son_of_thor> Illuminati er anti kristne!
[21:27] <Son_of_thor> Frimurere har en ed som de skal sverge p? f?r de bliver optaget..
[21:31] <john_cons> ok, nei de er vel djeveldyrkere kanskje
[21:31] <john_cons> at de er kabalister, eller hva heter det
[21:32] <john_cons> ashenazi-j?der
[21:32] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[21:32] <john_cons> summerere/babylonere
[21:33] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[21:33] <john_cons> de som har pyramide-samfunnet, at de p? toppen bestemmer alt
[21:36] <Son_of_thor>
[21:36] <Son_of_thor> Kristne skal if?lge biblen aldrig sverge... det er forbudt for krisne at sverge
[21:37] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. Frimurere har lucifer som Gud.. Grunden til at de pr?ver at fremst? som en kristen organisation er for de skal fremsto som Gode.. og som de retvise.. og for at tiltrekke folk
[21:44] <john_cons> ok, jeg forst?r
[21:44] <john_cons> der jeg jobbet i liverpool, s? var det et monument med lucifer p? toppen og et vikingeskip fanget inne i s?ylen
[21:44] <john_cons> utenfor the cunard building
[21:44] <john_cons> et sec
[21:45] <Son_of_thor> selvf?lgelig vil frimurere fremst? som kristne... det tiltrekker flere folk.. akkurat som geroge bush vil fremst? som kristen.. Kristendom bliver tit opfattet som det gode.
[21:45] <john_cons>
[21:46] <john_cons> ok, jeg forst?r, s? illuminati er en form for frimurere, vil du si det?
[21:46] <john_cons> (jeg er fra et lite sted i norge, s? jeg kjenner ikke s? godt til slikt)
[21:47] <Son_of_thor> jeg har bare lest om frimurere p? nettet og det sitat jeg kom med er ogs? et som frimurere ikke tilbageviser. Men frimurere siger at det bare er misforst?et.
[21:48] <Son_of_thor> Ja frimurere og illuminati er i t?tt samarbejde..
[21:48] <john_cons> ok, jeg forst?r, thanks, s? hva er s? forskjellen mellom de, illuminati og frimurerne?
[21:48] <john_cons> (beklager at jeg er litt uvitende)
[21:49] <Son_of_thor> If?lge det som man l?ser.. Men der finnes s? meget at l?se om frimurere og andre konspirationer s? det er sv?rt at vide hvad er virkelig og ikke.
[21:49] <john_cons> ok, kikket du p? bildet i linken?
[21:50] <Son_of_thor> Jeg skal kikke n?
[21:50] <john_cons> tror du ikke det er lucifer?
[21:50] <john_cons> ok
[21:52] <Son_of_thor> Jo.. jeg er ikke i tvivl om at lucifer er guden i frimurer losjerne
[21:53] <Son_of_thor> Jeg ved ikke helt hvordan frimurerne og illuminati er sammen bunde...
[21:53] <john_cons> ok, jeg forst?r
[21:54] <Son_of_thor> Men hvordan kan det v?re at du ikke har sat dig mere ind i det?
[21:54] <Son_of_thor> Du m? vel interesere dig f?r dem der har forfulgt dig?
[21:54] <john_cons> de amerikanerne p? #usa spurte meg forresten hvor jeg var fra osv., da jeg begynte ? diskutere med at de hatet ateister fra sverige
[21:54] <john_cons> jeg har da lest aviser hele livet
[21:54] <john_cons> kanskje de norske aviser ikke er s? oppdaterte
[21:54] <john_cons> jeg har pleid ? lese de fra perm til perm, s? og si
[21:55] <Son_of_thor> Ok.. men dette er ikke nogle informationer som mainstream aviser utgiver..
[21:55] <Son_of_thor> Det er mere undergrund medier..
[21:55] <john_cons> nei jeg forst?r, s? da er kanskje ikke den informasjonen s? tilgjengelig
[21:55] <john_cons> jepp, s? jeg er m?ske ikke s? flink til ? orientere meg i undergrunnen
[21:55] <Son_of_thor> Ingen aviser i norge eller evropa eller amerika udgiver s?dan noget..
[21:55] <Son_of_thor> nej nej..
[21:56] <john_cons> ikke ogs?, s? derfor blir jeg litt dum, jeg som har pleid for det meste ? lese aviser og se nyheter p? tv osv
[21:56] <john_cons> s? derfor forstod jeg heller ikke hva som skjedde, da jeg overh?rte at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', for ingen norske aviser skriver om noen slik mafia i norge
[21:57] <Son_of_thor> Har intet at g?re med norge..
[21:57] <Son_of_thor> eller at du er fra et mindre plads
[21:58] <Son_of_thor> Almindelige medier omtaler ikke illuminati eller frimurere.. fordi at spekulatoin i hvad frimurere eller illuminati laver bliver anset for at v?re konstpirations teorier..
[21:58] <Son_of_thor> Fleste folk anser konspirations teoretikere for at v?re nuts..
[21:59] <Son_of_thor>
[21:59] <Son_of_thor> Men seri?st..jeg er litt forvirret.. du snakker om at du bliver forfulgt af illuminati..
[21:59] <Son_of_thor> Nogle virkelige alvorlige sager..
[22:01] <john_cons> ok jeg forst?r, jeg har overh?rt at jeg er forfulgt av 'mafian' i Oslo
[22:01] <john_cons> jeg vet ikke om det vil si illuminati
[22:02] <john_cons> men jeg ble forfulgt p? arbeidsplassen i liverpool
[22:02] <john_cons> og det har jeg dokumenteret om, i en arbeidssak, p? nettet
[22:02] <john_cons>
[22:02] <john_cons> s? det kan jeg ihvertfall bevise
[22:03] <john_cons> det var da jeg jobbet for bertelsmann, (det store tyske firmaet) p? vegne av microsoft
[22:06] <john_cons> du m? passe deg forresten, at du ikke f?r noe 'mafian' eller illuminati p? d?ra, siden du chattet med meg p? #usa, de begynte ? sp?rre meg hvor jeg var fra osv
[22:06] <john_cons> da jeg begynte ? prate om illuminatis agenda osv, f?r jeg ble bannet der
[22:07] <Son_of_thor> hehe..
[22:07] <Son_of_thor> Jeg er ikke paranoid..
[22:08] <john_cons> neinei
[22:08] <Son_of_thor> Er ikke hent mig noget forud f?r..
[22:08] <john_cons> ok, jeg ville bare si fra for sikkerhets skyld
[22:08] <john_cons> men men
[22:12] <john_cons> hva tror du om dette danske firma som kontaktet meg om reklame p? bloggen forresten, jeg synes det virket litt underlig:
[22:12] <john_cons>
[22:13] <john_cons> dansker pleier ? kalle oss nordmenn for fjellaper, og de er generellt ikke s? veldig interessert i hva som foreg?r i norge, s? jeg lurer litt p? hva som kan lige bak denne plutselige interessen
[22:13] <john_cons> ingen dansker leser for eksempel min blogg, og heller ingen svensker, men flere hundre nordmenn hver dag, og noen f? briter
[22:14] <Son_of_thor> Lad mig lige lese det igennem..
[22:14] <Son_of_thor> Ellers m? jeg subscribe til din blog..
[22:17] <Son_of_thor> Jeg ved sku ikke :) als?.. de ville have en reklame i din blog.
[22:18] <Son_of_thor> ved ikke om det i sig selv gj?r at det er noget supsekt over det :P
[22:18] <john_cons> jo, jeg forst?r det, men jeg har s? godt som kun norske lesere p? bloggen
[22:18] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. noget som er lidt m?rkeligt er at det bliver spurgt om din adresse..
[22:18] <john_cons> alts? jeg vet litt om hva danske mener om nordmenn, og s? godt som alle sier at nordmenn er noen fjellaber, og bryr seg lite om norske forhold
[22:19] <john_cons> har du h?rt om det firma tidligere, du som vel bor i danmark?
[22:19] <Son_of_thor> ja.. hehe fjell aber er bare fordi at Danske er misundelige..
[22:19] <Son_of_thor> Danskere har nemlig ikke fjell.. Det er minus med danmark og det er de veldig misundelige p? Norm?nd F?ringer og Isl?ndere
[22:20] <john_cons> jeg svarte ogs? samtaler for microsoft, ikke ogs?, og da sier dansker hele tiden, at de 'forst?r ikke det svensk', n?r jeg talte norsk, eller fors?kte ? tale ltit dansk
[22:20] <Son_of_thor> Promotion-time?? nej aldig?
[22:20] <john_cons> burde du ikke ha h?rt om det firma, hvis det er et stort dansk firma, som kontakter folk i storbritannia og norge osv?
[22:21] <john_cons> (jeg m?tte sitte hele dagen ? svare danske samtaler, og noen unge danske de forst?r ikke norsk, s? jeg m?tte fors?ke ? tale dansk)
[22:22] <john_cons> (s? ville arvato at jeg skulle svare de danske samtaler like raskt og like fint som dansker gjorde)
[22:22] <Son_of_thor> ?hm.. Jeg ved ikke. Der findes s? mange netv?rk selskaber over hele verdenen. Internettet er en jungle.
[22:22] <john_cons> jo, jeg synes det var litt underlig, at det selskap virket litt lugubert m?ske
[22:22] <john_cons> men jeg f?r pr?ve ? finne ut mer
[22:23] <Son_of_thor> hehe.. Danskere forst?r ikke en skid af norsk eller svensk
[22:23] <Son_of_thor> Dansk er s? gr?digt.
[22:23] <john_cons> ikke sant, og jeg ble satt til ? omtrent kun svare danske samtaler
[22:23] <john_cons> hele dagen slet jeg med de danske microsoft-samtaler
[22:24] <john_cons> og de krevde at jeg skulle ta de like fint som dansker tok de samtaler, og p? like kort tid
[22:24] <john_cons> det var jo nesten umulig for meg som nordmann
[22:24] <Son_of_thor> ok..
[22:24] <Son_of_thor> Hvad er det du siger?
[22:24] <john_cons> s? jeg ble behandlet veldig d?rlig av microsoft
[22:24] <Son_of_thor> Blev du sat til en umulig opgave av microsoft?
[22:25] <john_cons> alts?, at de hadde for f? dansker hos Arvatos microsoft aktivering
[22:25] <john_cons> lige presis
[22:25] <john_cons> som jeg har pulisert om p? nettet
[22:25] <john_cons> i den link jeg skrev
[22:25] <john_cons> jeg tror det m? ha v?rt noe illumianti/mafia hos bertelsmann/microsoft
[22:25] <john_cons> jeg har flere hundre dokumenter om dette i den nenvte link
[22:26] <john_cons> jeg pr?ver ? f? aviser mm til ? skrive om det, men uten ? lykkes forel?big
[22:26] <john_cons> det sp?rs om new world order har lagt et lokk p?
[22:26] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[22:27] <Son_of_thor> ja.. new world order styrer medier. s? det bliver velig sv?rt for deg at f? det ut i almindelige aviser om du har fat i noet
[22:27] <john_cons> jo, jo har ikke klart det, jeg har kun f?tt det publisert p? scribd og blogger
[22:27] <john_cons> men jeg pr?ver ? varsle om hva som foreg?r
[22:27] <john_cons> det virket som at nordiske jenter ble brukt som gledespiker der nermest
[22:27] <john_cons> (illuminati-gledespiker m?ske)
[22:27] <john_cons> noe s?nt
[22:28] <Son_of_thor> hmm..
[22:28] <john_cons> og at det ikke er noe reellt mening med manuell produktaktivering, men at det var for ? samle unge piker, p? billig betaling, p? et geografisk omr?de
[22:28] <john_cons> det var inget definert hovedm?l f.eks.
[22:28] <john_cons> jeg har jobbet som butikksjef i oslo, s? jeg kjenner litt til ledelse og organisasjon
[22:29] <Son_of_thor> Men du burde skrive et kort resume af din tekst s?dan at folk fik bedre overblik over alt som var skjedd med dig...
[22:29] <john_cons> jo, det burde jeg nok
[22:29] <john_cons> det var en god ide
[22:29] <john_cons> jeg f?r se om jeg f?r ordnet det
[22:29] <Son_of_thor> Jeg har d?rlig nok overblik over hvad som er skjedd med dig og hvad du har funnet ud af med bare at chatte med dig og se p? bloggen..
[22:29] <Son_of_thor> Men det er veldig spennende virker det som og veldig farligt.
[22:30] <john_cons> ja jeg forst?r, det er s? mye som har skjedd, s? det er vanskelig ? oppsumere
[22:30] <john_cons> f?rst og fremst fors?ker jeg ? varsle om hva som foreg?r, siden dette ikke st?r i avisene etc
[22:30] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. en opsummering ville gj?re en verden i forskjell s?dan at folk hurtigt kunne forst? og se hvad som er skjedd..
[22:30] <Son_of_thor> Folk kunnne f? et bedre overblik og du kunne f? flere lesere..
[22:31] <Son_of_thor> F? budskabet mere klart og tydelig ut!!
[22:31] <john_cons> jo, jeg kunne kanskje skrevet en oppsumering og postet den p? bloggen
[22:31] <john_cons> jo, det var en fornuftig ide
[22:31] <john_cons> dette mafian-maset har gjort meg litt stresset, det har g?tt i et de siste ?rene
[22:32] <john_cons> politi og myndigheter ignorerer ogs? mine rettigheter, noe som jeg finner frustrerende
[22:32] <john_cons> s? hva skjedde med demokratiet?
[22:32] <john_cons> mediene er under kontroll av frimurerne, var det det du sa?
[22:32] <john_cons> jeg lurer p? om politiet ogs? er under kontroll?
[22:33] <john_cons> vil du si at frimurerne og new world order er de samme?
[22:34] <john_cons> p? f?r?yene s? har vel ikke new world order kontroll over mediene?
[22:34] <john_cons> og hvordan er det i danmark?
[22:34] <Son_of_thor> If?lge hva mange konspirations teorier g?r ut p? s? pr?ver illuminati at skaffe herred?mme og domination over n?sten hele jordenen..
[22:34] <john_cons> ved hjelp av bilderberger group f.eks?
[22:34] <Son_of_thor> Du finner masser af information om hvad det g?r ut p? om du til eksempel s?ker p? youtube under illuminati eller NWO
[22:34] <Son_of_thor> NWO (New World Order)
[22:34] <john_cons> joda, men noen ganger blir det for mye informasjon
[22:35] <Son_of_thor> Jeg ved ikke hvor mye jeg skal tro p? slikt.!!
[22:35] <john_cons> jo, jeg har lest mye om det, men jeg har v?rt litt stresset og jaget
[22:35] <john_cons> nei kanskje ikke
[22:35] <john_cons> jeg vet ihvertfall hva som skjedde p? microsoft
[22:35] <Son_of_thor> hvorfor flytter du ikke ut p? landet f?r deg noget jordbruk?
[22:36] <john_cons> jeg har ikke fem ?re
[22:36] <Son_of_thor> Arbejder du ikke?
[22:36] <john_cons> og jeg fors?ker som sagt f?rst og fremst ? varsle
[22:36] <Son_of_thor> Ja.. forst?r..
[22:36] <john_cons> ikke for ?yeblikket, jeg mistet jobben hos bertelsmann/microsoft
[22:36] <john_cons> etter at jeg fors?kte ? ta opp problemene der, og varsle politiet
[22:37] <john_cons> jeg har s?kt om asyl i storbritannia, pga forf?lgelse i norge, men blir ogs? avvist av the home office
[22:37] <Son_of_thor> Vet du hva.. om det er noen sanhet bak NWO, illuminati og frimurernes inflytelse p? verdenen, s? er poltiet, politikere og alle styret af frimurerne..
[22:37] <Son_of_thor> Frimurerne st?r i toppen..
[22:37] <john_cons> jeg f?r ikke jobb enda jeg har god utdannelse og har jobbet som butikksjef mm
[22:37] <john_cons> ok
[22:38] <Son_of_thor> S? om det er nogen sannhed bag alle konspirations teorieren , s? m? du for guds skyld passe p? deg!!
[22:38] <john_cons> joda, jeg fors?ker ? skrive om alt som skjer p? internett, f?rst og fremst den bloggen
[22:38] <john_cons> s? det er liksom mitt fors?k p? ? f? kontroll
[22:39] <john_cons> pluss at jeg fors?ker ? f? mine rettigheter fra diverse myndigheter, f?rst og fremst i norge, men ogs? i storbritannia
[22:39] <john_cons> uten ? lykkes forel?big
[22:39] <john_cons> men tror du p? gud du da, som er son of thor?
[22:39] <john_cons> bare fleiper
[22:40] <john_cons> du m? si, at da m? du for odins skyld passe p? deg
[22:40] <john_cons> ok?
[22:40] <john_cons> bare tuller
[22:40] <Son_of_thor> Om konspirations teorierne passer om illuminati s? er du ude i et farligt spil. De har nemlig fingrerne og styrer de aller fleste ting i samfundet!!
[22:40] <Son_of_thor> hehe..
[22:41] <john_cons> jo da, men hva skal man gj?re da, skal man bare gi opp og legge seg ned for ? d?, det man vel ikke akkurat gj?re heller
[22:41] <john_cons> ja, det er mulig jeg publiserer utdrag av denne samtalen p? bloggen, for ? forklare
[22:41] <john_cons> s? du f?r se opp for illuminister osv
[22:41] <Son_of_thor> Jeg er faktis kristen, men ikke s?rlig seri?s kristen og jeg jeg synes ikke politik og religion skal blandes :) Jeg tror faktis ikki p? THor.
[22:41] <john_cons> men vi prates kanskje
[22:42] <john_cons> nei, det er vel ingen som tror s? s?rlig seri?st p? thor
[22:42] <john_cons> men man tror kanskje ikke at kristne skal ha det nicket
[22:42] <Son_of_thor> Ja vi m? snakkes ved..
[22:42] <john_cons> men det er mye rart, det er vel ikke s? alvorlig
[22:42] <john_cons> og du
[22:42] <Son_of_thor> Nej jeg vet godt at dette ikke er et kristen nick :)
[22:42] <john_cons> du kunne ikke gjort meg en tjeneste forrersten?
[22:42] <Son_of_thor> Hvad?
[22:42] <john_cons> hvis du snakker med noen i f?r?yene som har studert i paris
[22:42] <john_cons> f.eks.
[22:42] <john_cons> s? hils hun pene lyse kunst-studentinnen
[22:43] <Son_of_thor> hehe.. kontakte deg?
[22:43] <john_cons> ja, det m? hun gjerne, hun var veldig h?flig og hyggelig
[22:43] <john_cons>
[22:43] <Son_of_thor> hehe ok..
[22:43] <john_cons> hun har jeg angret mange ganger at jeg ikke pratet mer med
[22:43] <john_cons> ok, takk igjen for praten
[22:43] <john_cons> ha en fin helg
[22:43] <john_cons> takk igjen
[22:43] <john_cons> bye
Session Close: Sat May 09 22:43:50 2009
Session Start: Sat May 09 22:43:52 2009
Session Ident: Son_of_thor
[22:43] Session Ident: Son_of_thor (~sdgs@
[22:43] <Son_of_thor> Bye bye
Session Close: Sat May 09 22:43:55 2009
Jeg ble bannet fra #USA på Undernet, da jeg spurte om det var sånn at amerikanerne hater svensker siden de sender hat-predikanter til Sverige. (N)
[18:57] <ChrstphrR> ILAR - well, you're here now... this is another network.
[18:57] <ILAR> ya I know cristopher
[18:57] <ILAR> thanks god
[18:58] <Son_of_thor> No USA is rich.. It?s not poor! Well appart from the big debt they have :)
[18:58] <ILAR> I don't think they are ricj
[18:58] <ILAR> rich
[18:58] <ILAR> they have lot of poverty
[18:58] <ILAR> and lot of violence
[18:58] <ILAR> caused by that poverty
[18:58] * Peter_usa has joined #usa
[18:58] <ILAR> they don't have social helps and social rights
[18:58] <GordianKnot> Yeah..I like the US
[18:58] <GordianKnot> :)
[18:58] <ChrstphrR> Real poor people, aren't overweight.
[18:58] <ILAR> for me Norway is a rich country not USA
[18:59] * Peter_usa has quit IRC (Quit)
[18:59] * denised has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> Norway is rich yes.
[18:59] <GordianKnot> obesity indicates poverty
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> But Norway is also very small
[18:59] <GordianKnot> :)))
[18:59] <ILAR> norway is not usa
[18:59] <ILAR> well and?
[18:59] <GordianKnot> it means they eat only junkfood
[18:59] <GordianKnot> because it's cheap
[18:59] <GordianKnot> : p
[18:59] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - you're from Romania aren't you?
[18:59] <CelticGem> Obesity doesnt fall into any status
[18:59] * nash has joined #usa
[18:59] <ChrstphrR> How many fat AND poor people did you know of there?
[18:59] <GordianKnot> well yes I am
[18:59] <GordianKnot> guilty as charged
[18:59] <GordianKnot> many
[18:59] <CelticGem> and junkfood is expensive
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> But it?s lots of positive records that Norway has, more gold medals per capitia in olympics than any other nation.. but in Winter OL and SUmmer OL
[18:59] <GordianKnot> no it's not
[18:59] <GordianKnot> here it isn't
[18:59] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> But Norway is small!
[19:00] <ILAR> christopher i bet that any og those fat persons are rich
[19:00] <ChrstphrR> A friend I know from there was thin as a rail all his life, because of the food lines and rationing there.
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> I think that America is better in many ways..
[19:00] <ILAR> they eat junk food because its cheap and because they don't have any culture
[19:00] * krystina36 has joined #usa
[19:00] * Butterfly30 has joined #usa
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> Scandinaiva is almost communistic..
[19:00] * nicktar has joined #usa
[19:00] <ILAR> rich people in usa buy vegetables fish meat cereals fruits
[19:00] <ILAR> etc
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> We pay over 50% in taxes
[19:00] <GordianKnot> well I dunno about your friend but lotsa poor people here are obese
[19:00] <ILAR> not macdonalds crap
[19:00] <CelticGem> ILAR vegetables are affordable nowdays
[19:00] <ILAR> scandinavia communist?
[19:01] * X sets mode: +l 114
[19:01] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - there's more prosperity there if the poor can be fat.
[19:01] <ILAR> what are you saying?
[19:01] <GordianKnot> i'm very thin and I'm not poor at all.
[19:01] <CelticGem> ILAR you have no idea what you're talking about
[19:01] <Son_of_thor> Yes if you are poor then you can only afford low quality food!!
[19:01] <ILAR> celtic you are who don't have any idea
[19:01] <GordianKnot> I'm quite fine,living a modest life,thank God
[19:01] * _Lissa has joined #usa
[19:01] <Son_of_thor> High quality food costs more.. Good meat and good vegtables and fruits cost more than some can food..
[19:01] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:01] <ILAR> usa is a poor country
[19:01] * nash has left #usa
[19:01] <GordianKnot> no.USA is pretty wealthy
[19:01] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:01] <CelticGem> check the statistics
[19:01] * merric has joined #usa
[19:01] <ILAR> maybe they are strong outside but inside they are not better than colombia or southamerica in a whole
[19:02] * ^Princess^ has joined #usa
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[19:02] <^Princess^> kisses
[19:02] <ILAR> for me usa is like colombia
[19:02] <Q^TE> ^Princess^ :))
[19:02] <ILAR> rich countries with a lot of poverty inside
[19:02] * hard_blue has joined #usa
[19:02] <PatricQ> usa belongs to china now, thats where all the money comes from these days ;)
[19:02] * Butterfly30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:02] <Son_of_thor> Per person than Scandinavia is slightly richer than USA.. But USA is far richer than average European!!!
[19:02] <CelticGem> ILAR have you actually been to the USA and seen this?
[19:02] <GordianKnot> I really wanna go to the US
[19:02] <GordianKnot> Seattle appears to be a wonderful place
[19:02] * MODEL_26Male has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:02] <CelticGem> Seattle is ok
[19:02] <Son_of_thor> I wanna go to USA too...
[19:03] <CelticGem> Ive been there lots of times
[19:03] <Son_of_thor> I wanna go to the west coast!!
[19:03] <ILAR> I've been not but my cousins went there for a trip and they saw lot of poverty, dirty houses and lot of old people working
[19:03] <ILAR> thats very sad
[19:03] <john_cons> i used to live in Norway, seems everything was more expensive there than in the UK etc
[19:03] <CelticGem> ILAR thats one city/town
[19:03] * _Lissa has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[19:03] <ILAR> no
[19:03] * cute-boys has joined #usa
[19:03] <GordianKnot> He prolly visited the East Coast
[19:03] <Son_of_thor> john_cons.. Yes Norway is extremly expensive!!
[19:03] <CelticGem> try going to places like Sandiego, Seattle, Salt Lake etc
[19:03] <CelticGem> not poor
[19:03] <ILAR> celtic I think you live in a fantasy world
[19:03] <GordianKnot> but worth every penny
[19:03] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:04] <ChrstphrR> ILAR, did you come here just to argue?
[19:04] <CelticGem> Celtic I lived on the US/Canada border
[19:04] <CelticGem> I went to the USA weekly
[19:04] <ILAR> usa has got lot of poverty and crime and violence. Any country in europe is like that
[19:04] <GordianKnot> tell me something ILAR
[19:04] <CelticGem> and have travelled all over both countries
[19:04] * krystina36 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:04] <ILAR> not even russia
[19:04] <CelticGem> Ive seen it all
[19:04] * sofie has joined #usa
[19:06] <GordianKnot> So
[19:06] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: a bit strange that everything is so expensive (jeg er norsk da forresten)
[19:06] <GordianKnot> Do you know Norwegian?
[19:06] <Son_of_thor> N? er du norsk :)
[19:06] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:07] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:07] <CelticGem> yes the USA has poverty...but so does every country in the world
[19:07] <john_cons> jepp
[19:07] <Son_of_thor> hehe.
[19:07] <GordianKnot> is it similar to Swedish ?
[19:07] <PatricQ> keep it english please
[19:07] <CelticGem> Son_of_Thor speak English
[19:07] <ILAR> celtic I'm not talking about "poverty" Im talking about real poverty
[19:07] <Son_of_thor> Jeg er fra F?r?yene john_cons
[19:07] <ChrstphrR> Thank you PatricQ, now I don't have to say it myself ;)
[19:07] <john_cons> bare har bodd i england en del ?r s? vant til ? skrive engelsk, (have just lived in the uk for some years)
[19:07] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:07] * Son_of_thor was kicked by ChrstphrR (Please respect the channel rules, and keep to english in #usa . Please Read the topic next time you join.)
[19:07] <GordianKnot> let's speak...Old English
[19:07] <ILAR> any european country has the same poverty usa have
[19:07] <PatricQ> most welcome ChrstphrR ;)
[19:07] <CelticGem> ILAr yes. But you were singling out the USA
[19:07] <GordianKnot> :p
[19:07] <Q^TE> john_cons English
[19:08] <helen|away> PatricQ didnt u understand?:P
[19:08] <john_cons> english for the surveilants
[19:08] <john_cons> ?
[19:08] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[19:08] * PatricQ hugs helen|away :)
[19:08] <PatricQ> no i didnt ;p
[19:08] <GordianKnot> English-Anglais-Ingles-Englisch-Agglika-Engleza
[19:08] <CelticGem> No English because its a channel rule
[19:08] <GordianKnot> :)
[19:08] * helen|away hugs PatricQ too :)
[19:08] <PatricQ> :)
[19:08] <CelticGem> simple
[19:08] <john_cons> okok np
[19:08] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:08] * Opeth has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:08] <john_cons> i thought most people in the us spoke spanish these days
[19:08] * helen|away thought everyone can understand norwegian :P
[19:08] <john_cons> my mistake
[19:08] * Son_of_thor has joined #usa
[19:08] <GordianKnot> they do
[19:09] <CelticGem> no
[19:09] <CelticGem> they dont
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> Thanks.. ohh well.. English only
[19:09] <GordianKnot> in the South
[19:09] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> Most? More, but most are unilingual.
[19:09] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *Hot*!*@*
[19:09] <john_cons> ok, i wouldn't konw i went to the us once, and was immideatly kicked out
[19:09] <GordianKnot> I hear most of the people use Spanish in Florida
[19:09] * Goody-- is now known as goody--
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[19:09] <CelticGem> holy bananas people. Get your facts straight before blurting things out you have no idea about.
[19:09] <john_cons> wb Son_of_thor
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - not a majority there, either.
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> I heard Romanians eat children!
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> Thanks john_cons
[19:09] <MrMan> ChrstphrR may i know why you banned me
[19:09] <GordianKnot> I disagree.
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> :p
[19:09] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: are you from the faro islands?
[19:10] * sofie has left #usa
[19:10] <Son_of_thor> john_cons Yes :) but i?m living in Denmark right now.. taking an edeucation
[19:10] <john_cons> i heard they are under danish rule
[19:10] <ChrstphrR> MrMan - you could keep the level of decorum slightly above telling blonde jokes.
[19:10] <john_cons> ok i see
[19:10] <GordianKnot> oficially English is the most popular language in Florida.But de facto Spanish is way ahead.
[19:10] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:10] * sadf has joined #usa
[19:10] <MrMan> i was teasing
[19:10] * Butterfly30 has joined #usa
[19:10] <MrMan> and i said that
[19:10] <MrMan> i was not offeding
[19:10] <john_cons> ok, i was just wondering why there are less and less people on irc i think it seems
[19:10] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - how many times have you been to Florida to confirm that?
[19:10] * |samantha| has joined #usa
[19:10] <Son_of_thor> Faroe Islands is almost as expensive as Norway.. but we don?t get payed nearly as well as norwegians
[19:10] <john_cons> maybe they are being surveiled
[19:10] <GordianKnot> I haven't.But other have.
[19:10] <GordianKnot> others*
[19:10] * sadf is now known as juJjJ
[19:10] <MrMan> and i was not the first one the who talked about blonds
[19:11] <MrMan> so
[19:11] <CelticGem> I went to Florida last year
[19:11] <CelticGem> I didnt hear any Spanish
[19:11] <GordianKnot> it depends where
[19:11] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok i've seen pictures of Thorshavn, i think it's called, with the Hafnia hotel?
[19:11] * goody-- is now known as Goody--
[19:11] <CelticGem> MrMan drop it and move on
[19:11] <john_cons> hafnia being latin for copenhagen i guess
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[19:12] * crazyyyy is now known as needafrd
[19:12] <GordianKnot> It's a good thing I speak Spanish fluently
[19:12] <Son_of_thor> Yes Hotel Hafnia thas right. thats in the center of Torshavn
[19:12] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*
[19:12] * MrMan was kicked by ChrstphrR (Since you're here to argue... don' be here.)
[19:12] <Son_of_thor> Do you live in norway john_cons ?
[19:12] <GordianKnot> So I'm prepared to go to Florida
[19:12] * Zaid has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:12] <ChrstphrR> I heard Romanians speak mostly Greek now.
[19:12] <john_cons> no i live in liverpool, i used to live in oslo
[19:12] <GordianKnot> :))
[19:12] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:12] <ChrstphrR> And they all wear polka-dot trousers.
[19:12] <PatricQ> lol
[19:12] <GordianKnot> Greek is the language of my heart
[19:13] <ChrstphrR> I read it on the interweb, so it must be true.
[19:13] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: i was in paris in 2005, and i met this beautiful faro girl that studied art in paris, do you know who this is?
[19:13] * ChrstphrR rolls his eyes
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[19:13] * X sets mode: +l 111
[19:13] <GordianKnot> don't reply only one ONE source.
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[19:13] <Son_of_thor> john_cons No i don?t :)
[19:13] <GordianKnot> even the name "Florida" is Spanish
[19:13] <GordianKnot> =))
[19:13] * ANDREW-ROBER has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:13] <john_cons> ok, np, she was with some danish students, so she probably lives in denmark or something now
[19:14] <etienne30> nice guy here anyone
[19:14] <Son_of_thor> Well We have beautiful girls just like Norway has...
[19:14] * truestworthy has left #usa
[19:14] <GordianKnot> it means I gotta visit Norway as well
[19:14] <GordianKnot> =)
[19:14] * cute-boys has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
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[19:14] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yeah, and this girl from the faro islands was also polite, and she understood norwegian
[19:15] <^Princess^> kisses
[19:15] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: but i didn't get her name, so i was a bit stupid
[19:15] <john_cons> but anyway
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> john_cons: well all faroese understand Norwegian. Norwegian is like a mix between Faroese and Danish :P
[19:15] * Gemini_p has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:15] <john_cons> yeah that's right i guess
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> We learn danish in school
[19:15] <GordianKnot> faroese is what ?
[19:15] <Q^TE> for who ^Princess^ ?:P
[19:15] <^Princess^> :))
[19:15] <^Princess^> my friends
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> GordianKnot the lange spoken by people from Faroe Islands
[19:16] <Q^TE> many friends ^Princess^?:P
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> A north Germanic Language.. related to Icelandic and western norweigan
[19:16] <john_cons> ok i see, that's right. denmark lost norway to sweden after the napoleon-wars, but denmark kept greenland and iceland and the faro islands
[19:16] <GordianKnot> which country do those islands belong to?
[19:16] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> Yes thats right.. john_cons
[19:16] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: i think the faro language is easier to understand than icelandic for norwegians
[19:16] <GordianKnot> did I wrote it correctly?
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> GordianKnot to ourselfs :) but we are stuck with Denmark in an Union!!
[19:16] <^Princess^> a lot
[19:17] <^Princess^> :)))
[19:17] <john_cons> iceland became independant after the 2 world war
[19:17] <GordianKnot> write*
[19:17] <GordianKnot> damn it
[19:17] <GordianKnot> I'ma chop off my fingers
[19:17] * goodmusic has joined #usa
[19:17] <^Princess^> kiss also for you Q^TE
[19:17] -goodmusic:#usa- 12,1The Best radio ever, to listen click ==> <== and for chat join ==> <== PARTY!!!
[19:17] <goodmusic> 12,1The Best radio ever, to listen click ==> <== and for chat join ==> <== PARTY!!!
[19:17] * Xarana sets mode: +b *!*
[19:17] * goodmusic was kicked by Xarana (Banned: Advertise/Invite/Spam detected. Advertising/Inviting/Spamming is not tolerated on this channel.)
[19:17] <GordianKnot> ah..Iceland
[19:17] <Q^TE> haha thx ^Princess^ :))
[19:17] <Q^TE> only one?:P
[19:17] * needafrd has left #usa
[19:17] <Son_of_thor> john_cons we are semi independant, but Denmark is holding tightly on to us.. We need to take over a few things to be fully independant :)
[19:18] * X sets mode: +l 108
[19:18] * |samantha| has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:18] <^Princess^> :))
[19:18] <^Princess^> yes
[19:18] <^Princess^> just only one
[19:18] <^Princess^> :))
[19:18] <^Princess^> for you
[19:18] <Q^TE> thx:))
[19:18] <GordianKnot> I hear Icelandic has changed so little that its speakers understand perfectly Old English
[19:18] <^Princess^> ok
[19:18] * Geminigirl has joined #usa
[19:18] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok, that's right. you still have the old parliament right. the allthing?
[19:18] <GordianKnot> is that true?
[19:18] <GordianKnot> :)))
[19:18] <GordianKnot> wait
[19:19] * POLICE_SK has joined #usa
[19:19] <john_cons> GordianKnot: yes i think they could understand that, icelandic is like people spoke in norway a thousand years ago almost
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> john_cons yes L?kk-tingi.. one of the oldest parliment. Icelanders have Altingi
[19:19] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok, sorry i have to read up
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> In Norway it?s called something with Tingi.
[19:19] * Co0ooL-Man has joined #usa
[19:19] <GordianKnot> can you speak Icelandic?
[19:19] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> Sweden it?s Riksdagen.
[19:19] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yes it's the storting, since 1814 or something i think
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> Well no i can not speak Icelandic :) i understand some of it. I can read it..
[19:19] <john_cons> ok
[19:20] * ISABELLA^^26 has joined #usa
[19:20] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:20] * X sets mode: +l 111
[19:20] <john_cons> GordianKnot: nope i can't. i was at a sugarcubes concert in oslo once. where Bj?rk sang, since she was in the group, but i didn't understand what they sang
[19:20] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[19:20] <GordianKnot> Bjork
[19:20] <john_cons> yep
[19:20] <GordianKnot> you know..I look a bit like her
[19:20] <Badkiss> hi people! :D
[19:20] <Q^TE> Badkiss :)
[19:20] * ^Princess^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:21] <Badkiss> hi q^te! wat'z up? :D
[19:21] <GordianKnot> I like Bjork,especially when she gets mad
[19:21] <Badkiss> i never got to ask if u were a boy or a girl
[19:21] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:21] <Q^TE> everything u cant reach is up Badkiss:P
[19:21] <Son_of_thor> Faroese layes between Icelandic and Western Norwegian so to speak... and ICelandic is more complex than Faroese... Faroese has lots of similarites with Icelandic in written text.. but soundwse then Faroese lays closer to Western norweigan
[19:21] <john_cons> GordianKnot: i get a bit afraid here
[19:21] <john_cons> only joking
[19:21] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:21] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:21] <GordianKnot> she'd eat you alive if you got on her nerves
[19:21] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:22] <john_cons> yeah, i think she must be dangerous
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> Son_of_thor - probably becausethe Faroes are closer, and more trade and more contact was maintained with europe?
[19:22] <john_cons> not good
[19:22] <john_cons> only joking
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[19:22] <Badkiss> what are faroes? @.@
[19:22] <GordianKnot> isles
[19:22] <Son_of_thor> Yes ChrstphrR thats right :)
[19:22] <GordianKnot> islands
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> They're a set of islands in the North atlantic.
[19:22] <Badkiss> ooooooooh..
[19:22] <Son_of_thor> Badkiss Islands in the north atlanic.
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> Google maps is your friend there, Badkiss.
[19:22] <GordianKnot> do they have Polar bears?
[19:23] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yeah i read a bit on the faro wikipedia, just of curiosity, and i could understand some of it, more than on the icelandic wiki
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[19:23] <Son_of_thor> The magnifisent empire of Faroe Islands.. with half billon of people live :P
[19:23] <GordianKnot> really?!
[19:23] <ChrstphrR> heh. Half a billion ;)
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[19:23] <ChrstphrR> Knock off a few zeros.
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[19:24] <Son_of_thor> No it?s only 49.000 people liveing there :p
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[19:24] <GordianKnot> do they have Polar bears there?
[19:24] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:24] * amir1 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:24] <Badkiss> i wanna have a penguin
[19:24] <Son_of_thor> Polar bears are not in Faroe Islands..are only in greenland, svalbard and (i think sometimes in Iceland and Norwthern norway)
[19:24] <GordianKnot> A penguin bit me once
[19:24] <Badkiss> waaaaaaaaaaa.. @.@
[19:24] <ChrstphrR> And Canada and Alaska, and likely Russia too.
[19:25] <john_cons> no i don't think icebears are in northern norway
[19:25] <GordianKnot> I thought they were also present in Northern Russia
[19:25] <GordianKnot> ah
[19:25] <john_cons> i think
[19:25] <GordianKnot> I love mother Russia
[19:25] <Badkiss> are u russian?
[19:25] * ttigerr has joined #usa
[19:25] <GordianKnot> no
[19:25] <GordianKnot> but my ancestors were...probably
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[19:26] <Son_of_thor> brb gonna get myself a cup of coffee
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[19:26] <GordianKnot> we're a very heterogeneous country you know.
[19:26] <Badkiss> huhuhu i miss bikerdawg
[19:26] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:26] * amir1 has joined #usa
[19:26] <Badkiss> america?
[19:26] <GordianKnot> no.
[19:26] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:26] * Twilight18 has joined #usa
[19:26] <Badkiss> what country are u talking about?
[19:27] <GordianKnot> the land of the Romans from the East
[19:27] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:27] <Badkiss> greece? lol hahaha
[19:27] <GordianKnot> no no
[19:27] <GordianKnot> not Bzantium
[19:27] <GordianKnot> byzantium*
[19:27] * ale^17 has joined #usa
[19:27] <GordianKnot> =)))
[19:27] <Badkiss> im too lazy to search in google map
[19:27] <GordianKnot> but pretty close to Greece
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[19:28] <GordianKnot> Bulgaria separates us from Greece
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[19:28] * X sets mode: +l 115
[19:28] <Badkiss> o.O
[19:28] <ChrstphrR> Don't you border Turkey, as well?
[19:28] <GordianKnot> nope
[19:28] <Badkiss> chrstphrR is a wiz in geography lol
[19:28] * Daze__ has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[19:28] <GordianKnot> we border:
[19:28] * Connie^ has joined #usa
[19:28] <GordianKnot> Ukraine,the Moldavian Republic,Hungary,Bulgaria,Montenegru
[19:29] * ChrstphrR checks his atlas...
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[19:29] <GordianKnot> I love Turkey,though.
[19:29] <Badkiss> lol chrs
[19:29] <ChrstphrR> I'm rusty with all the name changes, there's over 200 nations to keep straight in my mind ;)
[19:29] <GordianKnot> I gotta go to Ystanbul
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[19:29] <Badkiss> is israel near there?
[19:29] <ChrstphrR> Oh, so it is - Bulgaria separates you from Turkey. :P
[19:30] <GordianKnot> hmm
[19:30] * X sets mode: +l 119
[19:30] <GordianKnot> I think Syria and Lebanon separate the two
[19:30] <GordianKnot> But it's pretty close to Israel
[19:30] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:30] <Twilight18> you can check it on google maps :)
[19:30] <GordianKnot> yeah.I like Bulgaria too.
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[19:31] * shahh has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:31] <GordianKnot> I hear that when you go close to the Danube you can see the lights from the Bulgarian side,if it's dark
[19:31] <GordianKnot> Must be a wonderful sight
[19:31] * X sets mode: +l 116
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[19:31] <ChrstphrR> Which city do you live in, GordianKnot?
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[19:31] <GordianKnot> Romania
[19:31] <ChrstphrR> That's not a city :)
[19:31] <GordianKnot> oh
[19:31] <GordianKnot> sorry
[19:32] <GordianKnot> I mean
[19:32] * serje has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:32] <GordianKnot> Bucharest
[19:32] <GordianKnot> the capital city
[19:32] <ChrstphrR> Oh okay, in the capital.
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[19:32] <Twilight18> do you know Macedonia? what do u think about it?
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[19:32] <Badkiss> europe is where all of the histories are right?
[19:32] <GordianKnot> H
[19:32] <GordianKnot> you mean
[19:32] <Badkiss> and asia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> the Republic of Makedonia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> right?
[19:33] * amir1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:33] <Twilight18> yes
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I like it
[19:33] * POLICE_SK has quit IRC (Quit: Internet Caffe : Saraj@NET : : w w w . Top . aL :)
[19:33] * helen|away is now known as helen4ever
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[19:33] <Son_of_thor> Hey again.
[19:33] <Twilight18> I'm from macedonia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> the Republic?
[19:33] <Twilight18> yes
[19:33] <GordianKnot> cool
[19:33] <Twilight18> :)
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I think one of my grandfathers was Makedonian
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I'm not sure though
[19:34] <Twilight18> that's nice
[19:34] <GordianKnot> some of my ancestors were either Russian,Macedonian or tartars
[19:34] <Badkiss> so where are all of the cool places in europe?
[19:35] <Son_of_thor> Well john_cons you left the Fjords and mountains of Norway for England? why could that be?
[19:35] <ChrstphrR> Badkiss - you should take aCheekyMonke's advice, and find out ;)
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[19:35] <GordianKnot> well...what do you mean by cool? For me,Athens-Rome-Moscow-Ystanbul are te coolest
[19:35] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:35] <Badkiss> yeah, he helped me with the tour thingy
[19:35] <Badkiss> like the easiest way to get in is in iceland
[19:35] <Badkiss> then go way down
[19:35] <ChrstphrR> That I wouldn't've known
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[19:36] <Badkiss> he searched it in wikipedia o.O
[19:36] <ChrstphrR> Iceland would be interesting to see, with all the geothermal works they have.
[19:36] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR yes they have free energy so to speak.
[19:36] <Badkiss> geothermal
[19:36] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaw.. lucky
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[19:37] <ChrstphrR> Easier to harness free energy ... but the occasional erruptions are not always good news there.
[19:37] <Son_of_thor> Iceland useses alot of energy but it?s all clean energy!! Geotermal and hydroelectric!!
[19:37] * HailSnail has joined #usa
[19:37] <HailSnail> damn it
[19:37] <Badkiss> hi hailsnail :D
[19:37] <HailSnail> I crashed
[19:37] * starmal27 has left #usa
[19:37] <ChrstphrR> It's frickin' cold in the north, they should use lots of energy ;)
[19:37] * krystina36 has joined #usa
[19:37] <HailSnail> I looooooooove the cold
[19:37] * X sets mode: +l 119
[19:37] <Badkiss> i hate the cold
[19:37] <Twilight18> haha visit Aljaska then :)
[19:37] <HailSnail> My ancestors were Polar bears
[19:37] <ChrstphrR> I'm sure the Faroes are cold in the winter, aren't they?
[19:37] <Badkiss> lol!
[19:38] * PatricQ is off, take care all
[19:38] <Badkiss> buhbye patricq
[19:38] <PatricQ> bye bye Badkiss
[19:38] <HailSnail> what is greener than the grass?
[19:38] <HailSnail> : p
[19:38] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR not so extremly cold as you could expect :). It?s mild because of oceaan climate.. But having said that then it?s realy not warm in the summer either..
[19:38] <Badkiss> lol! there's a dance step called the credit card swipe
[19:38] * PatricQ bows
[19:38] * krystina36 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:38] <Badkiss> and milking the cow
[19:38] <Q^TE> tc PatricQ:)
[19:38] <Badkiss> that's weird
[19:38] <PatricQ> u too Q^TE
[19:38] <HailSnail> what is colder than ice?
[19:39] * PatricQ has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:39] <helen4ever> PatricQ
[19:39] <helen4ever> mh
[19:39] <Badkiss> dry ice
[19:39] <helen4ever> late :P
[19:39] <Son_of_thor> It?s no diffrence betwwen summer and winter here :) a bit boring at times.. But i love the clean air that is in Faroe Islands.
[19:39] <ChrstphrR> Oh, so you get moderated temperatures... I bet it's windy/breezy most of the time then.
[19:39] <HailSnail> DEATH is colder than ice
[19:39] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR Yes it gets very windy!!
[19:39] <ChrstphrR> I grew up near some of the Great Lakes, so I'm familiar with how that goes...
[19:40] <HailSnail> my name is Tamur
[19:40] <ChrstphrR> Lake Superior made me pretty jaded when I saw the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean for the first time on the shore.
[19:40] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR 40 m/s sometimes.. It?s also why our houses are extremly strong built..
[19:40] <HailSnail> I come from Mongolia
[19:40] <Badkiss> where are u from tamur?
[19:40] <HailSnail> and I like to drink fermented milk from my mare
[19:40] <HailSnail> : p
[19:40] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR Yeah you in USA have lots of expericen with storms as well!!
[19:40] * `lorelai` has joined #usa
[19:40] <Son_of_thor> expericne
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[19:40] <ChrstphrR> HailSnail - hullo again NodulGordian ...
[19:40] <HailSnail> heddo
[19:40] * YAHOO_BOY has left #usa
[19:40] <ChrstphrR> Well, I'm actually Canadian.
[19:41] <MuPPeT> Oo
[19:41] <HailSnail> from the French or from the English part?
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> Grew up right on the border - a different part than where CelticGem grew up
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> English part, in the time span I was living in it.
[19:41] <Son_of_thor> Ok ChrstphrR :)
[19:41] <Twilight18> i don't like greece
[19:41] * SEXY_FOX has joined #usa
[19:41] * Xarana sets mode: +b *sex*!*@*
[19:41] * SEXY_FOX was kicked by Xarana (Banned: Lame nick - change it!)
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> But my hometown has a french name from when it was originally settled.
[19:41] <HailSnail> why not?
[19:41] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*Alybhai@*
[19:41] <HailSnail> cool
[19:41] * ricck has left #usa (Leaving)
[19:41] <Twilight18> becouse it's enemy no.1 to my country
[19:41] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
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[19:42] * X sets mode: +o rena`
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[19:42] <HailSnail> no it's not.
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[19:42] <HailSnail> your pride is your enemy
[19:42] * X sets mode: +l 99
[19:42] <HailSnail> : p
[19:42] <ChrstphrR> Hrm, server barfed.
[19:42] <CelticGem> lol
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[19:42] <Twilight18> however,we're bad with them..
[19:42] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaaw
[19:42] * rena` has quit IRC (Registered)
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[19:42] * * sets mode: +o rena`
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[19:42] <Badkiss> what happened?
[19:42] * _KinG`PiN is now known as KinG`PiN
[19:42] <HailSnail> net split
[19:42] * rena` is now known as Dark|Angel
[19:43] * ale^17 has joined #usa
[19:43] <ChrstphrR> Badkiss - someone tripped on a power cord and rebooted a server.
[19:43] * X sets mode: +l 105
[19:43] <Badkiss> ooooh.. but that's a lot of people
[19:43] * Just-a-Man has joined #usa
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[19:43] <Badkiss> no wait i dont wanna get there lol
[19:43] <Badkiss> my brain is retarded :))
[19:43] * HailSnail is now known as GordianKnot
[19:43] <GordianKnot> last
[19:44] * RPM- has joined #usa
[19:44] * X sets mode: +l 108
[19:44] <ChrstphrR> Jeez, Europe is so tiny compared to Canada :P
[19:44] <Badkiss> lol!
[19:44] <Badkiss> can someone be my teddy bear?
[19:44] <Badkiss> :)
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> I'm looking over the map in comparison... where i've travelled off in just two countries... :P
[19:45] <GordianKnot> well don't forget
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[19:45] <greebo_Brat> and far less liberal, these days :\
[19:45] <GordianKnot> Russia is bigger than Canada
[19:45] <Badkiss> lol there is goes again
[19:45] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:45] * m_handsome has joined #usa
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - I'm sure the distances there would remind me of here.
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[19:45] * X sets mode: +l 100
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> My nearest relatives are 5-1/2 hours by car.
[19:45] <MuPPeT> Canada .. hmmm load of hills , Holland just lots of homps we call hills
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> My hometown's 24h by car.
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[19:45] * Panther^^ has joined #usa
[19:46] <ChrstphrR> ... and that's no where near going entirely west to east yet.
[19:46] * greebo_Brat notes holand is also not very liberal
[19:46] * Ompahpah sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:46] <MuPPeT> hehe
[19:46] <MuPPeT> hi Greeb
[19:46] * `lorelai` has quit IRC (Quit)
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[19:46] <greebo_Brat> evenin Mr MuPPeT
[19:46] <MuPPeT> thnx :)
[19:46] <GordianKnot> holland is very liberal
[19:47] <Q^TE> greebo_Brat :)
[19:47] <GordianKnot> you can smoke weed,go visit the red quarter
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[19:47] <GordianKnot> or whatever you call it
[19:47] * yesorno has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:47] <GordianKnot> it's the most tolerant country in europe
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> but you can't go and airsoft
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> skirmish
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> ergo, not liberal or tolerant at all
[19:48] <GordianKnot> it's liberty and tolerance are not unlimited
[19:48] <greebo_Brat> they also dont know how to cook chips over there, damned things arent soggy
[19:48] <GordianKnot> its*
[19:48] <GordianKnot> damn it
[19:48] * Badkiss has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:48] * nicktar has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:48] <GordianKnot> i really gotta brush up on my English
[19:48] <MuPPeT> we have lays chips :D
[19:48] * turkish_m has quit IRC (Quit: 4,1 -=^ 14,1C15,1aNa15,10,1VaR 4,1^=- 0,1 8.5 0,1Phenomen 15,1Download : 0,1http://0,1www.canavar.0,1net/
[19:49] * X sets mode: +l 97
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> er, I mean chips, not crisps?
[19:49] <MuPPeT> lol
[19:49] <GordianKnot> hold on
[19:49] * curious^man has joined #usa
[19:49] <GordianKnot> when you say chips
[19:49] <GordianKnot> do you mean,french fries?
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> They've been clamping down on that more, because they're tired of the rest of the world's slackers coming to visit.
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> no GordianKnot
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> greebo_Brat, you'll have to come to Canada then.
[19:49] <curious^man> i wonder why a pretty girl like Heidi Klum married an ugly black negro ?
[19:49] * nabilcasa has left #usa
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> I don't know if KFC needs an IT guy though, 'cause your company doesn't have any holdings here :)
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> I mean chips
[19:49] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> what you call "steak fries" ...
[19:49] * curious^man was kicked by ChrstphrR (YHBT YHL HAND Bye, Troll *waves*)
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> not the small itty bitty thin pieces of fried card board
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> I haven't seen that troll in here for weeks.
[19:49] <GordianKnot> steak fries?
[19:49] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
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[19:50] <GordianKnot> ok I'm getting hungry now
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[19:50] <greebo_Brat> GordianKnot big chunky "fries"
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya greebo
[19:50] <GordianKnot> Well I guess I'll never know what "chips" means
[19:50] <Q^TE> Bikerdawg_ :)
[19:50] <ChrstphrR> English, that universal language where a Canadian can't fathom a word that a Brit says ;)
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Q hiya
[19:50] <helen4ever> Bikerdawg_ ! :)
[19:50] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - he means the size of the cut of the potatoes.
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Helen! Lol
[19:50] <helen4ever> lol ?!
[19:50] <GordianKnot> fathom=measure ?
[19:51] <helen4ever> so funny to see me?:P
[19:51] <CelticGem> innit Chris
[19:51] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:51] <ILAR> hi
[19:51] <ChrstphrR> fathom - in that case, it's not the measure, but it means to understand.
[19:51] <GordianKnot> aha
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[19:51] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*jgreen2@*
[19:51] <ILAR> have any one seen the movie vicky cristina and barcelona?
[19:51] * slotman7 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: lamah)
[19:51] <Bikerdawg_> No helen but ya always put a "!" after my name
[19:51] <helen4ever> next time i wont :)
[19:51] <MuPPeT> ILAR . you ?
[19:51] <ChrstphrR> You'll learn all sorts of archaic english words no one uses in everyday speech from me, GordianKnot :P
[19:51] * ale^17 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:51] <ILAR> es
[19:51] <ILAR> yes
[19:51] <CelticGem> Chris like...?
[19:51] <GordianKnot> I did stumble across that word when I was reading Dickens
[19:52] * Jj` sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:52] * GordianKnot was kicked by Jj` (Potty mouth)
[19:52] <ChrstphrR> Like fathom, betwixt
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> ILAR i have seen that movie
[19:52] <ChrstphrR> Gah. False positive
[19:52] <Bikerdawg_> Lol doesnt matter helen i jst found it funny is all
[19:52] <CelticGem> ahh I use those
[19:52] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*@
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[19:52] * * sets mode: +o LilleHopp
[19:52] <CelticGem> I hate that script
[19:52] <ILAR> and what dark did u like it
[19:52] <GordianKnot> thanks chris
[19:52] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya DA celtic and chris
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> NO ILAR
[19:52] <MuPPeT> rofl
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> boring movie
[19:52] <ILAR> ya me neither
[19:52] * LilleHopp sets mode: -bb *!*jgreen2@* *!*@
[19:52] <ILAR> yes
[19:52] <CelticGem> Lo BD!!
[19:52] <ILAR> very boring
[19:52] * Dark|Angel slaaaaapppppps Bikerdawg_ around with a pillow
[19:52] * X sets mode: +l 107
[19:52] <GordianKnot> bikerdawg
[19:53] <Bikerdawg_> Hi gordian
[19:53] <GordianKnot> what is whiter than milk?
[19:53] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:53] <Bikerdawg_> How is everyone today?
[19:53] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[19:53] * CelticGem is mellow today
[19:53] <MuPPeT> all fine,......... i need a drink
[19:54] <GordianKnot> i'm super dawg
[19:54] <Bikerdawg_> Good good
[19:54] <GordianKnot> so dawg
[19:55] <GordianKnot> how's you?
[19:55] * danaVVvvv has joined #usa
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[19:55] <Bikerdawg_> Im good ty gordian
[19:55] * Handsome2829 has joined #usa
[19:55] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*@*
[19:55] * Handsome2829 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: warez bot)
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[19:56] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:56] * CCam was kicked by Q^TE (CCam)
[19:56] <GordianKnot> good
[19:56] <GordianKnot> why's everybody so silent?
[19:56] <Bikerdawg_> Cuz i got here lol
[19:56] <MuPPeT> oh yes, im back
[19:56] <ChrstphrR> Yes, shh... Bikerdawg_'s here.
[19:56] <CelticGem> we're sleeping
[19:56] * ChrstphrR should be hungry... and is
[19:56] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao chris
[19:57] <Bikerdawg_> Wb muppet
[19:57] * Mister_5AR has joined #usa
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[19:57] <Dark|Angel> and u ignored me:P
[19:57] * MuPPeT gives ChrstphrR some verry old cookies to eat
[19:57] <GordianKnot> chinese food
[19:57] <GordianKnot> deliciooous
[19:57] * engineer_29 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:57] <GordianKnot> but,unfortunately,I can't eat it.
[19:57] <CelticGem> popcorn!!
[19:57] <GordianKnot> I'm alergic to cats and dogs
[19:57] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:57] <CelticGem> eww
[19:57] <Bikerdawg_> Who did DA?
[19:57] * inzahouse has joined #usa
[19:57] <Dark|Angel> u
[19:58] <MuPPeT> lol
[19:58] <CelticGem> inza!!
[19:58] <Bikerdawg_> Nope i said hi to ya before ya beat me wiff a pillow
[19:58] * guy18 has joined #usa
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> ops
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> my bad;p
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> didnt see it:D
[19:58] <Bikerdawg_> Np hun
[19:58] * Mister_5AR has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:58] * JACKY-CHAN23 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:58] <GordianKnot> irini
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> yes
[19:59] * Dark|Angel hugs Bikerdawg_ tight
[19:59] <GordianKnot> what's sharper than a thorn ?
[19:59] * Jasmin` Hi
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> my tongue
[19:59] <MuPPeT> womans nails
[19:59] <ChrstphrR> Oscar Wilde's wit?
[19:59] * ttigerr has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[19:59] <GordianKnot> hunger!
[19:59] * mr`chips has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[19:59] <Bikerdawg_> Wooohoooo imma lucky dawg. Hugs DA tight back
[19:59] * Connor1 has joined #usa
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> :)
[19:59] <CelticGem> a netsplit?
[19:59] * RolsenRoyce has joined #usa
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[19:59] <ILAR> well im leaving
[19:59] <ILAR> byeee
[19:59] * cynic_ has joined #usa
[19:59] * X sets mode: +l 102
[19:59] <GordianKnot> buh byeee
[19:59] * mr`chips has joined #usa
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[19:59] * mr`chips has joined #usa
[19:59] <ILAR> u alll
[19:59] * Just-a-Man has joined #usa
[19:59] <ILAR> chaooo
[19:59] * medicine4 has joined #usa
[19:59] <MuPPeT> laters ILAR
[19:59] * needAgirlfri has joined #usa
[20:00] <ILAR> laters muppet chaoo
[20:00] * ILAR has left #usa
[20:00] * maryem has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:00] <GordianKnot> Hug me till you drug me honeeeeyyy
[20:00] * maryem has joined #usa
[20:00] <GordianKnot> kiss me till im inaa comaaaaaa
[20:00] <GordianKnot> hug me honeey snuggly bunnyyyy
[20:00] <GordianKnot> love is as good as somaaaa
[20:00] <CelticGem> munchies time!!
[20:00] <Bikerdawg_> Gonna share celtic?
[20:00] * X sets mode: +l 105
[20:00] * ttigerr has joined #usa
[20:00] * maryem has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:00] <CelticGem> Dont be silly!
[20:00] <GordianKnot> a miligram is better than a damn
[20:00] <CelticGem> no!
[20:00] * kornea has joined #usa
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[20:01] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwwww celtic doeant love me anymore
[20:01] <GordianKnot> I love that book
[20:01] <CelticGem> do too
[20:01] * eros777 has joined #usa
[20:01] <CelticGem> ok ok
[20:01] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:01] <Bikerdawg_> Just loves her snacks more? Lol
[20:01] * CelticGem offers BD a handfull of popcorn
[20:02] <GordianKnot> so irini
[20:02] <Bikerdawg_> Mmmmmm popcorn ty
[20:02] <GordianKnot> tell me something
[20:02] <CelticGem> :)
[20:02] <GordianKnot> do you study archaic Greek at school?
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[20:03] * X sets mode: +l 108
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[20:04] <GordianKnot> cat got your tongue?
[20:04] <Dark|Angel> yes GordianKnot
[20:04] <Dark|Angel> we do study archea greek
[20:04] <GordianKnot> cool
[20:04] <MuPPeT> sounds old
[20:05] <GordianKnot> does it have the /sho/ sound?
[20:05] <GordianKnot> :d
[20:05] * Scottish has joined #usa
[20:05] * arie_13 later guys..of to bed
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[20:05] <Q^TE> Scottish:)
[20:05] <Scottish> Salutations, ave and greetings !
[20:05] * hayem has left #usa
[20:05] <GordianKnot> hey there lad
[20:05] <MuPPeT> thank you
[20:05] * AsuKa___ has joined #usa
[20:05] * Jasmin` Evelynne Kiss kiss kiss
[20:05] * _Man_Alone has joined #usa
[20:05] <GordianKnot> you know,one of my University teachers's Scottish
[20:06] <Bikerdawg_> Hi Q scottish and asuka
[20:06] <Scottish> GordianKnot: ?Pardon me".... Do I know you. ?
[20:06] <Scottish> Bikerdawg_: Hello mate !
[20:08] <Scottish> So how's it goin ?
[20:09] <AsuKa___> Hi everyone
[20:09] <GordianKnot> Maybe you do maybe you don't.I change my nickname every time I come here.
[20:09] <Q^TE> Bikerdawg_ :)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> everytime*
[20:09] <Bikerdawg_> Hows it goin scottish? Good here thanks
[20:09] <Q^TE> u didnt se me even before Bikerdawg_:)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> no
[20:09] <GordianKnot> ait
[20:09] <Scottish> GordianKnot: I don't wanna fill my head ^_^ it's already filled 4UP :)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> every time*
[20:09] <GordianKnot> that's better
[20:09] <Bikerdawg_> No Qi didnt sorry bro
[20:09] * alpertunga has joined #usa
[20:10] <GordianKnot> well don't.Let's empty it for a change
[20:10] <Q^TE> np :))
[20:10] * yaXuR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:10] <GordianKnot> braaaain
[20:10] <Scottish> Bikerdawg_: Well, it's wonderful to know that.
[20:10] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:10] <GordianKnot> I need braaaaain
[20:10] * yaXuR has joined #usa
[20:10] * Scottish is now known as Unknown`
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[20:10] <GordianKnot> don't hiiiiiiiide
[20:10] <GordianKnot> I wanna chew your tasty lobes
[20:10] <Bikerdawg_> Could only be better if i didnt have 12 hour work days this weekend scottish
[20:11] <GordianKnot> and carry them in my stomach for a few days
[20:11] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: 12 hours? thats all?
[20:11] * x_X_x has left #usa
[20:11] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[20:11] * m_handsome has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:12] * GordianKnot cuts unknown's skull and shoves a mixer in his brains
[20:12] <GordianKnot> yuum yuuuuum
[20:12] <Bikerdawg_> Lol yeah but i shouldnt say work 12 cuz im lying i dont really do much work lol
[20:12] <Unknown`> I'm workin since 72 hours ago i spent 3 slepless nights and this night is the 4th ...... i'm not feelin good mate. :)
[20:12] * Badkiss slaps Bikerdawg_ around a bit with a large trout
[20:12] * GordianKnot puts a straw in unknown's mashed brains and sucks them
[20:12] <Unknown`> sleepless
[20:12] <Bikerdawg_> Sorry to hear it unknown
[20:12] * AaSaBi has joined #usa
[20:12] <Unknown`> we're all workin hardly ^_^ you are not alone :)
[20:12] <GordianKnot> selam asabi
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Badkisssssssss hiya hun
[20:13] <GordianKnot> how's you?
[20:13] <GordianKnot> :d
[20:13] * AaSaBi is online right now for a short time :)
[20:13] <AaSaBi> hi gordion
[20:13] <Badkiss> hi biker :D
[20:13] <AaSaBi> :)
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Hi aasabi
[20:13] <GordianKnot> what's up?
[20:13] <AaSaBi> hi biker:) how r ya doing?
[20:13] <mEXIcANAX> his
[20:13] <MuPPeT> does me give a good feeling to see you all can get along with eachother :D
[20:13] * danaVVvvv has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:13] * Con_Fu_Se has joined #usa
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Im good and you aasabi?
[20:13] * shahhh has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:13] <MuPPeT> Con_Fu_Seeeeee
[20:14] <Badkiss> sleeeeeeepy
[20:14] <AaSaBi> fine just tired I ve so many claases today
[20:14] <Con_Fu_Se> hey all
[20:14] <GordianKnot> classes?
[20:14] <GordianKnot> what do you teach ?
[20:14] <Bikerdawg_> I generally can get along with anyone
[20:14] <Badkiss> con fu se u chinese?
[20:14] <GordianKnot> kon fu zi
[20:14] <GordianKnot> no?
[20:14] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: are you?
[20:14] <Badkiss> its confucious?
[20:14] * Jj` sets mode: +b *!*
[20:14] * Badkiss was kicked by Jj` (And another one bites the dust)
[20:14] * lori14 has joined #usa
[20:15] <GordianKnot> yeah
[20:15] <GordianKnot> ;)
[20:15] <Con_Fu_Se> o_O
[20:15] <AaSaBi> Chemistry
[20:15] <GordianKnot> cool!
[20:15] <GordianKnot> i like chemistry
[20:15] <Bikerdawg_> Hmmm wonder why she got kicked
[20:15] <Unknown`> :)
[20:15] <AaSaBi> dont make Jj angry :)
[20:16] <Con_Fu_Se> tight heristics on the f words from the bot I guess
[20:16] * GordianKnot is listening to a lovely song and sings: lunaa mi-a zambiiiitttttttt
[20:16] <Con_Fu_Se> *word
[20:16] <Unknown`> ?
[20:16] <GordianKnot> i love that song
[20:16] <Bikerdawg_> Yup con
[20:16] * j0hNnY_ has joined #usa
[20:16] * Jj` sets mode: -b *!*
[20:16] * Dark|Angel slaaaaapppppps Con_Fu_Se around with a pillow
[20:17] <Con_Fu_Se> it must be abuse the asian looking guy day :p
[20:17] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[20:17] <GordianKnot> so you're Asian?
[20:17] <Badkiss> that was mean
[20:17] <Con_Fu_Se> life is mean
[20:18] <GordianKnot> I'm Tamur
[20:18] * Zaid has joined #usa
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Wb badkiss
[20:18] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: what glitters isn't always gold
[20:18] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[20:18] <GordianKnot> and I come from Ulan Bator
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Lol it was the bot not anyone badkiss
[20:18] <Badkiss> im originally from the philippines.
[20:18] * AaSaBi got to go now
[20:18] <AaSaBi> by
[20:18] <Badkiss> bye aasabi
[20:18] * AaSaBi has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:18] <GordianKnot> bye
[20:18] <Q^TE> tc AaSaBi
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Tc ttyl
[20:18] <GordianKnot> "not all that glitters is gold"
[20:18] <Badkiss> but i live in chicago now
[20:18] <GordianKnot> you meanter say
[20:18] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:19] <GordianKnot> oh wait
[20:19] <Bikerdawg_> Wow hes almost as fast as Q lol
[20:19] <GordianKnot> not everything that glitters is gold *
[20:19] <GordianKnot> that's better
[20:19] * Bikerdawg_ has quit IRC (Quit: Grrrrrrrr texts and calls DC me)
[20:19] * sens|ble has joined #usa
[20:19] <Dark|Angel> lol
[20:19] * M_Luana has joined #usa
[20:19] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: well ... it still makes the same sense
[20:20] * Bikerdawg_ has joined #usa
[20:20] <GordianKnot> if gold doesn't glitter at all,I guess it des
[20:20] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:20] * Jasmin` has left #usa
[20:20] <Badkiss> wb biker
[20:21] <GordianKnot> so confuzi
[20:21] <GordianKnot> qhere do you abide?
[20:21] <GordianKnot> :D
[20:21] <GordianKnot> where?*
[20:21] * Badkiss smackz biker on the cheek
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Gonna be one of those days already lol. Ty badkiss
[20:21] <Con_Fu_Se> to a realm of my own
[20:21] <GordianKnot> the Netherlands?
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwww ouch
[20:21] <Badkiss> hahaha :p
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Do it again lol
[20:22] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:22] <Badkiss> the other cheek?
[20:22] * saltman has joined #usa
[20:22] <Bikerdawg_> Yup
[20:22] * RaBbiTt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:22] <Q^TE> mEXIcANAX stop hising
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> seems we got ourself a willing christian
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> ^^
[20:22] * Badkiss smackz biker on the other cheek
[20:22] <GordianKnot> so confuzi
[20:22] <GordianKnot> do you like vodka?
[20:22] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:22] <Bikerdawg_> Lol con
[20:22] * eggplantt has joined #usa
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> as well as all clean spirits
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> *clear
[20:23] * X sets mode: +l 111
[20:23] <Badkiss> brb.. i gotta let the steaks out
[20:23] <GordianKnot> so you like Pam Anderson?
[20:23] <Bikerdawg_> Tyt badkiss
[20:23] <Bikerdawg_> Who doesnt gordian?
[20:23] <Q^TE> tyt Badkiss
[20:23] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: do you like barbie dolls? o_O
[20:23] <MuPPeT> i dont
[20:23] <GordianKnot> I do
[20:24] <Bikerdawg_> I do lol
[20:24] <GordianKnot> I always give them to my dog
[20:24] <MuPPeT> hehehe
[20:24] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:24] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:24] * Vikash has joined #usa
[20:24] <Bikerdawg_> His?
[20:24] * mEXIcANAX was kicked by Q^TE (HIS)
[20:24] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:24] <MuPPeT> lol
[20:25] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Is that the plural of hi?
[20:25] <Dark|Angel> lol
[20:25] <Badkiss> i know the answer :p
[20:25] * Unknown` Cigar is cigar
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Lol
[20:25] <Badkiss> it's hey.. joking! :D
[20:25] <GordianKnot> a cigarette is a cigarette
[20:25] <GordianKnot> unknown,have you read Nice Work ?
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Lol badkiss
[20:26] * nabilbboy has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:26] * Bikerdawg_ beats badkiss wiff a wet noodle
[20:26] <Badkiss> im so corny lol!
[20:26] * AsuKa___ has quit IRC (Quit: Rooms ??? iPhone IRC Client ???
[20:26] <Badkiss> a wet noodle? where's the soup? :D
[20:26] <MuPPeT> can we say the woods r woods, or cant you say that bcoz u cant see the woods bcoz the trees r in the way
[20:26] * skirt has joined #usa
[20:27] <Bikerdawg_> Lol i drank it
[20:27] <Badkiss> hi skirt!!!! :D
[20:27] <GordianKnot> a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose
[20:27] <Badkiss> meanie! u didn't leave anything for me T_T
[20:27] <skirt> Hey Badkiss! : ]
[20:27] * `Nomad30M has joined #usa
[20:27] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao
[20:27] <GordianKnot> I'm kinda alergic to roses
[20:27] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:27] * mr`chips has quit IRC (Quit: Be right back!)
[20:27] * ^Marga^ has joined #usa
[20:27] * Dan31 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:28] <Bikerdawg_> Im allergic to buying roses
[20:28] <GordianKnot> roses are red
[20:28] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:28] <GordianKnot> and if i looked like you
[20:28] <GordianKnot> i'd join the zoo
[20:29] <Badkiss> would you believe im allergic to aspirin?
[20:29] <GordianKnot> allergic*
[20:29] <GordianKnot> GOD DAMN IT!!!
[20:29] * W_Zombie has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:29] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: May I ask ya just 1 quest please. ?
[20:29] <Bikerdawg_> Really?
[20:29] <GordianKnot> I'm allergic to water
[20:29] <GordianKnot> I never wash myself
[20:29] * Panther^^ has joined #usa
[20:29] * Dark|Angel is allergic to parfume and penciline
[20:29] * Geminigirl has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:30] <GordianKnot> I'm also allergic to soap
[20:30] <GordianKnot> it's deadly for me
[20:30] * Co0ooL-Man has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:30] <Badkiss> uh huh.. my body is so weird
[20:30] <Bikerdawg_> Sure unknown
[20:31] * Vikash has quit IRC (Quit: Rooms ??? iPhone IRC Client ???
[20:31] <GordianKnot> mine is weird too
[20:31] * fraguta has joined #usa
[20:31] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: How can you tell if a girl likes you. ?
[20:31] * Euforic hi allz
[20:31] * Dark|Angel likes Bikerdawg_
[20:31] <Q^TE> hi Euforic
[20:31] <Badkiss> gordian why would u join the zoo?
[20:31] <MuPPeT> amen
[20:31] <Bikerdawg_> Hmm she usually doesnt slap me
[20:31] <CelticGem> if she likes your shoes then she likes you
[20:31] <Badkiss> lol! thou shall not put the name of God in vain
[20:31] <Dark|Angel> lol Bikerdawg_
[20:31] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwww ty DA
[20:31] <Dark|Angel> maybe she slaps only them she likes;p
[20:31] <Deathdealer> earth
[20:31] * mysterious__ has joined #usa
[20:31] * Unknown` is now known as Scottish
[20:32] <Con_Fu_Se> yeah you can't have to vain conditions... one cancels the other
[20:32] <Badkiss> oh really?
[20:32] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao then DA must love me
[20:32] <Con_Fu_Se> *two
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> haha
[20:32] <Badkiss> if you drink water, you'd blow up
[20:32] * Dark|Angel hugs Scottish tight
[20:32] <Scottish> till now? :(
[20:32] * yaXuR has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> i didnt realize was u:s
[20:32] <Scottish> we'll change the destination
[20:32] <Scottish> :)
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> why u keep changing nicks:
[20:32] <GordianKnot> :\
[20:32] <GordianKnot> roses are red
[20:32] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:32] <GordianKnot> I'm schizophrenic
[20:32] <GordianKnot> and so am I
[20:33] <Badkiss> scottish is from scotland?
[20:33] * Scottish thinks that he bein unwelcome :)
[20:33] * Adela_- has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:33] <Scottish> Badkiss: No !
[20:33] * Dark|Angel pats sammy's head
[20:33] <Bikerdawg_> Unwelcome? Never
[20:33] <Badkiss> scottish is being scottish? :)
[20:34] <GordianKnot> helo
[20:34] <GordianKnot> main neim iz macgregr
[20:34] <GordianKnot> dunkn mcgregr
[20:35] <Scottish> Badkiss: Be clean and clear :)
[20:35] * sparky1 has joined #usa
[20:35] <Scottish> (:
[20:35] * d3fr0st has joined #usa
[20:35] <Badkiss> clean and clear.. that's the anti pimple regimen right?
[20:35] <GordianKnot> Scottish
[20:35] <Scottish> Dark|Angel:??
[20:35] <GordianKnot> are you wearing a kilt right now?
[20:35] * d3fr0st has left #usa
[20:35] <Scottish> goldy
[20:35] <Dark|Angel> yes hon
[20:35] <Scottish> please !
[20:36] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*
[20:36] * Badkiss shakes bikerdawg_ wake up!!
[20:36] * sparky1 was kicked by Q^TE (Bad channel)
[20:36] <Dark|Angel> please me what?
[20:36] * Deathdealer has left #usa
[20:36] <Bikerdawg_> Lol imma wake
[20:36] * X sets mode: +l 108
[20:36] * Deathdealer has joined #usa
[20:36] <Badkiss> are u at work?
[20:36] * H|N| has joined #usa
[20:36] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:36] <GordianKnot> Roses are red.
[20:36] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:36] <Scottish> r these people even human?
[20:36] <Bikerdawg_> Yes badkiss always
[20:37] <GordianKnot> some poems rhyme
[20:37] <GordianKnot> but this one doesn'rt
[20:37] <Dark|Angel> lol sammy
[20:37] <Dark|Angel> shhh
[20:37] <Scottish> or bots ?
[20:37] <Badkiss> who was that guy who wears spongebob boxers?
[20:37] <Badkiss> i forgot.. @.@
[20:37] <Scottish> i'm lost
[20:38] <GordianKnot> 3 people are jumping from a plane
[20:38] <Deathdealer> rognvaldr
[20:38] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the first,when jumping,shouts: juranimooooo
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the second does the same
[20:38] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
[20:38] * _flavia^^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the third,an American Indian,says:
[20:38] <GordianKnot> Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[20:38] <Badkiss> hi chrs!
[20:41] <Dark|Angel> english!!
[20:41] <Deathdealer> yellow badge
[20:41] * Blond-Man has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:41] * atef has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:41] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 09 20:41:15 2009
Session Start: Sat May 09 20:42:47 2009
Session Ident: #usa
[20:42] * Now talking in #usa
[20:42] * Topic is ' Welcome to #USA :: CLEAN English only :: ::'
[20:42] * Set by KinG`PiN on Thu May 07 11:59:03
[20:43] * CartofPai has joined #usa
[20:43] <GordianKnot> ol mcdonald had a farm
[20:43] <GordianKnot> iaa iaaa oooo
[20:43] <GordianKnot> and on this farm he had an igloo
[20:43] <GordianKnot> iaa...i..aaay....oh
[20:43] <Badkiss> man skirt!!
[20:44] * `Nomad30M has left #usa
[20:44] * KUWAIT-30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:44] * etienne30 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:44] <Badkiss> i wanna see a guy wear a skirt. :)
[20:44] <GordianKnot> the skirt was worn by men as much as it was worn by women
[20:44] <GordianKnot> nowdays,nah
[20:44] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:45] <GordianKnot> but in days of yore
[20:45] <GordianKnot> men would wear skirts,ain't that right Irini?
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> KINOE
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> :)
[20:45] * MuPPeT has quit IRC (Quit: back downstairs)
[20:45] <GordianKnot> The Greeks worse skirts
[20:45] <GordianKnot> :D
[20:45] <GordianKnot> wore*
[20:45] * AmCuCeMa has joined #usa
[20:45] <Deathdealer> to dree yir ain weird
[20:45] * olderguy4 has joined #usa
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> GordianKnot: Stop repeating yourself please mate:
[20:45] <Badkiss> lol gordian
[20:46] <Deathdealer> to follow your own star
[20:47] <GordianKnot> i'm not repeating myself mate
[20:48] * AmCuCeMa Hallo
[20:48] <MaDaXe> ping
[20:48] <Deathdealer> to endure that which is destined for you
[20:48] <Kelt> Hello
[20:48] <Badkiss> hi amcucema
[20:48] * ChrstphrR_ is now known as ChrstphrR
[20:48] <jgjsjwjfsd> AmCuCeMa:! hello :)
[20:48] <Kelt> comrades
[20:49] <CelticGem> Geronimo
[20:49] * asdkadska has joined #usa
[20:49] <Badkiss> no pms please :D
[20:49] <CelticGem> who in reality never jumped from a plane
[20:49] <CelticGem> lol
[20:49] <asdkadska> yo
[20:49] <asdkadska> :D
[20:49] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[20:49] <CelticGem> old joke but still funny
[20:49] <AmCuCeMa> a tuttY
[20:49] <Deathdealer> freeedoom
[20:49] <Deathdealer> !
[20:49] <Deathdealer> it was your mother who loved you before you were born
[20:49] <Deathdealer> rognvaldr
[20:49] <Badkiss> deathdealer, here's something for you
[20:49] <Badkiss> it's God who loves you even before you were born :D
[20:49] * ebrahim has joined #usa
[20:49] <Deathdealer> yes and i live in a submarine
[20:49] <Badkiss> o.O
[20:49] <Deathdealer> thanks
[20:49] * GUPT316 has joined #usa
[20:49] * Selektor has joined #usa
[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 105
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
[20:49] * Tom28 has joined #usa
[20:49] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ is now known as ChrstphrR
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has quit IRC (Registered)
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:49] * Selektor elloo oll
[20:49] * Selektor brb
[20:49] * harry333 has joined #usa
[20:49] <Deathdealer> happy day for the cult of the mother goddess
[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 108
[20:49] <asdkadska> hey christpoher
[20:49] <asdkadska> :D
[20:49] <Deathdealer> sophia be the name
[20:49] <Deathdealer> mother be loved
[20:49] * Connie^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] * ms_brainy has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] * ExMan has joined #usa
[20:49] * atef has joined #usa
[20:49] <Badkiss> lol gordian! ur going into nursery rhymes?
[20:49] * smartleo has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> asalam walikum all
[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 111
[20:49] <ExMan> Hey room
[20:49] <GUPT316> hi freinds
[20:49] <Deathdealer> get off my bridge
[20:49] <Deathdealer> !
[20:49] <GUPT316> how ru al
[20:49] <Badkiss> hi gupt :D
[20:49] * Honour has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> hi
[20:49] * frankk has joined #usa
[20:49] <jgjsjwjfsd> some nursery rhymes are kinda morbid ^_^
[20:49] <Badkiss> like?
[20:49] <Deathdealer> and i grew up on a farm
[20:49] <ExMan> This is my 1st time here show me some love
[20:49] * gdd_m has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:49] <Badkiss> no pms gupt :D
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
[20:49] <asdkadska> christpoher
[20:49] <asdkadska> :)
[20:49] * guy18 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] <skirt> Well... That's just confusing for me.
[20:49] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> ok where ru from cebu?
[20:49] <Badkiss> yup. how did u know?
[20:49] * Honour has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] * ExMan has left #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok forget it
[20:49] <Badkiss> its so boooooooooooooring
[20:49] <Deathdealer> rodham
[20:49] * KUWAIT-30 has joined #usa
[20:49] * AmCuCeMa has quit IRC (Quit: search - BoSSS)
[20:49] <GUPT316> so do u know taht from where do i belongs?
[20:49] * UnReaCHaBLe has joined #usa
[20:49] * Daze__ has joined #usa
[20:49] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] <Badkiss> huh? ur from cebu?
[20:49] <GUPT316> na
[20:49] * merric has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> i m from khi
[20:49] <Badkiss> khi?
[20:49] <GUPT316> khi = karachi
[20:49] <Badkiss> aaah.. i duno that :D
[20:49] * ChrstphrR has joined #usa
[20:49] * AC_MILAN has joined #usa
[20:49] <CelticGem> wb Chris
[20:49] <Badkiss> chrs keeps on going on and off
[20:49] <GUPT316> hahaha its a 6th biggest city in the world
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> & u dont know that
[20:49] <Badkiss> im not good with geography
[20:49] * nina81 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok forget it
[20:49] <Deathdealer> c f b cold lake maple flag & virtual flag
[20:49] <GUPT316> so wat do u do baby
[20:49] <Deathdealer> top gun eagle
[20:49] * El-miron has joined #usa
[20:49] <Badkiss> don't even call me baby
[20:49] <Bikerdawg_> Lol i barely know where pennsylvaia is and i live there
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok i m not gona call u baby i m gona call u swetie is that fine?
[20:49] <Badkiss> no its not fine.
[20:49] <Bikerdawg_> Hmm
[20:49] <Deathdealer> sugar
[20:49] <Badkiss> just call me badkiss :D im happy with that
[20:49] <GUPT316> wow
[20:50] * ChrstphrR_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:50] <GUPT316> but i didnt kissed ya how wolud i know that ur lips taste is bad
[20:50] <GUPT316> i cant call ya baad kiss untill i m not gona kiss u darlling
[20:50] * Badkiss yawn
[20:50] <Dark|Angel> relax a bit GUPT316
[20:50] <Dark|Angel> unless u like to kiss men
[20:51] <GUPT316> yukh
[20:51] <Bikerdawg_> Lol DA
[20:51] <GUPT316> is <Badkiss> man?
[20:51] <GUPT316> men?
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> yes
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> he is
[20:51] <Badkiss> im not a guy
[20:51] <GUPT316> ooo damn!!
[20:51] <Badkiss> lol! im a girl
[20:51] * ms_brainy has joined #usa
[20:51] <GUPT316> wow
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> really
[20:51] * d3fr0st has joined #usa
[20:51] <GUPT316> so ill kiss ya
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> ahahhha
[20:51] <Bikerdawg_> Badkiss is a 70 year old man lol
[20:51] <Badkiss> but i dont like guys calling me baby or sweetie or what ever
[20:51] <Deathdealer> honeypie
[20:51] * X sets mode: +l 114
[20:51] <Q^TE> Deathdealer what u talking abt?
[20:52] <Deathdealer> ooohh momma
[20:52] * eggplantt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:52] <Deathdealer> !
[20:52] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> i m gona call swet kiss
[20:52] * Neurotika has joined #usa
[20:52] * Badkiss ignoring
[20:52] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> iwana kiss u like mmmmmm frecnh one how is that?
[20:52] * Dark|Angel sets mode: +b *!*
[20:52] * Selektor is back
[20:52] <Q^TE> wb Selektor
[20:52] <Deathdealer> call me baby
[20:52] <Dark|Angel> how about calm down a bit GUPT316
[20:52] <Selektor> thx Q^TE
[20:52] <GordianKnot> damn it!!!
[20:52] <Bikerdawg_> Lol who unlocked the door for the idiots?
[20:53] * Selektor CANADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!1 they banned me again
[20:53] <GordianKnot> I can't find my mobile phone
[20:53] * d3fr0st has left #usa
[20:53] * smartleo has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:54] * Isty-22 has joined #usa
[20:54] <jgjsjwjfsd> Good night
[20:54] * aCheekyMonke has joined #usa
[20:54] <Bikerdawg_> Cheekyyyyyyyyyyy
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hi biker
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hows it going?
[20:54] <Badkiss> mr. cheeky!!
[20:54] <Deathdealer> it was adam weishaupt who found the order of the illumined in germany the illuminati
[20:54] <Badkiss> i miiiiiiiiiiiissed you :D
[20:54] <Bikerdawg_> Good and with you?
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hi deathdealer
[20:55] <Deathdealer> hie
[20:55] * GUPT316 has left #usa
[20:55] <aCheekyMonke> wanting to talk about the illuminati again? are you sure?
[20:55] * dragut33 has joined #usa
[20:55] <Badkiss> yey he left!
[20:55] <aCheekyMonke> i'm ok biker thanks
[20:55] <Bikerdawg_> Lol bdakisses fan has left the building
[20:55] * ebrahim has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:55] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:55] <john_cons> what is the illuminati agenda, i wonder about
[20:55] * Sensitive has joined #usa
[20:55] <Bikerdawg_> Good good cheeky. Ltns lol
[20:55] <Badkiss> i just hate perverts..
[20:55] <Deathdealer> the millenium has come
[20:56] <Badkiss> they think they can get away with everything lol
[20:56] <GordianKnot> don't hate me because I am beautiful
[20:56] * atef has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> do you really want to know what the agenda is john? lol
[20:56] <Bikerdawg_> Imma perv and ya like me badkiss lol
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> do you REALLY want to know?
[20:56] * romyo has joined #usa
[20:56] <Deathdealer> i built the ferrari p 4 . 5 so christ can drive it
[20:56] <asdkadska> romyo :)
[20:56] <Badkiss> shudup biker:p
[20:56] <john_cons> i think the illuminati agenda is dark hair is better than light hair
[20:56] * randy_ has joined #usa
[20:56] <Q^TE> Deathdealer u have your own topics?
[20:56] <john_cons> a lituhainan woman in liverpool told me
[20:56] <Bikerdawg_> Lol
[20:56] <GordianKnot> Well Ima go away now
[20:56] <GordianKnot> Gotta sleep
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:56] <Deathdealer> illuminati color is red red hair is gothic
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> ok sleep well
[20:56] <Badkiss> aaw.. so soon gordian?
[20:57] * wooly has joined #usa
[20:57] <Badkiss> it's sunday tomorrow
[20:57] * Dark|Angel brb
[20:57] <GordianKnot> it's late here
[20:57] <Q^TE> tyt
[20:57] <Bikerdawg_> Tc gordian
[20:57] <Badkiss> okay.. dudnyt :D
[20:57] <Bikerdawg_> Tyt DA
[20:57] <GordianKnot> good night all.
[20:57] <GordianKnot> ;)
[20:57] <Badkiss> mr. cheeky! i have news :D
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> night
[20:57] * Amigo30 has joined #usa
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> yes badkiss?
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> ;p;
[20:57] <GordianKnot> kalinihta irini ;)
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:57] <Badkiss> bikerdawg_ is my teddy bear :p
[20:57] * Kelt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:57] * GordianKnot has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:57] * ebrahim has joined #usa
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[20:58] <aCheekyMonke> lol badkiss
[20:58] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:58] <Deathdealer> hail sophia
[20:58] <Badkiss> who's sophia?
[20:58] * rich-30m has joined #usa
[20:58] <Deathdealer> mother goddess
[20:58] * slotman7 has joined #usa
[20:58] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*jgreen2@*
[20:58] * slotman7 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: lamah)
[20:59] * X sets mode: +l 117
[20:59] <Badkiss> i dunno her >.<
[20:59] <Deathdealer> heavenly mother
[20:59] * zzoolloo has joined #usa
[21:00] * comemi has joined #usa
[21:00] * sharyar has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:00] * Wind`` has joined #usa
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> i have nothing to say lol
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> hi wind
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:00] <Wind``> hey
[21:00] <Badkiss> me too.. o.O
[21:00] <Wind``> say, aCheekyMonke, is prolog ever used in anything?
[21:01] * UnScArrEd has joined #usa
[21:01] * X sets mode: +l 120
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[21:01] * M_Luana has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:01] <Badkiss> ima go play warcraft.. brb :)
[21:01] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> lol wind
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> sometimes
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> but not much lol
[21:02] <aCheekyMonke> why?
[21:02] * X sets mode: +l 117
[21:02] <Q^TE> tyt Badkiss
[21:02] <Badkiss> thanks q^te
[21:02] <Badkiss> hey! u never answered my question
[21:02] <Q^TE> who me??
[21:02] <Badkiss> yes u
[21:02] * ABS0LV3D has joined #usa
[21:02] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:02] * Badkiss stares at Q^TE
[21:02] <Q^TE> what was it maybe i was away sry
[21:02] <Badkiss> i was curious if you were a boy or a girl
[21:02] * mEXIcANAX has left #usa
[21:02] <Q^TE> hahaha
[21:03] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> find out:P
[21:03] <Badkiss> aaaaaw
[21:03] * Dark|Angel hugs UnScArrEd tight
[21:03] <Deathdealer> remember with dan brown daughter was sarah mother is in fact sophia
[21:03] <aCheekyMonke> you cant tell??
[21:03] <Badkiss> meanie :(
[21:03] * hadi-52 has joined #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> im a Guy Badkiss :)
[21:03] <Badkiss> i dunno.. cuz usually a boy doesn't talk much
[21:03] <Badkiss> oooh. my hunch was right :D
[21:03] <aCheekyMonke> dan brown knows nothing deathdealer lol
[21:03] <Bikerdawg_> Lmaooooo
[21:03] * Bikerdawg_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:03] * wooly has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:03] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaw..
[21:03] * Sensitive has left #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> i dont talk much?:P
[21:03] * UnScArrEd hugs Dark|Angel
[21:03] <Badkiss> my teddy left :(
[21:04] <Badkiss> so i have noticed.
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> welcome back UnScArrEd:)
[21:04] <Deathdealer> rex brown does
[21:04] <Badkiss> you play warcraft?
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> he probably just got texted lol
[21:04] <UnScArrEd> ty
[21:04] <Q^TE> no i play only on mian USA ;)
[21:04] * gaygeneratio has joined #usa
[21:04] * priYa has joined #usa
[21:04] <Badkiss> what's mian?
[21:04] * Bikerdawg_ has joined #usa
[21:04] <Q^TE> main*
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> he is back
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> ahah
[21:04] * SCHOOL_Teach has joined #usa
[21:04] <Q^TE> wb Bikerdawg_
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> welcome back biker
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:04] <Badkiss> is that garena?
[21:04] <Badkiss> hi biker :D
[21:04] <Bikerdawg_> Ty Q and cheeky
[21:04] <Q^TE> main not mian:P
[21:04] * X sets mode: +l 120
[21:05] <Deathdealer> woohoo i love this channel
[21:05] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya badkiss lol
[21:05] <Badkiss> my garena doesn't work out fine
[21:05] <Badkiss> it sucks T_T
[21:05] * Zaid has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:05] <Q^TE> why Badkiss?
[21:05] <asdkadska> Q^te :)
[21:05] <Dark|Angel> what is garena?
[21:05] <Bikerdawg_> Miss me DA? Lol
[21:05] * Badkiss gives out choco chip cookie dough ice cream to everyone
[21:05] <Q^TE> asdkadska :)
[21:05] <Badkiss> garena is like a client for games
[21:05] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[21:05] <Badkiss> through the internet where anyone from anywhere can play with each other
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> ahh
[21:06] * Amigo30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:06] <Q^TE> UnScArrEd where is my hug?:))
[21:06] <Badkiss> q^te i dunno. i got an error from installing
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> like stream
[21:06] * UnScArrEd hugs Q^TE
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> haha
[21:06] <john_cons> i've seen on the news etc., that religious people in the us hate swedish since they don't belive in God, is that right anyone?
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> i used to play with Tomas` thought stream
[21:06] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya unscarred
[21:06] <Badkiss> but it still ran
[21:06] * Q^TE kissssesssssssss UnScArrEd ;)
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> hey Bikerdawg_
[21:06] <Deathdealer> gaumont says we should be non sectarian
[21:06] <Q^TE> i dont play any games Badkiss :)
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> i used to play css
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> wahaha
[21:06] <Bikerdawg_> Not true john
[21:06] <Badkiss> counter strike?
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> lucky UnScArrEd
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> Badkiss counter strike source
[21:07] <Deathdealer> chaumont says the earth does not have any lines
[21:07] <UnScArrEd> yeh
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> :)
[21:07] <Badkiss> i dunno how to play that hahaha
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> pretty game
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> funny
[21:07] <john_cons> Bikerdawg_: not true? ok, because i've seen hate-preachers taking flights to sweden on the news, critisising swedes, in sweden
[21:07] <Deathdealer> beaumont says i love you
[21:07] <john_cons> from the us
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> used to shoot Tomas` butt all the time..ahah
[21:07] * Silent-Rock has joined #usa
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hi all
[21:08] <Badkiss> hi silent :D
[21:08] <Bikerdawg_> Lol john a handful of religious nuts. You cant judge all by them
[21:08] <Q^TE> hi Silent-Rock
[21:08] <Deathdealer> bettencourt wants to marry you and have a dozen kids
[21:08] * skirt waves at Silent-Rock
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hey , wassup ?
[21:08] * Amigo30 has joined #usa
[21:08] <Deathdealer> star trek
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hey Skirt :P
[21:08] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya silent
[21:08] * ebrahim has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:08] <Badkiss> aaaw.. biker, you have something against religious people?
[21:08] <Q^TE> how is it going after the kissess UnScArrEd ?:)hopefully better:P
[21:08] <Deathdealer> the perfect team
[21:08] * alEy has joined #usa
[21:09] <UnScArrEd> haha sure Q^TE
[21:09] <john_cons> Bikerdawg_: ok, i've been persecuted in norway you see, i wonder if it is because i'm ateist and that people are being persecuted these days if they don't belive in god
[21:09] <Bikerdawg_> Only the nutty ones badkiss
[21:09] * Just-a-Man has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:09] <john_cons> maybe the nuts are only the top of iceberg
[21:09] <Q^TE> john_cons better u change subject
[21:09] <john_cons> Q^TE: why is that, if i may ask
[21:09] <Badkiss> religion is boring
[21:09] <Dark|Angel> true!!
[21:09] * alEy has left #usa
[21:09] <Badkiss> soooooooooooo boring :)) why make up rituals lol
[21:09] <Con_Fu_Se> I'm amusing myself with their own paradox
[21:09] <john_cons> ok, is this a dictatorship irc-channel?
[21:09] <Bikerdawg_> Lol johns my g/f is in norway and atheist and has no problems here
[21:09] <Dark|Angel> yes!
[21:09] <Badkiss> nope
[21:10] <Q^TE> it is going in relegiuos conversation and not allowed here
[21:10] <Badkiss> aaaw. @.@
[21:10] <Deathdealer> the tetragrammaton is for each and every one
[21:10] <john_cons> isn't allowed to discuss religion?
[21:10] <Badkiss> actually, religion isn't gonna help you go into heaven
[21:10] <Q^TE> good then UnScArrEd wen u feel not good tell me:))
[21:10] <Silent-Rock> not boring , but most r not willing to face the truth :) thats the problem with relegions
[21:10] <john_cons> what happened to fredom of speach?
[21:10] <Deathdealer> fruit
[21:10] * Milord__ has joined #usa
[21:10] <Badkiss> hey guys can i share something with you? :D
[21:10] * Daze__ has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:10] <UnScArrEd> i will Q^TE :P
[21:10] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: according to the same notion religion will lead you to hell:p
[21:11] <Bikerdawg_> John rules are rules in here it keeps arguments away
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> cause no matter what got you'd believe in to will be a blasphemy
[21:11] <Deathdealer> by their fruits ye shall know them
[21:11] <Badkiss> i just wanna share something that's God related :)
[21:11] <john_cons> that's surely a joke, that it isn't allowed to discuss religion here?
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> cause you'd be deifying somthing utterly man made
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> #USA Rules are displayed here :
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> *God
[21:11] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaaw.. wait wait wait
[21:11] * top5 has joined #usa
[21:11] <Badkiss> could anyone please listen? :(
[21:11] * rich-30m has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:11] <john_cons> i thougt this was usa not communist russia
[21:11] <Wind``> sharing may lead to STDs
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> john_cons!!
[21:11] <Bikerdawg_> Hi wind
[21:11] <john_cons> bloddy hell
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> some mess those religious nuts has got you into:p
[21:11] * Silent-Rock wonders, how many of us believe, howmany follow n how many use relegions for our own whims ;)
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> follow the rules
[21:12] <john_cons> usa now is like communist russia
[21:12] <john_cons> im in shock
[21:12] <Dark|Angel> door is open!!
[21:12] <Wind``> john_cons, we're not allowed to discuss communist russia either
[21:12] <john_cons> bloddy 911
[21:12] <Badkiss> aaaw.. i just wanted to share something @.@
[21:12] <Badkiss> i mean, i don't mean to insult anyone
[21:12] * ABS0LV3D has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] <Badkiss> but i really love God, but im not religious
[21:12] * frankk has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] <john_cons> not allowed to discuss specific topics
[21:12] * AC_MILAN has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] * X sets mode: +l 116
[21:12] <john_cons> i have to read the rules brb
[21:12] <Badkiss> there's a huge difference in religion and being in a relationship with him
[21:13] <UnScArrEd> lol
[21:13] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:13] * Bikerdawg_ sits back and watches john bout to get kicked lol
[21:13] <Wind``> you're not allowed to say certain arbitrary words either.
[21:13] <Deathdealer> what reward have ye if ye love only those who love
[21:13] <Wind``> something tells me Badkiss is about to preach
[21:13] <Dark|Angel> gosh stop the god talk:s
[21:13] <Q^TE> Deathdealer which topic u are after?
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> Deathdealer: it's the only reward
[21:13] <Badkiss> okay im sorry
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> to leve ad be loved back
[21:13] * skirt has left #usa
[21:13] <Deathdealer> the priory of sion
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> the other option is vanity :p
[21:13] <Wind``> Badkiss, go sell your wares somewhere else
[21:13] <Badkiss> i'm not gonna pour down what i feel here
[21:13] * Nostradamuss has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:13] * we_are_royal has joined #usa
[21:13] <Silent-Rock> :))
[21:13] * brian_usa has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:13] <aCheekyMonke> Deathdealer: Operor non inrideo nos quoniam nos es "illuminati"
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> ...
[21:13] <Deathdealer> the order of saint john
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] <Con_Fu_Se> and my spelling is going down the drain
[21:14] <Badkiss> lol wind im not selling, im trying to save
[21:14] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:14] <Wind``> go save someone else
[21:14] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: save yourself
[21:14] <Wind``> somewhere else
[21:14] * Dark|Angel set mode +m
[21:14] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[21:14] <Badkiss> aw
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] * nandabr has joined #usa
[21:14] <Wind``> hm
[21:14] * mEXIcANAX has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:14] * RowdyOne has joined #usa
[21:14] <Bikerdawg_> Save me badkiss
[21:14] <Deathdealer> even the smallest light shines in the darkness
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] <Badkiss> i dont do that bikerdawg
[21:14] * RowdyOne has left #usa
[21:15] * asdkadska has left #usa
[21:15] <Badkiss> i just help
[21:15] <Deathdealer> and the cherubim had a flaming sword that turned whichever way
[21:15] * ttigerr has quit IRC (Quit: DiGiTaL IrC -
[21:15] * X sets mode: +l 112
[21:15] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwwww but im hungry save me from starvation lol
[21:15] <aCheekyMonke> Caveo atrum lux lucis
[21:15] <Con_Fu_Se> what about the nephelim?:p
[21:15] <Con_Fu_Se> or the ophalim?^^
[21:15] * Dark|Angel is lost
[21:15] <Wind``> do you know what chrubim means literally? cabbages.
[21:15] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:15] <Wind``> i kid you not.
[21:15] <Badkiss> well that was harsh
[21:16] * Milord__ has left #usa
[21:16] <Deathdealer> and seraphim and the sons of adam
[21:16] * comp_girl has joined #usa
[21:16] <Con_Fu_Se> that's something... six-winged cabages
[21:16] * Bikerdawg_ joins DA in the land of the lost
[21:16] <john_cons> just ok with chit-chat, not to discuss religion? seriously, i couldn't see religion mentioned in the rules
[21:16] * Turkish_M has joined #usa
[21:16] <Deathdealer> i do not have a market garden
[21:16] <Wind``> you're worshipping vegetables. think about that.
[21:16] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: it's not religion ... it's the faming it comes along with it
[21:16] * garyh has joined #usa
[21:16] * medicine2 has joined #usa
[21:16] * Dark|Angel follows Bikerdawg_
[21:16] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:17] * X sets mode: +l 115
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> especialy by all those self-righteous "I'm doing this for your own good"
[21:17] * Xarana sets mode: -b *!*
[21:17] <garyh> hey people
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> *flaming
[21:17] * alpertunga has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:17] <Q^TE> hey garyh
[21:17] <Dark|Angel> garyh!!!!!!!!!!
[21:17] <Bikerdawg_> Religion and politics bring too many argumenys john
[21:17] * nutella_m has joined #usa
[21:17] <Deathdealer> true
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> people make both :p\
[21:17] <john_cons> faming, that's just to mess with foreigners i reckon
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> so it's people argueing
[21:17] <john_cons> things should be transparent
[21:17] <john_cons> i dont think your rules are
[21:17] * j0hNnY_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> in this case don't hate the game... hate the player :p
[21:17] <garyh> Dark|Angel: I know you? :P
[21:18] <Dark|Angel> well maybe;p
[21:18] <john_cons> you have communist russie type rules, that are not transparent, it seems to me
[21:18] <john_cons> no offence
[21:18] <garyh> hmmm
[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you're being obsessive
[21:18] <Wind``> where are you from john_cons?
[21:18] * Amigo30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:18] <Q^TE> john_cons change what u talking abt
[21:18] <Wind``> besides, china is the new russia.
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[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> omg... Wind`` wiat till either russia or china hears that :p
[21:18] <john_cons> i said sorry, i just try to express what i mean, no offence
[21:18] <garyh> do i get any hints atleast, Dark|Angel? :P
[21:18] * X sets mode: +l 102
[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> *wait
[21:19] <john_cons> im just sincere
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[21:19] * X sets mode: +b CS*!*@89.205.*
[21:19] * CSX475 was kicked by X ((ChrstphrR) Babbling idiot boy CSX475)
[21:19] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *csx*!*@*
[21:19] * hadi-52 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:19] <Deathdealer> healthy huh
[21:19] * Dark|Angel is now known as ReNA`
[21:19] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you're acrtually being obsessive
[21:19] <john_cons> cant attack anyone for being sincere i hope, i was just a bit bafeled since i wasn't allowed to write here about what was on my mind
[21:19] <Q^TE> yes john_cons but your complains wont leadu any place
[21:19] * Nicoo_ has joined #usa
[21:19] <ReNA`> NOW!!
[21:19] * TrueGuy has joined #usa
[21:19] <ReNA`> why dont we drop that topic john_cons
[21:19] * X sets mode: +l 106
[21:19] * Silent-Rock has joined #usa
[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> I say we drop him :p
[21:20] <Deathdealer> benefit of the doubt
[21:20] <Bikerdawg_> Wb silent
[21:20] * Panther^^ has joined #usa
[21:20] <Silent-Rock> got DC :(
[21:20] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> like *slip* "oops... where did he go?"
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[21:20] <john_cons> yes, i think the best thing is to not open your mouth here, i'm a bit confused about when i am allowed to write what's sincerely on my mind
[21:20] <garyh> hmm
[21:20] * Con_Fu_Se takes it out on his keyboard
[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you are pushing it
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> and you know it
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> so don't stop complaining
[21:21] <john_cons> no, i'm just being sincere
[21:21] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[21:21] <ReNA`> john_cons
[21:21] <john_cons> now i'm a bit
[21:21] <john_cons> what's it called
[21:21] <ReNA`> didnt u read the rules?
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: keep saying that to yourself
[21:21] <john_cons> frustrated
[21:21] <Deathdealer> emotionally honest
[21:21] * gabitzu25 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[21:21] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:21] <john_cons> im frustrated
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> you may even believe it ... eventually
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> *come to believe it
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[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: and you're trying to take it out in here
[21:21] <john_cons> im frustrated with the channel rules now, i can notice this myself
[21:21] <Bikerdawg_> Well til it calms down a bit imma go get some food ill bbl
[21:22] <ReNA`> tc biker
[21:22] * Smith78 has joined #usa
[21:22] <john_cons> i'm trying to find a way to let out steam
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has quit IRC (EOF from client)
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[21:22] <Bikerdawg_> Ty DA
[21:22] <ReNA`> hb
[21:22] <Badkiss> unfortunately john, this is not the right place
[21:22] * ReNA` is now known as Dark|Angel
[21:22] <Con_Fu_Se> I've been watching you trying to connect everything you see into thise "anti-commie" propganda you were so well spoonfed all this years and has been pissing you off
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has joined #usa
[21:22] <john_cons> this channel made me frusterated now
[21:22] <Bikerdawg_> Like a prom dress at off
[21:22] <Dark|Angel> lol
[21:22] <Silent-Rock> lol
[21:22] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*@
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has quit IRC (EOF from client)
[21:22] <john_cons> i wasn't frustrated before i started discussing here
[21:22] #usa Cannot send to channel
[21:22] * Bikerdawg_ has left #usa
[21:22] <Silent-Rock> hahahaha
[21:22] <john_cons> it
[21:22] #usa Cannot send to channel
[21:23] * You were kicked by Q^TE (YOU dont like it stay OUT!!)
Session Close: Sat May 09 21:23:01 2009
[18:57] <ILAR> ya I know cristopher
[18:57] <ILAR> thanks god
[18:58] <Son_of_thor> No USA is rich.. It?s not poor! Well appart from the big debt they have :)
[18:58] <ILAR> I don't think they are ricj
[18:58] <ILAR> rich
[18:58] <ILAR> they have lot of poverty
[18:58] <ILAR> and lot of violence
[18:58] <ILAR> caused by that poverty
[18:58] * Peter_usa has joined #usa
[18:58] <ILAR> they don't have social helps and social rights
[18:58] <GordianKnot> Yeah..I like the US
[18:58] <GordianKnot> :)
[18:58] <ChrstphrR> Real poor people, aren't overweight.
[18:58] <ILAR> for me Norway is a rich country not USA
[18:59] * Peter_usa has quit IRC (Quit)
[18:59] * denised has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> Norway is rich yes.
[18:59] <GordianKnot> obesity indicates poverty
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> But Norway is also very small
[18:59] <GordianKnot> :)))
[18:59] <ILAR> norway is not usa
[18:59] <ILAR> well and?
[18:59] <GordianKnot> it means they eat only junkfood
[18:59] <GordianKnot> because it's cheap
[18:59] <GordianKnot> : p
[18:59] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - you're from Romania aren't you?
[18:59] <CelticGem> Obesity doesnt fall into any status
[18:59] * nash has joined #usa
[18:59] <ChrstphrR> How many fat AND poor people did you know of there?
[18:59] <GordianKnot> well yes I am
[18:59] <GordianKnot> guilty as charged
[18:59] <GordianKnot> many
[18:59] <CelticGem> and junkfood is expensive
[18:59] <Son_of_thor> But it?s lots of positive records that Norway has, more gold medals per capitia in olympics than any other nation.. but in Winter OL and SUmmer OL
[18:59] <GordianKnot> no it's not
[18:59] <GordianKnot> here it isn't
[18:59] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> But Norway is small!
[19:00] <ILAR> christopher i bet that any og those fat persons are rich
[19:00] <ChrstphrR> A friend I know from there was thin as a rail all his life, because of the food lines and rationing there.
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> I think that America is better in many ways..
[19:00] <ILAR> they eat junk food because its cheap and because they don't have any culture
[19:00] * krystina36 has joined #usa
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[19:00] <Son_of_thor> Scandinaiva is almost communistic..
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[19:00] <ILAR> rich people in usa buy vegetables fish meat cereals fruits
[19:00] <ILAR> etc
[19:00] <Son_of_thor> We pay over 50% in taxes
[19:00] <GordianKnot> well I dunno about your friend but lotsa poor people here are obese
[19:00] <ILAR> not macdonalds crap
[19:00] <CelticGem> ILAR vegetables are affordable nowdays
[19:00] <ILAR> scandinavia communist?
[19:01] * X sets mode: +l 114
[19:01] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - there's more prosperity there if the poor can be fat.
[19:01] <ILAR> what are you saying?
[19:01] <GordianKnot> i'm very thin and I'm not poor at all.
[19:01] <CelticGem> ILAR you have no idea what you're talking about
[19:01] <Son_of_thor> Yes if you are poor then you can only afford low quality food!!
[19:01] <ILAR> celtic you are who don't have any idea
[19:01] <GordianKnot> I'm quite fine,living a modest life,thank God
[19:01] * _Lissa has joined #usa
[19:01] <Son_of_thor> High quality food costs more.. Good meat and good vegtables and fruits cost more than some can food..
[19:01] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:01] <ILAR> usa is a poor country
[19:01] * nash has left #usa
[19:01] <GordianKnot> no.USA is pretty wealthy
[19:01] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:01] <CelticGem> check the statistics
[19:01] * merric has joined #usa
[19:01] <ILAR> maybe they are strong outside but inside they are not better than colombia or southamerica in a whole
[19:02] * ^Princess^ has joined #usa
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[19:02] <^Princess^> kisses
[19:02] <ILAR> for me usa is like colombia
[19:02] <Q^TE> ^Princess^ :))
[19:02] <ILAR> rich countries with a lot of poverty inside
[19:02] * hard_blue has joined #usa
[19:02] <PatricQ> usa belongs to china now, thats where all the money comes from these days ;)
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[19:02] <Son_of_thor> Per person than Scandinavia is slightly richer than USA.. But USA is far richer than average European!!!
[19:02] <CelticGem> ILAR have you actually been to the USA and seen this?
[19:02] <GordianKnot> I really wanna go to the US
[19:02] <GordianKnot> Seattle appears to be a wonderful place
[19:02] * MODEL_26Male has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:02] <CelticGem> Seattle is ok
[19:02] <Son_of_thor> I wanna go to USA too...
[19:03] <CelticGem> Ive been there lots of times
[19:03] <Son_of_thor> I wanna go to the west coast!!
[19:03] <ILAR> I've been not but my cousins went there for a trip and they saw lot of poverty, dirty houses and lot of old people working
[19:03] <ILAR> thats very sad
[19:03] <john_cons> i used to live in Norway, seems everything was more expensive there than in the UK etc
[19:03] <CelticGem> ILAR thats one city/town
[19:03] * _Lissa has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[19:03] <ILAR> no
[19:03] * cute-boys has joined #usa
[19:03] <GordianKnot> He prolly visited the East Coast
[19:03] <Son_of_thor> john_cons.. Yes Norway is extremly expensive!!
[19:03] <CelticGem> try going to places like Sandiego, Seattle, Salt Lake etc
[19:03] <CelticGem> not poor
[19:03] <ILAR> celtic I think you live in a fantasy world
[19:03] <GordianKnot> but worth every penny
[19:03] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:04] <ChrstphrR> ILAR, did you come here just to argue?
[19:04] <CelticGem> Celtic I lived on the US/Canada border
[19:04] <CelticGem> I went to the USA weekly
[19:04] <ILAR> usa has got lot of poverty and crime and violence. Any country in europe is like that
[19:04] <GordianKnot> tell me something ILAR
[19:04] <CelticGem> and have travelled all over both countries
[19:04] * krystina36 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:04] <ILAR> not even russia
[19:04] <CelticGem> Ive seen it all
[19:04] * sofie has joined #usa
[19:06] <GordianKnot> So
[19:06] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: a bit strange that everything is so expensive (jeg er norsk da forresten)
[19:06] <GordianKnot> Do you know Norwegian?
[19:06] <Son_of_thor> N? er du norsk :)
[19:06] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:07] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:07] <CelticGem> yes the USA has poverty...but so does every country in the world
[19:07] <john_cons> jepp
[19:07] <Son_of_thor> hehe.
[19:07] <GordianKnot> is it similar to Swedish ?
[19:07] <PatricQ> keep it english please
[19:07] <CelticGem> Son_of_Thor speak English
[19:07] <ILAR> celtic I'm not talking about "poverty" Im talking about real poverty
[19:07] <Son_of_thor> Jeg er fra F?r?yene john_cons
[19:07] <ChrstphrR> Thank you PatricQ, now I don't have to say it myself ;)
[19:07] <john_cons> bare har bodd i england en del ?r s? vant til ? skrive engelsk, (have just lived in the uk for some years)
[19:07] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:07] * Son_of_thor was kicked by ChrstphrR (Please respect the channel rules, and keep to english in #usa . Please Read the topic next time you join.)
[19:07] <GordianKnot> let's speak...Old English
[19:07] <ILAR> any european country has the same poverty usa have
[19:07] <PatricQ> most welcome ChrstphrR ;)
[19:07] <CelticGem> ILAr yes. But you were singling out the USA
[19:07] <GordianKnot> :p
[19:07] <Q^TE> john_cons English
[19:08] <helen|away> PatricQ didnt u understand?:P
[19:08] <john_cons> english for the surveilants
[19:08] <john_cons> ?
[19:08] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[19:08] * PatricQ hugs helen|away :)
[19:08] <PatricQ> no i didnt ;p
[19:08] <GordianKnot> English-Anglais-Ingles-Englisch-Agglika-Engleza
[19:08] <CelticGem> No English because its a channel rule
[19:08] <GordianKnot> :)
[19:08] * helen|away hugs PatricQ too :)
[19:08] <PatricQ> :)
[19:08] <CelticGem> simple
[19:08] <john_cons> okok np
[19:08] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:08] * Opeth has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:08] <john_cons> i thought most people in the us spoke spanish these days
[19:08] * helen|away thought everyone can understand norwegian :P
[19:08] <john_cons> my mistake
[19:08] * Son_of_thor has joined #usa
[19:08] <GordianKnot> they do
[19:09] <CelticGem> no
[19:09] <CelticGem> they dont
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> Thanks.. ohh well.. English only
[19:09] <GordianKnot> in the South
[19:09] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> Most? More, but most are unilingual.
[19:09] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *Hot*!*@*
[19:09] <john_cons> ok, i wouldn't konw i went to the us once, and was immideatly kicked out
[19:09] <GordianKnot> I hear most of the people use Spanish in Florida
[19:09] * Goody-- is now known as goody--
[19:09] * merric has left #usa
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[19:09] <CelticGem> holy bananas people. Get your facts straight before blurting things out you have no idea about.
[19:09] <john_cons> wb Son_of_thor
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - not a majority there, either.
[19:09] <ChrstphrR> I heard Romanians eat children!
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> Thanks john_cons
[19:09] <MrMan> ChrstphrR may i know why you banned me
[19:09] <GordianKnot> I disagree.
[19:09] <Son_of_thor> :p
[19:09] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: are you from the faro islands?
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[19:10] <Son_of_thor> john_cons Yes :) but i?m living in Denmark right now.. taking an edeucation
[19:10] <john_cons> i heard they are under danish rule
[19:10] <ChrstphrR> MrMan - you could keep the level of decorum slightly above telling blonde jokes.
[19:10] <john_cons> ok i see
[19:10] <GordianKnot> oficially English is the most popular language in Florida.But de facto Spanish is way ahead.
[19:10] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:10] * sadf has joined #usa
[19:10] <MrMan> i was teasing
[19:10] * Butterfly30 has joined #usa
[19:10] <MrMan> and i said that
[19:10] <MrMan> i was not offeding
[19:10] <john_cons> ok, i was just wondering why there are less and less people on irc i think it seems
[19:10] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - how many times have you been to Florida to confirm that?
[19:10] * |samantha| has joined #usa
[19:10] <Son_of_thor> Faroe Islands is almost as expensive as Norway.. but we don?t get payed nearly as well as norwegians
[19:10] <john_cons> maybe they are being surveiled
[19:10] <GordianKnot> I haven't.But other have.
[19:10] <GordianKnot> others*
[19:10] * sadf is now known as juJjJ
[19:10] <MrMan> and i was not the first one the who talked about blonds
[19:11] <MrMan> so
[19:11] <CelticGem> I went to Florida last year
[19:11] <CelticGem> I didnt hear any Spanish
[19:11] <GordianKnot> it depends where
[19:11] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok i've seen pictures of Thorshavn, i think it's called, with the Hafnia hotel?
[19:11] * goody-- is now known as Goody--
[19:11] <CelticGem> MrMan drop it and move on
[19:11] <john_cons> hafnia being latin for copenhagen i guess
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[19:12] * crazyyyy is now known as needafrd
[19:12] <GordianKnot> It's a good thing I speak Spanish fluently
[19:12] <Son_of_thor> Yes Hotel Hafnia thas right. thats in the center of Torshavn
[19:12] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*
[19:12] * MrMan was kicked by ChrstphrR (Since you're here to argue... don' be here.)
[19:12] <Son_of_thor> Do you live in norway john_cons ?
[19:12] <GordianKnot> So I'm prepared to go to Florida
[19:12] * Zaid has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:12] <ChrstphrR> I heard Romanians speak mostly Greek now.
[19:12] <john_cons> no i live in liverpool, i used to live in oslo
[19:12] <GordianKnot> :))
[19:12] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:12] <ChrstphrR> And they all wear polka-dot trousers.
[19:12] <PatricQ> lol
[19:12] <GordianKnot> Greek is the language of my heart
[19:13] <ChrstphrR> I read it on the interweb, so it must be true.
[19:13] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: i was in paris in 2005, and i met this beautiful faro girl that studied art in paris, do you know who this is?
[19:13] * ChrstphrR rolls his eyes
[19:13] * Shut___Up has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:13] * X sets mode: +l 111
[19:13] <GordianKnot> don't reply only one ONE source.
[19:13] * etienne30 has joined #usa
[19:13] <Son_of_thor> john_cons No i don?t :)
[19:13] <GordianKnot> even the name "Florida" is Spanish
[19:13] <GordianKnot> =))
[19:13] * ANDREW-ROBER has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:13] <john_cons> ok, np, she was with some danish students, so she probably lives in denmark or something now
[19:14] <etienne30> nice guy here anyone
[19:14] <Son_of_thor> Well We have beautiful girls just like Norway has...
[19:14] * truestworthy has left #usa
[19:14] <GordianKnot> it means I gotta visit Norway as well
[19:14] <GordianKnot> =)
[19:14] * cute-boys has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[19:14] * Gemini_p has joined #usa
[19:14] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yeah, and this girl from the faro islands was also polite, and she understood norwegian
[19:15] <^Princess^> kisses
[19:15] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: but i didn't get her name, so i was a bit stupid
[19:15] <john_cons> but anyway
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> john_cons: well all faroese understand Norwegian. Norwegian is like a mix between Faroese and Danish :P
[19:15] * Gemini_p has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:15] <john_cons> yeah that's right i guess
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> We learn danish in school
[19:15] <GordianKnot> faroese is what ?
[19:15] <Q^TE> for who ^Princess^ ?:P
[19:15] <^Princess^> :))
[19:15] <^Princess^> my friends
[19:15] <Son_of_thor> GordianKnot the lange spoken by people from Faroe Islands
[19:16] <Q^TE> many friends ^Princess^?:P
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> A north Germanic Language.. related to Icelandic and western norweigan
[19:16] <john_cons> ok i see, that's right. denmark lost norway to sweden after the napoleon-wars, but denmark kept greenland and iceland and the faro islands
[19:16] <GordianKnot> which country do those islands belong to?
[19:16] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> Yes thats right.. john_cons
[19:16] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: i think the faro language is easier to understand than icelandic for norwegians
[19:16] <GordianKnot> did I wrote it correctly?
[19:16] <Son_of_thor> GordianKnot to ourselfs :) but we are stuck with Denmark in an Union!!
[19:16] <^Princess^> a lot
[19:17] <^Princess^> :)))
[19:17] <john_cons> iceland became independant after the 2 world war
[19:17] <GordianKnot> write*
[19:17] <GordianKnot> damn it
[19:17] <GordianKnot> I'ma chop off my fingers
[19:17] * goodmusic has joined #usa
[19:17] <^Princess^> kiss also for you Q^TE
[19:17] -goodmusic:#usa- 12,1The Best radio ever, to listen click ==> <== and for chat join ==> <== PARTY!!!
[19:17] <goodmusic> 12,1The Best radio ever, to listen click ==> <== and for chat join ==> <== PARTY!!!
[19:17] * Xarana sets mode: +b *!*
[19:17] * goodmusic was kicked by Xarana (Banned: Advertise/Invite/Spam detected. Advertising/Inviting/Spamming is not tolerated on this channel.)
[19:17] <GordianKnot> ah..Iceland
[19:17] <Q^TE> haha thx ^Princess^ :))
[19:17] <Q^TE> only one?:P
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[19:17] <Son_of_thor> john_cons we are semi independant, but Denmark is holding tightly on to us.. We need to take over a few things to be fully independant :)
[19:18] * X sets mode: +l 108
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[19:18] <^Princess^> :))
[19:18] <^Princess^> yes
[19:18] <^Princess^> just only one
[19:18] <^Princess^> :))
[19:18] <^Princess^> for you
[19:18] <Q^TE> thx:))
[19:18] <GordianKnot> I hear Icelandic has changed so little that its speakers understand perfectly Old English
[19:18] <^Princess^> ok
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[19:18] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok, that's right. you still have the old parliament right. the allthing?
[19:18] <GordianKnot> is that true?
[19:18] <GordianKnot> :)))
[19:18] <GordianKnot> wait
[19:19] * POLICE_SK has joined #usa
[19:19] <john_cons> GordianKnot: yes i think they could understand that, icelandic is like people spoke in norway a thousand years ago almost
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> john_cons yes L?kk-tingi.. one of the oldest parliment. Icelanders have Altingi
[19:19] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: ok, sorry i have to read up
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> In Norway it?s called something with Tingi.
[19:19] * Co0ooL-Man has joined #usa
[19:19] <GordianKnot> can you speak Icelandic?
[19:19] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> Sweden it?s Riksdagen.
[19:19] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yes it's the storting, since 1814 or something i think
[19:19] <Son_of_thor> Well no i can not speak Icelandic :) i understand some of it. I can read it..
[19:19] <john_cons> ok
[19:20] * ISABELLA^^26 has joined #usa
[19:20] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:20] * X sets mode: +l 111
[19:20] <john_cons> GordianKnot: nope i can't. i was at a sugarcubes concert in oslo once. where Bj?rk sang, since she was in the group, but i didn't understand what they sang
[19:20] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[19:20] <GordianKnot> Bjork
[19:20] <john_cons> yep
[19:20] <GordianKnot> you know..I look a bit like her
[19:20] <Badkiss> hi people! :D
[19:20] <Q^TE> Badkiss :)
[19:20] * ^Princess^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:21] <Badkiss> hi q^te! wat'z up? :D
[19:21] <GordianKnot> I like Bjork,especially when she gets mad
[19:21] <Badkiss> i never got to ask if u were a boy or a girl
[19:21] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:21] <Q^TE> everything u cant reach is up Badkiss:P
[19:21] <Son_of_thor> Faroese layes between Icelandic and Western Norwegian so to speak... and ICelandic is more complex than Faroese... Faroese has lots of similarites with Icelandic in written text.. but soundwse then Faroese lays closer to Western norweigan
[19:21] <john_cons> GordianKnot: i get a bit afraid here
[19:21] <john_cons> only joking
[19:21] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:21] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:21] <GordianKnot> she'd eat you alive if you got on her nerves
[19:21] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:22] <john_cons> yeah, i think she must be dangerous
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> Son_of_thor - probably becausethe Faroes are closer, and more trade and more contact was maintained with europe?
[19:22] <john_cons> not good
[19:22] <john_cons> only joking
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[19:22] <Badkiss> what are faroes? @.@
[19:22] <GordianKnot> isles
[19:22] <Son_of_thor> Yes ChrstphrR thats right :)
[19:22] <GordianKnot> islands
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> They're a set of islands in the North atlantic.
[19:22] <Badkiss> ooooooooh..
[19:22] <Son_of_thor> Badkiss Islands in the north atlanic.
[19:22] <ChrstphrR> Google maps is your friend there, Badkiss.
[19:22] <GordianKnot> do they have Polar bears?
[19:23] <john_cons> Son_of_thor: yeah i read a bit on the faro wikipedia, just of curiosity, and i could understand some of it, more than on the icelandic wiki
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[19:23] <Son_of_thor> The magnifisent empire of Faroe Islands.. with half billon of people live :P
[19:23] <GordianKnot> really?!
[19:23] <ChrstphrR> heh. Half a billion ;)
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[19:23] <ChrstphrR> Knock off a few zeros.
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[19:24] <Son_of_thor> No it?s only 49.000 people liveing there :p
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[19:24] <GordianKnot> do they have Polar bears there?
[19:24] <GordianKnot> : p
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[19:24] <Badkiss> i wanna have a penguin
[19:24] <Son_of_thor> Polar bears are not in Faroe Islands..are only in greenland, svalbard and (i think sometimes in Iceland and Norwthern norway)
[19:24] <GordianKnot> A penguin bit me once
[19:24] <Badkiss> waaaaaaaaaaa.. @.@
[19:24] <ChrstphrR> And Canada and Alaska, and likely Russia too.
[19:25] <john_cons> no i don't think icebears are in northern norway
[19:25] <GordianKnot> I thought they were also present in Northern Russia
[19:25] <GordianKnot> ah
[19:25] <john_cons> i think
[19:25] <GordianKnot> I love mother Russia
[19:25] <Badkiss> are u russian?
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[19:25] <GordianKnot> no
[19:25] <GordianKnot> but my ancestors were...probably
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[19:26] <Son_of_thor> brb gonna get myself a cup of coffee
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[19:26] <GordianKnot> we're a very heterogeneous country you know.
[19:26] <Badkiss> huhuhu i miss bikerdawg
[19:26] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:26] * amir1 has joined #usa
[19:26] <Badkiss> america?
[19:26] <GordianKnot> no.
[19:26] <GordianKnot> : p
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[19:26] <Badkiss> what country are u talking about?
[19:27] <GordianKnot> the land of the Romans from the East
[19:27] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:27] <Badkiss> greece? lol hahaha
[19:27] <GordianKnot> no no
[19:27] <GordianKnot> not Bzantium
[19:27] <GordianKnot> byzantium*
[19:27] * ale^17 has joined #usa
[19:27] <GordianKnot> =)))
[19:27] <Badkiss> im too lazy to search in google map
[19:27] <GordianKnot> but pretty close to Greece
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[19:28] <GordianKnot> Bulgaria separates us from Greece
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[19:28] <Badkiss> o.O
[19:28] <ChrstphrR> Don't you border Turkey, as well?
[19:28] <GordianKnot> nope
[19:28] <Badkiss> chrstphrR is a wiz in geography lol
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[19:28] <GordianKnot> we border:
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[19:28] <GordianKnot> Ukraine,the Moldavian Republic,Hungary,Bulgaria,Montenegru
[19:29] * ChrstphrR checks his atlas...
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[19:29] <GordianKnot> I love Turkey,though.
[19:29] <Badkiss> lol chrs
[19:29] <ChrstphrR> I'm rusty with all the name changes, there's over 200 nations to keep straight in my mind ;)
[19:29] <GordianKnot> I gotta go to Ystanbul
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[19:29] <Badkiss> is israel near there?
[19:29] <ChrstphrR> Oh, so it is - Bulgaria separates you from Turkey. :P
[19:30] <GordianKnot> hmm
[19:30] * X sets mode: +l 119
[19:30] <GordianKnot> I think Syria and Lebanon separate the two
[19:30] <GordianKnot> But it's pretty close to Israel
[19:30] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:30] <Twilight18> you can check it on google maps :)
[19:30] <GordianKnot> yeah.I like Bulgaria too.
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[19:31] <GordianKnot> I hear that when you go close to the Danube you can see the lights from the Bulgarian side,if it's dark
[19:31] <GordianKnot> Must be a wonderful sight
[19:31] * X sets mode: +l 116
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[19:31] <ChrstphrR> Which city do you live in, GordianKnot?
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[19:31] <GordianKnot> Romania
[19:31] <ChrstphrR> That's not a city :)
[19:31] <GordianKnot> oh
[19:31] <GordianKnot> sorry
[19:32] <GordianKnot> I mean
[19:32] * serje has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:32] <GordianKnot> Bucharest
[19:32] <GordianKnot> the capital city
[19:32] <ChrstphrR> Oh okay, in the capital.
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[19:32] <Twilight18> do you know Macedonia? what do u think about it?
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[19:32] <Badkiss> europe is where all of the histories are right?
[19:32] <GordianKnot> H
[19:32] <GordianKnot> you mean
[19:32] <Badkiss> and asia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> the Republic of Makedonia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> right?
[19:33] * amir1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:33] <Twilight18> yes
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I like it
[19:33] * POLICE_SK has quit IRC (Quit: Internet Caffe : Saraj@NET : : w w w . Top . aL :)
[19:33] * helen|away is now known as helen4ever
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[19:33] <Son_of_thor> Hey again.
[19:33] <Twilight18> I'm from macedonia
[19:33] <GordianKnot> the Republic?
[19:33] <Twilight18> yes
[19:33] <GordianKnot> cool
[19:33] <Twilight18> :)
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I think one of my grandfathers was Makedonian
[19:33] <GordianKnot> I'm not sure though
[19:34] <Twilight18> that's nice
[19:34] <GordianKnot> some of my ancestors were either Russian,Macedonian or tartars
[19:34] <Badkiss> so where are all of the cool places in europe?
[19:35] <Son_of_thor> Well john_cons you left the Fjords and mountains of Norway for England? why could that be?
[19:35] <ChrstphrR> Badkiss - you should take aCheekyMonke's advice, and find out ;)
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[19:35] <GordianKnot> well...what do you mean by cool? For me,Athens-Rome-Moscow-Ystanbul are te coolest
[19:35] <GordianKnot> :D
[19:35] <Badkiss> yeah, he helped me with the tour thingy
[19:35] <Badkiss> like the easiest way to get in is in iceland
[19:35] <Badkiss> then go way down
[19:35] <ChrstphrR> That I wouldn't've known
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[19:36] <Badkiss> he searched it in wikipedia o.O
[19:36] <ChrstphrR> Iceland would be interesting to see, with all the geothermal works they have.
[19:36] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR yes they have free energy so to speak.
[19:36] <Badkiss> geothermal
[19:36] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaw.. lucky
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[19:37] <ChrstphrR> Easier to harness free energy ... but the occasional erruptions are not always good news there.
[19:37] <Son_of_thor> Iceland useses alot of energy but it?s all clean energy!! Geotermal and hydroelectric!!
[19:37] * HailSnail has joined #usa
[19:37] <HailSnail> damn it
[19:37] <Badkiss> hi hailsnail :D
[19:37] <HailSnail> I crashed
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[19:37] <ChrstphrR> It's frickin' cold in the north, they should use lots of energy ;)
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[19:37] <HailSnail> I looooooooove the cold
[19:37] * X sets mode: +l 119
[19:37] <Badkiss> i hate the cold
[19:37] <Twilight18> haha visit Aljaska then :)
[19:37] <HailSnail> My ancestors were Polar bears
[19:37] <ChrstphrR> I'm sure the Faroes are cold in the winter, aren't they?
[19:37] <Badkiss> lol!
[19:38] * PatricQ is off, take care all
[19:38] <Badkiss> buhbye patricq
[19:38] <PatricQ> bye bye Badkiss
[19:38] <HailSnail> what is greener than the grass?
[19:38] <HailSnail> : p
[19:38] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR not so extremly cold as you could expect :). It?s mild because of oceaan climate.. But having said that then it?s realy not warm in the summer either..
[19:38] <Badkiss> lol! there's a dance step called the credit card swipe
[19:38] * PatricQ bows
[19:38] * krystina36 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:38] <Badkiss> and milking the cow
[19:38] <Q^TE> tc PatricQ:)
[19:38] <Badkiss> that's weird
[19:38] <PatricQ> u too Q^TE
[19:38] <HailSnail> what is colder than ice?
[19:39] * PatricQ has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:39] <helen4ever> PatricQ
[19:39] <helen4ever> mh
[19:39] <Badkiss> dry ice
[19:39] <helen4ever> late :P
[19:39] <Son_of_thor> It?s no diffrence betwwen summer and winter here :) a bit boring at times.. But i love the clean air that is in Faroe Islands.
[19:39] <ChrstphrR> Oh, so you get moderated temperatures... I bet it's windy/breezy most of the time then.
[19:39] <HailSnail> DEATH is colder than ice
[19:39] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR Yes it gets very windy!!
[19:39] <ChrstphrR> I grew up near some of the Great Lakes, so I'm familiar with how that goes...
[19:40] <HailSnail> my name is Tamur
[19:40] <ChrstphrR> Lake Superior made me pretty jaded when I saw the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean for the first time on the shore.
[19:40] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR 40 m/s sometimes.. It?s also why our houses are extremly strong built..
[19:40] <HailSnail> I come from Mongolia
[19:40] <Badkiss> where are u from tamur?
[19:40] <HailSnail> and I like to drink fermented milk from my mare
[19:40] <HailSnail> : p
[19:40] <Son_of_thor> ChrstphrR Yeah you in USA have lots of expericen with storms as well!!
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[19:40] <Son_of_thor> expericne
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[19:40] <ChrstphrR> HailSnail - hullo again NodulGordian ...
[19:40] <HailSnail> heddo
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[19:40] <ChrstphrR> Well, I'm actually Canadian.
[19:41] <MuPPeT> Oo
[19:41] <HailSnail> from the French or from the English part?
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> Grew up right on the border - a different part than where CelticGem grew up
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> English part, in the time span I was living in it.
[19:41] <Son_of_thor> Ok ChrstphrR :)
[19:41] <Twilight18> i don't like greece
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[19:41] * SEXY_FOX was kicked by Xarana (Banned: Lame nick - change it!)
[19:41] <ChrstphrR> But my hometown has a french name from when it was originally settled.
[19:41] <HailSnail> why not?
[19:41] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*Alybhai@*
[19:41] <HailSnail> cool
[19:41] * ricck has left #usa (Leaving)
[19:41] <Twilight18> becouse it's enemy no.1 to my country
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[19:42] <HailSnail> no it's not.
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[19:42] <HailSnail> your pride is your enemy
[19:42] * X sets mode: +l 99
[19:42] <HailSnail> : p
[19:42] <ChrstphrR> Hrm, server barfed.
[19:42] <CelticGem> lol
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[19:42] <Twilight18> however,we're bad with them..
[19:42] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaaw
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[19:42] * * sets mode: +o rena`
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[19:42] <Badkiss> what happened?
[19:42] * _KinG`PiN is now known as KinG`PiN
[19:42] <HailSnail> net split
[19:42] * rena` is now known as Dark|Angel
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[19:43] <ChrstphrR> Badkiss - someone tripped on a power cord and rebooted a server.
[19:43] * X sets mode: +l 105
[19:43] <Badkiss> ooooh.. but that's a lot of people
[19:43] * Just-a-Man has joined #usa
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[19:43] <Badkiss> no wait i dont wanna get there lol
[19:43] <Badkiss> my brain is retarded :))
[19:43] * HailSnail is now known as GordianKnot
[19:43] <GordianKnot> last
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[19:44] * X sets mode: +l 108
[19:44] <ChrstphrR> Jeez, Europe is so tiny compared to Canada :P
[19:44] <Badkiss> lol!
[19:44] <Badkiss> can someone be my teddy bear?
[19:44] <Badkiss> :)
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> I'm looking over the map in comparison... where i've travelled off in just two countries... :P
[19:45] <GordianKnot> well don't forget
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[19:45] <greebo_Brat> and far less liberal, these days :\
[19:45] <GordianKnot> Russia is bigger than Canada
[19:45] <Badkiss> lol there is goes again
[19:45] <GordianKnot> ;)
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[19:45] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - I'm sure the distances there would remind me of here.
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[19:45] * X sets mode: +l 100
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> My nearest relatives are 5-1/2 hours by car.
[19:45] <MuPPeT> Canada .. hmmm load of hills , Holland just lots of homps we call hills
[19:45] <ChrstphrR> My hometown's 24h by car.
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[19:46] <ChrstphrR> ... and that's no where near going entirely west to east yet.
[19:46] * greebo_Brat notes holand is also not very liberal
[19:46] * Ompahpah sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:46] <MuPPeT> hehe
[19:46] <MuPPeT> hi Greeb
[19:46] * `lorelai` has quit IRC (Quit)
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[19:46] <greebo_Brat> evenin Mr MuPPeT
[19:46] <MuPPeT> thnx :)
[19:46] <GordianKnot> holland is very liberal
[19:47] <Q^TE> greebo_Brat :)
[19:47] <GordianKnot> you can smoke weed,go visit the red quarter
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[19:47] <GordianKnot> or whatever you call it
[19:47] * yesorno has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:47] <GordianKnot> it's the most tolerant country in europe
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> but you can't go and airsoft
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> skirmish
[19:47] <greebo_Brat> ergo, not liberal or tolerant at all
[19:48] <GordianKnot> it's liberty and tolerance are not unlimited
[19:48] <greebo_Brat> they also dont know how to cook chips over there, damned things arent soggy
[19:48] <GordianKnot> its*
[19:48] <GordianKnot> damn it
[19:48] * Badkiss has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:48] * nicktar has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:48] <GordianKnot> i really gotta brush up on my English
[19:48] <MuPPeT> we have lays chips :D
[19:48] * turkish_m has quit IRC (Quit: 4,1 -=^ 14,1C15,1aNa15,10,1VaR 4,1^=- 0,1 8.5 0,1Phenomen 15,1Download : 0,1http://0,1www.canavar.0,1net/
[19:49] * X sets mode: +l 97
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> er, I mean chips, not crisps?
[19:49] <MuPPeT> lol
[19:49] <GordianKnot> hold on
[19:49] * curious^man has joined #usa
[19:49] <GordianKnot> when you say chips
[19:49] <GordianKnot> do you mean,french fries?
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> They've been clamping down on that more, because they're tired of the rest of the world's slackers coming to visit.
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> no GordianKnot
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> greebo_Brat, you'll have to come to Canada then.
[19:49] <curious^man> i wonder why a pretty girl like Heidi Klum married an ugly black negro ?
[19:49] * nabilcasa has left #usa
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> I don't know if KFC needs an IT guy though, 'cause your company doesn't have any holdings here :)
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> I mean chips
[19:49] * ChrstphrR sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> what you call "steak fries" ...
[19:49] * curious^man was kicked by ChrstphrR (YHBT YHL HAND Bye, Troll *waves*)
[19:49] <greebo_Brat> not the small itty bitty thin pieces of fried card board
[19:49] <ChrstphrR> I haven't seen that troll in here for weeks.
[19:49] <GordianKnot> steak fries?
[19:49] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
[19:49] * Bikerdawg_ has joined #usa
[19:50] <GordianKnot> ok I'm getting hungry now
[19:50] * engineer_29 has joined #usa
[19:50] <greebo_Brat> GordianKnot big chunky "fries"
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya greebo
[19:50] <GordianKnot> Well I guess I'll never know what "chips" means
[19:50] <Q^TE> Bikerdawg_ :)
[19:50] <ChrstphrR> English, that universal language where a Canadian can't fathom a word that a Brit says ;)
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Q hiya
[19:50] <helen4ever> Bikerdawg_ ! :)
[19:50] <ChrstphrR> GordianKnot - he means the size of the cut of the potatoes.
[19:50] <Bikerdawg_> Helen! Lol
[19:50] <helen4ever> lol ?!
[19:50] <GordianKnot> fathom=measure ?
[19:51] <helen4ever> so funny to see me?:P
[19:51] <CelticGem> innit Chris
[19:51] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:51] <ILAR> hi
[19:51] <ChrstphrR> fathom - in that case, it's not the measure, but it means to understand.
[19:51] <GordianKnot> aha
[19:51] * slotman7 has joined #usa
[19:51] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*jgreen2@*
[19:51] <ILAR> have any one seen the movie vicky cristina and barcelona?
[19:51] * slotman7 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: lamah)
[19:51] <Bikerdawg_> No helen but ya always put a "!" after my name
[19:51] <helen4ever> next time i wont :)
[19:51] <MuPPeT> ILAR . you ?
[19:51] <ChrstphrR> You'll learn all sorts of archaic english words no one uses in everyday speech from me, GordianKnot :P
[19:51] * ale^17 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:51] <ILAR> es
[19:51] <ILAR> yes
[19:51] <CelticGem> Chris like...?
[19:51] <GordianKnot> I did stumble across that word when I was reading Dickens
[19:52] * Jj` sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:52] * GordianKnot was kicked by Jj` (Potty mouth)
[19:52] <ChrstphrR> Like fathom, betwixt
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> ILAR i have seen that movie
[19:52] <ChrstphrR> Gah. False positive
[19:52] <Bikerdawg_> Lol doesnt matter helen i jst found it funny is all
[19:52] <CelticGem> ahh I use those
[19:52] * ChrstphrR sets mode: -b *!*@
[19:52] * truestworthy has joined #usa
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[19:52] * * sets mode: +o LilleHopp
[19:52] <CelticGem> I hate that script
[19:52] <ILAR> and what dark did u like it
[19:52] <GordianKnot> thanks chris
[19:52] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya DA celtic and chris
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> NO ILAR
[19:52] <MuPPeT> rofl
[19:52] <Dark|Angel> boring movie
[19:52] <ILAR> ya me neither
[19:52] * LilleHopp sets mode: -bb *!*jgreen2@* *!*@
[19:52] <ILAR> yes
[19:52] <CelticGem> Lo BD!!
[19:52] <ILAR> very boring
[19:52] * Dark|Angel slaaaaapppppps Bikerdawg_ around with a pillow
[19:52] * X sets mode: +l 107
[19:52] <GordianKnot> bikerdawg
[19:53] <Bikerdawg_> Hi gordian
[19:53] <GordianKnot> what is whiter than milk?
[19:53] <GordianKnot> ;)
[19:53] <Bikerdawg_> How is everyone today?
[19:53] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[19:53] * CelticGem is mellow today
[19:53] <MuPPeT> all fine,......... i need a drink
[19:54] <GordianKnot> i'm super dawg
[19:54] <Bikerdawg_> Good good
[19:54] <GordianKnot> so dawg
[19:55] <GordianKnot> how's you?
[19:55] * danaVVvvv has joined #usa
[19:55] * Stride` has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:55] <Bikerdawg_> Im good ty gordian
[19:55] * Handsome2829 has joined #usa
[19:55] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*@*
[19:55] * Handsome2829 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: warez bot)
[19:55] * CCam has joined #usa
[19:56] * CCam was kicked by Q^TE (CCam)
[19:56] * CCam has joined #usa
[19:56] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:56] * CCam was kicked by Q^TE (CCam)
[19:56] <GordianKnot> good
[19:56] <GordianKnot> why's everybody so silent?
[19:56] <Bikerdawg_> Cuz i got here lol
[19:56] <MuPPeT> oh yes, im back
[19:56] <ChrstphrR> Yes, shh... Bikerdawg_'s here.
[19:56] <CelticGem> we're sleeping
[19:56] * ChrstphrR should be hungry... and is
[19:56] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao chris
[19:57] <Bikerdawg_> Wb muppet
[19:57] * Mister_5AR has joined #usa
[19:57] * MARIA-300 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:57] <Dark|Angel> and u ignored me:P
[19:57] * MuPPeT gives ChrstphrR some verry old cookies to eat
[19:57] <GordianKnot> chinese food
[19:57] <GordianKnot> deliciooous
[19:57] * engineer_29 has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:57] <GordianKnot> but,unfortunately,I can't eat it.
[19:57] <CelticGem> popcorn!!
[19:57] <GordianKnot> I'm alergic to cats and dogs
[19:57] <GordianKnot> : p
[19:57] <CelticGem> eww
[19:57] <Bikerdawg_> Who did DA?
[19:57] * inzahouse has joined #usa
[19:57] <Dark|Angel> u
[19:58] <MuPPeT> lol
[19:58] <CelticGem> inza!!
[19:58] <Bikerdawg_> Nope i said hi to ya before ya beat me wiff a pillow
[19:58] * guy18 has joined #usa
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> ops
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> my bad;p
[19:58] <Dark|Angel> didnt see it:D
[19:58] <Bikerdawg_> Np hun
[19:58] * Mister_5AR has quit IRC (Quit)
[19:58] * JACKY-CHAN23 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:58] <GordianKnot> irini
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> yes
[19:59] * Dark|Angel hugs Bikerdawg_ tight
[19:59] <GordianKnot> what's sharper than a thorn ?
[19:59] * Jasmin` Hi
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> my tongue
[19:59] <MuPPeT> womans nails
[19:59] <ChrstphrR> Oscar Wilde's wit?
[19:59] * ttigerr has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * rdstruga has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * RolsenRoyce has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * cynic_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * medicine4 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * alpertunga has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] <GordianKnot> hunger!
[19:59] * mr`chips has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * mclovin_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * Geminigirl has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * DrLame has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * Just-a-Man has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:59] * mclovin_ has joined #usa
[19:59] <Bikerdawg_> Wooohoooo imma lucky dawg. Hugs DA tight back
[19:59] * Connor1 has joined #usa
[19:59] <Dark|Angel> :)
[19:59] <CelticGem> a netsplit?
[19:59] * RolsenRoyce has joined #usa
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[19:59] * rdstruga has joined #usa
[19:59] <ILAR> well im leaving
[19:59] <ILAR> byeee
[19:59] * cynic_ has joined #usa
[19:59] * X sets mode: +l 102
[19:59] <GordianKnot> buh byeee
[19:59] * mr`chips has joined #usa
[19:59] * mr`chips has quit IRC (Registered)
[19:59] * mr`chips has joined #usa
[19:59] <ILAR> u alll
[19:59] * Just-a-Man has joined #usa
[19:59] <ILAR> chaooo
[19:59] * medicine4 has joined #usa
[19:59] <MuPPeT> laters ILAR
[19:59] * needAgirlfri has joined #usa
[20:00] <ILAR> laters muppet chaoo
[20:00] * ILAR has left #usa
[20:00] * maryem has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:00] <GordianKnot> Hug me till you drug me honeeeeyyy
[20:00] * maryem has joined #usa
[20:00] <GordianKnot> kiss me till im inaa comaaaaaa
[20:00] <GordianKnot> hug me honeey snuggly bunnyyyy
[20:00] <GordianKnot> love is as good as somaaaa
[20:00] <CelticGem> munchies time!!
[20:00] <Bikerdawg_> Gonna share celtic?
[20:00] * X sets mode: +l 105
[20:00] * ttigerr has joined #usa
[20:00] * maryem has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:00] <CelticGem> Dont be silly!
[20:00] <GordianKnot> a miligram is better than a damn
[20:00] <CelticGem> no!
[20:00] * kornea has joined #usa
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[20:01] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwwww celtic doeant love me anymore
[20:01] <GordianKnot> I love that book
[20:01] <CelticGem> do too
[20:01] * eros777 has joined #usa
[20:01] <CelticGem> ok ok
[20:01] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:01] <Bikerdawg_> Just loves her snacks more? Lol
[20:01] * CelticGem offers BD a handfull of popcorn
[20:02] <GordianKnot> so irini
[20:02] <Bikerdawg_> Mmmmmm popcorn ty
[20:02] <GordianKnot> tell me something
[20:02] <CelticGem> :)
[20:02] <GordianKnot> do you study archaic Greek at school?
[20:02] * Geminigirl has joined #usa
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[20:03] * X sets mode: +l 108
[20:04] * eros777 has quit IRC (Quit)
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[20:04] <GordianKnot> cat got your tongue?
[20:04] <Dark|Angel> yes GordianKnot
[20:04] <Dark|Angel> we do study archea greek
[20:04] <GordianKnot> cool
[20:04] <MuPPeT> sounds old
[20:05] <GordianKnot> does it have the /sho/ sound?
[20:05] <GordianKnot> :d
[20:05] * Scottish has joined #usa
[20:05] * arie_13 later guys..of to bed
[20:05] * arie_13 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:05] <Q^TE> Scottish:)
[20:05] <Scottish> Salutations, ave and greetings !
[20:05] * hayem has left #usa
[20:05] <GordianKnot> hey there lad
[20:05] <MuPPeT> thank you
[20:05] * AsuKa___ has joined #usa
[20:05] * Jasmin` Evelynne Kiss kiss kiss
[20:05] * _Man_Alone has joined #usa
[20:05] <GordianKnot> you know,one of my University teachers's Scottish
[20:06] <Bikerdawg_> Hi Q scottish and asuka
[20:06] <Scottish> GordianKnot: ?Pardon me".... Do I know you. ?
[20:06] <Scottish> Bikerdawg_: Hello mate !
[20:08] <Scottish> So how's it goin ?
[20:09] <AsuKa___> Hi everyone
[20:09] <GordianKnot> Maybe you do maybe you don't.I change my nickname every time I come here.
[20:09] <Q^TE> Bikerdawg_ :)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> everytime*
[20:09] <Bikerdawg_> Hows it goin scottish? Good here thanks
[20:09] <Q^TE> u didnt se me even before Bikerdawg_:)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> no
[20:09] <GordianKnot> ait
[20:09] <Scottish> GordianKnot: I don't wanna fill my head ^_^ it's already filled 4UP :)
[20:09] <GordianKnot> every time*
[20:09] <GordianKnot> that's better
[20:09] <Bikerdawg_> No Qi didnt sorry bro
[20:09] * alpertunga has joined #usa
[20:10] <GordianKnot> well don't.Let's empty it for a change
[20:10] <Q^TE> np :))
[20:10] * yaXuR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:10] <GordianKnot> braaaain
[20:10] <Scottish> Bikerdawg_: Well, it's wonderful to know that.
[20:10] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:10] <GordianKnot> I need braaaaain
[20:10] * yaXuR has joined #usa
[20:10] * Scottish is now known as Unknown`
[20:10] * truestworthy has left #usa
[20:10] <GordianKnot> don't hiiiiiiiide
[20:10] <GordianKnot> I wanna chew your tasty lobes
[20:10] <Bikerdawg_> Could only be better if i didnt have 12 hour work days this weekend scottish
[20:11] <GordianKnot> and carry them in my stomach for a few days
[20:11] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: 12 hours? thats all?
[20:11] * x_X_x has left #usa
[20:11] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[20:11] * m_handsome has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:12] * GordianKnot cuts unknown's skull and shoves a mixer in his brains
[20:12] <GordianKnot> yuum yuuuuum
[20:12] <Bikerdawg_> Lol yeah but i shouldnt say work 12 cuz im lying i dont really do much work lol
[20:12] <Unknown`> I'm workin since 72 hours ago i spent 3 slepless nights and this night is the 4th ...... i'm not feelin good mate. :)
[20:12] * Badkiss slaps Bikerdawg_ around a bit with a large trout
[20:12] * GordianKnot puts a straw in unknown's mashed brains and sucks them
[20:12] <Unknown`> sleepless
[20:12] <Bikerdawg_> Sorry to hear it unknown
[20:12] * AaSaBi has joined #usa
[20:12] <Unknown`> we're all workin hardly ^_^ you are not alone :)
[20:12] <GordianKnot> selam asabi
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Badkisssssssss hiya hun
[20:13] <GordianKnot> how's you?
[20:13] <GordianKnot> :d
[20:13] * AaSaBi is online right now for a short time :)
[20:13] <AaSaBi> hi gordion
[20:13] <Badkiss> hi biker :D
[20:13] <AaSaBi> :)
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Hi aasabi
[20:13] <GordianKnot> what's up?
[20:13] <AaSaBi> hi biker:) how r ya doing?
[20:13] <mEXIcANAX> his
[20:13] <MuPPeT> does me give a good feeling to see you all can get along with eachother :D
[20:13] * danaVVvvv has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:13] * Con_Fu_Se has joined #usa
[20:13] <Bikerdawg_> Im good and you aasabi?
[20:13] * shahhh has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:13] <MuPPeT> Con_Fu_Seeeeee
[20:14] <Badkiss> sleeeeeeepy
[20:14] <AaSaBi> fine just tired I ve so many claases today
[20:14] <Con_Fu_Se> hey all
[20:14] <GordianKnot> classes?
[20:14] <GordianKnot> what do you teach ?
[20:14] <Bikerdawg_> I generally can get along with anyone
[20:14] <Badkiss> con fu se u chinese?
[20:14] <GordianKnot> kon fu zi
[20:14] <GordianKnot> no?
[20:14] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: are you?
[20:14] <Badkiss> its confucious?
[20:14] * Jj` sets mode: +b *!*
[20:14] * Badkiss was kicked by Jj` (And another one bites the dust)
[20:14] * lori14 has joined #usa
[20:15] <GordianKnot> yeah
[20:15] <GordianKnot> ;)
[20:15] <Con_Fu_Se> o_O
[20:15] <AaSaBi> Chemistry
[20:15] <GordianKnot> cool!
[20:15] <GordianKnot> i like chemistry
[20:15] <Bikerdawg_> Hmmm wonder why she got kicked
[20:15] <Unknown`> :)
[20:15] <AaSaBi> dont make Jj angry :)
[20:16] <Con_Fu_Se> tight heristics on the f words from the bot I guess
[20:16] * GordianKnot is listening to a lovely song and sings: lunaa mi-a zambiiiitttttttt
[20:16] <Con_Fu_Se> *word
[20:16] <Unknown`> ?
[20:16] <GordianKnot> i love that song
[20:16] <Bikerdawg_> Yup con
[20:16] * j0hNnY_ has joined #usa
[20:16] * Jj` sets mode: -b *!*
[20:16] * Dark|Angel slaaaaapppppps Con_Fu_Se around with a pillow
[20:17] <Con_Fu_Se> it must be abuse the asian looking guy day :p
[20:17] * Badkiss has joined #usa
[20:17] <GordianKnot> so you're Asian?
[20:17] <Badkiss> that was mean
[20:17] <Con_Fu_Se> life is mean
[20:18] <GordianKnot> I'm Tamur
[20:18] * Zaid has joined #usa
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Wb badkiss
[20:18] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: what glitters isn't always gold
[20:18] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[20:18] <GordianKnot> and I come from Ulan Bator
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Lol it was the bot not anyone badkiss
[20:18] <Badkiss> im originally from the philippines.
[20:18] * AaSaBi got to go now
[20:18] <AaSaBi> by
[20:18] <Badkiss> bye aasabi
[20:18] * AaSaBi has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:18] <GordianKnot> bye
[20:18] <Q^TE> tc AaSaBi
[20:18] <Bikerdawg_> Tc ttyl
[20:18] <GordianKnot> "not all that glitters is gold"
[20:18] <Badkiss> but i live in chicago now
[20:18] <GordianKnot> you meanter say
[20:18] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:19] <GordianKnot> oh wait
[20:19] <Bikerdawg_> Wow hes almost as fast as Q lol
[20:19] <GordianKnot> not everything that glitters is gold *
[20:19] <GordianKnot> that's better
[20:19] * Bikerdawg_ has quit IRC (Quit: Grrrrrrrr texts and calls DC me)
[20:19] * sens|ble has joined #usa
[20:19] <Dark|Angel> lol
[20:19] * M_Luana has joined #usa
[20:19] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: well ... it still makes the same sense
[20:20] * Bikerdawg_ has joined #usa
[20:20] <GordianKnot> if gold doesn't glitter at all,I guess it des
[20:20] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:20] * Jasmin` has left #usa
[20:20] <Badkiss> wb biker
[20:21] <GordianKnot> so confuzi
[20:21] <GordianKnot> qhere do you abide?
[20:21] <GordianKnot> :D
[20:21] <GordianKnot> where?*
[20:21] * Badkiss smackz biker on the cheek
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Gonna be one of those days already lol. Ty badkiss
[20:21] <Con_Fu_Se> to a realm of my own
[20:21] <GordianKnot> the Netherlands?
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwww ouch
[20:21] <Badkiss> hahaha :p
[20:21] <Bikerdawg_> Do it again lol
[20:22] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:22] <Badkiss> the other cheek?
[20:22] * saltman has joined #usa
[20:22] <Bikerdawg_> Yup
[20:22] * RaBbiTt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:22] <Q^TE> mEXIcANAX stop hising
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> seems we got ourself a willing christian
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> ^^
[20:22] * Badkiss smackz biker on the other cheek
[20:22] <GordianKnot> so confuzi
[20:22] <GordianKnot> do you like vodka?
[20:22] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:22] <Bikerdawg_> Lol con
[20:22] * eggplantt has joined #usa
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> as well as all clean spirits
[20:22] <Con_Fu_Se> *clear
[20:23] * X sets mode: +l 111
[20:23] <Badkiss> brb.. i gotta let the steaks out
[20:23] <GordianKnot> so you like Pam Anderson?
[20:23] <Bikerdawg_> Tyt badkiss
[20:23] <Bikerdawg_> Who doesnt gordian?
[20:23] <Q^TE> tyt Badkiss
[20:23] <Con_Fu_Se> GordianKnot: do you like barbie dolls? o_O
[20:23] <MuPPeT> i dont
[20:23] <GordianKnot> I do
[20:24] <Bikerdawg_> I do lol
[20:24] <GordianKnot> I always give them to my dog
[20:24] <MuPPeT> hehehe
[20:24] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:24] <mEXIcANAX> HIS
[20:24] * Vikash has joined #usa
[20:24] <Bikerdawg_> His?
[20:24] * mEXIcANAX was kicked by Q^TE (HIS)
[20:24] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:24] <MuPPeT> lol
[20:25] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Is that the plural of hi?
[20:25] <Dark|Angel> lol
[20:25] <Badkiss> i know the answer :p
[20:25] * Unknown` Cigar is cigar
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Lol
[20:25] <Badkiss> it's hey.. joking! :D
[20:25] <GordianKnot> a cigarette is a cigarette
[20:25] <GordianKnot> unknown,have you read Nice Work ?
[20:25] <Bikerdawg_> Lol badkiss
[20:26] * nabilbboy has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:26] * Bikerdawg_ beats badkiss wiff a wet noodle
[20:26] <Badkiss> im so corny lol!
[20:26] * AsuKa___ has quit IRC (Quit: Rooms ??? iPhone IRC Client ???
[20:26] <Badkiss> a wet noodle? where's the soup? :D
[20:26] <MuPPeT> can we say the woods r woods, or cant you say that bcoz u cant see the woods bcoz the trees r in the way
[20:26] * skirt has joined #usa
[20:27] <Bikerdawg_> Lol i drank it
[20:27] <Badkiss> hi skirt!!!! :D
[20:27] <GordianKnot> a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose
[20:27] <Badkiss> meanie! u didn't leave anything for me T_T
[20:27] <skirt> Hey Badkiss! : ]
[20:27] * `Nomad30M has joined #usa
[20:27] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao
[20:27] <GordianKnot> I'm kinda alergic to roses
[20:27] <GordianKnot> : p
[20:27] * mr`chips has quit IRC (Quit: Be right back!)
[20:27] * ^Marga^ has joined #usa
[20:27] * Dan31 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:28] <Bikerdawg_> Im allergic to buying roses
[20:28] <GordianKnot> roses are red
[20:28] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:28] <GordianKnot> and if i looked like you
[20:28] <GordianKnot> i'd join the zoo
[20:29] <Badkiss> would you believe im allergic to aspirin?
[20:29] <GordianKnot> allergic*
[20:29] <GordianKnot> GOD DAMN IT!!!
[20:29] * W_Zombie has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:29] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: May I ask ya just 1 quest please. ?
[20:29] <Bikerdawg_> Really?
[20:29] <GordianKnot> I'm allergic to water
[20:29] <GordianKnot> I never wash myself
[20:29] * Panther^^ has joined #usa
[20:29] * Dark|Angel is allergic to parfume and penciline
[20:29] * Geminigirl has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:30] <GordianKnot> I'm also allergic to soap
[20:30] <GordianKnot> it's deadly for me
[20:30] * Co0ooL-Man has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:30] <Badkiss> uh huh.. my body is so weird
[20:30] <Bikerdawg_> Sure unknown
[20:31] * Vikash has quit IRC (Quit: Rooms ??? iPhone IRC Client ???
[20:31] <GordianKnot> mine is weird too
[20:31] * fraguta has joined #usa
[20:31] <Unknown`> Bikerdawg_: How can you tell if a girl likes you. ?
[20:31] * Euforic hi allz
[20:31] * Dark|Angel likes Bikerdawg_
[20:31] <Q^TE> hi Euforic
[20:31] <Badkiss> gordian why would u join the zoo?
[20:31] <MuPPeT> amen
[20:31] <Bikerdawg_> Hmm she usually doesnt slap me
[20:31] <CelticGem> if she likes your shoes then she likes you
[20:31] <Badkiss> lol! thou shall not put the name of God in vain
[20:31] <Dark|Angel> lol Bikerdawg_
[20:31] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwww ty DA
[20:31] <Dark|Angel> maybe she slaps only them she likes;p
[20:31] <Deathdealer> earth
[20:31] * mysterious__ has joined #usa
[20:31] * Unknown` is now known as Scottish
[20:32] <Con_Fu_Se> yeah you can't have to vain conditions... one cancels the other
[20:32] <Badkiss> oh really?
[20:32] <Bikerdawg_> Lmao then DA must love me
[20:32] <Con_Fu_Se> *two
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> haha
[20:32] <Badkiss> if you drink water, you'd blow up
[20:32] * Dark|Angel hugs Scottish tight
[20:32] <Scottish> till now? :(
[20:32] * yaXuR has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> i didnt realize was u:s
[20:32] <Scottish> we'll change the destination
[20:32] <Scottish> :)
[20:32] <Dark|Angel> why u keep changing nicks:
[20:32] <GordianKnot> :\
[20:32] <GordianKnot> roses are red
[20:32] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:32] <GordianKnot> I'm schizophrenic
[20:32] <GordianKnot> and so am I
[20:33] <Badkiss> scottish is from scotland?
[20:33] * Scottish thinks that he bein unwelcome :)
[20:33] * Adela_- has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:33] <Scottish> Badkiss: No !
[20:33] * Dark|Angel pats sammy's head
[20:33] <Bikerdawg_> Unwelcome? Never
[20:33] <Badkiss> scottish is being scottish? :)
[20:34] <GordianKnot> helo
[20:34] <GordianKnot> main neim iz macgregr
[20:34] <GordianKnot> dunkn mcgregr
[20:35] <Scottish> Badkiss: Be clean and clear :)
[20:35] * sparky1 has joined #usa
[20:35] <Scottish> (:
[20:35] * d3fr0st has joined #usa
[20:35] <Badkiss> clean and clear.. that's the anti pimple regimen right?
[20:35] <GordianKnot> Scottish
[20:35] <Scottish> Dark|Angel:??
[20:35] <GordianKnot> are you wearing a kilt right now?
[20:35] * d3fr0st has left #usa
[20:35] <Scottish> goldy
[20:35] <Dark|Angel> yes hon
[20:35] <Scottish> please !
[20:36] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*
[20:36] * Badkiss shakes bikerdawg_ wake up!!
[20:36] * sparky1 was kicked by Q^TE (Bad channel)
[20:36] <Dark|Angel> please me what?
[20:36] * Deathdealer has left #usa
[20:36] <Bikerdawg_> Lol imma wake
[20:36] * X sets mode: +l 108
[20:36] * Deathdealer has joined #usa
[20:36] <Badkiss> are u at work?
[20:36] * H|N| has joined #usa
[20:36] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:36] <GordianKnot> Roses are red.
[20:36] <GordianKnot> violets are blue
[20:36] <Scottish> r these people even human?
[20:36] <Bikerdawg_> Yes badkiss always
[20:37] <GordianKnot> some poems rhyme
[20:37] <GordianKnot> but this one doesn'rt
[20:37] <Dark|Angel> lol sammy
[20:37] <Dark|Angel> shhh
[20:37] <Scottish> or bots ?
[20:37] <Badkiss> who was that guy who wears spongebob boxers?
[20:37] <Badkiss> i forgot.. @.@
[20:37] <Scottish> i'm lost
[20:38] <GordianKnot> 3 people are jumping from a plane
[20:38] <Deathdealer> rognvaldr
[20:38] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the first,when jumping,shouts: juranimooooo
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the second does the same
[20:38] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
[20:38] * _flavia^^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:38] <GordianKnot> the third,an American Indian,says:
[20:38] <GordianKnot> Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[20:38] <Badkiss> hi chrs!
[20:41] <Dark|Angel> english!!
[20:41] <Deathdealer> yellow badge
[20:41] * Blond-Man has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:41] * atef has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:41] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 09 20:41:15 2009
Session Start: Sat May 09 20:42:47 2009
Session Ident: #usa
[20:42] * Now talking in #usa
[20:42] * Topic is ' Welcome to #USA :: CLEAN English only :: ::'
[20:42] * Set by KinG`PiN on Thu May 07 11:59:03
[20:43] * CartofPai has joined #usa
[20:43] <GordianKnot> ol mcdonald had a farm
[20:43] <GordianKnot> iaa iaaa oooo
[20:43] <GordianKnot> and on this farm he had an igloo
[20:43] <GordianKnot> iaa...i..aaay....oh
[20:43] <Badkiss> man skirt!!
[20:44] * `Nomad30M has left #usa
[20:44] * KUWAIT-30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:44] * etienne30 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:44] <Badkiss> i wanna see a guy wear a skirt. :)
[20:44] <GordianKnot> the skirt was worn by men as much as it was worn by women
[20:44] <GordianKnot> nowdays,nah
[20:44] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:45] <GordianKnot> but in days of yore
[20:45] <GordianKnot> men would wear skirts,ain't that right Irini?
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> KINOE
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> :)
[20:45] * MuPPeT has quit IRC (Quit: back downstairs)
[20:45] <GordianKnot> The Greeks worse skirts
[20:45] <GordianKnot> :D
[20:45] <GordianKnot> wore*
[20:45] * AmCuCeMa has joined #usa
[20:45] <Deathdealer> to dree yir ain weird
[20:45] * olderguy4 has joined #usa
[20:45] <jgjsjwjfsd> GordianKnot: Stop repeating yourself please mate:
[20:45] <Badkiss> lol gordian
[20:46] <Deathdealer> to follow your own star
[20:47] <GordianKnot> i'm not repeating myself mate
[20:48] * AmCuCeMa Hallo
[20:48] <MaDaXe> ping
[20:48] <Deathdealer> to endure that which is destined for you
[20:48] <Kelt> Hello
[20:48] <Badkiss> hi amcucema
[20:48] * ChrstphrR_ is now known as ChrstphrR
[20:48] <jgjsjwjfsd> AmCuCeMa:! hello :)
[20:48] <Kelt> comrades
[20:49] <CelticGem> Geronimo
[20:49] * asdkadska has joined #usa
[20:49] <Badkiss> no pms please :D
[20:49] <CelticGem> who in reality never jumped from a plane
[20:49] <CelticGem> lol
[20:49] <asdkadska> yo
[20:49] <asdkadska> :D
[20:49] * LilleHopp sets mode: -b *!*
[20:49] <CelticGem> old joke but still funny
[20:49] <AmCuCeMa> a tuttY
[20:49] <Deathdealer> freeedoom
[20:49] <Deathdealer> !
[20:49] <Deathdealer> it was your mother who loved you before you were born
[20:49] <Deathdealer> rognvaldr
[20:49] <Badkiss> deathdealer, here's something for you
[20:49] <Badkiss> it's God who loves you even before you were born :D
[20:49] * ebrahim has joined #usa
[20:49] <Deathdealer> yes and i live in a submarine
[20:49] <Badkiss> o.O
[20:49] <Deathdealer> thanks
[20:49] * GUPT316 has joined #usa
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[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 105
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
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[20:49] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ is now known as ChrstphrR
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has quit IRC (Registered)
[20:49] * GEORGIOS_R has joined #usa
[20:49] * Selektor elloo oll
[20:49] * Selektor brb
[20:49] * harry333 has joined #usa
[20:49] <Deathdealer> happy day for the cult of the mother goddess
[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 108
[20:49] <asdkadska> hey christpoher
[20:49] <asdkadska> :D
[20:49] <Deathdealer> sophia be the name
[20:49] <Deathdealer> mother be loved
[20:49] * Connie^ has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] * ms_brainy has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] * ExMan has joined #usa
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[20:49] <Badkiss> lol gordian! ur going into nursery rhymes?
[20:49] * smartleo has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> asalam walikum all
[20:49] * X sets mode: +l 111
[20:49] <ExMan> Hey room
[20:49] <GUPT316> hi freinds
[20:49] <Deathdealer> get off my bridge
[20:49] <Deathdealer> !
[20:49] <GUPT316> how ru al
[20:49] <Badkiss> hi gupt :D
[20:49] * Honour has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> hi
[20:49] * frankk has joined #usa
[20:49] <jgjsjwjfsd> some nursery rhymes are kinda morbid ^_^
[20:49] <Badkiss> like?
[20:49] <Deathdealer> and i grew up on a farm
[20:49] <ExMan> This is my 1st time here show me some love
[20:49] * gdd_m has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:49] <Badkiss> no pms gupt :D
[20:49] * ChrstphrR_ has joined #usa
[20:49] <asdkadska> christpoher
[20:49] <asdkadska> :)
[20:49] * guy18 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] <skirt> Well... That's just confusing for me.
[20:49] <Deathdealer> berserkir
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> ok where ru from cebu?
[20:49] <Badkiss> yup. how did u know?
[20:49] * Honour has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] * ExMan has left #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok forget it
[20:49] <Badkiss> its so boooooooooooooring
[20:49] <Deathdealer> rodham
[20:49] * KUWAIT-30 has joined #usa
[20:49] * AmCuCeMa has quit IRC (Quit: search - BoSSS)
[20:49] <GUPT316> so do u know taht from where do i belongs?
[20:49] * UnReaCHaBLe has joined #usa
[20:49] * Daze__ has joined #usa
[20:49] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:49] <Badkiss> huh? ur from cebu?
[20:49] <GUPT316> na
[20:49] * merric has joined #usa
[20:49] <GUPT316> i m from khi
[20:49] <Badkiss> khi?
[20:49] <GUPT316> khi = karachi
[20:49] <Badkiss> aaah.. i duno that :D
[20:49] * ChrstphrR has joined #usa
[20:49] * AC_MILAN has joined #usa
[20:49] <CelticGem> wb Chris
[20:49] <Badkiss> chrs keeps on going on and off
[20:49] <GUPT316> hahaha its a 6th biggest city in the world
[20:49] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> & u dont know that
[20:49] <Badkiss> im not good with geography
[20:49] * nina81 has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok forget it
[20:49] <Deathdealer> c f b cold lake maple flag & virtual flag
[20:49] <GUPT316> so wat do u do baby
[20:49] <Deathdealer> top gun eagle
[20:49] * El-miron has joined #usa
[20:49] <Badkiss> don't even call me baby
[20:49] <Bikerdawg_> Lol i barely know where pennsylvaia is and i live there
[20:49] <GUPT316> ok i m not gona call u baby i m gona call u swetie is that fine?
[20:49] <Badkiss> no its not fine.
[20:49] <Bikerdawg_> Hmm
[20:49] <Deathdealer> sugar
[20:49] <Badkiss> just call me badkiss :D im happy with that
[20:49] <GUPT316> wow
[20:50] * ChrstphrR_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:50] <GUPT316> but i didnt kissed ya how wolud i know that ur lips taste is bad
[20:50] <GUPT316> i cant call ya baad kiss untill i m not gona kiss u darlling
[20:50] * Badkiss yawn
[20:50] <Dark|Angel> relax a bit GUPT316
[20:50] <Dark|Angel> unless u like to kiss men
[20:51] <GUPT316> yukh
[20:51] <Bikerdawg_> Lol DA
[20:51] <GUPT316> is <Badkiss> man?
[20:51] <GUPT316> men?
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> yes
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> he is
[20:51] <Badkiss> im not a guy
[20:51] <GUPT316> ooo damn!!
[20:51] <Badkiss> lol! im a girl
[20:51] * ms_brainy has joined #usa
[20:51] <GUPT316> wow
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> really
[20:51] * d3fr0st has joined #usa
[20:51] <GUPT316> so ill kiss ya
[20:51] <Dark|Angel> ahahhha
[20:51] <Bikerdawg_> Badkiss is a 70 year old man lol
[20:51] <Badkiss> but i dont like guys calling me baby or sweetie or what ever
[20:51] <Deathdealer> honeypie
[20:51] * X sets mode: +l 114
[20:51] <Q^TE> Deathdealer what u talking abt?
[20:52] <Deathdealer> ooohh momma
[20:52] * eggplantt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:52] <Deathdealer> !
[20:52] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> i m gona call swet kiss
[20:52] * Neurotika has joined #usa
[20:52] * Badkiss ignoring
[20:52] <GUPT316> <Badkiss> iwana kiss u like mmmmmm frecnh one how is that?
[20:52] * Dark|Angel sets mode: +b *!*
[20:52] * Selektor is back
[20:52] <Q^TE> wb Selektor
[20:52] <Deathdealer> call me baby
[20:52] <Dark|Angel> how about calm down a bit GUPT316
[20:52] <Selektor> thx Q^TE
[20:52] <GordianKnot> damn it!!!
[20:52] <Bikerdawg_> Lol who unlocked the door for the idiots?
[20:53] * Selektor CANADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!1 they banned me again
[20:53] <GordianKnot> I can't find my mobile phone
[20:53] * d3fr0st has left #usa
[20:53] * smartleo has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:54] * Isty-22 has joined #usa
[20:54] <jgjsjwjfsd> Good night
[20:54] * aCheekyMonke has joined #usa
[20:54] <Bikerdawg_> Cheekyyyyyyyyyyy
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hi biker
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hows it going?
[20:54] <Badkiss> mr. cheeky!!
[20:54] <Deathdealer> it was adam weishaupt who found the order of the illumined in germany the illuminati
[20:54] <Badkiss> i miiiiiiiiiiiissed you :D
[20:54] <Bikerdawg_> Good and with you?
[20:54] <aCheekyMonke> hi deathdealer
[20:55] <Deathdealer> hie
[20:55] * GUPT316 has left #usa
[20:55] <aCheekyMonke> wanting to talk about the illuminati again? are you sure?
[20:55] * dragut33 has joined #usa
[20:55] <Badkiss> yey he left!
[20:55] <aCheekyMonke> i'm ok biker thanks
[20:55] <Bikerdawg_> Lol bdakisses fan has left the building
[20:55] * ebrahim has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[20:55] <john_cons> what is the illuminati agenda, i wonder about
[20:55] * Sensitive has joined #usa
[20:55] <Bikerdawg_> Good good cheeky. Ltns lol
[20:55] <Badkiss> i just hate perverts..
[20:55] <Deathdealer> the millenium has come
[20:56] <Badkiss> they think they can get away with everything lol
[20:56] <GordianKnot> don't hate me because I am beautiful
[20:56] * atef has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> do you really want to know what the agenda is john? lol
[20:56] <Bikerdawg_> Imma perv and ya like me badkiss lol
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> do you REALLY want to know?
[20:56] * romyo has joined #usa
[20:56] <Deathdealer> i built the ferrari p 4 . 5 so christ can drive it
[20:56] <asdkadska> romyo :)
[20:56] <Badkiss> shudup biker:p
[20:56] <john_cons> i think the illuminati agenda is dark hair is better than light hair
[20:56] * randy_ has joined #usa
[20:56] <Q^TE> Deathdealer u have your own topics?
[20:56] <john_cons> a lituhainan woman in liverpool told me
[20:56] <Bikerdawg_> Lol
[20:56] <GordianKnot> Well Ima go away now
[20:56] <GordianKnot> Gotta sleep
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:56] <Deathdealer> illuminati color is red red hair is gothic
[20:56] <aCheekyMonke> ok sleep well
[20:56] <Badkiss> aaw.. so soon gordian?
[20:57] * wooly has joined #usa
[20:57] <Badkiss> it's sunday tomorrow
[20:57] * Dark|Angel brb
[20:57] <GordianKnot> it's late here
[20:57] <Q^TE> tyt
[20:57] <Bikerdawg_> Tc gordian
[20:57] <Badkiss> okay.. dudnyt :D
[20:57] <Bikerdawg_> Tyt DA
[20:57] <GordianKnot> good night all.
[20:57] <GordianKnot> ;)
[20:57] <Badkiss> mr. cheeky! i have news :D
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> night
[20:57] * Amigo30 has joined #usa
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> yes badkiss?
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> ;p;
[20:57] <GordianKnot> kalinihta irini ;)
[20:57] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:57] <Badkiss> bikerdawg_ is my teddy bear :p
[20:57] * Kelt has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:57] * GordianKnot has quit IRC (Quit)
[20:57] * ebrahim has joined #usa
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[20:58] <aCheekyMonke> lol badkiss
[20:58] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[20:58] <Deathdealer> hail sophia
[20:58] <Badkiss> who's sophia?
[20:58] * rich-30m has joined #usa
[20:58] <Deathdealer> mother goddess
[20:58] * slotman7 has joined #usa
[20:58] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *!*jgreen2@*
[20:58] * slotman7 was kicked by Ompahpah (Banned: lamah)
[20:59] * X sets mode: +l 117
[20:59] <Badkiss> i dunno her >.<
[20:59] <Deathdealer> heavenly mother
[20:59] * zzoolloo has joined #usa
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[21:00] * Wind`` has joined #usa
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> i have nothing to say lol
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> hi wind
[21:00] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:00] <Wind``> hey
[21:00] <Badkiss> me too.. o.O
[21:00] <Wind``> say, aCheekyMonke, is prolog ever used in anything?
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[21:01] * X sets mode: +l 120
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[21:01] * jgjsjwjfsd has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[21:01] <Badkiss> ima go play warcraft.. brb :)
[21:01] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> lol wind
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> sometimes
[21:01] <aCheekyMonke> but not much lol
[21:02] <aCheekyMonke> why?
[21:02] * X sets mode: +l 117
[21:02] <Q^TE> tyt Badkiss
[21:02] <Badkiss> thanks q^te
[21:02] <Badkiss> hey! u never answered my question
[21:02] <Q^TE> who me??
[21:02] <Badkiss> yes u
[21:02] * ABS0LV3D has joined #usa
[21:02] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:02] * Badkiss stares at Q^TE
[21:02] <Q^TE> what was it maybe i was away sry
[21:02] <Badkiss> i was curious if you were a boy or a girl
[21:02] * mEXIcANAX has left #usa
[21:02] <Q^TE> hahaha
[21:03] * mEXIcANAX has joined #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> find out:P
[21:03] <Badkiss> aaaaaw
[21:03] * Dark|Angel hugs UnScArrEd tight
[21:03] <Deathdealer> remember with dan brown daughter was sarah mother is in fact sophia
[21:03] <aCheekyMonke> you cant tell??
[21:03] <Badkiss> meanie :(
[21:03] * hadi-52 has joined #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> im a Guy Badkiss :)
[21:03] <Badkiss> i dunno.. cuz usually a boy doesn't talk much
[21:03] <Badkiss> oooh. my hunch was right :D
[21:03] <aCheekyMonke> dan brown knows nothing deathdealer lol
[21:03] <Bikerdawg_> Lmaooooo
[21:03] * Bikerdawg_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:03] * wooly has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:03] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaw..
[21:03] * Sensitive has left #usa
[21:03] <Q^TE> i dont talk much?:P
[21:03] * UnScArrEd hugs Dark|Angel
[21:03] <Badkiss> my teddy left :(
[21:04] <Badkiss> so i have noticed.
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> welcome back UnScArrEd:)
[21:04] <Deathdealer> rex brown does
[21:04] <Badkiss> you play warcraft?
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> he probably just got texted lol
[21:04] <UnScArrEd> ty
[21:04] <Q^TE> no i play only on mian USA ;)
[21:04] * gaygeneratio has joined #usa
[21:04] * priYa has joined #usa
[21:04] <Badkiss> what's mian?
[21:04] * Bikerdawg_ has joined #usa
[21:04] <Q^TE> main*
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> he is back
[21:04] <Dark|Angel> ahah
[21:04] * SCHOOL_Teach has joined #usa
[21:04] <Q^TE> wb Bikerdawg_
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> welcome back biker
[21:04] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:04] <Badkiss> is that garena?
[21:04] <Badkiss> hi biker :D
[21:04] <Bikerdawg_> Ty Q and cheeky
[21:04] <Q^TE> main not mian:P
[21:04] * X sets mode: +l 120
[21:05] <Deathdealer> woohoo i love this channel
[21:05] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya badkiss lol
[21:05] <Badkiss> my garena doesn't work out fine
[21:05] <Badkiss> it sucks T_T
[21:05] * Zaid has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:05] <Q^TE> why Badkiss?
[21:05] <asdkadska> Q^te :)
[21:05] <Dark|Angel> what is garena?
[21:05] <Bikerdawg_> Miss me DA? Lol
[21:05] * Badkiss gives out choco chip cookie dough ice cream to everyone
[21:05] <Q^TE> asdkadska :)
[21:05] <Badkiss> garena is like a client for games
[21:05] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[21:05] <Badkiss> through the internet where anyone from anywhere can play with each other
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> ahh
[21:06] * Amigo30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:06] <Q^TE> UnScArrEd where is my hug?:))
[21:06] <Badkiss> q^te i dunno. i got an error from installing
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> like stream
[21:06] * UnScArrEd hugs Q^TE
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> haha
[21:06] <john_cons> i've seen on the news etc., that religious people in the us hate swedish since they don't belive in God, is that right anyone?
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> i used to play with Tomas` thought stream
[21:06] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya unscarred
[21:06] <Badkiss> but it still ran
[21:06] * Q^TE kissssesssssssss UnScArrEd ;)
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> hey Bikerdawg_
[21:06] <Deathdealer> gaumont says we should be non sectarian
[21:06] <Q^TE> i dont play any games Badkiss :)
[21:06] <Dark|Angel> i used to play css
[21:06] <UnScArrEd> wahaha
[21:06] <Bikerdawg_> Not true john
[21:06] <Badkiss> counter strike?
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> lucky UnScArrEd
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> Badkiss counter strike source
[21:07] <Deathdealer> chaumont says the earth does not have any lines
[21:07] <UnScArrEd> yeh
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> :)
[21:07] <Badkiss> i dunno how to play that hahaha
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> pretty game
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> funny
[21:07] <john_cons> Bikerdawg_: not true? ok, because i've seen hate-preachers taking flights to sweden on the news, critisising swedes, in sweden
[21:07] <Deathdealer> beaumont says i love you
[21:07] <john_cons> from the us
[21:07] <Dark|Angel> used to shoot Tomas` butt all the time..ahah
[21:07] * Silent-Rock has joined #usa
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hi all
[21:08] <Badkiss> hi silent :D
[21:08] <Bikerdawg_> Lol john a handful of religious nuts. You cant judge all by them
[21:08] <Q^TE> hi Silent-Rock
[21:08] <Deathdealer> bettencourt wants to marry you and have a dozen kids
[21:08] * skirt waves at Silent-Rock
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hey , wassup ?
[21:08] * Amigo30 has joined #usa
[21:08] <Deathdealer> star trek
[21:08] <Silent-Rock> hey Skirt :P
[21:08] <Bikerdawg_> Hiya silent
[21:08] * ebrahim has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:08] <Badkiss> aaaw.. biker, you have something against religious people?
[21:08] <Q^TE> how is it going after the kissess UnScArrEd ?:)hopefully better:P
[21:08] <Deathdealer> the perfect team
[21:08] * alEy has joined #usa
[21:09] <UnScArrEd> haha sure Q^TE
[21:09] <john_cons> Bikerdawg_: ok, i've been persecuted in norway you see, i wonder if it is because i'm ateist and that people are being persecuted these days if they don't belive in god
[21:09] <Bikerdawg_> Only the nutty ones badkiss
[21:09] * Just-a-Man has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:09] <john_cons> maybe the nuts are only the top of iceberg
[21:09] <Q^TE> john_cons better u change subject
[21:09] <john_cons> Q^TE: why is that, if i may ask
[21:09] <Badkiss> religion is boring
[21:09] <Dark|Angel> true!!
[21:09] * alEy has left #usa
[21:09] <Badkiss> soooooooooooo boring :)) why make up rituals lol
[21:09] <Con_Fu_Se> I'm amusing myself with their own paradox
[21:09] <john_cons> ok, is this a dictatorship irc-channel?
[21:09] <Bikerdawg_> Lol johns my g/f is in norway and atheist and has no problems here
[21:09] <Dark|Angel> yes!
[21:09] <Badkiss> nope
[21:10] <Q^TE> it is going in relegiuos conversation and not allowed here
[21:10] <Badkiss> aaaw. @.@
[21:10] <Deathdealer> the tetragrammaton is for each and every one
[21:10] <john_cons> isn't allowed to discuss religion?
[21:10] <Badkiss> actually, religion isn't gonna help you go into heaven
[21:10] <Q^TE> good then UnScArrEd wen u feel not good tell me:))
[21:10] <Silent-Rock> not boring , but most r not willing to face the truth :) thats the problem with relegions
[21:10] <john_cons> what happened to fredom of speach?
[21:10] <Deathdealer> fruit
[21:10] * Milord__ has joined #usa
[21:10] <Badkiss> hey guys can i share something with you? :D
[21:10] * Daze__ has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:10] <UnScArrEd> i will Q^TE :P
[21:10] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: according to the same notion religion will lead you to hell:p
[21:11] <Bikerdawg_> John rules are rules in here it keeps arguments away
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> cause no matter what got you'd believe in to will be a blasphemy
[21:11] <Deathdealer> by their fruits ye shall know them
[21:11] <Badkiss> i just wanna share something that's God related :)
[21:11] <john_cons> that's surely a joke, that it isn't allowed to discuss religion here?
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> cause you'd be deifying somthing utterly man made
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> #USA Rules are displayed here :
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> *God
[21:11] <Badkiss> aaaaaaaaaw.. wait wait wait
[21:11] * top5 has joined #usa
[21:11] <Badkiss> could anyone please listen? :(
[21:11] * rich-30m has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:11] <john_cons> i thougt this was usa not communist russia
[21:11] <Wind``> sharing may lead to STDs
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> john_cons!!
[21:11] <Bikerdawg_> Hi wind
[21:11] <john_cons> bloddy hell
[21:11] <Con_Fu_Se> some mess those religious nuts has got you into:p
[21:11] * Silent-Rock wonders, how many of us believe, howmany follow n how many use relegions for our own whims ;)
[21:11] <Dark|Angel> follow the rules
[21:12] <john_cons> usa now is like communist russia
[21:12] <john_cons> im in shock
[21:12] <Dark|Angel> door is open!!
[21:12] <Wind``> john_cons, we're not allowed to discuss communist russia either
[21:12] <john_cons> bloddy 911
[21:12] <Badkiss> aaaw.. i just wanted to share something @.@
[21:12] <Badkiss> i mean, i don't mean to insult anyone
[21:12] * ABS0LV3D has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] <Badkiss> but i really love God, but im not religious
[21:12] * frankk has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] <john_cons> not allowed to discuss specific topics
[21:12] * AC_MILAN has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:12] * X sets mode: +l 116
[21:12] <john_cons> i have to read the rules brb
[21:12] <Badkiss> there's a huge difference in religion and being in a relationship with him
[21:13] <UnScArrEd> lol
[21:13] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:13] * Bikerdawg_ sits back and watches john bout to get kicked lol
[21:13] <Wind``> you're not allowed to say certain arbitrary words either.
[21:13] <Deathdealer> what reward have ye if ye love only those who love
[21:13] <Wind``> something tells me Badkiss is about to preach
[21:13] <Dark|Angel> gosh stop the god talk:s
[21:13] <Q^TE> Deathdealer which topic u are after?
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> Deathdealer: it's the only reward
[21:13] <Badkiss> okay im sorry
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> to leve ad be loved back
[21:13] * skirt has left #usa
[21:13] <Deathdealer> the priory of sion
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> the other option is vanity :p
[21:13] <Wind``> Badkiss, go sell your wares somewhere else
[21:13] <Badkiss> i'm not gonna pour down what i feel here
[21:13] * Nostradamuss has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:13] * we_are_royal has joined #usa
[21:13] <Silent-Rock> :))
[21:13] * brian_usa has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:13] <aCheekyMonke> Deathdealer: Operor non inrideo nos quoniam nos es "illuminati"
[21:13] <Con_Fu_Se> ...
[21:13] <Deathdealer> the order of saint john
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] <Con_Fu_Se> and my spelling is going down the drain
[21:14] <Badkiss> lol wind im not selling, im trying to save
[21:14] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:14] <Wind``> go save someone else
[21:14] <Con_Fu_Se> Badkiss: save yourself
[21:14] <Wind``> somewhere else
[21:14] * Dark|Angel set mode +m
[21:14] * klinsmann has joined #usa
[21:14] <Badkiss> aw
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] * nandabr has joined #usa
[21:14] <Wind``> hm
[21:14] * mEXIcANAX has quit IRC (Quit)
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[21:14] <Bikerdawg_> Save me badkiss
[21:14] <Deathdealer> even the smallest light shines in the darkness
[21:14] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:14] <Badkiss> i dont do that bikerdawg
[21:14] * RowdyOne has left #usa
[21:15] * asdkadska has left #usa
[21:15] <Badkiss> i just help
[21:15] <Deathdealer> and the cherubim had a flaming sword that turned whichever way
[21:15] * ttigerr has quit IRC (Quit: DiGiTaL IrC -
[21:15] * X sets mode: +l 112
[21:15] <Bikerdawg_> Awwwwww but im hungry save me from starvation lol
[21:15] <aCheekyMonke> Caveo atrum lux lucis
[21:15] <Con_Fu_Se> what about the nephelim?:p
[21:15] <Con_Fu_Se> or the ophalim?^^
[21:15] * Dark|Angel is lost
[21:15] <Wind``> do you know what chrubim means literally? cabbages.
[21:15] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:15] <Wind``> i kid you not.
[21:15] <Badkiss> well that was harsh
[21:16] * Milord__ has left #usa
[21:16] <Deathdealer> and seraphim and the sons of adam
[21:16] * comp_girl has joined #usa
[21:16] <Con_Fu_Se> that's something... six-winged cabages
[21:16] * Bikerdawg_ joins DA in the land of the lost
[21:16] <john_cons> just ok with chit-chat, not to discuss religion? seriously, i couldn't see religion mentioned in the rules
[21:16] * Turkish_M has joined #usa
[21:16] <Deathdealer> i do not have a market garden
[21:16] <Wind``> you're worshipping vegetables. think about that.
[21:16] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: it's not religion ... it's the faming it comes along with it
[21:16] * garyh has joined #usa
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[21:16] * Dark|Angel follows Bikerdawg_
[21:16] <aCheekyMonke> lol
[21:17] * X sets mode: +l 115
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> especialy by all those self-righteous "I'm doing this for your own good"
[21:17] * Xarana sets mode: -b *!*
[21:17] <garyh> hey people
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> *flaming
[21:17] * alpertunga has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:17] <Q^TE> hey garyh
[21:17] <Dark|Angel> garyh!!!!!!!!!!
[21:17] <Bikerdawg_> Religion and politics bring too many argumenys john
[21:17] * nutella_m has joined #usa
[21:17] <Deathdealer> true
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> people make both :p\
[21:17] <john_cons> faming, that's just to mess with foreigners i reckon
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> so it's people argueing
[21:17] <john_cons> things should be transparent
[21:17] <john_cons> i dont think your rules are
[21:17] * j0hNnY_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:17] <Con_Fu_Se> in this case don't hate the game... hate the player :p
[21:17] <garyh> Dark|Angel: I know you? :P
[21:18] <Dark|Angel> well maybe;p
[21:18] <john_cons> you have communist russie type rules, that are not transparent, it seems to me
[21:18] <john_cons> no offence
[21:18] <garyh> hmmm
[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you're being obsessive
[21:18] <Wind``> where are you from john_cons?
[21:18] * Amigo30 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:18] <Q^TE> john_cons change what u talking abt
[21:18] <Wind``> besides, china is the new russia.
[21:18] * gabitzu25 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[21:18] * comemi has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> omg... Wind`` wiat till either russia or china hears that :p
[21:18] <john_cons> i said sorry, i just try to express what i mean, no offence
[21:18] <garyh> do i get any hints atleast, Dark|Angel? :P
[21:18] * X sets mode: +l 102
[21:18] <Con_Fu_Se> *wait
[21:19] <john_cons> im just sincere
[21:19] * RPM- has joined #usa
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[21:19] * CSX475 has joined #usa
[21:19] * X sets mode: +b CS*!*@89.205.*
[21:19] * CSX475 was kicked by X ((ChrstphrR) Babbling idiot boy CSX475)
[21:19] * Ompahpah sets mode: +b *csx*!*@*
[21:19] * hadi-52 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:19] <Deathdealer> healthy huh
[21:19] * Dark|Angel is now known as ReNA`
[21:19] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you're acrtually being obsessive
[21:19] <john_cons> cant attack anyone for being sincere i hope, i was just a bit bafeled since i wasn't allowed to write here about what was on my mind
[21:19] <Q^TE> yes john_cons but your complains wont leadu any place
[21:19] * Nicoo_ has joined #usa
[21:19] <ReNA`> NOW!!
[21:19] * TrueGuy has joined #usa
[21:19] <ReNA`> why dont we drop that topic john_cons
[21:19] * X sets mode: +l 106
[21:19] * Silent-Rock has joined #usa
[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> I say we drop him :p
[21:20] <Deathdealer> benefit of the doubt
[21:20] <Bikerdawg_> Wb silent
[21:20] * Panther^^ has joined #usa
[21:20] <Silent-Rock> got DC :(
[21:20] * ChrstphrR has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:20] * j0hNnY_ has joined #usa
[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> like *slip* "oops... where did he go?"
[21:20] * nandabr has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:20] * _Man_Alone has quit IRC (Quit)
[21:20] <john_cons> yes, i think the best thing is to not open your mouth here, i'm a bit confused about when i am allowed to write what's sincerely on my mind
[21:20] <garyh> hmm
[21:20] * Con_Fu_Se takes it out on his keyboard
[21:20] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: you are pushing it
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> and you know it
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> so don't stop complaining
[21:21] <john_cons> no, i'm just being sincere
[21:21] * Panther^^ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[21:21] <ReNA`> john_cons
[21:21] <john_cons> now i'm a bit
[21:21] <john_cons> what's it called
[21:21] <ReNA`> didnt u read the rules?
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: keep saying that to yourself
[21:21] <john_cons> frustrated
[21:21] <Deathdealer> emotionally honest
[21:21] * gabitzu25 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:21] * zoki_barca has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:21] * klinsmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:21] <john_cons> im frustrated
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> you may even believe it ... eventually
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> *come to believe it
[21:21] * ChrstphrR has joined #usa
[21:21] * zoki_barca has joined #usa
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[21:21] * gabitzu25 has joined #usa
[21:21] <Con_Fu_Se> john_cons: and you're trying to take it out in here
[21:21] <john_cons> im frustrated with the channel rules now, i can notice this myself
[21:21] <Bikerdawg_> Well til it calms down a bit imma go get some food ill bbl
[21:22] <ReNA`> tc biker
[21:22] * Smith78 has joined #usa
[21:22] <john_cons> i'm trying to find a way to let out steam
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has quit IRC (EOF from client)
[21:22] * harry333 has joined #usa
[21:22] <Bikerdawg_> Ty DA
[21:22] <ReNA`> hb
[21:22] <Badkiss> unfortunately john, this is not the right place
[21:22] * ReNA` is now known as Dark|Angel
[21:22] <Con_Fu_Se> I've been watching you trying to connect everything you see into thise "anti-commie" propganda you were so well spoonfed all this years and has been pissing you off
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has joined #usa
[21:22] <john_cons> this channel made me frusterated now
[21:22] <Bikerdawg_> Like a prom dress at off
[21:22] <Dark|Angel> lol
[21:22] <Silent-Rock> lol
[21:22] * Q^TE sets mode: +b *!*@
[21:22] * Nicoo_ has quit IRC (EOF from client)
[21:22] <john_cons> i wasn't frustrated before i started discussing here
[21:22] #usa Cannot send to channel
[21:22] * Bikerdawg_ has left #usa
[21:22] <Silent-Rock> hahahaha
[21:22] <john_cons> it
[21:22] #usa Cannot send to channel
[21:23] * You were kicked by Q^TE (YOU dont like it stay OUT!!)
Session Close: Sat May 09 21:23:01 2009