Jeg anmeldte noen Wiki-adminer for korrupsjon og trakassering osv., til politiet i Oslo. (Pluss Nilo fra Spillegal og Riga). (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Anmeldelse av korrupsjon på Wikipedia

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av korrupsjon på Wikipedia

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, May 31, 2009 at 10:26 PM



også han her 'Nilo' fra Spillegal, må få en anmeldelse, han følger

etter meg til irc-kanalen for Drammen f.eks:



<john_cons> det er en som kødder med meg

<john_cons> jeg har hørt jeg er forfulgt av noe 'mafian'

<john_cons> jeg lurer på om det er han som er i riga

<john_cons>      LV      LATVIA          RIGA    RIGA    ADDRESS POOL FOR


<Nilo> John, kom deg vekk, du bor ikke engang i drammen

<john_cons> ja Nilo er han riga-karen det

<john_cons> nei du da, bor i riga

<john_cons> jeg er født i drammen

<Nilo> herregud, fake ip din homo

<Nilo> jeg er født i drammen også

<Nilo> jeg er født i drammen også

<Nilo> du er i London da

<john_cons> nei du er født i riga du

<john_cons> jeg er i liverpool jeg

<Nilo> england da

<Nilo> så ingen av oss er i drammen

<john_cons> jeg måtte flykte fra norge, etter at jeg hørte at jeg var

forfulgt av noe mafian, da jeg jobba på rimi bjørndal i 2003

<john_cons> nei men du er en oslo-kar som bor i riga du

<john_cons> du liker ikke drammen du

<Nilo> Oslo kar? hvordan kan du si det?

<john_cons> du prater amerikansk

<Nilo> Hør her nå, du flytta fra bjørndal fordi du ble forfulgt av mafian?

<Nilo> hvilken mafia er dette?

<Nilo> lego mafian?

<john_cons> nei lær deg å les da din plageånd

<john_cons> jeg overhørte det da jeg jobba på rimi bjørndal

<john_cons> så flytta jeg til england

<john_cons> er det så vanskelig da

<john_cons> du er i russiske mafian du, det er derfor du er i riga tenker jeg

<Nilo> hva overhørte du?

<Nilo> hva ville de med deg?

<Nilo> drepe deg?

<Nilo> hvorfor tror du du er safe i pool, når du ikke engang var safe på Rimi?

* Nilo has quit IRC

<john_cons> sånn er det i norge, det er bare 'mafian', og politiet

gjør ikke noe hvis man kontakter dem

* hdsg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)

Det minner om noe drapstrussel, spørr du meg.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

2009/5/31 Erik Ribsskog <>:

> Hei,


> jeg ville gjerne anmelde tidligere minister Ansgar Gabrielsens sønn,

> Philip Gabrielsen, for trakassering på Wikipedia.


> Det som skjedde, var at Gabrielsen skrev, at en av hans mange

> arbeidsgivere, Stabburet, ikke ønsket at jeg skrev om Pizza Grandiosa,

> på Wikipedia.


> Det er ulovlig trakassering/mobbing av meg, for alle andre får lov å skrive.


> Og Gabrielsen er også med i Wiki-styret, så han er høyt på strå der.


> Jeg ble også sperret fra Wikipedia, og jeg har også oppleved

> trakassering, fra Harry Wad og Kjetil Ree, på Norsk Wikipedia.


> (Disse er begge Wiki-administratorer, altså, de har en betrodd

> stilling på Wikipedia).


> (Jeg har mer dokumentasjon om dette på bloggen min,



> En admin som kaller seg Jeblad, tullet også med meg, og sa at det

> Flums/Philip Gabrielsen sa, om at Stabburet forbød meg skrive på Wiki,

> var en

> 'practical joke', men jeg hadde aldri hørt om nevnte Philip Gabrielsen

> før, før dette skjedde, så at han skal spøke sånn, det er bare tull,

> som jeg ser det,

> han har også fortalt meg på telefon, at han har 4-5 jobber, hvorav en

> i Stabburet, som ekstra-jobb, og at han er sønn av en minister, som da

> nok må være

> Ansgar Gabrielsen.


> Så her er det nok snakk om en sønn av en tidligere nærings- og

> handelsminister, som har et nettverk i næringslivet, etter sin far, og

> også en høyt betrodd

> stilling på norsk Wikipedia, og som så bruker denne høye stillingen på

> Wikipedia, for å gjøre gjenn-tjenester for sine konakter i

> næringslivet, som han har

> fått gjennom faren som tidligere næringsminister da.


> Så dette er jo så korrupt som det kan bli omtrent.


> Det virker også som at de andre på Wikipedia irc-kanalen er redde

> for/jobber for Flums, og Jeblad virker som å stå i ledtog, ved at de

> to forsvant fra kanalen,

> for så å la noen 'fot-tropper' overta trakasseringen av meg.


> (Se min blogg for fler detaljer).


> Jeg ble også tullet med på den engelske Wikimedia op-kanalen på irc, i

> dag, og jeg mistenker at det kan være snakk om internasjonale

> nettverk, som det

> virket som at var kontrollert fra Italia.


> Italienske mafian?


> Dette kan stemme med det jeg overhørte, da jeg jobbet på Rimi

> Bjørndal, i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian', og

> derfor dro til England, for jeg

> skjønte ikke hva dette skulle bety.


> Italiensk mafia i Norge liksom?


> Nei, da hadde det vel stått i avisa.


> Men det er nok alikvel slik at en italiensk mafia har mye av

> kontrollen i samfunnet i Norge, i dag, men at dette dysses ned av

> media, vil jeg nok si, at det virker som.


> Så sånn er det.


> Jeg skal finne noen linker til bloggen min, fra idag:








> Med vennlig hilsen


> Erik Ribsskog


Her ser man hvor råttent Wiki egentlig er. Det virker som at de er under kontroll av noen italienere. (Se nest forrige bloggpost). (In Norwegian)

Session Start: Sun May 31 20:25:55 2009
Session Ident: #wikimedia-ops
[20:25] * Now talking in #wikimedia-ops
[20:25] * Topic is 'Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops | Ops in various Wikimedia channels are voiced here | dircbot: [[m:IRC bots/dircbot]] | ASM: [[m:IRC bots/AntiSpamMeta]] | [[m:IRC Group Contacts]] | If you have a private message for ops, please /join #wikimedia-ops-internal | No public logging'
[20:25] * Set by Thehelpfulone on Sun May 31 14:30:29
[20:25] -ChanServ- [#wikimedia-ops] Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops. Questions, requests and the like can be filed here and we'll try to help. To find an operator for a particular channel, type "/quote chanserv access #channel list".
[20:39] * stwalkerster has quit IRC (Connection timed out)
[20:46] * JC|AFK has joined #wikimedia-ops
[20:46] * Zeemis has joined #wikimedia-ops
[20:47] <AntiSpamMeta> 06Debug risk threat [#wikipedia]: project2501a - generic spamming; ping Thehelpfulone, cbrown1023, ST47, Snowolf, Mbimmler, Golbez, theoneandonly, Prodego, wimt, werdan7, pctony, Rjd0060, and SeJo !att-#wikipedia-debug
[20:47] * Zeemis has left #wikimedia-ops ("Leaving")
[20:49] * assassingr has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:49] * Meiskam_ has joined #wikimedia-ops
[20:50] * Meiskam has left #wikimedia-ops ("#wikimedia-stewards, #mediawiki-scripts, #cvn-wp-en-abuse, #cvn-bots")
[20:52] * assassingr has joined #wikimedia-ops
[20:53] <Lucifer_Cat> gah. whats going on in #wikipedia?
[20:58] <Brownout> he's using the enter key as punctuation
[20:58] <werdna> hang him
[20:58] <Rjd0060> 2501a hasn'
[20:58] <Rjd0060> t answered PMs
[20:59] <seanw> [20:01:29] <Lucifer_Cat> you seem to be trending towards it.
[20:59] <seanw> I'd be careful with such lines, could rile him 8)
[20:59] <Banaticus> 2501a said that he was the clone of a clone, presumably 2501 is the clone
[20:59] <Martinp23> i think dropping it might be wise now
[20:59] <Lucifer_Cat> Banaticus: cant take that at face value either
[20:59] <Lucifer_Cat> yeah
[20:59] <Martinp23> given as he's basically just responding in kind now.
[20:59] <seanw> desu!
[20:59] <seanw> That's an old one.
[20:59] <Martinp23> /abk seanw
[20:59] <Martinp23> oops.
[20:59] <Lucifer_Cat> whats /a
[20:59] <Banaticus> What's desu! ?
[21:00] <Lucifer_Cat> its a site/forum i think
[21:00] <werdna> yes, don't harass people who haven't caused any trouble into causing it.
[21:00] <Martinp23> automatic, or something.  just part of a script
[21:00] * agkwiki has quit IRC ("I flipped a three-sided coin; it came up 'no consensus.'")
[21:00] <werdna> 20:03 [Freenode] -!- Project2501 [n=Metatron@pdpc/supporter/professional/project2501]
[21:00] <werdna> I've seen him/er around, too.
[21:04] * prodego has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:05] * Prodego has joined #wikimedia-ops
[21:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Prodego
[21:08] <john_cons> <john_cons> hi, you there?
[21:08] <john_cons> <seanw> Hello.
[21:08] <john_cons> <seanw> You need to remove IRC logs from your blog; it contravenes our public logging policy 8)
[21:08] <john_cons> <john_cons> yeah i know, i've discussed that with you fellow wiki op, but we agreed that i would first solve the censorship-stuff and the irc-problems, and then deal with the log-publishing
[21:08] -seanw- Sorry, I've stepped away (lunch); messages are logged.
[21:08] <john_cons> cover up of censorship?
[21:09] <wimt> Nope, enforcement of channel rules
[21:09] <Martinp23> john_cons: Please do remove the logs, as a priority
[21:09] <Prodego> seanw is in charge of IRC, he deals with IRC issues first and foremost
[21:09] <john_cons> but that wasn't what we agreed
[21:09] <Martinp23> otherwise a possible, but unfortunate, result will be that your access to this channel also is curtailed.
[21:09] <john_cons> you're just covering up the censorship
[21:09] <john_cons> wiki is corrupt
[21:09] <Martinp23> john_cons: Is this conversation going to be pasted to your blog?
[21:09] <Prodego> john_cons: I told you that you would remain banned from -en until you removed the logs
[21:10] <Prodego> you said you would deal with that later, and that is fine with me
[21:10] <john_cons> bloddy hell it is, i'm in the process of trying to solve what's corrupt at
[21:10] <john_cons> and you are doing sabotage
[21:10] <Martinp23> john_cons: Is this conversation going to be pasted to your blog?
[21:10] <john_cons> yes yes yes
[21:10] <werdna> john_cons: even if that were true, ranting at the people who are supposedly corrupt is not a productive way of solving your problems.
[21:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Martinp23
[21:10] * Martinp23 sets mode: +b *!*
Session Close: Sun May 31 21:10:30 2009

Her er en logg fra irc-kanalen til op-ene på Wikimedia, som viser at det nok er en del nettverk osv., som opererer på Wikipedia på irc mm. (N)

Session Start: Sun May 31 07:15:10 2009
Session Ident: #wikimedia-ops
[07:15] * Now talking in #wikimedia-ops
[07:15] * Topic is 'Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops | Ops in various Wikimedia channels are voiced here | dircbot: [[m:IRC bots/dircbot]] | ASM: [[m:IRC bots/AntiSpamMeta]] | [[m:IRC Group Contacts]] | If you have a private message for ops, please /join #wikimedia-ops-internal'
[07:15] * Set by Brownout on Mon Mar 09 20:33:12
[07:15] -ChanServ- [#wikimedia-ops] Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops. Questions, requests and the like can be filed here and we'll try to help. To find an operator for a particular channel, type "/quote chanserv access #channel list".
[07:24] <prodego> john_cons: I wanted to have a word with you, are you around?
[07:27] * prodego has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:27] * Prodego has joined #wikimedia-ops
[07:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Prodego
[07:28] <Mike_H> Prodego, john_cons: hello?
[07:29] <Mike_H> are you two "have ord"?
[07:29] <Mike_H> :)
[07:29] <Prodego> Mike_H: he has not responded to me yet
[07:36] -dircbot:#wikimedia-ops- Ban[12773] *!* in #Wikipedia-en set by Marybelle!n=root@wikipedia/MZMcBride on 2009-05-30 06:34:41 for "Spamming, apparently. And trolling." which affected _jase! has been removed. It expired on 2009-05-31 06:34:41. It was removed by dircbot!n=dircbot@freenode/utility-bot/dircbot
[07:37] <Prodego> that is one heck of a hostmask
[07:37] * Not_the_NSA has quit IRC ("[Witty message here]")
[07:48] <john_cons> Mike_H: sorry?
[07:48] <Prodego> john_cons: hi I was looking for you
[07:48] <john_cons> Prodego: hi, what was that about then, i messaged another op
[07:48] <Prodego> are you still talking to them?
[07:49] <john_cons> no, he din't reply at this hour yet
[07:49] <john_cons> what was it about then?
[07:49] <Prodego> ok, in that case I'd be happy to discuss whatever it is
[07:49] <Prodego> but there is another issue I wanted to discuss
[07:49] <john_cons> ok..
[07:49] <Prodego> would you prefer PM, or here?
[07:49] <john_cons> here's fine
[07:49] <john_cons> your choice
[07:49] <Prodego> alright, I was told is yours?
[07:50] <john_cons> yes, that's right
[07:50] <Prodego> So, I don't know if you are aware of this, but #wikipedia-en has a no public logging rule
[07:50] <john_cons> how did you know?
[07:50] <john_cons> there aren't that many english readers on my blog
[07:50] <john_cons> it's a norwegian blog these days
[07:51] <Prodego> which basically means that discussions posted in the channel may not be reposted without the permission of the people talking
[07:51] <john_cons> ok, i can sort that later, but i'm really dealing with another wiki-case that i think is first in the quew
[07:51] <john_cons> since i started with that first
[07:51] <john_cons> its about censorship on norwegian wiki
[07:51] <Prodego> and I did notice a particular discussion from #wikipedia-en on your site, and temporarily banned you from -en until I could sort that out
[07:51] <john_cons> thats what i'm talking with the other op about
[07:52] <john_cons> and then i can return to you when thats sorted
[07:52] <john_cons> if thats ok?
[07:52] <Prodego> alright, but just note that at the moment you are banned from #wikipedia-en, and it would be fairly easy to rectify that if you do have some time
[07:53] <john_cons> ok, i'll remember that
[07:53] <john_cons> and contact you more about that later, when this censorship-case is finished, if that's alright
[07:53] <john_cons> np
[07:53] <Prodego> sure, not a problem, just let anyone in here know that you won't be publicly logging any more discussions, and they should unban you right away
[07:54] <john_cons> ok np
[07:54] <john_cons> it's because there was this censorship-case on norwegian wiki
[07:54] <john_cons> but i'm not sure if i should bring this up here, since i'm speaking with seanw about it
[07:54] -seanw- Sorry, I've stepped away (lunch); messages are logged.
[07:55] <john_cons> but he's at lunch it says
[07:55] <john_cons> bbl
[07:56] <Prodego> he can be hard to find
[07:57] <john_cons> ok, what happened was that a son of a former minister in norway, flums, censored what i wrote about a pizza-brand, since he had a part-time job in orkla stabburet, who instructed him to not let me write there
[07:57] <john_cons> this was last year
[07:58] <john_cons> and i still can't write there
[07:58] <john_cons> also this other high-ranking admin, (jeblad), covered this up, and said it was a 'practical joke'
[07:58] <Prodego> this is an IRC issue or an issue with the norwegian wikipedia?
[07:58] <john_cons> even if i'm sure it wasn't
[07:58] <john_cons> yes, i try to bring this up on the irc-channel no.wikipedia
[07:59] <john_cons> but i'm not allowed to write there, i'm being muted
[07:59] <john_cons> so then i spoke with seanw, some days ago
[07:59] <john_cons> he told me to wait a while, to calm it down, so i went back today, after having waited 3 or 4 days
[07:59] <john_cons> and he told me to speak with a high-ranking admin
[08:00] <john_cons> and i spoke with jeblad today
[08:00] <john_cons> and he just said he wasn't a sys-op
[08:00] <john_cons> and he didn't tell me who it is, that are sys-ops there, even if i think he must know
[08:00] <Prodego> ok, I think what might be getting confused here is that the ops on IRC aren't always the admins on wiki
[08:00] <john_cons> so that's were it's at now really
[08:01] <Prodego> so this former minister issue, was that on, or on the irc channel?
[08:01] <john_cons> no, i know, but jeblad, he's almost always at the channel
[08:01] <john_cons> it was on
[08:01] <Prodego> and are you blocked there, and that is the problem?
[08:02] <john_cons> yes, that's one of four points i wanted to bring up
[08:02] <Prodego> ok, so the main issue is not the irc issue, but the block on nowiki
[08:02] <john_cons> 1. i was blocked at without having really done anything wrong
[08:02] <john_cons> 2. harassment from admin harryw
[08:02] <john_cons> 3. harassment from admint kjetilr
[08:03] <john_cons> 4. censorship-case, flums being instructed by norwegian company orkla, not to let me write on wiki
[08:04] <Mike_H> john_cons: Do you have proof about #4?
[08:04] <john_cons> 4b. jeblad covered this up, saying it was a 'practical joke' which i'm sure it wasn't
[08:04] <john_cons> yes, one sec
[08:04] <Prodego> Mike_H: does nowiki have an arbcom?
[08:04] <Mike_H> no
[08:05] <Mike_H> The Nordic communities are very small and homogeneous and insular. These problems are very rare.
[08:05] <Mike_H> For example, the Danish community only wrote their banning policy after they had to ban a longtime contributor (who is still the only longtime contributor they've banned there).
[08:06] <Prodego> Mike_H: well I know nothing about nowiki, so I am not sure where he would go with this
[08:06] <Mike_H> Prodego: Since these languages are usually only spoken by people from these countries, the "culture" is less international and more Norway-oriented
[08:06] <Mike_H> sorry, Nordic-oriented
[08:06] <Mike_H> like on en.wikipedia we have this really elaborate system because everyone from everywhere contributes
[08:07] <Prodego> that's because we are the biggest and the best, right :)
[08:07] <Mike_H> the Danish Wikipedia, for example, deals with people and interactions the way Danish society would deal with things
[08:07] <Mike_H> because the languages are almost 100% specific to the country
[08:07] <Prodego> well you seem familiar with it, who should he go to in this case?
[08:08] <Mike_H> Prodego: I'll pm you
[08:11] <john_cons>
[08:11] <john_cons> Det er ikke ønskelig fra Orkla Food (Stabburets eier) at du bidrar på artiklene om Pizza Grandiosa. [[Bruker:Flums|Flums]] 20. mar 2008 kl. 00:24 (CET)
[08:12] <john_cons> translates to: it's not wanted by Orkla Food (owner of Stabburet) that you contribute to the articles about Pizza Grandiosa.
[08:12] <john_cons> he's also questioning why i'm writing on wiki, in the next line in the link
[08:13] <john_cons> this person, flums, has five jobs, hes told me, one in stabburet, and is a son of a former minster in two cabinets, and in the norwegian wiki board
[08:13] <Mike_H> Why does it matter that his father is a former Cabinet minister?
[08:14] <Mike_H> That's his father
[08:14] <Mike_H> not him.
[08:14] <Mike_H> My father was in the Navy.
[08:14] <Mike_H> Doesn't mean I can't contribute to Navy articles.
[08:14] <Mike_H> and even so
[08:14] <Mike_H> I fail to see how someone's relative being in the government has anything to do with a frozen pizza.
[08:15] <john_cons> like i told sean w on message i think a network of mobbsters or masons have the control on norwegian wiki
[08:15] <Mike_H> masons?
[08:15] <Mike_H> really?
[08:15] <john_cons> so flums is connected through his father, i suspect
[08:15] <john_cons> well that's how i think it is
[08:15] <Prodego> john_cons: well seanw can help you with the norwegian irc channel, but he can't do anything about the norwegian wikipedia
[08:15] <Mike_H> I don't see any kind of that sort of thing in the Norwegian community, and I've been involved with them for almost a year now coming from English.
[08:15] <john_cons> i wrote you the link for it, so you can see what he wrote
[08:15] <john_cons> ok, i'll speak with seanw then
[08:16] <john_cons> np
[08:16] <john_cons> thanks for the help!
[08:16] * Ryanposs has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:17] <john_cons> Mike_H: these types of networks could be international, why did you chase me up on here?
[08:19] * guillom has joined #wikimedia-ops
[08:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v guillom
[08:20] <john_cons> Mike_H: you start to almost ridicule the nordic wiki-networks and the problems on them, i smell a cover-up of the problems there
[08:21] <Prodego> john_cons: based on enwiki, your edits weren't really appropriate, and we can't really help you with that either
[08:21] <Prodego> we can help you with IRC related issues in here, as this is a channel for ops on IRC
[08:22] <john_cons> ok, so this isn't the famous illuminati operating on the irc-channels (Mike_H), ridiculing me and the nordic wiki channels?
[08:22] <john_cons> i thought he did that when i was fetching the link
[08:22] <john_cons> when i was away
[08:23] <john_cons> but anyway, i'll calm down now
[08:23] <john_cons> sorry!
[08:23] <Prodego> Well I don't know that Mike_H actually runs the IRC channels
[08:23] <john_cons> ok, i see, np
[08:23] <john_cons> i'll speak with seanw later then
[08:23] <Prodego> all IRC channels starting with #wikipedia- are run by seanw and James_F, on behalf of the wikimedia foundation
[08:23] <john_cons> ok, i'll speak with mr seanw then
[08:23] <Prodego> they can both assist you with any issues you have on IRC
[08:23] <john_cons> like the plan was
[08:23] <john_cons> yes, i spoke with mr. seanw the other day
[08:24] <john_cons> so he told me to contact him again, if i found them being difficult to deal with
[08:24] <john_cons> unreasonable was the word
[08:24] <john_cons> but then you guys grabed hold of me
[08:24] <john_cons> but i'll speak with mr. seanw now
[08:25] <john_cons> i'll be back later
[08:25] <john_cons> bbl
[08:28] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun May 31 08:28:29 2009

Det her er han Kjell Ove fra Arvato. Den djeveldyrkeren vøtt. Hun dama i midten er hun Marianne, team-leader, fra Arvato. (In Norwegian)

kjell fra arvato


Jeg sendte Facebook-melding til han 'djeveldyrkeren':

kjell ove arvato

PS 2.

Det her er musikkvideoen til Kjell Ove, fra Arvato, (på vokal), og kameratene hans i Pipedream. Er det noe 'djeveldyrkings':

PS 3.

Marianne, Team-leader fra Arvato, pleide ikke å kalle han Kjell Ove, for 'Kjell', nei hun sa noe som hørtes mer ut som 'Shell'.

Snik-reklame hos Arvato?

PS 4.

Hun Marianne har også skifta stil totalt, siden hun flytta tilbake til Norge.

Hun gikk i sånne gammeldagse sommerkjoler og sånn, da hun var Team-leader på Arvato, og gikk vel aldri i skinnklær, såvidt jeg kan huske.

Så sånn var det.

PS 5.

Kjell Ove er ikke fra Risør/Grimstad-traktene hvor hun Team-leader Marianne er fra.

Neida, han er fra Ålesund, der hvor de er kåret til Norges fineste by, med alle husene i vel tysk jugendstil osv., (den samme stilen som vannsengbutikken til faren min og Haldis, i Drammen, er i).

Christell, dattera til Haldis, er også fra Ålesund, i den forstand at faren hennes er derfra.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Her er mer om dette:

Pipedream består av:

Fra Ålesund brødrene Kjell-Ove V. Knutsen (vokal) og Robert V. Knutsen (synth / vokal) og bassist Jan A. Bjørge. Fra Tromsø, Herman Rundberg (trommer), fra Steinkjer, Asgeir Myre Bremset (gitar), og fra Strømmen, Einar Norberg (gitar).

PS 6.

Kjell Ove jobbet på Arvato bare noen måneder vel, fra slutten av 2005 til et stykke ut i 2006.

Han studerte vel på Paul McCartney-skolen LIPA da.

I hvertfall det første året han var i Liverpool.

Jeg vet ikke om Marianne og Kjell Ove kjente hverandre fra før, eller om de møttes i Liverpool.

Men en ting kom jeg på.

Kjell Ove fikk fritak fra å ta danske samtaler.

Han slapp med å bare ta norske og svenske samtaler.

Marianne sa at det var fordi danskene ikke forstod Kjell Oves dialekt. (Ålesunds-dialekt).

Men nå ser jeg jo at han Kjell Ove viser djeveldyrker-tegnet på Facebook.

Og jeg husker at det foregikk noe som virket som sort magi, på Arvato.

Kan det med at jeg bare måtte ta danske samtaler nesten, ha vært noe djeveldyrket set-up, fra f.eks. Kjell Ove, som visste hvor vanskelig det var for norske, å svare danske samtaler, for Arvato/Microsoft.

Og Marianne, hadde jo vært Team-leader der, så hun visste jo eventuelt hvordan man kunne ordne det, sånn at det ble vanskelig for en person å jobbe der.

Kan disse ha kjent f.eks. Team-leader Vivian Steinsland fra Bergen eller Team-leader Line Slettvoll fra Trondheim, og tulla med meg gjennom disse?

Hvem vet.

Men det er vel lov å lure, får man håpe.

PS 7.

Her er et annet bilde jeg fant på Facebook, gjennom at jeg så på sida til han Kjell Ove fra Arvato.

Kjell Ove og Marianne, fra Arvato, oppe til høyre på bildet:

marianne og kjell ove arvato til høyre

PS 8.

Her kan man se at hun Marianne, Team-leader fra Arvato, er skikkelig slank og smekker. (Pluss at hun har store pupper, som hun pleide å vise fram, når hun stod og poserte noen ganger, omtrent, virka det som, da jeg kom ut fra spise-rommet osv):

slank og smekker

Men hvorfor skulle alle damene som jobba for Arvato, med å aktivere Windows over telefon, være så 'hotte'?

Det syntes jeg var snodig, allerede da jeg jobba der, husker jeg.

Hun Katarina Murie, fra Sverige, er minst like slank og lekker som hun Marianne.

Og hun Sophie, fra Sverige, må vel også sies å være veldig fin.

Og hun Emelie, fra Sverige, hun var vel enda penere enn hun Marianne, ihvertfall i ansiktet, selv om hun ikke var like høy.

Så det var jo som å være på en motevisning nesten, når man satt og aktiverte Windows for Arvato.

Den ene unge dama penere enn den andre.

Så det husker jeg at jeg syntes at allerede da var litt rart.

Så sånn er det.

Hun Marianne brukte også stilligere og penere tøy da, da hun jobbet på Arvato.

Hun gikk ikke med sånn Palestina-skjerf, eller hva det heter da, så hun så ikke frikete ut i det hele tatt, men så mer konform ut i klesstilen vel.

Så sånn var det.