tirsdag 30. juni 2009

Hun som grunnla Forsøksgym, er død. (In Norwegian)




Hun som grunnla forsøksgym, er visst død.

Tante Ellen, (Savoldelli født Ribsskog), hun gikk visst på forsøksgym, i Oslo, under hippie-enes storhetstid, på slutten av 60-tallet.

Jeg vet egentlig ikke så mye, om Forsøksgym.

Men, de hadde visst fritt fremmøte, så jeg nå.

Så det var kanskje derfor, at tante Ellen, hang så mye i Slottsparken, og røyka hasj, sånn at bestefar Johannes måtte reise inn til Oslo, fra Klokkarstua, i Hurum, hvor de bodde.

(Klokkarstua, er like over fjorden fra Svelvik, så mora mi og tanta mi, de var kanskje nesten som Svelvik-jenter, mistenker jeg litt.

De bodde også i Holmsbu og på Sætre, på 60 og 70-tallet, og alle disse stedene ligger altså ganske nære hverandre, på Hurumlandet.

Så ikke spør meg hvorfor de flytta så mye).

Siden de ikke krevde fremmøte, på Forsøksgym, som da altså var i Oslo.

Og tante Ellen bodde vel på Forsøksgym, tror jeg.

Så bestefar Johannes og bestemor Ingeborg, de var nok ikke så smarte, da de sendte tante Ellen, som 15-16 år gammel ungjente, inn til Oslo, for å gå på Forsøksgym, hvor de ikke førte fravær.

Så da valgte nok tante Ellen heller å gå 'livets forsøksgym', i Slottsparken, og de andre stedene hvor hippiene vanket i Oslo Sentrum.

Jeg lagde en tegneserie, hvor vi så bestefar Johannes gikk rundt for å leite etter tante Ellen, i Oslo, mens hun var forsvunnet fra Forsøksgym da, hvor hun nok ble borte fra, i dagesvis i strekk, som 15-16 år gammel ungjente, i Oslo, siden de da ringte bestefar Johannes og lurte på om Ellen var i Klokkarstua.

Noe hun selvfølgelig ikke var.

Skal jeg se om jeg finner den tegneserien.

Vi får se.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er den tegneserien igjen:


PS 3.

Så Ribsskog-familien, de bodde på Hurumlandet, på 60 og 70-tallet.

Og nå bor hele gjengen.

Av de som er igjen.

Bestemor Ingeborg, og hennes barn Ellen og Martin.

De bor nå i Larviksområdet.

Mora mi var jo den første fra Ribsskog-familien, til å flytte ned dit, i 1973 ca.

Faren min liker seg ikke så godt der.

Det kan ha vært, at noe 'mafian', tulla med Ribsskog-familien.

Blant annet at de tulla med tante Ellen, da hun gikk på forsøksgym i Oslo da.

Og at faren min også var med i den mafian.

Faren min var nesten en Oslo-gutt, selv om han bodde på Berger.

Han kjente Atle, som var fra Oslo, og hadde også mange andre kjente i Oslo.

Ei som nesten var dama hans, som het Margrethe, som bodde på Bislett, for eksempel.

Så faren min kan også ha vært noe 'mafian', som tulla med mora mi da.

Så flytta mora mi ned til Larvik, for der liker ikke faren min seg.

Jeg tror grensen mellom 'mafian' og Norge går ved Tønsberg.

Noe sånt.

Men men.

For når Axel er med ned å besøker bestemor Ingeborg, så slapper han alltid av, på tilbakeveien, når vi kommer til Tønsberg.

Men kan tante Ellen ha blitt sendt av 'mafian', fra Sveits, for å tulle med bestemor Ingeborg?

Bestemor Ingeborg, har også et nettverk, tror jeg.

Ettersom at hun har så mange gjester i bursdagene sine, og at hun kjente så mange forretningsfolk osv., og hadde disse som gjester, (som hadde respekt for henne), da hun bodde i Stavern.

Enda onkelen min Martin, ser mest på mormora mi som ei skrulle, så oppførte de i handelstanden seg i Stavern, seg veldig respektfullt, ovenfor bestemor, en sommer jeg besøkte bestemor i Stavern.

Da hadde hun nok mange andre gjester.

Jeg måtte ligge på sofaen i stua.

Og da våkna jeg en morgen, så satt halve handelstanden i Stavern rundt et bord i stua til bestemor Ingeborg, da jeg våkna.

Så det var en litt surrealistisk opplevelse, vil jeg si.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

PS 4.

Så jeg følte meg ikke så hjemme i Stavern.

Så da jeg så at halve handelstanden der, satt i stua til bestemor Ingeborg, da jeg våkna.

Så da bare følte jeg, at her var jeg ikke helt med.

Så jeg er nok mer fra Berger enn fra Larvik, vil jeg si.

Siden Stavern jo er en del av Larvik nå.

Jeg bodde jo seks år, i Larvik, under oppveksten.

Men, jeg og søstra mi, var jo nesten hele tida, tilbake på ferier, på Berger.

Og jeg bodde jo dobbelt så lenge på Berger, under oppveksten, som i Larvik.

Så om jeg er fra Berger eller Larvik.

Jeg er nok fra Berger, men jeg trivdes nok bedre i Larvik egentlig.

For på Berger, så var det bare en hovedvei, og et byggefelt omtrent.

Mens i Larvik, så var det jo masse veier både hit og dit, hadde jeg nær sagt.

På Berger, så kunne jeg ikke gå overalt, uten å bli mobba, vil jeg si.

Jeg for eksempel omtrent aldri opp på Øvre.

Mens i Larvik, der pleide jeg å gå rundt overalt, uten at noe skjedde.

Det var nok tøffere på Berger, enn i Larvik, vil jeg si.

Men jeg har tenkt litt på, om jeg skal si at jeg er fra Larvik eller Berger.

Og jeg kan jo si, at jeg er skillsmissebarn da, og at faren min bodde på Berger og mora mi i Larvik, og jeg vokste opp på begge de stedene da.

Noe sånt.

Pluss at jeg også vokste opp litt i England nesten, siden jeg var rimelig ofte på språkreise og ferie i England, under ungdomstida.

Pluss en sommer, så var jeg og søstra mi hos tante Ellen i Sveits, og da bodde vi jo i byen der, Aesch, som vanlige folk.

Og det var jo ikke sånn at vi bodde på hotell, eller noe.

Og vi var også hos Viggo, (bodybuilderen), og dem, i Køge i Danmark, et par ganger.

Så vi vokste opp litt i utlandet og.

Men men.

Så jeg får si at jeg vokste opp både i Larvik og på Berger da.

Siden jeg jo var på Berger, i feriene, de årene jeg bodde hos moren min i Larvik.

Men jeg var også i Larvik, i ganske mange av helgene, den tida jeg bodde hos faren min på Berger.

Så jeg får si at jeg vokste opp også i Larvik da, selv om jeg er vel mest fra Berger, vil jeg si.

Men jeg vel også litt fra Larvik, vil jeg si.

Jeg føler meg hjemme på Berger, det gjør jeg.

Bergeråsen er liksom hjemme da.

Men Larvik, det er liksom ikke like mye hjemme, men jeg er kjent overalt der da.

Så det er kanskje mer mora mi sin familie som er fra Larvik.

For det var aldri sånn, at jeg følte meg så hjemme, da jeg bodde hos mora mi og den tidligere stefaren min, Arne Thormod Thomassen, i Larvik.

Nei, det var så mye mas og stress.

Det var omtrent som en krig.

Mens da jeg bodde på Bergeråsen, så hadde jeg jo en hel leilighet for meg selv, og hadde mye lommepenger, og hadde kontrollen da.

Så jeg er nok mer fra Berger enn fra Larvik ja.

F.eks., i Larvik, så spilte jeg bare en fotballkamp, for Fram.

Mens på Berger, så spilte jeg kanskje 50 kamper, eller noe, for Berger.

Hvem vet.

Og scorte 3-4 mål vel.

Enda jeg var veldig tynn.

Men men.

Men jeg var i frimerkeklubben da, i Larvik.

Så jeg fant aldri roen, da jeg bodde i Larvik, pga. at mora mi og også mormora mi og også tildels stefaren min, var slitsomme.

Mens på Berger, så var det noen år, som var rolige.

For eksempel de to årene jeg gikk på Sande Videregående.

Og årene før jeg begynte på ungdomsskolen.

Men jeg kan jo ikke vite hvordan det hadde vært å bodd i Larvik, de samme årene.

Det er jo sant.

Men jeg bodde i Larvik som barn da, og på Berger som ungdom, kan man vel nesten si.

Og i Oslo som voksen.

Noe sånt.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Jeg sendte en e-post om tilstandene hos the Financial Ombudsman, til Acas, som jobber med rådgivning innen arbeidsrett osv. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:48 PM



I've contacted you earlier, about that I was being used as a slave, and that
they had illigal management methods, at Bertelsmanns Scand. Microsoft-activation,
in Liverpool.

Now, people at the Financial Ombudsman, are also being used as slaves, it seems.

Or this could be connected with a cover-up, of the Bertelsmann/Microsoft-case, that
I am being bullied by Government, to cover up what went on there.

Please send this e-mail to the right people in Acas.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

To: "Collins, Jackie" <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>


Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm, is alright, I think.

But you also let your staff work Sunday mornings, at 6 am.

It seems to me that you overload your representatives with work, and that they have to

work 12 to 14 hours 7 days a week.

I thought slavery was forbidden in our time.

Why do you let your representatives work every Sunday morning, when other people in

England are on their way home from the pub?

Do your staff get summer-holiday at all?


Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Collins, Jackie <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

We always try to provide the best service we can to our
customers, and sometimes that means offering our staff the option of working
overtime during very busy periods.

Please be assured that they have to work within strict time
guidelines, and these are always checked by Operations Managers to ensure they
are not working too many hours.

The service our department offers is outside of the usual
office hours of 9am till 5pm because we have found that a lot of our
customers have difficulties contacting us whilst they are at work themselves
during the 9am to 5pm times, so we have opening hours of 8am - 6pm, as do
many firms these days.

I hope this explains.



Operations Manager
Direct Dial : 020 7964

Direct Fax: 020 7964 0117

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 29 June 2009 19:32
To: Collins,

Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier


that sound very fine!

But, why is that you let your representatives work over-time every Sunday

Shouldn't you as a main rule conduct your business, within the business

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Collins, Jackie <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Dear Mr

Cox has passed your complaint to me to take over as you have requested that
she no longer deals with your case.

I can
confirmed that a letter has been sent to the firm, and we have asked that they
issue you with a final response letter within 14 days. We have also
asked them to copy us in on that response.

If you
remain unhappy with the firms response, or you have not received a response
from them within 14 days, please let me know and I will arrange for your
complaint to be moved forward for investigation by an


Jackie Collins
Operations Manager

Direct Dial
: 020 7964 0116

Direct Fax: 020 7964

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 11:17
To: Cox,
Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier


I don't think it's any use with me repeating myself.

I don't think you should handle my complaint.

The reason is, that if you are to overworked, you get to tired.

And in dealing with complaints like these, one obviously needs ones
judgement, to be like

it should be.

If one are out of balance, like I think you could be, then I don't
think this is good for how the

complaint is being dealt with.

So please do as I ask Mrs .Cox, and tell your manager what I said,
that I want someone else

to deal with my complaint, due to that I think that you must be

Haven't you seen how fine the weather is today, you should have a day
off in the fine weather,

I think.


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Cox, Rosemary <Rosemary.Cox@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

As previously advised I am not going to debate
with you the working hours of this office.

I have written to you today to advise the steps
we are taking with your complaint. If the firm fail to resolve the situation
for you, your complaint will be passed onto our adjudication area for
further consideration of the concerns you have

I should add that we do
not tolerate rude or insulting language at this office, and
would expect any further communication to be sent in a more acceptable

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 28 June 2009

To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


of course you can work on Sundays if you want.

But business e-mails should just be sent within the

Or else, what's going to happen, is obvious.

Someone are going to come drunk home from town, and answer the
business-e-mails when they are drunk, which is what has happened today, with
our correspondence.

If this is something, you didn't know from before, then I think
this Financial Ombudsman-stuff is just a load of crap really.

Try to use the head that God gave you when you were born!


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary <Rosemary.Cox@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Mr Ribsskog

you for your e-mail

I must admit to being surprised and
confused with the content of the

We are an extremely busy department and we often work at the
weekends, this is obviously of help to consumers as we are able
to deal with their complaints in a more timely manner. I would
suggest that
It is entirely up to each individual
business to determine which hours their staff will work and I do not
intend debating this with you.

By working this weekend I have been able to deal with your
complaint, which as you can appreciate is of a benefit to

Perhaps you can clarify the spelling mistakes you are referring




From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 10:20

Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier

Hi again,

don't you think it's strange for an institutions like yours to send
e-mails on Sunday mornings then?

Shouldn't e-mails be sent within normal business hours then you

This is what it says on Wikipedia:

the United
and United
, the hours between 9 am and 5 pm are typically considered to be standard business

think this is rather akward, as I also think your spelling-mistakes


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail

That's no problem, however I should point out that we
are not a government department, we are a independent complaints

I will be in touch with your again in the next few




From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 08:02

To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re: Complaint
against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


ok that's very fine, I'm just home from town you see.

I thought it was a bit strange, since noone in Government in
Norway, work on Sundays.

Sorry about this, I forget sometimes that I'm not in Norway any

Sorry about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail

I can assure you this is not a
joke, I am currently in the office working

I presume that you
would like us to deal with your complaint, so am responding to your
e-mails today

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 28 June
2009 07:36
To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re:
Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


why do send the e-mails early on a Sunday morning, by the

Is this some kind of joke?


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

I will contact you again once
I have considered the

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 27
June 2009 14:59
To: Cox, Rosemary
Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


thank you for you e-mail, that I recieved today.

I'll contact your collegue back, regarding the

I sent the complaint on RBS Dale St., to Yvonne Williams at
RBS, but she

also harassed me, like this, she writes 'Dear Ms Ribsskog',
even if my name

is Erik, and in Britain, you have a movie called 'Erik the
Viking', and Eric is

also a quite usual name, in English-speaking countries.

So I think Yvonne Williams, the complaint-investigator,
also bullied me.

I think this must have been a deliberate mistake.

This ended with the complaint being partly resolved, in the way
that RBS,

gave me the bonus of £100, for moving my account to them, from

(who I also had problems with, that I'll exlain about to your
collegue, like I

mentioned earlier).

I'll also find the actual complaint against RBS Dale St.
now, and forward it

to you.

What I meant with the complaint-form, was that it didn't
look anything at all

like the ones you've sent me now.

Maybe the complaint-form I was sent, was to do with other
financial institutions,

than banks?

Like share-fonds etc?

Have you also got other complaint-forms, other than to banks,
perhaps someone

sent me the wrong form intentionally?

Just a thought I had.

But anyway, thank you very much for your e-mail, and I'll
also find the actual

RBS Dale St. complaint, and e-mail it to you now.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message
From: Williams, Yvonne
Date: Tue,
Jun 26, 2007 at 4:30 PM
Subject: RE: Earlier e-mail
To: Erik
Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Dear Ms Ribsskog

Could you please arrange another copy of your email to be
sent to me for my investigation


Yvonne Williams

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 19 June 2007
To: Williams, Yvonne (CRU)
Earlier e-mail

*** WARNING : This message originates
from the Internet ***


I'm refering to the e-mail I sent you on 5/6.

I was just wondering if you have recieved this e-mail,
because I cant see

that I have recieved any answer to it yet.

Please just contact me if you want me to send you the e-mail

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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Ny e-post til the Finacial Ombudsman, angående om hvorfor de behandler medarbeiderne sine som slaver. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - RE: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

RE: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:31 PM

"Collins, Jackie" <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>


Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm, is alright, I think.

But you also let your staff work Sunday mornings, at 6 am.

It seems to me that you overload your representatives with work, and that they have to

work 12 to 14 hours 7 days a week.

I thought slavery was forbidden in our time.

Why do you let your representatives work every Sunday morning, when other people in

England are on their way home from the pub?

Do your staff get summer-holiday at all?


Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Collins, Jackie <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

We always try to provide the best service we can to our
customers, and sometimes that means offering our staff the option of working
overtime during very busy periods.

Please be assured that they have to work within strict time
guidelines, and these are always checked by Operations Managers to ensure they
are not working too many hours.

The service our department offers is outside of the usual
office hours of 9am till 5pm because we have found that a lot of our
customers have difficulties contacting us whilst they are at work themselves
during the 9am to 5pm times, so we have opening hours of 8am - 6pm, as do
many firms these days.

I hope this explains.



Operations Manager
Direct Dial : 020 7964

Direct Fax: 020 7964 0117

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 29 June 2009 19:32
To: Collins,

Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier


that sound very fine!

But, why is that you let your representatives work over-time every Sunday

Shouldn't you as a main rule conduct your business, within the business

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Collins, Jackie <jackie.collins@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Dear Mr

Cox has passed your complaint to me to take over as you have requested that
she no longer deals with your case.

I can
confirmed that a letter has been sent to the firm, and we have asked that they
issue you with a final response letter within 14 days. We have also
asked them to copy us in on that response.

If you
remain unhappy with the firms response, or you have not received a response
from them within 14 days, please let me know and I will arrange for your
complaint to be moved forward for investigation by an


Jackie Collins
Operations Manager

Direct Dial
: 020 7964 0116

Direct Fax: 020 7964

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 11:17
To: Cox,
Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier


I don't think it's any use with me repeating myself.

I don't think you should handle my complaint.

The reason is, that if you are to overworked, you get to tired.

And in dealing with complaints like these, one obviously needs ones
judgement, to be like

it should be.

If one are out of balance, like I think you could be, then I don't
think this is good for how the

complaint is being dealt with.

So please do as I ask Mrs .Cox, and tell your manager what I said,
that I want someone else

to deal with my complaint, due to that I think that you must be

Haven't you seen how fine the weather is today, you should have a day
off in the fine weather,

I think.


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Cox, Rosemary <Rosemary.Cox@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

As previously advised I am not going to debate
with you the working hours of this office.

I have written to you today to advise the steps
we are taking with your complaint. If the firm fail to resolve the situation
for you, your complaint will be passed onto our adjudication area for
further consideration of the concerns you have

I should add that we do
not tolerate rude or insulting language at this office, and
would expect any further communication to be sent in a more acceptable

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 28 June 2009

To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


of course you can work on Sundays if you want.

But business e-mails should just be sent within the

Or else, what's going to happen, is obvious.

Someone are going to come drunk home from town, and answer the
business-e-mails when they are drunk, which is what has happened today, with
our correspondence.

If this is something, you didn't know from before, then I think
this Financial Ombudsman-stuff is just a load of crap really.

Try to use the head that God gave you when you were born!


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary <Rosemary.Cox@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>

Mr Ribsskog

you for your e-mail

I must admit to being surprised and
confused with the content of the

We are an extremely busy department and we often work at the
weekends, this is obviously of help to consumers as we are able
to deal with their complaints in a more timely manner. I would
suggest that
It is entirely up to each individual
business to determine which hours their staff will work and I do not
intend debating this with you.

By working this weekend I have been able to deal with your
complaint, which as you can appreciate is of a benefit to

Perhaps you can clarify the spelling mistakes you are referring




From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 10:20

Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier

Hi again,

don't you think it's strange for an institutions like yours to send
e-mails on Sunday mornings then?

Shouldn't e-mails be sent within normal business hours then you

This is what it says on Wikipedia:

the United
and United
, the hours between 9 am and 5 pm are typically considered to be standard business

think this is rather akward, as I also think your spelling-mistakes


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail

That's no problem, however I should point out that we
are not a government department, we are a independent complaints

I will be in touch with your again in the next few




From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 28 June 2009 08:02

To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re: Complaint
against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


ok that's very fine, I'm just home from town you see.

I thought it was a bit strange, since noone in Government in
Norway, work on Sundays.

Sorry about this, I forget sometimes that I'm not in Norway any

Sorry about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail

I can assure you this is not a
joke, I am currently in the office working

I presume that you
would like us to deal with your complaint, so am responding to your
e-mails today

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 28 June
2009 07:36
To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re:
Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


why do send the e-mails early on a Sunday morning, by the

Is this some kind of joke?


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

I will contact you again once
I have considered the

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 27
June 2009 14:59
To: Cox, Rosemary
Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


thank you for you e-mail, that I recieved today.

I'll contact your collegue back, regarding the

I sent the complaint on RBS Dale St., to Yvonne Williams at
RBS, but she

also harassed me, like this, she writes 'Dear Ms Ribsskog',
even if my name

is Erik, and in Britain, you have a movie called 'Erik the
Viking', and Eric is

also a quite usual name, in English-speaking countries.

So I think Yvonne Williams, the complaint-investigator,
also bullied me.

I think this must have been a deliberate mistake.

This ended with the complaint being partly resolved, in the way
that RBS,

gave me the bonus of £100, for moving my account to them, from

(who I also had problems with, that I'll exlain about to your
collegue, like I

mentioned earlier).

I'll also find the actual complaint against RBS Dale St.
now, and forward it

to you.

What I meant with the complaint-form, was that it didn't
look anything at all

like the ones you've sent me now.

Maybe the complaint-form I was sent, was to do with other
financial institutions,

than banks?

Like share-fonds etc?

Have you also got other complaint-forms, other than to banks,
perhaps someone

sent me the wrong form intentionally?

Just a thought I had.

But anyway, thank you very much for your e-mail, and I'll
also find the actual

RBS Dale St. complaint, and e-mail it to you now.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message
From: Williams, Yvonne
Date: Tue,
Jun 26, 2007 at 4:30 PM
Subject: RE: Earlier e-mail
To: Erik
Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Dear Ms Ribsskog

Could you please arrange another copy of your email to be
sent to me for my investigation


Yvonne Williams

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 19 June 2007
To: Williams, Yvonne (CRU)
Earlier e-mail

*** WARNING : This message originates
from the Internet ***


I'm refering to the e-mail I sent you on 5/6.

I was just wondering if you have recieved this e-mail,
because I cant see

that I have recieved any answer to it yet.

Please just contact me if you want me to send you the e-mail

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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