onsdag 28. oktober 2009

Jeg kommenterte mer om forholdet mellom Norge og Island, på YouTube

johncons123 (6 months ago)


I think Norway should have good relations with the other Nordic countries, and not pretend like Iceland don't exsist, like Jagland do in this video.

torzukki (7 hours ago)


we dont pretend that..

johncons123 (6 hours ago)


Well, he does that because he says that Norways relationship with Europe is special, but he forgets that Iceland have the same relationship with EU, (as have the other EFTA-countries, thats Liectenstein and Switzerland).

Also, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the people on Iceland, have Norwegian anchestors, from the Viking-age, but still, Iceland has to borrow money from Russia and the EU.

torzukki (1 hour ago)


i wasnt talking specifcally about him, i was talking about normal norwegians.. take me for example, i love iceland and i wish i could go there all the times and i know that alot of people agree with me

johncons123 (18 minutes ago)


Ok, I'm also from Norway.

But I think that Jagland, in the video, pretends that Norway have a special agreement with the EU.

But this is the EEA-agreement, that Iceland and Liectenstein also have.

But it could be that I've misunderstood what Jagland says in the video, since this is not my field.

Don't you think it's strange that Iceland has to borrow money from Russia, when Iceland has a rich Norway as a brother-country?


YouTube avslører spesielle koblinger. (Sånn går det når Google eier både G-mail og YouTube, og sammenligner databasene sine)

youtube avslører paint


Den norske ambassaden i London, har visst noe med den 'møkka' her å gjøre, (ifølge YouTube):


PS 2.

Og Trond Halvorsen, som skrev om 11. september osv., i kommentarer på bloggen, tidligere, (før han ble truet av faren min, visstnok), han har visst noe med magedans å gjøre, (også ifølge YouTube).

Her er mer om dette:


Jeg sendte en e-post til Sivilombudsmannen, angående hvor lang tid de mener, at forvaltningen skal få, på å svare på en henvendelse

Google Mail - Svarfrist for forvaltningen, (ref: 2009/2334)

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Svarfrist for forvaltningen, (ref: 2009/2334)

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 6:15 PM



takk for Deres brev, fra 21.10, som jeg mottok tidligere denne uke.

Dere skriver at Nærings- og handelsdepartementet ikke har fått nok tid, til å svare på mine e-poster, fra 15.9 og 26.9.

Jeg har ganske mye med forvaltningen å gjøre for tiden, av forskjellige grunner, (at jeg blir tullet med over hele linja, fra myndigheten), og jeg skriver også på en blogg jeg har, om samfunn og rettigheter mm.

Så jeg lurer på det enkle spørsmålet, hvor lang tid, mener Sivilombudsmannen at forvaltningen må få, for å svare på en henvendelse?


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg kommenterte om Norges forhold til Island, på YouTube

johncons123 (5 months ago)


I think Norway should have good relations with the other Nordic countries, and not pretend like Iceland don't exsist, like Jagland do in this video.

torzukki (1 hour ago)


we dont pretend that..

johncons123 (7 minutes ago)


Well, he does that because he says that Norways relationship with Europe is special, but he forgets that Iceland have the same relationship with EU, (as have the other EFTA-countries, thats Liectenstein and Switzerland).

Also, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the people on Iceland, have Norwegian anchestors, from the Viking-age, but still, Iceland has to borrow money from Russia and the EU.


Jeg sendte en e-post til en professor ved University of Cambridge, som er ekspert i Britisk imperie-historie, om 'de falske Gjeddene'

Google Mail - About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:54 AM



I'm a Norwegian citizen, who's living in the UK, (due to problems with my family etc., without that I've done anything wrong, that I know of, at least, in Norway), and I have a late grandmoter from Denmark, Ingeborg Ribsskog, who said that she was from the Danish noble-family Gjedde.

But I've later found out, on the internet, that they weren't noble after all, so this was a lie, I think I have to say.

And, in her family, was eg. her grandfather, her mothers father, Anders Gjedde Nyholm, who was Chief of the Generalkommando, that's the general with control on all of Denmarks war-forces, in the 1920's.

And her grand-uncle, was Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, who was a judge, for the British imperial courts, in Cairo, and then later a judge in the International Court, in Hague, in the 1920's.

I wonder why they would lie about the noble backgroud.

Anders Gjedde Nyholm, only wrote A. Nyholm, I've seen, as a signature, on official portrait-photographs in the Danish military-archives.

And their grandfather, was a farmers son, I've read on Thisted Museum's, in Denmark's, website.

So they weren't noble, but they maybe used the Gjedde-name to get prestige, because of the famous Admiral and colonisator of Tharambangdi, in India, for Denmark-Norway, Ove Gjedde, was famous, and maybe they pretended to be from the same family?

I've tried to serch the British National Archives online, about this, but I got no result, so I didn't know how to try to find out about this, other than contacting a good university.

I was wondering why the British Imperial Courts in Cairo, would let a Dane, (my grandmothers grand-uncle), Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, be a judge, in the British Empire?

Isn't this a bit strange, weren't this positions normally given to people from the British Empire?

I hope you have the chance to answer about this, or that you know of someone who might know about this!

I hope it's alright to ask about this, and I apologise, if it isn't.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Må gjøre som gutta i Åpen Post, 'det er boka mi'


Nå har jeg jeg funnet ut, at en grandonkel av meg, var det vel, Øivin Ribsskog, skrev en bok om taterspråk og bankespråk og tivolifolkets språk osv.

Og gutta i Åpen Post, de hadde jo en serie, som het 'Det er boka mi', hvor de fant ut utrykk fra lokalbygda og nabobygda osv., og hadde med ord som 'dverglokking', 'bjeffkyss' og 'kåtgnissing'.

(Se YouTube-videoen ovenfor).

Men jeg lurer på om de også hadde med om det jeg må begynne med nå.

Jeg synes å huske at de hadde med om ordet, å 'tater-spørja'(?)

At man på en diskret måte, innimellom i samtalen, spørr venner og familie, om de er av tater eller sigøynerslekt(?)

Stemmer det at jeg har sett det på Åpen Post?

(Eller er dette noe jeg har funnet på selv, og at jeg bare tuller nå?)

Det er ihvertfall dette jeg må prøve å starte med nå, å 'tater-spørja' venner og familie, sånn diskret, innimellom i samtalen, for å prøve å få avslørt hvem det er som tuller med meg, siden han grandonkelen min, Øivin Ribsskog, skrev bok om taterspråk, osv., i 1945.

Så sånn er nok det, dessverre.

Så får vi se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog