søndag 4. april 2010

Oppdatering fra #Norge på Dal-net, om TG93 og 94, mm.

Session Start: Sun Apr 04 00:00:49 2010
Session Ident: #norge
03[00:00] * Now talking in #norge
03[00:00] * Topic is 'MOBEN ROOOOOOOR '
03[00:00] * Set by snadrik on Mon Mar 29 23:10:58

[00:00] #norge url is http://norge.dalnet.no/
03[00:01] * john_cons is now known as cons
02[00:14] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ Quit (Quit: )

03[00:43] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ has joined #Norge
02[00:43] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ Quit (Client closed connection )

03[00:43] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ has joined #Norge
02[01:30] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ Quit (Quit: )

03[02:24] * h0Ly_c0w is now known as T_ac_S
03[07:35] * goldfish (~mail@ has joined #Norge
03[07:35] * goldfish is now known as Goldfish

01[07:39] <cons> heisann goldfish
01[07:39] <cons> hvordan går det på færøyene?
[07:40] <Goldfish> Well, vi har påske
[07:40] <Goldfish> = god mat
[07:40] <Goldfish> That's something

01[07:47] <cons> det går vel i fårekjøtt, da tenker jeg? :)
01[07:48] <cons> jeg bare lurte på en ting
01[07:48] <cons> i norge så tror nå kun 40% på gud

01[07:48] <cons> hvordan er det på færøyene, vet du det?
[07:48] <Goldfish> Ja, der er flere religiøse
[07:49] <Goldfish> Jeg gjetter på 70%
01[07:49] <cons> tror 70% på gud?

01[07:49] <cons> ojoj
01[07:49] <cons> og i norge er det 40%
01[07:49] <cons> i sverige er det visst 10%
01[07:49] <cons> (mener jeg å ha lest)
01[07:50] <cons> det er rart hvis det er så store forskjeller i skandinavia, eller norden

[07:50] <Goldfish> Færøyene er afsondret fra resten av verden...
[07:50] <Goldfish> + at der ikke finnes andre religioner her end kristendommen
01[07:50] <cons> nei, men jeg tenkte at færøyingene stammet fra vikingene

01[07:50] <cons> og de trodde jo ikke på gud opprinnelig
01[07:50] <cons> men men
01[07:51] <cons> de trodde på thor og odin og slikt
01[07:51] <cons> har dere noe igjen av det eller?

01[07:52] <cons> jeg skal se om jeg finner mer om dette på nettet
01[07:54] <cons> her fant jeg noe:
01[07:54] <cons> I følge adherents som har gjort en metanalyse av en rekke undersøkelser er nemlig så mange som 72 % av nordmenn ateist, agnostiker eller ikke-troende. Og i Sverige hele 85%! Det lover godt for fremtiden.

[07:54] <Goldfish> Nei, der er ikke noen asatroende tilbake

[07:55] <Goldfish> Og vi blev jo tvangs-kristnet i år 999 av Olav den Hellige av Norge, remember? :)
01[07:55] <cons> ja, jeg visste ikke at han tvangs-kristnet dere også
01[07:55] <cons> men hvis du sier det, så stemmer vel det og

01[07:55] <cons> dere var vel del av norgesveldet
01[07:55] <cons> noen briter fortalte meg, på et fotball-forum, at norge ikke hadde hatt noe imperie, som de
01[07:56] <cons> så måtte jeg forklare om norgesveldet

[07:56] <Goldfish> Island var også del av det
01[07:56] <cons> og at norge hadde hatt irland, isle of man, grønland, york, deler av skottland, the wirral vel
01[07:56] <cons> ja island

01[07:56] <cons> og vinland
01[07:57] <cons> (dvs. amerika)
01[07:57] <cons> og jämtland og herjedalen
01[07:57] <cons> og båhuslen
[07:57] <Goldfish> Grønland?

01[07:57] <cons> hva mer da
01[07:57] <cons> ja, norge hadde grønland
01[07:59] <cons> 6.1 Orknøyene og Hjaltland
01[07:59] <cons> 6.2 Suderøyene
01[07:59] <cons> 6.3 Irland

01[07:59] <cons> 6.4 Man
01[07:59] <cons> 6.5 Færøyene
01[07:59] <cons> 6.6 Island
01[07:59] <cons> 6.7 Grønland
01[07:59] <cons> 6.8 Jemtland (Jamtaland)

01[07:59] <cons> 6.9 Herjedalen
01[08:01] <cons> dere hadde visst biskop fra nidaros, stod det

[08:01] <Goldfish> Ja
[08:01] <Goldfish> Niðarósi = Trondheim
01[08:03] <cons> jepp
01[08:03] <cons> nå er det vel stort sett bare trøndere som har biskop derfra

01[08:03] <cons> men alle de områdene hadde visst biskop derfra
01[08:04] <cons> med untak av bohuslen vist
01[08:04] <cons> jeg sa at norge hadde et imperium hvor solen aldri gikk ned

01[08:04] <cons> om sommeren
01[08:04] <cons> ikke dårlig bare det
01[08:06] <cons> var dere del av danmark under reformasjonen eller?
01[08:07] <cons> samme det

[08:07] <Goldfish> Det var hele Norge
[08:07] <Goldfish> D.v.s. også oss
01[08:07] <cons> jepp
[08:08] <Goldfish> Siden 1380... Margrethe I
01[08:08] <cons> ja stemmer det

01[08:08] <cons> kalmar unionen og det der
01[08:09] <cons> jeg synes færøyisk er letter å forstå
01[08:09] <cons> enn islandsk
01[08:09] <cons> av det jeg har prøvd å lese på wikipedia osv

01[08:09] <cons> jeg synes færøyisk er mer likt norsk, enn islandsk er likt norsk
03[08:10] * lil (~lil@cm- has joined #norge

01[08:10] <cons> bare min mening
[08:10] <lil> noen gutter som vil prate? msg!
01[08:10] <cons> for jeg kan forstå hva det står på færøyiske wiki-sider
01[08:10] <cons> men island sliter jeg litt med

01[08:11] <cons> selv om jeg har jobbet som company researcer, og tatt 'business-calls' til island
01[08:11] <cons> for et firma i norwich
01[08:11] <cons> velur = maskin, tror jeg(?)

[08:11] <Goldfish> Kjenner ikke
01[08:11] <cons> åkey, islandsk er litt mer 'tricky' synes jeg
01[08:11] <cons> men men
01[08:12] <cons> det var et firma ved navn packaging europe

01[08:13] <cons> som skulle ha alle firma innen emballasjeindustrien, i europa, samlet i en katalog/online database
01[08:13] <cons> et tysk firma tror jeg
01[08:13] <cons> men det var den eneste jobben jeg klarte å få etter å ha jobbet på vegne av microsoft, for bertelsmann, her i liverpool

01[08:14] <cons> og jeg har en arbeidssak mot de
01[08:14] <cons> kjenner du til hva 'reinforcement' er Goldfish
[08:20] <Goldfish> Ikke mye - jeg er offentligt ansatt :)

01[08:21] <cons> ok, de bruker ihvertfall det hos bertelsmann
01[08:21] <cons> for å kontrollere de ansatte
01[08:22] <cons> det er den samme metode man bruker for å dressere hunder

01[08:22] <cons> negativ forsterkning
01[08:22] <cons> og det gjør visst hunder passive og nervøse
01[08:22] <cons> så jeg prøver å varsle om dette

01[08:32] <cons> Så hvis bertelsmann skal åpne masse kontorer hos dere
01[08:32] <cons> så burde dere svare, 'nei, vi vil ikke være slaver'
01[08:33] <cons> eller hunder

03[08:34] * lil (~lil@cm- has left #norge
01[08:36] <cons> bare et råd
[09:23] <snadrik> omg, advice

[09:51] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> lvlz
[09:51] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> er cons i farta igjen altså
[09:55] <snadrik> obviously!
[09:59] <Goldfish> Anyways, what's happening?

[09:59] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> ffffuuuu );
[09:59] <snadrik> jeg spiser frokost
06[09:59] * cApSL0ck_cl0bber drikker frukost
[09:59] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> hehehelulz

[10:02] <Goldfish> We worry about you, Caps... du er ved å utvikle alkoholisme.
[10:10] <snadrik> ved?
[10:10] <snadrik> han har vært sånn i 20 år.
[10:10] <snadrik> :p

[10:12] <Goldfish> Hvor gammel er han?
[10:13] <snadrik> noe-og-30
03[10:14] * Booey (~Booey@ti0033a380-0328.bb.online.no) has joined #Norge

[10:14] <snadrik> Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3 Booey <3

[10:15] <snadrik> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

[10:15] <Booey> oj :o
[10:16] <Booey> god morgen snuppa :P
[10:16] <Goldfish> Du er vist ikke edru heller, Snad...
[10:18] <Booey> skjer med at alle er oppe så tidlig?

[10:19] <Goldfish> We've been partying all night
[10:20] <Booey> så moro :D
[10:21] <Goldfish> Ja, men nå er Capslock blitt mye full, Cons er som han alltid er, og Snadrik er blitt forelsket i deg

[10:21] <Goldfish> Så jeg føler meg litt alene
[10:21] <Booey> åh
[10:22] <Goldfish> Eller er det "har blitt"?
[10:22] <Goldfish> Deres språk er så merkeligt, vet du.

[10:23] <Booey> åkei
[10:23] <Goldfish> Men hva er det korrekte?
[10:23] <Goldfish> "Er blitt" eller "har blitt"?
[10:23] <Booey> har blitt

[10:24] <Goldfish> Takk
01[10:39] <cons> cApSL0ck_cl0bber: har du stikke noen fler gafler i øya på folk mens du har voldtatt dem i ræva da?
01[10:39] <cons> din perverse gris

01[10:39] cApSL0ck_cl0bber is helge@olsentech.net * Helge M. Olsen
01[10:39] cApSL0ck_cl0bber on @#stx @#sysadm @#gruppsex.se @#gnaa @#niggerwarez @#niggerwar @#STÖD #AIDS #uddevalla @#assrape @#lego #Blackmetal #globen @#lunix.es #Norge

01[10:39] cApSL0ck_cl0bber using powertech.no.eu.dal.net PowerTech DALnet Server, Oslo, Norway
01[10:39] cApSL0ck_cl0bber is away: is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ( obv ! l / on . p / off )

01[10:39] cApSL0ck_cl0bber End of /WHOIS list.
[10:45] <Booey> øhm..
01[10:58] <cons> se selv da
01[10:58] <cons> cApSL0ck_cl0bber on @#stx @#sysadm @#gruppsex.se @#gnaa @#niggerwarez @#niggerwar @#STÖD #AIDS #uddevalla @#assrape @#lego #Blackmetal #globen @#lunix.es #Norge

01[10:58] <cons> også truer han med å stikke gafler i øyet på meg
[11:00] <Booey> okei
[11:00] <@mamikk> ikke tull med gnaa, de kan være farlige
03[11:01] * Celina-- (Celina@cm- has joined #norge

[11:37] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> det er noe tull med gnaa
[11:37] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> lvlz
[11:38] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> cons: fått noe hjelp fra den danske adelsstanden enda?
[11:38] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> hehehelulz

[11:38] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> kanskje gullfisken kan hjelpe deg, han er jo nesten ekte danske
[11:47] <Morild> ojajajaahaha
[12:25] <Goldfish> Jeg er ikke adelsmann
02[12:27] * +Niflheim (Niflheim@DALnet) Quit (Quit: brb )

03[12:29] * Niflheim (Niflheim@DALnet) has joined #norge
[12:45] <Booey> Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead." Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.

[13:12] <Goldfish> I don't get it...
03[14:16] * Gabbe (~gabbe@ has joined #norge

03[14:18] * Mulder-27 (Mulder-26@ has joined #norge
[14:46] <snadrik> niggers
03[15:29] * Commando1 (Commando1@cm- has joined #norge

02[15:31] * Commando1 (Commando1@cm- Quit (Quit: Hadet. Jeg chattet p? www.mIRC.no )

03[15:31] * Commando1 (Commando1@cm- has joined #norge
02[15:31] * Commando1 (Commando1@cm- Quit (Quit: Hadet. Jeg chattet p? www.mIRC.no )

03[15:38] * ChanServ changes topic to 'MOBEN ROOOOOOOR '
[15:38] #norge url is http://norge.dalnet.no/
06[15:46] * snadrik slaps Booey in the face with a 3{---{-- 4@

[15:57] <snadrik> hahahah
02[16:10] * Gabbe (~gabbe@ Quit (Quit: )

03[16:11] * ChanServ changes topic to 'MOBEN ROOOOOOOR '
[16:11] #norge url is http://norge.dalnet.no/
02[16:32] * Celina-- (Celina@cm- Quit (Quit: )

03[17:21] * spare (~spare@ has joined #norge
03[17:25] * spare (~spare@ has left #norge

[17:37] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> > Han stak derpå sin næse ned mellem kvindens endeballer uden på tøjet og sagde 'prut på mig'.
03[17:41] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ has joined #norge

01[18:01] <cons> har du voldtatt kona di noe mer i ræva i det siste da cApSL0ck_cl0bber?
01[18:02] <cons> eller stikki ut øya hennes med en gaffel?
01[18:03] <cons> ditt perverse svin

02[18:09] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ Quit (Ping timeout )
[18:14] <Goldfish> Dere er så venlige med hverandre herinne...
[18:14] <@mamikk> ja, det er jo påske

[18:16] <Goldfish> "Stikke øye ut med gaffel", "kvindens endeballer"... jeg tror neppe det er del av påske-budskabet :)
[18:16] <Goldfish> Men then again, jeg er ikke bibel-ekspert

[18:17] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> cons: heia!
[18:17] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> hvordan går det med rettighetene :)
[18:25] <Goldfish> Du svarte ikke på spørsmålene hans om voldtekt og eye-piercing...

[18:25] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> jeg skjønner ikke hvor han får det fra :)
[18:27] <Goldfish> Somehow har han fått den oppfattelsen av deg, at du er til anal rape og sadisme.
[18:29] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> ja, det er rart hvordan ting skjer

[18:29] <@mamikk> hva er vel påsken uten litt jesus, analrape og påskeegg
[18:29] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> mamikk: helt ok?
[18:29] <@mamikk> sant
02[18:37] * Booey (~Booey@ti0033a380-0328.bb.online.no) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer )

03[18:37] * Booey (~Booey@ti0033a380-0328.bb.online.no) has joined #Norge
03[18:44] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ has joined #Norge

03[18:46] * Roflhax (~Grusenber@ has joined #norge
03[18:48] * Haxrofl (~Grusenber@ has joined #norge

[18:50] <Booey> hmm..
[18:50] <Haxrofl> Ja, det kan du si.
02[18:54] * Roflhax (~Grusenber@ Quit (Ping timeout )

03[19:00] * Ulvinne (~mia_baby@201.89-10-29.nextgentel.com) has joined #Norge
01[19:01] <cons> cApSL0ck_cl0bber: er du fra skedsmokorset ditt perverse svin?

[19:01] <Haxrofl> Er han et perverst svin?
01[19:02] <cons> ja, sjekk her
01[19:02] cApSL0ck_cl0bber is helge@olsentech.net * Helge M. Olsen

01[19:02] cApSL0ck_cl0bber on @#stx @#sysadm @#gruppsex.se @#gnaa @#niggerwarez @#niggerwar @#STÖD @#AIDS @#uddevalla @#assrape @#lego #Blackmetal #globen @#lunix.es #Norge

01[19:02] cApSL0ck_cl0bber using powertech.no.eu.dal.net PowerTech DALnet Server, Oslo, Norway
01[19:02] cApSL0ck_cl0bber is away: is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ( obv ! l / on . p / off )

01[19:02] cApSL0ck_cl0bber End of /WHOIS list.
[19:02] <Ulvinne> wtf er galt med skedsmokorset?:o
01[19:02] <cons> cApSL0ck_cl0bber on @#stx @#sysadm @#gruppsex.se @#gnaa @#niggerwarez @#niggerwar @#STÖD @#AIDS @#uddevalla @#assrape @#lego #Blackmetal #globen @#lunix.es #Norge

01[19:02] <cons> har jeg sagt det er noe galt eller
[19:03] <Haxrofl> mmm, assrape
01[19:03] <cons> er alle fra skedsmokorset her eller?
01[19:03] <cons> dessuten liker han å stikke ut øyne med gafler, truer han om

[19:03] <Ulvinne> ja,alt som blir sagt her må tas seriøst.
01[19:03] <cons> det går visst værst ut over kona hans, som nok ikke har så mye igjen av fiseringen sin, hvis man tørr å gjette

03[19:03] * Ulvinne (~mia_baby@201.89-10-29.nextgentel.com) has left #Norge
03[19:03] * Ulvinne (~mia_baby@201.89-10-29.nextgentel.com) has joined #Norge

03[19:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Ulvinne
[19:03] <Haxrofl> Ulvinne, Ulvute
01[19:03] <cons> å hjelp
01[19:04] <cons> jeg gidder ikke å diskutere med op-er da blir jeg bare banna

[19:04] <@Ulvinne> pff.. jeg har ikke banna noen så langt.
01[19:04] <cons> men jeg har blitt banna fra alle kanalene på irc untatt den her omtrent
01[19:05] <cons> skedsmokorset kanalen

[19:05] <@Ulvinne> haha!
01[19:05] <cons> men men
[19:05] <@Ulvinne> kansje du da burde vurdere om du burde oppføre deg litt annerledes?:p
01[19:05] <cons> ja, det kan man lure på, jeg er egentlig en gammel traver på irc, siden 1997, så jeg burde egentlig kunne det

01[19:06] <cons> men men
01[19:06] <cons> er du på tg?
[19:06] <Haxrofl> TG er slutt.
01[19:06] <cons> åja, er det slutt alt ja
01[19:06] <cons> jeg jobbet på tg i 94 faktisk

01[19:06] <cons> da det var i rykinnhallen
[19:06] <Haxrofl> artig
[19:06] <Haxrofl> hvordan var TG da?
[19:06] <Haxrofl> Nå spiller vel alle WOW
01[19:06] <cons> jeg satt og veksla for spilleautomatfirma

01[19:07] <cons> det var bare internett på noen maskiner
[19:07] <Haxrofl> Jeg har sett den reportasjen fra TG 92.
01[19:07] <cons> ihvertfall var det det i skedsmohallen i 93

[19:07] <Haxrofl> Er på Youtube.
01[19:07] <cons> det var kanskje internett på 8-10 maskiner, som var eid av arrangørene
01[19:07] <cons> okey
01[19:07] <cons> det var diskettkrig, i 1994

01[19:08] <cons> jeg var oppå en sånn balkong, for spilleautomatene stod der, til tremenningen min, øystein andersen
01[19:08] <cons> og plutselig var lufta så tjukk av disketter, i noen sekunder

02[19:08] * @Ulvinne (~mia_baby@201.89-10-29.nextgentel.com) Quit (Ping timeout )
01[19:08] <cons> at du så nesten bare disketter

[19:08] <Haxrofl> dæven
01[19:08] <cons> det var som en fugleflokk kanskje
01[19:09] <cons> skulle ha tatt bilde
03[19:09] * Ulvinne (~mia_baby@201.89-10-29.nextgentel.com) has joined #Norge

03[19:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Ulvinne
01[19:09] <cons> men mobiler på den tida, det var ikke med kamera
[19:09] <@Ulvinne> lap uten batteri sucks:/
01[19:09] <cons> det var noe man hadde i en svær boks i bilen

01[19:09] <cons> hvis man var forretningsmann
01[19:11] <cons> jeg hang sammen med folka i crusaders og den andre gruppa
01[19:11] <cons> for tremenningen min kjente dem

01[19:11] <cons> eller hang og hang
[19:11] <@Ulvinne> hva er crusaders?
01[19:12] <cons> det er en gruppe som arrangerte tg
01[19:12] <cons> hvis de ikke gjør det enda

01[19:12] <cons> jeg fikk sånn t-skjorte, fra tg i 93, var det vel
01[19:12] <cons> også hadde jeg på meg den, i et jobbintervju, hos direktoratet for sivil beredskap
01[19:13] <cons> for jeg hadde ikke så mye klær etter å ha vært student og i militæret

01[19:13] <cons> men tremenningen min fikk sånne t-skjorter siden han hadde prosjektor og spilleautomater
01[19:13] <cons> det er øystein andersen som er fra lørenskog og er adopert fra korea

01[19:13] <cons> så han visste filmer i 93, og hadde spilleautomater i 94
01[19:14] <cons> men han ville ikke ha noe mer med meg å gjøre, i 93, så jeg vet ikke om de var med på tg i 95, f.eks.

01[19:14] <cons> men men
01[19:14] <cons> på tg i 94, så kom det en svenske
01[19:14] <cons> med virtual reality maskin
01[19:14] <cons> og det visste ikke jeg

01[19:14] <cons> men jeg jobba på rimi
01[19:15] <cons> så hadde øystein og glenn hesler fått meg til å jobbe et døgn eller to
01[19:15] <cons> med å passe på spilleautomatene og veksle da

[19:15] <@Ulvinne> gee...det er mulig å skrive mer enn 5 ord per linje:p
01[19:15] <cons> siden rimi var jo stengt i påsken
01[19:15] <cons> ja det er det sikkert
01[19:15] <cons> kikkert-sikkert

01[19:15] <cons> når er ulve-jakta da
01[19:16] <cons> samma det
01[19:16] <cons> så kom det en svenske da
01[19:16] <cons> også smilte han da og var høflig og hyggelig og spurte pent om han kunne få veksle da

01[19:16] <cons> også ble det skikkelig stille
01[19:16] <cons> så gikk jeg ut i første etasje der
01[19:16] <cons> så stod han svensken der med en sånn virtual reality-maskin

01[19:17] <cons> og alle tg-deltagerne stod i kø for å prøve den maskinen
01[19:17] <cons> for den var helt ny i norge da
01[19:17] <cons> det var nesten som å få et slag i tryne

01[19:17] <cons> så frekk var han svensken
01[19:17] <cons> for han nevnte jo ikke det, at han var en konkurrent
01[19:17] <cons> men men
01[19:18] <cons> folk fra rema kan jo ikke dra innom rimi for å veksle f.eks.

01[19:18] <cons> det er jo ikke populært
01[19:18] <cons> men men
01[19:18] <cons> sånn var det på tg i 94
01[19:18] <cons> også var jeg med og spilte fotball, i en egen hall

01[19:18] <cons> med øystein andersen og glenn hesler og de crusaders folka da
01[19:18] <cons> og den andre gruppa
01[19:18] <cons> var det vel sikkert
01[19:19] <cons> og øystein og glenn hadde air-hockey bord der og

01[19:19] <cons> så det var såvidt jeg klarte å være der
01[19:19] <cons> for jeg syntes egentlig jeg var litt for gammel til å være på tg
01[19:19] <cons> men jeg tror jeg fikk lønn for å sitte der og veksle

[19:19] <Haxrofl> Her går det unna, ser jeg.
01[19:19] <cons> og jeg hadde ikke full jobb på rimi, men jobba bare 3-4 dager fast i uka
01[19:20] <cons> så derfor så slo jeg til på det, å jobbe på tg, for action arcade da

01[19:20] <cons> eller om det het arcade action
01[19:20] <cons> noe sånt
01[19:20] <cons> kanskje jeg skulle føre det opp på cv-en min
01[19:20] <cons> vi får se

01[19:22] <cons> jo, på tg93
01[19:22] <cons> i skedsmohallen
01[19:22] <cons> så hadde noen kobla seg til en telenor-boks
01[19:22] <cons> eller televerket het det kanskje da

01[19:22] <cons> og hadde lagt en telefonledning inn i skedsmohallen
01[19:22] <cons> så kobla de til modem da
01[19:22] <cons> så fikk de internett
01[19:23] <cons> de var de suverent kuleste på tg93, vil jeg si

01[19:23] <cons> men men
01[19:23] <cons> bare noe jeg kom på
[19:24] <@mamikk> televerket ja, de heter jo det enda
[19:25] <Haxrofl> Fint vær i dag da.

[19:28] <@mamikk> nå har de fått en slik ny propelllogo
[19:28] <@mamikk> tror det er noe mormon greier
01[19:30] <cons> ja, jeg klagde på noe abuse fra en telenor-kunde til abuse@telenor.no

01[19:31] <cons> så unnskyldte de kunden, og sa det var bare guttestreker
[19:31] <@Ulvinne> mamikk!
01[19:31] <cons> så sa jeg at da passe det vel bra at de hadde telenor, for da kunne de leke med den blå leken de hadde osv

01[19:31] <cons> siden hverken firma eller kundene tok det de holdt på med alvorlig
01[19:31] <cons> men men
03[19:32] * krikkert (~krikkert@Jail.Krikkert.net) has joined #norge

[19:32] <@Ulvinne> krikkert!<3
[19:32] <Haxrofl> hva slags abuse?
[19:32] <krikkert> Hysj. Jeg er ikke her.
[19:33] <@Ulvinne> *tier*
[19:33] <@mamikk> Ulvinne!

[19:33] <krikkert> Dæven, Ulvinne tier når hun får beskjed om det... *nyte maktfølelsen*
[19:34] <@Ulvinne> enjoy it while you can^^
[19:41] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> lvlz
[19:41] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> høyt nivå

[19:41] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> det er noe tull her
[19:43] <snadrik> EEEEEEEEEEEW
[19:43] <snadrik> krikkert!!!!11
[19:44] <Booey> :o
[19:47] <@Ulvinne> eeeeeeeeew snadrik!!!!

[19:48] <snadrik> lol, nå har jeg lest alt cons har skrevet den siste timen
[19:48] <snadrik> hilarious!
[19:48] <snadrik> hold munn Ulvinne
[19:48] <@Ulvinne> pfft

[19:48] <@Ulvinne> kjeften snadrik.
[19:48] <@Ulvinne> ,
[19:48] <snadrik> Nei.
[19:48] <snadrik> !
[19:49] <@Ulvinne> (____,____)
[19:49] <@Ulvinne> kiss it!

[19:49] <snadrik> no way!
[19:49] <@Ulvinne> jeg veit du har lyst.
[19:49] <snadrik> neg
[19:49] <@Ulvinne> er
[19:49] <@Ulvinne> ^^
[19:50] <snadrik> men jeg har lyst å kjøre til shell og kjøpe meg en god film og røyk.

[19:51] <@Ulvinne> kjøpt new moon^^
[19:51] <@mamikk> kan du ikke laste ned en film fra internett?
[19:52] <snadrik> jeg er da lovlydig.
[19:52] <snadrik> wtf er new moon

[19:52] <snadrik> noe jævla twilight-piss?
[19:53] <@Ulvinne> ^^
[19:53] <@Ulvinne> det er ulver i den!
[19:54] <@Ulvinne> store ulver!
[19:54] <snadrik> å hurra.

[19:54] <snadrik> derfor den får elendig rating da
[19:54] <snadrik> :>
[19:54] <@Ulvinne> :o
06[19:54] * @Ulvinne assfister snadrik.
06[19:54] * snadrik assfalterer Ulvinne

[19:54] <@Ulvinne> :o
[19:54] <Booey> oj
06[19:55] * @Ulvinne biter snadrik.
[19:55] <snadrik> saft suse!
[19:56] <snadrik> splitte mine bramseil

[19:58] <@Ulvinne> *splitte snadrik's seil*
[19:58] <snadrik> nasty
[20:04] <Haxrofl> *løper naken gjennom kanalen*
[20:07] <@Ulvinne> er du hunnkjønn?

01[20:24] <cons> hvis du går på zoologisk museum i oslo så har de utsoppa ulver der
01[20:24] <cons> og gauper
01[20:24] <cons> utstoppa
[20:24] <snadrik> faen hold munn da

[20:24] <snadrik> pwetty pwease
01[20:25] <cons> jeg gidder ikke engang å krangle med deg, du har tulla på #blablabla, hvis jeg husker riktig
[20:26] <@Ulvinne> jeg?
[20:26] <@mamikk> hva er #blablabla? det er ikke lov til å reklamere for andre kanaler!

[20:26] <@Ulvinne> og hvorfor i alle skulle det være spennende og se på daue ulver?
01[20:27] <cons> nei ikke du det var han snadrik
[20:27] <snadrik> ok, hva er #blablabla?

01[20:28] <cons> det må da være lov å nevne navn på andre kanaler
01[20:28] <cons> her kan man se snadrik:
01[20:28] <cons> [22:54] <snadrik> Bidrar du til samfunnet her i Norge ved å sitte i england og runke hjemløse?

01[20:28] <cons> [22:54] <snadrik> NEG.
01[20:28] <cons> [22:54] <cApSL0ck_cl0bber> glemte det. srsly. beklager.
01[20:28] <cons> 01[22:54] <cons> det var som kongen gjorde under krigen det

01[20:28] <cons> [22:54] <snadrik> SVAR TISPE.
[20:28] <Haxrofl> Det er ingen på #blablabla
01[20:28] <cons> den tror jeg var til ulvinne den siste der
01[20:28] <cons> siden begge både hund og ulv er vel av canus-slekten(?)

01[20:29] <cons> canis?
[20:29] <snadrik> SVAR TISPE
[20:29] <@Ulvinne> <3
01[20:30] <cons> Ulv er canis lupis
01[20:30] <cons> lupus

01[20:30] <cons> canis lupus
01[20:30] <cons> hva er hund da tro
01[20:30] <cons> hund er Canis lupus familiaris
01[20:30] <cons> så hund kommer fra ulv

[20:30] <Haxrofl> Hva synes du om Twilight-filmene, cons?
01[20:31] <cons> jeg har ikke sett det greiene der
[20:31] <Haxrofl> Det burde du.
[20:31] <Haxrofl> De er bra.

01[20:31] <cons> jeg synes hollywood-greier blir litt masete noen ganger
01[20:31] <cons> men men
01[20:31] <cons> jeg var kamerat med han tremeningen min øystein andersen vet du

[20:31] <Haxrofl> Ja, men Twilight er litt utenom det vanlige.
01[20:31] <cons> som hadde kino på tg93
[20:31] <snadrik> Og slik at folk vet det; Så var spørsmålet mitt (ref loggen cons pastet) en viktig del av diskusjonen på hvorfor cons ikke burde få noe som helst rettshjelp fra Norge.

[20:31] <Haxrofl> Jeg aner ikke hvem Øystein Andersen er.
01[20:32] <cons> så jeg fikk overdose med filmer under 80-tallet
01[20:32] <cons> en jeg nevnte ovenfor
01[20:32] <cons> bare gærninger ala french og moland som får rettighetene sine i norge

01[20:32] <cons> hvis de er fra misjonærfamilier
01[20:33] <cons> da får dem rettighetene
[20:33] <Haxrofl> jaha
01[20:33] <cons> ja moland er fra misjonærfamilie

[20:33] <snadrik> Forskjellen er at de var på ferie i negerland, mens du flyttet til england
01[20:33] <cons> flyktet til england
[20:33] <snadrik> du burde ikke vært norsk statsborger

01[20:33] <cons> har du vært i manchester?
[20:33] <purfier_> I have
01[20:33] <cons> nei jeg har lurt på det selv og
01[20:33] <cons> bare fleiper
[20:34] <snadrik> meld deg utav norge a/s

01[20:34] <cons> man har jo en plikt å stå opp for sine rettigheter
01[20:34] <cons> og jeg har også plikter som heimevernsmann
01[20:34] <cons> og jeg vil renvaske navnet mitt

[20:34] <Haxrofl> jasså
[20:34] <purfier_> hva gjør du om heimevernet kaller deg inn til tjenste da?
01[20:35] <cons> ja man har jo plikter som heimevernsmann, vil jeg si

[20:35] <purfier_> hvordan kan du dra tilbake til landet du flyktet fra?
01[20:35] <cons> jeg har vært i kontakt med de, og oppdatert de
01[20:35] <cons> når jeg har fått rettighetene mine, så kan jeg jo det

01[20:35] <cons> det er jo definisjonen på en flyktning
01[20:35] <cons> at man håper å en gang kunne returnere til sitt hjemland
01[20:35] <cons> hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil

01[20:35] <cons> når ting har blitt bedre der
[20:35] <snadrik> hvilke rettigheter er det egentlig du prater om? At du har en psykisk lidelse gjør ikke Norge ansvarlig for å ordne deg med ny identitet og 3 politifolk til fri disposisjon hele døgnet..

[20:36] <snadrik> Du har sikkert blitt tilbudt psykolog?
01[20:36] <cons> jeg har ingen psykisk lidelse jeg
01[20:36] <cons> jeg er skrevet ut fra psykolog og de fant ut at jeg var frisk som en fisk

[20:36] <purfier_> ..
[20:36] <snadrik> Selvsagt må du være syk i hodet hvis du tror mafiaen skal ta deg...
01[20:36] <cons> så det er en avsporing det du driver med der

01[20:37] <cons> ja selvfølgelig
[20:37] <snadrik> ja SELVFØLGELIG.
[20:37] <snadrik> Fint at det er like obvious for deg som for alle andre.
[20:37] <Haxrofl> hva skjer her a?

[20:37] <Haxrofl> hvilken mafia skal ta hvem?
[20:37] <purfier_> norske mafian skal ta cons
[20:37] <purfier_> dog, aldri fått med meg hvorfor
01[20:37] <cons> så alle som er forfulgte er sinnsyke da?

[20:37] <Haxrofl> hvorfor det?
[20:37] <Haxrofl> aha
01[20:38] <cons> og innbiller seg at de er forfulgt
[20:38] <snadrik> ja? Selvsagt
[20:38] <snadrik> hvis de innbiller seg at de blir forfulgte uten å kunne legge noe som helst på bordet

[20:38] <Haxrofl> Hva er det du har gjort for å få mafiaen på nakken da cons?
[20:38] <snadrik> Haxrofl, han vet ikke det, han har bare "overhørt det"
01[20:38] <cons> jeg kan jo legge et dokument i bordet som sier at jeg er frisk som en fisk da

[20:39] <@Ulvinne> ellers er det ikke spes vanskelig og lure psykologer.
[20:39] <Haxrofl> Jaha.
[20:39] <snadrik> det ville vært mye mer interresant hadde du lagt frem et dokument som gav noe som helst antydning til at mafian ville ta deg.

01[20:39] <cons> hvem er mafian vil du si da?
[20:39] <snadrik> Jeg aner ikke, jeg blir ikke forfulgt
01[20:40] <cons> de sender jo ikke brev og sånn de til folk de forfølger

[20:40] <snadrik> eneste som forfølger meg er Ulvinne, og jeg kan strengt tatt ikke klandre henne.
[20:40] <snadrik> I'm handsome.
[20:40] <snadrik> trenger det å være fra mafian dette dokumentet? Jeg mener fra sakkyndige - eller enda enklere; HVEM som helst andre enn deg.

01[20:40] <cons> ja, men har vi ikke diskutert det før du
01[20:40] <cons> da
01[20:41] <cons> du er han som driter ut han som ble slått ned av lynet
01[20:41] <cons> for du har vært ute i skogen mange ganger, og du har aldri blitt slått ned av lynet

01[20:41] <cons> sånn er du
[20:41] <snadrik> tusen takk for personlighetsvurderingen.
[20:41] <purfier_> om ingen kan bevise at noen blir slått ned av lynet....
[20:41] <snadrik> however var det ikke det vi pratet om

[20:41] <snadrik> og som vanlig sporer du fælt av
01[20:41] <cons> nei men det var et eksempel
01[20:42] <cons> for å få deg til å skjønne det
[20:42] <snadrik> kan du ikke for en gangs skyld forholde deg til hva vi prater om?

[20:42] <snadrik> forklar oss hvorfor du har grunn til å tro at mafian forfølger deg
[20:42] <snadrik> og hva vil mafian med deg
01[20:42] <cons> at du kan ikke si sånn, at 'jeg har aldri blitt forfulgt av mafian, så er ikke du forfulgt av mafian heller'

[20:42] <snadrik> og "overhørt" er ikke et verdig argument
[20:42] <snadrik> jeg har aldri sagt det heller.
01[20:42] <cons> altså, jeg kan si hva jeg har hørt

01[20:42] <cons> hvis jeg sier hva jeg har hørt med mine egne ører
[20:43] <purfier_> og om du vet personen som sa det er mafia, kan du vel også si navnet på han?
01[20:43] <cons> så er norge et land, hvor det ikke er borgerkrig

01[20:43] <cons> så det er ingen erklært krig i norge
01[20:43] <cons> så burde ikke være noe grunn for dere å mistro meg
[20:43] <snadrik> Hvorfor svarer du aldri?
01[20:43] <cons> vi er landsmenn i samme land

[20:43] <snadrik> jeg blir så inni helvete provosert av deg
[20:43] <snadrik> er ikke rart folk vil drepe deg
[20:43] <snadrik> eller hva dem vil med deg
01[20:43] <cons> det er to som spørr samtidig her

01[20:44] <cons> du får dra å mobbe han som ble slått ned av lynet da vet du
[20:44] <snadrik> kanskje du skal begynne i en ende da?
[20:44] <Haxrofl> hvem var det som sa at mafian skulle ta deg, cons?

01[20:44] <cons> kanskje du skal roe deg ned litt snadrik, og ikke si hva andre skal gjøre
01[20:44] <cons> et sec Haxrofl
01[20:44] <cons> det er ikke krig i norge, så det er ikke noe vits i å ha en usivilisert tone

[20:45] <purfier_> svar Haxrofl du
01[20:45] <cons> det må være mulig å diskutere uten å patronisere folk
01[20:45] <cons> uhølige folk alts
01[20:45] <cons> jeg orker ikke sånne uhøflige folk

01[20:45] <cons> det blir jeg slitsom
01[20:45] <cons> jeg tar pause
01[20:45] <cons> *gone*
03[20:45] * cons is now known as cons_away
[20:46] <purfier_> var jo også en måte å unngå å svare på

[20:46] <snadrik> Der har vi cons i kjente trakter.
[20:46] <Haxrofl> ok, så du skal ikke svare på spørsmålet mitt?
[20:46] <Haxrofl> Jaja.
[20:46] <snadrik> usaklig, ror seg bort og retorikk på nivå med en 4-åring.

01[20:46] <cons_away> nei, for dere er i krig dere
01[20:46] <cons_away> dere er ikke som goldfish, som er en vanlig kar
01[20:46] <cons_away> dere er underverden
01[20:46] <cons_away> *gone*

[20:47] <snadrik> jeg tror ikke han er gone.
[20:47] <snadrik> jeg tror han spionerer videre
[20:47] <purfier_> vi er i underverden sammen med mafiaen
[20:47] <snadrik> og skyter inn noe vemmelig om

[20:47] <snadrik> 3
[20:47] <purfier_> vi er her for å finne ut hvor du bor
[20:47] <snadrik> 2
[20:47] <snadrik> 1
[20:47] <snadrik> ..

[20:47] <purfier_> :)
[20:47] <snadrik> jeg må si jeg heier på mafiaen her altså.
[20:47] <snadrik> ingenting hadde gledet meg mer
[20:47] <Haxrofl> hvilken mafia er det snakk om egentlig?

[20:47] <snadrik> aner ikke jeg
[20:48] <snadrik> liksommafian i liksomverden inni hodet hans
[20:48] <Haxrofl> haha
[20:48] <purfier_> mafiaen greier vel å dra til england også

[20:48] <purfier_> ;)
[20:48] <snadrik> håper det.
[20:48] <snadrik> :>
[20:48] <purfier_> elle er dem redd for å fly
[20:48] <Haxrofl> Virker som et vanlig tilfelle av forfølgelsesvanvidd.

[20:48] <purfier_> dem kan jo kjøre
[20:48] <Haxrofl> Vel, lykke til med det sier nå jeg.
02[20:48] * Haxrofl (~Grusenber@ Quit (Quit: Ha en god kveld! )

[20:48] <snadrik> Haxrofl, forskjellen er at han nekter å ta imot hjelp, og rømmer heller landet for så å sitte her på IRC og kalle oss sinnsyke
01[20:49] <cons_away> jug litt mer da

[20:49] <snadrik> fordi staten ikke vil gi han en slik en "witnes protection program"
[20:49] <snadrik> cons_away, du er gone
01[20:49] <cons_away> bedre å være gone enn å være gay, du er gay

[20:49] <snadrik> ..
01[20:49] <cons_away> det er ditt nivå vøtt
[20:49] <snadrik> jasså
01[20:49] <cons_away> nei hva faen driver jeg med
01[20:50] <cons_away> diskuterer med sånne trakasører

01[20:50] <cons_away> det var ikke særlig smart
01[20:50] <cons_away> jeg er away og
01[20:50] <cons_away> ikke bra
[20:50] <purfier_> hahaha
[20:50] <snadrik> purfier_, skjønner du hva jeg mener?

[20:50] <snadrik> Det kan jo også være et skrik om oppmerksomhet
[20:51] <purfier_> jeg skjønner deg meget godt
[20:51] <purfier_> :)
03[20:53] * mIRCIndir84689 (~mIRCIndir@ has joined #norge

03[20:53] * mIRCIndir84689 (~mIRCIndir@ has left #norge
03[21:05] * Celina-- (Celina@cm- has joined #norge

02[21:13] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ Quit (Quit: )
03[21:19] * cons_away is now known as cons
01[21:19] <cons> nå har jeg lest loggen

01[21:20] <cons> vi skyter inn noe vemmelig om
01[21:20] <cons> 3
01[21:20] <cons> 2
01[21:20] <cons> 1
01[21:20] <cons> ..
01[21:20] <cons> hva var det da snadrik?

01[21:20] <cons> ..
01[21:20] snadrik is hihi@ * freak
01[21:20] snadrik on #Norge @#hjelp
01[21:20] snadrik using powertech.no.eu.dal.net PowerTech DALnet Server, Oslo, Norway

01[21:20] snadrik has identified for this nick
01[21:20] snadrik End of /WHOIS list.
01[21:21] <cons> her er ip-en til snadrik:
01[21:21] <cons> skal vi se hvor det er

[21:22] <Booey> stalker

01[21:22] <cons> en vestlendings
01[21:22] <cons> huff huff
01[21:22] <cons> jeg har bada på sola strand
01[21:22] <cons> det er like ved stavanger

01[21:22] <cons> de hadde fine bølger
[21:23] <purfier_> ååååå! nå vet mafiaen hvor han er!
[21:23] <purfier_> ...
01[21:23] <cons> bølgene kommer vel rett inn fra nordsjøen vel

01[21:23] <cons> purfier_: du bruker utenlandsk tegnsett
[21:23] <@mamikk> utenlandsk!
[21:23] <@mamikk> da må han være fra utlandet
01[21:23] <cons> ja jeg lurer på det

01[21:23] <cons> jeg skal sjekke
01[21:24] purfier_ is ~purfier@kopte.in * purfier
01[21:24] purfier_ on #Norge
01[21:24] purfier_ using punch.va.us.dal.net You are on the other side! Nasrudin shouted back

01[21:24] purfier_ End of /WHOIS list.
[21:24] <krikkert> Det er stort land det, Utlandet.
[21:24] <@mamikk> gjør det
01[21:24] <cons> nei egentlig ikke krikkert

01[21:24] <cons> utlandet er egentlig der gøteborg er
[21:24] <@mamikk> på langhus bruker vi i allefall norsk tegnsett
01[21:24] <cons> ja når dere sier ski-tur på langhus, hva mener dere da?

[21:24] <purfier_> jeg bruker utf-8
01[21:24] <cons> åkey
01[21:25] <cons> DE GERMANY - - GREATNET NEW MEDIA

01[21:25] <cons> du er visst i tyskland du purfier_
[21:25] <@mamikk> ja, tyskland er jo utlandet
[21:26] <purfier_> jeg gjemmer meg for mafian sa jeg jo
[21:26] <purfier_> :)

[21:26] <purfier_> da er det jo greit å skjule seg på irc også
[21:26] <@mamikk> sant
[21:27] <purfier_> men tid for litt tv
01[21:27] <cons> ja du får ta med deg utf-8 og se på litt derrich

01[21:27] <cons> kjører du audi og?
01[21:28] <cons> ja ich been aus ingolstad unt ich in der bayerishe illuiminati bist
03[21:28] * jacnjil (~jacnjil@ti0012a380-0356.bb.online.no) has joined #norge

01[21:28] <cons> jævla spioner hele gjengen alts
02[21:29] * jacnjil (~jacnjil@ti0012a380-0356.bb.online.no) Quit (Quit: Hadet. Jeg chattet p? www.mIRC.no )

01[21:29] <cons> mamikk: hvis du sier ski-tur på langhus
01[21:29] <cons> hva mener du da?
[21:29] <@mamikk> er ikke så ofte jeg sier ski-tur
01[21:30] <cons> nei, okey, men hvis du sier det da

[21:34] <snadrik> Jeg er ikke fra stavanger, cons
[21:34] <snadrik> jeg bor på Karmøy, hvis du noengang vil besøke meg
[21:34] <snadrik> jeg tør tilogmed å si det.
[21:38] <Booey> jeg kommer!

[21:39] <krikkert> Booey kommer hver gang.
[21:39] <@mamikk> Booey kommer aldri på mirktreff
[21:39] <@Ulvinne> Booey kan komme på mitt mirktreff!:D
[21:39] <Booey> hvor da? :P

[21:39] <Booey> henter du meg?
[21:39] <purfier_> kjører benz
[21:39] <@Ulvinne> Akershus ooog Bergen!
[21:39] <@Ulvinne> hvor bor du Booey?:p
[21:40] <Booey> så langt vekke? :S

[21:40] <Booey> på sørlandet :D
[21:40] <@Ulvinne> kr.sand og sånn?
[21:40] <Booey> jah =/
[21:40] <@Ulvinne> det er ikke langt unna Bergen!
[21:40] <Booey> ånei :P

[21:41] <Booey> tenker du på kr.sund nå?
[21:41] <@Ulvinne> ellers er det mulig vi skal ha et der også om jeg bare får overtalt han som eier kåken:p
03[21:41] * LadyOfTheDarkWoods (~Pisces@ has joined #Norge

[21:42] <snadrik> hva skal du i bergen Ulvinne?
[21:42] <snadrik> til mormon_jesus?
[21:42] <snadrik> :D
[21:43] <krikkert> Ulvinne må jo få tafset litt på Booey.

01[21:43] <cons> er karmøy i rogaland da snadrik
01[21:44] <cons> og hva mener du med ..
01[21:44] <cons> Frem til midten av 1200-tallet grenset det norske og det danske kongedømmet til hverandre gjennom Båhuslen og Halland. Mellom disse landskapene fikk Sveariket, som Sverige ble kalt den gang, på midten av 1200-tallet ved Birger jarl, kontroll over et lite landområde omtalt som utlandet, (Askim, Vättle og Sävedal herad), som ga dem kontakt med Kattegat.

[21:44] <snadrik> karmøy er i rogaland ja
01[21:44] <cons> utlandet er ikke et stort land, tradisjonelt
01[21:44] <cons> utlandet er askim, vätlle og sävedal herad
01[21:44] <cons> tradisjonelt

[21:45] <@Ulvinne> snadrik: Irc-treff! jeg tror ikke mormon_jesus vil være med:(

[21:45] <snadrik> tror ingen andre heller vil være med på irctreff i bergen?
[21:45] <snadrik> :P
01[21:47] <cons> ..
01[21:48] <cons> er det mafia-kodings?

[21:48] <snadrik> slutt å bland deg når voksne folk prater sammen
[21:48] <snadrik> jaduja cons
01[21:48] <cons> 3
01[21:48] <cons> 2
01[21:48] <cons> 1

01[21:48] <cons> ..
[21:48] <@xerath> ?
01[21:48] <cons> undergrunn alts
01[21:48] <cons> dere er avslørt
01[21:48] <cons> han snadrik sa sånn

01[21:48] <cons> snart til noe vemmelig
01[21:49] <cons> også skreiv han sånn
01[21:49] <cons> 3
01[21:49] <cons> 2
01[21:49] <cons> 1

01[21:49] <cons> ..
01[21:49] <cons> det er mafia-straff, vil jeg si
01[21:49] <cons> som går fra 1 til 5
01[21:49] <cons> eller noe
[21:49] <snadrik> hvorfor må du skrive 18 linjer på det vanlige folk bruker én linje på, cons?

01[21:49] <cons> har dere fiskeskjær i rogaland eller
[21:49] <snadrik> Ja.
01[21:49] <cons> skjønner det
[21:50] <@xerath> snadrik er i den beryktede karmøy-mafiaen

01[21:50] <cons> hvorfor skal man fiske på et skjær
[21:50] <@xerath> CS-nazier hele gjengen
01[21:50] <cons> er det der man legger klippfisken
[21:50] <snadrik> svar meg på det jeg spurte om da cons

01[21:50] <cons> du er så nedlatende snadrik
01[21:51] <cons> du får lære deg å prate til folk på vanlig måte
01[21:51] <cons> så skal jeg svare deg
[21:51] <snadrik> jepp, jeg får melde meg på kurs hos deg

01[21:51] <cons> du får klage til foreldra dine
01[21:51] <cons> hvis de lever enda
01[21:52] <cons> bare fleiper
01[21:52] <cons> jeg får ta kvelden herfra

01[21:52] <cons> nok tullprat for idag vel
01[21:52] <cons> hadetbra
03[21:52] * xerath sets mode: +v cons
Session Close: Sun Apr 04 21:52:35 2010

Jeg sendte en påminnelse til Community Legal Advice

Google Mail - Reminder/Fwd: Community Legal Advice

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Reminder/Fwd: Community Legal Advice

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 5:10 PM



I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail, so I'm sending a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Community Legal Advice
To: Simpson Hayley <Hayley.Simpson@firstassist.co.uk>

Hi Hayley,

that's brilliant!

I've been in contact with Merseyside Employment Law earlier, (last year or something), about this case, but they didn't reply then.

But I'll try to contact the others on the list.

In your phone-call, you said that Kelly in your Community Legal Advice customer support team, had been speaking with someone from Stephensons in Wigan, who had told you that they couldn't help me with the mentioned employment-case against Arvato's (Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign).

But I was just wondering if it would be possible to know who at Stephensons in Wigan that your colleague has been speaking with there, since I haven't heard anything back from the law-firm, Stephensons, myself.

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Simpson Hayley <Hayley.Simpson@firstassist.co.uk> wrote:

Dear Erik,

Thank you for taking the time to contact Community Legal Advice.

I have searched in your local area for appropriate legal advisors and can supply the following details:

Merseyside Employment Law
2nd Floor, Gostins Building
32-36 Hanover Street
L1 4LN
Tel: 0151 709 4125

Wirral Health & Safety Welfare Advice Centre

4 St Anne's Street
CH41 3JU
Tel: 0151 666 1999

Allington Hughes
Newgate Walk
The Precinct
Tel: 01244 312166

Although we make every effort to ensure you get the advice that you need, we cannot guarantee that the organisation or adviser will take on your case.

You may also have to pay for legal advice. Check this with your adviser when you first call them as they should tell you about any charges. It is also worth checking your house/car/credit card insurance policies to see if they provide any cover for legal expenses.

If you have any special requirements, such as wheelchair access, please call the advisor to check they can accommodate these. You should also call ahead to check opening times, find out whether they are likely to be able to help you and, if possible, to make an appointment. If you wish to search for local legal advisors yourself please visit our directory.

If you require any further help please reply to this email or contact our helpline on 0845 345 4 345 where one of our operators will be happy to assist you. Whenever you contact us please quote the following reference number 1121206.

We hope you receive the advice you need.

Best Wishes,


CLA Operator

Hayley Simpson| Customer Service Advisor| Community Legal Advice


Wheatfield Way, Hinckley

Leicestershire, LE10 1YG

This email (and any attachment(s)) is private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient (or responsible for delivery of the message to the intended recipient) please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail.

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For more information about FirstAssist please visit our web site: http://www.first-assist.com

Jeg sendte en påminnelse til advokatbyrået Stephensons i Wigan, angående Arvato-saken

Google Mail - Reminder/Fwd: Reference-number, Employment-case/Fwd: Update/Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Reminder/Fwd: Reference-number, Employment-case/Fwd: Update/Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 5:03 PM



I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail, so I'm sending a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Reference-number, Employment-case/Fwd: Update/Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

To: pri@stephensons.co.uk


sorry that this has taken some time, but I've got a bit of different advice, from LSC etc., so it has unfortunatly taken me some time to get the Legal Aid reference-number.

But I called Community Legal Advice, today, on 0845 345 4345, and spoke with two representatives there, about my employment-case, and was called back just now, and given a new reference-number, which should be 112 12 06.

Sorry again about the delay, and I hope to hear back from you about the employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvato (Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activtion).

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:07 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against
To: pri@stephensons.co.uk


I've called that number, to LSC, 0800 085 6643, a couple of times now, but it's busy.

I've earlier called LSC/CLA, and then I've been told to use their calculator, on the web, to find out if I'm eligable for legal aid.

And I've found out that I am, since I'm unemployed.

(I called after Mr. Mooney told me to do this).

So we're really past that stage.

I know I am eligable for legal aid, so I don't really understand why there should be a problem then.

Cant Stephenson get the reference-number from LSC then, or where should I call, Tom at CLA said it wasn't to do with them.

Thank you in advance for your reply!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against
To: Philip Richardson <pri@stephensons.co.uk>


I called CLA now, on 0845 345 4345, and spoke with Tom.

He says that they haven't got anything to do with eligability for Legal aid, then I have to call LSC on 0800 085 6643.

So now I'm trying to call them, and I'm going to send an update later.

Yours sincererly,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Philip Richardson <pri@stephensons.co.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

For the avoidance of doubt, we are not declining you assistance.

To reiterate, I confirm that there is two stage process which much be completed before you can receive the benefit of legal aid.

Initially, you must be financially eligible for legal aid. Secondly, your claim must have sufficient prospects of success to justify pursuing it further.

In relation to your financial eligibility it is necessary for you to contact Community Legal Advice (CLA) and they will ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility.
The number for CLA is the same number that has been previously provided, 0845 345 4345.

If the CLA confirm that you are financially eligible for legal aid then you will be provided with a reference number and referred to a law firm to assess the merits
of your claim. I must stress that I am not refusing to provide you with assistance, I am merely attempting to clarify that I cannot commence investigations until you receive a reference number and I
trust you will now contact CLA accordingly.

I therefore suggest you contact Community Legal Advice as directed on several occasions.

Kind regards

Philip Richardson


Employment Department

For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP

Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

Direct Dial: 01942 774192

Direct Fax: 01942 774525

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 15 December 2009 11:12

To: Philip Richardson

Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

Hi again,

I just remembered something more, sorry that I send two e-mails after eachother.

Is it that you don't want to help me, since I'm not a Brit, and don't know the legal-aid system by heart?

Then I can tell you, that Norway, where I'm from, are in the EEA.

And the UK has signed the EEA-agreement, and this means that I have the same rights, as if I was an EU or UK citizen, when I live in the UK.

I want you to please clearify why your company don't want to help me with my case.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:39 AM

Subject: Re: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

To: Philip Richardson <pri@stephensons.co.uk>


that's not how I understand it.

The LSC said that Mr. Mooney, gave me the wrong directions.

And I don't like that your company don't want to help me, since it takes long time to get the reference-number, (due to some problems with the correspondence or errors from your company)

But I'll contact Ms. Beach then, and take it from there.

But please don't be to surprised if I send a complaint to the ones responsible for the legal aid solicitors database, about you company.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Philip Richardson <pri@stephensons.co.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

I have read the chain of e-mails and am satisfied that aside from any misunderstanding, Tom has acted appropriately at all times in his guidance.

It is necessary for you to speak directly to Community Legal Advice on the number provided below by Ms. Beach who will assist you with your enquiry.


Philip Richardson


Employment Department

For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP

Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

Direct Dial: 01942 774192

Direct Fax: 01942 774525

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 11 December 2009 14:48

To: Philip Richardson

Subject: Complaint about Mr. Tom Mooney/Fwd: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against


I called Stephensons now, on 02942 777 777, and was told that you are the line-manager of Mr. Tom Mooney.

the LSC says that Mr. Tom Mooney, made an error.

And due to this error, a misunderstanding occured.

And now, Mr. Mooney doesn't want to correspond with me any longer, (due to the misunderstanding caused by the error).

I was wondering if there are any other solicitor, that could help me with my Legal Aid-case please?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:16 PM

Subject: Re: Fwd: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

To: Chester E-Mail <chester@legalservices.gov.uk>


now the solicitor doesn't want to correspond with me any longer, since his error, caused a misunderstanding.

I want to complain about three law firms, who hasn't acted professionally, after I've contacted them, asking them to represent me, in a legal aid-case.

Who is responsible for administrating the solicitors-database, for the legal aid-programme.

Is it you at the LSC or is it Community Legal Advice?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Chester E-Mail

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

You are correct the Legal Services Commission does administer legal aid

in England and Wales. We are made up of the Community Legal Service for

civil cases such as employment and the Criminal Defence Service. We fund

legal services on behalf of the government.

Community Legal Advice is funded by the LSC in order to provide an

initial free and confidential advice service. There are general and

specialist advisors who will determine the level of help you need and if

necessary sign post you to an appropriate supplier of legal services in

your area, such as Stephensons.

From the emails below and as my colleague said earlier, we believe the

solicitor you were communicating with made an error in directing you to

us, the administrative body the LSC instead of the advice service.

It appears that Mr Thompson may have misunderstood your query as we do

not usually receive referrals at this stage of a case. The LSC does deal

with individual cases if they progress to a certain level where you may

need to go to court. We are responsible for administering the use of

public funds to fund a case. This would be communicated to us by a

solicitor once you get to that stage.

We apologise for the confusion. We do have a service than can help you

and you can call them on 0845 345 4 345 or you can find out more by

visiting the website
. There is a

useful call back and text service available as well, ( see the website

for details.)

We cannot help you any further at this stage please direct your queries

to Community Legal Advice. There is also a function on the website to

find alternative solicitors in your area.

Yours Faithfully

Teekai Beach

Caseworker Area 12

Need help with your legal problems?

Community Legal Advice is a free government funded confidential


Visit www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk to find out more or ring 0845 345

4 345

Legal Aid is 60!

>>> Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 11/12/2009 13:36 >>>


sorry that I'm sending many e-mails.

But it says on Wikipedia, that:

*Today, legal aid in England and Wales is administered by the **Legal

Services Commission






* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_aid>So, please stop saying that

it is

Community Legal Advice, who has the Legal Aid-programme.*


It says clearly on Wikipedia, that it is the LSC who has this

programme, and

I've listened to Mr. Thompson at Liverpool LSC.*


Please stop covering up for Stephensons like you were 'mob'!*


Yours sincerely,*


Erik Ribsskog*



---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 1:14 PM

Subject: Re: FW: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW:

Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against B

To: Chester E-Mail <chester@legalservices.gov.uk>


that is.

Who has the legal aid-program, is it the LSC or Community Legal


Why am I corresponding with the LSC at all, if it is the Community


Advice, who has the Legal Aid-programme?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>


> Hi,


> I think is just dumb!


> I'm not very much enlightened by this.


> I'll just contact another law-firm, and see if they can help me with


> case.


> Thank you for your e-mail and sorry that I lost my temper a bit.


> Your sincerely,


> Erik Ribsskog



> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Chester E-Mail <

> chester@legalservices.gov.uk> wrote:


>> Mr Ribsskog


>> There has been some confusion caused by Stephensons referring to

>> Community Legal Advice as the LSC - this is a separate body to the


>> and they provide the reference that Mr Mooney was referring to.


>> need to be contacted on 0845 345 4345.


>> What Stephensons told you therefore was correct - the problem was


>> they said that it was the LSC you should contact on 0845 345 4345,


>> actually it it Community Legal Advice that are contacted.


>> Gareth Partington


>> Need help with your legal problems?

>> Community Legal Advice is a free government funded confidential

>> service.

>> Visit www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk to find out more or ring 0845


>> 4 345


>> Legal Aid is 60!


>> >>> Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 11/12/2009 11:36 >>>

>> Hi,


>> I'm not a client of this law firm, so the Law Society are just going


>> free

>> them anyway.


>> I know this, since I've complained about similar problems, with

>> Morecrofts

>> and EAD, earlier.


>> I wanted to complain to the LSC, since you have the database, where

>> Stephensons are listed.


>> I want you to remove Stephensons from your database, since they


>> follow

>> the legal aid-procedures.


>> So this is a legal aid programme/LSC-complaint on Stephensons.


>> Yours sincerely,


>> Erik Ribsskog



>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Chester E-Mail <

>> chester@legalservices.gov.uk> wrote:


>> > Dear Mr Ribsskog

>> >

>> > Thank you for your email, I am sorry that your solicitors are


>> to

>> > assist you further, but unfortunately the Legal Services


>> do

>> > not have to power to investigate complaints about law firms.

>> >

>> > If you wish to make a complaint about a law firm you should


>> the

>> > Legal Complaints Service on 0845 608 6565. Further details are


>> their

>> > website

>> >

>> > I hope this is of assistance.

>> >

>> > Regards

>> >

>> > Emma Collings

>> > Legal/Means Team

>> > Chester Office

>> >

>> > Need help with your legal problems?

>> > Community Legal Advice is a free government funded confidential

>> > service.

>> > Visit www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk to find out more or ring


>> 345

>> > 4 345

>> >

>> > Legal Aid is 60!

>> >

>> > >>> Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 11/12/2009 11:04 >>>

>> > Hi,

>> >

>> > thank you for your e-mails!

>> >

>> > The problem is, that the law firm, (in Wigan), didn't want to


>> > an

>> > application for legal aid, for my case.

>> >

>> > But they said I had to contact the LSC, to do this.

>> >

>> > But Mr. Thompson at Liverpool LSC, said like you says, that the


>> > firm has

>> > to get the reference number.

>> >

>> > I told the law firm this, (Stephensons), and then he told me that

>> I'd

>> > used

>> > to long time, to get the reference-number, (even if this was his

>> job).

>> >

>> > And then they used this as an excuse, to not have anything more


>> do

>> > with

>> > me.

>> >

>> > I think this was inpolite and very unprofessional, and I think


>> > law-firms like this, shouldn't be listed in your directory.

>> >

>> > So I wondered how I could complain about the conduct of this law

>> firm,

>> > and

>> > how to get them deleted with you, if possible, to protect other

>> people

>> > of

>> > the public, from being harassed and bullied by 'mob', or what


>> > are,

>> > working as trainee solicitors in law-firms.

>> >

>> > Thanks in advance for any help!

>> >

>> > Yours sincerely,

>> >

>> > Erik Ribsskog

>> >

>> >

>> > On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Chester E-Mail <

>> > chester@legalservices.gov.uk> wrote:

>> >

>> > > Dear Mr Ribsskog

>> > >

>> > > Further to my previous email, please note that if an


>> for

>> > > legal aid is submitted from a firm in the Liverpool area, then


>> > will

>> > > be processed at the Chester Office.

>> > >

>> > > We can be contacted at the email address above, by post at


>> > > Office, 2nd Floor Pepper House, Pepper Row, Chester CH1 1DW,


>> by

>> > > phone on 0845 602 1400.

>> > >

>> > > Kind regards

>> > >

>> > > Emma Collings

>> > > Legal/Means Team

>> > > Chester Office

>> > >

>> > > Need help with your legal problems?

>> > > Community Legal Advice is a free government funded confidential

>> > > service.

>> > > Visit www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk to find out more or ring

>> 0845

>> > 345

>> > > 4 345

>> > >

>> > > Legal Aid is 60!

>> > >

>> > > >>> Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 10/12/2009 13:35 >>>

>> > > Hi,

>> > >

>> > > thank you for your e-mail.

>> > >

>> > > I hear what you are saying.

>> > >

>> > > I think I should follow the LSC procedure, like I've explained.

>> > >

>> > > Since I'm not a client, officially, with your law-firm yet, as

>> I've

>> > > understood it.

>> > >

>> > > But the legal aid programme is with the LSC.

>> > >

>> > > So I think I should first and foremost follow the LSC


>> > and

>> > > escalate there, untill I'm officially a client of a law firm.

>> > >

>> > > So it's now with LSC, so I hope I hear back from them, sooner

>> rather

>> > > than

>> > > later, like explained, and I'll update you as soon as possible.

>> > >

>> > > I think I should keep it with LSC Liverpool, since I started

>> > bringing

>> > > it up

>> > > there, since I live in Liverpool, so I thought that was the


>> > > department

>> > > of LSC.

>> > >

>> > > So that's why I escalated there.

>> > >

>> > > So I'll update you as soon as I hear anything more.

>> > >

>> > > I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to Liverpool LSC, so that


>> get

>> > > your

>> > > message, that this is to do with deadlines.

>> > >

>> > > Yours sincerely,

>> > >

>> > > Erik Ribsskog

>> > >

>> > >

>> > > On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Tom Mooney

>> <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>

>> > > wrote:

>> > >

>> > > > **

>> > > > Erik,

>> > > >

>> > > > I thank you for your email.

>> > > >

>> > > > I must stress that it is essential that you obtain the


>> > as

>> > > soon as

>> > > > possible as there is a strict deadline to start your claim at


>> > > tribunal.

>> > > >

>> > > > I am unaware of the nature of your potential claim and I


>> > > advise on

>> > > > any deadline from the information I have in my possession.

>> However,

>> > I

>> > > would

>> > > > strongly recommend contacting the LSC, on 0845 345 4345, who


>> > > provide you

>> > > > with a reference number immediately.

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > > *Tom Mooney*

>> > > > *Trainee Solicitor*

>> > > > **

>> > > > Employment Department

>> > > > *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> > > > Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

>> > > > Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> > > > Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> > > > Email: tmo@stephensons.co.uk

>> > > > Web: www.stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >

>> > > > ------------------------------

>> > > > *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

>> > > > *Sent:* 10 December 2009 12:54

>> > > > *To:* liverpool@legalservices.gov.uk

>> > > > *Cc:* Tom Mooney

>> > > > *Subject:* To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd:


>> > > > Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvato

>> > > >

>> > > > Hi,

>> > > >

>> > > > I called Maureen today, at Liverpool LSC, and got the name


>> the

>> > > LSC

>> > > > manager.

>> > > >

>> > > > I'm getting different directions, you see, from you

>> > representative

>> > > Stuart

>> > > > Thompson, and the law firm.

>> > > >

>> > > > So I was just wondering if you could tell me one thing.

>> > > >

>> > > > I've checked that I'm eligable for legal aid, on your

>> calculator,

>> > and

>> > > I

>> > > > was, since I'm unemployed.

>> > > >

>> > > > And now, I need a reference-number, for legal-aid.

>> > > >

>> > > > And Mr. Thompson, in LSC, says that the law-firm should get


>> > > number.

>> > > >

>> > > > And the law firm says I should get this number by contacting


>> > > LSC.

>> > > >

>> > > > So we aren't getting anywhere.

>> > > >

>> > > > So I hope you can clear this a bit up, what the procedure is,

>> > > regarding for

>> > > > me to obtain a reference number, for legal aid, from where


>> > case

>> > > is now,

>> > > > it's at where I've checked that I'm eligable for legal aid,


>> the

>> > > > calculator on your website.

>> > > >

>> > > > I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the solicitors


>> > > >

>> > > > Hope this is alright!

>> > > >

>> > > > Yours sincerely,

>> > > >

>> > > > Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>> > > > From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

>> > > > Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:37 PM

>> > > > Subject: Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd:


>> > > against

>> > > > Bertelsmann Arvato

>> > > > To: Tom Mooney <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > > Hi,

>> > > >

>> > > > thank you very much for your e-mail!

>> > > >

>> > > > What I thought I'll do, is that I'll try to contact Stuarts

>> > manager,

>> > > and

>> > > > then I'll get back to you, sooner rather than lather, I hope.

>> > > >

>> > > > Hope this is alright!

>> > > >

>> > > > Yours sincerely,

>> > > >

>> > > > Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > > On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Tom Mooney

>> > <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>

>> > > wrote:

>> > > >

>> > > >> **

>> > > >> Erik,

>> > > >>

>> > > >> I refer to my previous email.

>> > > >>

>> > > >> It is not possible to commence any investigations into the

>> merits

>> > of

>> > > your

>> > > >> claim until you have received a reference number from the


>> It

>> > > is

>> > > >> essential that you contact the LSC, on 0845 345 4345, so


>> can

>> > > verbally

>> > > >> confirm your eligibility and provide you with a reference

>> number.

>> > > >>

>> > > >> I look forward to hearing from you.

>> > > >>

>> > > >>

>> > > >> *Tom Mooney*

>> > > >> *Trainee Solicitor*

>> > > >> **

>> > > >> Employment Department

>> > > >> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> > > >> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

>> > > >> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> > > >> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> > > >> Email: tmo@stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >> Web: www.stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>

>> > > >> ------------------------------

>> > > >> *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

>> > > >> *Sent:* 07 December 2009 15:08

>> > > >> *To:* Tom Mooney

>> > > >> *Subject:* Re: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd:


>> > > against

>> > > >> Bertelsmann Arvato

>> > > >>

>> > > >> Hi,

>> > > >>

>> > > >> I called LSC Liverpool now, on 0151 242 5200, and spoke


>> > > Stuart.

>> > > >>

>> > > >> He told me that you should just send it to the LSC, that


>> was

>> > > the

>> > > >> usual procedure, in cases like this, since you are a


>> > > Legal

>> > > >> Aid-programme solicitor-firm.

>> > > >>

>> > > >> So it should just be for you to send an application to the

>> LSC,

>> > as

>> > > I

>> > > >> understood from Stuart there, today, since I've already


>> > that

>> > > I'm

>> > > >> eligable for legal aid, using the calculator on their


>> > > >>

>> > > >> Hope this is alright!

>> > > >>

>> > > >> Yours sincerely,

>> > > >>

>> > > >> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>

>> > > >>

>> > > >> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Tom Mooney

>> > > <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>wrote:

>> > > >>

>> > > >>> **

>> > > >>> Erik,

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> I appreciate that you have assessed your financial merits

>> online

>> > > and have

>> > > >>> been informed that your are eligible for legal aid.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Please note that it is essential that you also contact the

>> Legal

>> > > Services

>> > > >>> Commission (LSC), on 0845 345 4345, so they can verbally

>> confirm

>> > > your

>> > > >>> eligibility and provide you with a reference number.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Once you have this reference number a member of our team


>> > then

>> > > be

>> > > >>> able to provide you with advice.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Kind regards

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> *Tom Mooney*

>> > > >>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>> > > >>> **

>> > > >>> Employment Department

>> > > >>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> > > >>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

>> > > >>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> > > >>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> > > >>> Email: tmo@stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>> Web: www.stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>> *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

>> > > >>> *Sent:* 27 November 2009 13:12

>> > > >>> *To:* Tom Mooney

>> > > >>> *Subject:* Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case

>> > against

>> > > >>> Bertelsmann Arvato

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Hi,

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail


>> so

>> > > I'm

>> > > >>> sending a reminder about this.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Hope this is alright!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Yours sincerely,

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>> > > >>> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

>> > > >>> Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:42 PM

>> > > >>> Subject: Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

>> > Bertelsmann

>> > > Arvato

>> > > >>> To: Tom Mooney <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Hi,

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> thanks very much for the phone-number!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> I called LSC now, and they explained me how to log on, to

>> their

>> > > >>> website, and answering some questions, that would


>> if

>> > I

>> > > was

>> > > >>> eligible for legal aid, or not.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> And here's what the website said:

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> *As you or your partner are receiving one of the


>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> - *Income Support*

>> > > >>> - *Income Based Job Seeker's Allowance*

>> > > >>> - *Income-based Employment and Support Allowance*

>> > > >>> - *Guarantee Credit*

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> *you are automatically financially eligible for the


>> > > levels of

>> > > >>> service:*

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> *Legal Help

>> > > >>> Help at Court

>> > > >>> Immigration cases: Legal Representation before the


>> > and

>> > > Asylum

>> > > >>> Tribunal; and the High Court

>> > > >>> Asylum cases: Legal Representation before the Immigration


>> > > Asylum

>> > > >>> Tribunal; and the High Court

>> > > >>> Family Mediation

>> > > >>> Help with Mediation

>> > > >>> Other Legal Representation

>> > > >>> General Family Help*

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> *

>> > > >>> *

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> So it shouldn't be a problem with the legal aid!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> That's good news!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> I also have a website, where I've published about the

>> > > empoyment-case.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> It's on this link:

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>

>> > >

>> > >

>> >

>> >





>> >

>> > >

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> And in this link, I explain about some of the problems that

>> were

>> > > going

>> > > >>> on, but there where also a lot more problems, that I was

>> > > constructivly

>> > > >>> dismissed as well, and more:

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4661735/7

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> I post the links, since it was so much problems there, so


>> > isn't

>> > > easy

>> > > >>> for me, to summarise it, since there were so many problems

>> going

>> > on

>> > > there,

>> > > >>> in the one year and three months I worked there.

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Hope it's alright that I just refer to the website, but if

>> it's

>> > > anything

>> > > >>> I should answer, then please just tell me, and I'll explain


>> > > properly!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Thanks again for you help so far!

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Yours sincerely,

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Tom Mooney

>> > > <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>wrote:

>> > > >>>

>> > > >>>> **

>> > > >>>> <http://www.businessnorthwest.co.uk/>

>> > > >>>> <http://www.businessnorthwest.co.uk/>

>> > > >>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Erik,

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> My apologies, the LSC's telephone contact is 0845 345


>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Kind regards

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> *Tom Mooney*

>> > > >>>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>> > > >>>> **

>> > > >>>> Employment Department

>> > > >>>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> > > >>>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

>> > > >>>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> > > >>>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> > > >>>> Email: tmo@stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>>> Web: www.stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>> *From:* Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

>> > > >>>> *Sent:* 23 October 2009 14:19

>> > > >>>> *To:* Tom Mooney

>> > > >>>> *Subject:* Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

>> > > Bertelsmann

>> > > >>>> Arvato

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Hi,

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> thank you very much for your e-mail!

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> I was just wondering, shouldn't it be one more number in


>> > > >>>> phone-number you gave, to call to check if I'm eligible


>> > > receiving legal

>> > > >>>> aid?

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Is this number to the LSC?

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> I think I'm eligible because I'm unemployed at the moment,

>> due

>> > to

>> > > the

>> > > >>>> finance-crises, etc., unfourtuntly, even if I have a lot


>> do,

>> > > with working

>> > > >>>> on the employment-case and writing a blog etc.

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Thanks again for your e-mail!

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Best regards,

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Tom Mooney

>> > > <tmo@stephensons.co.uk>wrote:

>> > > >>>>

>> > > >>>>> **

>> > > >>>>> <http://www.businessnorthwest.co.uk/>

>> > > >>>>> <http://www.businessnorthwest.co.uk/>

>> > > >>>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Eric,

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> To qualify for legal aid you must be financially eligible

>> and

>> > > your

>> > > >>>>> claim must also have sufficient prospects of success.

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> In relation to the first requirement I would invite you


>> > call

>> > > 0845

>> > > >>>>> 345 434 to enable an advisor to ask you several questions


>> > > determine

>> > > >>>>> whether you are financially eligible to receive legal


>> If

>> > you

>> > > are

>> > > >>>>> eligible, you will receive a reference number and you


>> > can

>> > > then be

>> > > >>>>> assessed.

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Kind regards

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> *Tom Mooney*

>> > > >>>>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>> > > >>>>> **

>> > > >>>>> Employment Department

>> > > >>>>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> > > >>>>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan WN3 5BA

>> > > >>>>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> > > >>>>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> > > >>>>> Email: tmo@stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>>>> Web: www.stephensons.co.uk

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>>> *From:*

>> > > [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

>> > > >>>>> *Sent:* 09 October 2009 06:19

>> > > >>>>> *To:* Enquiries

>> > > >>>>> *Subject:* Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against


>> > > Arvato

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Hi,

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail,


>> > I'm

>> > > sending

>> > > >>>>> a reminder about this.

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Yours sincerely,

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>> > > >>>>> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

>> > > >>>>> Date: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 3:47 AM

>> > > >>>>> Subject: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvato

>> > > >>>>> To: enquiries@stephensons.co..uk

>> <enquiries@stephensons.co.uk>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Hi,

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> I've been trying regularly, since 2006, to find some


>> > > within the

>> > > >>>>> legal aid-programme, regarding an employment-case I have,

>> > > against

>> > > >>>>> Bertelsmann Arvato.

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> There were problems with constructed dismissal, a lot of

>> > > bullying and

>> > > >>>>> harassment from managers, illegal management-methods,


>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> I've published about the employment-case, on this url:

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > >

>> > >

>> >

>> >





>> >

>> > >

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Hope you can help with giving advice regarding this


>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Yours sincerely,

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Erik Ribsskog

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> Debt Recovery Special

>> > > Offer...<

>> > >

>> >





>> >

>> > > >

>> > > >>>>>

>> > > >>>>> If you have 5 or more debts to recover, instruct us to


>> now

>> > > for only

>> > > >>>>> £5 plus VAT per Letter Before Action. This offer is


>> > until

>> > > 30th

>> > > >>>>> September 2009. You must instruct us to send 5 or more

>> Letter

>> > > Before

>> > > >>>>> Actions to be eligible for this offer.

>> > > >>>>> ------------------------------

>> > > >>>>> *Save energy, money and the environment - do you need to

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>> > > >>>

>> > > >>

>> > > >> *

>> > > >> ------------------------------

>> > > >> *


>> > > >> Please note that this office will be closed from 1pm on

>> Thursday

>> > > 24th

>> > > >> December 2009 and re-open at 9am on Monday 4th January 2010.

>> > > >> *24 hour Crime* call out-7 days a week including Christmas


>> > New

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>> > > >> *07836 574607*.

>> > > >> Please do not take offence if you do not receive a Christmas

>> card

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>> > > >> as this year we are making a contribution to our selected

>> Charity

>> > of

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>> > > >> year, Wigan & Leigh Hospice.

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>> > >

>> > >

>> >

>> >




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>> >




>> > >

>> > >

>> >




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