thank you for you letter, which I recieved yesterday.
You write that: 'I am aware that you were seen by one of our advisors, Jenny, on 03 June'.
This was a scheduled meeting, which I received a letter about, a couple of weeks, before the meeting.
My complaint is, that I wasn't made aware of the agenda for the meeting. (I got to know the agenda for the meeting, in the meeting.
But then I didn't get to prepare for the meeting, and had no idea what it was about).
This is my complaint, I wasn't made aware of the agenda for the meeting, on 3/6, before the meeting.
This I think is the norm, that if one have a meeting, which is scheduled, two or three weeks before, then one should inform the participants on the meeting, about the agenda.
I wanted to please complain about this, since there has been a lot of other problems, with the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:47 PM Subject: Update/Fwd: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting To: CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
I haven't received an answer to this e-mail. But I was at the Employment Zones-meeting today, at the Jobcetre, so I'm sending an update, to my complaint.
Today, (at the Employment Zone-meeting), with Jenny Smart, I was given the Employment Zone-folder. I think I should have been given that folder, before the meeting, to prepare for the meeting.
Now a new meeting was set up, in two weeks time.
(So nothing much happened on the meeting today, with Jenny Smart, other than that I recieved some information-folders). But, I wanted to complain about, that I wasn't given information about the Employment Zone-meeting, before the meeting.
Even if I complained about that I only got a folder for Pertemps, in Church St., when I was at the Jobcentre, two weeks ago.
(I looked at the folder, for Pretemps, when I went out of the Jobcentre, and it mentioned an address in Church St.
This made no sense to me, I should have been given a Jobcentre information-pack, before the meeting I think.
I only received a Pretemps information-folder, but this contained no information about Jobcentre Employment Zones.
So I didn't get enough information to understand what was going on.
It seemed like a phoney meeting to me, because of this).
In Norway, we call this 'fremmedgjøring', that people aren't being informed about what's going on, regarding them.
I'll see if I can find the English word.
My complaint it that the Jobcentre, intenionally, (it seemed to me), used the method of 'Social alienation', when they didn't inform me about why I was suddently going to an 'Employment Zone'-meeting, which I've never heard about before, and couldn't find about on your website, (since it's only in some areas of the UK, it seems).
So that's why I complained to the Jobcentre representative, two weeks ago, since they left me feeling socialy alienatied, due to that I wasn't given the adequate information.
So sorry if I complained to load, at the Jobcentre, the last time, but this patronisation, I'd call it, anoys me a bit, unfortunatly.
I've been working as an executive, and am used to managing myself, so I react if I'm being treated like an adult person.
So that's the reason I reacted at the Jobcentre two weeks ago, and I still wanted to complain about the way I was treated, surrounding this lack of information.
Hope this is alright! Regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:28 AM Subject: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting To: CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: ice@dwp.gsi.gov.ukHi,
thank you for your letter, from 21/5, which I received yesterday. (I was working out, at the gym, yesterday evening, so I'm a bit late answering my correspondence today, unfortunatly).
The folder I was given, at my last sign-on meeting, at the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq., last Thursday, was for an organisation, in Church St., called 'Pertemps Employment Zone', I think it was.
Shouldn't I have been given a Jobcentre-folder?
Is this a New Deal-meeting? Because on the internet, I can't find anything about 78-week review meetings, (but only about New Deal-meetings).
Could I please have the link, to the Jobcentre website, that explains about this meeting. (Since there has been a lot of problems with this Jobcentre, from before, I think, with the thre ICE-cases, etc).
I also thought that the manager had another name, has Mrs. Hart stopped working at Williamson Sq. Jobcentre? I would also like to complain about that I was given the wrong folder, for the organisation in Church St., and not one about the review/New Deal-meeting, (like I recieved before the 26 week review meeting, I think it was, with the immigrant woman on it, I think it was, if I remember correctly).
Again thank you very much for you letter!
Best Regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:20 AM Subject: Re: Complaint about phoney meeting To: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> Hi,
my name is Erik Ribsskog, Flat 3, 5 Leather Lane, Liverpool, L2 2AE.
Phone-number should be 0151 236 3298 and date of birth is 25/7/70. Best Regards,
Erik Ribsskog
PS. Here are the e-mails I've sent you regarding this:
I was there today, and spoke with the young woman in her early twenties with glasses and scars from pimples, or something, on her chin, (I couldn't see her ID-card, since it was the wrong way).
She gave me a folder to an organisation in Church St.
And I went back and asked her if the meeting was in Church St., (since she said the folder was to do with the meeting). But, it turned out the folder wasn't anything to do with the meeting at all, it was just some phoney stuff.
So I wanted to complain about this jobcenter-representative.
She also said it was a meeting, (next time), to do with that I had been unemployed, for 18 months.
But, I can't find anything about an 18 month review-meeting on the net.
And I have three ICE-complaints about this jobcenter from before. So I want ICE to deal with this complaint, and explain to me how the Jobcenter can call me in to a phoney meeting like this.
So I also sendt this to ICE.
Best Regards,
Erik Ribsskog
- Hide quoted text -
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM, CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Thank you for your email. Please contact your local Jobcentre or Jobcentre Plus office regarding this query.
You can find the address and telephone number for your local office at: http://los.direct.gov.uk/default.aspx?type=1&lang=en
Regards Dane Hurst Contact us e-mails
Jobcentre plus secretariat -----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 20 May 2010 01:38 To: CONTACT-US Cc: DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: Complaint about phoney meeting
I've got a letter in the post, from the Jobcenter-manager Mrs. Hart, from the Jobcenter at Williamsson Sq., Liverpool, telling me to go to 'an interview', on Thursday 3 June 2010.
But I can't find anything on the internet about a 76 week review-meeting.
(Only 13 and 26 weeks).
And I have three Ice-complaints about 'phoney stuff', from this Job-center, that Ice are slow at investigating.
This seems like a phoney meeting to me.
It should have been called a 'New Deal'-meeting, as far as I can see, on the Jobcenter website. And New Deal meetings aren't scheduled meetings, as far as I understand it.
So I don't think they should have a meeting like this, while three ICE-cases are being investigated againts Mrs. Hart and the Jobcenter Williamsson Sq.
I also send this to ICE.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:07 AM, CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Thank you for your email.
I will need to forward this query to your
local Jobcentre Plus District Manager's office for action.
Could you please ‘reply’ to this email with
the following information - your full name, postal address, your telephone
number and your date of birth.
Due to the vast amount of emails we
receive, please also attach your original email.
Dane Hurst Contact us e-mails Jobcentre plus secretariat
Sent: 20 May 2010 10:45 To:
CONTACT-US Cc: DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: Re: Complaint
about phoney meeting
I was there today, and spoke with the young woman in her early twenties
with glasses and scars from pimples, or something, on her chin, (I couldn't
see her ID-card, since it was the wrong way).
She gave me a folder to an organisation in Church St.
And I went back and asked her if the meeting was in Church St., (since
she said the folder was to do with the meeting).
But, it turned out the folder wasn't anything to do with the meeting
at all, it was just some phoney stuff.
So I wanted to complain about this jobcenter-representative.
She also said it was a meeting, (next time), to do with that I had
been unemployed, for 18 months.
But, I can't find anything about an 18 month review-meeting on the
And I have three ICE-complaints about this jobcenter from before.
So I want ICE to deal with this complaint, and explain to me how the
Jobcenter can call me in to a phoney meeting like this.
So I also sendt this to ICE.
Best Regards,
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM, CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
Thank you for your email.
Please contact your local Jobcentre or
Jobcentre Plus office regarding this query.
You can find the address and telephone
number for your local office at:
Dane Hurst
Contact us
e-mails Jobcentre
plus secretariat
Message----- From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 20 May 2010 01:38 To: CONTACT-US Cc:
DWP ICE gateway team Subject: Complaint about phoney
I've got a letter in the post, from the Jobcenter-manager Mrs. Hart,
from the Jobcenter at Williamsson Sq., Liverpool, telling me to go to 'an
interview', on Thursday 3 June 2010.
But I can't find anything on the internet about a 76 week
(Only 13 and 26 weeks).
And I have three Ice-complaints about 'phoney stuff', from this
Job-center, that Ice are slow at investigating.
This seems like a phoney meeting to me.
It should have been called a 'New Deal'-meeting, as far as I can see,
on the Jobcenter website.
And New Deal meetings aren't scheduled meetings, as far as I
understand it.
So I don't think they should have a meeting like this, while
three ICE-cases are being investigated againts Mrs. Hart and the Jobcenter
Williamsson Sq.
I also send this to ICE.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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