mandag 21. juni 2010

Jeg lurer på om hun tremenningen min i Sverige, driver å tuller med unga sine? De må da bli mobba på skolen, når de er på bilde med sånne rare folk

mobba på skolen!/Dagny.Rose


Jeg mener, farmora mi hadde et skap, med portrettbilder, av alle barnebarna sine på.

Og det var ikke noen sminka mannfolk, på den hylla, såvidt jeg kan huske det.

Men det var kanskje litt rart, at det ikke var bilde av familien samlet.

Det mener jeg mora mi fikk tatt hos fotograf i Larvik, bilde av meg og søstra mi og Axel og mora vår.

Men ingen Arne Thormod Thomassen.

Så han var vel kanskje ikke helt med i familien.

Han var jo stefaren våres kanskje.

Men han var ikke som noen far.

Det var mora vår som bestemte over oppdragelsen vår, sånn som jeg husker det ihvertfall.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

Bruken av forsterkning, på Arvato's skandinaviske Microsoft-aktivering

Nå har jeg jo skrevet det, at Bertelsmann og Microsoft, brukte (negativ) forsterkning, (altså psykologi), for å kontrollere medarbeiderne, istedet for å bruke motivasjon og ledelse.

Men, det kan jo være at dette bare var på Arvato Liverpool.

Hun Team-leaderen, Vivian Steinsland, hun sa jo også det, at forsterkningen, det var noe de tidligere Team leaderne hadde lært dem å bruke.

Dette var kanskje bare noe hun lærte å bruke muntlig da, og ikke gjennom kursmateriale fra Bertelsmann, f.eks.

Det er mulig.

Så det er mulig at det f.eks. var en katolsk mafia, eller muslimsk mafia, som kontrollerte Arvato Liverpool, gjennom at de tok kontroll over de som ble Team-leadere.

For Team-leaderne, de var alltid unge damer, i begynnelsen av 20-årene.

Så om det var et nettverk der, som gjorde de damene de ville ha som horer, til Team-leadere.

Og så brukte disse horene/Team-leaderne, til å hersje med resten av bemanningen.

Var det noe sånt som foregikk?

Hvem vet.

Meg ville de jo ikke ha som Team-leader.

(Enda jeg har en grad i IT, og har 10 års ledererfaring, fra Rimi).

Ble den stillingen utlyst, fordi de ville ha kontroll over hun unge, lyshårede Emelie Wallin, fra Sverige?

På samme måte som med hun Marianne Høksaas, fra Norge.

Det virka som at hun mista litt kontrollen, og begynte å grine, etter møter om å få forlenget vikariat som Team-leader.

Det var bare betalt 1000 kroner mer i måneden ca., fortalte hun Marianne.

Men hun har da kanskje skrytt til hele hjembyen sin, osv., om at hun hadde blitt sjef på Microsoft.

Også ville de ikke gi henne forlenget kontrakt som leder.

Men hun måtte gå tilbake til å være vanlig ansatt, (like etter nyttår, 2006).

Så da husker jeg at hun Marianne Høksaas, gråt etter et møte med Senior Team-leader, Aidan Tippins, het han vel.

Foran kjæresten sin, Kjell, som jobba på Arvato som vanlig medarbeider.

Og i månedene etter, så begynte hun å oppføre seg rart og uvennlig ovenfor meg, mener jeg å huske.

Hun Marianne Høksaas.

Enda jeg hadde gitt henne CD-er med 'Lost'-episoder osv., de første ukene på jobben.

For det stod en PC på det rommet jeg tok over, etter hun finske Taru, som dro til Irland.

Så jeg brente musikk, og sånn, til de kollegene mine på Arvato da.

Men kanskje hun da sa ja til å bli hore, på jobben, for å beholde sjefsstillingen?

Før hun flytta til Oslo, (og ikke hjembyen sin, på Sørlandet), noen måneder senere.

Hvem vet.

Det kan vel kanskje ha vært noe sånt som skjedde, tenker jeg nå.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.


Erik Ribsskog

Det er derfor at jeg blir litt lett irritert nå, for oppvaskmaskinen virker ikke. Det ligger igjen halve såpetabletten, når oppvasken er ferdig, osv

Gmail - re: Re: Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG5361709X, Our Ref: ARG5374259X


Erik Ribsskog

re: Re: Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG5361709X, Our Ref: ARG5374259X

Argos Direct E-Commerce

Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:56 PM


Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Subject: Order Number 83558210

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the replacement for your faulty Cookworks WP5F White Tabletop Dishwasher.

I am sorry for the delay in replying to your e-mail.  I can confirm that I have now processed your replacement Bush DW5F White Compact Tabletop Dishwasher.  We will contact you before Saturday the 26th of June 2010 to arrange a suitable collection and delivery date.

Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


Stacey Warder

Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.

For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email ARG5374259X:

----- Original Message -----

From: "Erik Ribsskog" <>

Date: 17 June 2010

Subject: Re: Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref:  ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG5361709X


that sounds very fine.

The dish-washer uses a lot of electricity now, when it runs for hours on the

same programme.

And I try to save on the electricity.

So that would be very fine, if you could please arrange that I got a

replacement product.

That's very good custommer-service from Argos I think, if that's right.

I'm home every day next week, except from Wednesday, so Monday, Tuesday,

Thursday or Friday would be fine.

Thank you very much again for your e-mail!

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Argos Direct E-Commerce <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Ribsskog,


> Subject: Order Number 83558210


> Thank you for your e-mail regarding a fault with your Cookworks WP5F White

> Tabletop Dishwasher.


> I am so sorry your dishwasher is not working properly.  However, we do not

> have a repair agent for the dishwasher you currently have, so would have to

> arrange a replacement for you.


> We cannot offer you an exact replacement dishwasher as this product has now

> been discontinued.  Although, we do currently have Catalogue Number 478/3550

> - Bush DW5F White Compact Tabletop Dishwasher, £129.89 available.  If you

> choose to go ahead with this alternative appliance, we would be happy to

> waive the price difference of £12.50.


> Please reply by return confirming whether you would like us to arrange this

> for you.


> Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact

> us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


> Regards,



> Stacey Warder

> Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.


> For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email

> ARG5361709X:


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "Erik Ribsskog" <>

> Date: 14 June 2010

> Subject: Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref:

>  ARG4220053X


> Hi,


> the dish-washer I bought from you, in July of last year, is beginning to

> not

> work properly.


> The timer now stops, at least once, for each programme, so the dish-washer

> washes for hours, without finishing the programme.


> As far as I remember, there is a one year warranty, for foults like this.


> So I was wondering how I should go forward, to get the dish-washer fixed?


> Best Regards,


> Erik Ribsskog



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> From: Argos Direct E-Commerce <>

> Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 6:42 PM

> Subject: re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X

> To:



> Dear Mr Ribsskog,


> Subject: Order number 83558210.


> Thank you for your e-mail regarding confirmation of your order.


> I am sorry you did not receive an email confirmation for the above order,

> unfortunately we had a system error.


> Having checked the system I am pleased to confirm your order has been

> processed and will be delivered on Monday 13th July 2009 between 12pm and

> 6pm.


> Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact

> us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


> Regards,



> Jerome Vernon

> Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.


> For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email

> ARG4220053X:


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "" <>

> Date: 09 July 2009

> Subject: Customer Enquiry


> Reason for enquiry (header) - Feedback

> Reason for enquiry (specific) - Feedback on the website

> Comments - I didn't recieve a confirmation e-mail, for the order I placed

> yesterday, for a dish-washer ++.


> The order-numbers, (that I got when I called your customer-support, today),

> are:


> - 83558210


> - AD 048963911


> How can you not send a confirmation e-mail/invoice?


> Regards,


> Erik Ribsskog

> Title - Mr

> First name - Erik

> Surname - Ribsskog

> Email address -

> Confirm email address -

> House name/number -

> Street/Road -

> Address 3 -

> Town -

> County -

> Country - United Kingdom

> Postcode -

> Daytime phone number -

> Evening phone number -


> The information contained in this message or any of its attachments is

> confidential and may be privileged.


> Unauthorised disclosure, copying or dissemination of the contents is

> strictly prohibited.


> The views expressed may not be official policy, but the personal views of

> the originator.


> If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in

> error, please delete this e-mail and advise the sender by using the reply

> facility in your e-mail software.


> All messages sent and received by Argos are monitored for viruses,

> high-risk

> file extensions, and inappropriate content.


> The registered office address of Argos Limited (registered in London,

[Quoted text hidden]

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Utenriksdepartementet

Gmail - Problemer med EU-kommisjonen/Fwd: Complaint about the Local Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City Council


Erik Ribsskog

Problemer med EU-kommisjonen/Fwd: Complaint about the Local Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City Council

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:57 PM



kan ikke dere høre hva de kjepphøye EU-folka driver med?

Jeg har klaget til EU-kommisjonen, på at jeg ikke får svar på en IPCC-klage i England, mm.

Men de sier her at jeg har fått ordentlig svar fra de, men det har jeg ikke.

Og de trakasserer meg også, og sier at de ikke vil svare på korrespondansen min, for å spare skattepenger.

Dette er korrupsjon og EU-imperalisme i praksis.

Jeg håper dere kan jekke dem ned litt, selv om Norge kanskje ikke er så stort land, og er redde for tyskere og det som er, hvis jeg skjønte det riktig på ambassaden i London.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint about the Local Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City Council


I think I should remind you that Norway pay the EU a lot of money each year, for the EEA-agreement.

Just to be treated like shit, by assholes like you.

EU sucks!

EU is a catholic club!

This is patetic.

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:48 PM, <> wrote:

dear sir

i refer to your email of 7 june and to your previous
emails, some in norwegian which is not an official language for

and i refer to the commission answers including an email
from mrs wigbold on 2-9-2009 and a letter from me on

unfortunately i find your communications rather strange and
apparently on subjects far from the competences of the

your suggestion that the commission could make the
liverpool city council or the local government ombudsman pay you

is quite eccentric, and really not a subject for
correspondence, apart from your repeated references to "a sweaty

your suggestion that the commission should be seaching
about you on the internet is not understood either

in these circumstances i have reached the conclusion that
the commission will not enter into further correspondence with

on these subjects, to avoid wasting taxpayers money, so any
further such emails will not receive any answer

head of unit
mail and document management

From: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 4:50
Subject: Complaint about the Local
Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City


I'm from Norway, but live in the UK.

Here one can see how some people treats Norwegians in the UK.

They bully me and call me 'Ms', like mobsters, and they suggest to
meet foreigners at a sweaty Gym, instead of replying in writing, like I

I think that some mobsters attacked me at the Liverpool City
Council Gym and that some mobsters in the Council and at the Local
Government Ombudsman covered it up.

I guess this could be, since I'm Norway.

And according to the EEA-agreement, I have the same rights as
EU-citizens, in the UK.

So I think you should make the Liverpool City Counil and the Local
Government Ombudsman, pay me a lot of money in compensation, for all their
crap, that I have to take, since I'm from Norway, or why they do this.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint against Liverpool City
To: LGOAT Mailbox <>


ok, I guess it's nothing to do about that case then.

I thought you let the Coucil get away to easy.

I mean, I send them a written complaint, and the offer to meet me
in a sweaty gym.

I go to the gym to work-out, not to have meetings.

Meetings I think should be held somewhere with less sweat,
endorfines and hormones in the air.

So I thought it was just riddiculus, that you let the Council get

All I wanted was a reply in writing from them.

Which I think is the norm, if one send a written complaint.

But all this non-sense with the Council suggesting meetings at the Gym,
and you at the Ombudsman letting Liverpool City Council getting away with

I think that this reminds me of another smell than the one at the

All of this smells really, I think.

But I guess it's nothing to do about this.


Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:21 PM, LGOAT Mailbox <> wrote:

Dear Ms

Thank you for your

You could continue with
the case that you regard more serious if you wish but the previous advice
would still apply and you would need to provide us with evidence that the
council’s complaints process has been completed (The council would
normally respond in writing at each stage of a formal

If the issue regarding
harassment at the gym is something that we have considered before however
we would not be able to consider it again.


Kerry Anne

Customer Service
O Advice Team
| DL: 02476 820 132 | 0300 061 0614

The Oaks, No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

LGO 4 col SML at 70%

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 07 June 2010 15:04
Subject: Re: Complaint against Liverpool City


I don't think one phone-call like that, is something to
make a fuss about.

But I thought the problems with the harassment
against me at the Council Gym, was more important.

So I thougth that maybe I could go on with that case,
since I didn't think it was properly sorted.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 12:08 PM, LGOAT Mailbox <> wrote:

Dear Mr

Thank you for your

I have established from
searching for your details that you had a complaint investigated by the
Local Government Ombudsman which was closed in February 2009. (08 000

If you have a new
complaint with the council you will need to complete the council’s own
complaints procedure before requesting that the Ombudsman considers your
complaint for investigation

Please also note that we
do not simply tell councils what to do, we would only make recommendations
to a council in the event that fault was found during a complaint
investigation by the Ombudsman.

If you would like to
raise a new complaint because you have completed the council’s complaints
procedure then please fill out the attached form and return it with a copy
of the council’s final response to your complaint.


Kerry Anne

Customer Service
O Advice Team
| DL: 02476 820 132 | 0300 061 0614

The Oaks, No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

Filename not specified.

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 06 June 2010 23:46
Subject: Complaint against Liverpool City


I had a complaint against Liverpool City Council,
(Lifestyles Gym), that I wanted them to reply to in writing, (back in

You at the Ombudsman said they didn't have to, since
they offered to meet me at the gym.

On 28/5, Lifestyles called me, wanting me to reply to a
customer survey.

I tried to explain, that I had a complaint against
them, and because of this, didn't want to be part of the survey.

But the person calling didn't speak that good
English, I think I have to say.

So it ended with me having to hang up.

Can't you please tell the Council to reply to my
complaint in writing, so that we get this case over with?

Best Regards,


NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Jeg ble litt irritert på EU

Gmail - Complaint about the Local Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City Council


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about the Local Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City Council

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:26 PM



I think I should remind you that Norway pay the EU a lot of money each year, for the EEA-agreement.

Just to be treated like shit, by assholes like you.

EU sucks!

EU is a catholic club!

This is patetic.

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:48 PM, <> wrote:

dear sir

i refer to your email of 7 june and to your previous
emails, some in norwegian which is not an official language for

and i refer to the commission answers including an email
from mrs wigbold on 2-9-2009 and a letter from me on

unfortunately i find your communications rather strange and
apparently on subjects far from the competences of the

your suggestion that the commission could make the
liverpool city council or the local government ombudsman pay you

is quite eccentric, and really not a subject for
correspondence, apart from your repeated references to "a sweaty

your suggestion that the commission should be seaching
about you on the internet is not understood either

in these circumstances i have reached the conclusion that
the commission will not enter into further correspondence with

on these subjects, to avoid wasting taxpayers money, so any
further such emails will not receive any answer

head of unit
mail and document management

From: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 4:50
Subject: Complaint about the Local
Goverment Ombudsman/Fwd: Complaint against Liverpool City


I'm from Norway, but live in the UK.

Here one can see how some people treats Norwegians in the UK.

They bully me and call me 'Ms', like mobsters, and they suggest to
meet foreigners at a sweaty Gym, instead of replying in writing, like I

I think that some mobsters attacked me at the Liverpool City
Council Gym and that some mobsters in the Council and at the Local
Government Ombudsman covered it up.

I guess this could be, since I'm Norway.

And according to the EEA-agreement, I have the same rights as
EU-citizens, in the UK.

So I think you should make the Liverpool City Counil and the Local
Government Ombudsman, pay me a lot of money in compensation, for all their
crap, that I have to take, since I'm from Norway, or why they do this.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint against Liverpool City
To: LGOAT Mailbox <>


ok, I guess it's nothing to do about that case then.

I thought you let the Coucil get away to easy.

I mean, I send them a written complaint, and the offer to meet me
in a sweaty gym.

I go to the gym to work-out, not to have meetings.

Meetings I think should be held somewhere with less sweat,
endorfines and hormones in the air.

So I thought it was just riddiculus, that you let the Council get

All I wanted was a reply in writing from them.

Which I think is the norm, if one send a written complaint.

But all this non-sense with the Council suggesting meetings at the Gym,
and you at the Ombudsman letting Liverpool City Council getting away with

I think that this reminds me of another smell than the one at the

All of this smells really, I think.

But I guess it's nothing to do about this.


Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:21 PM, LGOAT Mailbox <> wrote:

Dear Ms

Thank you for your

You could continue with
the case that you regard more serious if you wish but the previous advice
would still apply and you would need to provide us with evidence that the
council’s complaints process has been completed (The council would
normally respond in writing at each stage of a formal

If the issue regarding
harassment at the gym is something that we have considered before however
we would not be able to consider it again.


Kerry Anne

Customer Service
O Advice Team
| DL: 02476 820 132 | 0300 061 0614

The Oaks, No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

LGO 4 col SML at 70%

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 07 June 2010 15:04
Subject: Re: Complaint against Liverpool City


I don't think one phone-call like that, is something to
make a fuss about.

But I thought the problems with the harassment
against me at the Council Gym, was more important.

So I thougth that maybe I could go on with that case,
since I didn't think it was properly sorted.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 12:08 PM, LGOAT Mailbox <> wrote:

Dear Mr

Thank you for your

I have established from
searching for your details that you had a complaint investigated by the
Local Government Ombudsman which was closed in February 2009. (08 000

If you have a new
complaint with the council you will need to complete the council’s own
complaints procedure before requesting that the Ombudsman considers your
complaint for investigation

Please also note that we
do not simply tell councils what to do, we would only make recommendations
to a council in the event that fault was found during a complaint
investigation by the Ombudsman.

If you would like to
raise a new complaint because you have completed the council’s complaints
procedure then please fill out the attached form and return it with a copy
of the council’s final response to your complaint.


Kerry Anne

Customer Service
O Advice Team
| DL: 02476 820 132 | 0300 061 0614

The Oaks, No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

Filename not specified.

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 06 June 2010 23:46
Subject: Complaint against Liverpool City


I had a complaint against Liverpool City Council,
(Lifestyles Gym), that I wanted them to reply to in writing, (back in

You at the Ombudsman said they didn't have to, since
they offered to meet me at the gym.

On 28/5, Lifestyles called me, wanting me to reply to a
customer survey.

I tried to explain, that I had a complaint against
them, and because of this, didn't want to be part of the survey.

But the person calling didn't speak that good
English, I think I have to say.

So it ended with me having to hang up.

Can't you please tell the Council to reply to my
complaint in writing, so that we get this case over with?

Best Regards,


NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.