torsdag 5. august 2010

Jeg skrev en ny oppdatering, til the Jobcentre, angående om det kan være Stein Erik Hagen/Illuminati/Scull and bones, som prøver å få meg ned

Gmail - New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


Erik Ribsskog

New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:53 PM



it could be, that it isn't communist or muslim mob, who are messing with me.

But, I used to work, for Hakon-group, in Norway, owned by feared, (I think I have to say), billionaire, Stein Erik Hagen.

I quit Hakon-group/Rimi, (later ICA), to study IT, at an enginering univeristy college, in Oslo, (Oslo University College, faculity of Engineering).

A former director in Rimi, Johannes Hagen, has said that he fears Stein Erik Hagen, due to that he has a lot of power and connetions:

No, I checked it now, it was another representative:

- Hagen har råd til å sette en advokat på meg i 70 år. Jeg tør ikke si noe. Jeg har ingenting å stille opp med dersom han bestemmer seg for å ta meg, sier en tidligere sentral medarbeider.

Translates to: '(Stein Erik) Hagen can afford to put a lawyer on me for 70 years. I don't dear to tell anything (from working in Stein Erik Hagen's company, Hakon-gruppen). I can do nothing if he (Stein Erik Hagen) decides that he want to take me, a former key-employee (in Stein Erik Hagen's company Hakon-gruppen) says'.

From Norway's biggest paper 'VG's online-edition, (in 2001):

I quit Rimi, (Stein Erik Hagen's company), in 2004, and went to study in Sunderland, (I only worked part-time in Rimi, between 2002 and 2004).

I've had a lot of problems at work, at Bertelsmann Arvato Ltd's Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation.

I've been messed with by the Merseyside Police, and the CAB and the Law Society, and the Legal Services Ombudsman, and more, in connection with an employment-case, against Bertelsmann Arvato.

And I have a lot of ICE-cases, against the Jobcentre.

Stein Erik Hagen, is known for visiting George W. Bush, who is in Scull and Bones, (, etc.

Could it be Stein Erik Hagen/(Scull and bones/illuminati), etc. who are messing with me?

Just a thought in this late night.

Sorry that if I'm writing to many e-mails.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:10 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)



I also remembered one more point now.

The Coop-representative, tells me, the dead-line for applying for this vacancy, has expired.

But, this was a new job, on Thursday last week, when I found about this vacancy, on the jobcentre-machine.

So this I think must have been some plot.

Or I wondered what has been goving on.

Because I usually only search for the new jobs, on the Jobcentre.

Since I usually do a job-search, one or two days before the sign-on date.

Just something that I remebered.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:54 PM
Subject: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


I think I'm cleary being mobbed by the Coop HR-representative.

I suspect, in co-operation, with the Jobcentre Williamson Sq., because I told them I'd apply for the Coop-job, and that I'd worked for the Norwegian Coop.

I suspect these are eighter communist-mob or muslim mob.

Something like this.

Could you could please investigate this?

Sorry that I lost my temper in one of the e-mails to Coop.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)
To: Natalie Seale <>


I think you are bullshiting me around.

This is a retail job.

You write:

'Fully qulified, knowledgable and experienced in managing retail branch'.

Food shops are also in the retail-business.

If you only want people with experience from travel-agencies, you should write that.

You are obviously a dirty mobster.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

Many apologies.

Unfortunately that role has now been
removed from the vacancy list as a suitable candidate has been found.

We will however keep your details on file
for any other vacancies that may arise.

However, we do normally only consider
experienced travel candidate’s for Branch and Assistant managers roles.

Would you be interested in your details
being considered for Travel Advisors roles?

Kind regards




01782 309579

Please support our
"It's A Knockout" Charity Event in aide of The Donna Louise Childrens

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:39

To: Natalie Seale

Subject: Re: Branch Manager


this is for the job as Branch Manager in your travel-agency in Liverpool Lord St.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

You will need to apply for the food division vacancies on their

Kind regards


Recruitment Assistant

01782 309579

Please support our "It's A Knockout" Charity Event in
aide of The Donna Louise Childrens Hospice

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:29


Subject: Branch Manager


I saw at the
Jobcentre, that you were searching for a Branch Manager.

I've been
working as a Shop Manager in Norway,
(in three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25
employees, in each shop.

I have a
degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and have also studied
Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary
Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information

I've also
been working in the Norwegian Coop, at OBS Triaden, (a big super/hyper-market,
in the COOP-chain), in Lørenskog,
Norway, from
1990 to 1992.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,



This e-mail has been sent from Co-operative Group Limited, an industrial and

society or from one of its subsidiaries which include Somerfield Stores
Limited. To the

extent that this e-mail relates to the supply of groceries to Co-operative
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or Somerfield Stores Limited it is sent subject to the Co-operative Group’s

Terms of Supply of Groceries (version G040210 accessible at

If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please preserve the
confidentiality of

it and advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission. Any
disclosure, copying,

distribution or action taken, or omitted to be taken, by an unauthorised
recipient in reliance

upon the contents of this e-mail is prohibited. Co-operative cannot
accept liability for any

damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses so please carry
out your own

virus checks before opening an attachment. In replying to this e-mail you
are granting the

right for that reply to be forwarded to any other individual within the
Co-operative business

and also to be read by others. Any view expressed by an individual within
this message does

not necessarily reflect the views of Co-operative. Co-operative reserves
the right to intercept,

monitor and record communications for lawful business purposes.

Co-operative Group Limited, registered in England (No 525R)

Somerfield Stores Limited, registered in England (No 623166)

Registered Office: New Century House, Manchester,
M60 4ES


Disclaimer 00001

Mer om den jobben, som jeg ble trakassert av Coop, i forbindelse med at jeg søkte på



Jeg kan begynne med å fortelle litt om, hvordan det fungerer, på the Jobcentre.

Jeg har noe som heter 'Jobseekers-agreement'.

Og der står det, at jeg må søke på jobber, på the Jobcentre, før mitt møte der, hver 14. dag.

Det har jeg lurt litt på.

For hos the Jobcentre, så er det ofte støy.

Så det hadde kanskje vært enklere, å søke hjemme.

For jeg har jo internett, så da får jeg opp de samme jobbene hjemme.

Men men.

Jeg la kan la det punktet hvile nå.

Men, mens jeg venter på å få snakke med en Jobcentre-medarbeider, på et av mine 'sign-on'-møter.

(Som er annenhver torsdag).

Så står jeg og trykker på en maskin, hos the Jobcentre, og da kan jeg printe ut en sånn lapp, som den som jeg har tatt med, øverst i denne bloggposten.

Hvis jeg finner en jobb som jeg synes ser relevant ut, i det stresset og maset og kaoset som er på the Jobcentre.

Siden jeg er fra Norge, mener jeg, så er det ikke like enkelt for meg, å finne jobber som passer kjempebra, i full fart, på en sånn maskin, når det er 20-30 mennesker, (ihvertfall 10-20), inne i det lokalet, og jeg vet at jeg kommer til å bli ropt opp, når som helst, så jeg må kjappe meg å få printet ut en sånn lapp, ellers så kan jeg få kjeft, under selve sign-on møtet.

Men men.

Og da, så får jeg ofte en ny lapp i sign-on møtet.

Som hun Claire, (eller om det var Clare), som jeg hadde møte med, torsdag for en uke siden, på the Jobcentre, på Williamson Sq.

Hun Claire/Clare, hun sa det, at på de andre lappene, (som hun kan printe ut), så står det noen ganger mer informasjon, enn på de første lappene.

Så hun Clare, hun gikk og hentet to utskrifter til meg.

(Hun måtte gå to ganger, for den ene ble ikke skrevet ut, sa hun).

Men men.

(For hun fant også en annen jobb, for en gullsmed, på systemet sitt, for hun også ville søke litt etter jobber for meg, (av en eller annen grunn).

Men men).

Sånn her ser det arket som hun Clare printet ut, ut, (jeg har streket under ordet 'retail', dvs. varehandel på norsk):

img 192 strek retail

PS 2.

Man kan se det, at det står noe med 'retail', på det arket, for den jobben ovenfor.

Og retail, det betyr varehandel.

Og jeg har jobbet ti år, som leder i varehandelen, (i mange Rimi-butikker i Oslo og omegn), i Norge.

Så jeg kan søke lederjobber innen retail, mener jeg.

Men når jeg sender søknad i dag, så blir jeg nærmest latterliggjort, siden jeg ikke har jobbet i reisebyrå.

Men det står det ikke noe om ovenfor, at jeg må ha jobbet i reisebyrå.

Så det var mobbing, mener jeg.

PS 3.

Dessuten, så gjorde jeg en jobbsøk-økt hjemme, på onsdag i forrige uke.

Så derfor tror jeg det, at jeg bare lette etter de dagsferske jobbene, forrige torsdag.

Så at denne stillingen, nå er for sen å søke på, det synes jeg høres merkelig ut.

Dette med denne stillingen var nok noe plott, fra noe mob, spesielt innrettet mot meg, mistenker jeg.

Siden jeg er en som illuminati, (er det f.eks. Stein Erik Hagen, som tuller? Likte han f.eks. ikke at jeg ville slutte i Rimi, og heller studere data, ved ingeniørhøyskolen? Jeg mener, Stein Erik Hagen, har jo vært gjest hos George W. Bush osv., har man kunnet se på nyhetene for et par år siden vel, og han er vel en av verdens rikeste personer osv., ihvertfall på topp 200 lista til Forbes vel? Johannes Hagen, (var det vel), som var direktør i Rimi, før han fikk sparken, for noen år siden, han sa jo det, (enda han er ganske kjent), at han var redd for Stein Erik Hagen, for han kunne tulle med livet hans, hvis han ville, siden Stein Erik Hagen hadde så mye makt og kontakter, osv. Er det denne makten og disse kontaktene som tuller med meg nå? Jeg bare lurer.), eller noe, gjerne vil ha ned da.

Og de kjenner vanene mine til punkt og prikke, og spionerer på meg, i møtene på the Jobcentre osv., og skriver ned når jeg gjør ditt og datt da.

I et forsøk på å få meg ned.

Noe sånt virker det ihvertfall som for meg, at foregår.

(Jeg viser til mine arbeidssaker i Norge og England, klagene til ICE, på the Jobcentre, nettopp i Williamson Sq., og generelt hele johncons-blogg, må jeg vel si).

PS 4.

Man kan også legge merke til det.

At i England, så har man ikke et felt, på ark for ledige jobber.

Hvor det står 'søknadsfrist'.

Det hadde kanskje vært en ide.

Det vet jeg fra å ha sett stillingsannonser i aviser, og på Arvato og andre steder.

At det er vanlig å ha en kjent søknadsfrist, for jobber som utlyses.

Så det synes jeg er litt spesielt, at the Jobcentre i England, ikke opererer med en kjent søknadsfrist, for ledige jobber.

Så det var spesielt.

Men men.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 5.

Her er forresten den jobben, som hun Clare, fant om til meg, på sin datamaskin, forrige torsdag.

(Hun måtte gå to ganger, til printeren, pga. noe problem.

Så hun hentet bare et ark av gangen.

Og måtte gå to ganger.

Så det var kanskje litt merkelig.

Men men).

Her er mer om dette:


PS 6.

Jeg syntes det var litt rart, at hun ville at jeg skulle søke på den.

Jeg viste henne noe info, om graden min i IT, og at den var 'level 5'.

Og at jeg ville søke IT leder jobber.

Så begynte hun å søke på dataen.

Også fant hun en gullsmed-jobb.

Så det passet jo ikke.

Så spurte hun om jeg hadde noe greie på det.

(Juveler osv).

Så svarte jeg, at det hadde jeg ikke.

Men jeg kunne sikkert lære.

Hun tok kopier av det om at graden min var 'level 5', men hun sa ikke hva hun skulle gjøre med det.

Men men.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

PS 7.

Her kan man se at jeg søkte den jobben da.

Siden jeg vel ellers kanskje hadde fått problemer med the Jobcentre igjen.

Jeg trenger jo de 65 pundene i uka.

Jeg har jo ikke noe formue, og jeg får jo ikke f.eks. arven min fra Norge, etter min mormor, som døde ifjor sommer.

Men men.

Her er mer om dette:

Gmail - Assistant Branch Manager


Erik Ribsskog

Assistant Branch Manager

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:21 PM



I saw at the Jobcentre, that you were searching for an Assistant Branch Manager.

I've been working as a Shop Manager in Norway, (in three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25 employees, in each shop.

I have a degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and have also studied Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information Management.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Jeg sendte en klage på Coop, til the Jobcentre

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:10 PM



I also remembered one more point now.

The Coop-representative, tells me, the dead-line for applying for this vacancy, has expired.

But, this was a new job, on Thursday last week, when I found about this vacancy, on the jobcentre-machine.

So this I think must have been some plot.

Or I wondered what has been goving on.

Because I usually only search for the new jobs, on the Jobcentre.

Since I usually do a job-search, one or two days before the sign-on date.

Just something that I remebered.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:54 PM
Subject: Complaint about Coop/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


I think I'm cleary being mobbed by the Coop HR-representative.

I suspect, in co-operation, with the Jobcentre Williamson Sq., because I told them I'd apply for the Coop-job, and that I'd worked for the Norwegian Coop.

I suspect these are eighter communist-mob or muslim mob.

Something like this.

Could you could please investigate this?

Sorry that I lost my temper in one of the e-mails to Coop.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)
To: Natalie Seale <>


I think you are bullshiting me around.

This is a retail job.

You write:

'Fully qulified, knowledgable and experienced in managing retail branch'.

Food shops are also in the retail-business.

If you only want people with experience from travel-agencies, you should write that.

You are obviously a dirty mobster.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

Many apologies.

Unfortunately that role has now been
removed from the vacancy list as a suitable candidate has been found.

We will however keep your details on file
for any other vacancies that may arise.

However, we do normally only consider
experienced travel candidate’s for Branch and Assistant managers roles.

Would you be interested in your details
being considered for Travel Advisors roles?

Kind regards




01782 309579

Please support our
"It's A Knockout" Charity Event in aide of The Donna Louise Childrens

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:39

To: Natalie Seale

Subject: Re: Branch Manager


this is for the job as Branch Manager in your travel-agency in Liverpool Lord St.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

You will need to apply for the food division vacancies on their

Kind regards


Recruitment Assistant

01782 309579

Please support our "It's A Knockout" Charity Event in
aide of The Donna Louise Childrens Hospice

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:29


Subject: Branch Manager


I saw at the
Jobcentre, that you were searching for a Branch Manager.

I've been
working as a Shop Manager in Norway,
(in three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25
employees, in each shop.

I have a
degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and have also studied
Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary
Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information

I've also
been working in the Norwegian Coop, at OBS Triaden, (a big super/hyper-market,
in the COOP-chain), in Lørenskog,
Norway, from
1990 to 1992.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,



This e-mail has been sent from Co-operative Group Limited, an industrial and

society or from one of its subsidiaries which include Somerfield Stores
Limited. To the

extent that this e-mail relates to the supply of groceries to Co-operative
Group Limited

or Somerfield Stores Limited it is sent subject to the Co-operative Group’s

Terms of Supply of Groceries (version G040210 accessible at

If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please preserve the
confidentiality of

it and advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission. Any
disclosure, copying,

distribution or action taken, or omitted to be taken, by an unauthorised
recipient in reliance

upon the contents of this e-mail is prohibited. Co-operative cannot
accept liability for any

damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses so please carry
out your own

virus checks before opening an attachment. In replying to this e-mail you
are granting the

right for that reply to be forwarded to any other individual within the
Co-operative business

and also to be read by others. Any view expressed by an individual within
this message does

not necessarily reflect the views of Co-operative. Co-operative reserves
the right to intercept,

monitor and record communications for lawful business purposes.

Co-operative Group Limited, registered in England (No 525R)

Somerfield Stores Limited, registered in England (No 623166)

Registered Office: New Century House, Manchester,
M60 4ES


Disclaimer 00001

Kjære Norge

Hvordan kan dere være så homo?

Hvordan kan dere la disse 'mobsterne' tulle med meg, dag ut og dag inn, i åresvis, uten å engang gi meg advokat?

Norge er verdens største homsepatrulje.

Å gid.


Erik Ribsskog


Noen vil at jeg skal svare på hvorfor 'mafian' ikke har skadet meg.

Det må dere nesten spørre den her 'mafian' om selv.

Det kan ikke jeg svare på dessverre.

Det jeg vil, er at politiet først skal fortelle meg hvem denne 'mafian' er.

En legitimering av mafia, som denne leseren, (jeg skal ikke nevne navn), legger opp til.

Det synes jeg er en uting.

Man kan ikke prøve å legitimere eller rasjonalisere mafia.

Når de ikke er lovlige og heller ikke har en offentlig agenda.

Det blir å snu alt på hodet mener jeg.

Så bakvendt-landet, det passer vel bra på homse-landet.

Norge er bakvendt landet, bestående av folk som enten er homo eller tenker med baken.

Så sånn er nok det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

PS 2.

Altså, jeg er ikke tatt til retten her.

Så ingen har rett til å tvile på min side her.

Her er det mine rettigheter som gjelder.

Hvis noen vil sette meg til svars, så må de ta meg til retten, for et eventuelt lovbrudd, som jeg har gjort.

Men jeg har alltid prøvd å holde min sti ren, så det tror jeg ikke er aktuelt engang.

*ferdig med å holde tale og ha opplæring i samfunnskunnskap for homsene og idiotene*

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Coop

Gmail - Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


Erik Ribsskog

Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:54 PM

Natalie Seale <>



I think you are bullshiting me around.

This is a retail job.

You write:

'Fully qulified, knowledgable and experienced in managing retail branch'.

Food shops are also in the retail-business.

If you only want people with experience from travel-agencies, you should write that.

You are obviously a dirty mobster.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

Many apologies.

Unfortunately that role has now been
removed from the vacancy list as a suitable candidate has been found.

We will however keep your details on file
for any other vacancies that may arise.

However, we do normally only consider
experienced travel candidate’s for Branch and Assistant managers roles.

Would you be interested in your details
being considered for Travel Advisors roles?

Kind regards




01782 309579

Please support our
"It's A Knockout" Charity Event in aide of The Donna Louise Childrens

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:39

To: Natalie Seale

Subject: Re: Branch Manager


this is for the job as Branch Manager in your travel-agency in Liverpool Lord St.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

You will need to apply for the food division vacancies on their

Kind regards


Recruitment Assistant

01782 309579

Please support our "It's A Knockout" Charity Event in
aide of The Donna Louise Childrens Hospice

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:29


Subject: Branch Manager


I saw at the
Jobcentre, that you were searching for a Branch Manager.

I've been
working as a Shop Manager in Norway,
(in three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25
employees, in each shop.

I have a
degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and have also studied
Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary
Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information

I've also
been working in the Norwegian Coop, at OBS Triaden, (a big super/hyper-market,
in the COOP-chain), in Lørenskog,
Norway, from
1990 to 1992.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,



This e-mail has been sent from Co-operative Group Limited, an industrial and

society or from one of its subsidiaries which include Somerfield Stores
Limited. To the

extent that this e-mail relates to the supply of groceries to Co-operative
Group Limited

or Somerfield Stores Limited it is sent subject to the Co-operative Group’s

Terms of Supply of Groceries (version G040210 accessible at

If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please preserve the
confidentiality of

it and advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission. Any
disclosure, copying,

distribution or action taken, or omitted to be taken, by an unauthorised
recipient in reliance

upon the contents of this e-mail is prohibited. Co-operative cannot
accept liability for any

damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses so please carry
out your own

virus checks before opening an attachment. In replying to this e-mail you
are granting the

right for that reply to be forwarded to any other individual within the
Co-operative business

and also to be read by others. Any view expressed by an individual within
this message does

not necessarily reflect the views of Co-operative. Co-operative reserves
the right to intercept,

monitor and record communications for lawful business purposes.

Co-operative Group Limited, registered in England (No 525R)

Somerfield Stores Limited, registered in England (No 623166)

Registered Office: New Century House, Manchester,
M60 4ES


Disclaimer 00001

Her kan man se hvor gjennområtten verden er nå. Jeg blir forfulgt av 'mobstere' uansett hva jeg gjør. Og alle sitter på rumpen sin og ser på

Gmail - Mobsters in company/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


Erik Ribsskog

Mobsters in company/Fwd: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:45 PM



I think you have 'mobsters' in your company.

Like the woman who's corresponding with me here.

She's clearly trying to 'mess' me around.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)
To: Natalie Seale <>


this is for the job as Branch Manager in your travel-agency in Liverpool Lord St.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

You will need to apply for the food
division vacancies on their website.

Kind regards



01782 309579

Please support our
"It's A Knockout" Charity Event in aide of The Donna Louise Childrens

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:29


Subject: Branch Manager


I saw at the Jobcentre, that you were searching for a Branch

I've been working as a Shop Manager in Norway, (in
three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25
employees, in each shop.

I have a degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and
have also studied Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary
Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information

I've also been working in the Norwegian Coop, at OBS
Triaden, (a big super/hyper-market, in the COOP-chain), in Lørenskog, Norway,
from 1990 to 1992.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


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Co-operative Group Limited, registered in England (No 525R)

Somerfield Stores Limited, registered in England (No 623166)

Registered Office: New Century House, Manchester, M60 4ES


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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Coop

Gmail - Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)


Erik Ribsskog

Branch Manager (WSQ/130398)

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:38 PM

Natalie Seale <>


this is for the job as Branch Manager in your travel-agency in Liverpool Lord St.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Natalie Seale <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

You will need to apply for the food
division vacancies on their website.

Kind regards



01782 309579

Please support our
"It's A Knockout" Charity Event in aide of The Donna Louise Childrens

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 August 2010 15:29


Subject: Branch Manager


I saw at the Jobcentre, that you were searching for a Branch

I've been working as a Shop Manager in Norway, (in
three different Rimi food-shops), where I've been managing up to 25
employees, in each shop.

I have a degree in IT, at Higher National Diploma-level, and
have also studied Information Management with Business at university-level, in Norway.

I have degrees on National Diploma level, from Norway, (from Upper Secondary
Business school), in Commerce and Office-work, Marketing and Information

I've also been working in the Norwegian Coop, at OBS
Triaden, (a big super/hyper-market, in the COOP-chain), in Lørenskog, Norway,
from 1990 to 1992.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


This e-mail has been sent from Co-operative Group Limited, an industrial and provident

society or from one of its subsidiaries which include Somerfield Stores Limited. To the

extent that this e-mail relates to the supply of groceries to Co-operative Group Limited

or Somerfield Stores Limited it is sent subject to the Co-operative Group’s Standard

Terms of Supply of Groceries (version G040210 accessible at

If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please preserve the confidentiality of

it and advise the sender immediately of any error in transmission. Any disclosure, copying,

distribution or action taken, or omitted to be taken, by an unauthorised recipient in reliance

upon the contents of this e-mail is prohibited. Co-operative cannot accept liability for any

damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses so please carry out your own

virus checks before opening an attachment. In replying to this e-mail you are granting the

right for that reply to be forwarded to any other individual within the Co-operative business

and also to be read by others. Any view expressed by an individual within this message does

not necessarily reflect the views of Co-operative. Co-operative reserves the right to intercept,

monitor and record communications for lawful business purposes.

Co-operative Group Limited, registered in England (No 525R)

Somerfield Stores Limited, registered in England (No 623166)

Registered Office: New Century House, Manchester, M60 4ES


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