Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 6:22 PM


post <>


jeg blir utsatt for en hat-kampanje, på nettet.

Denne e-posten jeg videresender her, er del av denne kampanjen, (mener jeg).

(Noen bestiller religiøse brosjyrer, i mitt navn. Trakassering, identitetstyveri).

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som en politidame, hos Drammenspolitiet, informerte meg om, at jeg måtte skrive, i anmeldelser sendt pr. e-post, i 2007 vel).

Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere hos Politiet ikke svarer på min korrespondanse, (pr. brev og e-post).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 6:08 PM
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders


why do you send me religious literature?

This must be a hoax.

I'm not interested in religion.

I have many other things to do on my spare-time, than reading in the bible, so I wouldn't have ordered folders like this.

(I also had a module at high school etc., in Norway, called 'Kristendom', meaning 'Christianity', where I one term got the best grade.

And as a boy, my mother sent me to Sunday-school, in Larvik, in Norway, a town with many churches in.

So this about the bible really bores me a bit now.

And I don't belive in God/supernatural stuff eighter.

I'm a realist, it's perhaps called, even if I've gotten the Christian stuff, like that our teacher in the first grade, at Østre Halsen Primary School, in Tjølling/Larvik, she told us that one human was worth more than all the money/valuables in the world, so I have had a Christian upbrining, from my mother, but my father didn't belive in God, and neighter do I, but our mother, Karen Ribsskog, sometimes got us to pray a 'Fader vår', (Our Father), prayer, at night, when I was around four years old, I think it was, in Østre Halsen).

(See also attached scans).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 6:23 AM
Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders
Cc:, post <>


again you send me some religious literature.

I haven't asked for this, I'm an atheist, and am not interested in Christian stuff, unfortunately.

I ask you to please stop sending me unwanted letters.

I'm reporting this as harassment, to the police in Norway.

(The reason I'm not sending this to the local Police, here at Merseyside, is because they've called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', in letters.

I look at this as a threat of demasculation, and have reported this to the IPCC, a couple of years ago, but they don't reply.)

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Living Church of God <>

Date: Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:36 PM

Subject: RE: Religious folders
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Please accept our apologies. It is our
policy not to send literature that is not requested.

I have looked at both of your
subscriptions and they have been requested through the website. It appears
that someone has entered your details.

I have cancelled both entries in your
name. You will not receive any further literature from us. The exception
would be the current issue of the Tomorrow’s World magazine. This may
already be in the pipeline, so to speak. Of course, whoever has made these
requests may also make others. In which case, there is not a lot we can do
about this. If this does happen, please don’t hesitate to write to me
and I will make the necessary cancellations.

Please accept our apologies once again
for this intrusion.

Yours Sincerely,

Shayne King


Living Church of God

BM Box 2345

London WC1N 3XX

0844 800 9322

No SC028554

From: Erik Ribsskog

Sent: 28 January 2011 12:07


Subject: Religious folders


could you please stop sending me your religious folders?

I'm an atheist, and I'm not much interested in religious stuff.

At least not stuff I haven't asked for.

And I haven't asked for these folders.


Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments


Her er vedleggene:



Jeg sendte en ny klage til Living Church of God

Gmail - Complaint/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 6:08 PM



why do you send me religious literature?

This must be a hoax.

I'm not interested in religion.

I have many other things to do on my spare-time, than reading in the bible, so I wouldn't have ordered folders like this.

(I also had a module at high school etc., in Norway, called 'Kristendom', meaning 'Christianity', where I one term got the best grade.

And as a boy, my mother sent me to Sunday-school, in Larvik, in Norway, a town with many churches in.

So this about the bible really bores me a bit now.

And I don't belive in God/supernatural stuff eighter.

I'm a realist, it's perhaps called, even if I've gotten the Christian stuff, like that our teacher in the first grade, at Østre Halsen Primary School, in Tjølling/Larvik, she told us that one human was worth more than all the money/valuables in the world, so I have had a Christian upbrining, from my mother, but my father didn't belive in God, and neighter do I, but our mother, Karen Ribsskog, sometimes got us to pray a 'Fader vår', (Our Father), prayer, at night, when I was around four years old, I think it was, in Østre Halsen).

(See also attached scans).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 6:23 AM
Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Religious folders
Cc:, post <>


again you send me some religious literature.

I haven't asked for this, I'm an atheist, and am not interested in Christian stuff, unfortunately.

I ask you to please stop sending me unwanted letters.

I'm reporting this as harassment, to the police in Norway.

(The reason I'm not sending this to the local Police, here at Merseyside, is because they've called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', in letters.

I look at this as a threat of demasculation, and have reported this to the IPCC, a couple of years ago, but they don't reply.)

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Living Church of God <>

Date: Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:36 PM

Subject: RE: Religious folders
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Please accept our apologies. It is our
policy not to send literature that is not requested.

I have looked at both of your
subscriptions and they have been requested through the website. It appears
that someone has entered your details.

I have cancelled both entries in your
name. You will not receive any further literature from us. The exception
would be the current issue of the Tomorrow’s World magazine. This may
already be in the pipeline, so to speak. Of course, whoever has made these
requests may also make others. In which case, there is not a lot we can do
about this. If this does happen, please don’t hesitate to write to me
and I will make the necessary cancellations.

Please accept our apologies once again
for this intrusion.

Yours Sincerely,

Shayne King


Living Church of God

BM Box 2345

London WC1N 3XX

0844 800 9322

No SC028554

From: Erik Ribsskog

Sent: 28 January 2011 12:07


Subject: Religious folders


could you please stop sending me your religious folders?

I'm an atheist, and I'm not much interested in religious stuff.

At least not stuff I haven't asked for.

And I haven't asked for these folders.


Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments


Her er vedleggene:



Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - Form regarding G-bar noise disturbance complaint. Your Ref: WK/000412600


Erik Ribsskog

Form regarding G-bar noise disturbance complaint. Your Ref: WK/000412600

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 4:04 PM



now I've filled out the noise-complaint form you sent me, with your letter from 7/2, this year.

Please just contact me if there's something I've misunderstood regarding the form, etc.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog



Her er vedlegget:


Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : What goes on in Erik's mind?


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : What goes on in Erik's mind?

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:28 PM


post <>

Det her er visst sent fra e-post adressen til hu tanta mi, som har emigrert til Sveits Ellen Savoldelli f. Ribsskog, (min mors yngre søster).

Er det hu som kødder med meg?

Hu har jo en datter, (Rahel Savoldelli), med en italiener, (Reto Savoldelli, en tidligere filmregisør vel).

Har disse noe kontakter med den italienske mafiaen?

Hvorfor dette knefallet fra norske myndigheter mot kriminaliteten som blir begått mot meg?

Jeg ønsker at alle som 'kødder' med meg blir dømt for det de har gjort, uansett hvilken jobb de har.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>

Date: Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 9:51 AM
Subject: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : What goes on in Erik's mind?
To: has sent you a link to a blog:

Her kan du fa noe a tenke over

Blog: The Ribsskog Fan Club!

Post: What goes on in Erik's mind?



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Her kan man se det, at den blablabot som er nå, ikke er den fra Spexhost, (i USA)

problem med blablabot


Her kan man se at den boten, 'blablabot', fra skjermdump-bildet ovenfor, er den fra Romania, (og ikke den fra Spexhost i USA):

ip er i romania

PS 2.

Her kan man se det, at den boten egentlig skulle ha hett blablabot2.

Så her har det skjedd noe rart.

Så sånn er det.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Her er mer om dette:

blablabot2 e-post

PS 4.

Her kan man se mer om problemene som har vært med blablabot2:

romensk bot 1

romensk bot 2

Mer om problemene på irc

Session Start: Sun Mar 06 01:50:45 2011
Session Ident:#chanfix
[01:50] ->> You joined channel #chanfix
[01:50] ->> Topic is: READ THE FAQ ( - State channel & problem and wait for an answer! - No unnecessary idling, but stay long enough to get an answer

[01:50] ->> Topic set by dubkat!dubkat@avada.kedavra on 04/01/2011 23:01:42
[01:50] ->> Channel Modes are: +ptnl 49
[01:50] ->> Channel created on 09/05/2002 20:16:23
[01:50] * SentinelE sets mode +l 51 for #chanfix

[01:51] <_cons> hi, i have had the channel #blablabla since 1997, i think it was
[01:51] <_cons> the bot, (blablabot), went down, and my line, (from bt), went down, yesterday
[01:51] <_cons> and someone have taken over the channe (blablabot) and also the reserve-channel (blablatemp)

[01:52] <_cons> (someone, probably the same who have taken my nick john_cons and reserve-nick cons)
[01:52] <_cons> so i have to use _cons
[01:52] <_cons> they write verbal abuse against me in the topic 'f*ck johncons'

[01:52] <_cons> but i don't know who these people are
[01:53] <_cons> maybe it's because I have a blog, which is quite popular
[01:53] <_cons> (the abuse is/was on the topic of #blablatemp)

[01:53] <_cons> now the bot, (blablabot), is back
[01:53] <_cons> and i also have ordered a new bot, (blablabot2), from spexhost
[01:54] <_cons> (and I also have two quiz-bots, i can use on the channel, to avoid more take-overs)

[01:54] <_cons> I just have to talk to some other people on the quiz first
[01:54] <_cons> so i really have 4 bots
[01:54] <_cons> now it's only blablabot on #blablabla

[01:55] <_cons> but i'm going to get more bots, the next days
[01:55] <_cons> so I wonder if I can have the op back on #blablabla, since it was a take-over there
[01:55] <_cons> due to bad-luck, since both my computer and the bot, (blablabot), went down, at the same time

[01:57] <_cons> thanks in advance for any help!
[02:01] <N1teRyder> when your bot blablabot return and if it has the same ident@host it should auto-fix
[02:02] <N1teRyder> or any other high scoring op in there

[02:02] <N1teRyder> • read
[02:02] <_cons> yeah i was at that site, and it said i should go here, and explain the problem

[02:03] <_cons> how long time does it take before chanfix joins the channel?
[02:03] <_cons> i have recently re-botet my laptop
[02:03] <_cons> and it's a bit complicated with the eggdrop

[02:04] <_cons> it was like this
[02:04] <_cons> that first i rented 'blablabot' from spexhost
[02:04] <_cons> then i found out i needed a second bot
[02:04] <_cons> and bought 'blablabot2' from a romanian company

[02:04] <_cons> (since i thought i'd spread the bots a bit geographically)
[02:05] <_cons> the romanian company have now changed the name on blablabot2 to blablabot
[02:05] <_cons> so it could be tricky with the idents

[02:05] <_cons> also i can't get the spexhost-bot to work
[02:05] <N1teRyder> well you can change the bot back to it's old name
[02:05] <_cons> well it's a new bot

[02:06] <N1teRyder> I personally would not allow any shell provider to name my bots
[02:06] <_cons> i guess i have to wait untill i get the old bot back then
[02:06] <_cons> ok, but i thought i'd spread the bot's a bit geographicly

[02:06] <N1teRyder> look history in the shell
[02:06] <_cons> i have four bots, one in usa, one in germany, one in indonesia and one in romania
[02:07] <_cons> and my line is in the uk

[02:07] <N1teRyder> you will see what has transpired
[02:07] <N1teRyder> you will know which config to launch and which config to kill -9 pid
[02:07] <_cons> yeah, i'll look more at the bots, and then i'll get back possibly

[02:08] <_cons> yeah it's a problem with the server and a netsplit i think
[02:08] <_cons> i read on xs4all that it was a netsplit
[02:08] <_cons> i think it could have been that, which have caused the problems with that bot

[02:09] <N1teRyder> would not affect the bot.config file nor the botcheck file which cron launches your bot
[02:10] <_cons> ok, i'll have a look at the shells
[02:10] <N1teRyder> yes

[02:10] <N1teRyder> do so
[02:10] <_cons> ok, thanks for the help then
[02:10] <N1teRyder> np
[02:10] <_cons> there was also a take-over at #quiz-show
[02:10] <_cons> but that was a couple of weeks ago

[02:11] <_cons> i haven't known about this channel from before
[02:11] <_cons> even if i've been on EFnet since 1997
[02:11] <_cons> so i have to read up i think

[02:11] <_cons> thanks again for the help
[02:11] <_cons> bbl
[02:11] <_cons> *gone*

Både Jonas Gahr Støre og jeg, har en Gullik i slekta. Så det er nok snakk om alkymist/illuminist-slekter, vil jeg si. Så sånn er nok det

gullik i slekta


Gullik Gahr Støre, er visst sønnen til Utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Men men.

Så sånn er det.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

gullik gahr støre sønn av jonas gahr støre

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: Test Newsletter from Mental Health at


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: Test Newsletter from Mental Health at

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:19 PM


post <>


jeg blir utsatt for en hat-kampanje, på nettet.

Denne e-posten jeg videresender her, er del av denne kampanjen, (mener jeg).

(Noen har meldt meg på et utenlandsk nettsted i mitt navn. Identitetstyveri og trakassering).

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som en politidame, hos Drammenspolitiet, informerte meg om, at jeg måtte skrive, i anmeldelser sendt pr. e-post, i 2007 vel).

Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere hos Politiet ikke svarer på min korrespondanse, (pr. brev og e-post).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:18 PM

Subject: Re: Test Newsletter from Mental Health at


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:10 PM, <> wrote:

This is a test message from the Mental Health site at If you have received this message, then you are properly subscribed to the Mental Health newsletter and will start receiving your subscription shortly.

If you feel someone else subscribed you to this newsletter by accident, it is very easy to unsubscribe. Simply follow this link -

If you so choose, we will promptly unsubscribe you and remove all records of you from our system. We pride ourselves on ONLY mailing newsletters out to people who explicitly ask to receive them. You will never receive spam from us, and our membership lists are never seen, sold, or in any way used by anybody else. The only thing you will ever get is this one newsletter you have signed up for.

Have a wonderful day!

-- the editors at

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: Welcome to


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: Welcome to

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:16 PM


post <>


jeg blir utsatt for en hat-kampanje, på nettet.

Denne e-posten jeg videresender her, er del av denne kampanjen, (mener jeg).

(Noen har meldt meg på et utenlandsk nettsted i mitt navn. Identitetstyveri og trakassering).

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som en politidame, hos Drammenspolitiet, informerte meg om, at jeg måtte skrive, i anmeldelser sendt pr. e-post, i 2007 vel).

Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere hos Politiet ikke svarer på min korrespondanse, (pr. brev og e-post).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: Welcome to
To: "" <>


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:09 PM, <> wrote:

Welcome to Mental Health Communities.

Thank you for subscribing to our Community mail list to

keep in touch with what's happening on our site. is really unique in that we are all about

sharing experiences and knowledge. One of the best ways to

help ourselves is to help others. I want to invite you to

get involved, whether it's by:

joining our support network:

watching and participating in our live tv show

using the specialized tools on our site, like the HealthyPlace MoodTracker and HealthyPlace Mediminder

Please feel free to share any suggestions or comments with me.

And I hope you will share the news about our community with

your friends or others who you think may benefit from joining us.


Deborah Partner Team

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Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: Successful registration with


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: Successful registration with

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:13 PM


post <>


jeg blir utsatt for en hat-kampanje, på nettet.

Denne e-posten jeg videresender her, er del av denne kampanjen, (mener jeg).

(Noen har meldt meg på et utenlandsk nettsted i mitt navn. Identitetstyveri og trakassering).

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som en politidame, hos Drammenspolitiet, informerte meg om, at jeg måtte skrive, i anmeldelser sendt pr. e-post, i 2007 vel).

Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere hos Politiet ikke svarer på min korrespondanse, (pr. brev og e-post).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: Successful registration with


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:01 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for registering at

Your account was created successfully with your chosen username and password.

If you wish to amend any of your details, go to

Kindest regards,