Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Rikspolisstyrelsen, i Sverige

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: The Last Soviet State: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : Tullet fælt med X 4


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: The Last Soviet State: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : Tullet fælt med X 4

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:48 PM

rikspolisstyrelsen <>



jeg har sendt om det her til Justisdepartementet deres nå.

Men her kan dere se det, at til og med ICA tuller, (i Sverige).

Jeg må jo få sende disse anmeldelsene et sted, mener jeg.

(Nå fant jeg også e-post adressen til Justisdepartementet deres.

Så jeg sender en kopi e-post til de også, siden det er der egentlig denne saken ligger nå).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>

Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:38 PM
Subject: The Last Soviet State: The Ribsskog Fan Club! : Tullet fælt med X 4
To: has sent you a link to a blog:

Fuck you, Gryntskog! Pig! Nu kommer jag snart.

Blog: The Last Soviet State: The Ribsskog Fan Club!

Post: Tullet fælt med X 4



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Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra Swalec

Gmail - Thank you for making a good choice


Erik Ribsskog

Thank you for making a good choice


Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:05 PM



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Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool County Court

Gmail - Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...


Erik Ribsskog

Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 5:45 PM




this Landlord wants to throw me out, without a possesioning order.

And they have done disrepair, like not fixing the boiler for two years, and not fixing the washing machine.

I've therefore kept some of the rent, and now the Council, (Benefit Officer A. Knight, in a letter from 16/3), is patronising me, and says the Council have to send the Landlord the Housing Benefit directly, since I have arrears.

But there's a reason I have arrears, I have a big case against the Landlord, for many instanses of disrepair, lying about the garbage-throwing arrangement etc.

I would have wanted to settle it in court, how much I owe this Landlord, or they owe me, before the Council starts messing with my Housing Benefit, and patronise me.

I'm a business-man, an academic, an IT-expert, a commerce & office, marketing and Information-management expert, I'm an infantry and home defence veteran from Norway, I've been in politics, in Norway, I'm an earlier shop manager, I'm a shooter.

(And now also a refugee and blog-writer, from Norway, since I don't get my rights, by the Norwegian government, after overhearing I'm followed by the 'mafian' there, (noone wants to tell me who this mafia is), and after someone tried to murder me).

And I don't like to be patronised like this.

Like the Council and the Landlord are doing against me.

I want to settle this in court like adults and civilised people.

I hope the HM County Court can please advice me how I should go forward, to settle this in court and not in the stair-case of Hope Chambers.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I'm sending a copy e-mail to the Council Leader, since I've started updating him, about this, and other problems with the Council.

So I thought I could continue to update the Council.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kieron Grimes <>

Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Your situation...


Now there is only 2 weeks before your departure.

I read on your blog you are trying to postpone the kick-out, however this idea of yours will never work. I have many years experience handling bad tennants, and the same tactic is used every time(quoting a law paragraph, hardly any relevance of the situation).

I hope you find a new place in Liverpool. I don't understand why you don't look for a new place, as I doubt you want to be homeless or live in a church.

We will meet soon, as I will come to the apartment 3th of April to deliver a good-bye gift.


Kieron Grimes

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - FW: Help


Erik Ribsskog

FW: Help

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:54 PM

"McCann, Sean" <>



like I wrote earlier, I'm sending this back to the top, (to the Council Leader, whom I've been sending a couple of e-mails to about this, and other problems, last week), as an update.

And then maybe we'll speak later, when this comes 'back down'.

We'll see.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:48 PM, McCann, Sean <> wrote:

Do you have a contact number Mr Ribsskog?

I can ring you and hopefully try and sort
any issues out.


Sean McCann

Housing Options Service

Accommodation +
Re-Housing Development Officer

Spellow Lane CFC

Tel; 0151 233 3044

Fax; 0151 207 5009

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 21 March 2011 15:16

To: McCann,

Cc: Anderson, Joe (Leader of the
City Council)

Subject: Re: FW: Help


yes, I can do that.

But what's this 'safegarding' about?

I have not initiated any such thing.

It seems to me that Mr. Nugent is messing me around.

This was something I sent to the Council Leader, Mr. Joe Anderson, as a

Why do I get it back like this?

I wanted the housing allowance to be sent to me, so this is a complaint
about Mr. Nugent, why do I get it back like this.

Please try again!

'Landlord issues' is to vague, I don't want to be patronised like this,
I send it back to the Council Leader.


Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:51 PM, McCann, Sean

Good afternoon Erik, your details have been passed to Liverpool
City Council’s Housing Options
Service, regarding the e-mail below.

Can you please call 233 3044 ask for me, and I will contact you
back and make arrangements for you to be interviewed by us, and then hopefully
we can assist with your landlord issues.

Sean McCann

Housing Options Service

Accommodation + Re-Housing Development Officer

Spellow Lane CFC

Tel; 0151 233 3044

Fax; 0151 207 5009

From: Nugent, Tony

Sent: 21 March 2011 13:06

To: McCann,

Subject: Help

Hello Sean,

wondering if you can give this claimant some advice - I’’ve dealt with a
safeguarding issue from him and recently authorised HB payments to go direct to
L/L but the claimant Mr Erik Ribsskog has emailed me direct over his landlord
trying to evict him – see 2 emails below……..can you help………he lives in Flat 3,
5 Leather Lane L2 2AE

From: Erik Ribsskog 
Received: 16/03/11 01:41:17 o'clock GMT

To: Liverpool Direct 
Subject: Update to Mr. Anthony Nugent/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Grimes


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog 
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:39 AM

Subject: Complaint about Mr. Grimes


I would like to complain about Mr. Grimes, at T.J. Thomas/Imperial Properties.

He says the bins are accessable 24 hourse, where as they are only accessable when the neighbour restaurant is open.

Also he tries to throw me out, without a possession-order, (like I've read on the internet, that one needs).

Also this is after I've agreed to let the Council send you the Housing Benefit directly.

(I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the Council. To Mr. Anthony Nugent, who deals with the Housing Benefit-case).

Last year, (or the year before), I removed the door between the living room and the kitchen, since it wasn't any heating in the kitchen.

And when the Council came here to inspect about disrepair, I carried the door, to the bin store, belonging to the Lady of Mann restaurant, and Rigby's Pub.

So that the flat would look representable, before the Council-inspector, arrived here at the flat.

Then I met the guy in flat 4, John, I think, in the stair-case, and he offered to help me carry the door.

(He tought I was taking it upstairs, but I haven't been informed that there's a storage further upstairs in the building, so I carried it to the bin-store).

I'm used to carry things like that, since I used to help my father, as a teen-ager, to carry water-bed-parts, for his factory and shop, in Norway, when he delivered them in Oslo.

So I didn't crash into the lamp in the roof.

Yet, later this lamp, outside my flat, has moved position twice.

And is no longer working again, (as of today).

Last week, when I got home from Tesco with four bags of groceries.

Then the guy in flat 4, John, was right inside of the front-door, (where the letters are), so we 'crashed' in the front door almost.

I told him, that he should go out before I went in, because I had a lot of groceries there.

But he must have been nervous, I think now, because he was smoking, where the letters are, (inside), and blew sigarette-smoke, in my face, when we passed each-other, in the front-door.

So I want to complain about him smoking in the building.

(Shouldn't he wait until he get's outside, according the smokeing-laws in the UK?).

Is he being nervous?

Is it he who mess with the lamp outside my flat, I'm wondering.

Just as a complaint.
I've contacted the Council, Mr. Nugent, about your threat of throwing me out.

I haven't got anywhere to move, and I don't think you can just throw me out like this.

I'm trying to be reasonable, and have let the Council send the Housing Benefit directly to you.

Still you want to throw me out.

Here, it's something wrong, I reackon.

Is it something with the guy in flat 4?

What's going on.

Why do you have this hate towards me.

I'm not going to let anyone throw me out, before I see a posessioning order.

And I'm going to level with the County Court, about all the problems that has been from your company, with disrepair and lies about the garbage throwing arrangement, etc.

So please, let ut do this the normal way, through the County Court.

Please stop with this 'silly business' of Mr. Grimes, with the 'counthdown' and all.


Erik Ribsskog

From: Erik Ribsskog 
Received: 15/03/11 04:02:43 o'clock GMT

To: Liverpool Direct 
Subject: Update - Mr. Anthony Nugent/Fwd: Countdown...


can the Landlord just throw me out like this?

I've read on the internet, that he needs a possesing order.

I have nowhere to go really.
And I also have a case against the Landlord, due to disrepair and lying about the garbage-throwing-arrangement, etc.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kieron Grimes 

Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 8:56 AM
Subject: Countdown...



I've created a contract with a new tennant and it's signed. I will come to the apartment Monday 4th of April personally and make sure everything is as it should be. If you are still present in the aparatment at that time, police will be notified at your expense.


Kieron Grimes


Benefits Officer

and Appeals Team

Revenues and

3rd Floor | Premier Court
| 26 Hatton Garden | Liverpool | L3 2AA

(: 0151 225
6124 Fax : 0151 225 6138



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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - FW: Help


Erik Ribsskog

FW: Help

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:16 PM

"McCann, Sean" <>



yes, I can do that.

But what's this 'safegarding' about?

I have not initiated any such thing.

It seems to me that Mr. Nugent is messing me around.

This was something I sent to the Council Leader, Mr. Joe Anderson, as a complaint.

Why do I get it back like this?

I wanted the housing allowance to be sent to me, so this is a complaint about Mr. Nugent, why do I get it back like this.

Please try again!

'Landlord issues' is to vague, I don't want to be patronised like this, I send it back to the Council Leader.


Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:51 PM, McCann, Sean <> wrote:

Good afternoon Erik, your details have
been passed to Liverpool City Council’s Housing
Options Service, regarding the e-mail below.

Can you please call 233 3044 ask for me,
and I will contact you back and make arrangements for you to be interviewed by
us, and then hopefully we can assist with your landlord issues.

Sean McCann

Housing Options Service

Accommodation +
Re-Housing Development Officer

Spellow Lane CFC

Tel; 0151 233 3044

Fax; 0151 207 5009

Nugent, Tony

Sent: 21 March 2011 13:06

To: McCann,

Subject: Help

Hello Sean,

I’m wondering if you can give this claimant some
advice - I’’ve dealt with a safeguarding issue from him and
recently authorised HB payments to go direct to L/L but the claimant Mr Erik
Ribsskog has emailed me direct over his landlord trying to evict him –
see 2 emails below……..can you help………he lives in
Flat 3, 5 Leather Lane L2 2AE

From: Erik Ribsskog 
Received: 16/03/11 01:41:17 o'clock GMT

To: Liverpool Direct 
Subject: Update to Mr. Anthony Nugent/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Grimes


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:39 AM

Subject: Complaint about Mr. Grimes


I would like to complain about Mr. Grimes, at T.J. Thomas/Imperial Properties.

He says the bins are accessable 24 hourse, where as they are only accessable when the neighbour restaurant is open.

Also he tries to throw me out, without a possession-order, (like I've read on the internet, that one needs).

Also this is after I've agreed to let the Council send you the Housing Benefit directly.

(I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the Council. To Mr. Anthony Nugent, who deals with the Housing Benefit-case).

Last year, (or the year before), I removed the door between the living room and the kitchen, since it wasn't any heating in the kitchen.

And when the Council came here to inspect about disrepair, I carried the door, to the bin store, belonging to the Lady of Mann restaurant, and Rigby's Pub.

So that the flat would look representable, before the Council-inspector, arrived here at the flat.

Then I met the guy in flat 4, John, I think, in the stair-case, and he offered to help me carry the door.

(He tought I was taking it upstairs, but I haven't been informed that there's a storage further upstairs in the building, so I carried it to the bin-store).

I'm used to carry things like that, since I used to help my father, as a teen-ager, to carry water-bed-parts, for his factory and shop, in Norway, when he delivered them in Oslo.

So I didn't crash into the lamp in the roof.

Yet, later this lamp, outside my flat, has moved position twice.

And is no longer working again, (as of today).

Last week, when I got home from Tesco with four bags of groceries.

Then the guy in flat 4, John, was right inside of the front-door, (where the letters are), so we 'crashed' in the front door almost.

I told him, that he should go out before I went in, because I had a lot of groceries there.

But he must have been nervous, I think now, because he was smoking, where the letters are, (inside), and blew sigarette-smoke, in my face, when we passed each-other, in the front-door.

So I want to complain about him smoking in the building.

(Shouldn't he wait until he get's outside, according the smokeing-laws in the UK?).

Is he being nervous?

Is it he who mess with the lamp outside my flat, I'm wondering.

Just as a complaint.
I've contacted the Council, Mr. Nugent, about your threat of throwing me out.

I haven't got anywhere to move, and I don't think you can just throw me out like this.

I'm trying to be reasonable, and have let the Council send the Housing Benefit directly to you.

Still you want to throw me out.

Here, it's something wrong, I reackon.

Is it something with the guy in flat 4?

What's going on.
Why do you have this hate towards me.

I'm not going to let anyone throw me out, before I see a posessioning order.

And I'm going to level with the County Court, about all the problems that has been from your company, with disrepair and lies about the garbage throwing arrangement, etc.

So please, let ut do this the normal way, through the County Court.

Please stop with this 'silly business' of Mr. Grimes, with the 'counthdown' and all.


Erik Ribsskog

From: Erik Ribsskog 
Received: 15/03/11 04:02:43 o'clock GMT

To: Liverpool Direct 
Subject: Update - Mr. Anthony Nugent/Fwd: Countdown...


can the Landlord just throw me out like this?

I've read on the internet, that he needs a possesing order.

I have nowhere to go really.
And I also have a case against the Landlord, due to disrepair and lying about the garbage-throwing-arrangement, etc.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kieron Grimes 

Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 8:56 AM
Subject: Countdown...



I've created a contract with a new tennant and it's signed. I will come to the apartment Monday 4th of April personally and make sure everything is as it should be. If you are still present in the aparatment at that time, police will be notified at your expense.


Kieron Grimes

Tony Nugent

Senior Benefits Officer

Complaints and Appeals Team

Revenues and Benefits

3rd Floor | Premier Court
| 26 Hatton Garden | Liverpool | L3 2AA

(: 0151 225
6124 Fax : 0151 225 6138



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Jeg sendte en e-post til Justisdepartementet i Sverige

Gmail - Klaga på Rikspolisstyrelsen (till Justitiedepartementet, svar går till


Erik Ribsskog

Klaga på Rikspolisstyrelsen (till Justitiedepartementet, svar går till


Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:29 PM




Från: Erik Ribsskog


Meddelande: Hei,

Rikspolisstyrelsen vägrar at ta imot mina anmeldingar även om jag bor i EU-land, (UK).

Jag är norsk statsborgare, men polisen i Norge kräver frammöte, i Norge, för at anmelda.

Jag er egentligen flyktning, i UK, jag har overhörd at jag er forfölgd av 'mafian', i Oslo, i 2003, og 2004, og ble forsökt mördad av en grupp personer, i Kvelde, i 2005.

UK og FN vägrar akseptera meg som flyktning.

Merseyside-polisen, (min lokala polis), kallar meg 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', i brev, nogåt jag har klagad til IPCC i Manchester om, för 2-3 år sedan, men IPCC vägrar svara.

Så jag tycker det blir förnedrande, för meg, at senda anmeldingar til Merseyside-polisen, när dom inte ens fått påtal for at fornærma meg.

Jeg tycker derfor at jag kan senda mina anmeldingar til Polisen i Sverige, eftersom jag bor i et EU-land, (Storbritannien).

Det ville varit mycket bra eftersom polisen i Norge er som i det gamla Sovjet, och eftersom polisen på Merseyside, er uhøfliga.

Håpas detta er okey!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Rikspolisstyrelsen, i Sverige

Gmail - Anmeldelse av identitestyveri/trakassering/forfølgelse


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av identitestyveri/trakassering/forfølgelse

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:15 PM

rikspolisstyrelsen <>


polisen i Norge krever oppmøte i Norge.

Så det er umulig å få til for meg, jeg er forfulgt av noe som kalles 'mafian', i Oslo, og er egentlig en flyktning i UK.

Men UK og FN godkjenner ikke at jeg er flyktning.

Jeg ble også forsøkt myrdet i Kvelde, i 2005, men polisen i Norge vil ikke efterforska.

Jag får kontakta polisen i Danmark då, och høra om dom er mindre 'fyrkantiga'.


Erik Ribsskog

2011/3/21 rikspolisstyrelsen <>

Tack för din E-post

Det är till Polisen i Norge du ska sända dina handlingar. Det finns inget annat sätt. Möjligen kan du tala med norska ambassaden i London och se vad de kan hjälp dig med.

med vänlig hälsning

Sektionen för ärendehantering/FB

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Rikspolisstyrelsen, i Sverige

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Vd: Sv: Anmeldelse av forfølgelse


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Vd: Sv: Anmeldelse av forfølgelse

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 10:02 AM

rikspolisstyrelsen <>


dette er en oppdatering for min forespørsel, om å få sende anmeldelser til Sverige, på norsk eller svensk.

Stockholms-polisen, ber meg sende til mitt lokale politi.

Problemet er at Merseyside-polisen, har kalt meg 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', (noe jeg har klaget om til IPCC, i Manchester, som inte svarar).

Så jeg synes det blir nedverdigende, for meg, om jag måste senda nogot, til Merseyside-polisen, (når dom inte har fått nogot påtal for det).

Så derfor undrar jag om jag kan senda til Sverige, eftersom Sverige ochså er EU-land, og jag är van med svenska, från mitt arbete, her i Liverpool, for Bertelsmann/Microsoft sin skandinaviska produkt-aktivering, över telefon, og siden jag är från Østlandet, i Norge, og har väkst up, på 70 och 80-talet, med två svenska och en norsk TV-kanal, så da har man lärt lite svenska, for å si det sånn.

Men men.

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp, siden polisen i Norge, dom näkar at akseptera at ta imot anmelingar, från utlandet numera, även om dom aksepterade at ta imot dom förut, (i 2007 eller 2008), men numera har dom svengd, og nekar nu ta imot mina anmeldingar, tvärt imot, hva jag har avtalat med polisen i Norge, nemlig at dom sa det var okey, (hos Polisen i Drammen), om jag sende anmeldingar pr. e-post, om jag skrev en 'påtalebegjering'.

Men sedan har norsk polis 'clouded' detta, och prøver at skapa forvirring, med et nytt tilbod om at anmelda stjålna syklar, från polisen i Norge sin web-site.

Så dom prøvar å låtsas at jag blandar med deras nya ordning for sykkel-anmeldingar, men det gör jag inta alls.

Polisen i Norge er nu ungefär som polisen i gamla Sovjet, vil jag säga, og er ungefär umogleg, å ha nått givande kontakt med alls.


På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Polismyndigheten Stockholm <>

Date: 2011/3/21
Subject: Vd: Sv: Anmeldelse av forfølgelse

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "AB Anmälningscentral" <>

To: "Polismyndigheten Stockholm" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:48:51 +0100
Subject: Sv: Anmeldelse av forfølgelse

Polismyndigheten i Stockholms Län
106 75 Stockholm
Telefon: 114 14

Du vill göra en anmälan gällande personförföljelse.

Hej Erik

Brottsforumet ligger där Du bor. Där får Du göra Din anmälan.

Vänliga hälsningar
Anita Hahne
Polisens Kontaktcenter i Stockholms län

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>>> Erik Ribsskog <> 06:25 2011-03-16 >>>

jeg vil anmelde en som heter Marius Lund Larsen, for å forfølge meg på internett.

Han har under nicket trench, på irc, tatt over både mitt nick, (john_cons), og min irc-kanal, (#blablabla), (på EFnet).

Det er personforfølgelse mener jeg.

Jeg bor i England, og anmelder via Sverige, grunnet språket.

Håper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog