søndag 31. juli 2011

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 9:12 PM



someone have published a sex-video, on the internet, using my nick-name, (johncons), which they claim shows me having sex with my steph-cousin, Isa Ingebrigtsen.

This is just non-sense.

I have never even touched my young steph-cousin, I have never publised sex-videoes, and never appeared in sex-videoes.

This is just evil harassment and identity theft and breach of honour.

This I wanted to report as crime.

See attached screen-shot-picture.

Erik Ribsskog

det her er bare tull.JPG


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det her er bare tull

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 8:51 PM



someone are writing in my name, on a blog, (se attached screen-shot picture).

I wanted to report this as identity theft and harassment-crime.

Erik Ribsskog

ikke skrevet kommentarer.JPG


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ikke skrevet kommentarer

Jeg sendte en e-post angående problemer med ryktespredning osv.

Gmail - Ryktespredning google


Erik Ribsskog

Ryktespredning google

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 8:33 PM

Tord Støme <tord@datahjelp.as>


jeg ville ha kontaktet enten Jussbuss i Oslo, eller Jussformidlingen i Bergen.

(Det er universitetenes juss-rådgivning.

De er omtrent de eneste jeg har klart å få vettuge råd av, i det siste, i Norge.

Politiet har ikke svart meg engang).

Er du fra Risør, kjenner du Marianne Høksaas, som var sjefen min, på Arvato sin Microsoft-aktivering, her i Liverpool?

Hu vil ikke skrive attest nå, av en eller annen grunn.

Men men.

Når jeg Googlet navnet ditt, så så det ut som at du driver med caravaner.

Kjenner du min far, Arne Mogan Olsen, (som jeg ikke har kontakt med lenger grunnet omsorgssvikt-sak og barnearbeids-sak), sin kamerat Atle, som dreiv med caravaner, på Karihaugen, (i Oslo), på begynnelsen av 80-tallet, forresten?

Bare noe jeg lurte på i farta.

Du får ha lykke til med å løse problemene.


Erik Ribsskog

2011/7/31 Tord Støme <tord@datahjelp.as>


Jeg googlet litt etter erstatnings krav etter falske ryktespredning osv.

Kan du hjelpe meg litt på vei? Jeg har anmeldt ryktespredning mot meg og min mor, og mot min lokale bedrift, gjort av samme person for å svekke omsetning i butikk og svekke omdømme som person.

JEg føler jeg står å stamper litt, men har nå bestemt meg for å sende regning / krav om erstatning.

På bedriften er det relativt rett fram, legges ved dokumentasjon på omsetnings svikt etter ryktespredning, og diverse vitner på hva som er blitt sagt og gjort av gjernings personen.

Privat er jeg litt mer usikker, men dette er også grove løgner i hensikt for å skade. Er det noen for for takster eller faste priser. Eller hvbordan fungerer dette ?

Fint om du har noe tips til meg på veien :J




Mail: tord@datahjelp.as

+47 934 333 25

Det her er Petter Grønli, fra Bergeråsen, som var med å besøke mora mi i Larvik, osv., sammen med broren sin Christian, på begynnelsen av 80-tallet

petter grønli fra bergeråsen var med til larvik


Jeg måtte nesten sende en Facebook-melding:

facebook melding petter grønli

PS 2.

Enda mer om dette:

lillestrøm vålerenga

PS 3.

Her er mer om den kampen:

PS 4.

Jeg lurer på om jeg er i slekt med han tidligere Vålerenga-spilleren Erik Foss, (fra videoen ovenfor), gjennom hu Mary Eva Carla Fog, (min tippoldemor), som er etter Foss og Løvenbalk, osv:

i slekt med erik foss hm


PS 5.

Jeg sendte en e-post til han Erik Foss, mens jeg hadde om det med hu tippoldemora mi Mary Eva Carla Fog, i hue:

Gmail - Til Erik Foss


Erik Ribsskog

Til Erik Foss

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 8:20 PM



jeg jobba som assisterende butikksjef, på Rimi Bjørndal, fra 1996 til 1998, og var da tippeansvarlig, og fikk lov av butikksjef Kristian Kvehaugen, til å ha kommisjonærkortet, (og fikk da rett til to billetter på alle norske tippeligakamper), og pleide da å se noen VIF-kamper på Bislett stadion, (blant annet den første kampen hvor Drillo var trener, og Klanen kasta gummistøvler ned på banen, samt en kamp som Vålerenga tapte mot Rosenborg, men hvor John Carew scorte vel. Og noen fler kamper mot Viking og Rosenborg og Stabekk vel).

Men men.

Jeg har funnet ut, via slektsforskning, på nettet, at min danskfødte mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog f. Heegaard, var etter blant annet Fog, (hennes farmor var Mary Eva Carla Fog).

Hun har jeg funnet ut, at var etter Foss og Løvenbalk.

Bare lurte på, (da jeg så en video fra cupfinalen i 1980, så kjente jeg igjen Foss-navnet der).

Er du fra den samme Foss-slekten som hu tippoldemora mi, Mary Eva Carla Fog?

Jeg har måttet flykte til England, for jeg har overhørt at jeg er forfulgt av 'mafian'.

Hu Fog var jo etter Løvenbalk, som var etter kong Christoffer II av Danmark, som var etter Odin og Karl den Store, og faraoer, og det som var.

Har du noe mer kjenskap til om den slekten pleier å bli forfulgt?

(Hvis du er fra samme slekt da).

Beklager hvis jeg blander forskjellige Foss-slekter, osv.

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny Facebook-melding til Hilde H. Berg Sørum

  • Erik Ribsskog

    12. januar 2008

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Heisann Hilde,

      long see!

      Hvordan går det da?

      Du flytta fra Oslo, stemmer ikke det, til Vestlandet eller noe?

      Jeg driver å jobber overtid osv., som selvstendig næringsdrivende osv. nå da, så har jeg pause, så tenkte jeg at jeg skulle kikke på Rimi Bjørndal siden osv da.

      Det mye rart som skjer her, men det står mer på siden min osv.

      Håper det er i orden at jeg tok kontakt, bare huska at du flytta vekk fra byen osv., så tenkte jeg kunne jo bare høre hva som skjedde osv.

      Håper det er i orden!



  • Hilde H. Berg Sørum

    12. januar 2008

    Hilde H. Berg Sørum

    • hei erik

      Så hyggelig å treffe deg her på facebooken da . jeg flytta til valdres i 1998 og trives utmerket. Er gift og har tre fine jenter, den ene er min ste datter da. Nå skal vi visst spise så jeg må skrive mer siden

      klem Hilde

  • Erik Ribsskog

    for noen sekunder siden

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hei igjen Hilde,

      Rimi skriver ikke på attesten min, at jeg har jobba som assisterende butikksjef, på Rimi Bjørndal, fra 1996 til 1998.

      Kan du bekrefte det forresten, at vi var kollegaer der da, og at jeg var assisterende butikksjef, som hun Irene Ottesen, og at butikksjef var Kristian Kvehaugen?


      Erik Ribsskog


Det funka visst dårlig:

funka dårlig hilde h berg sørum

Jeg sendte en ny Facebook-melding til Rosario fra studentleiligheten ved University of Sunderland og Spania

  • Erik Ribsskog

    9. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi there Rosario,

      have you moved to Texas?

      Is it you from Sunderland?

      Facebook thought I knew you.

      Didn't you use to have blonde hair?

      Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Rosario González Oria

    • Hi Erik, yes it´s me, Rosario from Spain. I was in Sunderland with you living in the same flat, Federica´s friend. Yes my hair was little bit ligher than it is now. I´m working in Texas just for a few years in a school teaching spanish. Hope everything is going fine with you.Take care, Rosario

  • Erik Ribsskog

    10. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      ok, nice to hear from you Rosario.

      Have you heard anything from our other flat-mates in Sunderland?

      (Ivo, Dorthe, Federica, Nelufer, and what was the name of the other woman, who like Nelufer moved, the woman from Germany?).

      And you friend Claire from France, Julian etc., heard anything more from them?

      You also had an Irishman visiting, I remeber.

      Hope you are fine!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi Rosario,

      sorry I send many messages!

      Do you know Ana, from Spain, who works at Aldi, St. John-centre, in Liverpool.

      I was shopping at Aldi, (like in Sunderland), and she said 'ona momento', or something, and I asked her if it was Italian.

      But she said it was Spanish.

      Maybe she wants to go to the movies or something, do you think?

      Maybe you can find out?

      Thanks in advance for any help!

      How is it in the USA?

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    for noen sekunder siden

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Also Rosario,

      aren't you in Texas?

      A guy in Texas, (Houston), called Kim Stensvaag, is searching about my steph-cousin, Isa Ingebrigtsen.

      Do you know him?

      (Since you live in Texas I mean).

      Even if that's a bit unlikely, I guess.

      Since he's from Norway.

      Any news on the Spanish young woman at Aldi?

      What was the name of the dark haired beautiful Spanish young woman at the Forge, in Sunderland again?

      (The one with the 'x' in her name, or something, I think).

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sende en ny e-post til Liverpool County Court

Gmail - Application notice/Fwd: Update: New evidence from today/Fwd: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins


Erik Ribsskog

Application notice/Fwd: Update: New evidence from today/Fwd: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 2:24 AM



I've found another form, on the internet now, regarding my situation, with the eviction-varrant.

regarding the court-fee, I'm on a very strict budget, in co-operation with the IPCC, and I have earlier applied for a fee concession, due to hardship.

Please get back to me if this is isn't alright, I can afford around £20 or £30, I think, in court-fee, on Tuesday, 9/8, when I get my Jobseekers Allowance.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:29 PM
Subject: Update: New evidence from today/Fwd: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins
To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk

Cc: Knut Angrim Øvergaard <knut.overgaard@adv-hurum.no>, post@advokatforeningen.no, Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>


here's an update which shows that the garbage-bin access is being restricted since the Lady of Mann restaurant-patio is popular and has many guests, so it's a bit silly to have residents garbage-bins, tucked in, so that one have to walk throug a patio packed with restaurant guests, to throw one's garbage.

This is a silly soloution I think, and then it's ok to cap the rent a bit, or housing benefit, to this landlord, since they have inadequate garbage-throwing-facilities, and since they don't do repairs, etc.

The Landlord also don't put all payments on the statement, so you shouldn't take them seriously really.

(They are like the Landlord from hell).

I haven't got anywhere else to live, at the moment, or else I would have bought myself a flat etc.

Untill I can afford that, then please don't take this landlord serious.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:40 AM
Subject: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins

To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk


I've searched a bit more on the internet, and found that I can send an Appellant's notice, against the mentioned warrant.

I attach this Appellant's notice.

(I'm sorry if it's not tidy, but I'm from Norway, unfortuneately, so I'm not that good with forms, unfortunately).

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:08 PM
Subject: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins
To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk, Lorna Murphy <sales@tjthomas.co.uk>

Cc: gbrlo@unhcr.org


I'm refering to my earlier correspondence, with evidence on that the Landlord have forged the statement for the rent.

I've also sent you today, evidence on that the garbage-bins are being obstructed.

How can you still throw me out without a hearing, like I have applied for to have?

How can you threat a refugee from Norway like this.

It isn't my fault that the Home Office don't let me be an Assylum Seeker.

I've lived here for more than five years now, and think of this as my home, and run a business, www.godtebutikken.net, from here.

I'm also on the Work Programme with Ingeus, and more.

This is very bad for me, if you don't change this, and have a hearing, like I've asked for.

I send copy e-mails to the UN and the Norwegian Embassy in Norway, in case any of them can help.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins
To: Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>

Cc: sales@tjthomas.co.uk


I wanted to complain about that today the access to the garbage bins, (the Landlord, Imperial Property), says I have to throw my gargage, in the bin-store at the Lady of Mann, (earlier the Courtyard), restaurant.

But today the passage was obstructed, so I could not throw the garbage, in the purple bins there, like the young 'fatty woman', (I think I have to call her), working at the restaurant tells me to.

I wonder if it's anything the Council can do about this, and attach digital photographs showing the obstruction.

I send copy e-mails to the Landlord and the County Court, since there's a dispute between the Landlord and me regarding the bin-store, my Landlord says it's accessable 24 hours, where as I say it's accessable only during the resturant opening hours, and that theres sometimes a lot of people there, and that the bins should perpaps be in Leather Lane, on public property, because I think this garbage-throwing-arrangement, is a bit degrading, for tenants, since they have to walk passed indifferent rich people, eating an expensive dinner, when the tenants themselves can't afford their own flat, but have to have a Landlord who lies about the garbage-arrangement. Something like this).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments


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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool County Court

Gmail - Update: New evidence from today/Fwd: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins


Erik Ribsskog

Update: New evidence from today/Fwd: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:29 PM


Knut Angrim Øvergaard <knut.overgaard@adv-hurum.no>, post@advokatforeningen.no, Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>


here's an update which shows that the garbage-bin access is being restricted since the Lady of Mann restaurant-patio is popular and has many guests, so it's a bit silly to have residents garbage-bins, tucked in, so that one have to walk throug a patio packed with restaurant guests, to throw one's garbage.

This is a silly soloution I think, and then it's ok to cap the rent a bit, or housing benefit, to this landlord, since they have inadequate garbage-throwing-facilities, and since they don't do repairs, etc.

The Landlord also don't put all payments on the statement, so you shouldn't take them seriously really.

(They are like the Landlord from hell).

I haven't got anywhere else to live, at the moment, or else I would have bought myself a flat etc.

Untill I can afford that, then please don't take this landlord serious.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:40 AM
Subject: Appellant's notice/Fwd: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins

To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk


I've searched a bit more on the internet, and found that I can send an Appellant's notice, against the mentioned warrant.

I attach this Appellant's notice.

(I'm sorry if it's not tidy, but I'm from Norway, unfortuneately, so I'm not that good with forms, unfortunately).

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:08 PM
Subject: Regarding Eviction Notice/Fwd: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins
To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk, Lorna Murphy <sales@tjthomas.co.uk>

Cc: gbrlo@unhcr.org


I'm refering to my earlier correspondence, with evidence on that the Landlord have forged the statement for the rent.

I've also sent you today, evidence on that the garbage-bins are being obstructed.

How can you still throw me out without a hearing, like I have applied for to have?

How can you threat a refugee from Norway like this.

It isn't my fault that the Home Office don't let me be an Assylum Seeker.

I've lived here for more than five years now, and think of this as my home, and run a business, www.godtebutikken.net, from here.

I'm also on the Work Programme with Ingeus, and more.

This is very bad for me, if you don't change this, and have a hearing, like I've asked for.

I send copy e-mails to the UN and the Norwegian Embassy in Norway, in case any of them can help.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Complaint about obstruction of garbage-bins
To: Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>

Cc: sales@tjthomas.co.uk


I wanted to complain about that today the access to the garbage bins, (the Landlord, Imperial Property), says I have to throw my gargage, in the bin-store at the Lady of Mann, (earlier the Courtyard), restaurant.

But today the passage was obstructed, so I could not throw the garbage, in the purple bins there, like the young 'fatty woman', (I think I have to call her), working at the restaurant tells me to.

I wonder if it's anything the Council can do about this, and attach digital photographs showing the obstruction.

I send copy e-mails to the Landlord and the County Court, since there's a dispute between the Landlord and me regarding the bin-store, my Landlord says it's accessable 24 hours, where as I say it's accessable only during the resturant opening hours, and that theres sometimes a lot of people there, and that the bins should perpaps be in Leather Lane, on public property, because I think this garbage-throwing-arrangement, is a bit degrading, for tenants, since they have to walk passed indifferent rich people, eating an expensive dinner, when the tenants themselves can't afford their own flat, but have to have a Landlord who lies about the garbage-arrangement. Something like this).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

3 attachments


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