Mer fra Therese Gulliksen

31. juliErik Ribsskog

jeg prøver bare å finne noen tidligere kollegaer, fra Rimi Bjørndal osv., fra den første tida jeg jobba der.

Var det du som var russ i 1998 vel, og som var grei og tok melka på seinvaktene, da jeg pleide å være sjef osv?

(Siden det bare var damer der, så var det vanskelig å finne noen, som gadd å gjøre det).

Venninne av Hanna?

Jeg har blogg nå, og skriver om mye rart, at jeg har måttet flytte til England, mm:

Håper det var greit at jeg skrev en melding.


Erik Ribsskog
for 18 timer sidenTherese Gullik
Hei Erik!

Det var leeeenge siden! Ja, jeg jobbet på Rimi på 90-tallet sammen med Hanna. He he..ja, jeg likte faktisk å rydde i melkekjøla, gjorde ikke meg noe.. :)
Mamma bor fortsatt på Bjørndal, men jeg har flyttet fra redet for lengst :) Hanna har 1 barn og venter sitt andre om noen uker.
Hvordan går det med deg?

Therese Gulliksen

for 54 minutter sidenErik Ribsskog
Hei Therese,

nei det gaar ikke saa bra med meg.

Jeg har overhoert at jeg er forfulgt av 'mafian', paa Rimi Bjoerndal, i 2003, og har flyktet til England.

Jeg faar ingen hjelp eller informasjon av hverken norske eller engelske myndigheter.

Jeg ble kastet ut i forrige uke, i Liverpool, etter en urettferdig rettsak, og bor naa paa hostell i Sunderland, uten varmt vann og varmeovn, paa et sted fylt med junkier og kriminelle osv.

Jeg tror det maa vaere den 'mafian' som tuller med meg.


Erik Ribsskog

for 33 minutter sidenTherese Gullik

det hørtes ikke bra ut.. håper du får hjelp til å løse problemet ditt snart.

Jeg tok en kikk på bloggen din og der hadde du limt inn teksten som jeg sendte i epost til deg på facebook. Vil du være så snill å slette den? Det er en privat mail som jeg sendte til deg og helst ikke vil dele med resten av verden. På forhånd, takk!



for 2 sekunder sidenErik Ribsskog

ja jeg skriver om alt paa blogg til jeg faar rettighetene mine.

Som jeg har sagt til advokat Elden osv. ogsaa.

Det er jo bare om jobb det her, vi er jo ikke noe kjaerestepar vi.

Jeg skreiv jo i den foerste meldingen at jeg hadde blogg og, hvor jeg skriver om alt mulig, saa jeg regna med at du skjoente det.

Jeg har en arbeidssak mot Rimi, (jeg synes butikksjef Kristian Kvehaugen dreiv meg litt vel hardt der, blant mye annet), saa det er mulig at jeg kontakter deg og/eller Hanna og andre igjen seinere angaende dette.

Vi faar see.


Erik Ribsskog


Jeg slutta jo som butikksjef i 2002, og begynte aa studere paa ingenioerhoegskolen, grunnet problemer med sjefene oppover i Rimi.

Da jobba jeg som laaseansvarlig, for aa beholde Rimi-leiligheten, i W. Thr. gate.

Lillesoestera di jobba der da, husker jeg, (hu som kjaeresten din, som Hava kalte 'ape' vel, pga. moerkt haar vel, var paa, ifoelge deg).

Men hu slutta med en gang jeg begynte der.

Saa det var ikke saann at jeg prata noe med henne, saann som jeg husker at jeg noen ganger gjorde med deg og Hanna, at vi prata om Rimi, osv.

Bare noe jeg tenkte paa.

Du faar ha en fin helg i Norge etterhvert.

Jeg prover aa selge en eiendom som jeg sameier, med folk i slekta, (du husker kanskje at det aldri kom noen i slekta mi paa jobben for aa si hei), saa jeg faar kanskje kjoept meg leilighet i utlandet snart, og slipper aa bo paa hostell.

Vi faar se.

Du spurte en gang jeg satt i kassa, av en eller annen grunn, om jeg hadde hoert om buskmenn og hottentotter, og det hadde jeg, fordi det pleide mora mi i Larvik, aa prate til meg og lillesoestera mi Pia om, da vi var snoerriser, paa 70-tallet.

Var det noen av vaare kolleger, (invandrere), som var 'paa' deg pga. du visste hva hottentotter var?

Jeg sendte en anmeldelse av University of Sunderland til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateFri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:12 PM
subjectReport of crime

hide details 2:12 PM (0 minutes ago)


I wanted to report the University of Sunderland, for the following crime:

1. They write in a letter, that I can't contact them, but they also write I have debt to them, how am I supposed to deal with this debt, if I can't contact them?

I think this is harassment.

2. Also, I've contacted the University of Sunderland, regarding a payment-plan several times, but they haven't replied.

I think this is harassment.

3. Also, on Tuesday last week, (23/8), the University 'dragged' me out of bed, like in Hitler Germany, before I could wake up I was in meeting, and I was thrown out of University, after I had been accepted on the History-course there.

I attach a picture showing the letter from the university, mentioned in point 1.

I'm also going to forward you e-mails regarding point 2 and 3.

I think the University should compensate me with a round amount, (e.g. £100k), for this 'Gestapo-like' threatment of me.


Erik Ribsskog



Her er vedlegget:


PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

fromErik Ribsskog

dateFri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:29 PM
subjectE-mail regarding point 2 in earlier e-mail/Fwd: Study fees

hide details 2:29 PM (0 minutes ago)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ante Valente
Date: Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 9:12 AM
Subject: Study fees


I was a student at University of Sunderland last year, and since Ive had some economical problems etc., I havent
got to organize an agreement on how i should pay the study fees etc. yet.

So I was wondering who I should contact about this.

Im sorry it has taken me so long to contact you about this!

Thanks in advance and regards.

Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Enda mer om dette:

fromErik Ribsskog

dateFri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:33 PM
subjectE-mail regarding point 3 in earlier e-mail/Fwd: FW: Studies Computing

hide details 2:33 PM (0 minutes ago)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Student Helpline
Date: Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: FW: Studies Computing
To: Erik Ribsskog

Hi Erik,

I have forwarded your email onto accommodation who should be in touch shortly.

Kind regards
Student helpline

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 15 August 2011 16:32
To: Student Helpline
Subject: Re: FW: Studies Computing


I thought I'd study history this time, (first year, bachelor), since I'm a bit fed up with studying Computing.

I don't think the university are allowed to deduct the deposit like that, since deposits are supposed to be given back and not deducted from arrears.

I don't think it should be any problem clearing me, I enclose a file from University of Oslo, showing that I can study subjects like history, etc.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Student Helpline wrote:

Hi Erik,

You would not have recieved your deposit back in 2004 as this is deducted from your last terms rent.

If you apply for a loan then you could still apply for the course but you would need the deposit for accommodation.

Also in order to get onto a course for this year you would need to go through clearing as we are no longer accepting applications for this year. Our date of clearing is the 18th August and numbers for the clearing line will be found on our website soon.

Best wishes
Student helpline

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 15 August 2011 15:20
To: Student Helpline
Subject: Re: Studies Computing


yes, but I'm being thrown out on Wednesday, here in Liverpool, so I don't have the time to get a study-loan.

I could get it later.

I haven't got £300 now, I think it's strange if I have to pay it again.

(I was on study abroad, I'm really a refugee from Norway.

I have some employment-cases etc., with your Faculty of Law, and I really work on a Final Year Project, for a lecturer at your Faculty of Psycology, a calender.

Then I could work on that, since I didn't get to finish that project, in 2005).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Student Helpline wrote:

Hi Erik,

Unfortunately you would need to pay the deposit for accommodation again, you would also need to pay 1/3 of your fee's and the first terms accommodation straight away. If you have not studied a degree before, have you looked into getting a student loan.

Kind regards
Student helpline

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 15 August 2011 13:15
To: Student Helpline
Subject: Studies Computing


is it ok if I start to study again at the University now, and live at the Forge, and pay the money when I get a job?

I paid the deposit, (£300), in 2004.

Now I'm being thrown out, in Liverpool, and need to find something else to do.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,


My student-number is: 049039692

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Swalec

fromErik Ribsskog

dateFri, Sep 2, 2011 at 1:58 PM
subjectRe: Domestic Housemove [#3109573]

hide details 1:58 PM (0 minutes ago)


yes that's alright I guess.

But if I get arrears from this estimate, then for your information I'm on a budget in co-operataion with the CCCS, since I'm unemployed.

And I usually offer my debitors token-payments of around £5 a month, untill I get a new job.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Swalec wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email.
As previously advised I am in the process of closing down your account which will be on estimated meter readings as you have no access to the property.
Could you please confirm you are happy for us to close down your query.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further concerns.

Kind Regards

Yvonne Hendry
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 30/08/2011 11:44:53

Subject: Re: Domestic Housemove [#3109573]


yes, that's ok I guess.

It's the Bailiff from Liverpool County Court who has access to the flat.

I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, since I have complained about the eviction from the mentioned address, to them.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Swalec wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email.
If you do not have your closing meter readings then these will be estimated based on your usage at the property.

Kind Regards

Yvonne Hendry
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 25/08/2011 11:06:51

Subject: Re: Domestic Housemove [#3109573]


unfortunately I haven't got access to the address, since I was thrown out by the Landlord, Liverpool County Court and the Bailiff, after a dispute and even if I've complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman. I'm therefore sending this e-mail as a copy to them, and hope they can give me some advice regarding this.

Sorry about the problems with this!

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Swalec wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email.
Your account has now been closed as of 17 August 2011. If you can provide your closing meter reading I will ensure this is updated.

Kind Regards

Yvonne Hendry
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 18/08/2011 11:37:35
Subject: Domestic Housemove


Customer Type : Domestic
Title : Mr
Firstname : Erik
Surname : Ribsskog
Telephone :
Email :
Pre payment meter : No

Customer moving out : Mr Erik Ribsskog
Date of move : 17/08/2011
House Name/No. : 5
Address line 1 : Leather Lane
Address line 2 :
Address line 3 :
Town/City : Liverpool
County : Merseyside
Postcode : L2 2AE
Customer Account No. :

Organisation receiving the keys:
Type : Other
Contact name : Bailiff, Liverpool County Court
Contact phone :

Services already provided to this site:
Electricity : Yes
Gas : No

House Name/No. : Clanny House
Address line 1 : Block 13 Flat 115
Address line 2 : Peacock Street
Address line 3 :
Town/City : Sunderland
County : Tyne and Wear
Postcode : SR4 6UH

User Id : 3bde9b50-7738-4e10-8b2f-cd9853357084
IP Address
Website submitted from : SWALEC
Date/Time submitted : 18/08/2011 11:32:21

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern Energy Group. It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of the error in transmission. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this email (or any attachments to it) is not an offer capable of acceptance or acceptance of an offer and it does not form part of a binding contractual agreement. Scottish Hydro Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC, Atlantic Electric and Gas, S+S and SSE Power Distribution are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.
Scottish and Southern Energy plc, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, Perthshire, PH1 3AQ. Registered in Scotland Number. 117119


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern Energy Group. It is intended solely for the addressees.
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Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC, Atlantic Electric and Gas, S+S and Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group. Scottish and Southern Energy plc, Registered Office: Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3AQ. Registered in Scotland Number SC117119

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern Energy Group. It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of the error in transmission. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this email (or any attachments to it) is not an offer capable of acceptance or acceptance of an offer and it does not form part of a binding contractual agreement. Scottish Hydro Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC, Atlantic Electric and Gas, S+S and SSE Power Distribution are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.
Scottish and Southern Energy plc, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, Perthshire, PH1 3AQ. Registered in Scotland Number. 117119

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern Energy Group. It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of the error in transmission. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this email (or any attachments to it) is not an offer capable of acceptance or acceptance of an offer and it does not form part of a binding contractual agreement. Scottish Hydro Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC, Atlantic Electric and Gas, S+S and SSE Power Distribution are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.
Scottish and Southern Energy plc, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, Perthshire, PH1 3AQ. Registered in Scotland Number. 117119

Jeg sendte en ny Facebook-melding til Therese Gulliksen fra Rimi Bjoerndal

31. juliErik Ribsskog

jeg prøver bare å finne noen tidligere kollegaer, fra Rimi Bjørndal osv., fra den første tida jeg jobba der.

Var det du som var russ i 1998 vel, og som var grei og tok melka på seinvaktene, da jeg pleide å være sjef osv?

(Siden det bare var damer der, så var det vanskelig å finne noen, som gadd å gjøre det).

Venninne av Hanna?

Jeg har blogg nå, og skriver om mye rart, at jeg har måttet flytte til England, mm:

Håper det var greit at jeg skrev en melding.


Erik Ribsskog
for 17 timer sidenTherese Gullik
Hei Erik!

Det var leeeenge siden! Ja, jeg jobbet på Rimi på 90-tallet sammen med Hanna. He he..ja, jeg likte faktisk å rydde i melkekjøla, gjorde ikke meg noe.. :)
Mamma bor fortsatt på Bjørndal, men jeg har flyttet fra redet for lengst :) Hanna har 1 barn og venter sitt andre om noen uker.
Hvordan går det med deg?

Therese Gulliksen

for 2 sekunder sidenErik Ribsskog
Hei Therese,

nei det gaar ikke saa bra med meg.

Jeg har overhoert at jeg er forfulgt av 'mafian', paa Rimi Bjoerndal, i 2003, og har flyktet til England.

Jeg faar ingen hjelp eller informasjon av hverken norske eller engelske myndigheter.

Jeg ble kastet ut i forrige uke, i Liverpool, etter en urettferdig rettsak, og bor naa paa hostell i Sunderland, uten varmt vann og varmeovn, paa et sted fylt med junkier og kriminelle osv.

Jeg tror det maa vaere den 'mafian' som tuller med meg.


Erik Ribsskog