Faren vår, kjørte Pia og meg, til Fornebu, en dag, i slutten av juli, i 1987 da.
Faren vår hadde prata med tante Ellen, i Sveits, på telefon, og Pia og jeg, skulle reise alene, på vårt første besøk til henne.
Jeg fikk meg et aldri så lite sjokk, da vi skulle sjekke inn.
Pia fortalte meg at hun hadde begynt å røyke, og at hun ville at jeg skulle be om 'smoking'-plass.
Jeg ble litt fortumlet over denne nyheten.
Men jeg kjente ikke Pia så godt, på den her tiden, siden hun hadde bodd nede hos Haldis i flere år da.
Mens jeg hadde bodd i Leirfaret 4B da.
Så jeg sa det var greit, siden jeg ikke ville støte Pia fra meg liksom, med en gang.
Når vi en sjelden gang skulle tilbringe tid sammen, oss to søsknene da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Vi reiste først til Kastrup, hvor vi måtte bytte fly.
Denne gang til Zurich.
Der måtte vi også bytte fly, og jeg så et skilt hvor det stod 'domestic', og skjønte etterhvert, at det betydde 'innenlands'.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Dette var jo sommeren jeg fylte 17, og Pia var jo 15 og et halvt.
Og aldersgrensen for å røyke var jo 16, i Norge, på den tiden.
Og jeg hadde selv aldri røykt, mener jeg å huske.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Vi kjørte så et lite innenriksfly, til Basel da.
(Eller egentlig var flyplassen i Frankrike, i nabobyen til Basel).
Flyvertinnen var litt usikker, (var det vel), og Pia sa det, husker jeg, at de brukte de dårligste flyvertinnene på de minste flyene.
Noe sånt.
Vi kunne se fyrverkeri, fra flyet, mens vi var oppe i lufta, over Sveits, husker jeg.
Da jeg bodde i Liverpool, så sjekket jeg på Wikipedia.
Og nasjonaldagen til Sveits, var visst i slutten av juli, eller begynnelsen av august.
Så det var nok derfor, at det var fyrverkeri, i lufta.
Så sånn var nok det.
Men men.
Flykapteinen hadde kanskje tatt seg en dram, for å feire nasjonaldagen?
Kanskje det var derfor, at flyvertinna var så usikker?
Eller kanskje hun hadde tatt seg en dram selv?
Hvem vet.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Ellen og Rahel hentet oss på flyplassen i Frankrike da.
(I Mulhouse, eller noe sånt vel).
Noe sånt.
Ellen var sammen med Dieter, som var mørkhudet.
Dieter var afrikaner, mener jeg.
Rahel, det er Ellens datter, med Reto Savoldelli, (hennes tidligere ektemann).
Rahel er født samme år som halvbroren vår Axel vel, nemlig i 1978.
Dette var i 1987, så dette var altså det året som Rahel fylte ni år da, mener jeg.
Noe sånt.
Selv om Rahel var yngre enn Pia og meg.
Og selv om Pia og Rahel var jenter, så skulle vi tre ligge på det samme rommet, sa tante Ellen.
Vi skulle dele loftet der.
(Tante Ellen er gammel hippie, så det var kanskje derfor.
Hvem vet).
Ellen sa at vi måtte ringe faren vår, og jeg tulla, og sa 'hei det er Erik, jeg ringer fra Kastrup'.
Men da sa Ellen 'nei', i bakgrunnen.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Naboen til Ellen og dem, de hadde forresten en geit, i hagen, var det vel.
Ellen bodde forresten i Industristrasse, i Aesch, (et lite sted et par mil vel utenfor Basel).
Pia hadde med geitost, til Ellen, fra faren min og Haldis vel.
Og da ble Ellen glad, og fortalte meg det, at ost på tysk, det het 'käse'.
Noe sånt.
Ellen hadde ikke lært Rahel å snakke norsk.
Og jeg hadde ikke ork til å lære meg tysk, (som valgfag), på ungdomsskolen.
Så det var ikke så lett for meg å kommunisere med Rahel.
(Ellen spurte meg, om jeg skjønte hva de sa.
Og jeg måtte innrømme det, at det gjorde jeg ikke.
Men men).
Enda vanskeligere for meg, var det å kommunisere med Rahel sin storebror Joakim.
Joakim var mongolid, (som det het på den tiden, ihvertfall), og klarte ikke å prate, i det hele tatt.
Men han var mye større enn meg.
Pia og Rahel hadde det morsomt, mens de liksom passet på Joakim da, som kunne være voldsom, virka det som, for meg.
Jeg måtte liksom stramme meg opp litt, og prøve å se tøff ut.
For jeg var redd for at Joakim, (som var en god del kraftigere enn meg), skulle gå til angrep på meg, eller noe.
For han var rimelig voldsom da, og han reagerte kanskje litt på at en annen gutt, på hans alder, (Joakim var nesten på dagen et år eldre enn meg), dukka opp.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Joakim skulle bare være der en dag eller to, fant jeg ut.
Så hadde vel Ellen kjørt han til en institusjon, eller noe, tror jeg.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Den første dagen der, så gikk jeg å handla i en matbutikk, i Aesch, (eller om det het Aech).
Jeg kjøpte juice, brus og godteri vel.
Kassadama slo feil, tror jeg, så jeg brukte lang tid, på å finne riktig veksel.
For jeg hadde regna prisene i hue, før jeg handla.
(Og hadde funnet frem riktig veksel, (mener jeg ihvertfall), før jeg gikk fram til kassa da).
Men men.
Ellen ble sur, (av en eller annen grunn), siden jeg kjøpte cola.
Hun sa at så lenge jeg bodde i hennes hus, så skulle hun kjøpe og betale colaen jeg drakk der.
Noe sånt.
Hun var ganske alvorlig, i tonen, og litt slitsom.
Så det ble ikke til at jeg handlet noe mer i matbutikker, mens jeg var der nede.
For jeg var redd for at tante Ellen skulle 'tilte', igjen.
Ellen hadde ofte en del venner innom.
Men jeg ble ikke kjent med de andre vennene hennes der nede, bortsett fra han Dieter da.
For de satt mest nede i stua og hørte på Dylan.
Mens Pia, Rahel og jeg, pleide å sitte oppe på loftet, og røyke Marlboro-sigaretter, som jeg kjøpte, i en automat, på togstasjonen i Aesch da, (som var i det samme nabolaget cirka, som der tante Ellen bodde da).
Ellen hørte også på the Pretenders, var det vel.
Men hun skjønte seg ikke på Madonna, som både Pia og jeg hørte på.
'Material girl', hva er det for noe da, sa tante Ellen.
Noe sånt.
Men men.
Ellen røkte håndrullede indiske sigaretter, som Pia og jeg lurte på om kanskje var jointer, eller noe sånt.
Det var vel på grunn av dette, at temaet hasjrøyking kom opp.
Og da sa tante Ellen, at hun kjøpte poser med et bestemt slag fuglefrø.
Så pirket hun ut de frøene som var av et bestemt slag, og plantet de i hagen.
Så ble dette til en mild form for marijuana, sa tante Ellen, (som var gammel hippie, og hadde gått på forsøksgym da, i Oslo, etter at bestemor Ingeborg og bestefar Johannes flytta ned fra Nord-Norge, til Hurumlandet da, på 60-tallet).
Tante Ellen sa at hun også sendte denne marijuanaen, i posten, til venner i Danmark.
Hun bare skrev 'urtete', på pakken, forklarte hun, og de pakkene kom alltid fram, uten å bli stoppet i tollen da.
Dette var jo helt ukjente ting, for Pia og meg.
Hverken faren eller moren vår røyka hasj eller marijuana, såvidt jeg vet, ihvertfall.
Så vi fikk nok litt bakoversveis, vil jeg si, (ihvertfall jeg).
Men jeg klarte vel å holde maska sånn passe, tror jeg, da tante Ellen prata om det her.
Men men.
Men jeg ville liksom ikke virke mer barnslig enn søstera mi da.
Så derfor begynte jeg også å røyke et par sigaretter om dagen kanskje, oppe på det loftet der da, i Sveits.
Pia fikk også Rahel til å begynne å røyke, tror jeg.
Selv om Pia sa det, at Rahel hadde røyket sigaretter, fra før vi dukka opp der.
For hu hadde tatt av mora si, sa Pia, at Rahel hadde sagt til henne da.
Pia hadde jo hatt tysk, på ungdomsskolen, så hun klarte å kommunisere bedre med Rahel da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Den første dagen der, var det vel, så tok tante Ellen med Pia og meg, til jobben sin.
Tante Ellen jobbet på en tennisklubb, en kilometer nærmere Basel kanskje, langs en ganske liten elv, som det gikk en gangvei ved siden av.
Tante Ellen jobba på kafeteriaen der.
Og Pia og jeg, vi fikk ligge i noen solsenger der, var det vel.
Og tante Ellen spurte om vi ville ha iste, (som vi ikke hadde smakt før vel, ihvertfall ikke jeg, men det hørtes godt ut).
Tante Ellen hadde laget den iste-en selv, forklarte hun.
Og den smakte godt, må jeg si.
Så sånn var det.
Det var vel badebasseng der og, tror jeg.
Men jeg tror ikke at jeg badet der.
Jeg var vel ikke så glad i å bade, på den tiden kanskje.
Det er mulig.
Jeg var i puberteten da, og pleide å føne håret og sånn, som var vanlig, på 80-tallet.
Så det var kanskje på grunn av sveisen, at jeg ikke ville bade der.
Hvem vet.
Jeg prøvde å få med Pia, på å spille litt bordtennis, på tennisklubben der.
Men det gadd ikke Pia da.
Selv om vel også tante Ellen klagde på henne da.
Pia ville bare ligge å slappe av da.
(Sånn som da vi var hos Ingeborg og Johannes, i Nevlunghavn, sommeren 1983, kanskje.
Noe sånt.
Hvem vet.
Men men).
Jenter het 'mädchen', lærte Pia og Rahel meg, husker jeg, forresten.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Tull betydde 'kvarts', eller noe sånt.
Så sånn var det.
Og brus betydde 'sprudel'.
Noe sånt.
Rahel sa hele tiden noe som hørtes ut som 'saly'.
Når hun sa hei til naboer, osv.
Det lurer jeg på om er det franske ordet 'salute'.
Som i Bill & Ted-filmene, (for de som har sett de), hvor han ene sier 'greetings and _salutations_', som en hilsen.
Så Rahel dreiv vel med noe salutt da, eller noe, (om enn ikke bokstavelig talt), når hun sa det her 'saly' da, til naboene.
Hvem vet.
Aesch var jo såpass nærme den franske grensen, så det er mulig at de også brukte noen franske ord.
Selv om vi egentlig befant oss i den tysktalende delen av Sveits.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Man kunne ikke drikke vannet der, sa Ellen, så Rahel, Pia og meg, vi fikk cirka hver dag, en ny cirka to-liters flaske kildevann, som Ellen hadde kjøpt et brett av vel.
Det vannet var helt uten kullsyre, og det var ikke Pia og jeg vant med, husker jeg, at vanlig kildevann, (uten kullsyre), ble solgt på flaske.
(Dette var vel før drikken Imsdal ble kjent i Norge vel).
Men etterhvert så fikk vi istedet vann med kullsyre, av Ellen.
Så de drakk visst begge deler, virka det som.
Uten at jeg vet noe om hvorfor Ellen varierte på det her.
Vann fra springen burde man ihverfall ikke drikke der, skjønte jeg.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Ellen og de, de hadde ikke TV.
Noe jeg syntes var kjemperart.
Jeg tror aldri at jeg hadde hørt om noen som ikke hadde TV før.
Jeg hadde jo bodd alene, siden jeg var ni år.
Og jeg pleide alltid å se på TV og/eller video da.
Så jeg var nesten en TV-slave, vil jeg si.
Så jeg fikk skikkelig abstinenser da.
Så en gang, som jeg dro inn til Basel.
(Som jeg dro til, en del ganger, enten sammen med Ellen eller Pia, eller alene).
Så hadde jeg sett meg ut, en lomme-TV, til en del hundrelapper, hos en el-butikk da.
Men jeg hadde vel ikke så mye penger, tror jeg.
Og jeg var jo ganske kleptoman, under oppveksten.
Så jeg 'klepta' den lomme-TV-en da.
(Som kosta 400 kroner kanskje.
Den var veldig liten, og i svart-hvitt, og man måtte ha høretelefoner, for å høre noe lyd vel.
(Og lyden var ikke synkronisert med bildet, på den TV-en, som var i svart-hvitt.
Så jeg fikk ikke så mye glede av den TV-en heller.
Jeg husker bare at jeg fikk inn begynnelsen på en Magnum-episode, en kveld, oppe på det loftet der, i Sveits).
Noe sånt).
Og da fikk jeg høre det, av Geir Arne Jørgensen, (delvis bak ryggen min vel), da jeg kom hjem til Norge igjen, at jeg hadde stjålet en TV, osv., i Sveits.
Så det må vel ha vært Pia, tror jeg, som spredde ting om meg.
Det kan vel ikke ha vært noen andre.
Så Pia var kanskje nesten i gjengen til Geir Arne og Ditlev og dem, etterhvert.
Det er mulig.
Hvem vet).
Jeg kjøpte også en del BASF opptakskassetter, til video, nede i Basel, husker jeg.
Så det var ikke sånn at jeg bare rappa ting der, det var vel heller unntakene vel.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Jeg skulle sjekke, for Øystein Andersen, (som prøvde å få tak i alle videofilmer omtrent, før alle andre), om de solgte noen nye videofilmer, nede i Sveits der da.
Jeg fant en han var interessert i, som het 'Big Trouble in Little China'.
Men den kosta vel over tusen norske kroner, mener jeg.
Så den ble vel for dyr, mener jeg at enten han eller faren hans sa, da jeg ringte til dem, i Norge da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Ellen tok oss med inn til Basel, en av de første dagene der.
Jeg kjøpte noe slags snacks-måltid, i en matbutikk, i Basel, og kastet noe mat, til duene, på et lite torg der, husker jeg.
Men da ble tante Ellen 'gæern'.
For det var upopulært, (sa hun), at man matet duene der nede.
De ble visst sett på som skadedyr, eller noe, skjønte jeg.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Ellen tok oss også med, på en rotur, (med en slags gondol nesten vel), over elva der nede, som het Rhinen vel.
Eller om det var en annen stor elv.
Det husker jeg ikke helt dessverre.
Men men.
Det var bare oss, som ville kjøre over elva.
Det var ikke noe kø der, eller noe.
Og jeg som var vant til å kjøre båt på Drammensfjorden, jeg ble vel kanskje ikke så imponert vel.
Men men.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Pia og jeg, dro på en tur, med toget, til Basel, en gang, husker jeg.
(Togene der gikk omtrent alltid til rett tid, og var ganske rimelige å kjøre med vel).
Jeg hadde litt dilla på bilspill, på den her tiden, (etter å ha sett om et spill som het OutRun, på TV, eller noe, vel).
Så jeg dro med Pia til en spillehall, hvor det bare var gutter vel.
Og spilte noe bilspill da, mens Pia så på da.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
De hadde visst problem med italienere, der nede, sa tante Ellen.
Det kom mange folk fra Italia til Basel, og de var ofte arbeidsledige, var det vel.
Så man måtte være forsiktig, husker jeg at tante Ellen sa.
Men men.
Jeg husker at jeg dro inn til Basel alene en gang og.
(Den gangen jeg så etter videofilmer for Øystein Andersen osv. vel).
Og jeg husker at jeg så en politimann, som gikk på fortauet der.
Og han hadde en revolver, (husker jeg), festet i beltet sitt.
Og det hadde jeg aldri sett i Norge.
Det var vel den første revolveren jeg hadde sett kanskje.
Hvem vet.
Noe sånt.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Vi spiste vel på McDonalds, da vi var i Basel, tror jeg.
Noe jeg var ganske vant med, fra språkreisene mine, til England, de to foregående sommerne da.
Så sånn var vel det.
Men men.
I hagen til tante Ellen, så spilte jeg badminton, mot både henne og Dieter, husker jeg.
Mora mi likte også å spille badminton.
Vi pleide å spille det litt, en sommer, i det portrommet, ved hagen vår, i Jegersborggate, i Larvik, husker jeg.
Så jeg klarte meg vel sånn tålelig, i kamp mot disse mer erfarene badmintonspillerne da.
Så sånn var det.
Dieter fortalte meg det, at han hadde bodd, eller hengt mye, på en strand, i Brasil, eller noe.
Der hadde han spilt veldig mye badminton, forklarte han meg.
Han sa at han hadde blitt like god, til å spille med den venstre armen, som med den høyre armen, under denne tiden av livet sitt da.
Så sånn var det.
Jeg prøvde vel såvidt, å spille litt med den venstre armen, men jeg hadde vel nok med å henge med, når jeg spilte med den høyre armen, tror jeg.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Rahel gikk noen ganger rundt i bare trusa, oppe på det loftet, som vi bodde på der.
Og jeg var vel vant med å runke, i Norge, så jeg reagerte kanskje litt etterhvert, på jenter som gikk rundt i underbuksa.
Det er mulig.
Rahel spurte meg ihvertfall, (på tysk vel), om jeg syntes det så finest ut, når trusekanten, (som hun flytta på da, med hendene, mens hun prata), gikk på skrått, oppover mot magen, (som på en tanga-truse vel), eller når den gikk rett bortover, (som en 'gammeldags' truse vel).
Jeg svarte ikke noe.
For jeg syntes det ble litt dumt.
Siden Rahel var den ni år gamle kusina mi da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Ellen og de, de hadde en hund, som het Moses, som jeg ofte gikk tur med, når jeg var der nede.
En gang, så skulle jeg kjøpe noe lesestoff, fordi jeg kjeda meg vel, (selv om jeg ikke skjønte så mye, av tyske magasiner).
Jeg bandt hunden, men da klagde den fælt, da jeg gikk fra den.
(Dette var i Aesch Sentrum da).
For jeg var ikke vant med hunder, og ville ha litt fred, for å se på bladene de hadde der da.
Og da klagde den bikkja fælt, husker jeg.
Så jeg måtte legge jakka mi ved siden av den.
Da skjønte den vel at jeg kom tilbake igjen.
Jeg kjøpte et filmmagasin, der nede, som het Premiere, eller noe vel.
Noe sånt.
Og Ellen fikk en norsk venninne, fra Tønsberg vel, som het Von der Lippe, eller noe vel, på besøk, husker jeg.
Hun sa at hun hadde sett filmen the Color of Money, med Tom cruise vel, og den var bra, sa hun.
Hun, (eller om det var tante Ellen), sa også at a Clockwork Orange, var kul eller skremmende, husker jeg.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
'Der Name der Rose', (eller noe), var en ny film, den sommeren husker jeg.
Det bladet, det var ganske billig å abonnere på, fant jeg ut, da jeg kom hjem igjen til Norge.
Og man fikk også med en svart Sony Walkman, som velkomstgave.
Så det abonnementet, det kjøpte jeg fra Norge, og sannelig fikk jeg ikke en walkman også, i posten, fra Tyskland/Sveits vel, i postkassa mi, i Leirfaret da, høsten 1987.
Så sånn var det.
Ikke dårlig.
Og i de bladene så var det også filmplakater, som jeg pleide å henge opp.
Jeg husker jeg hengte opp plakater for 'Predator', med Arnold Swartzenegger, (siden jeg var litt fan av han), ved siden av postkort fra Brighton, osv., over skrivebordet mitt da, på hoved-soverommet, i Leirfaret 4B da.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Tante Ellen tok med Pia, Rahel og meg, til et tivoli/marked, i en nabolandsby der, en helg.
Luftgeværene der nede, de ble omtrent aldri tomme for skudd, fant jeg ut.
Så jeg måtte vel ut med tilsvarende en hundrelapp, eller noe, tror jeg, uten at jeg vant så mye.
Så der betalte man etter at man hadde skutt, og ikke som i Norge, før man skøyt.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Jeg rappa vel også en Madonna-kassett, fra en salgsbod der, mener jeg.
(Slem som jeg var).
Det var ikke True Blue, men den som kom før den vel.
Med en sang jeg likte på, (som jeg ikke husker hva heter nå vel).
(Eller, den Madonna-kassetten, med 'Get into the groove' på, mener jeg at det må ha vært.
Men men).
Pia likte 'Like a Prayer', mener jeg.
Det var kanskje videoen, som hu likte.
Pia ble jo seinere sammen med en afrikaner, (Keyton).
Så det hu likte så mye, at hu grøsset vel, med den Like a Prayer-videoen.
Det var kanskje han afrikaneren, (eller negeren da), på korset, i den videoen, (tenker jeg nå).
Det er mulig.
Men men.
Hvem vet.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Pia hadde vunnet eller kjøpt en plastkopi av en digitalklokke, tror jeg.
Og tante Ellen hadde en ung mann som gjest, en kveld, som hun og Dieter grillet i hagen vel.
Og så hadde Pia og Rahel tullet med han gjesten.
For han spurte om klokken til Pia.
Det er 'kvarts', hadde Pia og Rahel sagt.
(Det tyske ordet for tull da).
Ja, jeg vet det er 'quartz', hadde han sveitseren sagt da.
Så da hadde visst Pia og Rahel ledd fælt da.
Fortalte de meg seinere.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Vi var også i en løvtre-skog der, nede i Aesch da, en dag, husker jeg, med tante Ellen da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
En dag, så skulle Rahel, Pia og jeg, ta en buss, for å besøke faren til Rahel, nemlig Reto Savoldelli.
Reto bodde en halvtimes busstur cirka, fra Aesch da.
Det var opp noen bakker osv., i samme retning som den løvskogen cirka vel.
(Altså i motsatt retning av Basel da).
Rahel dro i snora, på bussen, alt for tidlig.
(Uten at noen skjønte hvorfor hun gjorde dette vel).
Og Reto måtte kjøre å hente oss, ved en butikk, på en bakketopp, på veien dit da.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Reto bodde i en bygning, som var nesten som en borg kanskje.
Sammen med mange andre folk.
For det meste damer og unger vel.
Det var noen engelske unger der, og noen tysktalende unger.
En engelsk gutt, sa til en sveitsisk jente, om Rahel, at:
'When Rahel's not here, you say you hate her, but when she's here, then you want to be her friend'.
Noe sånt.
Så sånn var det.
Jeg fortalte til Rahel, hva han gutten hadde sagt, (eller jeg prøvde ihvertfall), siden jeg forstod engelsk da.
Den engelske gutten og den sveitsiske jenta, de var cirka på alderen til Rahel da.
Men Pia og jeg, vi ble ikke bedt inn der, eller noe.
Så vi var mest sammen med Rahel der da, siden hun var den eneste vi kjente der, for å si det sånn.
Pia og jeg hadde vel bare møtt Reto en gang før.
Da vi var sånn 4-5-6 år gamle vel.
En sommer i Nevlunghavn.
Da hadde Reto tryllet fram et kronestykke, til hver av oss, bak øret sitt, husker jeg.
I hagen til Ingeborg og Johannes.
Reto hadde vel da også minst en norsk dame med seg, mener jeg.
(Som altså ikke var tante Ellen).
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Så sånn var det.
Vi fikk heller ikke middag der, men Pia og jeg, ble kjørt tilbake til Ellen, av Reto.
En transvestitt, (var det vel), satt også på med Reto, inn til Basel, var det vel. (husker jeg), av en eller annen grunn.
(Men Rahel ble igjen og spiste hos Reto og dem da.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på).
Ellen sa seinere det, at Reto hadde sagt til henne, at Erik og Pia var for unge, til å reise alene, inn til Basel.
Men så hadde Ellen sagt til Reto, (sa hun), at Erik var 17 år og Pia 15-16 år.
Noe sånt.
Åja, da er de gamle nok likevel da, hadde visst Reto sagt da.
Så sånn var det.
Så jeg følte meg nesten litt mobba der, siden jeg vel fikk høre det, at jeg så yngre ut, enn det jeg var da.
Jeg hadde litt komplekser for utseendet mitt, og at jeg var upoplær da, i klassen osv.
Og jeg hadde begynt å bruke hårgele og føne håret osv., som var moten, på 80-tallet.
Men jeg brukte noen ganger en vifteovn, istedet, må jeg innrømme.
Og hadde klart å få brent litt av håret mitt, den sommeren, må jeg innrømme.
Så jeg så nok ikke så smart ut.
Frisøren i Drammen sa, 'er det sånne superkrøller det her eller', når han så håret mitt, og klipte en ganske stor lokke av håret mitt bort.
(Men jeg svarte ikke noe, for jeg visste ikke hva superkrøller var.
Men men).
Når jeg kom hjem fra Sveits igjen da.
Før skolen begynte.
Så jeg fikk høre det, av en annen i klassen min, (som også het Erik vel, en fra Svelvik), det andre året på videregående, at jeg så 'smart ut', siden noe av håret mitt var kort, og resten langt.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Så sånn var det.
Hu Von der Lippe, (eller om det var ei annen venninne av Ellen), var med oss til Basel en gang, og prøvde en kjole, i en butikk.
Og spurte meg om hun så 'gravid' ut, i den.
Jeg svarte ikke noe.
Men hu gjorde kanskje det, hu så vel ut som om hu hadde litt gravid i den, vil jeg vel si.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Så sånn var det.
Den neste helgen, så var det igjen marked.
Men denne gangen i den neste landsbyen igjen, i retning Basel.
Hu Von der Lippe, (var det vel), skulle absolutt kjøre en berg og dal-bane, eller om det var parishjul, sammen med meg.
Og hu dama, (i 30-40-årene vel), hu klenga skikkelig, i den karusellen, husker jeg.
Så det var nok det nærmeste jeg kom sex, den sommeren, for å si det litt fleipete.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
En gang, mens jeg stod og så på, at folk skøyt, på en skytebane, på et av de to markedene.
Så prata en sveitsisk mann, (som var der med dama si), til meg.
En kar i midten av 20-åra kanskje.
Men jeg skjønte jo ikke hva han sa, så jeg svarte ingenting.
En gang, som jeg gikk tur med Moses, inn til sentrum av Basel, like ved der Ellen bodde da.
Så sa en slakter, (var det vel), noe til meg, mens jeg gikk forbi slakterbutikken, med den bikkja da.
(Det var vel noe om at hunden luktet kjøttet, i butikken.
Vil jeg vel tippe på.
Men men.
Noe sånt).
Så sånn var det.
En annen gang, som jeg gikk tur, med Moses, til et godt stykke bortenfor den tennisklubben, hvor tante Ellen jobbet.
(Jeg gikk til et friområde der da).
Så sa ei dame, (i 20-årene vel), som var ute med sin hund, noe til meg.
Men jeg skjønte ikke hva hu sa.
Men jeg sa vel noe på engelsk.
Og da spurte hu vel hvorfor jeg ikke lot hunden gå løs.
Men jeg var ikke så vant med å ha hund.
Og tante Ellen hadde vel sagt at jeg skulle ha hunden i bånd, tror jeg.
Så jeg pleide å ha hunden i bånd, husker jeg, selv om jeg syklet med den, husker jeg.
Men det gikk greit, for den hunden var veldig snill, og gikk alltid sånn som jeg ville at den skulle gå da.
Så jeg ble litt trist, når jeg måtte dra fra den hunden.
'Jeg kan putte den i lomma', sa jeg til tante Ellen.
For det var et sånt uttrykk da, som folk sa, på Sande Videregående, mener jeg å huske.
Men men.
Jeg burde kanskje hatt en hund.
Hvis jeg hadde hatt en hund, da jeg bodde i Oslo, så hadde jeg sikkert blitt kjent med fler mennesker, enn det jeg ble der, (tenker jeg nå).
Så sånn er nok det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Rahel gikk vel på en Steinerskole, i Basel kanskje.
Jeg kan ikke si at jeg så noe til at hun hadde noen venninner, eller noe, da vi var der nede.
Men men.
Ellen har seinere sagt det, (på bestemor Ingeborg sin 80-årsfeiring, i 1997 vel), at hun pleide å ha store fester, med hundrevis av lokale folk, i hagen sin, hver sommer, i Industristrasse, i Sveits da.
Men jeg så ikke akkurat noe til det, da jeg var der nede.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Så sånn var det.
Ellen het forresten Savoldelli ennå, da vi besøkte dem der, i Sveits, i 1987 da.
Enda hu hadde vært skilt, fra Reto Savoldelli, i mange år da vel.
Så det forholdet hennes, til han afrikaneren, Dieter, det var vel kanskje ikke så seriøst da.
Hvem vet.
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Pia ville gjerne bli der lengre.
Og Ellen sa vel også at hun ville det.
Men da det var en drøy uke igjen, til skolen vår begynte.
Og vi hadde vært der nede, i snart et par uker vel.
Så stakk jeg inn til et reisebyrå, i Basel, (som faren min hadde forklart meg).
Og booket hjemreisetidspunkt, på de returbillettene, som vi hadde fått, av faren vår.
Så det var vel cirka en uke igjen, til andre klasse, på videregående, startet, for meg, da vi kom tilbake til Norge igjen.
Ellen kjørte oss ut til flyplassen, i den franske nabobyen, til Basel.
'You can't do this to us we're Americans', hørte jeg at en amerikansk turist i 40-årene kanskje, brølte i en billettluke.
Pia prata noe dritt om han amerikaneren da.
Så sånn var det.
Pia og jeg, var vel de første som hadde dukket opp, ved gate-en, tror jeg.
Vi var i godt humør, etter en avslappende ferie vel.
(Det var jo fint vær, og mange varmegrader, så godt som hver dag vel).
Så plutselig så fikk vi en overraskelse, Pia og meg.
For vi la merke til det, at det var Anette Bøe, skiløpersken fra Larvik, som satt som den tredje personen, på et sete et stykke foran oss og til venstre, i avgangshallen.
Hun hadde nettopp vunnet VM-gull, (var det vel), i Seefeldt, eller noe sånt vel, vinteren før, var det vel.
Så hun var veldig kjent da.
Og det var jo også til faren hennes sin butikk, (Albert Bøe), at mora mi hadde sendt meg, for å kjøpe badehette, den gangen, i 1979 vel, (som jeg har skrevet om, i et tidligere kapitell).
Men det var ikke sånn at vi sa 'hei', eller noe.
Vi var i vår egen verden liksom.
Det var kanskje en mer avslappet stemning, der nede i Sveits, enn i Norge.
Det er mulig.
Så det var litt surrealistisk, å plutselig se Anette Bøe, sittende foran oss der.
Det er helt sikkert.
Søstera mi likte ikke det, at Anette Bøe, satt der, i en trang trikot, på underkroppen.
Det var nesten som en skitrikot kanskje.
Hun så litt billig eller horete ut, mente vel Pia, sa hun.
Noe sånt.
Så sånn var det.
Det var noen sånne trange lille bukser, eller noe, med noe gult mønster på da, eller noe.
Så hu kunne kanskje nesten like gjerne ha gått naken.
Det er mulig.
Men men.
Så Pia og jeg, vi lot litt av Anette Bøe da, der vi satt, på flyplassen til Basel, i Frankrike.
Så sånn var det.
Og Pia klagde på at folk var så sure, når vi kom på flyet, fra Kastrup til Fornebu.
At nordmenn var værre enn sveitsere og sånn da, og at de klagde og oppførte seg dårlig da.
Noe sånt var det vel Pia sa.
Så sånn var det.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men jeg husker det, at jeg syntes at skolen var viktig, på den her tiden.
For jeg gikk jo på Handel og Kontor, hvor man måtte få gode karakterer, hvert år, for å komme inn, på det neste årstrinnet.
Så derfor valgte jeg å dra hjem fra Sveits, litt før skolene startet da.
(For Pia skulle jo bare begynne i niende klasse, må det vel ha vært).
Så sånn var det.
Og vi hadde jo allerede vært hos Ellen, i nesten to uker vel, tror jeg.
Så det var nesten litt på tide, å komme oss hjem igjen og.
For det var jo vårt første besøk der og.
Og å bli der lenger, hadde kanskje blitt å utnytte gjestfriheten, til tante Ellen, vil jeg si.
Men men.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Så sånn var det.
Jeg spurte vel forresten tante Ellen, (og dem), der nede, om hva danskene mente når de sa 's'gu'.
(Av en eller annen grunn).
Og da mente tante Ellen, at det ble som trønderne, som sa 'sjø', etter en setning.
Men det tror jeg er feil, har jeg tenkt i ettertid.
For jeg har funnet ut det, at 's'gu', (som dansken sier), det betyr 'så Gud'.
(Som i 'det tror jeg s'gu', som de sier i Danmark).
Mens det trønderne sier, 'sjø', det betyr vel 'skjønner du', tror jeg.
Noe sånt.
Hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil da.
Så sånn er nok det.
Hvordan det gikk, i andre klasse, på Handel og Kontor, det skal jeg skrive mer om, i det neste kapitellet, av Min Bok.
Vi får jeg se om jeg klarer å få skrevet det kapitellet ganske snart.
Vi får se om jeg klarer å få ordnet det.
Vi får se.
tirsdag 25. oktober 2011
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:22 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Internships with Marvel, LA Kings, Game Show Network, EMI Music + Dream Careers
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:22 PM
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Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Internships with Marvel, LA Kings, Game Show Network, EMI Music + Dream Careers
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Take an all-inclusive trip next summer. No, not a vacation.
It might only be October but some big name companies -- in cities like London, New York, Hong Kong and Los Angeles -- are already thinking about their interns for next summer. Dream Careers will connect you to those opportunities.
Dream Careers has all-inclusive summer internship & housing programs. We're talking about the chance to test-drive your potential career, and the opportunity to move to a new city and intern full-time.
All-inclusive programs include:
Internship placement
Housing with other interns
A meal plan
Weekend activities
The summer internship program is a great way to gain experience, build up a network in your industry and stand out in your post-grad job search!
The deadline for special financing options and first-access to exclusive companies is this Friday, October 28.
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Santa Monica, CA
Fan Development Intern
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American Federation of Government Employees
Washington, DC
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EMI Music
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:19 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Welcome to The Hospitality Club gaycons !!!
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Erik Ribsskog
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Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Welcome to The Hospitality Club gaycons !!!
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Congratulations, gaycons,
we just accepted you as a member of The Hospitality Club. You can now log into the Secure Area at http://login.hospitalityclub.org and fully use the club to contact and meet other members.
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You can check your personal profile after logging in by clicking on View my profile. Please fill it with lots of interesting information right now so it will be easier for you to find hosts and for other members to contact you. Use the Edit my profile link in your Main Menu.
The Hospitality Club is supported entirely by volunteers, so if you think you could help with anything (no matter how small - if you have a computer, we need you and even 5 minutes a week is enough...:-), please send a message to volunteer@hospitalityclub.org or check out the Help us! section on the site.
At the moment we especially need help spreading the word. The club should grow so we can all meet nice people when we travel. Please tell your friends and friendly people you know about the club, add a link to your signature for all outgoing emails or put a link on your homepage.
Here is an introduction to the most important features of the club:
- Main Menu: you find links to all sections of the site here
- FAQ: answers to most questions, a good place to start your exploration of the site
- Profiles: the heart piece of the site, you can contact any member directly from his/her profile
- Messages: you have a mailbox on the site where you can read all messages sent or received. They are also sent through to your email address
- Comments: write a comment about every other member your personally know
- Search: we have a very powerful search function to find members, learn how to use it
- Forum: a great place to find and share information
- Chat: there are always friendly members in the chat to talk to
- Travel Information: you can edit any section of the Travel Guides and help other members this way
- Volunteers: we all work hard to make the club the best it can be. If you want to help, start by reading the Help us! page
- Feedback: always welcome!!!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please always get in touch with us - the easiest way is the feedback form on the site. Let's make the club one of the nicest things on the internet and in the real world!
We wish you a great time with your hosts and guests!
Greetings from the volunteers!
The Hospitality Club
... bringing people together!
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:19 PM
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Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Welcome to The Hospitality Club gaycons !!!
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Congratulations, gaycons,
we just accepted you as a member of The Hospitality Club. You can now log into the Secure Area at http://login.hospitalityclub.org and fully use the club to contact and meet other members.
Your username is: gaycons
Your password is not transmitted for security reasons - you chose it when you filled in the signup form. If you forgot it, please use the forgot password link at http://login.hospitalityclub.org
You can check your personal profile after logging in by clicking on View my profile. Please fill it with lots of interesting information right now so it will be easier for you to find hosts and for other members to contact you. Use the Edit my profile link in your Main Menu.
The Hospitality Club is supported entirely by volunteers, so if you think you could help with anything (no matter how small - if you have a computer, we need you and even 5 minutes a week is enough...:-), please send a message to volunteer@hospitalityclub.org or check out the Help us! section on the site.
At the moment we especially need help spreading the word. The club should grow so we can all meet nice people when we travel. Please tell your friends and friendly people you know about the club, add a link to your signature for all outgoing emails or put a link on your homepage.
Here is an introduction to the most important features of the club:
- Main Menu: you find links to all sections of the site here
- FAQ: answers to most questions, a good place to start your exploration of the site
- Profiles: the heart piece of the site, you can contact any member directly from his/her profile
- Messages: you have a mailbox on the site where you can read all messages sent or received. They are also sent through to your email address
- Comments: write a comment about every other member your personally know
- Search: we have a very powerful search function to find members, learn how to use it
- Forum: a great place to find and share information
- Chat: there are always friendly members in the chat to talk to
- Travel Information: you can edit any section of the Travel Guides and help other members this way
- Volunteers: we all work hard to make the club the best it can be. If you want to help, start by reading the Help us! page
- Feedback: always welcome!!!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please always get in touch with us - the easiest way is the feedback form on the site. Let's make the club one of the nicest things on the internet and in the real world!
We wish you a great time with your hosts and guests!
Greetings from the volunteers!
The Hospitality Club
... bringing people together!
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:15 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Netflix Shares Tank After Losing Subscribers, And Terrible Guidance
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From: SAI Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:21 AM
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"You’re going to be in the room with the best people in the world making really tough decisions and get to see how the sausage is made.” Read »
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"He's having trouble leading because he's reluctant to offend people or piss them off." Read »
Bill Gates Flipped Out When He Heard Apple Was Bringing Steve Jobs Back
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:15 PM
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From: SAI Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:21 AM
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October 25, 2011
Netflix Shares Tank After Losing Subscribers, And Terrible Guidance
It warns that it might be unprofitable in 2012.
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A look ahead. Read »
Check Out These Pictures From Steve Jobs' Family Photo Album
Never before seen. Read »
How A Bunch Of Tech CEOs Annoyed Obama When They Had Their Big Dinner Earlier This Year
Some great anecdotes from the new Steve Jobs biography. Read »
What It's Like Inside Jony Ive's Super Secret Apple Design Bunker
This is where Apple's future lives. Read »
Steve Jobs' College Mentor Was A Drug Dealer Turned Billionaire Mining Magnate
Robert Friedland's life defies explanation. Read »
When He Was Younger, Steve Jobs Had An Unsual Way Of Trying To Hire People
"Everything you've ever done in your life is s***." Read »
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"You’re going to be in the room with the best people in the world making really tough decisions and get to see how the sausage is made.” Read »
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"He's having trouble leading because he's reluctant to offend people or piss them off." Read »
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Apple was only going to make four products. Read »
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Homes that would cost thousands of dollars per night to rent now cost a few hundred. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:13 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
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From: Money Game Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
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October 25, 2011
Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
Nobody in the media is talking about it.
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REVEALED: The Real Reason The Stock Market Has Had Such A Huge Rally
It's not Europe. Read »
Citi's Steven Englander: European Leaders Are Ignoring One Thing, And It Will Come Back To Haunt Them
It starts with a 'g'. Read »
You Won't Believe What Nicolas Sarkozy Said To David Cameron This Weekend
Utter dysfunction in Europe. Read »
Copper Has Failed Us
There's no crystal ball. Read »
The Streets Of Athens Are Piled With Trash, Transportation Is A Nightmare And Everyone's Trying To Flee
How much longer will they take this? Read »
Markets Doing Nothing One Day Ahead Of Huge Euro Meeting
Calm before the storm. Read »
We're Unusually Excited For Today's Case-Shiller Housing Number
More grist for the bull case? Read »
Okay, Here's Where The Eurozone Mess Stands After Sunday's Big Meeting
Get psyched for Wednesday. Read »
RUMOR: The Government Is About To Announce A Huge Scheme For Investors To Buy Up Tons Of Foreclosed Properties
But it's just a rumor. Read »
The Bullish Case For Housing In 4 Simple Charts
It's all about household formation. Read »
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:13 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
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From: Money Game Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
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October 25, 2011
Citi: 'The Most Interesting Thing You May Not Know About the Housing Market'
Nobody in the media is talking about it.
Read »
REVEALED: The Real Reason The Stock Market Has Had Such A Huge Rally
It's not Europe. Read »
Citi's Steven Englander: European Leaders Are Ignoring One Thing, And It Will Come Back To Haunt Them
It starts with a 'g'. Read »
You Won't Believe What Nicolas Sarkozy Said To David Cameron This Weekend
Utter dysfunction in Europe. Read »
Copper Has Failed Us
There's no crystal ball. Read »
The Streets Of Athens Are Piled With Trash, Transportation Is A Nightmare And Everyone's Trying To Flee
How much longer will they take this? Read »
Markets Doing Nothing One Day Ahead Of Huge Euro Meeting
Calm before the storm. Read »
We're Unusually Excited For Today's Case-Shiller Housing Number
More grist for the bull case? Read »
Okay, Here's Where The Eurozone Mess Stands After Sunday's Big Meeting
Get psyched for Wednesday. Read »
RUMOR: The Government Is About To Announce A Huge Scheme For Investors To Buy Up Tons Of Foreclosed Properties
But it's just a rumor. Read »
The Bullish Case For Housing In 4 Simple Charts
It's all about household formation. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:11 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: THE MCRIB IS BACK: But Why Doesn't McDonald's Sell It All The Time?
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Business Insider
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:18 PM
Subject: THE MCRIB IS BACK: But Why Doesn't McDonald's Sell It All The Time?
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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Monday, October 24, 2011
McDonald's elusive McRib begins its latest comeback tour today, and crowds are sure to gobble up the fabled sweet boneless barbeque pork sandwich in its triumphant return.
Normally, the McRib is only available when individual restaurants decide to make it. Last year, McDonald's rolled it out nationally for a limited time, and it was successful enough to warrant a second go.
So if people love it so much, why doesn't McDonald's offer the McRib at all of its locations, all the time?
The McRib is -- like every other item at McDonald's -- its own brand. And its branding relies, almost completely, on its own scarcity.
Everything McDonald's does with the McRib pushes that image to the fullest. For example, during the 2010 release, McDonald's fired up its Save The McRib campaign, which called on McRib fanatics to go online and sign a petition to keep the McRib on the menu.
The hype the McRib generates doesn't compare to any other menu item McDonald's could ever hope to recreate. From Time to USA Today to the LA Times to HuffPo to the WSJ to Gawker to Entertainment Weekly -- when the McRib comes back, it's everywhere in the media.
Why don't they just make other, new special items to create a similar amount of ballyhoo?
Well, the McRib's effect can't be easily replicated. The sandwich was first pulled from the menu all the way back in 1985, and it has had decades to build its cult following. New item debuts may get people psyched for their initial launch, but a wholly devoted fanbase like the McRib's would take years to cultivate -- and there's no guarantee of success.
Making the McRib permanent nationally is too much of a risk to take. Remember, the McRib also gets people into the store to buy even more, and the effect is amplified with all the build-up before its big comeback appearances -- something McDonald's can only get with the McRib and a few other select items. Customers are dragged in by their insatiable McRib-loving friends, since they don't want to eat alone.
If the McRib was there permanently, it'd likely become just another menu item. It needs the desperate yearning of its fans, a year or more removed from the sweet sandwich, to be the hit that it is.
In a few weeks, the McRib will disappear again, never to be seen ever again -- at least that's how McDonald's wants McRib followers to feel the day the sandwich is plucked from the menu.
So, will it be back next November too?
"It's too early to speculate," McDonald's US marketing director Marta Fearon told Time.
The hype for next year has already begun -- or has it?
NOW SEE: How McDonald's Monopoly Game Became So Ridiculously Successful
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:11 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: THE MCRIB IS BACK: But Why Doesn't McDonald's Sell It All The Time?
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Business Insider
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:18 PM
Subject: THE MCRIB IS BACK: But Why Doesn't McDonald's Sell It All The Time?
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Monday, October 24, 2011
McDonald's elusive McRib begins its latest comeback tour today, and crowds are sure to gobble up the fabled sweet boneless barbeque pork sandwich in its triumphant return.
Normally, the McRib is only available when individual restaurants decide to make it. Last year, McDonald's rolled it out nationally for a limited time, and it was successful enough to warrant a second go.
So if people love it so much, why doesn't McDonald's offer the McRib at all of its locations, all the time?
The McRib is -- like every other item at McDonald's -- its own brand. And its branding relies, almost completely, on its own scarcity.
Everything McDonald's does with the McRib pushes that image to the fullest. For example, during the 2010 release, McDonald's fired up its Save The McRib campaign, which called on McRib fanatics to go online and sign a petition to keep the McRib on the menu.
The hype the McRib generates doesn't compare to any other menu item McDonald's could ever hope to recreate. From Time to USA Today to the LA Times to HuffPo to the WSJ to Gawker to Entertainment Weekly -- when the McRib comes back, it's everywhere in the media.
Why don't they just make other, new special items to create a similar amount of ballyhoo?
Well, the McRib's effect can't be easily replicated. The sandwich was first pulled from the menu all the way back in 1985, and it has had decades to build its cult following. New item debuts may get people psyched for their initial launch, but a wholly devoted fanbase like the McRib's would take years to cultivate -- and there's no guarantee of success.
Making the McRib permanent nationally is too much of a risk to take. Remember, the McRib also gets people into the store to buy even more, and the effect is amplified with all the build-up before its big comeback appearances -- something McDonald's can only get with the McRib and a few other select items. Customers are dragged in by their insatiable McRib-loving friends, since they don't want to eat alone.
If the McRib was there permanently, it'd likely become just another menu item. It needs the desperate yearning of its fans, a year or more removed from the sweet sandwich, to be the hit that it is.
In a few weeks, the McRib will disappear again, never to be seen ever again -- at least that's how McDonald's wants McRib followers to feel the day the sandwich is plucked from the menu.
So, will it be back next November too?
"It's too early to speculate," McDonald's US marketing director Marta Fearon told Time.
The hype for next year has already begun -- or has it?
NOW SEE: How McDonald's Monopoly Game Became So Ridiculously Successful
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:09 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
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From: Clusterstock Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:11 AM
Subject: A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
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October 25, 2011
A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
Grim and grimmer.
Read »
The Truth About 'Margin Call': The Greatest Wall Street Movie That The Public Is Going To Hate
A review. Read »
10 Things You Can Tell About A Finance Guy By Looking At Him On The Morning Train
Observations from Michael Lewis' The Big Short. Read »
Goldman Sachs Was Planning To Support A Fundraising Dinner, Until They Saw This Name On The List Of Honorees
Goldman went "ballistic." Read »
Class Warfare Breaks Out Within The 'Occupy' Movement
Occupy Wall Street is the new 1%. Read »
Poor Whitney Tilson: Netflix Soared After He Shorted It--And As Soon As He Covered, It Collapsed
Not wrong, just early. Read »
Bill Maher Has An Interesting Take On Occupy Wall Street
It's the opposite of what everyone else is saying. Read »
What Are The Psychological Effects Of Blowing Up Like John Paulson Has?
We asked a psychologist. Read »
The 10 Most Surprising People to Show up At The Wall Street Protests
Beyond Michael Moore. Read »
Whoa, BJ Kang Was A Total Jerk When He Arrested Raj, According To Raj
You won't believe what he said to Raj before he and 5 agents pulled him away from his family. Read »
JAT Capital, Tiger Global, And More Are Getting Slammed On Netflix
John Thaler was holding over 2.5 million shares of Netflix as of June 30, 2011. Read »
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:09 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Clusterstock Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:11 AM
Subject: A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
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October 25, 2011
A Greek Trader Tells Us The State Of Things, And Explains Why The Worst Is Yet To Come
Grim and grimmer.
Read »
The Truth About 'Margin Call': The Greatest Wall Street Movie That The Public Is Going To Hate
A review. Read »
10 Things You Can Tell About A Finance Guy By Looking At Him On The Morning Train
Observations from Michael Lewis' The Big Short. Read »
Goldman Sachs Was Planning To Support A Fundraising Dinner, Until They Saw This Name On The List Of Honorees
Goldman went "ballistic." Read »
Class Warfare Breaks Out Within The 'Occupy' Movement
Occupy Wall Street is the new 1%. Read »
Poor Whitney Tilson: Netflix Soared After He Shorted It--And As Soon As He Covered, It Collapsed
Not wrong, just early. Read »
Bill Maher Has An Interesting Take On Occupy Wall Street
It's the opposite of what everyone else is saying. Read »
What Are The Psychological Effects Of Blowing Up Like John Paulson Has?
We asked a psychologist. Read »
The 10 Most Surprising People to Show up At The Wall Street Protests
Beyond Michael Moore. Read »
Whoa, BJ Kang Was A Total Jerk When He Arrested Raj, According To Raj
You won't believe what he said to Raj before he and 5 agents pulled him away from his family. Read »
JAT Capital, Tiger Global, And More Are Getting Slammed On Netflix
John Thaler was holding over 2.5 million shares of Netflix as of June 30, 2011. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:06 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
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From: Europe Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
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October 25, 2011
Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
"Nobody is able to give lessons to their partners".
Read »
These Are The Biggest Retail Thieves In Europe
A closer look at Europe's theft problem. Read »
A Look At 'Umka', The Domed Russian City Planned For Sub-Zero Arctic Temperatures
"Umka" would house workers for Arctic oil and gas works. Read »
WHOOPS: UK Arms Contractor Brags Of Middle East Contract On Crowded Train
He also made strange sexual comments about a colleague (something tells us he might be fired). Read »
UPDATE: No UK Referendum On EU Membership
49% of the country wants out. Read »
BERLUSCONI: 'Bunga Bunga' Is Just Dancing
Lame excuse, Silvio. Read »
British Billionaire Charged By UK's Serious Fraud Office Over Aluminum Bribe
Friend of Tony Blair is charged with fraud worth almost a billion. Read »
The Man Who Told Rihanna To Put Her Clothes On Wants Her To Find "God's Salvation"
Irish politician who demanded Rihanna gets off his land says he doesn't think Rihanna is an "extremely naughty person". Read »
Two Suspected Russian Spies Arrested In Germany
Thought they have been there for over 20 years. Read »
Two British Men Charged With "Conspiracy To Murder" Joss Stone
Follows the arrest of two men in June near Stone's home with a samurai sword. Read »
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:06 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
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From: Europe Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
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October 25, 2011
Here's The Sad, Angry Letter Berlusconi Wrote After Merkozy Laughed At Him
"Nobody is able to give lessons to their partners".
Read »
These Are The Biggest Retail Thieves In Europe
A closer look at Europe's theft problem. Read »
A Look At 'Umka', The Domed Russian City Planned For Sub-Zero Arctic Temperatures
"Umka" would house workers for Arctic oil and gas works. Read »
WHOOPS: UK Arms Contractor Brags Of Middle East Contract On Crowded Train
He also made strange sexual comments about a colleague (something tells us he might be fired). Read »
UPDATE: No UK Referendum On EU Membership
49% of the country wants out. Read »
BERLUSCONI: 'Bunga Bunga' Is Just Dancing
Lame excuse, Silvio. Read »
British Billionaire Charged By UK's Serious Fraud Office Over Aluminum Bribe
Friend of Tony Blair is charged with fraud worth almost a billion. Read »
The Man Who Told Rihanna To Put Her Clothes On Wants Her To Find "God's Salvation"
Irish politician who demanded Rihanna gets off his land says he doesn't think Rihanna is an "extremely naughty person". Read »
Two Suspected Russian Spies Arrested In Germany
Thought they have been there for over 20 years. Read »
Two British Men Charged With "Conspiracy To Murder" Joss Stone
Follows the arrest of two men in June near Stone's home with a samurai sword. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:04 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
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From: Politix Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:05 AM
Subject: RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
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October 25, 2011
RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
20 percent flat tax, 20 percent corporate tax rate.
Read »
TSA Advises Feminist Vibrator-Owner: Get Your Freak On
Positive messaging courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security. Read »
Here Is The Bonkers Herman Cain Campaign Video Everyone Is Talking About
"I am America." Read »
WHOOPS! Vatican Lets Slip Plans For One World Government
Clerical bureaucrats in Rome believe a planetary "authority" should be created to manage all finance and government. Read »
Here Is Obama's Latest Plan To Stave Off The Housing Disaster
But will it work better than the last one? Read »
OOPS? Herman Cain Doesn't Know How The Constitution Gets Amended
"I will sign it." Read »
Obama's New Slogan Has Already Been Co-Opted By The GOP
#WeCantWait is trending on Twitter — but not for the reason Obama would like. Read »
Bachmann's Former New Hampshire Team Just Sent Out A SCATHING Statement
Calls the national campaign "unprofessional, dishonest, and at times cruel." Read »
Rick Perry Is Still Not Convinced That Obama Was Born In The United States
Flirts with fringe "birther" movement. Read »
Epic New York Magazine Cover: Romney Is The One Percent
Democrats are loving this. Read »
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:04 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
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From: Politix Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:05 AM
Subject: RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
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October 25, 2011
RIck Perry Reveals New Tax Plan, And It's A Massive Tax Cut For The Rich
20 percent flat tax, 20 percent corporate tax rate.
Read »
TSA Advises Feminist Vibrator-Owner: Get Your Freak On
Positive messaging courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security. Read »
Here Is The Bonkers Herman Cain Campaign Video Everyone Is Talking About
"I am America." Read »
WHOOPS! Vatican Lets Slip Plans For One World Government
Clerical bureaucrats in Rome believe a planetary "authority" should be created to manage all finance and government. Read »
Here Is Obama's Latest Plan To Stave Off The Housing Disaster
But will it work better than the last one? Read »
OOPS? Herman Cain Doesn't Know How The Constitution Gets Amended
"I will sign it." Read »
Obama's New Slogan Has Already Been Co-Opted By The GOP
#WeCantWait is trending on Twitter — but not for the reason Obama would like. Read »
Bachmann's Former New Hampshire Team Just Sent Out A SCATHING Statement
Calls the national campaign "unprofessional, dishonest, and at times cruel." Read »
Rick Perry Is Still Not Convinced That Obama Was Born In The United States
Flirts with fringe "birther" movement. Read »
Epic New York Magazine Cover: Romney Is The One Percent
Democrats are loving this. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:02 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
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From: Tools Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:03 AM
Subject: iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
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October 25, 2011
iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
Still no word on a Retina display, however.
Read »
Apple Is Building iTV Prototypes, And You Can Probably Expect A 50" iTV By Late Next Year
So says Apple ax Gene Munster. Read »
Google's Spotify-Facebook Killer Is Coming In Two Weeks
The Google Music Store will tightly integrate with Google+ and will have a recommendation engine for sharing music. Read »
RANKED: 15 Must-Download Games For Your New iPhone 4S
The best-looking games to show off your iPhone's new processing power. Read »
At First, The iPhone Was Supposed To Have A Trackwheel Like The iPod
Apple was working on two iPhone models at the same time. Read »
Your 'Back To The Future' Hoverboard Is Right Around The Corner
Straight out of science fiction. Read »
Google's Ice Cream Sandwich Might Flip Console Gaming On Its Head
New Android phones will let you plug in video game controllers via USB. Read »
Steve Jobs Presented The First iPod 10 Years Ago Today
A blast from the past. Read »
Netflix Will Arrive In Ireland And The UK In 'Early 2012'
Taking aim at Lovefilm. Read »
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Business Insider. 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:02 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Tools Select
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:03 AM
Subject: iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
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October 25, 2011
iPad 3 Launching In March With New Dock Connector, Same Screen Size [REPORT]
Still no word on a Retina display, however.
Read »
Apple Is Building iTV Prototypes, And You Can Probably Expect A 50" iTV By Late Next Year
So says Apple ax Gene Munster. Read »
Google's Spotify-Facebook Killer Is Coming In Two Weeks
The Google Music Store will tightly integrate with Google+ and will have a recommendation engine for sharing music. Read »
RANKED: 15 Must-Download Games For Your New iPhone 4S
The best-looking games to show off your iPhone's new processing power. Read »
At First, The iPhone Was Supposed To Have A Trackwheel Like The iPod
Apple was working on two iPhone models at the same time. Read »
Your 'Back To The Future' Hoverboard Is Right Around The Corner
Straight out of science fiction. Read »
Google's Ice Cream Sandwich Might Flip Console Gaming On Its Head
New Android phones will let you plug in video game controllers via USB. Read »
Steve Jobs Presented The First iPod 10 Years Ago Today
A blast from the past. Read »
Netflix Will Arrive In Ireland And The UK In 'Early 2012'
Taking aim at Lovefilm. Read »
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:58 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Welcome to Huckberry
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Huckberry
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:15 AM
Subject: Welcome to Huckberry
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Leading Brands. Better Stories. Members-Only Prices.
Each week we partner with leading urban + outdoor lifestyle brands to bring you a well-edited selection of apparel, gear and travel at members-only prices.
Here's the scoop:
In addition to bringing you the coolest apparel, gear and travel, we also partner with our brands to bring you exclusive access to select products before anyone else.
Sales begin every Thursday morning and typically last 7 days, at which point our site refreshes with new brands.
In addition to our members-only shop, we also get behind the products on our Blog.
Spread the word with your friends.
We'll give you $10 credit for every friend you invite, once they make their first purchase.
Share your personal link below via email, Twitter or Facebook and start earning credit:
©2011 Huckberry LLC | San Francisco, CA I 94133
Powered by Mad Mimi®
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:58 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Welcome to Huckberry
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Huckberry
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:15 AM
Subject: Welcome to Huckberry
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Leading Brands. Better Stories. Members-Only Prices.
Each week we partner with leading urban + outdoor lifestyle brands to bring you a well-edited selection of apparel, gear and travel at members-only prices.
Here's the scoop:
In addition to bringing you the coolest apparel, gear and travel, we also partner with our brands to bring you exclusive access to select products before anyone else.
Sales begin every Thursday morning and typically last 7 days, at which point our site refreshes with new brands.
In addition to our members-only shop, we also get behind the products on our Blog.
Spread the word with your friends.
We'll give you $10 credit for every friend you invite, once they make their first purchase.
Share your personal link below via email, Twitter or Facebook and start earning credit:
©2011 Huckberry LLC | San Francisco, CA I 94133
Powered by Mad Mimi®
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:56 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Welcome to Epicurious.com: Here's your newsletter confirmation
hide details 2:56 PM (0 minutes ago)
Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog
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Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:19 AM
Subject: Welcome to Epicurious.com: Here's your newsletter confirmation
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Newsletter Confirmation
You've got taste!
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Epicurious.com has lots of special features to offer its members, like saving and sharing recipes in your own personal Recipe Box, rating and reviewing recipes, and meeting food lovers in the Epicurious community. Join Now ›
We look forward to seeing you on Epicurious.com.
Tanya Wenman Steel
Editor-in-Chief, Epicurious.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:56 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Welcome to Epicurious.com: Here's your newsletter confirmation
hide details 2:56 PM (0 minutes ago)
Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog
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Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:19 AM
Subject: Welcome to Epicurious.com: Here's your newsletter confirmation
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Newsletter Confirmation
You've got taste!
Thank you for signing up to receive the following free e-mail newsletters and/or mobile alerts:
Recipe Flash
Epicurious Wine Newsletter
Did you know we have other great newsletters that you may be missing out on?
Epi Bytes
Preview, learn more, and sign up ›
Epicurious.com has lots of special features to offer its members, like saving and sharing recipes in your own personal Recipe Box, rating and reviewing recipes, and meeting food lovers in the Epicurious community. Join Now ›
We look forward to seeing you on Epicurious.com.
Tanya Wenman Steel
Editor-in-Chief, Epicurious.com
Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet
fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:54 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
hide details 2:54 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Relis.no Nyhetsbrev
Date: 2011/10/25
Subject: Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Har du problemer med å se denne e-posten? Klikk her for å se nettutgaven.
Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
Metotreksat doseres ofte feil
Overdosering av metotreksat kan ha svært alvorlige følger for pasientene. For å unngå feilbruk kreves det god informasjon og samarbeid mellom pasient og helsepersonell.
Linicin og hodelus
RELIS har fått spørsmål om det er dokumentert at Linicin har effekt mot hodelus. Produktserien Linicin består av forebyggende spray, shampo og løsning. Alle produktene inneholder forskjellig virkestoffer (vitex-ekstrakt/mentandiol, grapefruktekstrakt og dimetikon). Det er bare dimetikon som er anbefalt til behandling av hodelus i terapiretningslinjer. For Linicin-produktene har vi kun funnet fire publiserte studier, og tre av disse er laboratorieforsøk. Artiklene refereres.
Psykiatriske reaksjoner av ny kols-behandling
Psykiatriske reaksjoner er rapportert i alle fem bivirkningsmeldinger mottatt det seneste året for legemidlet Daxas (roflumilast) mot kols.
Hvordan er kvaliteten på omtalen av interaksjoner i Felleskatalogen?
Opplysningene om interaksjoner i Felleskatalogtekstene har blitt sammenliknet med tilsvarende informasjon i tre mye brukte referansekilder om interaksjoner. Felleskatalog-tekstenes beskrivelse av klinisk relevante interaksjoner og håndteringsanbefalinger er mangelfull og stemmer ofte ikke overens med andre kilder.
Osteomalasi på grunn av parenteralt jern
Det finnes data som antyder at jernsukrose (Venofer) gitt intravenøst kan gi hypofosfatemi og osteomalasi. RELIS har sett nærmere på sammenhengen mellom parenteralt jern og osteomalasi, og vurdert om dette er en bivirkning som er like relevant for alternative jernpreparater.
PRES assosiert med immunsuppresiv behandling
Posterior reversibelt encefalopatisyndrom (PRES), også kalt reversibelt posterior leukoencepalopatisyndrom (RPLS) eller hyperperfusjonssyndrom, er assosiert med immunsuppresiv behandling, spesielt cyklosporin og takrolimus. Vi har sett på om også nyere immunmodulerende behandling er assosiert med dette syndromet.
Magnesium som avføringsmiddel til barn
Ved forstoppelse hos barn (som hos voksne) bør primært den bakenforliggende årsak behandles hvis den er kjent. I andre land brukes ulike magnesiumforbindelser som laksantia. RELIS har sett på behandling av forstoppelse hos barn med magnesium spesielt og hva som gjelder generelt i norske anbefalinger.
Over 15.000 svar er tilgjengelige i RELIS databasen. Søk i våre ressurser på nett.
Søk etter svar
Dette er en offentlig finansiert tjeneste for helsepersonell. Vi har tiden, kunnskapen og kildene til å hjelpe deg i din travle hverdag.
Still legemiddelspørsmål
Mistanke om en bivirkning er nok for å sende inn en melding. Din melding kan bidra til en tryggere pasientbehandling.
Meld bivirkninger
Temakveld i Bergen
RELIS Vest inviterer til temakveld om legemidler og eldre tirsdag 15. november kl 18-21.
Informasjon om program og påmelding
arrangerer det årlige kurset Legemidler i en problemløsende hverdag
15. februar 2012.
Sett av datoen allerede nå!
Mer informasjon kommer.
Kommentarer og tips fra alle brukere av RELIS hjemmesider og nyhetsbrevet er alltid velkomne. Send gjerne en e-post til nettredaksjonen. Vi setter også pris på om du anbefaler oss til kollegaer du tror kan ha interesse av det.
Kontakt oss
RELIS Midt-Norge
RELIS Nord-Norge Tips
Tips en kollega om nyhetsbrevet.Avmelding
Klikk her for å melde deg av nyhetsbrevet.
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:54 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
hide details 2:54 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Relis.no Nyhetsbrev
Date: 2011/10/25
Subject: Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Har du problemer med å se denne e-posten? Klikk her for å se nettutgaven.
Nyhetsbrev fra RELIS 25. oktober 2011
Metotreksat doseres ofte feil
Overdosering av metotreksat kan ha svært alvorlige følger for pasientene. For å unngå feilbruk kreves det god informasjon og samarbeid mellom pasient og helsepersonell.
Linicin og hodelus
RELIS har fått spørsmål om det er dokumentert at Linicin har effekt mot hodelus. Produktserien Linicin består av forebyggende spray, shampo og løsning. Alle produktene inneholder forskjellig virkestoffer (vitex-ekstrakt/mentandiol, grapefruktekstrakt og dimetikon). Det er bare dimetikon som er anbefalt til behandling av hodelus i terapiretningslinjer. For Linicin-produktene har vi kun funnet fire publiserte studier, og tre av disse er laboratorieforsøk. Artiklene refereres.
Psykiatriske reaksjoner av ny kols-behandling
Psykiatriske reaksjoner er rapportert i alle fem bivirkningsmeldinger mottatt det seneste året for legemidlet Daxas (roflumilast) mot kols.
Hvordan er kvaliteten på omtalen av interaksjoner i Felleskatalogen?
Opplysningene om interaksjoner i Felleskatalogtekstene har blitt sammenliknet med tilsvarende informasjon i tre mye brukte referansekilder om interaksjoner. Felleskatalog-tekstenes beskrivelse av klinisk relevante interaksjoner og håndteringsanbefalinger er mangelfull og stemmer ofte ikke overens med andre kilder.
Osteomalasi på grunn av parenteralt jern
Det finnes data som antyder at jernsukrose (Venofer) gitt intravenøst kan gi hypofosfatemi og osteomalasi. RELIS har sett nærmere på sammenhengen mellom parenteralt jern og osteomalasi, og vurdert om dette er en bivirkning som er like relevant for alternative jernpreparater.
PRES assosiert med immunsuppresiv behandling
Posterior reversibelt encefalopatisyndrom (PRES), også kalt reversibelt posterior leukoencepalopatisyndrom (RPLS) eller hyperperfusjonssyndrom, er assosiert med immunsuppresiv behandling, spesielt cyklosporin og takrolimus. Vi har sett på om også nyere immunmodulerende behandling er assosiert med dette syndromet.
Magnesium som avføringsmiddel til barn
Ved forstoppelse hos barn (som hos voksne) bør primært den bakenforliggende årsak behandles hvis den er kjent. I andre land brukes ulike magnesiumforbindelser som laksantia. RELIS har sett på behandling av forstoppelse hos barn med magnesium spesielt og hva som gjelder generelt i norske anbefalinger.
Over 15.000 svar er tilgjengelige i RELIS databasen. Søk i våre ressurser på nett.
Søk etter svar
Dette er en offentlig finansiert tjeneste for helsepersonell. Vi har tiden, kunnskapen og kildene til å hjelpe deg i din travle hverdag.
Still legemiddelspørsmål
Mistanke om en bivirkning er nok for å sende inn en melding. Din melding kan bidra til en tryggere pasientbehandling.
Meld bivirkninger
Temakveld i Bergen
RELIS Vest inviterer til temakveld om legemidler og eldre tirsdag 15. november kl 18-21.
Informasjon om program og påmelding
arrangerer det årlige kurset Legemidler i en problemløsende hverdag
15. februar 2012.
Sett av datoen allerede nå!
Mer informasjon kommer.
Kommentarer og tips fra alle brukere av RELIS hjemmesider og nyhetsbrevet er alltid velkomne. Send gjerne en e-post til nettredaksjonen. Vi setter også pris på om du anbefaler oss til kollegaer du tror kan ha interesse av det.
Kontakt oss
RELIS Midt-Norge
RELIS Nord-Norge Tips
Tips en kollega om nyhetsbrevet.Avmelding
Klikk her for å melde deg av nyhetsbrevet.
Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet
fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:51 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Boys Play Extends. Panto Now Booking
hide details 2:51 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Spencer Circa
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:46 AM
Subject: Boys Play Extends. Panto Now Booking
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
HomeDaily CircaNewsletterLondon EventsUK Gay EventsShopping Mall
Above the Stag Theatre presents
Final week - no further extension possible - must end October 30th
Boys Play / Extra Virgin two homo-erotic tales of hero worship
cast : Theo Ancient, Alexander Pritchett, Freddie Hogan, Kane John Scott
Above the Stag Theatre
Tues - Sat 7.30pm; Sun 6.00pm
Tickets £15
Book online at www.abovethestag.com
Now booking - London's favourite, filthiest, gay panto team is back!
SLEEPING BEAUTY, One Little Prick...
by Jon Bradfield & Martin Hooper
the writers of Dick Whittington - Another Dick in City Hall and last year's sell-out smash hit Robin Hood - Queen of Thieves
In 1911 (a bit before Downton Abbey) a wicked fairy gets in a pissy fit when she's not invited to a party. (It still happens...sorry I thought I invited you on Facebook...) Using her best Top Trumps card, she casts a revenge spell that sends the birthday boy into a deep sleep... 100 years later, a prince wakes him with a kiss. But who wants to settle down with a soppy prince? It's 2011 and there are boys everywhere!
It's the perfect festive outing: London's favourite adult panto team is back with another mini epic! Expect romance, songs, magic, cross-dressing, heroics, sweets and really filthy jokes. Near the knuckle? Honey, it's almost up to the elbow...
November 25 - January 8
Tues - Sat 7.30pm; Sun 6.00pm (No peformance Tues 29 Nov)
Matinees Sat 3.30pm; Sun 2.00pm
No performances Dec 23 - 29; No performance Jan 1
New Year's Eve - Sat 31st Dec - performances 2pm & 6pm
Tickets £16
Previews 25 - 27 Nov £12
Book online www.abovethestag.com
Above The Stag Theatre
15 Bressenden place
London SW1E 5DD
To unsubscribe from future Circa (UK) Ltd Broadcasts for circa-club.com, click here.
Circa (UK) Ltd, The Bellbourne, 103 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9QE.
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:51 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Boys Play Extends. Panto Now Booking
hide details 2:51 PM (0 minutes ago)
Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Spencer Circa
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 3:46 AM
Subject: Boys Play Extends. Panto Now Booking
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
HomeDaily CircaNewsletterLondon EventsUK Gay EventsShopping Mall
Above the Stag Theatre presents
Final week - no further extension possible - must end October 30th
Boys Play / Extra Virgin two homo-erotic tales of hero worship
cast : Theo Ancient, Alexander Pritchett, Freddie Hogan, Kane John Scott
Above the Stag Theatre
Tues - Sat 7.30pm; Sun 6.00pm
Tickets £15
Book online at www.abovethestag.com
Now booking - London's favourite, filthiest, gay panto team is back!
SLEEPING BEAUTY, One Little Prick...
by Jon Bradfield & Martin Hooper
the writers of Dick Whittington - Another Dick in City Hall and last year's sell-out smash hit Robin Hood - Queen of Thieves
In 1911 (a bit before Downton Abbey) a wicked fairy gets in a pissy fit when she's not invited to a party. (It still happens...sorry I thought I invited you on Facebook...) Using her best Top Trumps card, she casts a revenge spell that sends the birthday boy into a deep sleep... 100 years later, a prince wakes him with a kiss. But who wants to settle down with a soppy prince? It's 2011 and there are boys everywhere!
It's the perfect festive outing: London's favourite adult panto team is back with another mini epic! Expect romance, songs, magic, cross-dressing, heroics, sweets and really filthy jokes. Near the knuckle? Honey, it's almost up to the elbow...
November 25 - January 8
Tues - Sat 7.30pm; Sun 6.00pm (No peformance Tues 29 Nov)
Matinees Sat 3.30pm; Sun 2.00pm
No performances Dec 23 - 29; No performance Jan 1
New Year's Eve - Sat 31st Dec - performances 2pm & 6pm
Tickets £16
Previews 25 - 27 Nov £12
Book online www.abovethestag.com
Above The Stag Theatre
15 Bressenden place
London SW1E 5DD
To unsubscribe from future Circa (UK) Ltd Broadcasts for circa-club.com, click here.
Circa (UK) Ltd, The Bellbourne, 103 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9QE.
Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet
fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Erik, take a look at our top ten courses
hide details 2:49 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: InRetail
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:39 AM
Subject: Erik, take a look at our top ten courses
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Professional courses to boost your career
Dear Erik
We've partnered with Home Learning College, the UK's leading distance learning provider, to bring you training courses that will help you develop new skills and improve your CV.
Select from the top ten most popular courses or click here to see all of the courses available.
Sage Computerised Book-Keeping
Learn the essential principles of Book-Keeping, whilst gaining experience in Sage Instant Accounting Solutions
AAT Level 2 Certificate for Accounting Technicians
Develop a solid grasp of essential accounting skills and principles
Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash
Master two of the web's most powerful design tools in one course
CompTIA A+
Gain the world standard entry-level qualification for computer technicians and engineers
Microsoft Windows 7 Desktop Support
Learn to install and manage Microsoft Windows 7 and provide troubleshooting support
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Gain this highly regarded qualification and demonstrate your IT Systems Administrator or Engineer Skills
Oracle Java Programming
Learn to write powerful and efficient programs for cutting edge technology
CIW Foundation and Site Designer
Access 'real-world' training in the web and internet and open up new exciting career opportunities
Microsoft Office Specialist
Learn to operate Word, Excel and PowerPoint to their full effect and enhance your value in the workplace
Teaching Assistant
A comprehensive level 3 certificate to help you prepare for a variety of child care roles.
0800 975 7825
Gain industry recognised qualifications
Support from specialist
Meet other students in the online campus
Study in your own time, at
your own pace
Flexible payment
Choose from over 35 courses
"Gaining a qualification for my new career has given me an important grounding in my chosen subject and I've now been working in web design for over a year. A Home Learning College course is definitely worth doing."
Dean Bavister, 30,
Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash
inRetail is operated by Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Ltd.
Registered office: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London, W8 5TT.
Registered in England and Wales with company number 3097157.
Copyright © Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Limited. All rights reserved.
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Erik, take a look at our top ten courses
hide details 2:49 PM (0 minutes ago)
Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: InRetail
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:39 AM
Subject: Erik, take a look at our top ten courses
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Professional courses to boost your career
Dear Erik
We've partnered with Home Learning College, the UK's leading distance learning provider, to bring you training courses that will help you develop new skills and improve your CV.
Select from the top ten most popular courses or click here to see all of the courses available.
Sage Computerised Book-Keeping
Learn the essential principles of Book-Keeping, whilst gaining experience in Sage Instant Accounting Solutions
AAT Level 2 Certificate for Accounting Technicians
Develop a solid grasp of essential accounting skills and principles
Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash
Master two of the web's most powerful design tools in one course
CompTIA A+
Gain the world standard entry-level qualification for computer technicians and engineers
Microsoft Windows 7 Desktop Support
Learn to install and manage Microsoft Windows 7 and provide troubleshooting support
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Gain this highly regarded qualification and demonstrate your IT Systems Administrator or Engineer Skills
Oracle Java Programming
Learn to write powerful and efficient programs for cutting edge technology
CIW Foundation and Site Designer
Access 'real-world' training in the web and internet and open up new exciting career opportunities
Microsoft Office Specialist
Learn to operate Word, Excel and PowerPoint to their full effect and enhance your value in the workplace
Teaching Assistant
A comprehensive level 3 certificate to help you prepare for a variety of child care roles.
0800 975 7825
Gain industry recognised qualifications
Support from specialist
Meet other students in the online campus
Study in your own time, at
your own pace
Flexible payment
Choose from over 35 courses
"Gaining a qualification for my new career has given me an important grounding in my chosen subject and I've now been working in web design for over a year. A Home Learning College course is definitely worth doing."
Dean Bavister, 30,
Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash
inRetail is operated by Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Ltd.
Registered office: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London, W8 5TT.
Registered in England and Wales with company number 3097157.
Copyright © Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Limited. All rights reserved.
Terms and Conditions Privacy Statement
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:47 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: SAI Chart Of The Day
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:17 PM
Subject: Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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TechEntertainmentWall StreetMarketsStrategySportsLifestylePoliticsEuropeVideoLatest
Monday, October 24, 2011
Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
Groupon Now is a mobile app that shows users all the deals surrounding them on a map.
Because it allows Groupon to offer more deals than one per day, Groupon Now is the future of Groupon's business.
As Groupon's margins compress, Groupon Now is supposed to save the company by bringing in a huge volume of sales.
Also, because the deals are offered in "real-time" Groupon Now is an important part of Groupon's plan to become a "yield management platform for small businesses" – as one source recently described the vision to us.
Unfortunately, according to Yipit, Groupon Now isn't growing very fast. Read »
Also On SAI Today:
THE DOWNLOAD: The Best Part Of Steve Jobs' Biography
Big, Beautiful Photos Of The 150,000 Square Foot NYC Tech Campus Cornell And Technion Have Proposed
Here Are 20 American Cities And Counties That Could Be The Next Silicon Valley
Android Blows Past Apple To Take The Lead In Market Share For App Downloads
CHART OF THE DAY: Groupon's Massive Losses Aren't So Massive Anymore
CHART OF THE DAY: Microsoft Only Lost $500 Million Online This Quarter!
CHART OF THE DAY: The Scariest Chart For Apple Investors
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Business Insider. 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:47 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: SAI Chart Of The Day
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:17 PM
Subject: Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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TechEntertainmentWall StreetMarketsStrategySportsLifestylePoliticsEuropeVideoLatest
Monday, October 24, 2011
Groupon's Future Is Groupon Now – But Groupon Now Isn't Growing Fast
Groupon Now is a mobile app that shows users all the deals surrounding them on a map.
Because it allows Groupon to offer more deals than one per day, Groupon Now is the future of Groupon's business.
As Groupon's margins compress, Groupon Now is supposed to save the company by bringing in a huge volume of sales.
Also, because the deals are offered in "real-time" Groupon Now is an important part of Groupon's plan to become a "yield management platform for small businesses" – as one source recently described the vision to us.
Unfortunately, according to Yipit, Groupon Now isn't growing very fast. Read »
Also On SAI Today:
THE DOWNLOAD: The Best Part Of Steve Jobs' Biography
Big, Beautiful Photos Of The 150,000 Square Foot NYC Tech Campus Cornell And Technion Have Proposed
Here Are 20 American Cities And Counties That Could Be The Next Silicon Valley
Android Blows Past Apple To Take The Lead In Market Share For App Downloads
CHART OF THE DAY: Groupon's Massive Losses Aren't So Massive Anymore
CHART OF THE DAY: Microsoft Only Lost $500 Million Online This Quarter!
CHART OF THE DAY: The Scariest Chart For Apple Investors
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The email address for your subscription is: eribsskog@gmail.com
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet
fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:44 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Money Game Chart Of The Day
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:17 PM
Subject: You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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TechEntertainmentWall StreetMarketsStrategySportsLifestylePoliticsEuropeVideoLatest
Monday, October 24, 2011
You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
This morning, Citigroup analyst Josh Levin pointed out that inventory of available homes for sale has been collapsing, and that the media hasn't paid attention to this major shift in housing market dynamics.
That may be true, but the market has definitely noticed something going on.
The homebuilder stocks have been on a rocket-ride since the beginning of the quarter, with XHB (the homebduiler ETF) rallying a ridiculous 32% since its low on October 3. It hit a low of 12.21 and is now at around 16.12.
This is a monster move in one of the most hated sectors in the world, and so obviously needs to be paid attention to. Read »
Also On Money Game Today:
THE DOWNLOAD: Europe's Messy Crisis Gets Uglier
The 10 Biggest Problems With Doing Business In China
A Complete Guide To Who's Freaking Out Over A Greek Default
Copper Prices Spike On Bullish Economic Signals Around The World
CHART OF THE DAY: China Catches Up To The US In One Embarrassing Way
CHART OF THE DAY: The New Scariest Chart In Europe
CHART OF THE DAY: Inflation Is A Thing Of The Past
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:44 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Money Game Chart Of The Day
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:17 PM
Subject: You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
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Monday, October 24, 2011
You Won't Believe Much The Homebuilder Stocks Have Rallied
This morning, Citigroup analyst Josh Levin pointed out that inventory of available homes for sale has been collapsing, and that the media hasn't paid attention to this major shift in housing market dynamics.
That may be true, but the market has definitely noticed something going on.
The homebuilder stocks have been on a rocket-ride since the beginning of the quarter, with XHB (the homebduiler ETF) rallying a ridiculous 32% since its low on October 3. It hit a low of 12.21 and is now at around 16.12.
This is a monster move in one of the most hated sectors in the world, and so obviously needs to be paid attention to. Read »
Also On Money Game Today:
THE DOWNLOAD: Europe's Messy Crisis Gets Uglier
The 10 Biggest Problems With Doing Business In China
A Complete Guide To Who's Freaking Out Over A Greek Default
Copper Prices Spike On Bullish Economic Signals Around The World
CHART OF THE DAY: China Catches Up To The US In One Embarrassing Way
CHART OF THE DAY: The New Scariest Chart In Europe
CHART OF THE DAY: Inflation Is A Thing Of The Past
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:42 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
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Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:02 PM
Subject: SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
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October 24, 2011
SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
Gabrielle Reece? David Beckham? You tell us.
Read »
A MAN OF GOD!!!: Here's How Twitter Reacted To Tebow's Fourth Quarter Comeback
Lot's of exclamation points. Read »
Face It People, Cam Newton Is Already Better Than Tim Tebow Will Ever Be
This will be the face of the NFL someday soon. Read »
While You Were Sleeping, The Saints Scored The Most Points In Modern Football History
They slaughtered the Colts. Read »
Watch This Incredible 3D Light Show Over Water That Jordan Brand Used To Hype Carmelo Anthony's New Shoe
Pretty cool technology. Read »
MARIO BALOTELLI: 15 Reasons Why He's The Craziest Athlete On Earth
He once threw darts at youth players. Read »
Tony LaRussa's Daughter Called The Rangers' Manager A 'Crack Head' On Twitter Yesterday
"I truly did not mean to be offensive!" Read »
The Guinness Book Denied A 100-Year-Old Marathoner A World Record Because He Didn't Have A Birth Certificate
India didn't make them in 1911. Read »
Related Topics
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Business Insider. 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:42 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Sports Page Select
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:02 PM
Subject: SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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October 24, 2011
SURVEY: Who Are The Sexiest Athletes Alive?
Gabrielle Reece? David Beckham? You tell us.
Read »
A MAN OF GOD!!!: Here's How Twitter Reacted To Tebow's Fourth Quarter Comeback
Lot's of exclamation points. Read »
Face It People, Cam Newton Is Already Better Than Tim Tebow Will Ever Be
This will be the face of the NFL someday soon. Read »
While You Were Sleeping, The Saints Scored The Most Points In Modern Football History
They slaughtered the Colts. Read »
Watch This Incredible 3D Light Show Over Water That Jordan Brand Used To Hype Carmelo Anthony's New Shoe
Pretty cool technology. Read »
MARIO BALOTELLI: 15 Reasons Why He's The Craziest Athlete On Earth
He once threw darts at youth players. Read »
Tony LaRussa's Daughter Called The Rangers' Manager A 'Crack Head' On Twitter Yesterday
"I truly did not mean to be offensive!" Read »
The Guinness Book Denied A 100-Year-Old Marathoner A World Record Because He Didn't Have A Birth Certificate
India didn't make them in 1911. Read »
Related Topics
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:38 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Carson may be gone, but Chaz soldiers on! Go #ProBono with GLAAD!
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Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 8:56 PM
Subject: Carson may be gone, but Chaz soldiers on! Go #ProBono with GLAAD!
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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Don't forget to catch an all new episode of Dancing with the Stars tonight on ABC at 8/7c!
Last week, fan favorite Carson Kressley’s 80s inspired jive was unfortunately his last performance, but he went out in style and even he managed to sneak some Spirit Day purple into his final interview. Going into week six, Chaz is more determined than ever to step up his game, and you can support him by tuning in and voting for your favorite!
Many media outlets and personalities have celebrated Chaz’s inclusion on the show, and offered strong words of support. Unfortunately some anti-LGBT activists are reacting with hurtful messages and dangerous misinformation about the trans community, and encouraging viewers not to vote for Chaz simply for having the courage to be who he is.
This is this time when Chaz and all the transgender people in our community need your support. Let's send the message back that transgender people are a wonderful part of the fabric of our society, and who deserves the same things as all Americans: respect, love, success, and, yes...the right to show off their skills on the dance floor!
Be sure to also check out the latest in GLAAD's profile series of notable transgender advocates and community members. The newest is on Bamby Salcedo, whose truly remarkable list of advocacy credits includes running a coalition for transgender Latina women and working with HIV/AIDS affected youth.
Voting Information
Information on how to vote for "Team Schwaz" is provided by ChazBono.net
When to vote:
Phone lines, text votes (AT&T customers only) and online voting will open at the top of the show so that viewers can vote for their favorites. Phone and text lines will stay open until 30 minutes after the end of the show in your local time zone. Online voting will remain open until 11AM (Eastern Time)/ 8AM (Pacific Time) the following day.
How to vote:
1. Phone: Dial 1-800-VOTE4-12 if you'd like to vote for Chaz, 1-800-VOTE4-09 to vote for Carson, or visit the show's homepage here to learn the voting numbers of the other contestants.
2. Text: (AT&T Customers Only) Text the word "VOTE" to (to be annouced) from your AT&T phone.
3. Online: Go to www.abc.com and sign in using your Facebook or Twitter Account. If you do not have one, create an ABC.com account.
4. iPhone App: Tap on "App Store" icon; Tap "Search"; Search for Dancing with the Stars; Tap the Dancing with the Stars icon in the search results. *In-app voting feature only available on iPhone to AT&T customers. Verizon and AT&T users will also be able to dial in their votes through the Click to Call option.
For more information on voting go to: http://abc.go.com/shows/dancing-with-the-stars/about-voting
Be sure to visit www.glaad.org/probono to learn about other ways can show your support, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
Read our privacy policy. If you no longer wish to receive GLAAD emails, you can change your subscription preferences.
GLAAD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends on your support. If you are a member, please accept our thanks. If you would like to support our important work, please visit our website.
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:38 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Carson may be gone, but Chaz soldiers on! Go #ProBono with GLAAD!
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Erik Ribsskog
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Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 8:56 PM
Subject: Carson may be gone, but Chaz soldiers on! Go #ProBono with GLAAD!
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
If you cannot see the images in this message, please go to:
Don't forget to catch an all new episode of Dancing with the Stars tonight on ABC at 8/7c!
Last week, fan favorite Carson Kressley’s 80s inspired jive was unfortunately his last performance, but he went out in style and even he managed to sneak some Spirit Day purple into his final interview. Going into week six, Chaz is more determined than ever to step up his game, and you can support him by tuning in and voting for your favorite!
Many media outlets and personalities have celebrated Chaz’s inclusion on the show, and offered strong words of support. Unfortunately some anti-LGBT activists are reacting with hurtful messages and dangerous misinformation about the trans community, and encouraging viewers not to vote for Chaz simply for having the courage to be who he is.
This is this time when Chaz and all the transgender people in our community need your support. Let's send the message back that transgender people are a wonderful part of the fabric of our society, and who deserves the same things as all Americans: respect, love, success, and, yes...the right to show off their skills on the dance floor!
Be sure to also check out the latest in GLAAD's profile series of notable transgender advocates and community members. The newest is on Bamby Salcedo, whose truly remarkable list of advocacy credits includes running a coalition for transgender Latina women and working with HIV/AIDS affected youth.
Voting Information
Information on how to vote for "Team Schwaz" is provided by ChazBono.net
When to vote:
Phone lines, text votes (AT&T customers only) and online voting will open at the top of the show so that viewers can vote for their favorites. Phone and text lines will stay open until 30 minutes after the end of the show in your local time zone. Online voting will remain open until 11AM (Eastern Time)/ 8AM (Pacific Time) the following day.
How to vote:
1. Phone: Dial 1-800-VOTE4-12 if you'd like to vote for Chaz, 1-800-VOTE4-09 to vote for Carson, or visit the show's homepage here to learn the voting numbers of the other contestants.
2. Text: (AT&T Customers Only) Text the word "VOTE" to (to be annouced) from your AT&T phone.
3. Online: Go to www.abc.com and sign in using your Facebook or Twitter Account. If you do not have one, create an ABC.com account.
4. iPhone App: Tap on "App Store" icon; Tap "Search"; Search for Dancing with the Stars; Tap the Dancing with the Stars icon in the search results. *In-app voting feature only available on iPhone to AT&T customers. Verizon and AT&T users will also be able to dial in their votes through the Click to Call option.
For more information on voting go to: http://abc.go.com/shows/dancing-with-the-stars/about-voting
Be sure to visit www.glaad.org/probono to learn about other ways can show your support, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
Read our privacy policy. If you no longer wish to receive GLAAD emails, you can change your subscription preferences.
GLAAD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends on your support. If you are a member, please accept our thanks. If you would like to support our important work, please visit our website.
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:36 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: INSTANT MBA: Regular Employees Are As Important (Or More) Than Managers
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Business Insider
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:57 PM
Subject: INSTANT MBA: Regular Employees Are As Important (Or More) Than Managers
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Today's advice comes from Ruckus Wireless CEO Selina Lo's interview in the New York Times:
"I decided that I would accept things that I never would be good at, and I would hire people who were good at the things I’m not good at, so that I can focus on what I’m good at."
Lo headed to Ruckus Wireless after a stint at HP, and says she's thrived thanks to the startup environment at her new post. She's able to oversee an environment that's more fluid, free-flowing, and less political. Plus, she's assembled a team of entrepreneurial employees who are eager to take on whatever tasks can further projects.
And that enthusiastic spirit is what she looks for in prospective employees. She likes when they relish working in a "gray area" with a job description that isn't fixed, and even says managers at Ruckus Wireless shouldn't expect the workers they oversee to earn less than managers do.
Skilled workers in more hands-on positions are as vital to the continued success of a business as their managers, she says, and should be rewarded.
Want your business advice featured in Instant MBA? Submit your tips to tipoftheday@businessinsider.com. Be sure to include your name, your job title, and a photo of yourself in your email.
Please follow War Room on Twitter and Facebook.
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Business Insider. 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:36 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: INSTANT MBA: Regular Employees Are As Important (Or More) Than Managers
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Business Insider
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:57 PM
Subject: INSTANT MBA: Regular Employees Are As Important (Or More) Than Managers
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Today's advice comes from Ruckus Wireless CEO Selina Lo's interview in the New York Times:
"I decided that I would accept things that I never would be good at, and I would hire people who were good at the things I’m not good at, so that I can focus on what I’m good at."
Lo headed to Ruckus Wireless after a stint at HP, and says she's thrived thanks to the startup environment at her new post. She's able to oversee an environment that's more fluid, free-flowing, and less political. Plus, she's assembled a team of entrepreneurial employees who are eager to take on whatever tasks can further projects.
And that enthusiastic spirit is what she looks for in prospective employees. She likes when they relish working in a "gray area" with a job description that isn't fixed, and even says managers at Ruckus Wireless shouldn't expect the workers they oversee to earn less than managers do.
Skilled workers in more hands-on positions are as vital to the continued success of a business as their managers, she says, and should be rewarded.
Want your business advice featured in Instant MBA? Submit your tips to tipoftheday@businessinsider.com. Be sure to include your name, your job title, and a photo of yourself in your email.
Please follow War Room on Twitter and Facebook.
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fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:33 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tremendous Demand For Free iPhone 3GS, Says AT&T CEO
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Erik Ribsskog
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From: Apple Investor
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Tremendous Demand For Free iPhone 3GS, Says AT&T CEO
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Click To See The Interactive Model
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Courtesy of Yahoo! Finance
AAPL Up Strong With Market
Stocks are on the rise Monday after Caterpillar smashed earnings and raised its forecast on expectations that the economic recovery will continue. Additionally, companies announced a few of takeovers. Shares of AAPL are up strong, regaining ground after last week's earnings disappointment. Catalysts include upgrade cycle and conversion to the iPhone 4S and response to the free iPhone 3GS (see below); update to the iPad in early 2012; continued growth of the Mac business line; mobile adoption in China and emerging markets; the evolution of Apple TV (see below); and platforms such as mobile advertising (iAd), books / publishing and social (Ping). Shares of Apple trade at 8.6x Enterprise Value / Trailing Twelve Months Free Cash Flow (including long-term marketable securities).
The Free iPhone 3GS On AT&T Is Going Like Hotcakes (MacRumors)
AT&T's CEO Ralph de la Vega is seeing "tremendous, tremendous demand for that device even though it’s a generation old." He's of course talking about the iPhone 3GS. He says the company is actually "getting more new subscribers coming on to the 3GS on the average than other devices." Because of pent up demand, he expects AT&T's numbers to surge in the holiday quarter with the launch of the iPhone 4S as well. Who needs a lower-end phone when Apple can mark down the price of previous versions of the iPhone and still be competitive. Read »
T-Mobile Doesn't Have The iPhone Because Apple Won't Make It One (Business Insider)
T-Mobile's senior vice president of marketing Andrew Sherrard explains why the carrier still doesn't sell the iPhone; it doesn't not run on T-Mobile's 3G or 4G networks. T-Mobile has asked Apple to develop an iPhone with the hardware to run on the those networks and it still hasn't. "Ultimately, it is Apple’s decision," he says. Right now, T-Mobile customers can buy an unlocked iPhone but the current iPhone hardware only supports T-Mobile's slower 2G/EDGE network (~1 million subscribers). No wonder the company wants (needs) to be bought by AT&T. Read »
The iPhone 4S Goes Live In 22 More Countries (SlashGear)
After selling over four millions iPhone 4S's in the first week, pre-orders are now available in 22 more countries, giving a huge new batch of customers an opportunity to get their hands on the next generation device. The iPhone 4S is now available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Read »
Steve Jobs Finally Cracked The TV Market (The Washington Post)
Nothing like giving away all the secrets with his passing. Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson that he figured out how to make a better television set. "It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it." Rumors of Apple entering the TV arena have been swirling for a few years now. Apple could shake up the TV industry just like it shook up the phone industry with the iPhone, and the portable computing market with the iPad. But can it do it without Steve Jobs? Read »
Apple Holds Ground On Tablet Market Share (eWeek)
Apple only lost about 1.3% of tablet market share in the summer as Android tablets came out swinging, according to Strategy Analytics. The 11.12 million iPads shipped gave Apple 67% share, down marginally from 68.3% in the spring. Android made up 27% of the rest, with the BlackBerry PlayBook rounding out the bottom. Year-over-year however, when competition was non-existent, Apple had 96% share. Overall, the tablet market moved 16.7 million devices this summer, more than three times the 4.4 million from the same point in 2010. These numbers commingle units shipped and units sold. So take it with a grain of salt. Read »
Android Market Has Caught Up To Apple In Terms Of App Download Figures (VentureBeat)
The Android Market has published more than 500,000 mobile applications. However, Google has removed around 37% of published apps, according to research2guidance. So much for being open. Just as a comparison, Apple's App Store has had over 600,000 successful submissions with about 24% app removal. Android users are expected to download more apps collectively than do their Apple counterparts by next summer with both reaching 3.2 billion downloads monthly. Read »
Apple Steals Yahoo's Data Center Guy (GigaOM)
As Apple ramps up its consumer cloud, spending up to $1 billion on a North Carolina data center, the company needs someone to run it. Scott Noteboom, the man who led Yahoo’s data center operations since 2005, has now joined Apple as a “distinguished gentleman,” according to LinkedIn. Noteboom was involved in Yahoo’s chicken coop data centers and helped expand Yahoo’s Internet portal in scale. Read »
Jonathan Ive Is Untouchable At Apple (AppleInsider)
Apple's design chief Jonathan Ive has no true boss who can tell him what to do at the company, a distinction put in place by Steve Jobs himself. Jobs revealed that he viewed Ive as his "spiritual partner" at Apple and as such left him more freedom than anyone else in the company. A freedom that remains and "there's no one at the company who can tell Ive what to do." That doesn't mean that Steve didn't take credit for a lot of Ive's ideas, however. Ive, a 44-year-old native of London, joined Apple in 1996 and has held his current job since 1997. Read »
Get complete Apple coverage on Business Insider. Read »
Heather Leonard is a former tech research associate at Goldman Sachs and co-host of Business Insider's daily video show.
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dateTue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:33 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tremendous Demand For Free iPhone 3GS, Says AT&T CEO
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From: Apple Investor
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Tremendous Demand For Free iPhone 3GS, Says AT&T CEO
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Click To See The Interactive Model
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Courtesy of Yahoo! Finance
AAPL Up Strong With Market
Stocks are on the rise Monday after Caterpillar smashed earnings and raised its forecast on expectations that the economic recovery will continue. Additionally, companies announced a few of takeovers. Shares of AAPL are up strong, regaining ground after last week's earnings disappointment. Catalysts include upgrade cycle and conversion to the iPhone 4S and response to the free iPhone 3GS (see below); update to the iPad in early 2012; continued growth of the Mac business line; mobile adoption in China and emerging markets; the evolution of Apple TV (see below); and platforms such as mobile advertising (iAd), books / publishing and social (Ping). Shares of Apple trade at 8.6x Enterprise Value / Trailing Twelve Months Free Cash Flow (including long-term marketable securities).
The Free iPhone 3GS On AT&T Is Going Like Hotcakes (MacRumors)
AT&T's CEO Ralph de la Vega is seeing "tremendous, tremendous demand for that device even though it’s a generation old." He's of course talking about the iPhone 3GS. He says the company is actually "getting more new subscribers coming on to the 3GS on the average than other devices." Because of pent up demand, he expects AT&T's numbers to surge in the holiday quarter with the launch of the iPhone 4S as well. Who needs a lower-end phone when Apple can mark down the price of previous versions of the iPhone and still be competitive. Read »
T-Mobile Doesn't Have The iPhone Because Apple Won't Make It One (Business Insider)
T-Mobile's senior vice president of marketing Andrew Sherrard explains why the carrier still doesn't sell the iPhone; it doesn't not run on T-Mobile's 3G or 4G networks. T-Mobile has asked Apple to develop an iPhone with the hardware to run on the those networks and it still hasn't. "Ultimately, it is Apple’s decision," he says. Right now, T-Mobile customers can buy an unlocked iPhone but the current iPhone hardware only supports T-Mobile's slower 2G/EDGE network (~1 million subscribers). No wonder the company wants (needs) to be bought by AT&T. Read »
The iPhone 4S Goes Live In 22 More Countries (SlashGear)
After selling over four millions iPhone 4S's in the first week, pre-orders are now available in 22 more countries, giving a huge new batch of customers an opportunity to get their hands on the next generation device. The iPhone 4S is now available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Read »
Steve Jobs Finally Cracked The TV Market (The Washington Post)
Nothing like giving away all the secrets with his passing. Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson that he figured out how to make a better television set. "It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it." Rumors of Apple entering the TV arena have been swirling for a few years now. Apple could shake up the TV industry just like it shook up the phone industry with the iPhone, and the portable computing market with the iPad. But can it do it without Steve Jobs? Read »
Apple Holds Ground On Tablet Market Share (eWeek)
Apple only lost about 1.3% of tablet market share in the summer as Android tablets came out swinging, according to Strategy Analytics. The 11.12 million iPads shipped gave Apple 67% share, down marginally from 68.3% in the spring. Android made up 27% of the rest, with the BlackBerry PlayBook rounding out the bottom. Year-over-year however, when competition was non-existent, Apple had 96% share. Overall, the tablet market moved 16.7 million devices this summer, more than three times the 4.4 million from the same point in 2010. These numbers commingle units shipped and units sold. So take it with a grain of salt. Read »
Android Market Has Caught Up To Apple In Terms Of App Download Figures (VentureBeat)
The Android Market has published more than 500,000 mobile applications. However, Google has removed around 37% of published apps, according to research2guidance. So much for being open. Just as a comparison, Apple's App Store has had over 600,000 successful submissions with about 24% app removal. Android users are expected to download more apps collectively than do their Apple counterparts by next summer with both reaching 3.2 billion downloads monthly. Read »
Apple Steals Yahoo's Data Center Guy (GigaOM)
As Apple ramps up its consumer cloud, spending up to $1 billion on a North Carolina data center, the company needs someone to run it. Scott Noteboom, the man who led Yahoo’s data center operations since 2005, has now joined Apple as a “distinguished gentleman,” according to LinkedIn. Noteboom was involved in Yahoo’s chicken coop data centers and helped expand Yahoo’s Internet portal in scale. Read »
Jonathan Ive Is Untouchable At Apple (AppleInsider)
Apple's design chief Jonathan Ive has no true boss who can tell him what to do at the company, a distinction put in place by Steve Jobs himself. Jobs revealed that he viewed Ive as his "spiritual partner" at Apple and as such left him more freedom than anyone else in the company. A freedom that remains and "there's no one at the company who can tell Ive what to do." That doesn't mean that Steve didn't take credit for a lot of Ive's ideas, however. Ive, a 44-year-old native of London, joined Apple in 1996 and has held his current job since 1997. Read »
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Heather Leonard is a former tech research associate at Goldman Sachs and co-host of Business Insider's daily video show.
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