MAS skal sette opp persienner nå

Igjen ingen informasjon.

De bare banka på døra mi i dag, for å si at noen ville banke på døra, noen minutter seinere, for å måle opp vinduene.

Og de har nettopp malt her og.

Men jeg har tak over hodet ihvertfall, så det er jo bra på den måten.

Bolig, (eller varme), er jo et primærbehov, (sammen med mat og luft, var det vel), lærte jeg da jeg gikk på handel og kontor.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:

maslow husly

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående jobbsøking i England

Gmail - Your ref: 30345737


Erik Ribsskog

Your ref: 30345737

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 5:35 PM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 5:33 PM
Subject: Your ref: 30345737
To: Liverpool Direct <>


I got your letter about this complaint today.

I'm still not sure how income support is supposed to work.

I went to the Jobcentre in March 2007, and informed them that I'd got a new job.

The topic of income support wasn't discussed in that meeting.

And it would also be difficult to discuss this then, because I didn't get a fixed monthly income, but a provision-based income, which varied from month to month.

So I would use almost all my time and energy to get an ok income, in the first months, in this job.

Packaging was also a new field for me, so I really had to work hard, and I don't remember the correspondance with the Council in detail.

I ask you if I was eligable for Income Support, for the years 2007 and 2008, in 2009 or 2010.

And then you say it's to late to ask.

But this makes no sense to me, because I can't say I knew how to go forward to get income-support.

I haven't been aware of this, before I started wondering about this, around 2009 and 2010.

I'm from Norway, and I've heard that one can only be three months unemployed, before one get ones first job in the UK.

So I was just happy that I got a job, if you see what I mean.

And was a bit worried that it would be inpolite of me, to go to the Jobcentre, and ask for income-support.

What would people who heard this think, I guess I thougt.

So I don't think it's unreasonable that I bring up this a bit late, since I'm from Norway and don't know the rules for income-support.

I'm in an almost similar situation now, with my web-shop.

But I'm at the same time at Ingeus and the Work Programme, and recieve Job Seekers Benefit.

But now I have to run my business and also apply for new jobs.

So it's a bit harder to focus on my business now, than it was in 2007 and 2008.

Could I get income support now you think, for my e-business?

How should I go forward.

I thought I would have to pay more than the around twelve pounds I pay a month, in arrears.

So this complaint-case is almost academic now I think, since it's not a big amount, due to this it doesn't mean that I lose control on my budget.

I wasn't aware of that the amount to pay for this would be that low.

So it's maybe better to look forward, I think.

Could you please send me a folder about income-support, since I think my situation now is a bit tricky since I have to be both unemployed and self-employed at the same time, if you see what I mean.

Thanks again for your reply!

Yours sincerley,

Erik Ribsskog


I also send a copy to EFTA, since I'm from Norway and have started to update them about the situation with Ingeus/Elect.

Hope this is alright!

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til FN

Gmail - Report of crime


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:32 PM

gbrlo <>



someone in Lebanon search on 'how to rape and have forced sex with erik ribsskog', on Google, I've picked up, on the tracking-cookie-programme on my blog.

I think this is a criminal threath.

I don't get replies when I send crime-reports like this, to the Police, so that's why I send about this to the UN.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

crime report libanon.PNG


Her er vedlegget:

crime report libanon

Jeg sendte enda en ny e-post angående jobbsøking i England

Gmail - Update/Fwd: self employment


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: self employment

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:35 AM


CONTACT-US <>, Contact-Us <>


Hi again,

maybe it's worth investigating if I could be on the programme you mentioned, with the Job Centre.

Since Ingeus/Elect don't have any founding.

I think it could be that the Job Centre were just ignorant, when they called my business a 'hobby'.

Since Ingeus seems to take it seriously.

Perhaps you could check out if I could go on the New Enterprice Allowance Scheme then, with the Jobcentre.

Because I'm not sure if what the Jobcentre did was right.

Calling my e-business just a 'hobby' doesn't seem like something thought throgh, I think.

I can't focus full-time on my e-business now, you see, since I also have to do my job-search.

So if I was on that programme, I could focus more on the e-business.

It's a bit odd that I have to be self-employed one day, and a normal job-seeker the next, when I go to the Job Centre, (like it is now, more or less), I think.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


I also send a copy e-mail to EFTA, since I'm from Norway.

And to the Jobcentre/DWP.

Hope this is alright!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: self employment
To: Ralph Webster <>


well, I don't know, maybe it was a mistake by the Jobcentre, to call my business, a 'hobby'.

That seems a bit strange to me now.

Maybe I should really be on income support, when I have a business like this?

Thanks for the files!

What's the agenda for the next meeting again, I was wondering, if it's ok to ask.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Webster <> wrote:

Hello Erik,

Sorry about forgetting to send the attachment so here it is now although from what you’ve told me about your web site, it may not be very helpful to you.

Unfortunately, i do not know of any funding available to you at this present time and I can’t see anything happening in the short term either. With regards to a self-employed programme with the Job Centre, I think you must be alluding to the New Enterprise Allowance Scheme but the mere fact that you are with Ingeus tells me that you are not eligible for that scheme.

See you on the 24th


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 10 April 2012 16:33
To: Ralph Webster
Subject: Re: self employment


thanks for the e-mail!

I couldn't see any attachments, but the website is quite high ranked with Google, I think, so that's ok I guess.

I was at a programme with Sencia, some time back, and they started talking about founds for marketing, but the web-shop wasn't that good then, so I didn't want to market it already, at the beginning of last year.

So I think that was why I asked Ingeus about self-employed-programme, to check if there was similar founding-opertunities, for marketing, as Sencia mentioned.

Also I was wondering if I should be on a programme for self-employed people, with the Job-centre.

Since I've been working with this web-shop since the automn of 2010, I think it was, that is before I started to go to Ingeus, on the Work Programme.

So that might have been the reason for me being sent to Elect, because I asked Ingeus about the things mentioned above.

But I'll be there for the meeting, the week after next.

When it comes to the expenses, then the reason it isn't a profit for the web-shops, is that some of the costs are fixed, some are to do with samples for pictures, which I'd say is marketing, and some costs are like start-up-costs, since I've had to move between Liverpool and Sunderland, a couple of times, in the last months, due to Landlord-complaint-cases, etc.

But before the next meeting, I thought I could set up book-keeping, for each delivery, so to show the profit-margin better.

Just something I thought about after the meeting today.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Ralph Webster <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

I’m sending you information on search engine optimisation which you may find helpful in making your web site work better for you.

Our next meeting is at 11am on the 24th at Ingeus, see you then.


Ralph Webster

Business Coach


Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående jobbsøking i England

Gmail - self employment


Erik Ribsskog

self employment

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:04 AM

Ralph Webster <>


well, I don't know, maybe it was a mistake by the Jobcentre, to call my business, a 'hobby'.

That seems a bit strange to me now.

Maybe I should really be on income support, when I have a business like this?

Thanks for the files!

What's the agenda for the next meeting again, I was wondering, if it's ok to ask.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Webster <> wrote:

Hello Erik,

Sorry about forgetting to send the attachment so here it is now although from what you’ve told me about your web site, it may not be very helpful to you.

Unfortunately, i do not know of any funding available to you at this present time and I can’t see anything happening in the short term either. With regards to a self-employed programme with the Job Centre, I think you must be alluding to the New Enterprise Allowance Scheme but the mere fact that you are with Ingeus tells me that you are not eligible for that scheme.

See you on the 24th


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 10 April 2012 16:33
To: Ralph Webster
Subject: Re: self employment


thanks for the e-mail!

I couldn't see any attachments, but the website is quite high ranked with Google, I think, so that's ok I guess.

I was at a programme with Sencia, some time back, and they started talking about founds for marketing, but the web-shop wasn't that good then, so I didn't want to market it already, at the beginning of last year.

So I think that was why I asked Ingeus about self-employed-programme, to check if there was similar founding-opertunities, for marketing, as Sencia mentioned.

Also I was wondering if I should be on a programme for self-employed people, with the Job-centre.

Since I've been working with this web-shop since the automn of 2010, I think it was, that is before I started to go to Ingeus, on the Work Programme.

So that might have been the reason for me being sent to Elect, because I asked Ingeus about the things mentioned above.

But I'll be there for the meeting, the week after next.

When it comes to the expenses, then the reason it isn't a profit for the web-shops, is that some of the costs are fixed, some are to do with samples for pictures, which I'd say is marketing, and some costs are like start-up-costs, since I've had to move between Liverpool and Sunderland, a couple of times, in the last months, due to Landlord-complaint-cases, etc.

But before the next meeting, I thought I could set up book-keeping, for each delivery, so to show the profit-margin better.

Just something I thought about after the meeting today.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Ralph Webster <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

I’m sending you information on search engine optimisation which you may find helpful in making your web site work better for you.

Our next meeting is at 11am on the 24th at Ingeus, see you then.


Ralph Webster

Business Coach


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til FN

Gmail - Report of crime


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:37 AM

gbrlo <>



I'm not sure if I should take this seriously, but I send about this anyway.

I've picked up, on StatCounter, (a tracking-cookie-programme), on my blog, that someone in Thailand, search about, on Google, that I'm followed by 'Martin Kolberg'.

(See attached screen-shot).

Kolberg is a well known politician, (ideologist, I think), in the Norwegian Labour Party.

Send about this just in case.

The Police don't reply to my correspondance, so I'm sending about this to the UN instead.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

jaget martin kolberg ikke bra.PNG


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jaget martin kolberg ikke bra