Jeg sendte en ny klage til Lidl

klage lidl


Her er klagen jeg skrev:


the cashier today just throws the bank-receipt. (In check-out number 1 at 16:47).

This has happened earlier with this cashier, as least once, as I remember it.

The cashier also charged me for one large and one regular carrier, even if I only had two regular carriers.

I also had to complain in the shop because the cashier first told me my goods cost nine pounds, which I understood was to much, it really cost £3.92.

(Receipt numbers 1063 - 187619/01).

Jeg fikk en ny e-post angående patent

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Patent


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Patent



Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:20 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email dated 23.04.2012

All the information you need to start an application is here:

Please also see the booklets on the right-hand side.  An example of how a patent specification should be set out starts at page 15 of the application Guide.

Yours sincerely,

John Hurley

Information Centre

Intellectual Property Office.

Do you provide IP advice for businesses? Do you manage your company's IP? Do you want to improve and refine your knowledge and understanding of IP?

Attend the IP Masterclass - you will develop the skills to conduct an IP health check, gain a thorough understanding of patents, trade marks, designs and copyright along with licensing, brand identity and IP valuation and refine your skills in patent, trade mark and design database searches. For more information go to

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 23 April 2012 16:02

To: Information

Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Patent


well, I think that when it's an invention in the industry e-commerce, which is on the internet and therefore not physical, then it should be obvious that the invention isn't physical eighter.

I think it sounds a bit strange if one can't patent inventions because they are digital and not physical.

And also, like I explained in one of my earlier e-mails I think I can explain why I don't apply at once, because I've been very busy and haven't known about patents in detail earlier.

It isn't right that only professors, (who has learned about patents at University can apply for patents, I think).

I've gone to the University of Sunderland, Faculty of Applied Sciences, and have learned about research there, but we didn't learn about patents, (but I had some problems with the study-loan bank in Norway etc., so that took some of my attention away from the studies).

Further, I wasn't joking when I wrote that I have invented a new industry.

Automated crossword-production.

This invention does for crosswords what book-printing does for books.

Cross-word-writers doesn't have to sit all day any longer like if they were monks in the dark ages.

Now they can just use my invention and the crosswords are made automaticaly.

(After some fine-tuning/re-development to make my invention more commercial, but the invention works at todays date, it's with NITH, and academy in Oslo, I made it in 1991/92, on a Final Year Project, (Module-name: O39/O40), Name on Project : Kryssordkompilator.

I've later not had much time for dealing with things like this.

I had to go to my conscription-service, in the Norwegian Army, in the infantery there, just weeks after finishing the invention.

And there they didn't understand.

When I told my platoon-leading-officer, Sverre Frøshaug, that I had to call my acadamy, (then called NHI), then he started talking about if this was important enough, when we were at an infantery-exersice, in a mountain-area near Kongsberg.

So I didn't get to call NHI, and after that nothing has happened, because then I didn't get to go on a scheduled meeting, regarding the invention, with Ole Øren, head-master, NHI.

Of course it was important, that I called NHI, or else I wouldn't have asked.

So I didn't know what to ansver Sverre Frøshaug then, when he asked me this, on the bus, back to the army-base, in Elverum, where also British Royal Marines, (I think they are), go to practice skiing, in the winters, and compete with us conscription-soldiers from Norway.

So I wondered about how I go forward to apply for a patent for the industry/invention, which I've invented.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Information <> wrote:

       Dear Sir,

       Thank you for your email dated 20.04.2012

       If you apply for a patent in the UK you would need to have in mind an invention that has a physical feature, or features, that you can list and describe (and therefore which we could search) that you believe are new and inventive. 'New' means not having been made publicly available anywhere prior to the day of filing. 'Inventive' means the invention should include an inventive step and not be something could be merely regarded as obvious by someone with a background in that type of industry.

       I think it may be possible to patent software in the USA, but I would advise that you go to for more information.

       The email address is:

       If you are in the UK, the best person to speak to regarding patentability would be a Patent Agent. These are Solicitors who specialise in intellectual property. The Governing body - the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents  - hold free advice clinics around the country: please go to

       Yours sincerely,

       John Hurley

       Information Centre

       Intellectual Property Office.

       Do you provide IP advice for businesses? Do you manage your company's IP? Do you want to improve and refine your knowledge and understanding of IP?

       Attend the IP Masterclass - you will develop the skills to conduct an IP health check, gain a thorough understanding of patents, trade marks, designs and copyright along with licensing, brand identity and IP valuation and refine your skills in patent, trade mark and design database searches. For more information go to

       -----Original Message-----

       From: Erik Ribsskog []

       Sent: 20 April 2012 16:50

       To: Information

       Subject: Update/Fwd: Patent


       I read up a bit more about Software Patents now:

       To use the same termonology, used in the Wikipedia-article, linked to above, I think I would call the method I want to patent an invention in the field/industry of E-Commerce.

       Hope this is easier to understand now!

       Best regards,

       Erik Ribsskog

       ---------- Forwarded message ----------

       From: Erik Ribsskog <>

       Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:40 PM

       Subject: Fwd: Patent



       Wikipedia mentions Software patents:

       In modern usage, the term patent usually refers to the right granted to anyone who invents any new, useful, and non-obvious process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter. Some other types of intellectual property rights are also referred to as patents in some jurisdictions: industrial design rights <>  are called design patents <>  in the US, plant breeders' rights <>  are sometimes called plant patents, andutility models <>  and Gebrauchsmuster <>  are sometimes called petty patents or innovation patents. The additional qualification utility patent is sometimes used (primarily in the US) to distinguish the primary meaning from these other types of patents.

       Examples of particular species of patents for inventions include biological patents <> , business method patents <> , chemical patents <>  and software patents <> .

       Is this only in the US?

       Thanks in advance for any reply!

       Best regards,

       Erik Ribsskog


       This patent is really not web design only, it's more a method, I think one should call it.

       ---------- Forwarded message ----------

       From: Erik Ribsskog <>

       Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:18 PM

       Subject: Re: Patent

       To: Information <>


       thank you very much for the reply.

       Then I understand that this is about copyright.

       Thanks again for the help!

       Best regards,

       Erik Ribsskog

       On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Information <> wrote:

              Dear Erik

              Thank you for your enquiry.

              Unfortunately websites and processes related to them are not protectable by a patent <>  in the United Kingdom.

              A patent protects new physical inventions and covers how things work, what they do, how they do it, what they are made of and how they are made. It gives the owner the right to prevent others from making, using, importing or selling the invention without permission.

              The actual software you have used on your website may be protected under copyright <>  if it was created by you however the idea of how to view and purchase items online is not protectable by UK intellectual property laws.

              I hope this helps with your enquiry. If you have any more queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

              Yours Sincerely

              Andrew Reith

              Information Centre

              IP Advisor

              Unsure how Intellectual Property can benefit you?  Want to see how IP relates to your business and how to safeguard your assets?  Get a FREE IP Health check online using a new interactive tool at -

              -----Original Message-----

              From: Erik Ribsskog []

              Sent: 20 April 2012 13:15

              To: Information

              Subject: Patent


              I have developed a web-shop myself, where one have to point on the pictures, of the goods, with the mouse-arrow, and then you get to read the product-information.

              Then you just click to put the item in the shopping-basket:


              I also have a Norwegian shop:, and I've sold about 100 packets to Norway now.

              So the shop works fine.

              I wonder if I should register a patent on the way one buy the products, since I think that's a unique solution, which I haven't seen anywhere else, and which works fine.

              I'm going to go to the bank again to try to get a business-loan, and then I'm going to try to register this patent.

              I just wanted to send this initial e-mail, to document that I've started working with this a bit.

              Hope this is alright!

              Yours sincerley,

              Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra Lidl

Gmail - Complaint


Erik Ribsskog



Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 8:20 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

As this is a customer matter and not
a press enquiry we are unable to respond to your email personally.

Please contact our Customer Services Team on 0870 444 1234 or fill in our
online Contact Form here

Kind regards,

Lidl UK Press Office

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående forfatterstipend

Gmail - Ekstraordinært stipend/Fwd: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12


Erik Ribsskog

Ekstraordinært stipend/Fwd: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 3:22 AM



her kan man også se, at det er ikke bare sånn, at Min Bok har vært om på TV, (på Tweet4Tweet).

Noen folk, (som jeg ikke vet hvor seriøse er, men likevel), har laget en Facebook-gruppe, om at forlaget Oktober, må gi ut Min Bok:

Men forfatterstipend det kan jeg tydeligvis ikke få.

Jeg synes dere dummer dere ut.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2012/4/20
Subject: Re: Ekstraordinært stipend/Fwd: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12
To: Hilde Fossanger <>


jeg prøver igjen.

Altså Min Bok 2 er jo et annet verk, enn Min Bok.

Jeg kan ærlig talt ikke si at jeg skjønner, hvorfor Min Bok ikke ble godkjent.

Klarer du å forklare det, på vanlig norsk, tror du?

Jeg har også i mellomtiden, etter at jeg søkte om forfatterstipend, første gang, blitt kalt for 'muligens Norges beste forfatter', på NRK.

Så Norges beste forfatter skal ikke få forfatterstipend?

Da blir det bare tull, mener jeg.

Paragrafrytteri, kalles dette her, mener jeg.

Det skulle ikke vært lov.

Erik Ribsskog

2012/4/11 Hilde Fossanger <>

Hei igjen, Erik Ribsskog

Ankenemnda har fattet sitt vedtak. De mener at Min Bok ikke innfrir kravene i retningslinjenes punkt 3 og 4. Dersom du mener Min bok 2 kan innfri kravene i retningslinjenes punkt 3 og 4, kan du legge også denne fram for ankenemnda. Du må i så fall begrunne skriftlig på hvilke måter boka innfrir kravene.

Vennlig hilsen

Hilde Fjærtoft Fossanger


Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening

Tlf.: 22 12 11 44

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 10. april 2012 13:11
Til: Hilde Fossanger
Emne: Re: Ekstraordinært stipend/Fwd: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12


kanskje Min Bok 2 kvalifiserer?

Du sier at ankenemda vedtok ditt og datt på møtet, men jeg har jo sendt til dere både før og etter dette om at jeg foretok en selvstendig prosess i forbindelse med det redaksjonelle.

Dette blir som sovjetstat for meg, må jeg innrømme.

Erik Ribsskog

2012/4/10 Hilde Fossanger <>


Dessverre kvalifiserer du ikke til det treårige arbeidsstipendet, da kravet for å kunne søke er å ha skrevet 100 sider som kan godkjennes etter Retningslinjer for vurdering av faglitterære forfatteres/oversetters utgivelser. Ankenemnda vedtok på møtet 16.3.12 at Min Bok ikke kan godkjennes etter retningslinjene.

Dersom du er under 40 år kan du søke debutantstipend. Du kan lese om debutantstipendet her:

Vennlig hilsen

Hilde Fjærtoft Fossanger


Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening

Tlf.: 22 12 11 44

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 1. april 2012 22:56
Til: Hilde Fossanger
Kopi: post
Emne: Ekstraordinært stipend/Fwd: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12


jeg så på nettsidene deres nå, at dere også har noen andre stipend.

Som dere kaller ekstraordinære stipend.

Jeg tenkte jeg kunne søke på treårig arbeidsstipend til faglitterære frilansforfattere, for Min Bok memoar-serien.

Før jeg søker så hadde det vært greit om dere forklarer grunnen til at jeg ikke fikk ordinært forfatterstipend.

Jeg er litt frustrert, for jeg synes ikke at dere har forklart dette så bra.

Sender derfor kopi til, så kanskje de kan se på det og, eventuelt.

Sender med kopi av e-bok-versjonen av Min Bok, sånn at dere ser at dette er prosjekt som er i full gang allerede.


Erik Ribsskog


Har dere all infomasjonen dere trenger, eller må jeg skrive en ny søknad?

(Har litt mye å drive med for tiden så dess mindre dobbeltarbeid dess bedre, liksom).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2012/3/21
Subject: Re: Vedtak i NFFs ankenemnd 16.3.12
To: Hilde Fossanger <>


jeg forstår ikke referatet deres.

Hva er galt med johncons-blogg liksom?

Det er en blogg med over to millioner sidevisninger.

Og med over 700 'liker' på Facebook.

Så dette er en populær blogg.

Sist jeg bodde i Norge, våren og sommeren 2005, så ble romanen 'Kongepudler' utgitt som bilag i Dagbladet.

Dagbladet har drøye 20.000 liker på Facebook, og jeg har snaue 1000 da, (på johncons-blogg).

Så det er ikke _så_ stor forskjell.

Dagbladet har en redaktør, som var ansvarlig.

Og jeg var ansvarlig redaktør, som blogg-redaktør, på johncons-blogg.

Hva er forskjellen her?

Ville han som skrev Kongepudler fått forfatterstipend?

Jeg synes ikke dere forklarer noe om hvorfor dette er brudd på punkt 4 og 5, i deres regler.

Dere bare sier at det ikke er i henhold til de reglene.

Men hvordan har dere tolket de reglene da.

Hva er galt med johncons-blogg liksom.

Dere 'pisser' jo da på de flere tusen faste leserne av johncons-blogg, (antall lesere ligger på over tusen unike brukere hver dag, og flere hundre av de er faste, så i løpet av en uke, så er det nok over tusen faste lesere innom bloggen, vil jeg si).

Her forstår jeg ikke hvordan dere vurderer dette.

Dere er i forlagsbransjen, men dere mangler visst evne til å uttrykke dere skriftlig, på en forståelig måte.

Du skriver at dette er noe med 'det faglitterære fond'.

Men memoarer de skal kanskje søke fra et annet fond de da?

Jeg er ikke sikker på om memoarer skal kalles faglitteratur akkurat?

Kan dere vennligst greie ut om ståa?

Så hadde dere vært veldig greie.


Erik Ribsskog

2012/3/21 Hilde Fossanger <>

Kjære Erik Ribsskog,

Vedlagt brev fra NFFs ankenemnd med vedtaket de gjorde 16.3.12, samt utdrag fra den delen av referatet som angår din sak.

Vennlig hilsen

Hilde Fjærtoft Fossanger


Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening

Tlf.: 22 12 11 44