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Gmail - CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


Erik Ribsskog

CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 7:19 PM

Executive Customer Relations <>


thank you very much for your e-mail!

I got the 'Min Bok 2'-books on my door with DHL today.

Thank you very much for that!

I checked the 'Jenny Skavlan' book-cover now, and now I think it looked very fine.

Thanks for the help with that!

(I know I can change it myself but I think your cover-creator has a bug that split up the words in an 'un-professional way, on the back of some of the book-covers.

It seems to me at least.

If I'm allowed to give some feedback.

I used to read a lot of books, (when I lived in Norway).

I had a stressing life and used to read at night, or else I sometimes didn't manage to fall asleep.

So I had many boxes with books in Norway, (with some antiques etc., which a storage-company don't want to send me, to where I live now, in the UK).

So I have opinions on books, since I used to buy and read a lot of books, and also go to the library a lot, in my 'previous, Norwegian life').

I could have a look in Open Office Writer and see if I can learn how to get page-numbers on the pages there.

If so, I can change the title-pages etc., myself, so that they aren't that squeezed.

I've noticed some typo's etc. now, in the Adeler-book, when I read the paperback-version.

So I'm going to have a look at Open Office Writer first I thought.

Because I don't want to be unreasonable.

Since I've already gotten a lot of extra stuff from you.

So I could try to fix this myself first, at least.

I thought.

Thanks again for the fine books.

I have to say I'm impressed by the quality of the books.

The paperback-books I used to buy in Norway, often was made with lower quality paper, I think, than the ones you sent me.

So I was surprised that the books were that easy to read.

They were very easy to read for being paperback-books, I think.

I have a lot of of other material, on my blog, which I've planned to publish as books as well.

And I'm also wondering about if I should translate my memoirs, to English, on a later stage.

If so I would have material for twenty books, at least I think.

So that's why I try to learn how to do the books properly now.

So the reason I change them a lot isn't to make problems for anyone, but so that I learn how to do them ok, since I'm a beginner.

And English is only my second language, unfortunately, so I struggeled a bit with the Employment Case-book, and changed that a lot of times, to try to get it ok.

Just to explain.

But thank you very much for your patience with me, and thanks again for the fine books!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Executive Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you again for your e-mails. I’ve updated the back cover of “Jenny Skavlan i Finland.” Please let me know if this layout is preferable and, if not, how you would like the text to appear. You can review my edits in the “Cover” section of the Setup phase, by clicking on “Full-Size Preview.”

Regarding they layout for “Skifte etter Magna og Holger Adeler,” we can update the file so the Title Page, Table of Contents and Forward appear on separate pages, typically for a $50 fee; however, we can complete this change at no charge. Please let us know if you would like us to proceed.

If you choose to make changes to your files at a later date, we can supply you with the most up-to-date PDF files we have so you do not lose this information; however, if you submit a new file without the page numbers, for example, the printed book will not contain page numbers.

Finally, the copies of “Min Bok 2” were simply manufactured after the DHL pick-up time for that particular day. There were no other factors that caused the delay.


Ashley Robinson

Executive Customer Relations

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående patentsøknad

Gmail - Patenter


Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 12:41 PM

Infosenteret <>

NITH Oslo <>


ja det er ikke så lett, når NITH ikke svarer.

Ikke vil de sende meg graden min heller.

Eller penger de skylder meg i studieavgift som jeg ikke fikk tid til å bruke, på grunn av militæret.

Og det er også sånn, at jeg ikke får arven min, fra Norge, her jeg bor som flyktning i England.

Hverken fra mors eller farssiden.

Og ikke tingene mine fra City Self-storage, i Oslo.

Har overhørt at jeg er forfulgt av 'mafian', i Oslo, i 2003.

Kan det være noe sammenheng?

Får ikke rettigheter av politiet.

Og har ikke penger til å betale for patent for øyeblikket.

Likevel vil jeg ikke miste rettighetene til oppfinnelsene mine, for å si det sånn.


Erik Ribsskog

2012/8/8 Infosenteret <>


Dersom du ønsker å få informasjon/dokumentasjon fra NHI/NITH må du henvende deg dit.

Når det gjelder patenter og patentering viser jeg til tidligere e-post fra Hilde Seiersten og undertegnede.

Vennlig hilsen

Per Olaf Ranger


tlf 22 38 75 57

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Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 8. august 2012 03:22
Til: Infosenteret
Kopi: NITH Oslo
Emne: Re: Patenter


ja, men problemet er at NITH ikke vil sende meg kryssordprogrammet, som jeg planlegger å ta patent på.

Har dere hatt problem med NHI/NITH tidligere?

Er det vanlig at de saboterer for tidligere studenter?


Erik Ribsskog

2012/8/7 Infosenteret <>


For å få papent på en oppfinnelse må du søke om dette. På vår hjemmeside finner du informasjon om hvordan du søker om patent. Se lenken hvor du finner informasjon om hvilke krav som stilles til en oppfinnelse for at den skal kunne patenteres, hvordan du søker, kostnader knyttet til patentering, behandling av søknaden etc.

Her finner du og informasjon om hvordan du søker om patent i andre land, om internasjonale søknadsordninger etc. Se lenken

Håper dette hjelper deg videre

Vennlig hilsen

Per Olaf Ranger


tlf 22 38 75 57

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Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 6. august 2012 04:16
Til: Ekstern post
Emne: Patenter/Fwd: Patents


sender kopi av en e-post angående patenter som jeg har sendt til patent-myndighetene, i USA.

Har også kontaktet patent-myndighetene i Storbritannia, angående dette.

Ønsker å registrere disse patentene, sånn at jeg slipper å oppleve det, at noen eventuelt stjeler de, og tjener penger på mine oppfinnelser.

Håper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte enda en ny e-post til CreateSpace

Gmail - New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


Erik Ribsskog

New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:21 AM



Hi again,

I've also been wondering about what you wrote, the other day.

That you sent 'Min Bok 2', later than the other books.

What caused this, I was wondering.

I haven't worked with that book, since June, (as far as I remember it), so why haven't this title been available, I was wondering here.

Hope you have the chance to explain about this.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:48 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


I think the Jenny Skavlan-book backside, looks even dummer now.

Because the right margin is very un-even.

E.g. the word 'og' should have been on the first line, I think.

It's almost so that I wonder if it's a provocation.

Also, I've had a look in the paperback-versions you sent me, of the 'Adeler-book' and 'Jenny Skavlan'-book.

I hope I'm not a diffucult customer now.

But I think perhaps all the books should have the 'format/layout', as the Jenny Skavlan-book.

Because in the Adeler-book etc., the Foreword, Table of Contents and title-name, are squesed together, on the first page.

Where as on the Jenny Skavlan-book, these are spread out, so that the title has it's own page, the Table of Content has it's own pages, etc.

I hope I can change this later.

But, are the page-numbers still going to be there, if I upload new file-versions of the books, I was wondering.

Sorry if ask to many questions, but I try to make the books better, so to hopefully sell more books.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

To: Executive Customer Relations <>


I wrote some comments inbetween your text, in my answer e-mail since there were so many topics, which we are corresponding about.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


I used to work as a Shop Manager.

And I don't think the DHL-guy waited that long, before he stopped ringing on my door, today.

Before he went back to his car, to then return with a note, about the packets, which he put in my letter-'box', in my front-door.

But I haven't had that much to do with DHL, (exepct when I bought an Ipod, in 2003, if I remember it right).

So this could be how they do it normally.

I shouted through the door, when I saw the note from them, being delivered, so I got the boxes anyway.

PS 2.

Please tell me if you want me to approve the current proof on the employment-case book.

Since there also are other changes which we have discussed now, (with the un-professinal chapter-headings).

Thanks again for the e-mail!

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Executive Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mails. Your complimentary order was shipped in 5 boxes. The final box containing “Min Bok 2” was picked up from our facility today. You can track this final box at with the tracking number 5079249475. Please let me know if you do not receive these copies by August 10.


Regarding the back cover text for “Jenny Skavlan i Finland” and “Skifte etter Magna og Holger Adeler,” we can update the text so words do not hyphenate and wrap to the next line. However, making these changes will affect the availability of the titles. Please let me know if you’d like us to proceed with these changes.

Yes, that would have been very fine! :)

The books you received, and the digital proof you reviewed, do not have page numbers because page numbers were not included in the original files you provided. We can add the page numbers to each of your titles, which usually includes a fee of $25 per title; however, we would like to complete these changes at no cost to you. We would also like to adjust the chapter headings so they no longer appear on a separate page for free. Again, please let me know if you would like us to proceed.

Yes, that would really be excelent!

I was a bit disapointed when I saw that there were no page-numbers.

I haven't understood how that worked.

Thank you very much!

I'm going to send a copy to EFTA about this, since I've started updating them.

Regarding the Digital Proofer, there are only 219 pages in the file after we removed the blank pages. It appears the page count did not update automatically after this change; therefore, the Digital Proofer is displaying 222 pages. Pages 221 and 222 are appearing in error. Also, only the proof copy will have a “Proof” page, as you see in the Digital Proofer on page 220. Any non-proof copies you order will include our manufacturing information on the bottom of the last page, which you can review in the copies we sent.

Ok, thanks for explaining!

Again, thank you for your e-mails and I look forward to hearing from you soon so we may move forward with the changes outlined above. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions you may have.


Ashley Robinson

Executive Customer Relations

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til EFTA

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:11 AM



jeg sender en oppdatering.

For de sier at de liksom skal gjøre det bedre, også blir det dårligere.

Da er det noe galt, mener jeg.

Sender med kopi av bok-cover, for å forklare hva jeg mener.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:48 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


I think the Jenny Skavlan-book backside, looks even dummer now.

Because the right margin is very un-even.

E.g. the word 'og' should have been on the first line, I think.

It's almost so that I wonder if it's a provocation.

Also, I've had a look in the paperback-versions you sent me, of the 'Adeler-book' and 'Jenny Skavlan'-book.

I hope I'm not a diffucult customer now.

But I think perhaps all the books should have the 'format/layout', as the Jenny Skavlan-book.

Because in the Adeler-book etc., the Foreword, Table of Contents and title-name, are squesed together, on the first page.

Where as on the Jenny Skavlan-book, these are spread out, so that the title has it's own page, the Table of Content has it's own pages, etc.

I hope I can change this later.

But, are the page-numbers still going to be there, if I upload new file-versions of the books, I was wondering.

Sorry if ask to many questions, but I try to make the books better, so to hopefully sell more books.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

To: Executive Customer Relations <>


I wrote some comments inbetween your text, in my answer e-mail since there were so many topics, which we are corresponding about.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


I used to work as a Shop Manager.

And I don't think the DHL-guy waited that long, before he stopped ringing on my door, today.

Before he went back to his car, to then return with a note, about the packets, which he put in my letter-'box', in my front-door.

But I haven't had that much to do with DHL, (exepct when I bought an Ipod, in 2003, if I remember it right).

So this could be how they do it normally.

I shouted through the door, when I saw the note from them, being delivered, so I got the boxes anyway.

PS 2.

Please tell me if you want me to approve the current proof on the employment-case book.

Since there also are other changes which we have discussed now, (with the un-professinal chapter-headings).

Thanks again for the e-mail!

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Executive Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mails. Your complimentary order was shipped in 5 boxes. The final box containing “Min Bok 2” was picked up from our facility today. You can track this final box at with the tracking number 5079249475. Please let me know if you do not receive these copies by August 10.


Regarding the back cover text for “Jenny Skavlan i Finland” and “Skifte etter Magna og Holger Adeler,” we can update the text so words do not hyphenate and wrap to the next line. However, making these changes will affect the availability of the titles. Please let me know if you’d like us to proceed with these changes.

Yes, that would have been very fine! :)

The books you received, and the digital proof you reviewed, do not have page numbers because page numbers were not included in the original files you provided. We can add the page numbers to each of your titles, which usually includes a fee of $25 per title; however, we would like to complete these changes at no cost to you. We would also like to adjust the chapter headings so they no longer appear on a separate page for free. Again, please let me know if you would like us to proceed.

Yes, that would really be excelent!

I was a bit disapointed when I saw that there were no page-numbers.

I haven't understood how that worked.

Thank you very much!

I'm going to send a copy to EFTA about this, since I've started updating them.

Regarding the Digital Proofer, there are only 219 pages in the file after we removed the blank pages. It appears the page count did not update automatically after this change; therefore, the Digital Proofer is displaying 222 pages. Pages 221 and 222 are appearing in error. Also, only the proof copy will have a “Proof” page, as you see in the Digital Proofer on page 220. Any non-proof copies you order will include our manufacturing information on the bottom of the last page, which you can review in the copies we sent.

Ok, thanks for explaining!

Again, thank you for your e-mails and I look forward to hearing from you soon so we may move forward with the changes outlined above. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions you may have.


Ashley Robinson

Executive Customer Relations

så dumt ut tuller hm.JPG


Her er vedlegget:

så dumt ut tuller hm

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til CreateSpace

Gmail - Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:48 AM



I think the Jenny Skavlan-book backside, looks even dummer now.

Because the right margin is very un-even.

E.g. the word 'og' should have been on the first line, I think.

It's almost so that I wonder if it's a provocation.

Also, I've had a look in the paperback-versions you sent me, of the 'Adeler-book' and 'Jenny Skavlan'-book.

I hope I'm not a diffucult customer now.

But I think perhaps all the books should have the 'format/layout', as the Jenny Skavlan-book.

Because in the Adeler-book etc., the Foreword, Table of Contents and title-name, are squesed together, on the first page.

Where as on the Jenny Skavlan-book, these are spread out, so that the title has it's own page, the Table of Content has it's own pages, etc.

I hope I can change this later.

But, are the page-numbers still going to be there, if I upload new file-versions of the books, I was wondering.

Sorry if ask to many questions, but I try to make the books better, so to hopefully sell more books.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: CreateSpace - Executive Customer Relations

To: Executive Customer Relations <>


I wrote some comments inbetween your text, in my answer e-mail since there were so many topics, which we are corresponding about.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


I used to work as a Shop Manager.

And I don't think the DHL-guy waited that long, before he stopped ringing on my door, today.

Before he went back to his car, to then return with a note, about the packets, which he put in my letter-'box', in my front-door.

But I haven't had that much to do with DHL, (exepct when I bought an Ipod, in 2003, if I remember it right).

So this could be how they do it normally.

I shouted through the door, when I saw the note from them, being delivered, so I got the boxes anyway.

PS 2.

Please tell me if you want me to approve the current proof on the employment-case book.

Since there also are other changes which we have discussed now, (with the un-professinal chapter-headings).

Thanks again for the e-mail!

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Executive Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mails. Your complimentary order was shipped in 5 boxes. The final box containing “Min Bok 2” was picked up from our facility today. You can track this final box at with the tracking number 5079249475. Please let me know if you do not receive these copies by August 10.


Regarding the back cover text for “Jenny Skavlan i Finland” and “Skifte etter Magna og Holger Adeler,” we can update the text so words do not hyphenate and wrap to the next line. However, making these changes will affect the availability of the titles. Please let me know if you’d like us to proceed with these changes.

Yes, that would have been very fine! :)

The books you received, and the digital proof you reviewed, do not have page numbers because page numbers were not included in the original files you provided. We can add the page numbers to each of your titles, which usually includes a fee of $25 per title; however, we would like to complete these changes at no cost to you. We would also like to adjust the chapter headings so they no longer appear on a separate page for free. Again, please let me know if you would like us to proceed.

Yes, that would really be excelent!

I was a bit disapointed when I saw that there were no page-numbers.

I haven't understood how that worked.

Thank you very much!

I'm going to send a copy to EFTA about this, since I've started updating them.

Regarding the Digital Proofer, there are only 219 pages in the file after we removed the blank pages. It appears the page count did not update automatically after this change; therefore, the Digital Proofer is displaying 222 pages. Pages 221 and 222 are appearing in error. Also, only the proof copy will have a “Proof” page, as you see in the Digital Proofer on page 220. Any non-proof copies you order will include our manufacturing information on the bottom of the last page, which you can review in the copies we sent.

Ok, thanks for explaining!

Again, thank you for your e-mails and I look forward to hearing from you soon so we may move forward with the changes outlined above. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions you may have.


Ashley Robinson

Executive Customer Relations

Nå har visst CreateSpace lagt på sidetall, i bøkene mine, også. Men jeg fant en del skrivefeil, osv., i Adeler-boken, som jeg ikke er helt fornøyd med

adeler bok med sidetall


Baksiden på Jenny Skavlan-boken ser jo enda dummere ut nå, (synes jeg), etter at de liksom har 'fiksa' på den:

så dumt ut tuller hm

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående patentsøknad

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Patents


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Patents

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:04 AM

Infosenteret <>


jeg fikk to svar fra dere nå, siden jeg sendte først en e-post og så en oppdatering.

Jeg har sendt en e-post tidligere i dag, til din kollega.

(Om dere har hatt noe problem med NHI/NITH tidligere, som ikke vil sende kryssordprogram, osv).

Så jeg venter til jeg får svar om det.

Jeg har ikke så mye penger nå heller.

Og jeg regner med at det koster penger å søke om å ta patent.


Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Infosenteret <> wrote:


Ut fra det du skriver er det nok vanskelig å kunne si noe helt sikkert om det er mulig å patentere det du har beskrevet nedenfor. Jeg vil allikevel gi deg noe generell informasjon i forhold til vilkårene for patentering.

For det første gis det bare patent på oppfinnelser som utgjør en praktisk løsning av et problem, der løsningen har teknisk karakter, teknisk effekt og er reproduserbar. Du kan ikke få patent på en idé uten å forklare eller vise hvordan den kan gjennomføres i praksis. Fremgangsmåter, produkter, apparater og anvendelser kan patenteres. For eksempel glidelåser, datamaskinteknologi og blodanalyser. For å få patent må oppfinnelsen utgjøre en praktisk løsning av et teknisk problem. Det må altså dreie seg om en teknisk løsning.

Videre må oppfinnelsen være ny. At oppfinnelsen må være ny innebærer blant annet at alt vedrørende oppfinnelsen som enten er omtalt i tidligere patenter, tidsskrifter eller annen litteratur (gjelder hele verden), vil være til hinder for å få patent.

Til slutt må oppfinnelsen skille seg vesentlig fra den teknikk som foreligger på området. Den kan ikke bare være en logisk videreføring av tidligere kjent teknikk.

Mer informasjon om vilkårene for å få patent finnes på Patentstyrets hjemmesider:

Dersom din idé oppfyller disse vilkårene kan den patenteres.

Jeg vil også gjøre deg oppmerksom på at Patentstyret tilbyr forundersøkelser mot betaling. Ved forundersøkelser kan du få kartlagt hva slags oppfinnelser som er patentert på et bestemt område, og om din oppfinnelse oppfyller kravene til å få meddelt patent, en såkalt patenterbarhetsvurdering. Mer informasjon om forundersøkelser og priser finnes på Patentstyrets hjemmesider:

Du kan forøvrig gjøre et søk selv i vår database: for å se om noe lignende er patentert i Norge.

For å søke om beskyttelse for oppfinnelsen din i Norge leverer du inn en søknad om patent til Patentstyret. Et norsk patent gjelder bare for Norge. Hvis du ønsker å søke om patent i andre land, er det uansett en fordel å levere inn din første patentsøknad i Norge. Du kan levere søknaden elektronisk via Altinn eller laste ned søknaden på PDF-format. Her kan du lese mer om hvordan du søker patent:

Ring oss gjerne på infosenteret dersom du har flere spørsmål.

Med vennlig hilsen

Hilde Seiersten


Tlf: +47 22 38 73 33/Dir. tlf +47 22 38 75 60

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Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 6. august 2012 19:47
Til: Ekstern post
Emne: Oppdatering/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Patents


amerikanerne var visst ikke så behjelpelige.

Jeg håper dere kan gi meg råd.

Jeg har litt dårlig økonomi, for øyeblikket, men jeg har ikke lyst til å miste rettighetene til oppfinnelsene mine av den grunn liksom.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 6:01 PM
Subject: RE: Update/Fwd: Patents

Thank you for contacting the USPTO Contact Center.

Sorry, we are unable to provide you with more assistance via electronic mail.

For technical patent inquiries, you may contact the USPTO Contact Center (UCC) at 571-272-1000 and request to be transferred to the Inventors Assistance Center (IAC). IAC representatives are available Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

If you have any further questions or if you require additional information, please call the USPTO Contact Center at 1-800-786-9199 or (571) 272-1000 and reference the following Service Request number: 1-222579452.


-----Original Message-----


Sent: 8/6/2012 12:52:55 PM

To: USPTO Info <>
Subject: Update/Fwd: Patents


I've sold candy to both Detroit and the Bronx, from this web-shop, using this invention.
(And I've sent around a hundred orders to Norway, which has been ordered using this invention).
Here from the UK.
So this isn't an idea or a suggestion, this is an up and running invention.

(Please see the link in my first e-mail).
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Patents

this isn't about ideas, these are real inventions that are up and running.

Please confirm that you understand that this isn't about an idea or suggestion.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 1:42 PM, <> wrote:

Thank you for contacting the USPTO Contact Center.

Patents protect inventions and improvements to existing inventions. A patent cannot be obtained on a mere idea or suggestion. Copyrights cover literary, artistic, and musical works. Trademarks are brand names and/or designs which are applied to products or used in connection with services. A patent for an invention is a grant of property rights by the Government through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patent grant excludes others from making, using, or selling the invention. Patent applications are examined for both technical and legal merit. Prior to filing a patent application, a search of existing patents can be conducted.

Users can access searchable databases containing full-text patent information for U.S. patents granted since 1976 and full-page images since 1790 on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) web site at

Inventors should file online via EFS-Web at:
and/or inventors should apply in writing to the Commissioner for Patents using one of two types of patent applications: (1) A nonprovisional application, which begins the examination process and may lead to a patent. (2) A provisional application which establishes a filing date but does not begin the examination process.

For patent forms information, you may visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Web site at Presently, only a few forms are fillable on-line.

For the current schedule of fees, see the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Web site at There are basic filing fees for utility patent applications, design applications, and plant applications. If the owner of the invention qualifies as a small entity (that is an independent inventor, a small business, or a nonprofit organization), the filing fees are reduced by half if the small entity status is claimed. See transmittal forms PTO/SB/05 for utility patent application, PTO/SB/18 for design patent application, and PTO/SB/19 for plant patent application at Please note: Fees are subject to change each year and should therefore be verified before submission to the USPTO.

Checks or money orders should be payable to the "Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office" and sent to the

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The patent grant excludes others from making, using, or selling the invention. A utility or plant patent in force on June 8, 1995, is subject to either the 17 year term from grant or the 20 year term from earliest effective U.S. filing date, whichever is longer. A design patent term is 14 years from patent grant. The right conferred by the patent grant extends throughout the United States.

The terms 'Patent Pending' and 'Patent Applied For' are used to inform the public that an application for a patent has been filed. Patent protection does not start until the actual grant of a patent. Marking of an article as patented, when it is not, is illegal and subject to penalty.

The USPTO Contact Center will send informational materials providing a broad overview of the process of obtaining a United States patent, including general requirements. If you would like to receive this information, please send us your name and mailing address. You can visit the USPTO Web site at

For technical patent inquiries, you may contact the USPTO Contact Center (UCC) at 571-272-1000 and request to be transferred to the Inventors Assistance Center (IAC). IAC representatives are available Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

If you have any further questions or if you require additional information, please call the USPTO Contact Center at 1-800-786-9199 or (571) 272-1000 and reference the following Service Request number: 1-222579452.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: 8/5/2012 09:44:52 PM
To: USPTO Info <>

Subject: Patents

I'm sending you an initial e-mail regarding some patents I've invented.

The first patent is an online 'one-click-shop', for e-commerce.
One just point on the goods with the mouse-arrow, and then clicks to put the item in the shopping-basket.

Like shown on one of my web-shops here:
(It works with PayPal now, but should work with any payment-system with some modification).

I've also invented a crossword-compilaton-programme, some years ago.
When I studied at the academy NHI, (Norges Høgskole for Informasjonsteknologi), once owned by French company Vivendi, in Oslo, in 1991/92, as part of a module called O39/49 Project Assignment.

My transcript from this academy can be found in PS. 5, in this link, from my website, at Angelfire:
The computer-programme I made in Pascal has an algoritm in it that can make crosswords.

The programme first makes the solution for the cross-word, in a matrix, and then finds the synonyms in a word-list, and then prints out the cross-words.
These algoritms, could be used to make commercial crosswords, I think.

One just need to put them in a bigger matrix.
And the programme, as it is, from the early 90's could make commercial cross-words as it is.
One just need to put some more synonyms in the world-list.
But if one works a bit more with it, one could make even bigger cross-words.

But I want to please have patents on these two algorithms, and also the finished programme.
The academy isn't co-operating now, I've overheard I'm followed by some 'mafian' in Norway, so I've ran to the UK, and the programme is in Norway.

Even so I send this as an initial e-mail regarding this.
I've been in contact with UK patent-autorities, but have had problems with getting them to see this from my side.
Am also wondering about contacting Norwegian patent-autorities.

Hope I can get these patents registered with you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk en e-post fra OIA

Gmail - Complaint/Fwd: Complaint against the University of Sunderland/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: Complaint against the University of Sunderland/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland



Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:28 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail, which I have added to our record of your enquiry.

I can confirm until you have completed the University’s internal complaints procedure the OIA is unable to become involved in a review. Accordingly, there is no need for you
to send further information to the OIA at this stage.

Yours sincerely

Timothy Cadd

Enquiries Team Leader

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education

Third Floor

Kings Reach

38-50 Kings Road



Tel: 0118 959 9813


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and training purposes.

The OIA is a charity, registered in England & Wales under number 1141289, and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales under number 4823842.
Registered Office: Third Floor, Kings Reach, 38-50 Kings Road, Reading, RG1 3AA, United Kingdom

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 03 August 2012 06:29


Cc: Enquiries

Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Complaint against the University of Sunderland/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland


I really didn't want to contact you now, after the horrible way you treated me, last automn.

I was dragged out of bed, (not litterary, but by some messenger on my door, a mornning), before I could shave, I was dragged to a meeting.

I lived at university campus, at Clanny House.

I had gotten a letter from the University of Sunderland, confirming that I was going to have a meeting around freshers week, regarding studies in History.

In the horrible meeting you said the letter had a typo.

And you punished me for your error, and threw me out.

You had also contacted the Police who drove me to Sunderland Council, after arresting me.

They talked to the staff there, and got me put in a though hostel for people on probition, etc.

Where the landlady said they were 'very though and very friendly'.

I want compensation for being treated like the Jews in Nazi-Germany.

I follow the advice from IOAHE and send this compaint.

Erik Ribsskog


I also wonder, why can't I have documentation on the TROFL-test, I took in 2004, where I got the best grade?

You say you don't keep these files.

I think this is odd.

I've learned about how important documentation is at your university, so I think it's odd that you don't do this like you 'preach', and keep documentation.

I think you must be lying.

It's like Hitler run your university, I think.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:02 PM

Subject: Re: Complaint against the University of Sunderland/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland

To: Enquiries <>


there's no way I'm going to contact the University of Sunderland again after the unsiviliced way they treated me.

Where the victims of the Holocaust asked to contact the German Nazi-party with a written complaint if they survived WW2?

If you can't help me with this I have to try to get a lawyer or something to look at it if I get more founds.

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Enquiries <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting us.

The OIA was established to independently review complaints from individual students affected by an act or omission of a university. I am afraid that because we are an independent body we cannot
offer students assistance, give advice, or intervene on their behalf. We are not a regulator but we look at complaints from students who have already completed the internal complaint/appeal procedures of the University in question. Once the internal complaint/appeal
procedures of the University have been completed the University should then issue the student with a Completion of Procedures Letter. The Completion of Procedures Letter should state the University’s final decision on the matter and refer the student to the

If you want to find out how to make a formal complaint at your University regarding the problems you have faced, we suggest you look for the complaints procedure on the University’s website
or your Student’s Handbook. You may also wish to contact your Students’ Union for advice.

If you decide to bring a complaint to us after you have been through the University's complaint procedures you should complete our OIA Complaint Form, which you can find here:
, and send it to us together with a copy of your Completion of Procedures Letter. Under our Rules we must receive a completed Complaint Form within three months from the date of
the Completion of Procedures Letter. If you do not receive a Completion of Procedures Letter please write to the University and ask for one.

Please note that our procedures can be very lengthy and our cases often take over six months to be resolved. For further information on the OIA please follow the link to our 'Introduction
to the OIA' leaflet:

I am sorry we cannot help you any further at this stage.


OIA Enquiries Team

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education,

Third Floor,

Kings Reach,

38-50 Kings Road,



Tel: 0118 959 9813


This message is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy or disclose this message to anyone but should kindly notify the sender
and delete the message. Neither the OIA nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan this email and any attachments. Calls to this Office may be monitored or recorded for quality control and training purposes.

The OIA is a charity, registered in England & Wales under number 1141289, and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales under number 4823842. Registered Office: Third Floor,
Kings Reach, 38-50 Kings Road, Reading, RG1 3AA, United Kingdom

From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June 2012 16:36

To: Enquiries

Subject: Complaint against the University of Sunderland/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland


I've been adviced to contact your organisation about this case.

I wanted to complain about and warn, that the University of Sunderland, have no respect for agreements they make, with students, and that the just throw students out, like if they were nazis.

The University of Sunderland also co-operate with the Police, when they throw students out in this Gestapo-ish way, even if they haven't done anything wrong.

I was woken in the morning by a university-staff, who insisted on me going on a meeting right away, and in the meeting with two other staff at Clanny House, I was told to move out, even if I had an agreement I could study History there for the academic year
that ended this month.

But this was paid no respect to and Police then drove me to Sunderland Council and persuaded them to send me to a hostel, which the landlady said was 'very though and very friendly'.

The university also banned me from using the university-library etc., I was told in a letter a Police officer gave me at the hostel.

Later I was thrown out of the hostel for having some garbage on my floor, during an un-anounced inspection, where they wanted to know the MAC-address for my computer.

I had some garbage on the floor, but there wasn't litter-bins in the rooms.

So the hostel was also like nazis, I think I have to say.

If you have to have your room perfect at all times then they are nazi-ish I think.

And I had to walk around in Newcastle all night, before I could get on a bus to Liverpool, the day I was thrown out the second time, in Sunderland, in January.

And this was all started by the University of Sunderland, who just threw me out, (in a horrible way), when I was supposed to study there, for the reason that I hadn't gone to a meeting, about my studies, but the University had written the wrong month on the
letter, so I thought the meeting was in September and not August.

(Since it said September on the letter).

But then they threw me out in August with the excuse that 'September', (on the letter), had been a 'typo'.

But if it was a typo, then it was their fault.

Since they wrote the letter.

So they threw me out because of something that was their fault!

So this was like something that could only happen in Hell, and not at a civilised, academic institution.

So this I wanted very much to complain about.

Because this was so uncivilised and un-academic that it should be cleaned up, I think, so that things like this don't happen to other students there, in August or September this year, and so on.

I hope you agree with me about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 4:16 PM

Subject: Re: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland

To: "Odell, Sandra" <>


ok, this has already been at a high level, at the University of Sunderland.

And I didn't think they treated me fine.

I was even banned from the university library, after they first threw me out, like nazis, (I think I have to say), and co-operated with the Police to send me to a 'very though' hostel, like the Landlady there said they were.

So I think the University of Sunderland participated in hostile power-abuse and tried to use the hostel-guys to use corporal punishment against me.

So I'll definetly not sent it back to the University, but I'll rather send it to the Adjudicator you mentioned in your e-mail.

Thank you very much for the reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Odell, Sandra <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately I do not think that the Joint University Council are able
to help with your complaint. Your initial complaint should be made with the University of Sunderland. In addition, you may want to contact the Office of Independent Adjudicators: The OIA offer a free service to look at individual complaints against Higher Education Institutions in England and Wales.

I hope you find the website useful.

Yours sincerely

Sandra Odell

Sandra Odell

JUC Secretary

College Research Support Team, Business, Law & Social Sciences Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham,

Direct Tel: +44 (0)115 848 8117

Location: Chaucer Room 4704



From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June 2012 15:40

To: Odell, Sandra

Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint against University of Sunderland


I can't see that I've recieved an answer to this e-mail, so I thought I could try to send a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 8:35 PM

Subject: Complaint against University of Sunderland



I wanted to complain about that I was throuwn out of the University of Sunderland, Clanny House, last August, after they wrote a typo in a letter, (like they said), and threw me
out, like if they were nazi's.

They cooperated with the Police who chatted with the Sunderland Council and got me sent to a very though hostel.

I don't think the University can first agree that I can study there and then throw me out like that.

I studied at their Faculty of Applied Sciences, in 2004/05, and was meant to eighter continue those studies or study History.

Some days later the Police went on my door at the hostel and gave me a letter from one of the managers at the University who said I couldn't go to their property any longer.

I also got the best result, on the language-test, in 2004, (a TOEFL-test, I had to take, since I'm from Norway), but this the University of Sunderland don't want to let me have
a document proving.

So I think the University is hostile against me for some reason.

So I wanted to complain about this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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