torsdag 25. oktober 2012

Min Bok 5 - Kapittel 105: Og enda mer fra Rimi Kalbakken

Fra butikksjefmøtene, til distriktsjef Anne Neteland, så husker jeg blant annet det, at det var en pakistansk butikksjef, som sa det.

At hvis han hadde vært like smart, som broren sin, (eller noe sånt).

Så ville han ikke ha jobbet som butikksjef i Rimi.

Da ville han heller ha drevet med noe annet.

(Noe sånt).

Og da var det ikke noen andre som sa noe, (hvis jeg husker det riktig, ihvertfall).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var også ei butikksjef-dame, fra Nesodden, som pleide å være med på butikksjefmøtene, til distriktsjef Anne Neteland.

Hvis jeg husker det riktig.

(Selv om butikken hennes var direkte underlagt regionsjef Jon Bekkevoll, vel.

Hvis jeg husker det riktig, ihvertfall).

Og hu sa en gang det, (husker jeg).

At hvis det var noen Rimi-medarbeidere, som ikke tok med seg en tom pappeske, når de gikk gjennom butikken.

Så hadde de ikke noe i en butikk å gjøre.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var også sånn, på Rimi Kalbakken, at de hadde et vidunder av en microbølgeovn, på spiserommet der.

Denne microbølgeovnen, den kunne nemlig steike Pizza Grandiosa.

Og til slutt, så ble jeg så preget av assistent Kjetil Prestegarden, (og de andre folka som jobba der), at jeg også begynte å kjøpe meg en Pizza Grandiosa, i spisepausen min, da.

Og det var ganske praktisk, egentlig.

For jeg husker fra da jeg jobba som assistent, på Rimi Bjørndal.

At de ferdigsmurte baguettene, som lå i en kjøledisk der.

De ble ofte dårlige, før datoen gikk ut, da.

(Hvis jeg husker det riktig, ihvertfall).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og en gang, så fikk jeg faktisk to biter Grandiosa, av Gurvinder og han unge pakistaneren, som pleide å stable varer sammen.

Etter at de to var ferdige med å ha spisepause, da.

Og da var så sulten, (husker jeg), at jeg ikke klarte å si nei til de pizza-bitene, da.

Selv om jeg vel muligens lurte på om noen kanskje hadde tulla litt med de, da.

(Det er mulig).

Hvem vet.

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Da jeg begynte å gå med de her teip-dispenserne, i den venstre lomma, i Rimi-buksa mi.

(For å henge opp Kjetil Prestegarden-plakater).

Så fikk jeg ikke plass til å ha en Imsdal-flaske der, som jeg pleide å ha i lomma, på Rimi-buksa mi.

(For jeg hadde jo jobba på Rimi Bjørndal.

Hvor assistent Merete pleide å komme med så mange 'practical jokes'.

Som å helle salt i brusen, (var det vel).

Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Så siden det vel ble litt mye å ha både en teip-dispenser og en Imsdal-flaske i den venstre bukselomma.

(For i den høyre lomma så hadde jeg butikknøklene, osv).

Så begynte jeg å sette fra meg Imsdal-flaska mi.

(Som jeg pleide å fylle vann i, fra springen, vel.

For å slippe å handle så mye av de litt sure kassadamene der, vel.

Noe sånt).

På lageret, rett ved døra inn til butikken der.

Og en gang, som jeg hadde fylt på vann, fra springen, i den Imsdal-flaska mi, (må det vel ha vært).

Så syntes jeg at det smakte litt søtt, av det vannet, da.

Og da så jeg det, at noen hadde lagt en brukt tyggegummi-kule, nedi Imsdal-flaska mi, da.

Og det lurer jeg på om må ha vært hu Bimbo-Cecilie, som satt i kassa der, da.

Jeg mistenkte at det var henne, ihvertfall.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

En ting jeg fikk forandra, den første tida, som jeg jobba, som butikksjef, på Rimi Kalbakken.

Det var at ti kroners-markedet, det stod på noen paller, (med palletrekk), på gulvet.

Men på Rimi Nylænde, så hadde jeg pleid å sette alle aktivitetene, opp i høyden, da.

Sånn at kundene slapp å bøye seg ned, for å få tak i varene, da.

Så jeg bytta ut de pallene med mange bruskasser, med Rimi kasseskjørt på da, (het det vel).

Sånn at de ti kroners-varene kom litt opp i høyden, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var også sånn, på Rimi Kalbakken, at mange kunder, (som parkerte på parkeringsplassen utafor butikken), de fikk parkeringsbot.

Selv om de bare var inne og handla mat, da.

Og det pakeringsvakt-firmaet, det var umulig å ha med å gjøre, da.

(Sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).

Så jeg kunne kanskje ha klaget mer, til distriktsjefen, om det her, da.

Men distriktsjef Anne Neteland, hu prøvde jo å lure meg, på lønna, da jeg begynte, i den her jobben.

Så samarbeidet mitt med henne, det var rimelig prega av den her mangelen på kommunikasjon, den første tida min, som butikksjef, på Rimi Kalbakken, da.

For det parkeringsvakt-firmaet der.

Det skremte nesten bort kundene, (vil jeg si).

Så det hadde ville kanskje ha vært i både Rimi Kalbakken, Meny Kalbakken og de andre butikkene, i nærheten, (Intersport flytta vel inn i etasjen over Rimi Kalbakken der, mener jeg å huske, mens jeg var butikksjef, på Rimi Kalbakken), sin interesse, å ha bytta ut det parkeringsvakt-firmaet, da.

Det er mulig.

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Mens jeg jobba, på Rimi Kalbakken der.

Så var det ofte sånn, at det var noe galt, med bilen min.

En gang, så hadde for eksempel noen kasta en ølflaske, i frontruta, på bilen min, mens den stod parkert mellom Rimi-bygget og Waldemar Thranes gate 3 der, da.

Så noen ganger, så måtte jeg ta T-banen, til og fra jobb, da.

Og en gang, mens jeg satt på Kalbakken T-banestasjon der, (etter jobben), og venta, på T-banen.

Så dukka det opp en hel jente-russebuss, (må det vel ha vært).

Som ikke hadde fått russebussen sin enda da, (eller noe sånt), vel.

(Noe sånt).

Og de satt seg, (mer eller mindre), oppå meg, mens jeg satt og venta, på T-banen der, da.

Og ei brunette, hu gikk litt 'borti der'.

Og ropte til meg: 'Skal jeg suge pikken din?'.

Så jeg ble jo litt satt ut av det her, da.

Og jeg fortalte til ei lyshåra russejente, som nesten hadde satt seg oppå meg, at det 'hørtes litt fristende ut', da.

(Da hu begynte å prate om det her, da).

Men jeg klarte å styre meg, da.

Før hu brunetta kom bort til den benken vi satt på, og begynte å ta sånne høye 'sparkepike-spark', da.

I miniskjørt, (eller hva det var igjen), da.

(Noe sånt).

Og hu lyshåra jenta, som jeg prata mest med, av de her russejentene, som hadde egla seg innpå meg, (må man vel si).

Hu sa at hu ikke syntes at hu selv var noe pen, (eller noe sånt), da.

Men jeg syntes vel at alle de her russejentene, var rimelig pene, da.

Så jeg fortalte vel hu russejenta det, at hu så like pen ut, som de andre russejentene der, for meg, ihvertfall.

(Noe sånt).

Før jeg satt meg på en annen T-banevogn, enn de her russejentene, når T-banen dukka opp der, da.

For jeg var jo liksom butikksjef, i Kalbakken-området der, da.

Så jeg måtte jo liksom tenke litt på det og, da.

Og ikke overdrive den her russejente-tullinga, liksom.

(Syntes jeg selv ihvertfall, da).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var fortsatt mye mer som hendte, den tida, som jeg bodde, på St. Hanshaugen.

Og dette tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å få skrevet mer om, i de neste kapitlene, av Min Bok 5.

Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.

Vi får se.

Jeg sendte en e-post til Barclays

Gmail - Re: Home Insurance (KMM1753410I30836L0KM)


Erik Ribsskog

Re: Home Insurance (KMM1753410I30836L0KM)

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 6:55 PM

Internethelp <>


are you telling me that you can't forward my e-mail to the right Barclays-deparment?

This seems very strange to me.

Some years ago regular post was called 'snail mail', that's why I wanted to send this by e-mail.

It's more practical and I haven't got much money for postage now since the Jobcentre are messing with my jobseekers-allowance.

This is bad customer-support from Barclays, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Ribsskog ,

Thank you for your email dated 17/5/12.

We at the Online Banking Helpdesk (the area in receipt of your e-mail) have only limited access to your account details and are unable to assist
with this type of request. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Additionally we are not able to direct this query to your branch as it has been received by e-mail, which is considered a non secure method of

We would suggest that you send your request, in writing, to:

Home Insurance Claim
Barclays Bank plc
Leics.         LE87 2BB

Yours sincerely,
Mike Coy
Barclays Bank PLC

Original Message Follows:


I'd like to deal with this in writing please, if it's alright.

So if you could please just forward this e-mail to your Home Insurance-department?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email dated 13/5/12.

Due to the nature of your query, can you please contact the Home Insurance Department direct on the number below:

Home Insurance: General Enquiries - 0800 0150 246 or from overseas  0044 800 027 9844.
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00, Saturday 08:00 - 18:00, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 16:00 (all UK times).

Home Insurance: Claims -08000279844 or from overseas 0044 800 027 9844 (24 hours, 365 days a year)

Home Insurance: Quotes - Barclays Insurance Services on 0800 068 1696.Monday - Friday 08:00 - 21:00, Saturday 09:00 - 17:00, Sunday 10:00 -
16:00 (all UK times).

We hope this resolves your query.


Our website :

Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Jeremiah
Barclays Bank plc

Original Message Follows:


i had a Home Insurance, when I lived in Leather Lane.

I've been the victim of fraud, from my landlord, and have had problems getting income-support, from the Council, so I suddently didn't have the
 founds to afford the Home Insurance any longer.

Now I've been thrown out, (by Liverpool County Court), after an unfair trail, last automn.

The Landlord, (Imperial Properites/T. J. Thomas), don't want to give me my stuff and deposit.

They've also done fraud, because payments that they collected by their representative George, on my door, for half a year, or so, isn't on the

Also I had to walk through a restaurant, to throw my garbage, and the disco next door, (G-bar), played load music four nights a week.

This was going on from 2006 to 2011.

And I had Home Insurance the first of these years, when my economy allowed it.

I wonder if I have the right to get some sort of compensation from my Home Insurance, that I had with you, some years ago.

Have been thrown out many times, unfairly, since 2011, and haven't got to contact you about this earlier.

I'm no lawyer but I think that perhaps the Home Insurance that I had with you could compensate me, (at least some), since I had it for around
 two of these years.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
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Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-227385#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-227385#>>

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:53 PM

Liverpool Direct <>

"" <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, "mail.gva" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, Melanie Wright <>


this is meant as an update to the Council.

My Council-tax-arrears are being deducted from my Jobseekers Allowance.

So I wanted to update the Council.

The Jobcentre don't communicate in the same way as eg. the Council so they frustrate me very much, so I send copies to other organisations, since the Jobcentre have stopped the money I use for food etc., without informing me, what's going on.

I have been starving for weeks, a month or so ago, but am now going to apply for a crisis-loan next week.

If I don't get a Jobseekers Allowance-payment next week.

I'm now on Ingeus, but they haven't informed me if I'm going to get my Jobseekers Allowance now, even if a change of circomstances-form was mention.

I don't mean to waste anyones time.

I got the best grade in correspondence and document-knowledge at business-school in Norway.

To be honest the Jobcentre is just messing me around.

This all started at a sign on meeting in August, when they refused to let me sign on and dragged me to a 'funny' meeting.

I wasn't even given the names of the people I spoke with there.

And even if I explaned my two small businesses ran in minus, this was sent to Birkenhead, and after this I have gotten no money from the Jobcentre.

They are just being cruel.

I have no idea what to do get this cleaned up.

So I send to a lot of organisations.


Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 227385

Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail.

I can see you have sent your email to a number of organisations. Job Seekers Allowance is dealt with by the DWP and it is them who you will need to speak to regarding this.

Liverpool City Council however, do deal with Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. If this is something you need assistance with I would suggest you book an appointment at one of our One Stop Shops by ringing 0151 233 3016.

There are 11 One Stop Shops located across the city all offering an extensive range of Council services. To find our more about the services on offer, locations and opening times please click HERE.  

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 25/10/12 14:29:14 o'clock UTC
To: <> <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, mail.gva <mail.gva@
Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Appeal to Birkenhead Benefit Centre


I can't see that I've recieved a reply to this e-mail.

Why are you this inhumane?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:22 PM
Subject: Appeal to Birkenhead Benefit Centre
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: "" <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, "mail.gva" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, Melanie Wright <>, Liverpool Direct <>


I'm refering to your letter from manager Ian Marshall, from 26/9, which I got in the post today.

You write that you can not pay me Jobseekers Allowance, from 15/9.

I've been told by the Jobcentre in Williamsson Sq., a couple of years ago, that I can get jobseekers-allowance untill I find a new job.

I'm still unemployed, I only have two small businesses.

But they I worlk with on Sundays, on my spare-time, and I don't earn any money from them yet.

It's like the Jobcentre is putting me on a roller-coaster, now.

First you stop my jobseekers-allowance for no good reason.

Then you start it again.

And now you have stopped it again.

I found roller-coasters amusing when I was a child.

And not as an adult, when it comes to my income.

A week or two back I was more or less starving due to your cruel and unreasonable stop in my Jobseekers Allowance.

Now you want to put more grey hairs into my hair and starve me again, it seems.

For no reason at all.

You don't give a reason for you terror against me.

People who are this cruel shoud work with putting spread on sandwiches.

They shouldn't be in power and distroy peoples life.

Please stop this madness and let me have my Jobseekers Allowance untill I find a new job.

I've showed you my jobseekers-diary every fourthnight since I became unemployed.

So I'm doing my part of the deal, I think.

Erik Ribsskog


I attach a scanned copy of the mentioned letter.

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Jeg sendte en påminnelse til the Jobcentre

Gmail - Reminder/Fwd: Appeal to Birkenhead Benefit Centre


Erik Ribsskog

Reminder/Fwd: Appeal to Birkenhead Benefit Centre

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:28 PM


"" <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, "mail.gva" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, Melanie Wright <>, Liverpool Direct <>


I can't see that I've recieved a reply to this e-mail.

Why are you this inhumane?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:22 PM
Subject: Appeal to Birkenhead Benefit Centre
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: "" <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, "mail.gva" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, Melanie Wright <>, Liverpool Direct <>


I'm refering to your letter from manager Ian Marshall, from 26/9, which I got in the post today.

You write that you can not pay me Jobseekers Allowance, from 15/9.

I've been told by the Jobcentre in Williamsson Sq., a couple of years ago, that I can get jobseekers-allowance untill I find a new job.

I'm still unemployed, I only have two small businesses.

But they I worlk with on Sundays, on my spare-time, and I don't earn any money from them yet.

It's like the Jobcentre is putting me on a roller-coaster, now.

First you stop my jobseekers-allowance for no good reason.

Then you start it again.

And now you have stopped it again.

I found roller-coasters amusing when I was a child.

And not as an adult, when it comes to my income.

A week or two back I was more or less starving due to your cruel and unreasonable stop in my Jobseekers Allowance.

Now you want to put more grey hairs into my hair and starve me again, it seems.

For no reason at all.

You don't give a reason for you terror against me.

People who are this cruel shoud work with putting spread on sandwiches.

They shouldn't be in power and distroy peoples life.

Please stop this madness and let me have my Jobseekers Allowance untill I find a new job.

I've showed you my jobseekers-diary every fourthnight since I became unemployed.

So I'm doing my part of the deal, I think.

Erik Ribsskog


I attach a scanned copy of the mentioned letter.

4 attachments
jobcentre oktober 1.jpg
jobcentre oktober 2.jpg
jobcentre oktober 3.jpg
jobcentre oktober 4.jpg

Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Store Manager

Gmail - Store Manager (SM/WIRRAL)


Erik Ribsskog

Store Manager (SM/WIRRAL)

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:04 PM



I read about this vacancy on the Jobcentre website, and I wanted to please apply for this job.

I've worked ten years as a leader, (four years as a Shop Manager, four years as an Assistant Manager and two years as a Key Holder), in Rimi, (owned by ICA and Ahold), in Oslo and Ski, in Norway.

I've studied Information Management, (including many business-modules), for two years, at an academy named NHI, in Oslo, in the late eighties and early nineties.

I also have a degree in IT, from Oslo University College, where I studied from 2002 to 2004.

I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - Your ref: 10055749, Louise Astbury, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Complaint (Your ref: 10055749)/Fwd: Complaint


Erik Ribsskog

Your ref: 10055749, Louise Astbury, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Complaint (Your ref: 10055749)/Fwd: Complaint

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:12 AM


"" <>, Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US <>, Melanie Wright <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>,, "mail.gva" <>, Liverpool Direct <>


I'm refering to your letter from 19/10, which I recieved just now.

Like I have informed the Council in the forwarded e-mail from 7/9, there's really no change in my income.

I don't have any income at all from my two small business.

You have contacted me about this on 4/9, and I explained everything about this to you then.

Why do you contact me again about the same?

It's no change since 4/9.

This seems almost insane to me that the Jobcentre have contacted you and told lies my income.

I haven't gotten my Jobseekers Allowance for two months, and I have been starving.

This is very inhumane.

I have no money for food again now.

If I hadn't gotten a payment for around £350 from someone last month, I would had starved to death by now.

Please stop this insane stuff and put my Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit back.

Please tell the Jobcentre to grow up and do the same, they haven't sent four payments now, this is around £600 that they owe me now.

And the fifth payment is due on Tuesday next week.

The Jobcentre are just using terror and have gone to war against me it seems.

It doesn't matter what I write to them.

They don't know how to comunicate or inform and are inhumane.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 1:55 PM
Subject: Complaint (Your ref: 10055749)/Fwd: Complaint
Cc: Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US <>, Melanie Wright <>,, DWP ICE gateway team <>,,, "" <>, Liverpool Direct <>


there's really no change in my income.

Like I told the Jobcente, (in Aintree), my two small businesses don't earn any money yet.

It's just the Jobcentre playing games, it seems to me.

I've read in a newspaper archive that I have the Order of St. John in my fathers new line in Norway, so I wonder if it's them who are having 'fun' with me.

Something like this.

At least theres no change in my income.

So I hope you can put this back like before you heard this non-sence, (I think I have to call it), from the Jobcentre, so that I don't get a problem with my Landlord.

The only change in my income now, is that the Jobcentre have stopped sending me money.

So I wonder how to pay for food and electricity.

This will run out here in a few days.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Complaint
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: CONTACT-US <>, Melanie Wright <>,, DWP ICE gateway team <>,,, "" <>, Liverpool Direct <>


I'm refering to your letter of 3/9 which I got in the post today.

First I want to complain that I've gotten a lot of grey hairs due to your lack of communication, the last couple of days.

I signed for a payment on Thursday last week, at the Jobcentre in Aintree.

So I should have gotten that payment on Tuesday, but I didn't get it, so now I have no money.

My agreement with the Jobcentre in Aintree was that I would hear from Birkenhead and then we would take it from there.

But you have broken that agreement.

Because I was going to sign on as usual, in the mean-time.

But you messed with a payment in the meantime.

So that means you have broken an agreement and been doing fraud, (I think I have to say), and made me not get food, and made me get a lot of new grey hair, and you also made me have a protest due to the missing payment/fraud, yesterday.

You don't seem to take people serious.

It's really no change in my income.

I don't get any income from my two small businesses, since they don't earn money yet.

So this is really just dumb.

I've been told at the Jobcentre in Williamsson Sq., a couple of years ago, that there is no limit on how long I can claim Jobseekers Allowance.

I asked about this since I was curious due to the Finance Crises.

But now you write about the tax-years 2006 and 2007.

I worked at Arvarto, (first for Randstand and then for Arvato), from 2005 to 2006.

And then as self-employed untill 2008.

So I have been working for many years in the UK.

So I have the right to Jobseekers Allowance like I'm from the EU, I've been told by EFTA.

What I am supposed to do now?

Your missing payment have left me with no money, and I have no income from my two businesses.

You punish me for showing initiative, and try to start businesses, I think.

My food and electricity is soon running out.

What am I supposed to do?

How can you make mistakes like this?

Erik Ribsskog

6 attachments
jobcentre 1.jpg
jobcentre 2.jpg
jobcentre 3.jpg
jobcentre 4.jpg
liverpool direct 1.jpg
liverpool direct 2.jpg

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til CCCS

Gmail - Correspondence Reply


Erik Ribsskog

Correspondence Reply

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:11 AM

Correspondence Queries <>

"" <>, Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US <>, Melanie Wright <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>,, "mail.gva" <>, Liverpool Direct <>


well, the problem is that the Jobcentre doesn't reply to my e-mails.

They don't know how to deal with e-mails, it seems.

It's like they live in the stone-age.

So I don't know who else to ask to contact them about this, because they are useless, to say the least.

I haven't gotten my jobseekers allowance for two months now.

They are so incompetent and useless and inhumane that I think I have to ask you again to please contact the Jobcentre about this problem.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:

Hi Erik

Thank you for your email.

I am glad to hear you have received the account details for Wescot Credit Services.

In regards to your jobseekers allowance, you will need to raise any concerns with them directly as this is something we cannot get involved with.

Kind regards

Correspondence Advisor
0845 674 0038 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 23 October 2012 11:02
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: Contact-Us; CONTACT-US; offers
Subject: Re: Correspondence Reply
thanks for your reply!

I've gotten a letter from Wescot now with their account-details.

So I intend to start paying them token-payments from next month.

The problem now is that the Jobcentre has stopped sending me my jobseekers allowance.

This is making problems for my budget, since I don't have any income.

Could you please tell the Jobcentre to start answering my complaints and send me my jobseekers allowance?

They have missed four fourtnightly payments now.

So it's been more than two months since their last payment.

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:
Hi Erik.
Thank you for your email.

You will need to contact Wescot directly to request their details for you to make tokens to them.
Kind regards


Correspondence Advisor
0845 272 5400

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 19 October 2012 10:40

To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: Correspondence Reply
ok, I don't think I have gotten their sort-code and account-number.

Do you know this?
I also sent you an update, on Saturday, after the e-mail you replied to now.

I'll paste that in this e-mail now.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog
Here's the update e-mail from Saturday:


I got a new income and expenditure-form in the post from you today.
From 11/10, with the reference D3/49597867.

I contacted your partned Capital One last automn, regarding my new budget.

I offered you a token-payment-agreement on £1 a month, untill I got a full-time-job.

Capital One told me my signature wasn't mine, so this process have stalled, since last year.

Now you get back to me.

I'm still unemployed but I'm trying to set a business up, on my spare-time.

And the Jobcentre is 'messing' with my jobseekers allowance.

So at the moment, I have to say I don't have any income.

I could get back to you when I get the jobseekers allowance back.

And then I would offer you the same as last time, £1 a month in token-payments.
I've since last year gotten a flat witch was unfurnitured.

So any money I have left after token-payments each month I now buy furniture and other things for the flat with.

And I was going to set up a new budget, when I got a full-time job.

And I'm going to do that.

But I don't think it's right that I have to set up a new budget now, because your partner said my signature wasn't mine, and didn't accept my new budget, last year.

This has taken so much of my time now, so you should really just delete the debt, I think.

I'm on Ladders, so I have a high income-potential.

All the hours I've spent on you and Captial One should add up to arround the debt I owe you, I think.

So I'm looking forward to hearing from you that my debt with you has been deleted!

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:
Good morning Erik,

Thank you for contacting us about Wescot.

To make token payments to Wescot you do not need to fill in a giro slip. All you need is their sort code and account number and also the Wescot reference number starting with DM or D3. You then need to go into your bank and ask them to send £1 payment to Wescot by bank transfer. They may reject the offer of payment but they won’t reject the £1 payment you send and this will reduce the debt in time.

If you need any advice then please do not hesitate to call us.

Kind regards


Correspondence Advisor

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 12 October 2012 16:13
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
thank you for your e-mail!

I'm not paying token-payments at the moment.

Wescot have sent me a budget-form again now.

But as your collegue there have previously told me I don't have to fill out this form to get token-payments.
It should be enought that I've explained about my situation.
I've offered Wescot a token-payment-arrangement like a 'million' times.

But they haven't sent me giros or anything.

And this is taking a lot of my time now.
Because I've been offering Wescot, (and Capital One), a token-payment-arrangement since last year now.

And all I get are standard letters which tells lies like that I haven't replied to their letters.

When I've sent about a million e-mails to them, which I haven't gotten replies to.

So I now copy this e-mail to Wescot.

And I hope they'll send me some giros for the token-payment arrangement of £1 a month now.

Or tell me what information they need from me to set up a direct-debit-agreement.

So I hope this will be sorted now.

Thanks again for the e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:
Hello Eric

Thank you for copying us in to the email you have sent to Wescot.

Please try not to worry about the contact you have received as this is a standard procedure for creditors to take. Nelson Guest & Partners are an internal collections department who work on behalf of Wescot to collect the outstanding balance.

As you have contacted this creditor to advise of your current financial situation and are making token payments, you are doing all you can at this time. If you receive any further contact regarding this matter, please advise of this.

I hope this is helpful and reassuring.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on  0845 272 5400. Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Email us at or go online to and follow the links to send us a web mail.                                                      

Kind regards


Correspondence Advisor

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 08 October 2012 01:14
Cc: Q&A
Subject: Update/Fwd: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
on Saturday I got a letter from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitiors, witch I attach a scanned copy of.

I'm don't have the chance to pay 50% of the dept, av the moment, unfortunately.

I'm repeating my offer of a token-payment-arrangement again.

(Which I've done many times earlier).
I hope you can 'stop messing around' now, (like I think I have to call it), and just accept my token-payment-offer, like the other companies have done.

I don't understand why you do so much 'mumbo-jumbo' surrounding this.

This should be a straight forward tokey-payment agreement.

I hope the CCCS can tell you to stop with your funny letters and just accept my token-payment-agreement, which I have offered you, a million times, (to exaggerate, but anyway).

Captial One even have a football-cup named after you, but you don't seem to be a serious company.

It's like being on the candid camera to try get a token-payment-agreement agreed with you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
To: offers <>
Cc: Q&A <>


it should be D3/49597867, (like I wrote in the subject-line in the e-mail I sent you on 20/9).

I repeat my token-payment offer on £1 a month, like I offer all my other creditors untill I find new employment.
Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 8:30 AM, offers <> wrote:

Good morning,

Please provide the wescot reference beginning with D3 or DM

Kind regards

Rebecca Stearman

Offers Administrator

Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CA4CD1.636A7F00

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 28 September 2012 14:34
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
thank you for your e-mail!

Yes, I send a copy of this e-mail to Wescot as a reminder of my token-payment-offer, of one pound a month untill I find new employement.

I thought it was like you write here, with the budget-form etc., from when I went to business-school, in the eighties.

Even if that was in Norway, I think business-law is mostly the same in the western world.

Mostly based on old British business-law, if I'm not mistaking.
Thank you very much for the help with this!

The information I sent to Capital One was a new token payment-offer after I had to move to Sunderland for some months last year.

If I remember it right.

I now found a letter on my blog, from Capital One, from 2009, when they also complained about my signature, (so this has happened in both 2009 and 2011), which I attach.

Thanks again for the advice!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:

Hi Erick

Thank you for your email about your Wescot and Capital One accounts.

If you have concerns over the wording of the letter from Wescot, I would advise you to raise a complaint directly with them.

The complaint procedure can take up to 8 weeks and if you are unhappy with any response they give you, you can raise this further with the financial ombudsman service.

You don’t need to fill out the budget form that Wescot have sent you. You have advised them that you have already completed a budget with us. Both forms cover the same areas. If you need a copy of the budget that you completed with us, please let me know as I can send this out to you. The budget can also be sent to Capital One.

I wouldn’t advise you to stop making payments towards the Wescot account. It is in your best interest and benefit that you carry on making a token payment. It will show that you are willing to pay the account off.

If you don’t make a payment, the creditor can take further action.

I understand you would like to keep the contact in writing but it is also best that you call them to discuss your concerns. This will eliminate any responses about them not receiving your letters.

You can ask for a Data Access Request from them which will provide you with all the notes made on your account. There may be a charge for this request.

Can you advise me what information you sent to Capital One for them to reject your signature? If your signature hasn’t changed, I would advise you to contact Capital One and ask for a further explanation, i.e. are they comparing your signature to the signature on the original credit agreement?

Again, you can ask for a Data Access Request to see what has been noted on your account and there may be a charge for this request.

I hope this has been helpful.

If you have any further queries, please contact us on 0845 272 5400, lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, you can email us at

Kind regards

Paul Marshall
Correspondence Co-ordinator

Sent: 26 September 2012 00:05
To: Correspondence Queries
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
I've gone to business-school and letters shouldn't contain lies even if they are standard letters.

Here it's obvious that the standard letter is used wrongly.
I'm not making a token-payment here, you haven't read up.

Please escalate to your line manager.

Erik Ribsskog


And I don't think it's a good idea to call these companies.

It's better to keep the correspondence in writing, so to keep documentation about what has been agreed.

PS 2.

You haven't commented on that Capital One told me my signature wasn't mine.

I want to please escalate this to your line-manager.

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Correspondence Queries <> wrote:
Hi Erik

Thank you for contacting us about your account with Wescot.

Creditors will often send standard collection letters out to you. Standard letters will include certain phrases that may not fit entirely, such as "we have not received a reply".

Unfortunately even though you are making a token payment we cannot stop creditors from contacting you. You should continue to keep your creditors up to date with your financial situation and offer them the most fair and reasonable offer you can.

It may be best to call your creditors and speak to someone directly. That way all issues can be discussed there and then.

If you have any further questions or need some more advise, you can call us on 0845 272 5400. Lines are open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email us at

Kind regards

Correspondence Advisor

We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.

In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·         Client reference number
·         Postal address
·         Postcode
·         Telephone number
·         Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.

The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·          Client reference number

·          Postal address

·          Postcode

·          Telephone number

·          Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

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We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.

The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·          Client reference number

·          Postal address

·          Postcode

·          Telephone number

·          Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.

The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·          Client reference number

·          Postal address

·          Postcode

·          Telephone number

·          Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.

The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·          Client reference number

·          Postal address

·          Postcode

·          Telephone number

·          Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.

In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.

The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:

·          Client reference number

·          Postal address

·          Postcode

·          Telephone number

·          Email address

Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.

Thank you

The Correspondence Team

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik ******* []
Sent: 20 September 2012 14:41
To: offers
Cc: Q&A
Subject: Your ref: ******7867/Fwd: CCCS


I'm refering to your Final Notice-letter from 17/9, which I recieved today.

You there write: 'but we have not received a replyto our previous correspondence'.

But this isn't right, I've earlier written to you e-mails a lot of times offering a token-payment.

Is this the Candid Camera?

Your partner Capital One also did a practical joke like this, when they told me my signature wasn't mine last year.

Please stop with the monkey-business, and be serious.

I hope the CCCS can stop your funny bailiff-actions and lies.

Erik ****

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Q&A <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:37:39 +0100
Subject: CCCS
To: Erik******** <>

Good afternoon

Thank you for your email.

There isn't anything in the Consumer credit Act that states you must supply these details to a creditor. You can always provide them a copy of the budget and list of creditors that you have done through us.

Regardless of whether they accept the offer or not please continue to make the token payment.

Kind regards


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From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 19 August 2012 20:59
To: Q&A
Subject: Problems with Wescot/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Wescot reference:
*******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).


I've told Wescot I'm unemployed and have offered them a £1 monthly token-payment untill I find new employment.

(Like I've offered my other creditors).

Wescot don't accept but wants me to fill out an income and expenditure-form.

I can't remember that you at CCCS have mentioned that I have to fill out a form like that, when I do budget-work.

It's like they go a bit to close, and this seems unecessary, to me.

What do you think at CCCS about this?

Does the law say that I have to fill out a form like that?

I attach the letter from Wescot.

Yours sincerely,

Erik *******

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 10:35 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Wescot reference: *******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).


I got an income and expenditure-form, in the post, from you, earlier this week.

I don't understand the point in me filling out that form.

I've already told you that I'm on budget in co-operation, with the CCCS, and that I only can afford to pay a token-payment, (on £1), untill I find new employment.

So this is my offer.

I don't understand why you send me this form.

I think is unnessesary paper-work then.

None of my other creditors have sent me a form like that.

They have just accepted my token-payment-offer.

So I hope you can set up a direct debit-agreement, for £1 a month, for this debt.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik *********

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Wescot reference: ******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).


I'm refering to your letter from 19/7, which I got in the post today.

I'm currently unemployed, and on a budget in co-operation, with CCCS.

My offer to you is the same as to my other creditors, and that is that I pay a one pound token-payment, each month, until I find new employment.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik ********

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