fredag 26. oktober 2012

Min Bok 5 - Kapittel 106: Den siste tiden på Rimi Kalbakken

Fra da jeg jobbet, som assistent, på Rimi Bjørndal, (fra 1996 til 1998), så husker jeg det, at driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes, pleide å dukke opp, for å inspisere butikken, på lille julaften.

Og like før 17. mai, i 2001, så la jeg plutselig merke til det.

(Mens jeg stod i frukta, på Rimi Kalbakken).

At driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes og den nye regionsjefen, (etter Jon Bekkevoll), nemlig Steinar Ohr, var innom butikken.

Antagelig for å inspisere butikken, før 17. mai, da.

(Siden 16. mai sammen med lille julaften, er de to dagene i året, med høyest omsetning, da.

Og jeg lærte det, da jeg jobba, som leder, i Rimi.

At hvordan butikken ser ut, på de to handledagene, det husker kundene, resten av året, da.

Så kundenes oppfatning, av en matbutikk, den er ofte basert på hvordan butikken ser ut på disse to viktige handledagene, da.

(Lærte vi i Rimi, ihvertfall).

Så det var vel antagelig derfor at driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes dro rundt og inspiserte Rimi-butikker, rundt de her høytidene, da.

For da var det viktig at standarden i butikken, var på topp, da.

Man sparte liksom ikke på lønnsbudsjettet, like før julaften og 17. mai, da.

(Het det seg, i Rimi).

For da prioriterte man å få butikken i bra stand, da).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og da driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes og regionsjef Steinar Ohr, etterhvert gikk bort til dit jeg stod, i frukta.

Så bestemte jeg meg for det, at jeg skulle gjøre noe som var veldig uvanlig, i Rimi, vel.

Nemlig å klage, når direktøren var innom butikken, da.

Så jeg prøvde å liksom manne meg opp, da.

Og så klagde jeg, og sa at det hadde bare vært 'tull og tøys', på Rimi Kalbakken da, den tida, som jeg hadde jobba der.

Og jeg var liksom sinna, da.

For driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes, han var en alvorlig mann, som var cirka to meter høy, da.

Og regionsjef Steinar Ohr, han var vel ikke akkurat noe smågutt, han heller.

(Og disse her, de var jo mye over meg, (som bare var en vanlig butikksjef), i rang, da).

Men jeg var så forbanna, etter alt det tullet, som hadde vært, på Rimi Kalbakken, da.

Nemlig det som fikk meg til å bestemme meg, for å slutte, i Rimi.

At distriktsjef Anne Neteland ikke var blant disse 'vi', som distriktsjef PØF, (på Rimi Nylænde), hadde sagt, at ville at jeg skulle drive Kalbakken som Nylænde.

Samt det at distriktsjef Anne Neteland hadde prøvd å lure meg på lønna, (sånn som jeg så det ihvertfall), og umyndiggjorde meg som butikksjef, (ved at hu brukte assistent Kjetil Prestegarden som en slags regionssjef), og at hu detaljstyrte meg, og stilte urimelige krav til meg som butikksjef da, (sånn som jeg så det, ihvertfall).

Men samtidig, så huska jeg jo en episode, fra en av de lille julaftenene, som driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes, hadde vært innom, på Rimi Bjørndal, for å inspisere.

For han gikk jo ikke i Rimi-uniform.

Så jeg, jeg skjønte jo ikke hvem han var, da.

Så da jeg, som 'oste-sjef' liksom, da.

Skulle sjekke at alt var i orden, i kjøledisken, på Rimi Bjørndal, før rushet, på lille julaften, i 1996 eller 1997, da.

Så dukka det plutselig opp en annen 'oste-inspektør' der også.

Som jeg nesten 'kræsja' med, da.

For vi skulle jo da begge to inspisere kjøledisken.

(For jeg dreiv jo ikke med den disken hele tida.

For jeg ble jo også satt til å drive med andre arbeidsoppgaver, av butikksjef Kristian Kvehaugen, da).

Men butikksjef Kristian Kvehaugen, han fortalte meg det, da.

At han høye og strenge mannen, (med noe slags 'smultring-skjegg' vel), det var driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes, da.

Så jeg kjente igjen han Rune Hestenes, da han dukka opp, på Rimi Kalbakken, i mai 2001, da.

Men det var ikke sånn at jeg hadde prata noe med han før.

Men vi hadde jo nesten kræsja, i ostedisken, på Rimi Bjørndal der, fire-fem år tidligere.

Så jeg måtte liksom manne meg opp da, før jeg turte å klagde til han.

Så jeg var litt nervøs da, (for å si det sånn), under den her 'seansen'.

Så det er mulig at det jeg prøvde å si, stokka seg litt kanskje, da.

Noe sånt.

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes.

Han sa bare til meg.

Etter at jeg hadde kommet den 'tiraden' min.

At det var jo bestemt, at jeg skulle begynne som ny butikksjef, på Rimi Langhus.

(Noe jo distriktsjef Anne Neteland alt hadde prata med meg om).

Så dette ville ikke driftsdirektør Rune Hestenes diskutere noe mer om, da.

Så jeg fikk ikke sjansen til å forklare for noen over distriktsjef Anne Neteland, i Rimi, om alt det tullet, (må man vel kalle det), som hadde foregått, de månedene, som jeg hadde jobba, som butikksjef, på Rimi Kalbakken, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg husker også fra den siste dagen jeg jobba, på Rimi Kalbakken, (må det vel ha vært).

At jeg overhørte det, at assistent Kjetil Prestegarden.

(Som da hadde blitt til butikksjef Kjetil Prestegarden).

Prata med mora si, i telefonen, på kontoret, (må det vel ha vært).

Og forklarte det, at han ville ikke ansette den og den, som mora kjente, da.

For han skulle 'drive butikk', (sa han).

Så han hadde ikke tid til å drive med noe opplæring, da.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og den siste dagen, som jeg jobba, på Rimi Kalbakken.

Så fikk jeg en vase, med noen hvite blomster i, (muligens fredsliljer vel), av assistent Monika, da.

Men da jeg kjørte hjem, fra jobben, den dagen.

Så stoppa jeg ved Kuba der, på Grunerløkka.

(Der hvor jeg hadde vært med Glenn Hesler og spilt fotball, en eller to ganger, på 90-tallet.

Som jeg vel har skrevet om tidligere, i Min Bok-bøkene).

Også gikk jeg til den brua, som går over Akerselva der.

(Aamodt bru, vel).

Også kasta jeg den vasen med blomstene, ned i elva, da.

Og der ligger den vel kanskje enda.

For jeg var så sur, på grunn av alt det her tullet, som hadde skjedd, på Rimi Kalbakken, da.

Så jeg orka ikke å ha noen blomster derfra, i leiligheten min, for å minne meg på det her, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var fortsatt mye mer som hendte, på den tida, som jeg bodde, på St. Hanshaugen.

Og dette tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å få skrevet mer om, i de neste kapitlene, av Min Bok 5.

Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.

Vi får se.

Jeg sendte en e-post til Barclays

GmailErik Ribsskog <>

Re: Home Insurance (KMM1961206I30836L0KM)

Erik Ribsskog <> Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:40 PM
To: Internethelp <>

I don't ask for a customer accessalbe e-mail address.

I ask for you to send my e-mail to them.

So I'm not asking for they're e-mail address.

Further, if e-mails aren't secure why do you use them yourselves?

This doesn't make any sense.

I think Barclays have a confusing policy when it comes to correspondence, and I wanted to complain about this.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Internethelp <> wrote:
Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email dated 26/10/12.

We have to advise that we can not forward your email on to the Insurance Department as they do not have a customer accessible email address
since the email service is not secure.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this may cause

Yours sincerely,

Michelle O'Dowd
Barclays Bank PLC

Original Message Follows:


they don't have an e-mail address?

Is this the stone-age?

I'm a bit frustrated now since the Jobcentre has started messing with my Jobseekers Allowance and you tell me you don't know how to send

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email dated 25/10/12.

We have to advise that we are unable to forward this on to the Home Insurance Department as they do not have access to customer email.

As previously advised you will need to contact them by telephone or by sending this in writing to the address that was provided in our previous
email to you.

Once again we apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused you.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle O'Dowd
Barclays Bank PLC

Original Message Follows:


are you telling me that you can't forward my e-mail to the right Barclays-deparment?

This seems very strange to me.

Some years ago regular post was called 'snail mail', that's why I wanted to send this by e-mail.

It's more practical and I haven't got much money for postage now since the Jobcentre are messing with my jobseekers-allowance.

This is bad customer-support from Barclays, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog ,

Thank you for your email dated 17/5/12.

We at the Online Banking Helpdesk (the area in receipt of your e-mail) have only limited access to your account details and are unable to
with this type of request. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Additionally we are not able to direct this query to your branch as it has been received by e-mail, which is considered a non secure method of

We would suggest that you send your request, in writing, to:

Home Insurance Claim
Barclays Bank plc
Leics. LE87 2BB

Yours sincerely,
Mike Coy
Barclays Bank PLC

Original Message Follows:


I'd like to deal with this in writing please, if it's alright.

So if you could please just forward this e-mail to your Home Insurance-department?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email dated 13/5/12.

Due to the nature of your query, can you please contact the Home Insurance Department direct on the number below:

Home Insurance: General Enquiries - 0800 0150 246 or from overseas 0044 800 027 9844.
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00, Saturday 08:00 - 18:00, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 16:00 (all UK times).

Home Insurance: Claims -08000279844 or from overseas 0044 800 027 9844 (24 hours, 365 days a year)

Home Insurance: Quotes - Barclays Insurance Services on 0800 068 1696.Monday - Friday 08:00 - 21:00, Saturday 09:00 - 17:00, Sunday 10:00 -
16:00 (all UK times).

We hope this resolves your query.


Our website :

Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Jeremiah
Barclays Bank plc

Original Message Follows:


i had a Home Insurance, when I lived in Leather Lane.

I've been the victim of fraud, from my landlord, and have had problems getting income-support, from the Council, so I suddently didn't have
founds to afford the Home Insurance any longer.

Now I've been thrown out, (by Liverpool County Court), after an unfair trail, last automn.

The Landlord, (Imperial Properites/T. J. Thomas), don't want to give me my stuff and deposit.

They've also done fraud, because payments that they collected by their representative George, on my door, for half a year, or so, isn't on the

Also I had to walk through a restaurant, to throw my garbage, and the disco next door, (G-bar), played load music four nights a week.

This was going on from 2006 to 2011.

And I had Home Insurance the first of these years, when my economy allowed it.

I wonder if I have the right to get some sort of compensation from my Home Insurance, that I had with you, some years ago.

Have been thrown out many times, unfairly, since 2011, and haven't got to contact you about this earlier.

I'm no lawyer but I think that perhaps the Home Insurance that I had with you could compensate me, (at least some), since I had it for around
two of these years.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended
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The Barclays Group does not accept responsibility for any loss
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Any opinion or other information in this e-mail or its attachments
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Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England and Wales (registered no.
Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP, United

Barclays Bank PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Services Authority.

Jeg sendte en e-post til CCCS

Gmail - Client Reference 1105539


Erik Ribsskog

Client Reference 1105539

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM

Support Counsellor <>

"" <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, "mail.gva" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, Melanie Wright <>


well they have banned me, you see.

Just for expressing my frustration and desperation in e-mails since they've stopped the money I use for food and electricity and token-payments, etc.

It's an attack on my freedom of speech, I think.

The Jobcentre are hopeless.

It doesn't matter what I write to them.

They don't know how to communicate by e-mail like eg. you, the Council and other organisations do.

It's like they live in the stone-age.

And I've been starved due to this.

And have to apply for a crises-loan now.

But this loan is also from the Jobcentre, so it's a bit hopeless I think.

Bureaucrats without empaty messing me around.

I don't know how to make them stop.

It's like something by Kafka, I think.

So if you could try to please reason with them, and tell them that I have a budget set up in co-operation with you, that they mess with.

Then perhaps they'll understand what they are doing.

It's sending e-mails to a church-yard, trying to send to the Jobcentre.

It's hopeless.

So I try different stuff to get them to stop being this horribly inhumane.

Thank you for your reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Support Counsellor <> wrote:

Good Morning Erik

Thank you for your email.

We cannot contact your local jobcentre regarding your Jobseekers Allowance on your behalf. I would suggest going in to speak with them if they are not reply
to your emails.

Kind Regards

Counselling Support

Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Agile Java Software Developer

Gmail - Application. Job Reference: 1743902-425976/5118090


Erik Ribsskog
<> Application. Job Reference: 1743902-425976/5118090

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:43 AM

Melanie Wright <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Application. Job Reference: 1743902-425976/5118090

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Your application for the position of Agile Java Software Developer (1743902-425976/5118090) has been received.

Thank you for your application.


Her er mer om dette:

cover letter java jobb

Jeg sendte en e-post til Barclays

Gmail - Re: Home Insurance (KMM1960356I30836L0KM)


Erik Ribsskog

Re: Home Insurance (KMM1960356I30836L0KM)

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:26 AM

Internethelp <>


they don't have an e-mail address?

Is this the stone-age?

I'm a bit frustrated now since the Jobcentre has started messing with my Jobseekers Allowance and you tell me you don't know how to send e-mails?

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:
Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email dated 25/10/12.

We have to advise that we are unable to forward this on to the Home Insurance Department as they do not have access to customer email.

As previously advised you will need to contact them by telephone or by sending this in writing to the address that was provided in our previous
email to you.

Once again we apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused you.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle O'Dowd
Barclays Bank PLC

Original Message Follows:


are you telling me that you can't forward my e-mail to the right Barclays-deparment?

This seems very strange to me.

Some years ago regular post was called 'snail mail', that's why I wanted to send this by e-mail.

It's more practical and I haven't got much money for postage now since the Jobcentre are messing with my jobseekers-allowance.

This is bad customer-support from Barclays, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog ,

 Thank you for your email dated 17/5/12.

 We at the Online Banking Helpdesk (the area in receipt of your e-mail) have only limited access to your account details and are unable to
 with this type of request. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
 Additionally we are not able to direct this query to your branch as it has been received by e-mail, which is considered a non secure method of

 We would suggest that you send your request, in writing, to:

 Home Insurance Claim
 Barclays Bank plc
 Leics.         LE87 2BB

 Yours sincerely,
 Mike Coy
 Barclays Bank PLC

 Original Message Follows:


 I'd like to deal with this in writing please, if it's alright.

 So if you could please just forward this e-mail to your Home Insurance-department?

 Thanks in advance for any help!

 Best regards,

 Erik Ribsskog

 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Internethelp <> wrote:

 Dear Erik Ribsskog,

 Thank you for your email dated 13/5/12.

 Due to the nature of your query, can you please contact the Home Insurance Department direct on the number below:

 Home Insurance: General Enquiries - 0800 0150 246 or from overseas  0044 800 027 9844.
 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00, Saturday 08:00 - 18:00, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 16:00 (all UK times).

 Home Insurance: Claims -08000279844 or from overseas 0044 800 027 9844 (24 hours, 365 days a year)

 Home Insurance: Quotes - Barclays Insurance Services on 0800 068 1696.Monday - Friday 08:00 - 21:00, Saturday 09:00 - 17:00, Sunday 10:00 -
 16:00 (all UK times).

 We hope this resolves your query.


 Our website :

 Yours sincerely,
 Kirsty Jeremiah
 Barclays Bank plc

 Original Message Follows:


 i had a Home Insurance, when I lived in Leather Lane.

 I've been the victim of fraud, from my landlord, and have had problems getting income-support, from the Council, so I suddently didn't have the
  founds to afford the Home Insurance any longer.

 Now I've been thrown out, (by Liverpool County Court), after an unfair trail, last automn.

 The Landlord, (Imperial Properites/T. J. Thomas), don't want to give me my stuff and deposit.

 They've also done fraud, because payments that they collected by their representative George, on my door, for half a year, or so, isn't on the

 Also I had to walk through a restaurant, to throw my garbage, and the disco next door, (G-bar), played load music four nights a week.

 This was going on from 2006 to 2011.

 And I had Home Insurance the first of these years, when my economy allowed it.

 I wonder if I have the right to get some sort of compensation from my Home Insurance, that I had with you, some years ago.

 Have been thrown out many times, unfairly, since 2011, and haven't got to contact you about this earlier.

 I'm no lawyer but I think that perhaps the Home Insurance that I had with you could compensate me, (at least some), since I had it for around
  two of these years.

 Hope this is alright!

 Yours sincerely,

 Erik Ribsskog
 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended
 solely for the addressee and may also be privileged or exempt from
  disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the addressee, or
 have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender
 immediately, delete it from your system and do not copy, disclose
 or otherwise act upon any part of this e-mail or its attachments.

 Internet communications are not guaranteed to be secure or
 The Barclays Group does not accept responsibility for any loss
 arising from unauthorised access to, or interference with, any
 Internet communications by any third party, or from the
  transmission of any viruses. Replies to this e-mail may be
 monitored by the Barclays Group for operational or business

 Any opinion or other information in this e-mail or its attachments
 that does not relate to the business of the Barclays Group is
  personal to the sender and is not given or endorsed by the Barclays

 Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England and Wales (registered no.
 Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP, United

 Barclays Bank PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial
 Services Authority.