Jeg husker også det, at fra den tiden jeg jobbet som låseansvarlig, på Rimi Bjørndal, under butikksjef Johan, (i 2003).
Så fikk jeg ansvaret, (av butikksjef Johan), for å gjøre om frysediskene der, etter planogram.
Jeg fikk med meg Fredrick, (var det vel), og sammen så gjorde vi om en frysedisk hver da, (hvis jeg husker det riktig).
Og etter dette, så fikk jeg liksom ansvaret, for å holde fryselageret ryddig, da.
(Det vil si at jeg skulle fylle ut mest mulig, av de varene som lå på fryselageret, ut i frysediskene.
Sånn at det ble minst mulig, som lå på lageret, og sakte gikk ut på dato, da).
Men jeg må innrømme at jeg syntes at dette var litt rart.
(At jeg skulle få denne jobben).
For jeg tok jo ikke frysebestillingene.
(Men de ble kanskje tatt automatisk, på den her tida.
Så jeg var kanskje en slags 'frysesjef', på Rimi Bjørndal, i deler av 2003.
Selv om jeg ikke jobba der så mye.
(Jeg jobba først to vakter i uka der.
Men fra høsten 2003, (en stund etter at jeg fikk den ledervakta, på fredagskveldene, på Rimi Langhus), så jobba jeg bare en vakt i uka, på Rimi Bjørndal.
Og dette var ved siden av at jeg studere heltid, ved ingeniørhøyskolen).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Og da Fredrick og jeg gjorde om frysediskene, så måtte vi vel gjøre dette, samtidig med alt annet.
Men jeg hadde jo drevet en god del med å gjøre om fryse- og kjøledisker tidligere.
(Både på Rimi Bjørndal og Rimi Nylænde som assistent.
Og også på Rimi Nylænde, som butikksjef).
Så det var ikke sånn at jeg ble så veldig stressa, av den her jobben, (husker jeg).
Jeg husker at da jeg gjorde om kjølediskene, på Rimi Nylænde, (i 1994 eller 1995), og på Rimi Bjørndal, (i 1996, må det vel ha vært).
Så fantes det ikke planogram, (sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).
Og heller ikke da vi fikk nye kjøle- og frysedisker, på Rimi Nylænde, i 1999, (da jeg jobbet som butikksjef der), hadde jeg planogram, da jeg liksom dreiv og bygde disken, (altså at jeg liksom fant plass til de forskjellige varene, sånn at disse ble liggende i blokker da, i først og fremst kjøledisken).
(Ihvertfall så var det ikke planogram for kjøledisken.
Sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).
Så dette ganske vanskelige butikkarbeidet.
Det gjorde Fredrick og jeg innimellom alt det andre vi pleide å gjøre, når vi jobba seinvaktene, på torsdagene, da.
Og Fredrick mestret også dette ganske bra, (sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).
Men man måtte liksom prøve å holde tunga rett i munnen, når man jobba som leder, i disse Rimi-butikkene.
Så en sånn oppgave, som å gjøre om frysedisken, etter planogram.
Den arbeidsoppgaven hadde jeg nok ikke turt å gitt til låseansvarlig Eivind, (på ledervakta hans, på fredagsettermiddagene), på Rimi Langhus, (på den tida jeg var butikksjef der, i 2001 og 2002).
Jeg er ikke sikker på om det hadde fungert, liksom.
Da hadde jeg nok heller prøv å få Anders Karlsson eller Kjetil Furuseth til å gjøre det.
En dag de hadde fri, liksom.
Eller, jeg ville kanskje prøvd å fått en av disse to, (som jo var låseansvarlige), til å drive butikken, (en vakt).
Og så ville jeg ha gjort om fryseren selv, antagelig.
Eller, Anders Karlsson klarte jo å gjøre om tørrvare-hyllene, etter planogram, (husker jeg).
Så jeg kunne kanskje fått dem til å gjøre dette arbeidet, (med å gjøre om frysediskene etter planogram), og.
Men hvis de ikke hadde ønsket å jobbe med det.
Så kunne jeg spurt de om de ville jobbe en vanlig ledervakt.
Og så kunne jeg ha gjort om fryseren selv, da.
Men sånn gjorde ikke butikksjef Johan, (på Rimi Bjørndal det), da.
Han bare la denne arbeidsoppgaven, (som er ganske stor, må man vel si), oppå alt det andre, (som vi gjorde til vanlig), liksom.
Og Fredrick, han er vel en ganske stødig kar, (må man vel si).
Og jeg selv hadde jo over ti års jobberfaring, fra Rimi.
(Pluss at jeg også hadde jobba to år, på OBS Triaden, i Lørenskog.
Og et år, på CC Storkjøp, i Drammen).
Så vi fiksa vel dette ganske greit.
Men hvordan butikksjef Johan visste at jeg klarte å gjøre om frysedisker osv., det veit jeg ikke.
For jeg snakka vel omtrent aldri noe med han, hverken på jobb eller andre steder.
For butikksjef Johan, han ville ikke at jeg skulle si noe, til han, da.
Han ville bare at han skulle prate, til meg, liksom.
(Av en eller annen grunn).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Fredrick, han var jo en tøysekopp, (må man vel si).
Ihvertfall så var det sånn, at hvis jeg spurte han, om han kunne gjøre ditt og datt.
(Siden jeg jo var den lederen, som egentlig hadde seinvaktene, på torsdagene).
Så pleide Fredrick å svare 'Roger', da.
Og det betydde liksom at det var greit, da.
(Sånn som jeg skjønte det, ihvertfall).
Og en gang, så begynte jeg også å tulle litt, (husker jeg), når Fredrick sa dette 'Roger'.
For da sa jeg bare at: 'Heter ikke du Fredrick, da?'.
(Og lot som at jeg trodde at han mente at han het Roger, da).
Så Fredrick og jeg, vi var noen ordentlige tullebukker da, (for å si det sånn).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
En gang, så spurte jeg Fredrick, (som liksom var litt innpåsliten, må man vel si).
Om hvorfor han het Fredrick, med 'c'.
Og ikke 'Fredrik', liksom.
For Fredrick med 'c', det er vel den engelske versjonen, av dette navnet.
Så jeg lurte vel på om Fredrick kanskje hadde noen engelske foreldre, (eller noe sånt), da.
Men da svarte bare Fredrick at: 'Det vet jeg ikke', (eller noe lignende), husker jeg.
Så det var kanskje litt rart.
(At Fredrick ikke visste hvorfor han hadde fått dette engelsk-klingende navnet, mener jeg).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Noe av det rareste Fredrick gjorde.
(Som jeg vet om, ihvertfall).
Det var vel da han begynte å si til meg, på jobb, (en gang), at jeg ikke var noe flink, til å sjekke damer, (var det vel).
(Selv om jeg jo hadde som prinsipp, å ikke blande business og pleasure, da.
Så det var jo aktuelt for meg egentlig, å prøve å sjekke opp damer på jobb).
Og dette som Fredrick sa.
(Om at jeg ikke var noe flink til å sjekke damer).
Det syntes jeg at var så 'far out'.
Så det ble sånn, at jeg ikke svarte noe da, (husker jeg).
Og noen dager etter dette igjen.
Så sendte Fredrick meg en engelsk e-bok, (via e-post eller irc vel), hvor det stod i detalj, om hvordan man skulle sjekke opp damer da, (husker jeg).
Men jeg hadde ikke tid til å lese dette, på den her tida.
(For jeg var jo heltidsstudent og hadde samtidig to jobber.
Nemlig som låseansvarlig på Rimi Bjørndal og som låseansvarlig på Rimi Langhus).
Og jeg tok det ikke så seriøst, da.
For jeg hadde jo for eksempel kjøpt en bok, som het 'Kunsten å sjekke damer', (eller noe sånt).
Det første året jeg bodde i Oslo, (da jeg bodde på Abildsø), studieåret 1989/90.
(Altså 12-13 år tidligere).
Og ikke engang den boka gadd jeg å lese fra perm til perm, liksom.
(Jeg bare leste litt i noen av kapitlene, for å prøve å få oversikten, over hva innholdet i boken gikk ut på, for å si det sånn).
For jeg hadde jo allerede sjekket opp en god del damer, før jeg kjøpte denne boken, liksom.
Men jeg var kanskje litt nede, (på den her tida), etter at forholdet mitt med Laila Johansen, (fra Skøyen), hadde endt så brått.
(Det er mulig).
Så denne e-boka fra Fredrick, (som jeg vel halvveis gjettet på at han nok hadde lastet ned fra det 'nedlastingsprogrammet' E-mule, som han hadde vist meg, like etter at han begynte å jobbe, på Rimi Bjørndal), den ble det ikke til at jeg leste noe i da, må jeg innrømme.
Og hvorfor Fredrick sendte meg denne e-boken, det veit jeg ikke.
For jeg hadde jo pult mange damer, (nemlig Nina Monsen, Siri Rognli Olsen, Ragnhild fra Stovner, 'So What-dama', 'Bærumsdama' samt et par-tre horer), på den her tida.
Så jeg var vel ikke noe jomfru akkurat heller, (for å si det sånn).
Så hvorfor han Fredrick dreiv og sendte meg den her e-boka, det veit jeg ikke.
Men han kjente meg vel ikke egentlig så bra.
Vi hadde jo bare jobba sammen, noen måneder, (for å si det sånn).
Men Fredrick, han var vel kanskje en slags nerd, da.
Eller kanskje han trodde det var sånn, at alle skrøyt av sine dame-erobringer, på jobb.
Men jeg liker ikke å prate om sex, med andre karer.
(Og han Fredrick, han er jo nærmere femten år yngre enn meg.
Så jeg er jo, (mer eller mindre ihvertfall), i en annen generasjon, må man vel si).
Så han Fredrick, han blanda meg kanskje med noen andre da, eller hva det kan kan vært.
Han fortalte meg jo det, at han hadde drevet mye med kunstig intelligens-programmering, på fritiden.
Og han hadde jo en 'barnslig' sleik, vil jeg si, som gikk rett ned, liksom.
(Uten at han hadde noe gele i håret, eller gjorde noe med håret, for å få det til å se kult ut, liksom).
Så jeg lurte litt på om han muligens var en nerd.
Han syntes jo at det var rart, (husker jeg), at jeg var kjent i Oslo sentrum.
Så da er det nok snakk om en forvirret guttunge, som nesten bare har sittet på gutterommet, (i kjelleren hos mor og far), må man vel si.
Og han Fredrick, han hadde jo vært rimelig spesiell, da han viste meg porno, på sitt digitale kamera, (ikke så langt unna Peppe's Pizza, i Stortingsgata), før en bytur, med Rimi Bjørndal, høsten 2002.
Så en del tydet vel på at Fredrick var en slags nerd, (vil jeg si).
Men det var også ting som tydet på at han var mer som en kriminell, kanskje.
Han sa jo til meg det en gang, at mora hans hatet han, (husker jeg).
Og han sa jo også det, (på en selvsikker måte), at han hadde hatt dame, (eller damer), da han var et år, på folkehøyskole, (husker jeg).
Og han sa jo det, til Toro, (en gang), at han burde be damer, som tagg han om mynter, (til toget hjem vel), i Oslo sentrum, om å suge han, mot å få disse myntene.
(Alt dette har jeg vel skrevet om tidligere, i Min Bok 5).
Men det var ikke så lett for meg, som er cirka femten år eldre, enn Fredrick, å plassere han, i riktig boks, liksom.
Er Fredrick en nerd, eller er han kriminell, liksom.
Å plassere Fredrick i noen boks liksom, det syntes jeg at var litt vanskelig, (må jeg innrømme).
Så han Fredrick, han ser kanskje ut som en forvokst guttunge, med sin lubne fremtreden og nesten bolleklipp.
(Og han har/hadde vel også litt bollekinn).
Men han er en person med mange sider, vil jeg si.
(Selv om kanskje ikke alle disse sidene er like fullt utviklet.
Det er mulig.
For han Fredrick, han hadde drevet med ganske mye forskjellig, som 18-20-åring, i 2002-2003, vil jeg si, at det virka som.
Men jeg vet ikke om han har rukket å bli så moden, akkurat.
Siden han har drevet med så mye, på så kort tid, liksom.
Han er kanskje litt som en kyniker, mistenker jeg.
Ihvertfall så ville jeg tatt det han sa, med en liten klype salt, (må jeg innrømme).
For jeg tror muligens at han kan ha blitt litt degenerert, siden han har drevet med så mye forskjellig, på så kort tid.
Og hvordan han Fredrick er nå for tiden, det veit jeg ikke.
Dette er det ikke så lett for meg, å gjette om, for han Fredrick hadde jo drevet med mye forskjellig, allerede på den tida, som jeg jobba sammen med han, på Rimi Bjørndal.
Så jeg veit ikke om han fortsatt jobber der.
Eller om han har fortsatt på sin karriere og har drevet med enda mange fler ting nå.
(Hvem vet).
Men Fredrick er veldig intelligent og selvsikker, (på tross av sitt guttungeaktige utseende), vil jeg si.
Og nettopp dette guttungeaktige utseendet, det fører nok til at mange kanskje undervurderer han.
Så Fredrick, han kan nesten virke litt skummel, (vi jeg si).
Siden han ser litt ut som en forvokst guttunge, mens han egentlig er rå som en hardbarka sjømann, (må man vel si).
Så sånn er nok det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Det var fortsatt mye mer som hendte, på den tida, som jeg bodde, på St. Hanshaugen.
Og dette tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å få skrevet meg om, i de neste kapitlene, av Min Bok 5.
Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.
Vi får se.
torsdag 17. januar 2013
Enda en e-post til Liverpool City Council
Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:22 PM
I also understand that people doesn't bother when they see problems like this, to contact the Council.
Since you are poorly organised, I think.
And I have to repeat myself all the time.
And I have to use a lot of time on this now.
Even if it isn't in my street, (even if it's in the same neighbourhood).
This isn't fly-tipping, I think.
I think this a place that people in 79 City Road put their garbage as a routine, since the door to their back-yard is obstructed by garbage.
I think this a place that people in 79 City Road put their garbage as a routine, since the door to their back-yard is obstructed by garbage.
So this isn't something they do 'on the fly', so to speak.
But they do this even on Monday's, I think.
Just to try to explain more about this.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
ok, it's just that I get replies from different case-workers with you, regarding this.
I also got one from your collegue Kerry today, with a different reference-number I think.
But this is really the same case, as far as I can understand it.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:36 PM
Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
like I've tried to explain earlier, the photograph was from last week.
And at the beginning of this week, I only saw one garbage-bag there.
But this could perhaps be a recurring problem, (I think).
But I can update you later, if I see a heap of garbage/garbage-bags there again, on the pavement.
And you could have a look at this problem yourselves, then you'll probably understand what's going on there, I think.
Thanks again for the emails!
Best regards,
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please quote this reference number 5465231 should you need to contact us again about this.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.
Kind regards,
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Thank you for your e-mail about fly tipping of the black bags.
This has already been logged for you, our job reference number is 546523.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.
--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 16/01/13 19:55:31 o'clock UTCFrom: Erik Ribsskog <>
Subject: Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
by the way, I've earlier told you the exact address for this garbage-heap.
(Between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road).
So it's almost in City Road, in Ripon St.
79 City Road is both in City Road and Ripon Street, so to speak.
(Since it's on the corner of that road and street).
I think I've really given you enough information so that this should be possible to understand now.
So I hope you aren't pulling my leg :)
And and I don't understand why you only use my first-name, in your latest e-mails.
Normally you write Mr. Ribsskog, as I remember it.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
like it should be possible to see on the pictures I sent you on 11/1, the garbage-bags are on the pavement.
I attach those photographs again today, (with this e-mail), in case you can't find them.
I'm from Norway, so I'm not used with garbage bags laying on the pavement.
But I've seen this problem before, in Liverpool City Centre.
(But not this many garbage-bags in one heap, I think).
And I must admit I'm not sure what the UK laws says about having garbage-bags on the pavement, (and not in bins).
I can imagine that to have this much garbage stored in the street, (and not in bins), could lead to that rats easily find food.
And in Norway we look at these animals as pests.
At least I don't think I've seen this much garbage in the streets in Oslo.
So that's why I reacted and sent about this to you.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - is the rubbish in an alleyway or actually on the pavement?
We look forward to receiving your reply.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.
Kind regards,
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.
--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 14/01/13 20:31:44 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 14/01/13 20:31:44 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry
this was something I wrote in a PS, (or something), to my landlord, LHT.
So unfortunately, I got the street name a bit wrong.
It should have been the parallell-street to Frodsham Street, that is Ripon Street.
I checked this again today after recieving your e-mail and today it was only one garbage in, on the pavement.
(So someone have collected the 'mountain' of garbage-bins, which I saw there, last week).
The garbage bins are/where on the pavement outside of a garden/back-yard, which is between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road.
(I live in Keith Avenue, which sort of become Ripon St., when it crosses City Road).
The back-yard has a tall wooden fence, (it seemed), towards Ripon Street, and there is a gate/door, in that fence.
The door was half open, and I could see a lot of garbage, on the ground, in this back-yard.
So perhaps this back-yard is a garbage bag-store, or something, (for 79 City Road), but that the garbage, on the ground, in the back-yard, obstructs the gate/door, so that it can't be opened, and tenants put the bins outside the store, on the pavement.
Something like this.
(I checked this a bit today, since I got the e-mail, from you at the Council.
Or else I wouldn't have looked at this place that thoroughly).
I also send a copy e-mail to LHT, since I've started updateing them about this.
(So they understand that this isn't anything to do with LHT really, I think).
Hope this was possible to understand!
Best regards,
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - Are the garbage-bin bags thrown in Frodsham Street still there today please? If not, when were there left them approximately? Is it next to a specific door number in Frodsham Street? This information is necessary so that the team can locate it quickly as well.
We look forward to receiving your reply.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.
--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 11/01/13 13:20:50 o'clock UTC
To: LHT Customer Service <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 11/01/13 13:20:50 o'clock UTC
To: LHT Customer Service <>
CC:Liverpool Direct <
Subject: Re: Email confirmation of receipt -
that's brilliant.
There was an electrician here on the door now, regarding the lamp in the court.
I showed him which lamp it was, and he was going to take a picture of it, and get it fixed.
I explained it wasn't to do with this flat really, but with LHT.
By the way, like you know, Keith Court is in Keith Avenue, and Keith Avenue sort of becomes Frodsham Street, when it crosses City Road.
And in Frodsham St. someone have started trowing garbage-bins on the pavement, it seems.
I guess this is to do with the Council, (or something), so I send a copy e-mail to them.
Or else the whole area is going to start to turn into a slum, I think, if people just throw the garbage everywhere.
My grandfather was a councelor, in the municipality of Hadsel, in Northern Norway, in the 60's and 70's, and he was on the radio, in Norway, when he quit in that job, and he didn't like it that people threw garbage everywhere, on the mountain there, I heard when I got the radio-programme in the post, from Norway.
So I think I should complain about this a bit.
Also, I think it's strange the electrician contacts me, (on my door), about the repair, in the comunal court/LHT-area.
He should speak with LHT about repairs in that area, I think.
That was a bit strange, I think now.
I used to be a Shop Manager in Norway.
And if one of the shops customers complained about something, I wouldn't have sent a repair-guy on their door to ask whay they meant.
I would have talked to the repair-guy myself.
So this I thought was a bit strange.
People doesn't want to report problems then if they have to be like LHT-staff.
How could you know I wasn't out?
Anyway I send the pictures from Frodsham Street.
And I hope the Council don't have to send people on my door to sort that problem.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:01 PM, LHT Customer Service <> wrote:
Good Morning Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email and I am delighted to hear that the gate with key access is working well for you.
It is important that the area is maintained to a high standard and therefore we will go ahead with the jobs we have scheduled as a result of your earlier email.
I will record on your account that there are no outstanding issues that we have yet to deal with for you. Thank you for your confirmation.
Best Regards,
Donna Sanders
Assistant Co-ordinator
Customer Service Centre
Liverpool Housing Trust
Priory House
Tel No: 01928 796000
LHT is part of Symphony Housing Group
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Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Liverpool City Council
Erik Ribsskog
Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:49 PM
Liverpool Direct <>
ok, it's just that I get replies from different case-workers with you, regarding this.
I also got one from your collegue Kerry today, with a different reference-number I think.
But this is really the same case, as far as I can understand it.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:36 PM
Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
like I've tried to explain earlier, the photograph was from last week.
And at the beginning of this week, I only saw one garbage-bag there.
But this could perhaps be a recurring problem, (I think).
But I can update you later, if I see a heap of garbage/garbage-bags there again, on the pavement.
And you could have a look at this problem yourselves, then you'll probably understand what's going on there, I think.
Thanks again for the emails!
Best regards,
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please quote this reference number 5465231 should you need to contact us again about this.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.
Kind regards,
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Thank you for your e-mail about fly tipping of the black bags.
This has already been logged for you, our job reference number is 546523.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
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--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 16/01/13 19:55:31 o'clock UTCFrom: Erik Ribsskog <>
Subject: Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
by the way, I've earlier told you the exact address for this garbage-heap.
(Between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road).
So it's almost in City Road, in Ripon St.
79 City Road is both in City Road and Ripon Street, so to speak.
(Since it's on the corner of that road and street).
I think I've really given you enough information so that this should be possible to understand now.
So I hope you aren't pulling my leg :)
And and I don't understand why you only use my first-name, in your latest e-mails.
Normally you write Mr. Ribsskog, as I remember it.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
like it should be possible to see on the pictures I sent you on 11/1, the garbage-bags are on the pavement.
I attach those photographs again today, (with this e-mail), in case you can't find them.
I'm from Norway, so I'm not used with garbage bags laying on the pavement.
But I've seen this problem before, in Liverpool City Centre.
(But not this many garbage-bags in one heap, I think).
And I must admit I'm not sure what the UK laws says about having garbage-bags on the pavement, (and not in bins).
I can imagine that to have this much garbage stored in the street, (and not in bins), could lead to that rats easily find food.
And in Norway we look at these animals as pests.
At least I don't think I've seen this much garbage in the streets in Oslo.
So that's why I reacted and sent about this to you.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - is the rubbish in an alleyway or actually on the pavement?
We look forward to receiving your reply.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.
Kind regards,
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.
--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 14/01/13 20:31:44 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 14/01/13 20:31:44 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry
this was something I wrote in a PS, (or something), to my landlord, LHT.
So unfortunately, I got the street name a bit wrong.
It should have been the parallell-street to Frodsham Street, that is Ripon Street.
I checked this again today after recieving your e-mail and today it was only one garbage in, on the pavement.
(So someone have collected the 'mountain' of garbage-bins, which I saw there, last week).
The garbage bins are/where on the pavement outside of a garden/back-yard, which is between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road.
(I live in Keith Avenue, which sort of become Ripon St., when it crosses City Road).
The back-yard has a tall wooden fence, (it seemed), towards Ripon Street, and there is a gate/door, in that fence.
The door was half open, and I could see a lot of garbage, on the ground, in this back-yard.
So perhaps this back-yard is a garbage bag-store, or something, (for 79 City Road), but that the garbage, on the ground, in the back-yard, obstructs the gate/door, so that it can't be opened, and tenants put the bins outside the store, on the pavement.
Something like this.
(I checked this a bit today, since I got the e-mail, from you at the Council.
Or else I wouldn't have looked at this place that thoroughly).
I also send a copy e-mail to LHT, since I've started updateing them about this.
(So they understand that this isn't anything to do with LHT really, I think).
Hope this was possible to understand!
Best regards,
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.> wrote:
Your email reference number is: 263877
Dear Erik,
Thank you for your e-mail.
To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - Are the garbage-bin bags thrown in Frodsham Street still there today please? If not, when were there left them approximately? Is it next to a specific door number in Frodsham Street? This information is necessary so that the team can locate it quickly as well.
We look forward to receiving your reply.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.
--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 11/01/13 13:20:50 o'clock UTC
To: LHT Customer Service <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 11/01/13 13:20:50 o'clock UTC
To: LHT Customer Service <>
CC:Liverpool Direct <
Subject: Re: Email confirmation of receipt -
that's brilliant.
There was an electrician here on the door now, regarding the lamp in the court.
I showed him which lamp it was, and he was going to take a picture of it, and get it fixed.
I explained it wasn't to do with this flat really, but with LHT.
By the way, like you know, Keith Court is in Keith Avenue, and Keith Avenue sort of becomes Frodsham Street, when it crosses City Road.
And in Frodsham St. someone have started trowing garbage-bins on the pavement, it seems.
I guess this is to do with the Council, (or something), so I send a copy e-mail to them.
Or else the whole area is going to start to turn into a slum, I think, if people just throw the garbage everywhere.
My grandfather was a councelor, in the municipality of Hadsel, in Northern Norway, in the 60's and 70's, and he was on the radio, in Norway, when he quit in that job, and he didn't like it that people threw garbage everywhere, on the mountain there, I heard when I got the radio-programme in the post, from Norway.
So I think I should complain about this a bit.
Also, I think it's strange the electrician contacts me, (on my door), about the repair, in the comunal court/LHT-area.
He should speak with LHT about repairs in that area, I think.
That was a bit strange, I think now.
I used to be a Shop Manager in Norway.
And if one of the shops customers complained about something, I wouldn't have sent a repair-guy on their door to ask whay they meant.
I would have talked to the repair-guy myself.
So this I thought was a bit strange.
People doesn't want to report problems then if they have to be like LHT-staff.
How could you know I wasn't out?
Anyway I send the pictures from Frodsham Street.
And I hope the Council don't have to send people on my door to sort that problem.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:01 PM, LHT Customer Service <> wrote:
Good Morning Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email and I am delighted to hear that the gate with key access is working well for you.
It is important that the area is maintained to a high standard and therefore we will go ahead with the jobs we have scheduled as a result of your earlier email.
I will record on your account that there are no outstanding issues that we have yet to deal with for you. Thank you for your confirmation.
Best Regards,
Donna Sanders
Assistant Co-ordinator
Customer Service Centre
Liverpool Housing Trust
Priory House
Tel No: 01928 796000
LHT is part of Symphony Housing Group
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