torsdag 24. januar 2013

Noen har kjøpt en utgave av Min Bok. Det var artig. (Selv om det var litt lite royalties, på, så jeg får kanskje sette opp prisen litt der)

litt lite royalties


Jeg tror at jeg skal gjøre det sånn, (ihvertfall på Amazon), at jeg har tilsvarende fem dollar, i royalties, per bok.

Men nå mangler jo noen av bøkene sidetall, foreløbig.

(Jeg venter på å høre fra Norsk Kulturråd, om de vil kjøpe Min Bok 3, til bibliotekene.

For da kommer jeg til å ta dette i forbindelse med at jeg sender nye bøker til kulturrådet.

At jeg da i samme slengen gjør om på tekst-formatet, til disse bøkene, sånn at de blir med sidetall).

Så får jeg bare ta halv provisjon, i mellomtiden, på de bøkene som foreløbig mangler sidetall.

Men dette blir som et prosjekt, (må man vel si).

Men jeg skal skrive en huskelapp her, så skal jeg prøve å få ordnet dette, (med å stille provisjonen, på bøkene mine, på Amazon), iløpet av en av de neste dagene.

Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til Statens sivilrettsforvaltning

Gmail - Deres brev av 18. januar/Fwd: Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag


Erik Ribsskog

Deres brev av 18. januar/Fwd: Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:56 PM

Anette Angelsen Haanes <>

Solveig Hauge <>,


jeg viser til deres brev av 18.1., som jeg mottok, i dag.

Jeg trodde at jeg hadde forklart det tidligere, at det selvfølgelig er Svelvik kommune, som jeg mener at burde ha grepet inn, da min far lot meg bo alene, (i Hellinga 7B og Leirfaret 4B, på Bergeråsen, i Svelvik kommune), fra jeg var ni år, og til jeg høsten 1989, flyttet til Oslo, for å studere, på NHI, (etter å ha bodd fra mai 1989 til august 1989, hos min farmor på Sand, etter at faren min solgte leiligheten jeg vokste opp i, i Leirfaret 4B).

Jeg håper dere kan gjennomføre et hastevedtak, siden det er så lenge siden jeg sendte den første søknaden.

Og siden at alle tingene mine ligger på lagerbod, i Oslo, og jeg ikke har fått dette sendt over til England enda, siden jeg er fattig arbeidsledig, i England, og har vært det, under finanskrisen.

Jeg blir også kastet ut hele tiden, siden jeg er forfulgt av noe 'mafian' eller Johanitterorden, (som jeg har i min fars nye familie. Min far flyttet til en Haldis Humblen, (også på Bergeråsen), da jeg var ni år, og hennes tidligere stesønn, Bjørn Humblen, var/er i Johanitterordenen).

Så hadde vært kjekt å hatt noen penger på bankkontoen, og muligens kjøpt eget bosted, etc.

For jeg ble kastet ut i Sunderland, ifjor, og måtte gå rundt i Newcaslte, en hel natt, og fryse, før jeg kom meg videre til den Skandinaviske kirken i Liverpool, for Sunderland Council hadde ikke noe sted jeg kunne bo.

Så hvis jeg hadde hatt noen penger, på bankkontoen, så hadde jeg kunne klart å hanskes med sånne urettferdige utkastelser, med mere, på en bedre måte, (sånn at jeg slipper å omtrent bo på gata, liksom, eller i diverse rare hosteller, som jeg noen ganger blir plassert på, her i England, siden jeg er en fattig arbeidsledig, og ikke alltid får rettighetene mine, men bare blir kastet ut, uten noe og om og men, av politiet, siden de har lite respekt for folk, som er arbeidsledige osv., virker det som).

Håper dette kan løses på en rask måte.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2013/1/18
Subject: Re: Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag
To: Anette Angelsen Haanes <>
Cc: Solveig Hauge <>,


ok, er det Magne Winnem som har sitti og puncha hos dere, da.

Jeg kan ikke huske å ha sendt dere noe telefonnummer og adresse, nemlig.

Dette går vel på saksnummer.

Og forresten.

Hvis dere sitter der med telefonnummeret mitt og e-post-adressen, og kun ringer meg, så er dere idioter, mener jeg.

Dere har ikke lov til å gjøre dere dumme, (som statsansatte), sånn som jeg har forstått det.

Så jeg sender kopi av dette til Sivilombudsmannen osv., så får de kikke på det.

Så du trenger ikke å sende mer e-poster om dette nå, (for å si det sånn).

Dette synes jeg at vi har diskutert i det lange og det breie nå, (for å si det sånn).

Erik Ribsskog

2013/1/18 Anette Angelsen Haanes <>


Viser til tidligere korrespondanse i saken.

Korrespondanse i forbindelse med søknad om rettferdsvederlag inneholder ofte sensitive opplysninger om søker. Vi sender derfor alltid vår korrespondanse per
post, dersom det er mulig. I denne saken har vi svart på din søknad per brev til den adressen som vi har registrert på deg i vårt system og senere til din folkeregistrerte adresse i Norge.

Kopi av vårt svarbrev av 2.3.12 har i dag gått i posten til din adresse i England. Vi vil benytte denne adressen i vår videre korrespondanse i saken. Vi bemerker
at vi ikke foretar noen saksbehandling per e-post.

Med vennlig hilsen

Anette Angelsen Haanes

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 18. januar 2013 11:16
Til: Anette Angelsen Haanes
Kopi: Solveig Hauge;; Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen
Emne: Re: Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag


som jeg skrev i oppdateringene, så kan jeg ikke se her, at jeg har oppgitt hverken adresse eller telefonnummer til dere.

Jeg sendte dette bare som en e-post.

Og at dere sier at dere ikke kan få tak i meg, når dere har e-post adressen min.

Nei, det blir bare som noe dumt.

Og nå må jeg gjenta meg selv og.

Jeg er ikke av samme oppfatning her, jeg synes dette virker som noe lureri.

Dere har ikke prøvd å nå meg på e-post, selv om dere har hatt e-post adressen min.

Så dere juger så det renner av dere, vil jeg si.

Erik Ribsskog

2013/1/18 Anette Angelsen Haanes <>


Takk for rask tilbakemelding. Vi sender i dag ut kopi av vårt svarbrev til din nye adresse. Idet
våre brev inneholder sensitive opplysninger kan ikke disse sendes per e-post.

Det er beklagelig at du ikke har mottatt tidligere korrespondanse i saken.  Vi har sendt brev til
din tidligere oppgitte adresse i England samt til din folkeregistrerte adresse i Norge.  Statens sivilrettsforvaltning er av den oppfatning at vi har forsøkt å nå deg gjennom de opplysningene som har vært tilgjengelige.

Med vennlig hilsen

Anette Angelsen Haanes

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 18. januar 2013 08:30
Til: Anette Angelsen Haanes
Kopi: Solveig Hauge;

Emne: Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag


jeg ser nå at min tidligere klassekamerat, (fra russeåret), Rimi-kollega, Unge Høyre-kollega, (og som jeg også var forlover for), Magne Winnem, har begynt å jobbe, i justisdepartementet:

Er det derfor dere har begynt å fable om oppdiktede adresser og telefonnumre, som jeg liksom skal ha sendt dere?

Fordi at Winnem har spionert på meg og sladret med dere?

Sovjetstaten lenge velbekomne!

Spasiba, Perestrojka, Gru, Komosol,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2013/1/17
Subject: Oppdatering/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag


jeg kikka på mine tidligere e-poster til dere nå.

Og jeg kan ikke se at jeg har sendt dere mitt telefonnummer engang.

Så jeg lurer på om det er teletorget dere driver og ringer, også skylder dere på meg :)


Erik Ribsskog


Her er det jeg finner nå, som jeg har sendt dere:

Bilde er fjernet av sender. Gmail

Erik Ribsskog

Klage på Statens Sivilrettsforvaltning/Fwd: Ny påminnelse/Fwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag

Erik Ribsskog


Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 12:51 PM



jeg ser på Wikipedia at Statens Sivilrettsforvaltning er underlagt Justisdepartementet.

Så jeg sender en klage på Statens Sivilrettsforvaltning, til dere.

Siden Statens Sivilrettsforvaltning ikke svare på mine e-poster.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2012/6/28
Subject: Ny påminnelse/Fwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag
Cc: Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen <>


jeg kan ikke se at jeg har fått noe svar fra dere, på tross av tidligere sendt e-post og påminnelse.

Sender derfor en ny påminnelse.

Sender også kopi til Sivilombudsmannen, siden de kanskje er interessert i dette, at etatene ikke svarer borgerne.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2012/3/18
Subject: Påminnelse/Fwd: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag


jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt noe svar på denne e-posten, så jeg sender en påminnelse om dette.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2012/2/29
Subject: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag



jeg skjønner at jeg ikke kommer noen vei, i min omsorgssvikt-sak, mot min far.

(Politiet vil ikke etterforske, og jeg får ikke Fri Rettshjelp).

Så jeg søker herved om rettferdsvederlag/billighetserstatning, siden min far lot meg bo alene, (på Bergeråsen, i Nordre Vestfold), fra jeg var ni
år, til jeg ble myndig, uten at det offentlige gjorde noe.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2013/1/17
Subject: Re: Søknad om rettferdsvederlag
To: Anette Angelsen Haanes <>


jeg har ikke hast fasttelefon siden jeg bodde i Leather Lane, for et par år siden.

Nå har jeg bare 'pay-as-you-go' mobil, og det er dyrt å ringe til Norge.

Foretrekker også at korrespondansen er skriftlig, så blir det ikke krangel om hva som er sagt.

Min nye addresse er:

Erik Ribsskog

10 Keith Court

Keith Avenue




Hvis dere ikke får tak i meg på telefon, så kan dere jo bare sende en e-post.

Dere har jo e-post-adressen min, mener jeg.

Jeg synes det er rart at dere ikke har prøvd det før.


Erik Ribsskog

2013/1/17 Anette Angelsen Haanes <>


Viser til søknad om rettferdsvederlag av 29.02.12.

Statens sivilrettsforvaltning mottok e-post 18.12.12 vedrørende status i saken. Vi forstår det slik at du ikke har mottatt svar fra oss i posten. Dette skyldes trolig feil adresse.

Vi har gjentatte ganger prøvd å få tak i deg per telefon uten å lykkes. Vi ber derfor om at du tar kontakt med oss per telefon, på det nummer som fremgår nedenfor, slik at vi kan
få registrert riktig adresse og telefonnummer.

Med vennlig hilsen

Anette Angelsen Haanes


Statens sivilrettsforvaltning

Telefon 22 99 13 25

Tenk på miljøet – ikke skriv ut denne e-posten med mindre det er nødvendig

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til LGO

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:34 PM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool Direct <>

Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 11:31 AM
Subject: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail about about the bin bags that have been left on the pavement.

There has been one job logged regarding this and the reference number is 546523, it was referred to the Street Nuisance Team who have stated in inspected the location was clear. I have therefore escalated the job for you and this will be investigated.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 22/01/13 17:37:52 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <>

CC:LGOAT Mailbox <>, LGOAT Mailbox <>
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry


I think it's like a comedy-show with all your different case-workers and reference-numbers.

You should ask people to pay to get entertained by you clowns.

I can't remember being advised of anything like that, you must be lieing I think.

You are sickening.

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail.

To clarify - The first two reference numbers are in fact the same number - the first time you were advised of it the last digit was left off by mistake. The third number is just an e-mail log number  which is produced automatically every time an email is received.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 21/01/13 15:15:23 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <>

CC:LGOAT Mailbox <>, LGOAT Mailbox <>
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry


like it says in the forwarded e-mail this is about the reference-number 5465231 and 546523.

It seems this case just got a third reference-number, (263877).

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail.

I have forwarded the details to the service area that will be able to help you with this.  They will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 19/01/13 22:23:53 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <>

Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry


I had a look at this case again today, on my way home from the food-shop.

Today, the gargage-bags were placed just inside the open door, to the back-yard.

(With a bit of snow on top of them).

The door to this back-yard still seemed, (to me), to be obstructed, by some garbage, under the snow.

It's seems to me that this backyard is being used as a garbage-bag-store, for 79 City Road.

And that the tenants last week had put the garbage-bags on the pavement, (instead of in the backyard), due to the door/gate, to the back-yard, being obstruced, (by the earlier mentioned garbage).

So this is not a one off, with people having fly-tipped.

(It seems to me).

But this is a not a static case, it changes all the time.

Since garbage is being collected from this garbage-bin-store, on Mondays, (it seems to me).

So this is not about fly-tipping.

This is about a garbage-bag-store, that has 'floated', from the back-yard, of 79 City Road, and on to the pavement, outside of this mentioned back-yard.

I hope this is possible to understand, from my description.

Good luck!

And sorry about the earlier misunderstandings!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Complaint/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
Cc: LGOAT Mailbox <>, LGOAT Mailbox <>


ok, I'll do that if they don't stop then.

Thank you very much for the reply.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

if you have any complaint against employees of this office, you'll need to send a signed complaint by post or deliver it personally.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 19/01/13 01:14:45 o'clock UTC
To: <>
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>


Tony and Kerry calls me Erik.

Shouldn't they call me Mr. Ribsskog, I was wondering.

(That's what they normally do at least).

I'm calling you Joe in this e-mail to show a point.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <>


that's Mr. Ribsskog to you, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail about fly tipping
The job has been logged on and estimate rubbish to be removed 25th January 2013

Our Environmental Enforcement Team will be investigating this matter if rubbish not removed by the 25th January 2013

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards




P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 17/01/13 18:22:44 o'clock UTC
To: <>

Subject: Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry


I also understand that people doesn't bother when they see problems like this, to contact the Council.

Since you are poorly organised, I think.

And I have to repeat myself all the time.

And I have to use a lot of time on this now.

Even if it isn't in my street, (even if it's in the same neighbourhood).

This isn't fly-tipping, I think.

I think this a place that people in 79 City Road put their garbage as a routine, since the door to their back-yard is obstructed by garbage.

So this isn't something they do 'on the fly', so to speak.

But they do this even on Monday's, I think.

Just to try to explain more about this.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <>


ok, it's just that I get replies from different case-workers with you, regarding this.

I also got one from your collegue Kerry today, with a different reference-number I think.

But this is really the same case, as far as I can understand it.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is more about this:

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:36 PM

Liverpool Direct <>


like I've tried to explain earlier, the photograph was from last week.

And at the beginning of this week, I only saw one garbage-bag there.

But this could perhaps be a recurring problem, (I think).

But I can update you later, if I see a heap of garbage/garbage-bags there again, on the pavement.

And you could have a look at this problem yourselves, then you'll probably understand what's going on there, I think.

Thanks again for the emails!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your e-mail.

It has been logged for action and we estimate that the rubbish will be removed by 24th January 2013.

Please quote this reference number 5465231 should you need to contact us again about this.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your e-mail about fly tipping of the black bags.

This has already been logged for you, our job reference number is 546523.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards




P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 16/01/13 19:55:31 o'clock UTC
To: <>
Subject: Update/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry


by the way, I've earlier told you the exact address for this garbage-heap.

(Between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road).

So it's almost in City Road, in Ripon St.

79 City Road is both in City Road and Ripon Street, so to speak.

(Since it's on the corner of that road and street).

I think I've really given you enough information so that this should be possible to understand now.

So I hope you aren't pulling my leg :)

And and I don't understand why you only use my first-name, in your latest e-mails.

Normally you write Mr. Ribsskog, as I remember it.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-263877#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <>


like it should be possible to see on the pictures I sent you on 11/1, the garbage-bags are on the pavement.

I attach those photographs again today, (with this e-mail), in case you can't find them.

I'm from Norway, so I'm not used with garbage bags laying on the pavement.

But I've seen this problem before, in Liverpool City Centre.

(But not this many garbage-bags in one heap, I think).

And I must admit I'm not sure what the UK laws says about having garbage-bags on the pavement, (and not in bins).

I can imagine that to have this much garbage stored in the street, (and not in bins), could lead to that rats easily find food.

And in Norway we look at these animals as pests.

At least I don't think I've seen this much garbage in the streets in Oslo.

So that's why I reacted and sent about this to you.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your e-mail.

To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - is the rubbish in an alleyway or actually on the pavement?

We look forward to receiving your reply.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.

Kind regards,




P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 14/01/13 20:31:44 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <>

Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry


this was something I wrote in a PS, (or something), to my landlord, LHT.

So unfortunately, I got the street name a bit wrong.

It should have been the parallell-street to Frodsham Street, that is Ripon Street.

I checked this again today after recieving your e-mail and today it was only one garbage in, on the pavement.

(So someone have collected the 'mountain' of garbage-bins, which I saw there, last week).

The garbage bins are/where on the pavement outside of a garden/back-yard, which is between 62 Ripon St. and 79 City Road.

(I live in Keith Avenue, which sort of become Ripon St., when it crosses City Road).

The back-yard has a tall wooden fence, (it seemed), towards Ripon Street, and there is a gate/door, in that fence.

The door was half open, and I could see a lot of garbage, on the ground, in this back-yard.

So perhaps this back-yard is a garbage bag-store, or something, (for 79 City Road), but that the garbage, on the ground, in the back-yard, obstructs the gate/door, so that it can't be opened, and tenants put the bins outside the store, on the pavement.

Something like this.

(I checked this a bit today, since I got the e-mail, from you at the Council.

Or else I wouldn't have looked at this place that thoroughly).

I also send a copy e-mail to LHT, since I've started updateing them about this.

(So they understand that this isn't anything to do with LHT really, I think).

Hope this was possible to understand!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 263877

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your e-mail.

To help you with this we need to ask you to provide some more details - Are the garbage-bin bags thrown in Frodsham Street still there today please? If not, when were there left them approximately? Is it next to a specific door number in Frodsham Street? This information is necessary so that the team can locate it quickly as well.

We look forward to receiving your reply.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards




P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 11/01/13 13:20:50 o'clock UTC
To: LHT Customer Service <>

CC:Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Email confirmation of receipt -


that's brilliant.

There was an electrician here on the door now, regarding the lamp in the court.

I showed him which lamp it was, and he was going to take a picture of it, and get it fixed.

I explained it wasn't to do with this flat really, but with LHT.

By the way, like you know, Keith Court is in Keith Avenue, and Keith Avenue sort of becomes Frodsham Street, when it crosses City Road.

And in Frodsham St. someone have started trowing garbage-bins on the pavement, it seems.

I guess this is to do with the Council, (or something), so I send a copy e-mail to them.

Or else the whole area is going to start to turn into a slum, I think, if people just throw the garbage everywhere.

My grandfather was a councelor, in the municipality of Hadsel, in Northern Norway, in the 60's and 70's, and he was on the radio, in Norway, when he quit in that job, and he didn't like it that people threw garbage everywhere, on the mountain there, I heard when I got the radio-programme in the post, from Norway.

So I think I should complain about this a bit.

Also, I think it's strange the electrician contacts me, (on my door), about the repair, in the comunal court/LHT-area.

He should speak with LHT about repairs in that area, I think.

That was a bit strange, I think now.

I used to be a Shop Manager in Norway.

And if one of the shops customers complained about something, I wouldn't have sent a repair-guy on their door to ask whay they meant.

I would have talked to the repair-guy myself.

So this I thought was a bit strange.

People doesn't want to report problems then if they have to be like LHT-staff.

How could you know I wasn't out?


Anyway I send the pictures from Frodsham Street.

And I hope the Council don't have to send people on my door to sort that problem.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:01 PM, LHT Customer Service <> wrote:

Good Morning Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email and I am delighted to hear that the gate with key access is working well for you.

It is important that the area is maintained to a high standard and therefore we will go ahead with the jobs we have scheduled as a result of your earlier email.

I will record on your account that there are no outstanding issues that we have yet to deal with for you. Thank you for your confirmation.

Best Regards,

Donna Sanders

Assistant Co-ordinator

Customer Service Centre

Liverpool Housing Trust

Priory House



Tel No: 01928 796000



LHT is part of Symphony Housing Group

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Jeg sendte en e-post til LGO

Gmail - Case ID - 12017594


Erik Ribsskog

Case ID - 12017594

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:30 PM



isn't there a regular e-mail-address which I can send the complain to.

(Because then I get to keep a copy of the correspondence in my e-mail-programme).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:13 AM, <> wrote:

23 January 2013
Our ref: 12 017 594
 (Please quote our reference when contacting us)
Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank-you for your email. If you want to complain to the council please use their online complaint form at the address below.
Yours sincerely
Pam Purewal
Customer Service Adviser
NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Amnesty

Gmail - Regarding help from Amnesty


Erik Ribsskog

Regarding help from Amnesty

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:31 PM


amnestyis <>,


then I wanted to complain about Amnesty UK.

First you, (a person named John Hook at your UK-department), advice me to contact the Sivilombudsmannen.

And after this is unsuccessful.

Then you say that your knowledge is limited to UK-stuff.

Why did you advice me to contact the Sivilombudsmannen, (in Norway), in the first place then?

It's like you have tricked me, I think.

This I wanted to complain about.

Please escalate to your complaint-manager.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 12:52 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We are  very sorry that the Sivilombudsmannen
weren't able to help you.

Please note that while we try our best
to direct individual queries to other organisations who might be able to
help, we are unable to guarantee that they will be able to provide the
relevant assistance.

Moreover, it should be noted that Amnesty
International UK is based in the UK, our  knowledge is limited to
groups in this country. As noted in previous correspondence from my colleagues,

it would be best to conduct your queries
in Norway to find the appropriate organisations.

Kind regards,

Philip Lim

Supporter Care Team

Amnesty International UK

The Human Rights Action Centre

17-25 New Inn Yard



Tel: 020 7033 1777

Re: Regarding help from

Erik Ribsskog

29/12/2012 16:02




you at Amnesty have adviced me to contact the Sivilombudsmannen.

But the Sivilombudsmannen isn't doing his job.

E.g. the Norwegian Embassy in London, have stopped replying
to me, and the Sivilombudsmannen said I had to be content, since the Foreign
Ministry in Oslo, replied to me.

Also, the Sivilombudsmannen ignores that ministers like Kristin Halvorsen
in Norway, and her ministry 'Kunnskapsdepartementet', (Ministry of Knowledge),
ignores my correspondence, and doesn't reply to me.

Also other ministries are involved.

The Sivilombudsmannen is useless, he doesn't do his job at all.

You at Amnesty have adviced me to contact him.

I want to complain about this poor advice.

How can you advice people to contact useless organisations like Sivilombudsmannen?

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Nov 2, 2007 at 12:06 PM, <>

Dear Erik

Thank you for your further email. I am sorry that Amnesty International
UK is unable to advise on your situation, although I have come up with
the following link to the website of the Norwegian Ombudsman, who may be
able to help.

I hope you are successful in finding some assistance.

Best wishes

John Hook

Supporter Care Team
Amnesty International UK
Tel: 020 7033 1777

Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard

"Erik Ribsskog"
30/10/2007 00:48





Re: Regarding help from Amnesty

thank you very much for your answer!
Are you sure that don't getting help when one are in the risk of being
executed/sacrificed/tortured, isn't
under the cathegory 'cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment', like you are
mentioning in your e-mail?
I also suspect that this case falls under this point: 'ending extra-judicial
executions and "disappearances"'.
At least this is how it seems to me, even if these things can be difficult
to document sometimes I
guess, at least before it has happened.
But not getting help from the government is a specific human rights violation.

Your Norwegian section, answered me that they can't investigate crime-cases,
which was not what I
asked them for advice on at all.

So I don't understand how they could be right, since they didn't even understand
the problem.
The problem was lack of help from the Government, and also harassment,
probably 'set ups' from the
Government, and that they speculate, in not answering e-mails etc.

And it seem like someone have instructed my bank, not to give me a loan
or an overdraft as well.
And the Government isn't informing me on what's goving on, even it's clear
to me that I'm followed
by mafia, like I've heard it being said.
And also, even if the company I used to work in is/was full of criminals,
I guess mafia/mob, and
the Police are only pretending that nothing is going on, and are keeping
me in the dark about all
So without me being an expert on human rights, I can't see it differently,
than that the Government
must be breaching my human rights, and I haven't managed to get any help
regarding this.
But since you are working with human rights issues, then maybe you know
a bit about how to
deal with problems like this, so maybe you could give me some advice regarding
who I should
contact, or how should go forward with cases like this?
I understand that you aren't working on cases were human rights are being
breached by Governments(?)
And I know that I've already written an e-mail to you regarding this.

But I thought I'd try just once more, to hear if you knew about any organisations
who deals with problems
involiving human rights being breached by Governments, in the way I've
explained in this e-mail.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 10/29/07,<>wrote:

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email.

However, I'm afraid that the Norwegian Section is correct as the issue
you raise does not fall within our mandate.

Amnesty International works on specific human rights violations, and our
mission focuses in particular on:

  • campaigning to abolish the death penalty,

  • torture, and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

  • ending extra-judicial executions and
  • "disappearances";

  • protecting the human rights of refugees
  • and asylum seekers;

  • protecting the human rights of non-combatants
  • in armed conflicts;

  • working for fair and prompt trials for
  • all political prisoners;

  • seeking the release of all prisoners
  • of conscience.

    Of course there are many other issues of concern around the world, but
    Amnesty does not have the resources to work on every issue.

    The issues we work on are decided by our membership through our internal
    democratic decision-making processes.

    I hope that you may be able to find some assistance from another organisation.

    Rachel Armitage

    Supporter Care Team
    Amnesty International UK
    Tel: 020 7033 1777

    Amnesty International UK
    The Human Rights Action Centre
    17-25 New Inn Yard
    EC2A 3EA

    "Erik Ribsskog"
    26/10/2007 02:47




    Regarding help from Amnesty


    I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, and I've been in contact with the Norwegian
    department of Amnesty,
    regarding lack of respect from the Government in connection with human
    rights issues.

    What I've contacted them about, was that the Norwegian Government, (Politidirektoratet/justisdepartementet),

    isn't answering my e-mails.

    And also the 'Spesialenheten' (the Norwegian equivalent of ipcc), have
    been using more than six months,
    and have still not decided if they are going to investigate my complaint
    against representatives from
    the Norwegian special police 'Kripos', or not.

    So it's obvious that they are delaying this.

    This might not seem so important, but the point is, that this is in regards
    to me being followed by organised
    criminals or mafia, in both Norway and Britain.

    And the point is, that this can lead to people being killed/executed/tortured.

    And also, if the police is aware of this, like the Norwegian police are,
    since I've told them, and still don't help,
    maybe they have problems getting evidence against the criminals/mafia,
    and then hope that they will kill,
    so that they will get evidence in that way. (I would call it people sacrifice).

    This is how it seems to me that it must have been, or still is, for all
    that I know.

    And I contacted the Norwegian department of Amnesty, earlier this week,
    but they only said that Amnesty
    wasn't dealing with investigating crime.

    But that's not at all what I contacted them about, I contaced them about
    the problem that the Government
    are ignoring peoples rights, with the consequense that people can end up
    murdered/tortured etc.

    So I think, since they are working with human-rights issues, on a daily
    basis, then I can't really understand,
    how it could be possible for them to not understand what I was contacting
    them about.

    So I'm a bit worried that something might be wrong in the Norwegian Amnesty

    And this case is also linked to Britain, so I was wondering if it's right
    that Amensty aren't dealing with
    serious breaches of human rights from Governments.

    And also how I should go forward if I wanted to complain about the Norwegian
    of Amnesty, since it seems to
    me that something must be wrong there.

    And I think that this would be serious, since I've always thought that
    Amnesty is an important organisation,
    and that you are doing valuable work around the world.

    I'm also going to forward you copies of the correspondence I've been having
    with the Norwegian deparment
    of Amnesty regarding this.

    I know that they are in Norwegian, but I'm sending them anyway, just for
    formalitys sake.

    I hope that this is alright, and I hope that you have the chance to have
    a look at this!

    Thank you very much for your help in advance!

    Yours sincerely,

    Erik Ribsskog


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