lørdag 6. april 2013
Jeg sendte en e-post til LHT

Erik Ribsskog
About your phone-call and letter about your servey
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:23 AM
LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
Lars Aasen <lbf@lbf.no>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Runcorn Office <runcornoffice@taroe.org>, "hv-02.kontakt" <hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>
is it right that you call people on their mobile, to get them to answer about a servey, to give you feed-back?
Is this your standard procedure?
Or is this the Taliban, who have infected your company, and spy on me, and called me on my mobile, when I was at a busy street, and then didn't say anything?
Is this your standard procedure?
Or is this the Taliban, who have infected your company, and spy on me, and called me on my mobile, when I was at a busy street, and then didn't say anything?
Alluah akbar.
Erik Ribsskog
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Jeg sendte enda en e-post til United Utilities

Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: New water-bill/Fwd: To: Suzanne Cafferty, Customer Advisor/Fwd: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:59 AM
I've also gotten a letter from Concilia about this, yesterday.
I still send about this to United Utilities.
Since I couldn't find an e-mail address, for Concilia, on the internet.
And when I sent my forwarded e-mail to you, from 8/12.
Then I got a reply from Concilia.
A payment-plan, for four months, of four token-payments, of £1.
And it also says on page 2, of the Concilia-letter, that cheques sent to them, should be written to United Utilities.
And I've also read, on the internet, that United Utilities own Concilia:
'United Utilities own Vertex data systems ltd
Vertex Data systems ltd own First Revenue Assurance ukFirst Revenue Assurance is the new name of concilila debt recovery(since mar 06 through name change).'.
So I hope it's ok I send about this Concilia-letter to United Utilities.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:27 AM
Subject: New water-bill/Fwd: To: Suzanne Cafferty, Customer Advisor/Fwd: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
To: Customer.Services@uuplc.co.uk
I'm refering to my new water-bill, from 27/3, which I attach a scanned copy of, with this e-mail.
Like you can see, on page 2, I've had a payment-arrangement with you, (through Concilia), to pay a token-payment, of £1, since I'm uneployed at the moment, unfortuantely.
(I have a budget, which I've set up, in co-operation, with the CCCS.
And I can't afford to pay much more, at the moment, unfortunately.
But I apply for many new jobs, every week, and I hope to get a new job, as soon as possible).
So I hope I can continue this token-payment-arrangement, of £1 a month, untill I find new employement.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 3:44 AM
Subject: To: Suzanne Cafferty, Customer Advisor/Fwd: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
To: Customer.Services@uuplc.co.uk
I'm refering to you letter from 4/12, (which I attach), and to the water-bill, also from 4/12, (which I also attach a scanned copy of).
Thank you for merging my two accounts with you!
You write that the payment-arrangement stays the same.
I'm unemployed at the moment, so I have an arrangement with you that I pay £1 a month, untill I find a new job.
That payment-plan should be up to date now.
And I'm going to pay the next token-payment, of £1, within 25/12.
I just wanted to update about this, since I also got a water-bill, that mention another amount.
So just to make sure that there have been no misunderstanding about this, and to explain that my next payment is going to be the token-payment, of £1, by 25/12.
I hope that you can confirm that this is the same payment-plan, which you mention, in your letter.
(Since I got two letters from you, both dated 4/12 now).
So I just wanted to explain about the details of my payment-arrangement with you, just for the record, so to speak.
Hope this is alright, and thanks again for the letter!
Yours sincerely,
Date: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:14 PM
Subject: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
To: Customer Services <Customer.Services@uuplc.co.uk
I'm refering to your letter from 26/11, which I recieved today, about my water bill arrears, from Hope Chambers.
Today, I also recieved my new water bill, for 10 Keith Court.
I'm unfortunately still unemployed at the moment, (even if I get to job-interview quite often now).
So I can't afford to pay more than token-payments untill I find a new job, unfortunately.
So I was wondering if you could please merge my old account with you, from Leather Lane, with my new account, for 10 Keith Court.
And then I would just continue to pay one token-payment monthly, (like the agreement I have with you now says), untill I find a new job.
So that my next token-payment is due on 25/12.
Hope this is alright, and thank you again for your letter!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
I attach scanned copies of both the mentioned letters.
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Her er vedleggene:
Jeg sendte en e-post til United Utilities

Erik Ribsskog
New water-bill/Fwd: To: Suzanne Cafferty, Customer Advisor/Fwd: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:27 AM
I'm refering to my new water-bill, from 27/3, which I attach a scanned copy of, with this e-mail.
Like you can see, on page 2, I've had a payment-arrangement with you, (through Concilia), to pay a token-payment, of £1, since I'm uneployed at the moment, unfortuantely.
(I have a budget, which I've set up, in co-operation, with the CCCS.
And I can't afford to pay much more, at the moment, unfortunately.
But I apply for many new jobs, every week, and I hope to get a new job, as soon as possible).
So I hope I can continue this token-payment-arrangement, of £1 a month, untill I find new employement.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 3:44 AM
Subject: To: Suzanne Cafferty, Customer Advisor/Fwd: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
To: Customer.Services@uuplc.co.uk
I'm refering to you letter from 4/12, (which I attach), and to the water-bill, also from 4/12, (which I also attach a scanned copy of).
Thank you for merging my two accounts with you!
You write that the payment-arrangement stays the same.
I'm unemployed at the moment, so I have an arrangement with you that I pay £1 a month, untill I find a new job.
That payment-plan should be up to date now.
And I'm going to pay the next token-payment, of £1, within 25/12.
I just wanted to update about this, since I also got a water-bill, that mention another amount.
So just to make sure that there have been no misunderstanding about this, and to explain that my next payment is going to be the token-payment, of £1, by 25/12.
I hope that you can confirm that this is the same payment-plan, which you mention, in your letter.
(Since I got two letters from you, both dated 4/12 now).
So I just wanted to explain about the details of my payment-arrangement with you, just for the record, so to speak.
Hope this is alright, and thanks again for the letter!
Yours sincerely,
Date: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:14 PM
Subject: To: Nicola Redfern, Customer Advisor
To: Customer Services <Customer.Services@uuplc.co.uk
I'm refering to your letter from 26/11, which I recieved today, about my water bill arrears, from Hope Chambers.
Today, I also recieved my new water bill, for 10 Keith Court.
I'm unfortunately still unemployed at the moment, (even if I get to job-interview quite often now).
So I can't afford to pay more than token-payments untill I find a new job, unfortunately.
So I was wondering if you could please merge my old account with you, from Leather Lane, with my new account, for 10 Keith Court.
And then I would just continue to pay one token-payment monthly, (like the agreement I have with you now says), untill I find a new job.
So that my next token-payment is due on 25/12.
Hope this is alright, and thank you again for your letter!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
I attach scanned copies of both the mentioned letters.
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Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool City Council

Erik Ribsskog
Your letter from 22/3/Fwd: Council Tax 30345737 Flat 3,5 Leather Lane,Liverpool,L2 2AE
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 6:34 AM
LGOAT Mailbox <L.Mailbox@lgo.org.uk>, LGOAT Mailbox <lgoatmail@lgo.org.uk>
I'm refering to your letter from 22/3, which I attach a scanned copy of.
I also attach a scanned copy of the first page, of the enclosure.
And that's because this isn't the claim I mean.
I worked for Randstand and Aravato, in the same job, from August 2005 to around December 2006.
I then worked with my employment-case, for some weeks.
And then reported un-employed at around 17/1/07, (I think your enclosure said).
Then I got a job, in March 2007.
A job I found on the Directgov-website.
Packaging Europe/Postive Publications in Norwich, wanted me to work as self-employed on behalf of them, doing research on the packaging-industry, in Norway.
I was happy with managing to get a new job, after the problems at Arvato, (which I won't write about in details here).
But after a while, I realised, that this job, was difficult to get by on.
I had to ask my landlord, to pay the rent later, all the time, and got arrears.
But I had only lived in the UK, since I started studying at the University of Sunderland, in September 2004.
So I wasn't that aware of income-support-arrangements, etc.
And I tried to get enough pay, to pay my bills, from the Packaging-job.
But when the Packaging Database-project, which I worked on, was finished, around November 2008.
Then I had a lot of arrears, to the landlord, council tax-arrears, and to the water-company and electricity-company.
Even if I hadn't wasted much money, while I had the packaging-job.
But this job was low paid.
I perhaps did the research for each company, to thorough, so I had to work longer, to get a decent pay.
Since I was paid, per company-file, that I did research for.
So I earned just around £400-500 a month perhaps, when I had the packaging-job.
(From March 2007 to November 2008).
So I think I probably was eligable, for Council Tax-benefit, from the time, when I worked, in this packaging-job.
That's what I'm wondering about, to try to be precise.
The Council have told me, a couple of years ago, that my claim, was 'out of date', (I think it was).
But when is it one have to claim Council Tax-benefit?
It isn't like I'm trying to claim this now.
I've tried a few years ago, to claim this benefit.
Around 2010 or 2011, I think it must have been.
I'm not talking about the time-periode, from January to March 2007, when I was un-employed.
But I'm talking about the time-periode, from March 2007 to November 2008, when I had a packaging-job, that I really got a lower pay, than the national minimun wage from, (since it was paid per company, and I usually do my work thorowly, and I also worked with the mentioned employment-case, against Arvato, a bit, while I had the packaging-job).
I hope I managed to make this a bit more clear now.
Thanks again for the letter!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Council Tax 30345737 Flat 3,5 Leather Lane,Liverpool,L2 2AE
To: "Ellis, Barbara" <Barbara.Ellis@
Cc: LGOAT Mailbox <L.Mailbox@lgo.org.uk>, LGOAT Mailbox <lgoatmail@lgo.org.uk>
I haven't filled out a form about this in 2007.
I complained later, after I finnished in this job, at the end of 2007.
After I got a bit more used with living in the UK.
I only moved here in 2004, (to study), and started working here in 2005.
So I waited a bit long before I applied for the Council Tax-benefit, (for the years I worked as self-employed, which was from March 2006 to November or December in 2007).
But I haven't filled out a form, (about this), in 2007.
It was more like I just wrote an e-mail about this, a couple of years later.
So this form you mention I'm a bit currious about.
Perhaps you could explain more about that?
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Ellis, Barbara <Barbara.Ellis@ liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:
Re your recent e-mail, the regulations for back-dating Council Tax, and collecting Council Tax are different, they are 2 separate entities.
I note that you did apply for rebate in 2007, and the back-dating rules are/were given on the form, but the back-dating rules have changed since then.
Once a Liability Order has been obtained we can continue to collect Council Tax for as long as we wish.
The LGO dept are correct it is extremely doubtful that the benefits office will back date rebate going back 5 or 6 years.
Am just a bit confused that you applied for rebate, and received rebate, so if you thought at the time that the rebate wasn't sufficient/correct why didn't you deal with that at the time.
If you are in receipt of JSA or ESA we can deduct direct from your Benefit, at £3.55 per week (£3.60 from April 2013) but if not we will have to have a suitable arrangement.
We await your proposals for payment.
B Ellis
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