Frank Eastwood, (sønn av min far, (Arne Mogan Olsen), sin avdøde kamerat Ernest Eastwood), har gjort noe så spesielt, som å bygge opp igjen, gamle Berger skole. Og han har visst også flytta inn der, hvis jeg har skjønt det riktig

bygd opp gamleskolen


Ingeliv Andreassen har oppdatert om, at min fars foreldre, bodde i andre etasje, i lærerbygningen, ved gamle Berger skole.

Det var artig.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

andre etasje

(Samme link som ovenfor).

PS 3.

Jeg kan ikke veien, til gamle Berger skole, i huet, selv.

For jeg er mest kjent, borte på Sand og Bergeråsen Nedre.

Siden at farmora og farfaren min, bodde på Sand.

Og faren min bodde på Bergeråsen Nedre.

(På den tida, som jeg vokste opp, i Søndre Strømm).

Men jeg husker det.

At jeg noen ganger satt på, med faren min.

Når han kjørte på noen gamle gårdsveier, (eller noe lignende).

Som gikk fra ved Berger gård vel, muligens.

(Noe sånt).

Og da lurer jeg på om det kan ha vært dette stedet.

For faren min sa det, at der hadde de pleid å bo, i gamle dager, da.

(Og faren min nevnte vel også det, (mener jeg å huske), at Ernest Eastwood, (og dem), også hadde pleid å bo, på det her stedet, da.

Noe sånt).

Og dette kan nok antagelig ha vært Fjellsbyen da, (som det visst heter).

(Hvor gamle Berger skole pleide å ligge, da.)

Men jeg har alltid hørt det, at farfaren min, (som farmora mi), pleide å jobbe, for Jebsen.

Men det er mulig at farfaren min, ikke jobba, i forbindelse med selve tekstilfabrikkene, (Berger og Fossekleiva fabrikker), da.

Men at farfaren min lagde sånne stamper, for tekstilproduksjonen.

(Som enten faren min eller om det var min farfars bror, Idar Sandersen, fortalte meg, at farfaren min pleide å jobbe med, å lage).

I den tidligere sløydsalen, på den da nedlagte gamle Berger skole.

(For den skolen flytta jo bort til Bergeråsen, på midten av 50-tallet, var det vel.

Noe sånt).

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - To: Anthony Battle. Ref.: 10055749


Erik Ribsskog

To: Anthony Battle. Ref.: 10055749

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:37 PM

Benefits Service <>

LHT Customer Service <>

Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Runcorn Office <>


I'm refering to your letter from 24/4, which I recieved today.

There has really been no change in my circumstances or income.

So I'm not sure what you are refering to.

I still only have my Jobseekers Allowance.

I have two small business, (web shop and book-publishing).

Like I've updated you about earlier.

But so far, the expenses have been higher that then income, for this businesses, so they are in minus, and I haven't had any income from them.

(I think I've sent you the book-keeping, for these small businesses, a few months ago).

Could you please inform me what initiated your mentioned letter.

Then perhaps it would be easier for me to explain.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments
benefit 1.jpg
benefit 2.jpg


Her er vedleggene:

benefit 1

benefit 2

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til NAV

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Problemer under førstegangstjenesten


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Problemer under førstegangstjenesten

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:16 PM

"(PK) NAV Post" <>

Cc:, Ombudsmannen for Forsvaret <>


nå har jeg sendt om det her, til Kongen i Statsråd, i mellomtiden.

Så jeg får vente til jeg hører fra dem.


Erik Ribsskog

2013/4/26 (PK) NAV Post <>

Dersom plagene dine oppsto mens du tjenestegjorde i Forsvaret vil du kunne få erstatning for dette under reglene om yrkesskade. Se våre nettsider:

Når du avtjener førstegangstjeneste er du yrkesskadedekket etter folketrygdloven for enhver sykdom eller skade som oppstår i tidsrommet fra du møter til tjeneste til du blir dimittert.  Når du får klarlagt hva slags skade/sykdom du har i bør du søke om å få dette godkjent som godkjent som yrkesskade. Det er i denne forbindelse viktig å få dokumentert at plagene oppsto i tidsrommet mens du tjenestegjorde.

Du finner søknadsskjema ved å følge linken over.
Trenger du veiledning, ta kontakt med ditt NAV kontor, Kontaktinformasjon finner du her:

Wenche Bakke

NAV Servicesenter
Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 25. april 2013 13:54
Kopi: (PK) NAV Post
Emne: Oppdatering/Fwd: Problemer under førstegangstjenesten

er du sikker på at det er meninga, at jeg skal sende om dette, til NAV?

NAV var jo ikke oppfunnet, da jeg fikk, den frostskaden.

Og det virker ikke som at NAV klarer å ta imot en e-post engang.
Det er vel Forsvaret som må gi erstatning, siden dette  hendte under førstegangstjenesten?

Jeg synes ikke at dette med NAV gir noen mending, i denne saken.

Kan du vennligst forklare hvordan saksgangen er i slike saker?

Har dere noe om skade-erstatningskrav under førstegangstjenesten, på en nettside, for eksempel?

Eller har du en brosjyre, som du kan sende meg, i posten?

Her er jeg ikke helt med, for å si det sånn.

Jeg mener at det ikke er riktig at jeg skal bli fremmedgjort her.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: (PK) NAV Post <>
Date: 2013/4/25
Subject: SV: Problemer under førstegangstjenesten
To: Erik Ribsskog <>


Du har sendt din henvendelse til som er en landsdekkende brukerstøtte for vår nettside

Henvendelser som gjelder regelverk, saksbehandling, utbetalinger etc. må rettes til ditt lokale NAV-kontor. Av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker anbefales det generelt at man leser om personvern og sikkerhet og e-post og informasjonssikkerhet på før man velger å sende e-post til NAV istedenfor å ta kontakt pr. telefon.

Du kan ringe NAV på 55 55 33 33 for informasjon.
Med vennlig hilsen

Kristian Tveiten
NAV Servicesenter

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
Sendt: 24. april 2013 13:13
Til: Ombudsmannen for Forsvaret
Kopi: (PK) NAV Post
Emne: Re: Problemer under førstegangstjenesten
takk for e-post!
Ja, jeg førte ihvertfall opp, på et skjema, (den siste dagen, av førstegangstjenesten, på Terningmoen), at jeg hadde fått skade, (altså frostskaden), under førstegangstjenesten.

(Som jeg vel skrev om, i mine første e-poster).

Så regner med at det formelle burde være i orden.

NAV har jo mange kriker og kroker og funksjoner, (ettersom jeg har forstått).

Det er jo arbeidsformidling og trygdekontor i et, såvidt jeg har forstått.

Så jeg sender bare en kopi av denne e-posten til NAV sin generelle e-post adresse, så håper jeg at de finner riktig kontor, å sende denne henvendelsen videre til.

Igjen takk for e-post!


Erik Ribsskog
2013/4/24 Ombudsmannen for Forsvaret <>
Jeg viser til dine e-poster vedr. frostskade mm. og beklager at henvendelsen ikke er besvart tidligere.

Dersom du fikk skader under militærtjenesten må du ta kontakt med NAV som kan hjelpe deg med å fremme et erstatningskrav.

Det vil nok kreves at du meldte fra om skaden og at det ble utferdiget skademelding mens du tjenestegjorde i Forsvaret. Hvis ikke, vil det være vanskelig å bevise at skaden oppstod under militærtjenesten.

Saken avsluttes herved fra vår side, med mindre du fremdeles ønsker vår bistand.

Med vennlig hilsen
Ombudsmannen for Forsvaret
Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: LOGO-Ombodsman for Forsvaret

Bjørn A. Gahre
Tel: 23 35 64 70 / 92 22 98 08
Mil: 510 5683

Jeg sendte en e-post til EFTA

Gmail - Klage på britene/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-296085#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Klage på britene/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-296085#>>

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:11 PM




jeg skjønner ikke hva britene gjør i EU, hvis de skal terrorisere folk, og kalle de Erica, osv.

Er dette en søknad fra britene om at de vil ut av EU?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool Direct <>

Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:56 AM
Subject: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-296085#>>

Your email reference number is: 296085

Dear Erica  

Thank you for your e-mail about neighbour problems and opening times of the world museum.

As previously advised you should direct any neighbour disputes to your housing association or if you feel that the problem is more serious contact the police.

With regards your query about the opening of Central Library, as advised this will re open on 17/5/13 and the entrance will be on William Brown Street.  

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 25/04/13 21:25:46 o'clock UTC
To: Liverpool Direct <>

CC:LHT Customer Service <>, Info <>, "Runcorn Office" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry


yes, I copy all these e-mails, to my Landlord, (like you probably can see), so they know what's going on.

There was also another episode, at around 2.30 PM today.

When I was going to the Jobcentre, in Aintree, for my sign-on-meeting.

And then, the mentioned neighbor survailed, the Court.

And started talking to me, through the letter-box, in his door.

I didn't understand what he was saying, at all.

He opened the door, and said some stuff, which I didn't understand, at all.

So I just told him to take his tablets.

(Since he has mentioned his tablets earlier.

So I guess he has some kind of disease, that makes him speak un-clear, when he isn't taking his tablets.

Something like this).

So I just tell him to remember to take his tablets now.

I then went to the city centre, after I had been, at the Jobcentre.

And I thought about sending you an update-email, from the Central Library.

But the World Museum, (where the central library has been the last year or so, I think).

They told me, that 'their' library was closed.

And the closest was now in Toxteth.

(Until the new libary opens, on 17/5, the museum-woman said).

Is it right that it is now no central library, for many weeks?

Or where the World Museum just joking?

The museum info-woman wondered if I wanted the library-times, for Toxteth and Kensington.

But when I asked her were the new enterance, for the new library, was going to be.

Then she just said they didn't run the library.

The Council did, we agreed.

So I send about this to you now.

I noticed that it said 'library' on the facade, of a building, (of Scotland Rd, in the City Centre), when I took the bus.

So I thought the new library had opened.

But couldn't find the enterance-door, and asked in the World Museum; (since they used to have this library).

Just something I thought about at the moment.

I didn't want to go straight home, after the Jobcentre-meeting.

Since this mentioned neighbor, is very aggressive, at the moment, I think.

When I got home, the electricity-cabinet, stood wide open.

(I've earlier reported to my Landlord, that this cabinet isn't possible to lock).

And some square, white material of some kind, had been put, through the letter-hole, in my door.

So I guess it could have been the mentioned neighbor, that had gone bananas.

Who knows.

I just write about that, in this e-mail.

I don't want to have a war, with this 'mad cows disease'-neighbor, (I think I almost have to call him).

Thanks for the e-mail anyway.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 296085

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about your neighbour.

You would need to report the matter to the anti social behaviour department of your housing association.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 25/04/13 12:02:08 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>

CC:LHT Customer Service <>
Subject: Re: Your Email Enquiry


thank you for your e-mail!

I thought this was a medical problem, and that the neighbor has mad cows disease, or something.

But I just woke up now, and it seems the neighbor is acting like a criminal now.

I sleep with my window open, to get fresh air.

And I suddently heard load screaming, and went to look out the window.

And then the 'mad cows disease'-guy, went towards the street again.

I wonder why he goes on my door, all the time.

(And asks silly questions).

And was also alarmed by the screaming.

So I took some photographs.

The other guy then came back with some milk.

(I guess he must have been to a local shop.

Since he wasn't gone long).

Then the 'milk-guy' said to the old guy, that the old guy was a 'scrub'.

That the old guy smelled down the place.

(Something like this).

And that he knocked on his door, all the time.

And that if he had done that on the street, he would have knocked him down.

(Something like this).

The young 'milk-guy' then went to his flat.

And the old guy followed him, and showed him a key, (or something), and said he would smash his car.

(Or something like that).

So the old guy just pretends he has mad cows disease, I think.

He's really a criminal, (or something), I think.

If I send crime-reports to the Police, then they never reply.

I've sent them lot's of crime-reports regarding personalised harassing e-mails, which I really get a lot of, in periods, for some reason.

But the Police never reply.

But I send a copy e-mail to the Norwegian embassy, since I'm from Norway.

And I attach the photographs I took, after I got out of my bed, due to the mentioned noise.

Thanks again for the reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 296085

Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail. If your neighbour is harassing you I would suggest you phone the police regarding this.  

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 24/04/13 10:18:28 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>

CC:LHT Customer Service <>
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: What's wrong with neighbour?


thank you for your e-mail.

I also sent you a second update about this, at 10.21 AM yesterday.

Since I think you reply to the first update, (in the subject-line, in your e-mail, from today).

I've now tried to let calling-phone hang out of the calling-mounting, on the wall.

To try to turn the calling off, since the neighbour is on my door, 'all the time', with silly questions.

I'm not sure if this is why I haven't been woken up today.

Perhaps this makes the calling not work.

When I lived in Oslo, I had to cut of the wire, to the calling, since the door-bell-panel, by the enterance, to the building, (owned by my employer ICA), that I lived in, was distroyed, (for months or if it was years), so visitiors would always press 'all' the door-bells, without knowing who's door-bell it was.

So I had to cut of the wire to the calling there, in the end, since people I didn't know, called on my calling, all the time.

I hope I don't have to do that here, due to this 'crazy' neighbour.

We'll see.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Thank you for your e-mail.

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Liverpool Direct Limited

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