onsdag 1. mai 2013

Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Web Designer

Gmail - eribsskog@gmail.com - CWJobs.co.uk - Applicant details for Web Designer / HTML / CSS / Usability / Manchester - ML_JHGGB


Erik Ribsskog

eribsskog@gmail.com - CWJobs.co.uk - Applicant details for Web Designer / HTML / CSS / Usability / Manchester - ML_JHGGB



Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:44 PM




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The following candidate has applied online for the position: Web Designer / HTML / CSS / Usability / Manchester.

Candidate email address: eribsskog@gmail.com.

Candidate’s comments:

I read about this vacancy on CW Jobs, and wanted to please apply for this job.

I have designed several websites, (see CV for more details), since the late 90's, by using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SVG.
I've also gone to a Data and Information Management-line, the last year, (1988/89), at Upper Secondary School, which focused a lot on usability, as did an academy named NHI, where I studied Information Management, in the academic years 1989/90 and 1991/92.
I also have a Norwegian degree in IT, named 'Høgskolekandidat', from Oslo University College, (HiO), where I studied, in the academic years 2002/03 and 2003/04.

I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

I confirm that I am eligible to live and work in the UK

If the candidate has supplied a CV it will be attached to this email.

Please provide your feedback to eribsskog@gmail.com.

Thank you for advertising on CWJobs.

Totaljobs Group
Holden House, 57 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1JU
Registered in England & Wales under company number 04269861


Jeg sendte en e-post til UIO

Gmail - Re: Karakterutskrift


Erik Ribsskog

Re: Karakterutskrift

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, May 1, 2013 at 6:10 PM



jobber min halvbror Axel Thomassen sin eksdame Heidi Beate Bentzen hos dere?

Er det derfor dere ikke vil sende 'transcript', som det heter i England?

Jussbuss har også tullet.


Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:


SERI/AFIN - kontaktperson Heidi Beate Bentzen
Emneord: Personvern, sikkerhet

Publisert 25. apr. 2013 23:05 - Sist endret 25. apr. 2013 23:05

2012/3/8 studentinfo <studentinfo@admin.uio.no>


En Karakterutskrift inneholder alle emner som er bestått ved UiO.

Du må ha bestått minst én eksamen ved UiO før det kan utstedes en

Vennlig hilsen
Universitetet i Oslo


text/plain 394b


jeg tok en ex-phil-eksamen, hos UIO, på Blindern,
vårsemesteret, i 1991.

Jeg mener at jeg aldri har fått noe karakterutskrift.

(Selv om jeg vel strøyk, så lurer jeg på hva det står på
min da).

Kan jeg være så snill å få tilsendt karakterutskrift som
skannet vedlegg i
en e-post, for eksempel?

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

Mer fra Facebook

slektning av barbie heidi


Her er mer om dette:

barbie heidi 2

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til LHT

Gmail - To: Allison Curry, Service Charge Administrator


Erik Ribsskog

To: Allison Curry, Service Charge Administrator

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, May 1, 2013 at 2:36 PM

LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>

Lars Aasen <lbf@lbf.no>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Runcorn Office <runcornoffice@taroe.org>


I just got post, (through the letter-hole in my door), for the second time, today.

And I looked out my bed-room window, (since that was a bit often, I thought), and it wasn't the postman.

It was an elderly woman, it seemed.

She had put a letter, (without an envelope), through the 'post-hole', in my door.

Is this letter really for me, in 10 Keith Court, you think?

I attach a scanned copy of this mentioned letter.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

keith avenue.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

keith avenue

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til LHT

Gmail - Kitchen Replacement


Erik Ribsskog

Kitchen Replacement

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, May 1, 2013 at 1:53 PM



Lars Aasen <lbf@lbf.no>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Runcorn Office <runcornoffice@taroe.org>


I'm refering to your letter from Deborah Vaghan, Property Services, which I recieved today.

In the enclosed booklet, it says that this programme is mostly for 20 year old kitchens and that it's going to take ten days, to install a new kitchen.

The kitchen in my appartment looks almost brand new, I'd say.

So this would be a waste of money, I think.

These money would be much better used, in one of your older flats.

I'm also unemployed, and sits at home, and do my job-search, etc.

I don't want to sit for ten days, and look at a lot of builders, and get a head-ache, from the building-noise.

Perhaps people who work away from home likes this programme more.

I want to please get out of it.

From when I lived at MAS, I also remember that painters painted on my broadband-dongle etc., when they painted my room.

So I don't like these kinds of projects.

I think projects like these should be done, (when it isn't an emergency), between tenancies.

Then people don't have to have workers 'living' with them, for weeks.

And the kitchen is fine from before, so this is just a waste of time and money, I think.

And it would also be a bit like torture for me, I think, to have noisy builders, around me, for weeks.

So I want to please get out of this programme.

The main problem in this flat now, (10 Keith Court), is that the floor in the lounge, is twisted, due to that the radiator-heater-switch, was broken, at the time I moved in.

(I've fixed it with tape now).

The radiator-heater wasn't possible to turn off.

So it must have been like a sauna hear, for years, I think.

So the lounge-floor has gotten something like we call 'sol-slyng', in Norway.

Like what sometimes happens to railway-tracks.

They get twisted, in the sun, (in the summer), sometimes.

This is called 'sun-kink' or 'buckling', in the UK, I think, (from searching on the internet).

Something like this phenomenon has happend, to the lounge-floor here, it seems like, to me.

(Due to that the radiator-heater-switch, has been broken, for years, it seems probable, to me, is the reason.

Something like this).

So the lounge-floor isn't flat.

It's almost a bit formed like waves.

But I don't want any workers here, so I rather adapt.

Because I don't want to get stress and head-ache from workers around me, while I live here.

And I've also had unpleasant experiences, from handy men, when I lived, in Leather Lane.

They mocked me, because I was from Norway, and didn't understand how to use the shower, (I also had a bath-tub), at the start, in this flat.

Since the showers are more 'complicated' here in the UK, than in Norway, I think.

(In Norway we don't have the string in the roof. to do with the shower.

For some reason.

I'm not a builder or electrician, so I can't explain why it's different in Norway, unfortunately.

But I've lived in Norway for more than 30 years, so I know how the showers usually are there, so to speak).

So I think I've had enough of builders/workers/handy-men, for a life-time.

(If it's aloved to say that).

When Virgin was here, to install my new broad-band-line.

They sent in five engineers, on three different days, during two weeks.

To set up a broad-band line!

(BT only used one guy, and one day, to set up a broadband-line, in my room, when I lived in  Mandeville St).

So I've had enough of builders/contractors/handy-men/workes for years.

I don't want them around me for weeks.

The kitchen is really fine like it is, I think.

It's some stains on one shelf, under the sink, (from some kind of leakage, I think).

But this can't be seen, since it's in a  cupboard.

So I have adapted to this.

And don't think this is reason to build a new kitchen, with all the noise, stress and 'terror' that this would mean, to me, who sits at home every day, in the lounge, since I have two small businesses, that I try to build up, and my job-search, to do.

So this isn't what I want at all.

This would just be like a bother, to me, I think I have to say.

So I please want out of this programme.

(Like I've also informed you about earlier.

When I got your first letter about this programme.

I sent you an e-mail then.

And then I also wondered a bit if this was a joke, since you didn't sent the info-booklet, with your first letter.

If you had done that, then people would have thought that they had been kept informed.

Because I haven't found anything about this programme, in the LHT-publication, that i get some months, in the post.

So what about sending the information-booklet with the first letter?

Instead of waiting for months.

This makes tenants uncertain about what's going on, I think.

And you haven't replied to my last e-mail about this, from 12/3.

So this is also a complaint, about this).

I attach your mentioned letter, from today as a scan.


Erik Ribsskog


Here is the e-mail you haven't replied to, (which I found again now):

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Mar 12

to LHT, Lars, Runcorn, Info, hv-02.kontakt

I attach a scanned copy, of your letter, from 1/3.

I don't want a new kitchen, in this flat.

I don't understand why I'm included in this programme.

The old kitchen is just fine.

No need to waste money on this.

The main reason I don't want to be on this programme, is that I don't like 'repair-guys', in my flat.

They are sometimes inpolite, my experience is, from the earlier addresses I've lived at, here in the UK.

(One repair-guy was inpolite in conncetion with a bath-room-problem, at Leather Lane, where I lived, from 2006 to 2011).

And they sometimes damage my property.

(A painted painted on my mobile-broadband-doongle, with white paint, when I lived at MAS, in Fairfield, last year).

And I don't like it that the repair-guys work around in my flat, while my properties, is everywhere, in the flat.

You could do 'stuff' like this, inbetween tenants living, in the flats, I think.

That is after I move out, (if I move out).

I really don't want this new kitchen, due to that I really don't want repair-guys in my flat.

I work from home and do my job-search from home.

More or less the last thing I want, is repair-guys here.

I really hate having repair-guys around, where I live.

(To be honest).

Since I don't like noise and strangers walking around where I try to think and focus on my job-search and work.

And I don't want to worry about

kitchen replacement.txt

Her kan man se det, at snekkerverkstedet, som farfaren min bygde, ikke var verdt så mye, i 1997

verksted ikke verdt mye



Her kan man se at det var onkel Runar som fikk mest arv.

For han fikk cirka en halv million, for 'Ågot-huset'.

(Mens faren min og onkel Håkon, de fikk bare hundre tusen hver seg, for verkstedet).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

runar fikk mest


Jeg tror det her må være 'det store huset på løkka', som min grandonkel Idar Sandersen 'babla' om, på telefonen, for to-tre år siden, hvor min farfar Øivind Olsen visstnok skal ha jobbet, (som snekker), for en Andresen, som var gift, med søstera, til Ingeborg Olsson, som var min farfars mor. Noe sånt

store huset på løkka



Det her, (Ragnhild Olsdatter), må vel være min farfar, (Øivind Olsen), sin tante, antagelig.

Men han Aleksander, (aka. Alik), har visst seinere bytta etternavn, fra Kristiansen til Andresen.


Men men.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

ragnhild olsdatter farfars tante


PS 3.

Her kan man se det, at på begynnelsen av 60-tallet, så har Aleksander Kristiansen, (vognmanden fra Parken, som vel var gift med min farfars tante, som ifølge min far og min grandonkel Idar Sandersen, var direkte etter Iver Huitfeldt og en Gyldenløve-, (altså Oldenburg-), frøken), blitt til Alexander Andresen, (aka. Alik), av en eller annen grunn.


PS 4.

Her er mer om dette:

kristiansen blir til andresen


PS 4.

Hu Ingrid Moen f. Aleksandersdatter,  (min farfars kusine).

Som seinere flytta til Høyen, i et hus, som Linda Moen, (som gikk i klassen min), bor i nå, (står det i kommentarfeltet, til det bildet ovenfor, på Facebook).

Hu kan vel ha vært oppkalt etter sin tante, (min oldemor), Ingeborg Olsen f. Olsdatter eller Olsson, som bodde, på Arnestø eller Bergstø, ved Holmsbu, (sammen med min oldefar, som het Hans Olsen, vel).

Hvem vet.

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.