mandag 12. august 2013
Jeg tror at jeg må fjerne kontaktskjemaet, fra nettbutikken min, siden folk bruker det til å sende tulle e-poster, som er mer eller mindre umulige å spore, virker det som
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 6:05 PM
Hei Erik.
Dette tror jeg du vil like:
Nam nam :)
Hilsen Karen
Her er mer om dette:
Jeg fortsetter å søke jobber. Denne gang som Shop Manager
Erik Ribsskog
Shop Manager (Liverpool in Work-ref.: 608091)
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:57 PM
Personal Advisor Sarah, at Aintree Jobcentre, adviced me to apply for this job, in a meeting today.
I've worked as a Store Manager for four years, (I was a Cashier/Stocker from 1992 to 1994, then a Key Holder in the summer of 1994, then an Aspiring Manager the rest of 1994, then an Assistant Manager, (in two different stores), from 1995 til 1998, then a Store Manager, (in three different stores), from 1998 to 2002, then Key Holder, (in two different stores while I studied full-time), from 2002 to 2004), in the Norwegian grocery-chain Rimi, (now owned by ICA).
I was responsible for motivating, training and developing up to 25 employees, at a time, when I worked as a Store Manager, in Rimi, and one of the shops I worked as a Store Manager in, (Rimi Kalbakken, in Oslo), from 2000 to 2001, had a weekly turn-over, at around 850.000 NOK, (which is around £90.000).
I've also worked as a full-time Cashier, (later part-time Cashier and Delicatessen-employee, while studying), in the big hypermarked Matland, (which was bought by Coop while I worked there, and changed its name to OBS! Triaden), in Lørenskog in Norway.
I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Marketing Officer
Erik Ribsskog
Marketing Officer (Ref.: 608072 ED).
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:23 PM
Personal Advisor Sarah, at Aintree Jobcentre, adviced me to apply for this job, in a meeting today.
I've studied Information Management, for two years, at NHI, (in Oslo), in the late 80's and the early 90's, and I got a good grade, (2.5), in Marketing.
I've also worked as a Store Manager, in ICA Norway, (Rimi), for four years, between 1998 and 2002, so I'm used with working as an executive, and having a lot of responsibilities and to work independently and to prioritise and motivate, train and develop a team of up to 25 staff.
I've also gone to Commerce-school, (at Upper Secondary-level, in Norway), for three years, and the second year I had Marketing as a choice-level, for six hours a week, (in the school-year 1987/88), when I went on the Economy-line, at Sande Upper Secondary-school.
I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Cell Centre Manager
Erik Ribsskog
Call Centre Manager (Liverpool in work-ref.: 608050)
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:57 PM
Personal Adviser Sarah at Aintree Jobcentre adviced me to apply for this job, in a meeting today.
I was responsible for motivating, training and developing up to 25 employees, at a time, when I worked as a Store Manager, in Rimi, and one of the shops I worked as a Store Manager in, (Rimi Kalbakken, in Oslo), from 2000 to 2001, had a weekly turn-over, at around 850.000 NOK, (which is around £90.000).
I've also worked in a call-centre, (Arvato), here in Liverpool, (from 2005 to 2006), taking inbound calls, (in Norwegian and English), from Microsoft-customers in the Nordic countries, (and Israel). Here I ran the whole campaign myself, for some days, between Christmas and New Year, in 2005, since all the managers there just went away on holiday. I also got extra responsibilities like organising a weekly service-level-competition, which I think one have to say was a 'manager-task', (which one of the Team Leaders there, Vivian Steinsland, wanted me to organise).
I've also worked in a call-centre in Oslo, (Norsk Idrettshjelp), taking outbond calls, (as an extra-job, (when I worked full time as an Assistant Manager in Rimi), to earn money for my driving-licence, from around February to August, in 1995).
I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Ok, er det Petter som han eldste sønnen til Mette Holter heter. Jeg er litt yngre, enn ungene til Mette Holter, så da min søster Pia og meg, besøkte Axel og dem, i Oslo, på 80-tallet, (mens vi bodde på Berger), så ble jeg mest kjent med Kirsten og Erik Ancona, siden Petter vel allerede hadde 'flytta fra redet', mer eller mindre da, tror jeg
Axel bodde hos sin far, Arne Thomassen.
Fra han var cirka tre-fire år gammel vel, (mener jeg å huske).
Og Axel er født i 1978.
Så han flytta til faren sin, (som på den tida ble sammen med Mette Holter), rundt 1982, (må det vel ha vært).
Og fra 1982 til jeg flytta til Oslo, for å studere, i 1989.
Så besøkte Pia og meg Axel og dem, (i Oslo), to ganger, (var det vel).
Og Axel var også et par ganger på besøk hos meg, på Berger, på disse sju-åtte årene.
Og da var ikke ungene til Mette Holter med.
Så det er ikke sånn at ungene til Mette Holter er som mine søsken.
Men de er som Axel sine søsken, (må man vel si).
Spesielt Kirsten Ancona, vel.
Som pleide å ta med Axel til McDonalds og sånn, mener jeg å huske, at hu nevnte, en gang.
Så sånn er det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sendte enda en e-post til LHT
Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: Complaint
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 2:37 PM
LHT Customer Service <>
Lars Aasen <>, Runcorn Office <>, Info <>
Hi again,
also this morning, suddently it was a lot of builders 'everywhere' in Keith Court, (and there still is now).
There are someone sawing, (I think), in the court-yard.
There are someone sawing, (I think), in the court-yard.
And someone outside my lounge-window, (on the side of Keith Court facing Goodison Park).
And these workers make a lot of noise.
And no information in advance.
There's no information about when the gate is going to be fixed eighter.
And when the door for the garbage bins are going to be fixed.
It's like you have sent in an army of builders today, I think.
Perhaps you could just send a few, so that there is one quiet side of the flat.
Because it's noise in both the bedroom and the lounge now, from builders.
I attach a photograph of how the court looks now.
Why haven't there been sent information about this work to the people living in Keith Court, I'm wondering a bit here.
Since I sent you an e-mail yesterday, I mean.
I thought I could try to send an update today as well.
In the building-noise here.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:52 AM
Subject: Complaint
To: LHT Customer Service <>
Cc: Lars Aasen <>, Runcorn Office <>, Info <>
the guy in number 7 screams 'every' night when he gets home drunk, (it seems like to me), around midnight.
I've picked up that he screams that there is no security problem in Keith Court.
(Something like this).
And he screams he's lived here for five years.
(Something like this).
And tonight I think he screamed: 'stop locking the door'.
I guess he means the door to the gate.
Housing Officer Sarah Vermiglio told me about a year ago that all tenants had been given the key to the gate.
(Because I complained because I hadn't been given that key, and not a code for the code-display, that Sarah Vermiglio told me wasn't used any longer).
After many months, I got a key, in the post.
And I use it to lock the gate, when I go out.
Earlier, one could push a button, to open the gate, from the inside.
But that function has now stopped working, I've noticed.
But I just use the key, to open the gate.
Even if the door for the garbage-bins is always unlocked now.
(At least since the mentioned unlock-button-function for the gate has stopped working, (earlier this summer, I think it must have been).
I've noticed).
Shouldn't someone from LHT close the garbage-door in the gate except for the day when the garbage-bins are emptied?
Has Sarah Vermiglio lied when she said all tenants had gotten the key for the gate?
Could someone have a chat with the guy in nummer 7 and ask him to stop screaming?
(Perhaps he needs a key for the gate as well.
What do I know.
He just screams about that there haven't been a security problem here.
But he should bring this up with LHT in a formal way, and not scream 'each' night, I think.
If he has a problem with something with the gate, etc).
Erik Ribsskog
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