En av de første dagene, som jeg bodde, i Sunderland.
Så dro jeg til Gateshead, (husker jeg), for å sende en pakke, til Norge.
Det var nøklene til Rimi-leiligheten min, som jeg hadde tatt med meg, til Sunderland, (istedet for å legge dem, i postkassa, til vaktmester Karl Fredrik).
(Jeg var litt trøtt, da jeg flytta ut, fra Rimi-leiligheten min.
Siden jeg hadde vaska der, hele natta.
Så jeg tok med nøklene, i tilfelle at jeg plutselig skulle komme på, at jeg hadde glemt noe.
Og måtte inn i leiligheten igjen, da).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Jeg må vel først har ringt, til Rimi sitt hovedkontor, på Sinsen.
(Antagelig med min 'norske' abonnement-mobil, fra rommet mitt, på the Forge).
Jeg husker ihvertfall det, at jeg prata med ei ung dame, på Rimi/ICA sitt hovedkontor.
(Ei som jobba med eiendom, da).
Og jeg forklarte det, at de hullene som var på veggen, (etter dartpil-kasting), i stua, i Rimi-leiligheten min, var der, da jeg flytta inn, (i 1996), da.
Og at kjøleskapet, (som liksom var innebygget, i leiligheten, sammen med en kjøkkenvask og et par kokeplater), plutselig hadde sluttet å virke, rundt årtusenskiftet, da.
Og at hennes kollega Karl Fredrik, (på ICA sin avdeling for eiendom), hadde nektet, å reparere, det kjøleskapet.
(Da jeg ringte han og forklarte, om det problemet, da.
En gang som jeg var på jobb, på Rimi Lambertseter, vel).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Jeg forklarte vel også hu ICA eiendom-dama.
At lampa, (over vasken), på badet, var gammel og porøs.
(En lampe som jeg bruke, som en slags baderoms-hylle, da.
Og jeg hadde vel tannbørsten min, (og sånn), oppå den).
Sånn at en after shave-flaske, som jeg hadde fått i julegave, av Pia sin samboer Negib, en gang, (av en eller annen grunn).
Hadde falt ned, fra den lampa, og laget et lite hull, i vasken, da.
Og at jeg hadde tetta igjen det hullet, (i vasken), med superlim, da.
For jeg hadde ikke orka, å ringe han Karl Fredrik igjen, om dette nye problemet, da.
Siden han liksom ikke hadde giddet, å reparere kjøleskapet mitt, da det plutselig slutta å virke, noen år tidligere.
(Men jeg kjøpte meg istedet et ganske stort kompiskap, (fra Elkjøp vel).
Et eller to år etter årtusenskiftet, (må det vel ha vært).
Noe sånt.
Men en ny vask, det syntes jeg ikke, at det var noe vits i, å liksom bruke penger på, da.
Siden vasken ble tett, da jeg reparerte den, med superlim.
Og det var vel egentlig Rimi, som hadde ansvaret, for reparasjoner og slikt, i den leiligheten.
Siden at det var de som var utleier, da).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Og da jeg begynte å jobbe, for Arvato sin skandinaviske Microsoft-aktivering, i Liverpool, et snaut år seinere.
(Som jeg skal skrive mer om, i en av de neste Min Bok-bøkene, hadde jeg tenkt meg).
Så jobba det ei norsk dame, fra ICA sin eiendomsavdeling der, da.
Og det var ei dame fra Gulskogen vel, (utafor Drammen), som het Margrethe Augestad.
Og jeg forklarte henne, at jeg hadde jobba, som butikksjef, i Rimi, da.
Og hu visste hvem mange av mine distriktsjefene var, (som Anne Neteland, fra Min Bok 5), da.
Og jeg spurte vel da, (på Arvato, i august 2005), hu Margrethe Augestad, om det var henne, som jeg hadde prata med, på telefon, fra Sunderland, året før, (om hvor jeg skulle sende nøklene, til Rimi-leiligheten min, osv).
Men jeg fikk vel ikke noe klart svar på det, (tror jeg).
(Sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).
Men jeg syntes nok det, at stemmen til hu Margrethe Augestad, minnet litt, om stemmen, til hu jeg hadde prata med, (året før), hos ICA sin eiendomsavdeling, da.
Så det kan nok ha vært henne.
(Hvis jeg skulle tippe, ihvertfall.
Selv om jeg ikke tørr å si det, hundre prosent sikkert).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Så det, at Margrethe Augestad, (fra ICA sin eiendomsavdeling), jobba, på Arvato sin skandinaviske Microsoft-aktivering, da jeg selv fikk meg jobb der, (høsten 2005).
Det var som et merkelig sammentreff da, (må man vel si).
Som viser det, at verden ikke er så stor da, liksom.
(Noe sånt).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Og grunnen til det, at jeg dro til Gateshead, for å sende de nøklene, (til Rimi-leiligheten min), til ICA.
Det var fordi, at jeg jo hadde overhørt det.
(På jobb, på Rimi Bjørndal, året før).
At jeg var forfulgt, av 'mafian'.
Så jeg ville liksom ikke det, at 'halve Oslo', skulle vite det, at jeg hadde flytta, til Sunderland, da.
Så derfor sendte jeg de nøklene, fra Gateshead, da.
Siden det stedet, lå ihvertfall noen få mil, unna Sunderland, da.
Og siden det stedet, (Gateshead), kanskje ikke er like kjent, (i Norge ihvertfall), som Sunderland er, da.
(Noe sånt).
Så sånn var det.
Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
Men men.
Det var fortsatt mye mer som hendte, den tida som jeg bodde, i Sunderland.
Og dette tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å få skrevet mer om, i de neste kapitlene, av Min Bok 6.
Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.
Vi får se.
mandag 7. oktober 2013
Man kunne kanskje laget film, om sjøhelten Iver Huitfeldt, (som min far sier at han er etterkommer av), som reddet den dansk-norske flåten, i den store nordiske krig, da han ankret opp skipet Dannebrog, mens det brant, sånn at det hindret svenskene, å vinne et slag, om Køge bukt. (Men det ville kanskje vært å fiendtliggjøre svenskene, å lage en sånn film)
Her er mer om dette:
PS 2.
Eller hva med å lage en film, om da danskene beseiret venderne, (i det nåværende Nord-Tyskland), og ødela deres gud Svantevit:
Jeg sendte en e-post til B&M

Erik Ribsskog
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:57 PM
today I was in your store in County Rd.
I usually go to the express-till, since your cashier in the regular
till coffed in her hand, when I was there a week ago, or so.
The cashier-woman in the express-till asked me today if I had tasted
the funny crisps with oriental-taste before.
I said I hadn't but you were sold out of the Doritos Cool, (I think
they're called), that you sold for 59 pence.
The price was the same for the funny crisps.
And I had planned to buy three bags of Doritos.
So I ended up buying three bags of the funny crips instead.
The cashier-woman wondered if I'd tried the crisps before.
But I think I've bought some almost similar crisps at Asda, when
they've been at a introduction-offer, for £1, or so.
So I wasn't afraid of buying these funny crisps.
Because they have spice on them, and the Doritos you sold today only
had salt-flavour.
You change the stuff you sell all the time, it seems.
And I almost had to explain that I'm unemployed and have a quite low
food-budget, when you cashier started interwieving me.
Is it Stasi, I'm wondering.
Do you need to interview and embarras your customers?
Also two guys in white shirts, (I think they had), walked into the
storage-area of your shop, talking in mobile-phones, (saying I'm in
And one of them started following me around the shop, trying to
intimdate me, it seemed.
I'm also an earlier store manager, in Rimi, in Norway.
And have learned that in a time of economical crises, (like it was in
the first half of the 90's).
Then the customers try to save money on everything except crisps.
(Region Manager Jon Bekkevoll in Rimi told us assistant managers this
once, on a meeting, at Rimi's head-quarter, in Oslo, around 1995, I
think it must have been).
So I'm just doing like other people and trying to get food, (and
crips), on my low budget, (since I'm unemployed).
Do I have to be intimidated and interegated in your shop due to this?
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sendte en e-post til Tesco

Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:40 PM
Tesco Customer Service <customer.service@tesco.co.uk>
today I was stopped by a woman with a tablet-PC right where you displayed you tablet-PC's last week.
She had no form of id, just said her company was 'Tescos'.
No uniform but a white coat, like a doctor?
She asked me all kinds of questions about Tesco and Tesco Walton.
Was this some 'candid camera'-stuff or was this something from Tesco?
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Subject: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
To: ceo.customerservice@tesco.co.
Hi again,
and do you have an organisation-map.
Because I wonder what is this CEO customer service really?
Because you also have an e-mail address which is called: customer.service@Tesco
So I think it's a bit many departments with you that deal with custommer-service.
So I would have please wanted an organisation map.
So that I could understand how your customer-service is organised.
(And supposed to work).
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
To: ceo.customerservice@tesco.co.
and how do you explain that Tesco wants to have many different types of baskets with the same volume that doesn't mix/stock?
Also, it's not the first time I've complained about the Sun Sip-cola being sold out.
I think it's better if your office serves as a buffer, between me and the Tesco Walton-employees, if that's alright.
I would have liked to asked your line-manager if that's alright.
And I would have wanted him/her to explain about the 'basket-case'.
Thanks in advance for the help with this.
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:59 AM, <ceo.customerservice@tesco.co. uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your patience while this matter has been investigated.
It was disappointing to learn that our Walton store did not have the items you wanted in stock during your visit on the 23rd July, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I have raised with matter with Colin Richardson, the Walton Store Manager, he has asked me to pass on his apologies to you. Colin has advised that the items are now back in stock and that he would be happy to meet with you in store to discuss any concerns you may have. He has also advised that he would like to give you a couple of bottles as a way to apologise for this matter arising.
I have reviewed the previous correspondence you have had with this office and I can confirm that our position is unchanged with regard to our baskets. I am sorry that you will be disappointed with my response.
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Chief Executive's Office. If you
have any further queries please don't hesitate to get back in touch.
Kind regards
David Upstone
Customer Service Executive
.................. Original Message ..................
To: ceo.customerservice@tesco.co.
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Received: 26/07/2013
Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
I've sent you a lot of complaints earlier, you see.
And I started sending them to this e-mail address, a couple of years ago, I
So now I send all the Tesco-complaints to this e-mail-address.
Tesco Walton and Tesco Superstore Liverpool One also have a problem I
wanted to complain about, by the way.
And that's the baskets.
Tesco Walton now have three different types of baskets.
One type which is made of dark blue plastic.
One type which is made of a bit less dark blue plastic.
And a type which is made of metal.
And these three basket-types doesn't stock with the other basket-types.
So it's a bit chaotic in the check-out-area, with the baskets.
Since they don't stock.
If I put a dark blue basket on top of a less dark blue.
Then the dark blue basket doesn't fit, in the less dark blue.
Even if they are about the same size, in litres, (it looks like to me).
Also the metal ones are about the same size in litres, (like it looks to
I think it's odd that a big organisation like Tesco isn't stream-lined.
I have to focus on the baskets when I shop at Tesco Walton.
It's like you have to be an expert on Tesco-baskets to shop there, I'd say.
It's like you want to bully the custommers from Sainsbury and Asda who want
to try Tesco for a change.
Then you aren't going to get many new customers, perhaps.
If this isn't something you do to make people use the trolleys then.
Because I've worked in a grocery-chain named Rimi, in Norway.
And they were a bit sceptical with having baskets, in the shops.
They only wanted trolleys, (for the customers).
Since customers with trolleys usually buy more, than if they use a basket,
to put their groceries in.
But three types of baskets.
Which doesn't stock.
I think this is how a shop in the third world would have done it.
Why aren't you more stream-lined, (and 'Western'), I'm wondering.
And it's almost the same at Tesco Liverpool One.
Except that I haven't seen the metal-baskets there.
But they have two types of blue baskets, (with the same volume), that
doesn't mix, when one stock them.
And that's odd for a new shop like that.
Liverpool One has only been around for two or three years.
And this is also a Super-store.
So then it looks like to me that Tesco has problems when they want to have
a 'chaos-system', like this, with the shopping-baskets.
(I've studied Information Management and have gone to commerce-school and
have worked as a retail-manager.
We learned at commerce-school that 'the custommer is always right'.
But I don't think Tesco agrees with this, when I see many different types
of baskets, that doesn't stock, in your shops.
Then I wonder if the whole Tesco-chain has lost a bit control, to be honest.
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:36 PM, <ceo.customerservice@tesco.co.
> **
> Our Ref 15143479
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email addressed to our Chief Executive, to which I have
> been asked to respond. Please accept my apologies for the delay in doing
> so.
> I am currently looking into your concerns and I will be in touch as soon
> as I have a response.
> Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
> Kind regards
> David Upstone
> Customer Service Executive
> [image: Tesco Logo]
> .................. Original Message ..................
> To: ceo.customerservice@tesco.co.
> From: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Received: 23/07/2013
> Subject: Complaint about Tesco Walton
> Hi,
> in this shop both brands of your budget-colas, (in two-litre bottles), were
> sold out today.
> Both Sun Sip and your own brand.
> And also two types of budget orange juice was sold out.
> The one in plastic-botles and the one in cartoon.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ------------------------------
> This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails. The
> views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.
> Tesco Stores Limited
> Company Number: 519500
> Registered in England
> Registered Office: Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8
> 9SL
> VAT Registration Number: GB 220 4302 31
Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Heron

Erik Ribsskog
Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:05 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
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Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Undeliverable: Re: Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
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Subject: Re: Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
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From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
To: Pat Brady <Pat.Brady@heronfoods.com>
Cc:Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 18:32:33 +0100
Subject: Re: Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
I was at a job-interview at your store in Old Swan, in December, in
2010, I think it was.
Your director there asked me what I thought about the store, etc.
And I explained that in Norway, (where I've worked as a store
manager), it wasn't considered 'kosher' for stores, to have sacks of
potatoes, on the floor.
(In case liquid would end up on the floor, from somewhere, and make
the food un-clean/conterminated).
This wasn't something I've had the idea about, to forbid, in Norway.
But the Government there have a department, (called 'Mattilsynet' I
think), that check that laws about things like this are being
And the grocery-chain I worked in, (Rimi), trained us staff to follow
these Norwegian laws.
So I reackoned it would be ok to mention this breach of the Norwegian
laws/rules, in the interwiew.
I saw today that your shop in County Rd., in Liverpool, had the
potatos in a display, (and not on the floor).
So I think it looks like you have followed my advice.
I haven't shopped much in that store.
But noticed the other week that you had multi-packs of the soft-drink
Dr. Pepper on offer, when I walked past your shop.
I have been to that shop a couple of times, in the last days, but I
haven't been able to find those multi-packs now, so it was only a
product you sold for a limitied periode of time, I guess.
I wanted to pay for a packet of crips and a packet of glacier-mints,
in that shop today, with Visa-card.
But I had to shop for more than £3, I was told.
To use the card.
This is only at the 99p. shop, that I've heard about a similar rule,
from before.
So I wonder if this is right, that you have such a £3 rule, for use of
Visa-cards, in the tills.
Also, I then went to grab more food.
And found a frozen pizza and a Pepsi multi-pack.
The Pepsi multi-pack was leaking.
And I told the cashier-woman, who didn't notice that.
There was cola all over the till.
I made the cashier aware of this.
And she tried to clean it up with a carrier-bag!
She should have used some type of paper, I think.
Because if you try to clean up cola with plastic, it isn't going to work.
The till isn't really going to be clean.
The cashier-woman told me to get a new multi-pack.
(She should have asked someone to get it for me, I think).
The next Pepsi multi-pack I found, was also leaking.
So I complained to the cashier-woman, that all of them were leaking, it seemed.
And a bearded guy, in his 20's, tried to find a multipack that wasn't leaking.
But I just asked if it was ok if I changed the Pepsi multi-pack with a
7 Up multipack.
Since they were the same price.
And the bearded Heron-guy said it was ok.
I also wonder why I haven't heard anything after I was at a
job-interview, at Heron Old Swan, between Christmas and New Year, in
2010, (I think it must have been).
It was also a bit strange to have a job-interview between Christmas
and New Year I think, as well.
And your director, (from around Birmingham or Yorkshire?), told me if
I didn't mind the type of customers, that lived, in that area, (Old
I'm from Norway, so I'm not sure if I really understood.
But did he mean working class-people?
Just some complaints and feedback.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Pat Brady <Pat.Brady@heronfoods.com> wrote:
> Good morning Erik,
> We did receive your application. We have 160 stores across the North &
> Central England with 8 area managers each covering a specific area
> We pass all of the applications to the Area Manager concerned, who then
> decides who he would like to interview. We then send out interview letters
> to the applicants concerned. As yet we have not been asked to send out any
> interview letters. If you are chosen for an interview a letter will be sent
> shortly. If you are not chosen, you will still receive a letter to tell you
> this.
> Yours sincerely
> Pat.Brady
> On behalf of Heron Foods Ltd
> ______________________________
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 06 December 2010 21:16
> To: jobs
> Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
> Hi,
> I can't see that I've received a reply to this e-mail, so I'm trying to send
> a reminder about this.
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 8:13 AM
> Subject: Store Manager
> To: jobs@heronfoods.com
> Hi,
> I've been working as a Store Manager in one of Norway's biggest food-shop
> chains, Rimi, in three shops in Oslo and Ski, in Norway, from 1998 (93) to
> 2002 (04).
> I have studied IT and Business, on university-level, in Norway.
> In 2001, I won an in-house competition, at Rimi, called 'Rimi Gullårer',
> when I was shop-manager at Rimi Langhus, in Ski, a competition that only a
> few of Rimi's many houndred managers win every year.
> I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ******************************
> Please Note: Our Email addresses have now changed to username@heronfoods.com
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the system manager.
> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.
> Heron Foods Ltd.
> ******************************
Jeg sendte en e-post til Heron

Erik Ribsskog
Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 6:32 PM
Pat Brady <Pat.Brady@heronfoods.com>
I was at a job-interview at your store in Old Swan, in December, in
2010, I think it was.
Your director there asked me what I thought about the store, etc.
And I explained that in Norway, (where I've worked as a store
manager), it wasn't considered 'kosher' for stores, to have sacks of
potatoes, on the floor.
(In case liquid would end up on the floor, from somewhere, and make
the food un-clean/conterminated).
This wasn't something I've had the idea about, to forbid, in Norway.
But the Government there have a department, (called 'Mattilsynet' I
think), that check that laws about things like this are being
And the grocery-chain I worked in, (Rimi), trained us staff to follow
these Norwegian laws.
So I reackoned it would be ok to mention this breach of the Norwegian
laws/rules, in the interwiew.
I saw today that your shop in County Rd., in Liverpool, had the
potatos in a display, (and not on the floor).
So I think it looks like you have followed my advice.
I haven't shopped much in that store.
But noticed the other week that you had multi-packs of the soft-drink
Dr. Pepper on offer, when I walked past your shop.
I have been to that shop a couple of times, in the last days, but I
haven't been able to find those multi-packs now, so it was only a
product you sold for a limitied periode of time, I guess.
I wanted to pay for a packet of crips and a packet of glacier-mints,
in that shop today, with Visa-card.
But I had to shop for more than £3, I was told.
To use the card.
This is only at the 99p. shop, that I've heard about a similar rule,
from before.
So I wonder if this is right, that you have such a £3 rule, for use of
Visa-cards, in the tills.
Also, I then went to grab more food.
And found a frozen pizza and a Pepsi multi-pack.
The Pepsi multi-pack was leaking.
And I told the cashier-woman, who didn't notice that.
There was cola all over the till.
I made the cashier aware of this.
And she tried to clean it up with a carrier-bag!
She should have used some type of paper, I think.
Because if you try to clean up cola with plastic, it isn't going to work.
The till isn't really going to be clean.
The cashier-woman told me to get a new multi-pack.
(She should have asked someone to get it for me, I think).
The next Pepsi multi-pack I found, was also leaking.
So I complained to the cashier-woman, that all of them were leaking, it seemed.
And a bearded guy, in his 20's, tried to find a multipack that wasn't leaking.
But I just asked if it was ok if I changed the Pepsi multi-pack with a
7 Up multipack.
Since they were the same price.
And the bearded Heron-guy said it was ok.
I also wonder why I haven't heard anything after I was at a
job-interview, at Heron Old Swan, between Christmas and New Year, in
2010, (I think it must have been).
It was also a bit strange to have a job-interview between Christmas
and New Year I think, as well.
And your director, (from around Birmingham or Yorkshire?), told me if
I didn't mind the type of customers, that lived, in that area, (Old
I'm from Norway, so I'm not sure if I really understood.
But did he mean working class-people?
Just some complaints and feedback.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Pat Brady <Pat.Brady@heronfoods.com> wrote:
> Good morning Erik,
> We did receive your application. We have 160 stores across the North &
> Central England with 8 area managers each covering a specific area
> We pass all of the applications to the Area Manager concerned, who then
> decides who he would like to interview. We then send out interview letters
> to the applicants concerned. As yet we have not been asked to send out any
> interview letters. If you are chosen for an interview a letter will be sent
> shortly. If you are not chosen, you will still receive a letter to tell you
> this.
> Yours sincerely
> Pat.Brady
> On behalf of Heron Foods Ltd
> ______________________________
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 06 December 2010 21:16
> To: jobs
> Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Store Manager
> Hi,
> I can't see that I've received a reply to this e-mail, so I'm trying to send
> a reminder about this.
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 8:13 AM
> Subject: Store Manager
> To: jobs@heronfoods.com
> Hi,
> I've been working as a Store Manager in one of Norway's biggest food-shop
> chains, Rimi, in three shops in Oslo and Ski, in Norway, from 1998 (93) to
> 2002 (04).
> I have studied IT and Business, on university-level, in Norway.
> In 2001, I won an in-house competition, at Rimi, called 'Rimi Gullårer',
> when I was shop-manager at Rimi Langhus, in Ski, a competition that only a
> few of Rimi's many houndred managers win every year.
> I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
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