I thought I'd update a bit from Friday last week.
I then walked to Edge Hill Jobcentre, (in Kensington), and spoke with
John, in the reception there.
John gave me a small printed note, and told me to go to an
internet-address, (on the note).
John said I would get a text-message from the Jobcentre.
I got no text-message on Monday.
But a phone-call, on Tuesday.
It was Frank from the Jobcentre.
(So I wanted to complain about that John told me I would get a text-message.
When I got a phone-call instead).
Frank was an old man, whom seemed to be almost deaf, to me.
And he said first that I was going to Huton Jobcentre today, at around 9AM.
And then he said let's make it 12.50 PM.
(So he changed it without giving a reason.
Which I wanted to complain about.
It seemed unprofessional).
I explained that I didn't have more than 60 pence, (or something), for food.
(Due to that the Jobcentre had stopped my allowance again, again for
no good reason.
So I hadn't gotten to eat properly or cut my hair, and buy
electricity, and pay my bills and more.
Like I had planned to do with the scheduled payment for Tuesday last week.
I explained I hadn't been to Huyton before, but I thought it was to far to walk.
And Frank said I could walk to Edge Hill Jobcentre, and ask to get a
transfer, on Wednesday.
I walked to Edge Hill on Wednesday.
(Since I've been banned from my five closest Jobcentres for no good reason).
And I asked John to get a tranfer.
(Like when I moved to Liverpool from Sunderland, in January 2012.
When I lived in Fairfield).
But John said I couldn't get a transfer, since they had capacity-problems.
John said I would have had to walk past WIlliamsson Sq. Jobcentre, to
get there, from my post-code.
But that was just silly.
I lived in Walton, in 2005, and when I lived in Fairfiedl, in 2012,
then I went to my Walton-dentist, from 2005, (since I knew where they
were, and was registered with them).
So I know the way to walk, from Fairfield to Walton.
Because when I lived in Fairfield, then I rented from MAS, who are on
the half-way, (more or less), between Walton and Fairfield.
So it wasn't diffcult finding the dentist, (in 2012).
I just walked to Stanley Park, from MAS, (because I had to go to
meetings there all the time, even if the Council said I only needed
accommodation, but MAS was an emergency-solution, after Azalea Lodge
in Sunderland threw me out, for some 'funny' reason, in January 2012).
So I didn't walk past Williamsson Sq. Jobcentre.
I don't know why John said this strange thing.
It says 'Edge Hill' on a traffic-sign, in Tue Brook, (I think it's
called), so one can walk to Edge Hill from Walton, (if one walk
through Stanley Park, Tue Brook and Kensington. It's possible to see
this on a map, and one get some exercise, and one don't need to rely
on busses/trains, when the Jobcentre stops the jobseekers-allowance
for no good reason, which then to happen quite often, it seems.
I used to work as a Store Manager, in Norway, and I don't think the
Jobcentre are good as an 'employer', because you stop the allowance,
'all the time', for no good reason, and people get in to a crises or
an emergency, (I think I have to call it).
And you tell people to use their savings on Learn Direct-courses, when
they should have these money for emergencies.
And you tell people to apply for work within 90 minutes travel-time,
but to go to Manchester, by train, cost more than £10.
And that's £200 in a month, at least.
So how can people travel to Manchester if they don't get money for the
train-tickets, when they get a job.
This wasn't explained, when the travel-time was changed.
I think I've read somewhere that one can get £100 towards expenses
when one get a new job, and I've tried to bring this issue up with
Aintree Jobcentre, but they just banned me, and said it was a
love-letter, which I had written, but we don't call that love-letters
in Norway, that's to do with job-seeking, we would say there.
John told me to go to Williamsson Sq. Jobcentre.
But someone tried to murder me, in the City Centre, some months ago.
(Something the Police don't take seriously, it seems.
It happened in Whitechappel.
Someone sneaked up on me from behind and tried to break my neck.
So I don't think I should go there, before the Police take that
incident seriously.
So I now rather go to e.g. Bootle, than the City Centre, to do
errends, it I need some 'stuff', which they don't have in Walton.
But you've banned me from the Jobcentre there.
(Just to try to bring some more issues up.
Rather than pretending they don't exist).
So I decided to go to the agreed appointment, today, (at 12.50), at
Huyton Jobcentre.
(Because some of my blog-readers, (from Norway), sent me some small
donations, (after reading about my ordeal).
More like pocket-change, but it allowed me to buy some eletricity and
food, and a train-ticket today).
When I got to Huton Jobcentre today.
I was there before 12.50 PM.
And I was threated like a criminal, I think.
The reception-woman raised her voice, when she said my name, and I had
to go into some 'special' department there, and out a back-door, it
I think the Jobcentre distroy my reputation.
They say I write love-letters, (which I haven't done).
And you get me arrested for writing love-letters, (which seems
strange, I think), without proving they are from my
(The Police just had some sheets of paper.
Which anyone could have written really.
Without anything proving I've sent them.
It could have been my blog-readers who sent them.
Or some dis-honest Jobcentre-staff.
If I can say that).
And you stop my allowance, for no good reason, so I didn't get to cut
my hair, on Tuesday last week.
So people on the trains must think I'm a rock-musician, or something.
When I'm really a professional Store Manager/Manager/IT-graduate/writer, etc.
So this thing you do, when you stop my allowance, (all the time),
isn't good for my reputation, I think.
People want to have a good reputation, I think.
But I try to explain here, (in this e-mail), and then perhaps people
can understand why I look like a rock-musician, with long hair now.
(And that I haven't written funny love-letters.
I am an earlier Store Manager, and am used to being focused on not
mixing business and pleasure, like you say here in England.
And the women I've been acused of sending love-letters to, (Sarah
Bamber and the Ingus one, last year, or so), I don't really fancy
eighter of them that much.
I used to have a steph-sister, when I grew up, (named Christell), and
they said in a song, at her 'konfirmasjon', ('bar mizvah?' for
Christians, I don't know what you say in England), that she had
'sex-appeal', (as a 14-15 year old, I don't know who wrote the song,
but it was sung at a big party, at Snippen, in Svelvik, in Norway, in
1986 or 1987, I think it must have been, so I used to have an
attractive steph-sister, so for me to fancy the bureucrats, in a
sexual way, I think they have to be much more attractive, because
Christell used to sun-bath topless when I was around, in the 80's, and
if she got sexy underwear, for Chrstmas, in the 80's then she would go
into my room, after I had gone to bed, on Christmas Eve, and show off
her sexy christmas-present, on her young and thight body, with large
and firm breasts etc., and she also has blond hair ++.
So it takes more than some 'old grandmothers' to wake my basic
instincts, (or what you say, here in the UK), because I grew up by a
fjord, and my steph-sister whould drag me, to the fjord, to go
swimming, in the 80's, so I'm used with seeing naked an pretty
girls/young women, so you don't need to acuse me of being love-sick,
just because I end up going to meetings with some female
This is just evil lies.
And even if the advisors where more attractive, I'm just with working
with attractive young women, from when I was a retail-manager, in
Norway, (because a Store Manager, from the second Rimi-shop I worked
as Assistant Manger in, (Kristian Kvehaugen), whould almost only hire
pretty, young teen-age-girls, at Rimi Bjørndal, and I worked the
late-shift there, (due to problems with not standing the other
managers Irene Ottesen and Kristian Kvehaugen, I was used to getting
much responsibility in the first shop I was an Assistand Manager Rimi
When I got to Huton Jobcentre, for my appointment today, at 12.50 PM.
Then Gary there told me he couldn't make it, today.
(For some strange reason.
He was right there, and told me this.
So this was very unprofessional, which I wanted to complain about).
He wanted me to hang around there, untill 3 PM.
(To have the 12.50 PM meeting).
But I had a dentist-appointment, at 3 PM.
So I said I could be back tomorrow.
Then I had to wait for ten minutes or so, (more).
And then Gary said I had to go back on Tuesday.
And they 'threw me out' the emergency exit/back door, without telling
me when I would get the jobseekers allowance payment, which is now two
weeks overdue, on Tuesday.
They didn't even refund my train-ticket, (like Frank said they would).
So this was very unproffessional, from Jobcentre Plus.
What is this plus, really?
Does it mean Jobcentre plus 'funny stuff'?
It seems to me you are so unprofessional, all the time.
That it should really be 'Jobcentre Minus'.
(And a guy who didn't say his name, walked past me, and saluted/patronised me.
And said he just did something with the window.
So he was perhaps Garys assistant.
This wasn't clear.
It seems you have a guy employed there, who doesn't say his name, when
he speaks with people.
And who only works with opening windows.
But why did he speak to me while I waited for Gary; (who was late)?
This seems odd.
Did he try to bully/provoke me?)
Just to try to level, and as complaint number 100, or something like that.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:58 PM
Subject: Your letter from 24th. February, (your ref: 10055749)/Fwd:
New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: E-mail address for HM Revenue & Customs
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>
Cc: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
I'm refering to your letter from 24/2, which I recieved in the post
today, (and attach).
There are no change in my income, like I've explained in the forwareded e-mail:
What has happend was that I sent a Personal Advisor, at Aintree
Jobcentre, (Sarah Bamber), some e-mails about job-seeking.
Then the police were here two days in a row, first warning me and then
arresting me, for having been writing love-letters to the mention
It's a complete lie, but noone seems to care.
They, (the Police), also stole my computer.
Then they banned me from my five closest jobcentres.
Then they say I haven't sent my jobseekers-diary.
Even if I have a photograph, (on my blog), where I post the letter.
A lie again.
And I sent them e-mails about the missing payments, on Thursday last
week, (two days after I should have recieved the payment), and I went
to Edge Hill Jobcentre, (one hours walk, my old jobcentre), on Friday.
But then the Jobcentre had closed my claim, three days after I was
supposed to have recieved the payment.
And even if I had called Birkenhead Benefit Centre, on Thursday last
week, and also sent an e-mail on Thursday last week, to the
Jobcentre's general enquiry e-mail address.
HM R&C don't have an e-mail-address.
So I also send about this to you, (since I can't e-mail them).
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
I'm also attaching the letter from the Jobcentre, (I got three letters
from them in the post today), where they write I haven't attended to
sign my declaration.
But like I've mentioned above, they had banned me, from Aintree
Jobcentre, so I couldn't go there, (I would have been arrested, I
guess. So this doesn't make much sense).
The Jobcentre sent me a declaration-form, a jobseekers diary-form, and
a 'stamped' envelope.
Which I returned to them, (I put it in a Royal Mail post-case), on
Thursday last week.
So I haved done my part here.
But the Jobcentre are on a crusade against me, (or a war against me), it seems.
And they just produce a lot of lies, it seems.
This has been going on for years, since I became unemployed, in 2006.
They are perhaps trying to 'cover up' for Arvato, since I have an
employment-case against them, from 2006, I'm wondering.
But they are distroying my reputation and life with their lies and
plots, (I think I have to call it).
I worked on behalf of Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, so
this might be some American inteligence, who use sophisticated methods
to try to terminate me, or something like that, it could perhaps
Something like that.
Or some mafia or something.
Who knows.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:21 PM
Subject: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: E-mail address for HM Revenue & Customs
To: Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>
Cc: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, CONTACT-US
<CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, ica@ica.se, anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no,
info@linskills.co.uk, steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk, "emb.london"
<emb.london@mfa.no>, post@mfa.no, Akademikerforbundet
<post@akademikerforbundet.no>, admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk,
ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate <norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk>,
billing@spexhost.com, ove.magne.ribsskog@bondelaget.no,
she@topdanmark.dk, Liverpool Direct
<liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>, 2200@vg.no, 2400@dagbladet.no
this letter I got in the post today, (from the Jobcentre).
It doesn't make any sense to me.
It says, (on part 3), 'To the new employer'.
But I haven't hired any new employer.
(My web-shops are like hobbies and I'm not going to need to hire
anyone in the near future, at least, it seems).
What has happend was that I sent a Personal Advisor, at Aintree
Jobcentre, (Sarah Bamber), some e-mails about job-seeking.
Then the police were here two days in a row, first warning me and then
arresting me, for having been writing love-letters to the mention
It's a complete lie, but noone seems to care.
They, (the Police), also stole my computer.
Then they banned me from my five closest jobcentres.
Then they say I haven't sent my jobseekers-diary.
Even if I have a photograph, (on my blog), where I post the letter.
A lie again.
And I sent them e-mails about the missing payments, on Thursday last
week, (two days after I should have recieved the payment), and I went
to Edge Hill Jobcentre, (one hours walk, my old jobcentre), on Friday.
But then the Jobcentre had closed my claim, three days after I was
supposed to have recieved the payment.
And even if I had called Birkenhead Benefit Centre, on Thursday last
week, and also sent an e-mail on Thursday last week, to the
Jobcentre's general enquiry e-mail address.
HM R&C don't have an e-mail-address.
So I also send about this to you, (since I can't e-mail them).
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: E-mail address for HM Revenue & Customs
To: Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>
I also see now, that the HMR & C calls me: 'Dear Sir/Madam'.
Even if they know my name.
That's harassment, I think.
They know I'm a man, but mess with me.
It's perhaps the Queen, who mess with me, since I'm her distant
relative, I suspect.
I wanted to complain about this harassment to you the Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:34 PM
Subject: E-mail address for HM Revenue & Customs
To: Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>
could you please provide me with the e-mail address for HM Revenue & Customs?
I don't like the 'funny' online forms, that they have, on their
web-site, you see.
Because those forms doesn't always send a copy of the correspondence
back to the sender.
(And one can't know in advance if they do, because it doesn't say, most often).
Thanks in advance for the help with this!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
4 attachments
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