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Gmail - Update/Fwd: Your letter of 22/4 from Ken Garrett Benefit Officer, Your ref: 10055749


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Your letter of 22/4 from Ken Garrett Benefit Officer, Your ref: 10055749

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 9:56 PM

Benefits Service <>

LHT Customer Service <>


I read in the LHT-publication Money Wise now, that there's going to be

a change in the benefits-system, called Universal Credit.

I was thinking, what if you at the Council could start sending me my

Housing Benefit directly, already now.

Since I then wouldn't be that vounerable, when the Jobcentre stop my

Jobseekers Allowance, (which tend to do quite often, I think I had to


Then I could e.g. juggle the money a bit if I end up in an emergency,

due to the problems with the Jobcentre.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 5:40 PM

Subject: Your letter of 22/4 from Ken Garrett Benefit Officer, Your

ref: 10055749

To: Benefits Service <>

Cc: "" <>, "mail.gva" <>,

CONTACT-US <>, Contact-Us

<>, Colin Simber

<>, amnestyis <>,

"" <>, HRW UK <>


I'm refering to your letter of 22/4, which I received today, (and

which I attach a scanned copy of).

The problem seems to be a misunderstanding, between the Jobcentre and myself.

Someone have sent the Jobcentre a phoney e-mail, in my name, (after

reading about my jobseeking on my blog), it seems.

I attach a letter from Director David Simms, at the Jobcentre from 4/4.

Mr Simms writes in his letter: 'on 11 March 2014 you noticed us via

email that you had been working around 60-70 hours per week, were

running several websites and earning around £300.00 per week'.

But this is just 'balony'.

I have never worked that much with my web-sites, and I have never

earned that much on them.

(They run with a small loss.

But I still want to keep them, since I apply for web-design-jobs, and

then one almost has to have links to websites one have created, to not

look dum, when one apply for work.

I have sent the Jobcentre, (and the Council), the book-keeping for

these web-shops numerous times.

If you have a look at the mentioned book-keeping, then you should be

able to see, that the e-mail from 4/4 was a forgery, and something

sent by someone wanting to distroy my life, by being evil, I have to


The Police arrested me earlier this year.

And then it was the same problem.

Someone had written an e-mail to a Jobcentre-advisor, in my name,

asking her on a date.

The Police said this was a crime, and arrested me.

But I hadn't sent that e-mail.

Rather, I had complained about this Jobcentre-woman, (Sarah Bamber),

to her line-manager at Aintree Jobcentre, (Gaynor), because Sarah

Bamber became to personal, and asked me if I could help her daughter

study marine-biology, in Norway, in the first meeting, (which I

contacted a researcher Anders Karlsson at University of Tromsø about,

who I used to work as Store Manager for, at Rimi Langhus, in 2001 and


So this could be that Sarah Bamber, from Aintree Jobcentre, is out of balance.

She gets to personal, (and don't separate work and private life), in meetings.

And after this, someone have sent a false e-mail in my name, (after I

complained in e-mails, one of around hundred complaints, I've sent,

about the Jobcentre).

A solicitor named Colin Simbers, (from Linskills solicitors), has been

my solicitor, in that case.

So he should be able to confirm, that these phoney e-mails, are a

repeting problem, (which distroys my life, more or less).

I've sent the Council numerous updates about the situation.

So you should have gotten information about this before, if I'm mistaking.

But I can now also send you a file from 10/4, when I registered a

rapid reclaim, at the Jobcentre website.

Here I explain: 'Why has there been a delay in making

your claim?

It has been a misunderstanding, about

when my sign on-meeting was, and after

that, I made a reclaim, but was sent to

Huyton Jobcentre, which is to far to walk

to, and I didn't have money for rail.'.

And: 'What have you done to find work since

the date you want this claim to start?

I have applied for many jobs since 6/3. I

have done my jobseeking-activities every

week-day, since 6/3, and I have a printed

log, from Universal Jobmatch, which

shows this.'.

I've logged about my jobseeking on Universal Jobmatch, for almost a

year now, (after NCS told me to do this), so I can prove that I have

applied for work, every week-day, since almost a year back.

So this is just 'balony' from the Jobcentre, I have to say.

For all that I know, it could be some 'new age-people' at the

Jobcentre who make up these e-mails that I haven't written.

That's perhaps how the Jobcentre is these days.

I read somewhere on the internet that Ingeus were 'satanic', so it

shouldn't surprice me much.

Some of the Jobcentre/Ingeus-staff seem more like actors than

jobseeking-advisors to me, to be honest.

(I've sent many tens of complaints since I became unemployed, in 2008).

I started my web-shop, in 2010.

And then the Jobcentre said it was a 'hobby'.

And then they didn't care about it much.

But now they want to see book-keeping for it all the time, etc.

So the Jobcentre have changed here, regarding how they look at my web-shop.

This was after I also started self-publishing, in 2012.

Then they didn't think that was a hobby, and wanted to see the

book-keeping, etc.

And then they started to pretend that they hadn't called my web-shop a

hobby, and wanted to see book-keeping for my web-shop as well.

And now these fabricated e-mails on top of the complicated situation,

from before.

The problem is that I'm a human being, who is made of organic

material, and need food, to function.

I can't get food sometimes now, since I can't get a voucher for the

food-bank even, since they ban me from the Jobcentre, due to these

mentioned forged e-mails.

So I have to send copies to Amnesty and Human Rights Watch I think

now, while I write this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

4 attachments
liverpool direct.jpg

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Her er mer om dette:

  • I dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog

    Hei Helene Sommer,
    det er broren til Pia igjen, (hvis du husker meg, Pia var venninne av Cecilie Hyde.
    Disse to dro meg med til frisørsalongen din, like ved den største kinoen, i Drammen, studieåret 1988/89.
    En fredagskveld eller lørdagskveld.
    Du stod og klipte hu Diva-venninna di som egentlig har brunt hår, vel.
    Noe sånt.
    Før Cecilie Hyde og søstera mi dro meg med over bybrua, for Cecilie Hyde skulle kjøpe hasj av noen pakistanere i en falleferdig bygård, i Tollbugata.
    Noe sånt).
    Grunnen til at jeg skriver er at jeg muligens har funnet frisørsalongen din, (Cutting Crew, som vel Pia og Cecilie sa at den het), her i England.
    Nemlig i Birkenhead, i Wirral, (over elva fra Liverpool).
    Hvis det ikke er noen som har plagiert deg da, (for å tulle litt).
    Jeg har nemlig politiet på døra tre-fire ganger, om dagen, for tida, her i England.
    De beskylder meg for kriminalitet jeg ikke har gjort.
    Og står og banker på døra og lager et hælvetes bråk, seint og tidlig.
    Så du skjønner jeg trenger til litt frisk luft, på the Wirral, en gang i blant.
    Jeg eier del av et sameie, på Hurumlandet.
    Og jeg kontaktet Drammen Tingrett, i 2011, for å få dem til å oppløse det sameiet, (noe jeg mener er min rett, som norsk statsborger).
    Men ei Høisæther der, har ikke gjort noe, og jeg er arbeidsledig i Engalnd, så jeg er litt låst fast, her i Walton, i Liverpool, hvor jeg blir mye tulla med, av myndighetene osv. da, må jeg si.
    Kan du få hu skrulla, (Høisæther), hos Drammen Tingrett, til å få ræva i gir, liksom.
    Har kontakta Erland Borger fra Bergeråsen, om han vil kjøpe min del av dette sameiet, (siden hans far, rektor Borgen, kjøpte min fars ganske nye Mercedes, på 80-tallet), men jeg har ikke klart å få til noe.
    Bra hvis du som er så flink til å ordne ting, i England og andre steder, kunne ha fått de nazistene, hos Drammen Tingrett, til å få ut fingeren, (som min stesøster Christell Humblen pleier å si).
    Kjenner også to vokalisert, i Norge, forresten.
    Min studiekamerat, fra HiO IU, fra 2002 til 2004, het Dag Anders Rougseth, som var vokalist i bandet Autopulver.
    Kjenner også Morgan Lunde, (håndballspilleren), jeg var sjefen hans, (som assisterende butikksjef), på Rimi Lambertseter, på midten av 90-tallet, og han ble senere vokalist i bandet Svidd Grevling.
    Kjenner også noen svenske søstre, som pleide å ha Abba-show, på puber, her i Liverpool.
    Jeg ble dratt med av Margrethe Augestad, (en kollega fra Arvato), fra Gulskogen, på fest hos disse tre Liljegren-søstrene, (Charlotte, Ellinor og Elisabeth), i 2005, må det vel ha vært.
    To av de begynte også seinere på Arvato sin skandinaviske Microsoft-aktivering, (hvor jeg jobba).
    De bor nå i Sverige, og driver treningsstudio.
    Kanskje de er interessert i å bli med på noen musikk-prosjekter, tenkte jeg.
    Eller kanskje Dagga er interessert i det.
    (Han jobber nå i Tono, hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).
    Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
    Fortsatt lykke til med klippinga og synginga og det som er.
    Pia sa i 1993 vel, at Cecilie Hyde var lesbisk.
    Jeg vet ikke hvordan du ble kjent med Hyde, men hu har vel engelsk far, og du hadde jobba mye i England, så det var vel kanskje derfor.
    Men men, det er mye rart.
    Jeg studerte jo i Oslo, på den tida, som du ble kjent med søstera mi og Cecilie Hyde.
    Så jeg kjenner jo ikke deg så bra, må jeg innrømme.
    Men tenkte på deg når jeg så den 'Cutting Crew'-frisørsalongen, her om dagen.
    Erik Ribsskog

Mer fra Facebook

charly 1


Her er mer om dette:

  • Samtale startet i dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog

    Hei Charlotte,
    kaller du deg Charly nå.
    Da jeg jobbet som Rimi-butikksjef, i Norge, så hadde jeg en kollega, som ble kalt Charly, nemlig Charlotte Åman, vel:
    Hu har bodd i London, hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil.
    Har alle dere tre Liljegren-søstrene fått unger nå eller?
    Eller er det bare bilder av dere selv som unger?
    Bare lurte.
    Grunnen til at jeg søkte på dere, på Facebook, var at jeg var på en konsert, med en norsk Lipa-graduate, (Silje Jonassen), tidligere denne uka.
    (For jeg har politiet på døra hele tida i Walton.
    De beskylder meg for kriminalitet jeg ikke har gjort.
    (Jeg skal liksom ha sendt seksuelt trakasserende e-poster til en Ingeus-dame og en dame hos Aintree Jobcentre.
    Og dette er i tillegg to damer som er veldig 'stail', og som jeg ikke finner attraktive, og som muligens er som skuespillere, eller noe).
    Nei, da liker jeg din søster Ellinor bedre.
    Er hun single enda?
    Kanskje politiet slutter å plage meg, hvis hu kan hjelpe meg med å gå på Huyton Jobcentre, (som jeg må dra på, selv om det ligger langt unna Walton), med mine skjema, (som jeg ikke får lov å levere selv, men jeg må sende de med posten, og så sier the Jobcentre at brevene blir borte i posten.
    Det er bare løgn, fra britene, må jeg si).
    Nei, det var litt useriøst, noe av det ovenfor.
    Men jeg lurte på hvordan dere fikk alle de spillejobbene, på puber osv., i Walton.
    For jeg har sendt Facebook-melding til hu Lipa-graduate-dama.
    Og jeg tenkte at kanskje hu, (eller noen av hennes venninner, som var support), var interessert i å spille, på de samme pubene.
    Hvem vet.
    Jeg kjenner også noen musikere i Norge, forresten.
    Dag Anders Rougseth, (vokalist i Hamar-bandet Autopulver), var min kamerat/studie-kamerat, mens jeg gikk på HiO IU, i Oslo, fra 2002 til 2004.
    Morgan Lunde, (mer kjent som håndballspiller vel), var jeg sjef for, på Rimi Lambertseter, på midten av 90-tallet, (han var seinere vokalist i et band ved navn Svidd Grevling, som tilfeldigvis opptrådte på en pub, ved navn Blue Monk, i Oslo, da jeg dro med ei dame fra Fredrikstad dit, etter å ha vært på kino-date, etter å ha truffet henne på Blink-date, på
    Og jeg kjenner også Helene Sommer, (i bandet Diva), såvidt.
    Min søster Pia Charlotte Ribsskog og hennes venninne Cecilie Hyde, dro meg med til frisørsalongen, til Diva-damene, i Drammen.
    Dette var studieåret 1989/90, og jeg studerte i Oslo, på en privat høgskole, som het NHI, og var hjemme i Drammen/Svelvik, på et helgebesøk.
    Bare tenkte på dere Abba-damene, siden jeg tilfeldigvis havnet på konsert, her i Liverpool, for noen dager siden.
    Kanskje dere kan opptre sammen med hu Silje, for eksempel.
    Sender med kopi av en video jeg tok, fra konserten.
    Har musikk-blogg, selv om jeg ikke oppdaterer den så ofte.
    Skal prøve å skjerpe meg.
    Erik Ribsskog
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Gmail - New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref


Erik Ribsskog

New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 4:02 PM

Twitter Support <>

Colin Simber <>,,, PFU Pressens faglige utvalg <>

Hi again,
my blog and memoair-books and web-shop, were also mentioned on the Norwegian TV-programme Tweet 4 Tweet, (at the Government-owned TV-channel NRK), in 2012.

Could this be some vendetta-stuff, I was wondering.

Like it says in the bible, there it says: 'An eye for an eye'.
And then this NRK-programme was that they incuraged people to do vendetta against me, (since people are mentioned in my memoairs, and don't like that perhaps), and then write funny tweets about me, as a kind of wicked 'revenge'.

(Instead of dealing with this in an open and democratic way in public, using real names, etc).

In that case it could be the Norwegian TV-channel NRK who are responsible for these several hundreds of attacks against me, on Twitter.

Who knows.
Just something I thought about.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

To: Twitter Support <>
Cc: Colin Simber <>


It's the same with all the complaints.

They are very offensive against me, and harassing.

This is something we call 'æreskrenkelse', (breach of honour), in my homeland Norway, and it's a crime there, (or at least it used to be).

I think it's strange that so many Twitter-accounts are set up only to attack me, it seems.

Could this be organised in some way, I was wondering.



Erik Ribsskog


Here is more about the mentioned complaint-cases:

Case# 01630054: Abusive messages - GrynterRibsskog - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6M... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01630348: Abusive messages - johncons_ip - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6eu:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01630112: Abusive messages - JanThomasMHusby - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6M... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01618134: Abusive messages - KjellMoganOlsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwtI... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01618041: Abusive messages - JanThomasMHusby - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwtB... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01611680: Abusive messages - insanecons - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mwjo3:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01606644: Abusive messages - SteffenHeegaard - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwdF... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support (2)
Case# 01601208: Abusive messages - ErichAdolfo - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwVpl:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support (2)
Case# 01601138: Abusive messages - LeifGodvinsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwVg6:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575792: Abusive messages - Albanske_mafian - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvhY... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575599: Abusive messages - OleTexmo - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mvgzp:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575513: Abusive messages - Geir_Ove_Olsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvgUX... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575714: Abusive messages - Erik_Gris - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvhJt:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566499: Abusive messages - Kennethsev - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQcW:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566398: Abusive messages - ErikaRibsskog - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQBD:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566012: Abusive messages - ThomasSelters - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvPz5:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566312: Abusive messages - ErikGryntNoff - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQLV:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01565911: Abusive messages - OddbjornRustad - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvPrf... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01564149: Abusive messages - homsegodt - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvNNU:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01555387: Abusive messages - analcons - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv6kO:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter, me (2)
Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref - Hi, yes, this scandalous Twitter-profile is still there on the web, it seems. I attach a screenshot

    Attachment    May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter, me (2)
Case# 01553839: Abusive messages - ErikFraaBerger - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv3rB... - Hi, yes the problem is still going on. This account pretends to be me, (Olsen is my fathers last-name

    Attachment    May 6

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref
To: Twitter Support <>

yes, this scandalous Twitter-profile is still there on the web, it seems.

I attach a screenshot of this.

I don't understand why you ask me if it's still there.

It should be possible for anyone to see.
Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Twitter Support <> wrote:



We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still persists. If so, please respond to this email and provide any additional links or context you may have.


If you believe the content you are reporting is prohibited where you live, please contact your local authorities with the information you provided to us. You can point law enforcement to our Guidelines for Law Enforcement here:



Twitter Trust & Safety

System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

still on the web twitter.JPG

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Twitter

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 3:48 PM

Twitter Support <>

Colin Simber <>


It's the same with all the complaints.

They are very offensive against me, and harassing.

This is something we call 'æreskrenkelse', (breach of honour), in my homeland Norway, and it's a crime there, (or at least it used to be).

I think it's strange that so many Twitter-accounts are set up only to attack me, it seems.

Could this be organised in some way, I was wondering.



Erik Ribsskog


Here is more about the mentioned complaint-cases:

Case# 01630054: Abusive messages - GrynterRibsskog - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6M... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01630348: Abusive messages - johncons_ip - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6eu:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01630112: Abusive messages - JanThomasMHusby - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mx6M... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01618134: Abusive messages - KjellMoganOlsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwtI... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01618041: Abusive messages - JanThomasMHusby - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwtB... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01611680: Abusive messages - insanecons - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mwjo3:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01606644: Abusive messages - SteffenHeegaard - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwdF... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support (2)
Case# 01601208: Abusive messages - ErichAdolfo - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwVpl:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support (2)
Case# 01601138: Abusive messages - LeifGodvinsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MwVg6:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575792: Abusive messages - Albanske_mafian - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvhY... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575599: Abusive messages - OleTexmo - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mvgzp:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575513: Abusive messages - Geir_Ove_Olsen - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvgUX... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01575714: Abusive messages - Erik_Gris - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvhJt:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566499: Abusive messages - Kennethsev - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQcW:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566398: Abusive messages - ErikaRibsskog - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQBD:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566012: Abusive messages - ThomasSelters - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvPz5:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01566312: Abusive messages - ErikGryntNoff - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvQLV:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01565911: Abusive messages - OddbjornRustad - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvPrf... - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01564149: Abusive messages - homsegodt - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000MvNNU:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter Support
Case# 01555387: Abusive messages - analcons - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv6kO:ref - Hello, We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still

         May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter, me (2)
Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref - Hi, yes, this scandalous Twitter-profile is still there on the web, it seems. I attach a screenshot

    Attachment    May 6
    Not starred   
Twitter, me (2)
Case# 01553839: Abusive messages - ErikFraaBerger - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv3rB... - Hi, yes the problem is still going on. This account pretends to be me, (Olsen is my fathers last-name

    Attachment    May 6

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref
To: Twitter Support <>

yes, this scandalous Twitter-profile is still there on the web, it seems.

I attach a screenshot of this.

I don't understand why you ask me if it's still there.

It should be possible for anyone to see.
Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Twitter Support <> wrote:



We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still persists. If so, please respond to this email and provide any additional links or context you may have.


If you believe the content you are reporting is prohibited where you live, please contact your local authorities with the information you provided to us. You can point law enforcement to our Guidelines for Law Enforcement here:



Twitter Trust & Safety

System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

still on the web twitter.JPG

Jeg sendte en e-post til Twitter

Gmail - Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref


Erik Ribsskog

Case# 01553745: Abusive messages - EricOinkwood - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:57 PM

Twitter Support <>

yes, this scandalous Twitter-profile is still there on the web, it seems.

I attach a screenshot of this.

I don't understand why you ask me if it's still there.

It should be possible for anyone to see.
Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Twitter Support <> wrote:



We wanted to follow up with you to confirm whether the issue you originally reported still persists. If so, please respond to this email and provide any additional links or context you may have.


If you believe the content you are reporting is prohibited where you live, please contact your local authorities with the information you provided to us. You can point law enforcement to our Guidelines for Law Enforcement here:



Twitter Trust & Safety

System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Mv40g:ref

still on the web twitter.JPG


Her er vedlegget:

still on the web twitter

Mer fra Facebook

jarle 1


Her er mer om dette:

jarle 2

Jeg sendte en e-post til frimurerne

Gmail - SV: Greger Rosenvinge Støtvig, Losje Bøgen, Larvik.


Erik Ribsskog

SV: Greger Rosenvinge Støtvig, Losje Bøgen, Larvik.

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:22 PM

Storsekretariatet <>


ok, jeg bor i utlandet, så jeg får prøve å heller kontakte noen felles

bekjente, av Greger og meg, fra den tida jeg bodde, i Larvik.

Takk for svar, ihvertfall!

Kanskje dere burde bytte navn, på losjen Bøgen, har jeg tenkt.

Det betyr vel 'homsen', på moderne norsk.

Men frimurerne er vel noen slags nordmenn som har blitt til 'jøder',

(ettersom jeg har forstått).

(Selv om det er litt vagt for meg, hva dere driver med.

Dere burde være en gjeng murere, skulle man vel tro.

En gjeng murere som driver med et eller annet).

Men dere bygningarbeiderne får ha takk for svar, ihvertfall.


Erik Ribsskog

2014-05-08 8:42 GMT+01:00 Storsekretariatet <>:

> Hei igjen


> Vi kan dessverre ikke opplyse om hvem som er medlem i en henvendelse som denne, men du vil finne navnene  på alle medlemmer i vår trykte Matrikkel (årbok). De største bibliotekene har (eller kan skaffe) denne til utlån.


> Med vennlig hilsen fra

> Den Norske Frimurerorden


> Harald Øien

> Storsekretær

> ________________________________________

> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

> Sendt: 8. mai 2014 04:54

> Til: Storsekretariatet

> Emne: Til: Greger Rosenvinge Støtvig, Losje Bøgen, Larvik.


> Hei,


> jeg mener å huske at min Larvik-kamerat Frode Kølner dro meg med til

> en Greger, i Larvik, i 1978 eller 1979.


> (En Greger som bodde ikke så langt unna Tagtvedt vel, iforhold til sentrum).


> Er det samme Greger som er i deres losje, lurer jeg.


> Kan dere sende denne e-posten til vedkommende?


> Mvh.


> Erik Ribsskog


> PS.


> Møtte også Greger en gang på begynnelsen av 80-tallet.


> Jeg bodde da hos faren min på Bergeråsen.


> Men jeg var på helgebesøk hos min mor i Larvik.


> Og en gang jeg skulle ta toget tilbake til Drammensregionen, så møtte

> jeg Greger og to andre gutter nede ved jernbanen/havna/Munken kino.


> Det var nesten tilløp til slåsskamp.


> Dette var jo tre mot en.


> Og disse tre 'Tagtvedt-guttene', de var på noe slags 'nazi-patrulje',

> virka det som, for meg.


> Men jeg kjente Greger fra før, (som nevnt), og han lot meg liksom gå, da.


> Noe sånt.


> Er det samme Greger, (hvis jeg husker navnet riktig), lurte jeg.


> Jeg visste ikke at han var to år eldre enn meg, (jeg er født i 1970,

> og ser på skattelisene at han er født i 1968).


> Jeg vet ikke helt hvorfor Frode Kølner dro meg med til nevnte Greger.


> Men om dere kunne sendt dette videre.


> På forhånd takk for hjelp!

Jeg sendte en e-post til Stepchange

Gmail - StepChange Debt Charity


Erik Ribsskog

StepChange Debt Charity

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:14 PM

Q&A <>

United Utilities <>


I've been paying United Utilities token-payments, (of £1), for years.

We have an agreement about that I would pay them token-payments,

untill I get a job.

And now they want to break this agreement, it seems.

So that's why I've sent about this to you now.

So that you can tell United Utilities that they can't break an agreement.

I learned about token-payments when I contacted you, (CCCS), around 2009.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Q&A <> wrote:

> Hi Erik


> Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us.


> I  understand from your email that you're currently experiencing financial difficulty with regards to your water and other household bills. This is a situation we can offer you help you with and advise you on.


> You mentioned in your email that you've previously spoken to us under our old name 'CCCS' if you're an existing client I would advise that you call us so that we can discuss your situation in more detail. Our direct number is 0800 138 1111, we're open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 6pm.


> I hope this email is helpful, please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.



> Dan

> Web Helpline advisor





> Follow us on Twitter



> Like us on Facebook



> Read the MoneyAware blog



> Please consider the environment before printing this email.

>  -----Original Message-----

> *


> Hi,


> I'm refering to your letter of 29/4 regarding this case.


> You write you can't accept my token payment-offer and that you can't discuss this in writing.


> I think that you don't want to keep this in writing could indicate that you have something to hide.


> And I send a copy of this e-mail to Stephchange, so that they can advice me how to go forward with this case.


> And then I'll contact you back when I've heard from them.


> Hope this is alright!


> Yours sincerely,


> Erik *



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> *


> Hi,


> I want to keep this in writing, please.


> I have been adviced to pay in this way, (by token-payments), by CCCS who are now called Stepchange, I think.


> (Your title is Customer Experience.


> Shouldn't it be something like Customer Service, I was wondering when I read your letter).


> Regards,


> Erik *



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> *


> Hi,


> I'm refering to your letter of 15/4, which I recieved earlier this week, (and which I attach a scanned copy of).


> I haven't really sent you an e-mail, on 14/4, (about you contacting me by phone).


> I sent you an e-mail on 13/4, (see in the forwarded e-mail).


> I sometimes blog about budget-stuff, and I wondering if someone have sent you a funny e-mail, after reading about budget-stuff, on my blog.


> You should just focus on the forwareded e-mail, and ignore the other e-mail, (that you say you got on 14/4).


> Hope this is alright!


> Yours sincerely,


> Erik *



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> *



> Hi,


> I asked for this case to be escalated to David Rudd's line-manager.


> It doesn't seem to me, that this has been done.


> So it seems to me, that you have some problems, with your organisation.


> So what I'm going to do, is that I'm going to send you a payment today, for £1, (I'll pay on your website).


> Then I'm going to continue to pay £1 a month, (by the 13th of each month), like previously agreed.


> (Untill I find a new job.


> Since I'm unfortunately unemployed).



> Hope this is alright!


> Yours sincerely,


> Erik *



> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 8:55 AM, United Utilities <> wrote:


>>         [image: United Utilities]


>> Dear Mr *




>> Our ref: CAS14-0025-9159




>> Thank you for your contact received on 3 April 2014 regarding your

>> offer of payment on your water account.




>> Your offer of £1.00 per month is too low for me to set on your account

>> as it will not clear your outstanding balance.



>> Your account is currently with Concilia Debt Recovery, please contact

>> them on 0845 309 4092 to discuss a suitable payment arrangement.

>> Failure to make payments on your account will lead to further debt action.


>> If you are having difficulty with making your payments then please do

>> not ignore this letter. You could be eligible for one of the Payment

>> Assistance Schemes we offer here at United Utilities. You can find

>> some information about these schemes at




>> If you prefer you can make an appointment at your local Citizens

>> Advice Bureau and they can complete a financial statement for you.



>> Please be aware that we also share information about your payment

>> behaviour with a Credit Reference Agency. For more information see



>> I trust the information provided will be of assistance to you.




>> Yours sincerely




>> David *


>> Customer Advisor






>> If you need to contact us again, here are some options:




>> 1.   Visit our website<>where you can register with

>> MyAccount

>> <>to

>> manage youraccount online or complete the Contact Us

>> <> form


>> 2.   Call us on 0845 746 2034 - our office is open Monday to Friday 8.00

>> am to 8.00 pm, and Saturday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.


>> 3.   Write to us at: United Utilities, PO Box 457, Warrington, WA55 1DR


>> 4.   Click reply to this email


>> © United Utilities Group PLC 2013



>> ------------------- Original Message ------------------- *From:*Erik

>> Ribsskog

>> *Received:* 03/04/2014 15:34

>> *To:* United Utilities

>> *Cc:*;

>> *Subject:* Your letter of 27/3/Fwd: Your response from United

>> Utilities

>> CAS14:00083000000173


>> Hi,


>> I'm refering to your bill from 27/3, (my account number is: * in the letter).


>> I'm still unemployed, and on a budget.


>> So I can only offer to pay token-payments of £1, (like in the last

>> years), a month, untill I get a job.


>> Then I'm going to set up a new budget and contact you back.


>> At the moment I haven't gotten my jobseekers-allowance from 31/1 to

>> 21/2, and not eighter from 6/3 to todays date.


>> But I hope to get these moneys as soon as possible, but I

>> unfortunately can't say exactly when, since the Jobcentre seems to be

>> a bit poorly organised, (at least this is my opinion, from being

>> unemployed for years now).


>> Hope this is alright!


>> Yours sincerely,


>> Erik *



>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> *


>> Hi,


>> I don't have any credit on my mobile now, you see.


>> But I've read on a message board on the internet, that Concilia is

>> really a part of United Utilities, so I wondered if you could just

>> forward this e-mail to them.


>> Thanks in advance for any help!


>> Best regards,


>> Erik *



>> On 3/31/14, United Utilities <> wrote:

>> >

>> > [image: United Utilities]

>> >

>> > Dear Mr *

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Our ref: CAS14-0022-7742

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Thank you for your contact received on 25 March 2014 regarding your

>> > water account.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Your account is currently with Concilia Debt Recovery, please

>> > contact them on 0845 309 4092 to discuss a suitable payment arrangement.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > We may be able to help you with one of the schemes that we have

>> > available for people who are experiencing financial difficulties.

>> > Please call this office on 0845 746 2034 and a member of our

>> > specialist team will be able to help you. If you prefer you can make

>> > an appointment at your local Citizens Advice Bureau and they can complete a financial statement for you.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Failure to make payments on your account will lead to further debt action.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Please be aware that we also share information about your payment

>> > behaviour with a Credit Reference Agency. For more information see

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > I trust the information provided will be of assistance to you.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Yours sincerely

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Amanda *

>> >

>> > Customer Advisor

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > If you need to contact us again, here are some options:

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > 1.   Visit our website where you can register with

>> > MyAccount to manage your account online or complete the Contact Us

>> > form

>> >

>> > 2.   Call us on 0845 746 2034 - our office is open Monday to Friday 8.00 am

>> > to 8.00 pm, and Saturday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

>> >

>> > 3.   Write to us at: United Utilities, PO Box 457, Warrington, WA55 1DR

>> >

>> > 4.   Click reply to this email

>> >

>> > © United Utilities Group PLC 2013

>> >

>> >

>> > ====================================================================

>> > ====================================================

>> > The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the

>> > individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain legally

>> > privileged or confidential information or otherwise be exempt from

>> > disclosure. If you have received this Message in error or there are

>> > any problems, please notify the sender immediately and delete the

>> > message from your computer. You must not use, disclose, copy or

>> > alter this message for any unauthorised purpose. Neither United

>> > Utilities Group PLC nor any of its subsidiaries will be liable for

>> > any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages as a result

>> > of any virus being passed on, or arising from the alteration of the

>> > contents of this message by a third party. United Utilities Group

>> > PLC, Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green

>> > Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington,

>> > WA5 3LP Registered in England and Wales. Registered No 6559020

>> >

>> > ====================================================================

>> > ====================================================



>> ======================================================================

>> ==================================================

>> The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the

>> individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain legally privileged

>> or confidential information or otherwise be exempt from disclosure. If

>> you have received this Message in error or there are any problems,

>> please notify the sender immediately and delete the message from your computer.

>> You must not use, disclose, copy or alter this message for any

>> unauthorised purpose. Neither United Utilities Group PLC nor any of

>> its subsidiaries will be liable for any direct, special, indirect or

>> consequential damages as a result of any virus being passed on, or

>> arising from the alteration of the contents of this message by a third

>> party. United Utilities Group PLC, Haweswater House, Lingley Mere

>> Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 3LP

>> Registered in England and Wales. Registered No

>> 6559020


>> ======================================================================

>> ================



> -----------------------------------------------------------------

> This message may contain confidential information and is intended for the addressee only.

> If you have received this information in error, please return it to us and delete it

> from your computer.

> Although StepChange Debt Charity operates anti-virus programmes, it does not accept

> responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed.

> As emails are not a secure method of communication StepChange Debt Charity does not

> accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.

> Foundation for Credit Counselling, trading as StepChange Debt Charity,

> Wade House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8NG. Company No. 2757055, Charity No. 1016630.