Pia er tøysete

Søstera mi Pia, er tøysete.

Hu sa i 2004, (hos bestemor Ingeborg), at hu ikke likte jøder.

(Noe bestemor Ingeborg var enig i, husker jeg).

Men hu ga sønnnen sin, (Daniel), som hu fødte, i 1995, et jødisk navn.

Så dette henger ikke på greip, (må man vel si).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog


Og første juledag, (var det vel), i 1994.

Så var både Pia og jeg, i middagsselskap, hos faren min og Haldis, i Drammen.

Og da ble Pia spurt om, hvorfor hu bare likte negre.

(Av faren min og Haldis, vel).

Og da svarte Pia, at det bare var snakk om en neger.

Men da var det sånn, at jeg liksom måtte begynne å hoste fælt, (husker jeg).

For jeg husker nemlig ihvertfall fem negre, som Pia var i lag med liksom, fra før denne julen.

Og det var Negib fra Etiopia.

(Som jeg tror at var Pia sin første neger).

Og så var det Keyton fra Somalia, og to av hans kamerater, som alle tre overnattet, en gang, på Ungbo.

(Og da Axel, Glenn Hesler og jeg, skulle spille fotball.

En gang sommeren 1994, vel.

Så lå det to negre i stua, på Ungbo.

(Så vi kunne ikke sette på lyset, i stua).

Og en tredje neger, (nemlig Keyton), lå sammen med Pia, inne på rommet hennes).

Så det blir fire negre, (som Pia har vært sammen med liksom), mener jeg.

(For det lukta litt rart i stua, så man må vel kanskje regne med disse to kameratene til Keyton og.

Pia nevnte en annen gang forresten, at Keyton hadde to kamerater, som var grisete, og bare spiste med henda.

Noe sånt).

Og den femte negeren, som jeg husker at Pia var sammen med.

Det var en som hu dro med hjem til Ungbo, fra utestedet Baronen, (en natt til søndag, (var det vel), i 1994 en gang, må det vel ha vært).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg sendte en e-post til United Utilities

Erik Ribsskog

To: the Managing Director/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref: CAS14-0035+4051-SW

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 6:17 PM
To: United Utilities
Cc: Q&A
Bcc: Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Liverpool Direct , Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office , Info , Benefits Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press , Colin Simber

it's seams you have sent me two replies, two my e-mail, from 30/5.

So I think this is caos.

I've thought more about this now.

And our original agreement, was that I paid you £1 monthly token-payments.

Untill I got a job.

So all these writings from you, about that you no longer like this
agreement, is just 'gypsy-stuff', I think.

I've been advised by Stepchange, to continue to pay you the monthy
token-payments, (of £1).

And I'm going to continue to do that.

And I hope you stop with all this 'gypsy-stuff', (I think I have to call it).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:05 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref:
To: United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk>
Cc: Q&A <contactus@stepchange.org>


I've thought more about this now.

It's perhaps a bit complicated, with all the tarifs.

So perhaps I could just go back, to the payment-plan, which I had,
back in 2011, I was thinking.

Then I paid you £5 a month, (if I'm not mistaking).

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:21 AM
Subject: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref: CAS14-0035+4051-SW
To: United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk>
Cc: Q&A <contactus@stepchange.org>


I'm refering to your letter of 28/5, which I received today, (Thursday).

If I could do one thing at a time, then I think I would like to please
apply for a support tariff.

(Since you don't want me to pay token-payments any longer).

I hope that's alright, and that I can get the tariff that cost the
least, (£117), if I'm eligable for it, since I don't have that much
money, on my budget, for this cost, unfortunately.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I attach a scanned copy of the letter, and send a copy e-mail to
Stepchange, since I've earlier updated them about the case.

3 attachments

united utilities 1.jpg

united utilities 2 1.jpg

united utilities 2 2.jpg


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united utilities 1

united utilities 2 1

united utilities 2 2

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Jeg sendte en e-post til United Utilities

Erik Ribsskog

Your response from United Utilities CAS14:00638000000486

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 4:25 PM
To: United Utilities
Cc: Q&A
Bcc: Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Liverpool Direct , Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office , Info , Benefits Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press , Colin Simber

I don't think I've even heard about 'my account' before.

I have some arrears with you, so I think I've been contacted, by Concilia, sometimes, (instead of United Utilities).

And I can't remember Concilia mentioning 'my account'.

And I have a lot of other accounts 'everywhere', and I have been paying tokey-payments from your web-site, without this 'my account', (if I'm not mistaking).

So I'm not really interested in 'my account', (at least not at the moment).
(Since I can't think of any reason that I need it, really.

At least not at the moment).

At the moment I'm more interested in who's doing sabotage against me, to be honest.
The Jobcentre are even taking me to court, do to similar sabotage.
So this internet-sabotage/impersonation against me, isn't any fun, I think.


Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 12:15 PM, United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk> wrote:
United Utilities
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Our ref: CAS14-0040-4877

Thank you for your contact received on 31 May 2014 regarding a recent email from our My Account service.

I have tried to contact you today at 12:10pm but unfortunately i was unable to reach you.

Please confirm whether you have used your email to register for any accounts with us also if you have used any other email on our My Account service. 

Once your response is received we will be able to investigate further. 

I trust the information provided will be of assistance to you. 

Yours sincerely

Carol Sessford
Customer Advisor

If you need to contact us again, here are some options:

1.   Visit our website unitedutilities.com where you can register with MyAccount to manage your account online or complete the Contact Us form
2.   Call us on 0845 746 1100 - our office is open Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, and Saturday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
3.    Write to us at: United Utilities, PO Box 50, Warrington, WA55 1AQ
4.   Click reply to this email  
© United Utilities Group PLC 2013

------------------- Original Message -------------------
From:Erik Ribsskog
Received: 06/06/2014 09:41
To: Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk; United Utilities
Subject: Password reset


I haven't requsted this password-reset.


Erik Ribsskog


Here is more about this:

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Request for a password reset
<noreply.myaccountnotification@uuplc.co.uk>    Fri, May 30, 2014 at
1:40 AM
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
United Utilities My Account

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for requesting a new password for My Account.

To reset your password please click on the link below:

Change Password

If you haven’t requested a password reset recently with us please let
us know here

Thank you for using My Account
United Utilities

P.S. please do not reply to this email. If you need to get in touch
with us you can contact us here.

Copyright - United Utilities Group PLC 2014, © United Utilities Group
PLC 2014 United Utilities Group PLC, Haweswater House, Lingley Mere
Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington,
Cheshire, WA5 3LP. Company number: 6559020. Registered in England and

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