søndag 8. juni 2014

Mer om Posegodt

posegodt 120



Jeg har gjort en del forrandringer, på Posegodt, i det siste.

Informarsjons-panelet og Del-panelet har byttet plass.

Og det var fordi, at jeg syntes, at nettbutikken så litt kjedelig ut.

Så jeg tenkte at den så litt artigere ut, med Del-panelet øverst, og Informasjons-panelet nederst.

(Enn omvendt).

Og jeg prøver også å bytte ut de firkantede 'panel-bakgrunns-platene', med drops-formede tegninger, (lik de i logoen).

Og det er også for å prøve å få nettbutikken, til å se litt mindre kjedelig ut.

Jeg har også tatt kurs, i HTML 5 og Dreamweaver, det siste året.

Og jeg har skjønt det, at det er mulig å style nettbutikken, en god del mer.

Jeg har nå gjort om kategori-menyen, sånn at den nå er en liste.

(Sånn at jeg nå kan variere avstanden, mellom kategori-linkene mer.

Blant annet).

Og jeg har også tenkt å gjøre om, Informasjons-menyen, til en liste.

Og også følg-knappene.

Og det er også mulig å style varesidene mer, blant annet.

Så det er del arbeid igjen, på Posegodt, ennå.

 Men Posegodt er bare et av flere hobby-prosjekt, for meg.

Så det kommer nok til å ta litt tid, dessverre.

(Siden at jeg har jobbsøking og kurs, (og også memoarer og blogg, osv.), å drive med, i tillegg).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog.

Jeg sendte et nytt brev til United Utilities

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: To: the Managing Director/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref: CAS14-0035+4051-SW

Erik Ribsskog Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 7:51 PM
To: United Utilities
Cc: Q&A
Bcc: Colin Simber , Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office , Info , Benefits Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk

I got a new letter from you yesterday, (which I attach a scanned copy of).

It seems you have now sent me a new payment-card, for the immigrants-shop.

I have a payment-card like that, from before.

(Which I've used, when I've been paying the monthly token-payments).

But I've lately found out, that I can pay the token-payments, from your website.

(It's a bit like you send me to the Al Quaida, when you send me these
payment-cards, I think.

Since only immigrant shops accept these cards, it seems).

So this letter is a distraction, I'd say.

I haven't asked for a new card like this, (I have a card like that,
from before).

Just as an update.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 6:17 PM
Subject: To: the Managing Director/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Sarah
Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref: CAS14-0035+4051-SW
To: United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk>
Cc: Q&A <contactus@stepchange.org>


it's seams you have sent me two replies, two my e-mail, from 30/5.

So I think this is caos.

I've thought more about this now.

And our original agreement, was that I paid you £1 monthly token-payments.

Untill I got a job.

So all these writings from you, about that you no longer like this
agreement, is just 'gypsy-stuff', I think.

I've been advised by Stepchange, to continue to pay you the monthy
token-payments, (of £1).

And I'm going to continue to do that.

And I hope you stop with all this 'gypsy-stuff', (I think I have to call it).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:05 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref:
To: United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk>
Cc: Q&A <contactus@stepchange.org>


I've thought more about this now.

It's perhaps a bit complicated, with all the tarifs.

So perhaps I could just go back, to the payment-plan, which I had,
back in 2011, I was thinking.

Then I paid you £5 a month, (if I'm not mistaking).

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:21 AM
Subject: To: Sarah Williams, Customer Relations. Your ref: CAS14-0035+4051-SW
To: United Utilities <Customer.service@uuplc.co.uk>
Cc: Q&A <contactus@stepchange.org>


I'm refering to your letter of 28/5, which I received today, (Thursday).

If I could do one thing at a time, then I think I would like to please
apply for a support tariff.

(Since you don't want me to pay token-payments any longer).

I hope that's alright, and that I can get the tariff that cost the
least, (£117), if I'm eligable for it, since I don't have that much
money, on my budget, for this cost, unfortunately.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I attach a scanned copy of the letter, and send a copy e-mail to
Stepchange, since I've earlier updated them about the case.

brev united utilities.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

brev united utilities

Jeg sendte en e-post til PHSO

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Ofcom/Fwd: Ofcom reference: 1-260568294. Email to Ofcom

Erik Ribsskog Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 6:19 PM
To: Patel Geeta
Cc: rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Bcc: Colin Simber , Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office , Info , Benefits Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press
I copy the PHSO about this case, since this is a case, that I sent to you about last year, (if I'm not mistaking).
And now, (this year), I browsed Ofcoms website, and managed to find an e-mail address for them.

So this case has now moved on a bit, and is now with the High Court, (the way I see it, at least).

Thank you for the e-mail!

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patel Geeta <Geeta.Patel@ombudsman.org.uk>
Date: Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint about Ofcom/Fwd: Ofcom reference: 1-260568294. Email to Ofcom
To: "eribsskog@gmail.com" <eribsskog@gmail.com>

We are committed to keeping your information secure.  As part of that commitment we have decided that when we send you information by email we may have to remove some details.  This includes information that may identify you or any other person and sometimes the organisation complained about.

Dear Sir

Our reference: EN-192833 (please quote in any further correspondence)

Thank you for your emails in relation to copying us into your complaint about Ofcom. We would normally provide you with Ofcom’s complaint process at this stage if you require it. If this is not the case, we will just record your email as being cc’d to us and not respond further.

Yours faithfully

Geeta Patel
Customer Service Officer
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
T: 0345 015 4033

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