Jeg sendte en e-post til Innovasjon Norge

Erik Ribsskog

Strømm Trevare

Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 6:11 PM

min farfar Øivind Olsen startet en trevare-bedrift, etter krigen, ved
navn Strømm Trevare(industri).

Da jeg søkte på nettet om dette, så dukket det opp noe om en mappe,
som jeg tror at dere har nå, (pga. sammenslåinger).

Er det mulig å få såkalt innsyn, i disse dokumentene, lurte jeg.


Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:



Strømm Trevare - Sandbu

Småbedriftsfondet - RA/S-2991/F/Fa/L0178/0001

Taushetsbelagt/Unntatt offentlighet (60 år), mer...

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Oppbevaringssted: Riksarkivet
Arkiv: Småbedriftsfondet
Serie: Innfridde, avslåtte og bortfalte lån
Stykke: --
Mappe: Strømm Trevare - Sandbu

Tilknyttede aktører

Arkivskaper:  Småbedriftsfondet

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Tilhører Serie Fa Innfridde, avslåtte og bortfalte lån
Tilhører Stykke L0178 --

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  • I dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog

    sorry if I'm sending many e-mails!
    I've now done more genaology.
    Ragnhild and Ingeborgs father, (the Swedish shoe-maker Olof Olsson, who by the way is buried on Berger church-yard, under the name Ole Olsen, it seems, after I searched on
    So this Swedish shoe-maker is my great-great-grandfather.
    And also your great-great-grandfather it seems, (if Ragnhild Olsen was your great-grandmother).
    But what I found yesterday, was a bit shocking.
    The Swedish shoe-maker was after Swedish nobles.
    (This I found out, about a week ago).
    But yesteday I found out, (on the internet), that the Swedish shoe-makers great-great-great-great-grandfather, was a Swedish spy-chief, with the name Anders Svensson Ödell Ödla:
    Just thought I'd mention this, because it freaked me out a bit, to be honest.
    None of my relatives have told me anything about this.
    My father, (Arne Mogan Olsen), sent me an e-mail, some years ago, claiming that Ingeborg Olsen was after Huitfeldt.
    But they are a Danish noble-family, (and not Swedish).
    And I haven't gotten the Huitfeldt-link confimered yet, (even if it could be true, because the Swedish shoe-makers wife, had a mother, named Oline Hansdatter, and her grandfather Hans Pedersen, had an older sister Sophie Amalia Pedersdatter, and her god-mother, was a Miss Anne Margrethe Huitfeldt.
    So that was perhaps what my father meant.
    I haven't managed to find more 'Huitfeldt-links'.
    But thats very fine, (I guess), because the Huitfeltd-miss was a niese, (or something), of Norwegian sea-hero Iver Huitfeldt, who died as a hero, at the sea-battle at Køge bay, (in Denmark, because Norway and Denmark were in a union then), against the Swedish navy there.
    But my father didn't mention any Swedish nobles.
    I just happened to find them, when I did my geneaology.
    I attach some scans of this.
    (Just in case you wanted this information.
    And I hope I've done this stuff right).
    Best regards,
    Erik Ribsskog
    Anders Svensson, troligen född på 1580-talet, död 3 september1630 i Hamburg i Tyskland, var Sveriges första spionchef och diplomat; han adlades 24 dagar före sin död.

PS 2.

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Mer fra Facebook

  • Samtale startet 25. februar 2009
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    er det Bromma eller?
    Bor du på Berger enda?
    Med vennlig hilsen
    Erik Ribsskog
  • 4. mars
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hei Bromma,
    jeg lurer på om jeg har funnet den Grunerløkka-klassen, som vi var på leirskole sammen med:
    Klarer du å se om det er noen kjente, på det bildet.
    (Eller er det noen som tuller med meg, inne i Oslo der).
    Bare sender melding til forskjellige folk, i Berger skole-klassen.
    (Har også sendt til Gry Stenberg osv., om det her).
    Erik Ribsskog
  • 8. mai
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hei Bromma,
    jeg leste på Facebook at Linda Moen sin slektning, (må det vel ha vært), Ador Moen hadde drevet bakeri, på Berger, sammen med en kompanjong.
    Og så hadde min onkel Runar Mogan Olsen og hans kamerat Erik Sander Solberg spist opp noen wienerbrød, som de skulle ha levert, til en Brekke, på Berger.
    Var det derfor at hu Linda Moen liksom var så guffen, mot meg, de årene vi gikk i samme klasse, på Berger skole, Svelvik ungdomsskole og Sande videregående.
    Kan du høre med frøken Moen, (eller hva man skal kalle henne), for hu har visst blokkert meg på Facebook.
    (Dere var jo venninner på Berger skole ihvertfall, husker jeg).
    Erik Ribsskog
  • I dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hei Bromma,
    jeg prøver egentlig å finne min firemenning Linda Moen.
    Men hu har visst blokkert meg, på Facebook, virka det som.
    En gang, skoleåret 1988/89, så dro Tom Bråthen med meg, hjem til deg vel, på Berger.
    (Jeg gikk på skole i Drammen, og hadde vært hos min stebror Jan Snoghøj, på Gulskogen.
    Hvor Tom Bråthen også var).
    Jeg har drevet slektsforskning, og funnet ut, at min tipp x 7 oldefar, var svensk spionsjef.
    Dette er etter en svensk skomaker, (som er gravlagt på Berger kirkegård vel), nemlig Ole Olsen aka. Olof Olsson Brunmark.
    Denne svenske skomakeren, var også oldefar, til Linda Moen sin far, nemlig Leif Brunmark Moen.
    Prata Linda Moen noen gang om denne svenske spionsjefen, lurte jeg.
    (Jeg har jo noen ganger skrevet til deg, Linda Moen og Lene Andersen.
    Om at dere mobba meg, på barneskolen, osv.
    Noe jeg også nevnte, i stua di, (var det vel), den gangen, på slutten av 80-tallet.
    Noe du da nekta for.
    Men det var kanskje også noe 'spionerings').
    Erik Ribsskog
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Har han Tom Bråthen gått konkurs, med restaurant, i Fossekleiva, forresten?
    (Jeg fant om det, da jeg prøvde å finne han, på nettet).
    Min yngre søster Pia, hu dreiv med noe sånn 'svensk spionsjef-greier', (må man vel kalle det), i Geilo, sommeren år 2000, var det vel.
    Det var i bryllupet til Jan Snoghøj og Hege Lund vel.
    Min søster var svensk spionsjef.
    For hu hadde glemt å ta med seg klær.
    Og insisterte på å låne en trøye, av meg.
    Og mens hu hadde på seg den, så begynte Tom Bråthen å klå på henne, på fredagskvelden, (dagen før bryllupet).
    Jeg syntes det var litt rart, (foran både meg selv og min far, selv om jeg har en omsorgssvikt-sak mot min far).
    Det kan ha vært spesielt fordi, at søstera mi, hadde på seg, min trøye.
    Så jeg har også møtt han Tom Bråthen, etter 80-tallet.
    Men bare på det bryllupet til Jan og Hege.
    (Sånn som jeg husker det).
    Og de var også svenske spionsjefer.
    For de sendte meg bilde, av brudeparet, en tid etter bryllupet.
    Og da åt de på en pølse i brød, fra hver sin kant.
    På bildet.
    Av en eller annen grunn.
    Så det er mye rart.
    Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til RBS

Erik Ribsskog

Act Now Alert

Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:25 PM
Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg , "" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , Service , Pia Ribsskog , Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "" , "" ,, ved Wenche Molstad ,, Office , Info , Service , "" , LO Postkasse LO ,, CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "" , Google Press ,, DWP ICE gateway team ,, Colin Simber

I haven't gotten my jobseekers-allowance, since last month.

So that's why my bank-account is overdrawn.

Someone did sabotage against me, and wrote an e-mail in my name, to the Jobcentre, (and Liverpool City Council), asking for my claim to end.
I was informed by this sabotage, by the Council.

And informed the Jobcentre right away, about this impersonation.
But the Jobcentre still stopped my claim.
I had to file a rapid reclaim.

To do with that reclaim, I had a phone-interview, with Sean, from Huyton Jobcentre, earlier this month.

And in that phone-call, I was told, I was going to get my allowance, on Tuesday, (that is yesterday).

But I didn't get any money yesterday, for some reason.
(I've sent a complaint e-mail to the Jobcentre about this.

But have still not received a reply).
Perhaps I could have an overdraft for graduates, I was wondering.
(I've read about these overdrafts somewhere).

I got my Norwegian Høgskolekandidat-degree, in 2009, from Oslo University College.
(I didn't apply for an overdraft at the time, because I had a lot of complaints, against RBS, at the time.

Which I sent to the Financial Ombudsman, etc.
I think must have been the reason.
Or that I wasn't aware of these graduate-overdrafts, at the time).

Thanks in advance for the help with this!
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:13 AM, RBS <> wrote:
RBS - The Royal Bank of Scotland, Make it happen Logo

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RBS account ending 827 has remained over its agreed limit since your last Alert.

We recommend that you pay in cleared funds to correct the position on your account by 3.30pm today, 25 Jun and so that you can minimise any further Overdraft fees being applied.

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Linskills

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Court today/Fwd: Fourt update/Fwd: Werewolf-update/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre

Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:57 AM
To: Colin Simber
Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg , "" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , Service , Pia Ribsskog , Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "" , "" ,, ved Wenche Molstad ,, Office , Info , Service , "" , LO Postkasse LO ,, CONTACT-US , Contact-Us , "sande.vgs" , "" , Google Press ,

I've been continueing to do my geneaology, a bit, in the last weeks.

Yesteday I found out, that my great x eight grandfather, was Swedish
spy-chief Anders Svensson Ödell Ödla.

This I wasn't aware of.

(My relatives doesn't tell me anything, it seems.

And my father let me grow up alone, from I was nine years old.

So this lizards, (Ödla means lizard), lived in another house than me,
some hundred yards away, in a suburb, Bergeråsen).

So it could be some type of inteligence, who are messing with me, (and
sending e-mails in my name), I was thinking.

Because I also have a great great grandfather, (Anders Gjedde Nyholm),
who was chief of the general command, in Denmark.

And myself, I'm in the Norwegian Home Defence, (ready for mobilisation
that is, I haven't worked there, but it's conscription-service).

So it's a mess really.

Just something I thought about.


Erik Ribsskog


Also, the Jobcentre mess with me, I have to say.

I haven't gotten my jobseekers-allowance since May.

I need to go to the barber, my bank-account is overdrawn, I need to
pay my bills, and I don't have much food/money left.

Could you tell the Jobcentre to 'clean their act up', please?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Court today/Fwd: Fourt update/Fwd: Werewolf-update/Fwd: New
update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, ""
<>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis
<>, Phso Enquiries
<>, post <>,
Akademikerforbundet <>, Service
<>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Ribsskog
<>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt"
<>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin"
<>, post <>,
"" <>, ""
<>,, ved Wenche
Molstad <>,, Office
<>, Info <>, Service
<>, ""
<>, LO Postkasse LO <>,, CONTACT-US
<>, Contact-Us
<>, "sande.vgs" <>,
"" <>, Google Press


I was in Court today, (for a Case Management Meeting), like agreed, last month.

I spoke with your college Carol there.

The judges said I was excused, from meeting, next month.

(For some meeting, that Linskills are going to, if I'm not mistaking.

To do with my case).

But I have to go to Court again, on 8/8, Carol told me.

While I waited for the court-room to start my case today.

I thought again about the case.

Perhaps if one contacted Google, and asked if they have logged my e-mails.

Then they could confirm that the sex-emails aren't sent by me.

Then a statement from Google about this, could be looked at, as
evidence, I think.

I really don't want some 'funny/dodgy' IT-companies, to have access to
my blog and e-mails, (since my blog is on the same Google-account as
my main g-mail e-mail address is).

Because I have my memoirs and all, on my blog.

And I don't want it to happen, that my blog gets deleted.

(I've studied Information Management, and had a subject named Data
Security, I think it was called, in the early 90's).

And I don't really understand why you wanted the password for my

I saw two 'cowboys' in suits, in the court-room today, standing
against the wall, opposite the witness-box, where I was standing.

What was that about, I was wondering a bit.

Just as an update.

Sorry again about all the e-mails.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Fourt update/Fwd: Werewolf-update/Fwd: New update/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: "Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg" <>, ""
<>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis
<>, Phso Enquiries
<>, post <>,
Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer
Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn
Ribsskog <>, she <>,
"hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin"
<>, post <>,
"" <>, ""
<>,, Liverpool Direct
<>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter
ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn
Office <>, Info <>, Benefits
Service <>,
"" <>, LO Postkasse LO
<>, Contact-Us
<>, "sande.vgs" <>,
"" <>, Google Press
<>,, Politikk Høyre


sorry I'm sending many e-mails.

But when I worked at Bertelsmann, in 2005 and 2006.

Then I worked in the same company, as famous artists like Shakira,
Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.

If I was as sex-mad as the Jobcentre say I am.

Then I would probably have sent a lot of e-mails like that to those
sexy artists as well.

So this is just a murder of justice-case.

Like I've been trying to explain for a long time now.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 8:43 PM
Subject: Werewolf-update/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, ""
<>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis
<>, Politikk Høyre
Phso Enquiries <>, post <>,
Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer
Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn
Ribsskog <>, she <>,
"hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin"
<>, post <>,
"" <>, ""
<>,, Liverpool Direct
<>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter
ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn
Office <>, Info <>, Benefits
Service <>,
"" <>, LO Postkasse LO
<>, Contact-Us
<>, "sande.vgs" <>,
"" <>, Google Press


I've also done some more geneaology now.

And found that my fathers also were after nobles.

He wasn't after Danish nobles, (like my mother).

But my father was after Swedish nobles, (it seems).

(One of them were Birger Jarl who founded Stockhome).

And the Swedes seems to think that my 10 x great grandfather Jacob
Jacobsson Bååt, was a werewold.

Peter Englund from the organisation who hands out the noble-prize in
litterature, (Svenska Akademien), seems to think this, according to a
Swedish website:

Maybe the ones who send the e-mails werewolf-ify my e-mails, or
something like that.

(Some kind of strange Swedish humour, perhaps.

Western-Swedish writer, (I think she was), Astrid Lindgren wrote about
some 'rumpenisser', (rump-gnomes, or something like that), which could
have been to explain about the perhaps more cynical Eastern-Swedes,
I've been wondering).

Also, Adeler, that my mother inherited, were Norwegian, after Cort Adeler.

But he was half Dutch, or something.

And the companies that bought the company I worked in, (Rimi/Hagen
Gruppen), were Swedish ICA and Dutch Ahold.

So this could be some strange stuff, I'm wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:54 PM
Subject: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, ""
<>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis
<>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso
Enquiries <>, post <>,
Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer
Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn
Ribsskog <>, she <>,
"hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin"
<>, post <>,
"" <>, ""
<>,, Liverpool Direct
<>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter
ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn
Office <>, Info <>, Benefits
Service <>,
"" <>, LO Postkasse LO
<>, Contact-Us
<>, "sande.vgs" <>,
"" <>, Google Press

Hi again,

also Andrea and Isa has my files, from when I worked as a Store
Manager, in Norway.

(Because I lived at the same farm as them, back in 2005).

And it's a letter from Forbers-bilionare Stein Erik Hagen, from when I
won a prestigous competition, named Rimi Gullårer.

(A letter that neighter Hagen or ICA want's to send me a copy of now.

So I'm not happy with Isa and Andrea since they don't send me this letter).

And also a reference from a well-known Editor, named Knut Lønø, from
when I worked at Norsk Hageselskap, (on a programme-job for young
people, from the Jobcentre), in 1990.

And, why would I chase 'witches' like Andrea and Sarah Bamber.

When I can just go on town, and try to find some kind of lose women there.

That makes more sense, I think than to mix business and pleasure,
and/or familiy and pleasure.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:42 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, ""
<>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis
<>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso
Enquiries <>, post <>,
Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer
Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn
Ribsskog <>, she <>,
"hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin"
<>, post <>,
"" <>, ""
<>,, Liverpool Direct
<>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter
ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn
Office <>, Info <>, Benefits
Service <>,
"" <>, LO Postkasse LO
<>, Contact-Us
<>, "sande.vgs" <>,
"" <>, Google Press


I've thought more about the court-case now.

(I haven't been taken to court before, I have to say.

So this is a bit akward for me.

And I think about this case, when I go and buy groceries, etc.).

Like I wrote in the letter to the Jobcentre today, (with the forwarded e-mail).

I have a steph-cousin, (from Norway), who studies photography, in Bournemouth.

She's also a brunette, (like Sarah Bamber), but she's half the age, (I
guess), of Sarah Bamber.

This is a slim and fit cousin, I'd say.

And I don't think she is as stale, as Sarah Bamber seems to be, in the
meetings, etc.

So if I was as sex-mad as the Jobcentre seems to think I am.

Then why would I case Sarah Bamber.

When I have a steph-cousin, half her age, at the south-coast, which I
think one have to say is more atractive.

(Since she isn't as old and stale, as Sarah Bamber).

Andrea, (my steph-cousin), also has a petite and pretty blonde younger
sister, named Isa, in Norway.

And I used to know a woman named Siri Rognli Olsen, (from Trøndelag in
Norway), when I lived in Norway.

And she was perhaps a Jewes, I think, since she was very stale, and
would say things like 'don't fold me', when I slept over at her house,
and I was bit drunk, and she had been teasing me, perhaps.

So I don't want another stale Jewess after that.

(So to speak).

I think the Norse women are better then.

Like my Team Leader Marianne Høksås, from Arvato, in 2005 and 2006.

She was a blonde, and had a body like Marylin Monroe.

(I think I can say, since she was posing there, at Arvato, I remember,
from when I walked out of the break-room once, etc.).

And Marianne Høksås once told.

(While we together, throught the city centre once, after working in
the Cunard Building).

That the Liverpool-people were so 'childish'.

So this could be some childish locals pulling my leg, I guess.

(If she was right).

And, the court-cases against me seems to be on 'funny' dates.

The first was when it was an 'EU-election', I think.

And tomorrow it's a new court-case-day, and the game England vs.
Uruguay I think, in the World Cup.

So these could perhaps be the childish local people, that Høksås
mentioned, (back in 2006, I think it was), that attack me, in some
kind of childish terror attack, or something like that.

Who knows.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 3:23 PM
Subject: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: CONTACT-US <>, DWP ICE gateway team


I also send you these files by e-mail.

(Since it has been a problem earlier, that files I've been trying to
send the Jobcentre, have been missing, in the post, it seems).

I've been told in several different ways, how to send these files, in the post.

But I thought I could try to send them today, (in your pre-franked
enveloped, which you've sent me).

And then I think you should get the letter in time.

I'll try to ask for a proof of postage, at the post-office, since I've
noticed that the Jobcentre don't accept photos, (of when I post the
letter, in a post-case), it seems, as a proof of postage, (it seems).

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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slektsforskning paint

Det her er visst min 7 x tippoldefar. Hm

tipp x 7


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PS 2.

Enda mer om dette:

mer om øgle

PS 3.

Det var kanskje derfor, at Christell var så opptatt, av TV-serien 'V', på 80-tallet, (at hu visste om dette):

v øgle hm

Nå har jeg jobbet mer med Posegodt, og blant annet satt Del-panelet nederst igjen, (siden at jeg syntes det, at de Del-knappene blinka litt mye, og da er det bedre å ha de nederst på skjermen, tenkte jeg. Dessuten så ser ikke Info-panelet så kjedelig ut lenger vel, siden at det nå har form, som et morsomt drops, liksom)

jobbet mer posegodt


Jeg mener forresten å ha lest det, (for noen år siden vel), at det er mulig, å få de Del-knappene, til å ikke blinke.

(Ved å 'binde' de, eller noe lignende).

Og det har jeg tenkt å prøve å finne ut mer om, seinere.

Og på den tida, som jeg leste en del, om Del-knapper, osv.

Så mener jeg å huske det, at Facebook, (og de andre sosiale media-plattformene), hadde en visjon om, at disse Del-knappene, skulle stå nederst, på alle nettsider.

(Noe sånt).

Så Del-knapper passer kanskje best, nederst på siden, (hvis jeg har forstått det riktig, ihvertfall).

Det er mulig.

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Men jeg er ikke helt fornøyd, med designen på Posegodt, ennå.

Det er også en del fler ting, (i tillegg til å prøve å få 'bindt' de Del-knappene), som burde gjøres.

(Som mer nøyaktig midtstilling, osv.).

Men det får jeg prøve å få jobbet med innimellom fremover, når jeg får tid.

Så vi får se når det blir.

Vi får se.