onsdag 2. juli 2014

Jeg sendte en e-post til Vernepliktsverket

Paaminnelse/Fwd: Angående veteranforeninger
Add star  Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 5:00 PM
To: vpv.kontakt@mil.no
Cc: post@nvio.no
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jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt noe svar paa denne e-posten, saa
jeg sender en paaminnelse om dette.

Haaper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 13:46:22 +0100
Subject: Fwd: Angående veteranforeninger
To: Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad
Cc: post@nvio.no


kan jeg få kopi av helsekort, lurte jeg.

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: post nvio
Date: 2014-06-05 7:12 GMT+01:00
Subject: SV: Angående veteranforeninger
To: Erik Ribsskog

Hei  Erik.

Takker for din mail.

Det du må gjøre er å få kopi av ditt helse kort fra Forsvaret og se om
du har den rette dokumentasjonen.
Har du alt dette må du ta dette opp med din fastlege , og høre om
dette kan søkes erstatning på.

Vibeke Henny Strand
Fra: Erik Ribsskog [eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sendt: 30. mai 2014 20:03
Til: post nvio
Emne: Angående veteranforeninger


jeg søkte etter veteranforening, på nettet, og fant deres organisasjon.

Jeg var bare i Geværkompaniet, på Terningmoen, i et år, (under

Jeg var ikke i utlandet.

Vet dere om noen veteranorganisasjon, for de som bare er veteraner, fra Norge?

Jeg fikk frostskade, på øret, under vinterøvelsen, og prøver å få
erstatning, for dette.

Blir tulla med av leger og det som er.

Sann-mann og lagfører husker ingen ting.

Jeg kryssa av, for at jeg hadde fått 'varige men', (eller noe
lignende), på et skjema, som vi fikk av kantina-dama, den siste dagen

Jeg havnet seinere i mob-hæren, i 1994, (var det vel).

Jeg skadet kneet, (avrevet korsbånd), i 1995.

Men ble likevel overført til HV, i 1996.

Bare lurte på om dere visste om noen veteranforening, som jeg
eventuelt kan kontakte, for å få råd, om erstatningssak, osv.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til RBS

Complaint/Fwd: Property in Norway
Add star  Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 4:45 PM
To: Customer.Relations@rbs.co.uk
Cc: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
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I was a bit in a hurry at the library yesterday, so I didn't notice
that you called me 'Sir/Madam'.

It's an insult that you call me Madam I think.

This I wanted to complain about.

Weren't RBS supposed to be sold to Santander.

When is this sale going to happen, I was wondering.

The sooner the better, I hope.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 15:56:32 +0100
Subject: Re: Property in Norway
To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
Cc: "complaint.info"


ok, which UK bank would be able to give me a loan on a propery in Norway then?

Are there other British banks who are more international?


Erik Ribsskog

On 7/1/14, ~ RBS Customer Relations wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> Thank you for your e-mail.
> At the outset, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience this
> matter may have caused you.
> Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide a mortgage for a property
> outside the UK.
> For opening a graduate account you will need to visit any RBS branch to
> discuss the eligibility.
> Regards
> Imran khan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 27 June 2014 12:12
> To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
> Subject: Property in Norway
> Hi,
> I own part of a property in Norway.
> (My father inherited this, (from his bachelor-uncles, after two of them
> had died), in 2005, but didn't want to own it, for some reason, and gave
> half of his share on to me).
> My third bachelor-uncle, (Idar Sandersen), still lives there.
> But he is more than 90 years old.
> I want to sell it, but perhaps it's better to wait, untill my granduncle
> dies.
> I've asked my earlier Norwegian banks, (from when I lived in Norway,
> that is DNB and Nordea), if they could loan me some money, on this
> property.
> But they have not given me any loans, for some strange reason.
> Because this property is in a place, (Hurum), where properties like
> this, are in demand, (since it's close to the sea/fjord, etc.), it
> seams.
> I'm not sure if you at RBS are used to dealing with properties in
> Norway, so I've waited many years, with contacting you, about this.
> But I guess my share of this property could easily be worth ***
> And at the same time, I have problems with the Jobcentre.
> They stop my allowance, 'all the time'.
> (And they also take me to court, acusing me of haveing written dirty
> e-mails to their staff.
> I rather want to live on the money for this propety I own, than having
> to deal with the Jobcentre any longer.
> If that's possible).
> Can I please get a loan, on this property.
> And then I can pay it back, after Idar Sandersen dies.
> Since I almost starve to death, every year, (or so), due to problems
> with the Jobcentre.
> I've also gotten my degree, in 2009, from Oslo University College.
> Could I please have a bank-account, for graduates, with an overdraft,
> (for graduates), I was wondering.
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
> The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered
> Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB
> Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
> Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
> This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If
> the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return
> the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message from
> your computer. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. The Royal Bank
> of Scotland plc does not accept responsibility for changes made to this
> message after it was sent. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc may monitor
> e-mails for business and operational purposes. By replying to this message
> you give your consent to our monitoring of your email communications with
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> Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of
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> adversely affect its systems or data. No responsibility is accepted by The
> Royal Bank of Scotland plc in this regard and the recipient should carry out
> such virus and other checks as it considers appropriate.

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Law Society

Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint   Inbox
Add star  Erik Ribsskog Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 3:28 PM
To: findasolicitor
Cc: info , me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Bcc: CONTACT-US , Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , Service , Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Office , Info , Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press , post@canica.no, Contact-Us , Politikk Høyre , "mail.gva" , info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk, admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

yesterday I got a letter from Colin Simber (Senior Criminal Clerk) at
Linskills Solictiors.

(A letter with the date 27/6).

Mr. Simber writes that:

'I note you failed to keep a further appointment at our offices on
25th June 2014 at 10am'.

But this is 'balony'.

I got a letter from Linskills, on 26/6 or 27/6 where they invited me
to the meeting, on 25/6.

So it's like they have wild parties there, and that they write their
letters, at these parties.

Something like that.

Then I send a complaint-e-mail, (which I copied the Law Society and
others), and Mr. Simber answeres it was a 'typo'.

But in the letter I got yesterday, he mentions the date 25/6.

So Mr. Simber seems to be shizofrenic.

He can't agree with himself, if the date, in the letter from his
collegue, (the old woman with yellow teeth), was a typo, or not.

So I think it would be madness of me, to stay with this solicitor-company.

So I wondered if you could give me some advice about how to get a new
solicitor-company, please.

Mr. Simber also lies in the letter from yesterday, (I think I have to say).

He also writes that he had tried to call me, on my mobile, (he
mentiones my mobile-number), and that I didn't reply.

But I would have remembered it, if Linskills had called me, I think.

I would have Google-ed the number then, and seen it was Linskills, and
written them an e-mail, I think.

So this is a lie from Mr. Simber, I have to say.

He has earlier written a letter, that was sureal, I'd say.

For no reason, he wrote he had ended the job as a solicitor for me.

Even if it was evident that the case went on.

So it's something strange here.

Mr. Simber also wanted the password for my library-account in the last
meeting, at Linskills, in Castle Street.

And he also want the password for my blog and g-mail-account it seems.

I have my memoirs and employement-case against Bertelsmann Arvato's
Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, on my blog.

So I wouldn't want people to 'temper' with it, (I think they call it).

Also Mr. Simber mentioned that he bought computers for his kids, at a
perhaps a bit dodgy computer-store in County Rd., (where I had bought
my refurbished computer).

I think most solicitors would have bought Apple computers or something
for their kids.

And I think it's strange he mentioned his kids in the meetings.

I'm an earlier Store Manager who can't find new employement, so I'm
now poor and unemployed, and that's why I buy refurbished computers.

I'm also an economist, and a tech-guy.

The company I worked as a retail-manager in, (ICA), had the lowest
wages, in the retail-business, in Norway.

So I couldn't buy a fancy computer, when I bought my first new PC, in 1996.

But I just bought the basic parts.

And when mp3-files where new, the next year, (which I found about on
the internet), then I bought a sound-card, for my PC, and installed
it, myself.

And then I got a hobby, to upgrade my PC.

And then when my moter died, in 1999, I inherited a bit more than
100.000 NOK, (since my mother had some life-insurance, my sister told

And back then computers where more expensive, and I upgraded my
computer, since I had a quite new cabinet, and all.

And then a woman named Linda Wold, in Halden, didn't like it, that I
didn't buy, a new computer.

She only liked new computers.

But I thought it would be un-economical to throw parts of my computer,
that were as good as new.

And buy the same parts.

In Norway I'm a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man, IT-graduate
and Data and Information Management Economist.

But here I get arrested all the time, my computers get stolen by the
Police all the time, I get thrown out all the time.

And don't get employment.

I have employment-cases here and in Norway.

I overheard at work, at Rimi Bjoerndal, in 2003, that I was followed,
by the mafian.

I'm a refugee, (after that), to the UK.

I try to warn on my blog, that I don't get my rights, to do with the
mafia-case and employement-cases, etc.

On the contrary, I'm also being messed with, by the Police and the
other governments, in Norway and the UK, I'd say.

And now I'm trying to find a new solicitor-company.

To do with these completely fabricated and scandalous charges against
me, from the jobcentre.

Now, a month or so ago.

Someone tricked the Jobcentre into stopping my allowance again.

And I haven't gotten any Jobseekers-allowance since May.

And Virgin have now stopped my internet-line from working.

Since I haven't gotten money to pay the bill.

So I write this e-mail from Fazakerly library.

(Since the one in Spellow is closed on Tuesdays).

And I therefore haven't gotten to scan the letter I'm refering to,
(from Mr. Simber on 27/6), like I normally do, when I have my
internet-line, (and electricity).

It's like I'm being kept poor by some network, I think.

It's like everyone who read my blog in Norway are 'aandsvake', like we
say there.

I hope you can help me find a new solicitor!

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:44:39 +0100
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: CONTACT-US , Wedell-Wedellsborg
, "emb.london" , HRW UK
, amnestyis , Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
Simber , Contact-Us
, Politikk Høyre
, "mail.gva" ,
info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com

Hi again,

also, there is a website, on the internet, where some deranged people,
(I think I have to call it), encouriges other deranged people, to
troll againts me:

The "How to" Guide & Dox

Trolling Erik Ribsskog is about as difficult as stealing a bike from
yo former massas.

Send him an e-mail claiming to represent the mafia, and that you have
not forgotten him.
Make fake subscriptions for gay magazines. [13]
Plant strange ideas in his head, which he will subsequently process in
his batshit insane mind before sending enraged complaints to the
Norwegian government.[14]
Address him as "Miss Erik Ribsskog" (Merseyside Police once did this,
which has since served as a source of numerous conspiracy theories)

Although he is completely convinced that he is followed by the
"mafian" and that this mafia wants to kill him at all costs, he posts
his home address about 200 times daily on his blog. His address is:

10 Keith Court
Keith Avenue
L4 5XJ

+44 0790 5206018



This must be some nerds, (or something), who don't have a life.

And who think its fun, to be sadist, and distroy other peoples lives.

Something like that.

So even if e-mails appear to be from me, it could be e.g. these
maniacs, who fabricate them.

At least I haven't sent the mentioned e-mails.

And also, how can e-mails be stalking?

And also, the mentioned e-mails have been sent to a work email
address, and not a private e-mail address.

So I'm a bit worried if someone are also dramatising here, (not only
on the mentioned website).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 1:03 PM
Subject: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: CONTACT-US , Wedell-Wedellsborg
, "emb.london" , HRW UK
, amnestyis , Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
Simber , Contact-Us
, Politikk Høyre
, "mail.gva" ,
info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com


I'm refering to your letter from 19/6, which I received today, (and
attach a scanned copy of).

(I'm not sure if it was delivered with Royal Mail or TNT.

I just got a letter through the door now.

And the other day a guy in a white sweater was here with a letter, it seemed.

So it isn't like in Norway, were we only have Posten, (like I remember
it, at least)).

I wanted to inform you, that I've now contacted the Law Society, about
Linskills, (since I have a bit low confidence in them now, like I've
explained, in the forwarded e-mail).

(Even if I've been having problems with the Law Society before.

To do with an employement-case, where I was messed with, (I think I
have to say), by the Citizens Advice Bureu and the Police and more).

I was wondering why you refer to Aintree Jobcentre as 'Walton Vale',
in your letters, (and in court).

Aintree is in Sefton.

So why isn't this case in Sefton Magistrates Court, I have been wondering.

Also, in Aintree they have a racehourse-track.

My grand-father Øivind Olsen, told me in the 70's or 80's that people
who went to the 'travbane', (like we say in Norway), weren't fine.

So he would probably have said that Aintree weren't since they have a
travbane, (or a 'galoppbane').

So are you trying to hide that this is the Jobcentre in a place where
they have a trav/gallopp-bane, I was wondering.

(So that this place isn't fine, like I think my grandfather would have said).

Also, you write that I have bad character.

But one of the people who brought me up, was my Danish-born
grand-mother Ingeborg Ribsskog, who was from Danish nobility, (or at
least upper-class).

So I think this sounds a bit like an insult, when you write, that I
have bad character.

I lived my 34 first years, in Norway.

And I was never in prison, never arrested, never in jail, never in court even.

So this I'm not sure if I agree on.

In Norway, I'm known as a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man
and IT-graduate, I think.

This case seems silly to me.

It should just be to contact Google, and they should be able to
conform, (since I reackon they must have logged the e-mails I've sent
from my g-mail-accounst).

And then Google should be able to confirm that this is spoofing, and
not something I've sent.

I hope the law society can help me find a new solicitor now, for the
reasons mentioned in the forwared e-mail.

Even if my confidence with the Law Society isn't high, after what
happened to do with the mentioned employement-case, which I started
against Bertelsmann Arvato's Microsoft Scandinavian Product
Activation, (in the Cunard Building, here in Liverpool), in 2006.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint
To: Colin Simber
Cc: julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk


when I was at your office the last time, I walked there, from Walton.

The problem is that the Jobcentre mess with me, and don't send my allowance.

Why don't you do anything with this, since you are my solicitor?

I now have around £3 on my bank-account.

And next-week it's not going to be any money there, due to that I need
these money for food.

And you don't want to correspond by e-mail.

Is this that you say I'm guilty?

And you don't write a salutation, (like 'regards').

I therefore send an update, of this e-mail, to Mr. Linskill.

I think you shouldn't let the Jobcentre mess with me, while you are my

I can't see that you have done anything to get the Jobcentre to stop
breaking the agreements, (I thnk I have to call it).

And why do you appologize on behalf of you collegue?

Shouldn't her manager do that?

And I'm not sure if you understand what the problem is, surrounding
that someone have been spoofing me.

So I send a copy e-mail to Mr. Linskills.

I have worked as a Store Manger.

But not as an Office Manager.

How can you have errors like that in your formal letters, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog


What's this title of yours: 'Accredited Police Station Representative'.

Does it mean you really are some kind of cop I was wondering.

Is this some kind of candid camera?

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Colin Simber
> Sorry about the error.
> I have just written a letter to you with a new appointment for Thursday 03/07/14 at 10am.
> I have mentioned that if you have difficulty with travel costs we will refund your bus fare while you are here.
> I would rather not correspond by email bearing in mind the nature of your case.
>  Save the environment by only printing this email if absolutely necessary.
> Colin Simber
> Senior Clerk/Accredited Police Station Representative
> DD:      0151 243 0111
> Email:  colin.simber@linskills.co.uk
> This email and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure.  If you are not the intended recipient you must not: copy or store this message or any attachment; disclose the contents to any other person; or use it for any purpose whatsoever.  Copyright in this e-mail (and any attachments created by Linskills Solicitors) belongs to Linskills Solicitors.  If you have received this message in error please notify us immediately.
> Any liability (in negligence, contract or otherwise) arising from any third party taking any action, or refraining from taking any action on the basis of any of the information contained in this e-mail is hereby excluded.  Linskills Solicitors does not accept service of documents by e-mail unless otherwise expressly agreed.
> Linskills Solicitors is a Partnership Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 00053249. The Partners are Julian Linskill, Alaric H. Walmsley.  Any reference to Partner in relation the firm means a member, consultant or employee with equivalent standing or qualifications.  Guidelines can be viewed at www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/code-of-conduct.page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 27 June 2014 12:56
> To: Julian Linskill
> Cc: Colin Simber
> Subject: Complaint
> Hi,
> I got a letter in the post today, from Carole Clarke, at your company.
> (She represented me in court, last week.
> And earlier I've had meetings with Colin Simber and Danielle to do with the same case).
> She says I'm supposed to go to a meeting, with Colin Simber, on 25/6.
> But that was the day before yesterday.
> Is this the candid camera, I was wondering.
> Perhaps Carole Clarke is overworked and needs a holiday, I was wondering.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 15:28:56 +0100
Subject: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley
 Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
From: Erik Ribsskog
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
To: findasolicitor
Cc: info ,
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 15:28:56 +0100
Subject: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint

yesterday I got a letter from Colin Simber (Senior Criminal Clerk) at
Linskills Solictiors.

(A letter with the date 27/6).

Mr. Simber writes that:

'I note you failed to keep a further appointment at our offices on
25th June 2014 at 10am'.

But this is 'balony'.

I got a letter from Linskills, on 26/6 or 27/6 where they invited me
to the meeting, on 25/6.

So it's like they have wild parties there, and that they write their
letters, at these parties.

Something like that.

Then I send a complaint-e-mail, (which I copied the Law Society and
others), and Mr. Simber answeres it was a 'typo'.

But in the letter I got yesterday, he mentions the date 25/6.

So Mr. Simber seems to be shizofrenic.

He can't agree with himself, if the date, in the letter from his
collegue, (the old woman with yellow teeth), was a typo, or not.

So I think it would be madness of me, to stay with this solicitor-company.

So I wondered if you could give me some advice about how to get a new
solicitor-company, please.

Mr. Simber also lies in the letter from yesterday, (I think I have to say).

He also writes that he had tried to call me, on my mobile, (he
mentiones my mobile-number), and that I didn't reply.

But I would have remembered it, if Linskills had called me, I think.

I would have Google-ed the number then, and seen it was Linskills, and
written them an e-mail, I think.

So this is a lie from Mr. Simber, I have to say.

He has earlier written a letter, that was sureal, I'd say.

For no reason, he wrote he had ended the job as a solicitor for me.

Even if it was evident that the case went on.

So it's something strange here.

Mr. Simber also wanted the password for my library-account in the last
meeting, at Linskills, in Castle Street.

And he also want the password for my blog and g-mail-account it seems.

I have my memoirs and employement-case against Bertelsmann Arvato's
Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, on my blog.

So I wouldn't want people to 'temper' with it, (I think they call it).

Also Mr. Simber mentioned that he bought computers for his kids, at a
perhaps a bit dodgy computer-store in County Rd., (where I had bought
my refurbished computer).

I think most solicitors would have bought Apple computers or something
for their kids.

And I think it's strange he mentioned his kids in the meetings.

I'm an earlier Store Manager who can't find new employement, so I'm
now poor and unemployed, and that's why I buy refurbished computers.

I'm also an economist, and a tech-guy.

The company I worked as a retail-manager in, (ICA), had the lowest
wages, in the retail-business, in Norway.

So I couldn't buy a fancy computer, when I bought my first new PC, in 1996.

But I just bought the basic parts.

And when mp3-files where new, the next year, (which I found about on
the internet), then I bought a sound-card, for my PC, and installed
it, myself.

And then I got a hobby, to upgrade my PC.

And then when my moter died, in 1999, I inherited a bit more than
100.000 NOK, (since my mother had some life-insurance, my sister told

And back then computers where more expensive, and I upgraded my
computer, since I had a quite new cabinet, and all.

And then a woman named Linda Wold, in Halden, didn't like it, that I
didn't buy, a new computer.

She only liked new computers.

But I thought it would be un-economical to throw parts of my computer,
that were as good as new.

And buy the same parts.

In Norway I'm a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man, IT-graduate
and Data and Information Management Economist.

But here I get arrested all the time, my computers get stolen by the
Police all the time, I get thrown out all the time.

And don't get employment.

I have employment-cases here and in Norway.

I overheard at work, at Rimi Bjoerndal, in 2003, that I was followed,
by the mafian.

I'm a refugee, (after that), to the UK.

I try to warn on my blog, that I don't get my rights, to do with the
mafia-case and employement-cases, etc.

On the contrary, I'm also being messed with, by the Police and the
other governments, in Norway and the UK, I'd say.

And now I'm trying to find a new solicitor-company.

To do with these completely fabricated and scandalous charges against
me, from the jobcentre.

Now, a month or so ago.

Someone tricked the Jobcentre into stopping my allowance again.

And I haven't gotten any Jobseekers-allowance since May.

And Virgin have now stopped my internet-line from working.

Since I haven't gotten money to pay the bill.

So I write this e-mail from Fazakerly library.

(Since the one in Spellow is closed on Tuesdays).

And I therefore haven't gotten to scan the letter I'm refering to,
(from Mr. Simber on 27/6), like I normally do, when I have my
internet-line, (and electricity).

It's like I'm being kept poor by some network, I think.

It's like everyone who read my blog in Norway are 'aandsvake', like we
say there.

I hope you can help me find a new solicitor!

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:44:39 +0100
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: CONTACT-US , Wedell-Wedellsborg
, "emb.london" , HRW UK
, amnestyis , Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
Simber , Contact-Us
, Politikk Høyre
, "mail.gva" ,
info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com

Hi again,

also, there is a website, on the internet, where some deranged people,
(I think I have to call it), encouriges other deranged people, to
troll againts me:

The "How to" Guide & Dox

Trolling Erik Ribsskog is about as difficult as stealing a bike from
yo former massas.

Send him an e-mail claiming to represent the mafia, and that you have
not forgotten him.
Make fake subscriptions for gay magazines. [13]
Plant strange ideas in his head, which he will subsequently process in
his batshit insane mind before sending enraged complaints to the
Norwegian government.[14]
Address him as "Miss Erik Ribsskog" (Merseyside Police once did this,
which has since served as a source of numerous conspiracy theories)

Although he is completely convinced that he is followed by the
"mafian" and that this mafia wants to kill him at all costs, he posts
his home address about 200 times daily on his blog. His address is:

10 Keith Court
Keith Avenue
L4 5XJ

+44 0790 5206018



This must be some nerds, (or something), who don't have a life.

And who think its fun, to be sadist, and distroy other peoples lives.

Something like that.

So even if e-mails appear to be from me, it could be e.g. these
maniacs, who fabricate them.

At least I haven't sent the mentioned e-mails.

And also, how can e-mails be stalking?

And also, the mentioned e-mails have been sent to a work email
address, and not a private e-mail address.

So I'm a bit worried if someone are also dramatising here, (not only
on the mentioned website).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 1:03 PM
Subject: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: CONTACT-US , Wedell-Wedellsborg
, "emb.london" , HRW UK
, amnestyis , Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
Simber , Contact-Us
, Politikk Høyre
, "mail.gva" ,
info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com


I'm refering to your letter from 19/6, which I received today, (and
attach a scanned copy of).

(I'm not sure if it was delivered with Royal Mail or TNT.

I just got a letter through the door now.

And the other day a guy in a white sweater was here with a letter, it seemed.

So it isn't like in Norway, were we only have Posten, (like I remember
it, at least)).

I wanted to inform you, that I've now contacted the Law Society, about
Linskills, (since I have a bit low confidence in them now, like I've
explained, in the forwarded e-mail).

(Even if I've been having problems with the Law Society before.

To do with an employement-case, where I was messed with, (I think I
have to say), by the Citizens Advice Bureu and the Police and more).

I was wondering why you refer to Aintree Jobcentre as 'Walton Vale',
in your letters, (and in court).

Aintree is in Sefton.

So why isn't this case in Sefton Magistrates Court, I have been wondering.

Also, in Aintree they have a racehourse-track.

My grand-father Øivind Olsen, told me in the 70's or 80's that people
who went to the 'travbane', (like we say in Norway), weren't fine.

So he would probably have said that Aintree weren't since they have a
travbane, (or a 'galoppbane').

So are you trying to hide that this is the Jobcentre in a place where
they have a trav/gallopp-bane, I was wondering.

(So that this place isn't fine, like I think my grandfather would have said).

Also, you write that I have bad character.

But one of the people who brought me up, was my Danish-born
grand-mother Ingeborg Ribsskog, who was from Danish nobility, (or at
least upper-class).

So I think this sounds a bit like an insult, when you write, that I
have bad character.

I lived my 34 first years, in Norway.

And I was never in prison, never arrested, never in jail, never in court even.

So this I'm not sure if I agree on.

In Norway, I'm known as a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man
and IT-graduate, I think.

This case seems silly to me.

It should just be to contact Google, and they should be able to
conform, (since I reackon they must have logged the e-mails I've sent
from my g-mail-accounst).

And then Google should be able to confirm that this is spoofing, and
not something I've sent.

I hope the law society can help me find a new solicitor now, for the
reasons mentioned in the forwared e-mail.

Even if my confidence with the Law Society isn't high, after what
happened to do with the mentioned employement-case, which I started
against Bertelsmann Arvato's Microsoft Scandinavian Product
Activation, (in the Cunard Building, here in Liverpool), in 2006.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint
To: Colin Simber
Cc: julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk


when I was at your office the last time, I walked there, from Walton.

The problem is that the Jobcentre mess with me, and don't send my allowance.

Why don't you do anything with this, since you are my solicitor?

I now have around £3 on my bank-account.

And next-week it's not going to be any money there, due to that I need
these money for food.

And you don't want to correspond by e-mail.

Is this that you say I'm guilty?

And you don't write a salutation, (like 'regards').

I therefore send an update, of this e-mail, to Mr. Linskill.

I think you shouldn't let the Jobcentre mess with me, while you are my

I can't see that you have done anything to get the Jobcentre to stop
breaking the agreements, (I thnk I have to call it).

And why do you appologize on behalf of you collegue?

Shouldn't her manager do that?

And I'm not sure if you understand what the problem is, surrounding
that someone have been spoofing me.

So I send a copy e-mail to Mr. Linskills.

I have worked as a Store Manger.

But not as an Office Manager.

How can you have errors like that in your formal letters, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog


What's this title of yours: 'Accredited Police Station Representative'.

Does it mean you really are some kind of cop I was wondering.

Is this some kind of candid camera?

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Colin Simber
> Sorry about the error.
> I have just written a letter to you with a new appointment for Thursday 03/07/14 at 10am.
> I have mentioned that if you have difficulty with travel costs we will refund your bus fare while you are here.
> I would rather not correspond by email bearing in mind the nature of your case.
>  Save the environment by only printing this email if absolutely necessary.
> Colin Simber
> Senior Clerk/Accredited Police Station Representative
> DD:      0151 243 0111
> Email:  colin.simber@linskills.co.uk
> This email and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure.  If you are not the intended recipient you must not: copy or store this message or any attachment; disclose the contents to any other person; or use it for any purpose whatsoever.  Copyright in this e-mail (and any attachments created by Linskills Solicitors) belongs to Linskills Solicitors.  If you have received this message in error please notify us immediately.
> Any liability (in negligence, contract or otherwise) arising from any third party taking any action, or refraining from taking any action on the basis of any of the information contained in this e-mail is hereby excluded.  Linskills Solicitors does not accept service of documents by e-mail unless otherwise expressly agreed.
> Linskills Solicitors is a Partnership Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 00053249. The Partners are Julian Linskill, Alaric H. Walmsley.  Any reference to Partner in relation the firm means a member, consultant or employee with equivalent standing or qualifications.  Guidelines can be viewed at www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/code-of-conduct.page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 27 June 2014 12:56
> To: Julian Linskill
> Cc: Colin Simber
> Subject: Complaint
> Hi,
> I got a letter in the post today, from Carole Clarke, at your company.
> (She represented me in court, last week.
> And earlier I've had meetings with Colin Simber and Danielle to do with the same case).
> She says I'm supposed to go to a meeting, with Colin Simber, on 25/6.
> But that was the day before yesterday.
> Is this the candid camera, I was wondering.
> Perhaps Carole Clarke is overworked and needs a holiday, I was wondering.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en klage til the Jobcentre

New complaint/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre   Inbox 
Add star  Erik Ribsskog Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 4:12 PM
To: Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team , Wedell-Wedellsborg , "emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , Service , Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "EUteam@amnesty.org" , "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" , hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad , post@slottet.no, Office , Info , Service , "steve.rotheram.mp" , LO Postkasse LO , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs" , "president@ansa.no" , Google Press , post@canica.no, billing
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

today I checked the balance, on my bank-account, with RBS.

And it was still overdrawn.

I haven't gotten my jobseekers allowance, since May.

Someone tricked the Jobcentre into stopping my claim, and Birkenhead
Benefit Centre adviced me, in an e-mail, to file a rapid reclaim,
which I did, on 10/6.

Sean from Huyton Jobcentre, then called me, on 12/6.

He said I was going to get my allowance, (for the days 10/6 to 19/6),
on Tuesday, last week, (that's 24/6).

I didn't get my allowance, on that date.

I sent you an e-mail, (to your contact us email address), which I
still haven't gotten a reply to.

And then I called the Jobcentre, (from Skype), on 0845.608.8551, on Friday 27/6.

I got to speak with Agnieszka, from a JCP contact-centre in Norwich,
(if I understood it right).

And she told me, that I was going to get the allowance, for the
mentioned dates, into my bank-account, today, (Wednesday 2/7).

But I checked the balance of my bank-account today, and it was no money there.

So I have been humming on a song, by Fleetwood Mac, (I think it is),
called 'Tell me lies', today.

Since I think the Jobcentre are only telling me lies.

That song is from the 1980's.

Is it going to take untill the 2080's before I get my allowance, for
these mentioned days, (and also some other allowance-money, that you
owe me, from earlier this year, which is more than £500 in total, (on
top of the allowance for the mentioned nine or ten days), if I'm not

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:35:42 +0100
Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Contact-Us
Cc: CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team
, Wedell-Wedellsborg ,
"emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis
, Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin


I called Birkenhead Benefit Centre now, on 0345 608 8545.

And got to speak with Agnieszka at Norwich Benefit Centre, (or
something like that).

She said my claim would be ready being processed on Wednesday next week.

This is new information to me, that my claim would take that long, to process.

(It's really not a new claim, I've been unemployed since 2008.

But someone sent you an e-mail in my name, and got you to end my last claim).

Sean from Huyton Jobcentre didn't mention that it would take this
long, to process my 'new' claim.

He said I was going to get my allowance on Tuesday this week, (as I
understood it).

I'm now going to wait, untill Wednesday next week.

And then if I haven't gotten the allowance, on to my bank-account,
then I'm going to call you back.

(Since then you reply after ten minutes, or so.

While you use much longer to reply to e-mails, it seems).

That is if my electricity haven't run out, by Wednesday next week.

I also wonder who sent the impersonation/sabotage-email, in my name,
to stop my 'last' claim.

But it seems that's the norm these days, that things like that happen,
because noone else seems to care who did this.

Someone could send an e-mail like that every week to you.

And then my allowance would have been stopped again.

Since you don't seem to care, when I inform you, that it was an act of

(You still closed my claim).

So your routines should perhaps be looked at, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:12 AM
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Contact-Us
Cc: CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team
, Wedell-Wedellsborg ,
"emb.london" , HRW UK , amnestyis
, Phso Enquiries
, post ,
Akademikerforbundet , Service
, Ribsskog , she
, "hv-02.kontakt" ,
"anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post
, "EUteam@amnesty.org" ,
"SCT@amnesty.org.uk" ,
hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
, post@slottet.no, Office
, Info , Service
, "steve.rotheram.mp"
, LO Postkasse LO ,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
, "president@ansa.no" , Google
Press , post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin


I checked my online banking today.

And I hadn't gotten my jobseekers allowance, (like Sean, from Huyton
Jobcentre, told me I would, in a phone-interview a couple of weeks

I don't understand why I havn't gotten these money.

(My jobseekers-allowance have been stopped, (for 'funny' reasons I'd say).

Three times already this year.

And I haven't gotten any jobseekers-allowance since 27/5.

What's going on, I was wondering.

It seems a bit like, to me, that the Jobcentre has been taken over by
the Al Quaida, and are trying to get me killed, or something.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 3:23 PM
Subject: To: Huyton Jobcentre
To: Contact-Us
Cc: CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team


I also send you these files by e-mail.

(Since it has been a problem earlier, that files I've been trying to
send the Jobcentre, have been missing, in the post, it seems).

I've been told in several different ways, how to send these files, in the post.

But I thought I could try to send them today, (in your pre-franked
enveloped, which you've sent me).

And then I think you should get the letter in time.

I'll try to ask for a proof of postage, at the post-office, since I've
noticed that the Jobcentre don't accept photos, (of when I post the
letter, in a post-case), it seems, as a proof of postage, (it seems).

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Mer fra Facebook

  • Samtale startet 30. mai
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hallå Brisner,
    hvordan går det?
    Jeg fant deg på Pettersen sin Facebook-side.
    Du sa du hadde vært på Marylin en gang, og så hadde noen slått deg ned, også hadde en kar spurt deg om det gikk bra, og så slått deg ned enda en gang.
    Noe sånt.
    Bodde ikke du i Groruddalen?
    Jeg har vært butikksjef på Rimi Kalbakken, (tidligere ICA Kalbakken), like etter årtusenskiftet.
    Du lånte clerasil av meg, i dusjen en gang, på Terningmoen, (husker jeg).
    Du ville også låne såpe, men da du så at det bare var håndsåpe, (og ikke dusj-gele), så ville du ikke låne likevel.
    Noe sånt:
    Du ble møtt av mora og lillesøstera di på Oslo S en gang, husker jeg:
    Ble ikke så bra kjent med deg, i militæret, hvordan går det med Thomassen og Quickstad og Bøe og Arvesen og de andre på laget deres?
    Hva het han som dreiv med judo, og fikk fraståjlet jakka si, på Alexis, en gang?
    Har du og Pettersen gamle bilder, fra 90-tallet, som profilbildet, på Facebook?
    Bare lurte.
    Erik Ribsskog
  • tirsdag
  • Espen Brisner
    Espen Brisner
    Stemmer med Marilyn. DET er lenge siden det.
    Jeg bor ikke i Grorud dalen, men på østerås rett utenfor Oslo.
    dette med clearasil husker jeg ikke i det hele tatt. men det stemmer sikkert.
    Hadde lite kontakt med de andre etter militæret. bare sporadisk. bortsett fra Frydenlund gikk jeg på ingeniør høgskolen med.
    Han judo karen het Grønnevik tror jeg, er ikke sikker.
    har noen bilder fra kvikne, sekond løytnanten.
    Ellers jobber jeg i Interconnect. de driver med HI-FI og butikkdata. jeg er i data avdelingen.
  • Espen Brisner
    Espen Brisner
    Velkommen til www.interconnect.no
  • I dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    takk for svar!
    Marylin ble jo til So What som ble til Garage.
    (Og naa er det vel noe nytt igjen).
    Jeg og en tidligere klassekamerat fra Drammen ved navn Magne Winnem, (som var hovedverneombud i Forsvaret, ikke saa lenge foer vi var inne til tjeneste), vi pleide aa komme inn gratis, paa Marilyn.
    Doervakta der sa til oss det en gang, at vi bare skulle hilse fra den og den, og saa kom vi inn gratis.
    Men jeg vet ikke hvorfor vi fikk lov til aa gaa der gratis.
    Jeg maa ha blanda Vestli og Oesteraas.
    Jeg er fra Berger i Vestfold, saa jeg surra kanskje litt, naar det gjaldt Oslo-ting.
    Jeg har skrevet memoarer om tiden i Gevaerkompaniet, blant annet.
    Saa jeg har tenkt gjennom det som hendte der.
    Saa derfor husker jeg kanskje mer kjedelige ting, som det med Clerasilen.
    Randen sa at det lukta saed innpaa badet der, foer han dimma, for tidlig.
    Saa det var vel litt rart.
    Men jeg syntes ikke det var saa spendende, i dusjen der.
    Ragnhilsloekken klagde paa at jeg dusja for lite vel.
    Var ikke Groennevik han fra Sarpsborg, som var gevaermann 1, paa lag 2, foer meg?
    En bryter, med litt deformerte oerer?
    Husker du at jeg fikk frostskade paa oeret, paa vinteroevelsen, forresten?
    Jeg gikk pa HiO IU fra 2002 til 2004.
    Jobba som butikkleder, (blant annet fire aar som butikksjef), i Rimi, fra 1994 til 2004.
    Jeg gikk ogsaa to aar pa NHI, for foerstegangstjenesten.
    Og et aar pa University of Sunderland, Faculty of Applied Sciences, (tredje aaret Bachelor Computing), 2004/05, selv om det ble kroell med Laanekassa der.
    Har laget en nettbutikk, (www.posegodt.net), som jeg driver med paa fritida, her i England.
    Ellers er jeg arbeidsledig.
    Jeg var paa en rep-oevelse, i 1994 deromkring.
    Og saa ble jeg overfoert til HV, i 1996.
    (Noe som het stoette-omraadet.
    Det er helt villt, maa man vel si, med 12-7-lag, (eller om det var tropp), osv.).
    Jeg blir tulla med i England, og faar ofte ikke trygd, saa dette skriver jeg fra biblioteket.
    Vet ikke hvordan jeg skal faa penger til mat naa.
    Maa gaa aa leite etter mynter paa gata her.
    Hva het han troppsjefen, som vi fikk, etter Froeshaug?
    (Jeg husker bare at han het Bjoern til fornavn.
    Ragnhildsloekken kalte han for 'kalesj-Bjoern').
    Hadde vaert artig aa sett noen bilder fra Kvikne.
    Litt rart at noen av oss maatte ha nazi-uniformer paa oss.
    Men det er jo noe aa fortelle barnebarna liksom.
    En historie og fortelle, (oppi det litt kjedelige/bortkastede aaret, eller hva man skal kalle det).
    Saa jeg syntes det var litt artig.
    Det var noe som skjedde, ihvertfall.
    Er Facebook-bildet ditt gammelt?
    Du ser jo akkurat lik ut enda.
    Hvis ikke enda yngre.
    Jeg moette Thomassen i utdrikningslaget til Winnem, (som jeg arrangerte, hoesten 1993, for jeg var forlover).
    Har ogsaa faatt postkort fra Bricen.
    Men jeg vet ikke hvordan han visste adressen min.
    Det var bilde av skispor, etter noen som hadde tryna.
    Kanskje det var fra vinteroevelsen.
    Hva vet jeg.
    Saa ogsaa Haraldsen i Storgata eller Torggata en gang.
    Sammen med en speidertropp, eller noe, bestaende av unge tenaaringsjenter, som han stod ganske tett i tett med.
    Men det kan jo ha vaert noe med speidern.
    Du faar hilse Frydenlund, hvis du prater med han.
    Hva synes du om programmeringlaerer Groenning, ved HiO IU?
    Jeg har nok studiepoeng til en Bachelor-grad, (siden jeg ogsaa har studert ved NHI), men hverken HIOA eller NITH vil sende Bachelor-grad, og britene skjoenner kanskje ikke saa mye av min naavaerende Hoegskolekandidat-grad, som jeg fikk tilsendt, i 2009, etter aa ha fatt godkjent noen fag, fra NHI, hos HiO IU.
    Takk for svar, ihvertfall!
    Var du paa dimmefesten?
    Husker at Loevenskiold og jeg, spleisa paa en pizza, med masse oliven.
    Jeg er ikke saa glad i oliven, men jeg hadde ikke noen andre, aa spleise paa pizza sammen med, maa jeg si.
    Saa jeg var nok en outsider der.
    For Loevenskiold og jeg, vi gikk egentlig ikke saa bra sammen.
    Men men, jeg var vel en av de eldste der og, siden jeg gikk paa NHI og jobba et aar paa OBS Triaden, etter videregaende, foer jeg begynte paa militaeret.
    Men jeg var ganske tynn, som ungdom, for jeg bodde aleine, paa Bergeraasen, fra jeg var ni aar.
    Og var litt deppa, saa kjedelig, rund kneip, med hvitost, var ikke det helt store, om kveldene og i helgene, liksom.
    Saa da var det saann, at jeg ikke fikk saa mye kjoett paa beina, da.
    Og jeg var vant til aa bo alene, fra jeg var ni aar.
    Saa plutselig skulle vaere under kommando, 'hele tida', det var ikke noe som frista meg.
    Saa jeg droeyde det litt, for aa liksom faa forberedt meg litt, til det.
    Og jeg var ogsaa en 'data-kar', og hadde aldri vaert i speidern, for eksempel, saa telt-liv og saann, var ikke det helt store, for meg.
    Men men.
    Men jeg er fra Bergeraasen, og der gikk praten noen ganger i, under oppveksten, at man burde klare militaeret, liksom.
    Saa jeg proevde aa liksom bite tenna sammen da, selv om dette med infanteriet ikke var min ting liksom, som jeg nok tenkte.
    Noe saant.
    Men mange takk for svar, ihvertfall!
    Erik Ribsskog