Jeg sendte en e-post til det norske konsulatet i Liverpool

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with a court, (Drammen Tingrett), in Norway/Fwd: To: Branch Manager Keith Lowe

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:19 PM

To: admin
Bcc: "drammen.tingrett" ,, "" , Contact-Us , CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team

Handelsbanken also adviced me, (in a meeting on Friday last week), to
contact the Norwegian Consulate, in Liverpool.

So I'm sending this e-mail now.

I have problems with a court in Norway, (Drammen Tingrett).

I told them in 2011 to do something called 'oppløsing av sameie'.

That means to sell a co-owned property.

The woman there, (Høysæther), said she would do it, (on the phone),
but she still haven't sold it.

I almost never get my jobseekers-allowance now.

And I almost starve to death several times a year.

I have almost no money or food now.

So I want to sell this property so that I'm not dependant on the
Jobcentre, who I think are notorouisly irrelaiable.

I only have a pay as you go-mobile and a mobile broadband-line at the moment.

So it isn't easy for me, to call the court in Drammen now.

I was wondering if you the Norwegian Consulate could please contact
Høysæther, at Drammen Tingrett.

And hear when I'm going to get the money, from the sale, of the
mentioned property.

My relatives in Norway have called me 'a person non gratia', (for some
reason), and they aren't interested in buying me out, it seems.

I was at your office in 2007, I think it was, and spoke with Liz
Murhpy, regarding my employment-case against Arvato.

She called Tove Øvermo, (the Norwegian terrorist Breivik's
step-mother), at the Norwegian Embassy in London.

But they didn't help me with my employement-case.

Which was sabotaged by the Merseyside Police and Citizens Advice and
the Law Society, etc.

Now I'm being framed and taken to court for having sent sex-emails to
a bureucrat at the Jobcentre.

And the Jobcentre have banned me from my five closest jobcentres.

And are making my life hell, I have to say.

It could be linked with the employment-case against Arvato, I guess.

I hope you can help me with this case before I starve to death, or
something like that.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:58 PM
Subject: To: Branch Manager Keith Lowe
Cc: "drammen.tingrett" <>


I'm refering to our meeting at your branch in the Exchange
Station-building, in Liverpool, this morning.

I first had an apointment, at Barclays Bootle, with Jaqueline Hodge,
at 10AM, but she told me they didn't operate in Norway.

I attach the files regarding the property I mentioned, in the meeting.

I tried to contact Nordea, in Norway, regarding a loan, on this
property, in 2006.

But the branch, (Nordea Tveita), didn't let me have a loan, (for some
reason, that wasn't explained).

I then contacted a court in Norway, (Drammen Tingrett), to get them to
sell the property, in 2011.

('Oppløsing av sameie', it's called).

Drammen Tingrett said they were going to sell the property, (a woman
named Høysæther there, said this, in 2011), but they still haven't.

I called my grand-uncle Idar Sandersen, last month.

He is more than 90 years old, and has the right to live at the
menioned property, for the rest of his life.

(He is still not sick or anything, he said.

And he could live to be a hundred years, for all that I know).

So I've now thought about getting a loan on this property.

Since I'm unemployed, and sometimes don't get my allowance, (for
different 'funny' reasons), and have to look for coins, on the street,
(here in Walton and in the City Centre), to not starve to death.

So that's were it at now.

Like I've understood it, I'm going to inherit more, when Idar Sandersen dies.

And also perhaps when Marit Olsen dies.

(I'm not sure if she has any kids.

Or if they're both 'old virgins', just to try to explain).

It's not easy for me to co-operate with my relatives, about this.

My unlce Runar's son Ove told me, on Facebook, (I think it was), some
years ago, that I was considered a 'person non gratia', by him, my
father and my uncles.

(For some reason, that wasn't that clear, I think).

And also I'm trying to have a child-neglect-case, against my father,
since he let me live alone, since I was nine years old, in Norway.

So it's a bit complicated.

But I'm  trying to 'realisere' this property, (get money from it),
like we say, in Norway.

It's a bit dum dying from starvation here in the UK, when I own
property worth something like £100k, I guess, in Norway.

Thanks again for the advice in the meeting!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

4 attachments






Her er vedleggene:





Og enda en e-post til Siri Rognli Olsen

Erik Ribsskog

Saks, Stein, Penis

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:34 PM

To: Siri Piri
Cc: "larvik.tingrett" , "drammen.tingrett" , "agder.lagmannsrett" , "HRET (postmottak)" ,
Bcc: Rahel Savoldelli ,, she , Holtech Medical , Bjørn Ribsskog , Nord-Trøndelag Bondelag

beklager at jeg sender mange e-poster.

Men her kan du se hvor gærne slektninger jeg har.

(Ribsskog-navnet er fra Flatanger i Trøndelag.

Så jeg er litt trønder jeg og.

Selv om jeg aldri har bodd 'oppi der').

Tante Ellen er jo pervers, kan man se.

Hu har sendt sånne her e-poster, i en ukes tid nå.

Hver dag, og flere e-poster hver dag.

Kanskje hu blir med noe av den orgasme-kontrollen, som du sa du likte.

Dere kan dra på sånn pervo-trønder-trollkjærring-treff sammen.

Kanskje tante Ellen har lyst til å bli med deg, på den sex-klubben som
du pleide å dra på, inne i Oslo.

(Der du sa du hadde truffet en med mikropenis, var det vel).

Lykke til.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ellen Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-21 16:22 GMT+01:00
Subject: Saks, Stein, Penis


Skal vi leke saks, stein, penis?

Hilsen Tante

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Siri Rognli Olsen

Erik Ribsskog
Oppdatering/Fwd: Heisann Siri

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:39 PM
To: Siri Piri

det er altså min far og farfars firma, (Strømm Trevare), som skal ha
solgt varer gjennom dette trønder-firmaet.

Jeg har også en fetter forresten, (Ove Olsen), som heier på Rosenborg.

Han bor/bodde i Schweigaards gate.

Kanskje han liker det orgasme-kontroll-greiene, som du prata om, i
Oslo, rundt årtusenskiftet.

(Det hørtes litt for perverst ut for meg, må jeg innrømme).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-21 14:39 GMT+01:00
Subject: Heisann Siri
To: Siri Piri <>

Du som er trønder-trollkjærring, (hadde jeg nær sagt).

Kjenner du noe til et firma som het Bygg og Interiør A/S, i Olav
Tryggvassons gate 50, i Trondheim, på 70-tallet:


Erik Ribsskog


Kan du forresten låne meg noe penger på PayPal, (

Jeg får nesten aldri arbeidsledighetstrygd i England nå.

Og the Jobcentre tar meg til retten for å ha skrevet sex-eposter til
en byråkrat.

Så de har jo klikka skikkelig.

Det er som at hele UK er en degenerert post-atomkrig koloni, synes jeg.


Jeg sendte en e-post til Siri Rognli Olsen

Erik Ribsskog

Heisann Siri

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 2:39 PM

To: Siri Piri
Du som er trønder-trollkjærring, (hadde jeg nær sagt).

Kjenner du noe til et firma som het Bygg og Interiør A/S, i Olav
Tryggvassons gate 50, i Trondheim, på 70-tallet:


Erik Ribsskog


Kan du forresten låne meg noe penger på PayPal, (

Jeg får nesten aldri arbeidsledighetstrygd i England nå.

Og the Jobcentre tar meg til retten for å ha skrevet sex-eposter til
en byråkrat.

Så de har jo klikka skikkelig.

Det er som at hele UK er en degenerert post-atomkrig koloni, synes jeg.



Her er vedlegget:


Jeg sendte en e-post til Trondheim byarkiv

Erik Ribsskog

Bygg og Interiør A/S/Fwd: Opplysninger om firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:00 PM

har dere noe informasjon om dette firmaet?

Hadde vært artig å for eksempel sett bilder av hagemøblene som min
farfar produserte, (på sitt snekkerverksted Strømm Trevare A/S), og
som ble solgt gjennom firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S, i Trondheim,
(virker det som).

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp med dette!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-18 17:30 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Opplysninger om firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S
To: Seksjon for brukertjenester <>


takk for svar!

Jeg sender en kopi av denne e-posten, til Statsarkivet i Trondheim, så
kanskje de finner ut av det.

Det hadde vært artig, om de hadde hatt noen bilder, av de tremøblene,
som min farfar oppfant og produserte.

Min farfars bedrift Strømm Trevare ble etablert i 1961, står det i de
papirene dere tidligere har sendt meg.

Og jeg selv ble født, i 1970.

Så flyttet min mor fra min far, i 1973.

Og jeg bodde i Larvik-området, (hos min mor), fram til 1979.

Så før 1979, så vet jeg ikke så mye, om hva Strømm Trevare drev med.

Men min mor flyttet inn i Jegersboggate, i Larvik, våren 1978.

Og da fikk min lillesøster Pia og jeg en køyeseng, i tre.

Og den er jeg ganske sikker på, at det var min farfars firma, som
hadde produsert.

(Og det er mulig at de vanlige, (en-etasjes), sengene, som min
lillesøster Pia og jeg hadde, i Mellomhagen.

Hvor min mor bodde, fra 1976 til 1978, vel.

Også var produsert, av min far/farfar.

Men da hadde Pia og jeg hvert vårt rom.

Så vi hadde ikke køyesenger, (kun et etasjes-senger).

Og disse hagemøblene i tre, de hørte jeg aldri noe om.

Men jeg var nede på verkstedet der, en ferie, da jeg var 5-6 år gammel, kanskje.

Og da limtre jeg sammen to bord, (som var cirka fem meter lange vel),
med trelim.

Og dette var like ved kapp-saga, (på gulvet der), husker jeg.

Men hva dem egentlig dreiv og produserte, på den tida, det veit jeg ikke.

Men jeg skulle liksom lage noe jeg og da.

Men det var artig å få vite mer om dette firmaet, (Bygg og Interiør
A/S), som min farfar solgte hagemøbler gjennom.

Igjen takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

2014-07-18 12:59 GMT+01:00 Seksjon for brukertjenester
> Vår ref. 2014/14567
> Vedlagt følger svar på din henvendelse av 14.07.2014.
> Med vennlig hilsen
> Simon Trøan e.f.
> Rådgiver
> Riksarkivet
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Denne e-posten er skannet av MessageLabs Email Security System.
> For mer informasjon se
> ______________________________________________________________________

Opplysninger om firmaet Bygg og Interiør A S.pdf

Jeg sendte en e-post til Kari Sundheim

Erik Ribsskog

Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper

Erik Ribsskog Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:48 AM
Cc: "larvik.tingrett" , "drammen.tingrett" , "agder.lagmannsrett" , "HRET (postmottak)" ,
Bcc: Rahel Savoldelli ,, she , Holtech Medical , Bjørn Ribsskog , Nord-Trøndelag Bondelag

er det Kari Sundheim, mor til min kusine Liv Kristin Sundheim?

Jeg husker deg, fra høsten 1990, da onkel Martin lå på Sophies Minde
sykehus, i Oslo, var det vel.

Martin ble aggresiv, da han så meg.

Men sa så, at han trodde at jeg var en medstudent, (eller noe sånt),
fra landbrukshøyskolen.

(Det var bestemor Ingeborg som ville at jeg skulle besøke Martin, på sykehuset.

Men Martin ble visst ikke så glad).

Du studerte kinesisk, fortalte du.

Jeg husker deg også fra en sommer, i Stavern.

Kan det ha vært sommeren 1991?

Du, Martin, Pia og jeg, (var det vel), gikk tur, ned til Stavern sentrum.

Og på veien tilbake, sa Martin at et hus var stygt.

Og da vi kom noen meter lenger opp i bakken.

Så så vi det, at de som bodde der, satt ute i hagen, og hadde hørt hva vi sa.

Men men.

Du var lav, husker jeg.

Jeg erta Martin litt for at han 'alltid' fant seg lave damer.

(Jeg lurer på om hun Ann var lav og).

Tante Ellen møtte du kanskje ikke?

Hu bodde jo i Sveits, på den tida.

Hu tulle-sender masse e-poster nå.

Og jeg får ikke min arv, etter Ingeborg, (som jo er min morsarv, siden
min mor døde, i 1999).

Men du er jo mora til Liv Kristin.

Og da blir det jo mer på henne liksom, hvis ikke jeg får noe.

Og du er jurist, leste jeg.

Men men.

Vanskelig for meg å si hvem som tuller her.

Men hvis du prater med Ellen, så kan du kanskje be henne om å roe det
ned litt, med e-post-skriving, (om åndsvakt tull).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-20 22:57 GMT+01:00
Subject: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
Cc: "larvik.tingrett" <>, "drammen.tingrett"
<>, "agder.lagmannsrett"
<>, "HRET (postmottak)"


er du enken etter min mor, (Karen Ribsskog), sin fetter, Ola Ribsskog?

Jeg ringte 'n Ola, for noen år siden, angående hvor det hadde blitt av
min fadder, Anna Holmsen.

Ola Ribsskog fortalte meg vel det, at hu nå het Annikken, og bodde i
Sverige, og fortalte adressen, (på telefonen, her fra Liverpool, for
cirka fire år siden vel).

Min mor er også død, (hu døde i 1999).

Og hennes mor, (Ingeborg Ribsskog), døde i 2009.

Det er dumt, at min mor døde før sin mor.

Og at jeg bor i England.

For min mor var storesøster.

Og hadde to yngre søsken, nemlig Martin og Ellen.

Og nå tuller de fælt i Norge.

Jeg har ikke fått noe arv, etter bestemor Ingeborg.

Enda min mor er død, så jeg skulle fått en del av min mors arv, etter
hennes mor.

Men men.

Og ikke nok med det.

Tante Ellen sender også mange tulle-eposter til meg.

Kjente du/dere Ellen?

Kan du be henne om å skjerpe seg litt, og slutte å sende all den
dritten sin, over Nordsjøen?


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ellen Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-20 20:59 GMT+01:00
Subject: Taper

Er det ikke snart på tide at du får deg en jobb?

Hilsen Tante

Mer fra Facebook

liv karin 1


Her er mer om dette:

liv karin 2

Jeg sendte en e-post til High Court

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Liverpool Direct/Fwd: To: Careline Adult Services. Complaint

Erik Ribsskog Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 11:50 PM

Cc: Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg , "" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "" , "" , hofmarskallatet , post , Runcorn Office , Info , "" , LO Postkasse LO , DWP ICE gateway team

I send this complaint to you, since LGO have stopped monitoring their

Liverpool Direct writes my last-name wrong, in two different ways,
(Ribbsscog and Ribsscog), I think that doesn't seem very resepectful.

Also, who is this member of the public, that they are refering to?

They don't even explain if it's just some of my old class-mates in
Norway, (from high school), or who it is.

It should be openness in society, I think.

So when I asked them what initiated something, then they should
explain, and don't try to cover up, by saying 'member of the public',
instead of a name.

Also these concerns or 'concerns' by my Housing Officer, are new to me.

Why have this been going on behind my back between LHT and the Council.

This surely must be wrong, that LHT would do that?

And I asked the Council what iniated that the Police visited me on 14/4.

And they mention 'concerns raised by Merseyside Police on 14/4'.

But that makes no sense really.

That's like something written by a moron, I'd say.

That they invent stuff, to try to cover up, that they have just acted
on an anonymous e-mail from someone who try to distroy my life, or

I get pizza on my door all the time.

Pizza/fast-food that I haven't ordered.

And which isn't paid for.

So someone sit on the internet and order pizza for me.

And this has happened almost a hundred times now.

The Police aren't interested in investigating who orderes this
pizza/fast-food in my name.

And I'm also the victim of a lot of telepest, and targeted spoofing on
the internet, etc., etc.

The Police aren't interested.

They said I've pushed a button on the internet, that makes me get all
these pizzas, etc.

I have a degree in IT, and know that's just bullsh*t.

The IPCC ignore my police-complaints, (they've blocked my e-mail-address).

So this is like the UK is like a big degenerated colony from a
post-atom-war time, or something, I think.

The Council also say Careline Social Workes have visited me.

But that's a lie.

I haven't had any visit by social-workers here.

And I don't want any.

All I want is that the Jobcentre send me my allowance, on time.

But that's to much to ask for, it seems.

So this I wanted to complain about.


Erik Ribsskog


Also, when I moved in at LHT, a couple of years ago.

I complained about that the lights in the ceiling/roof, didn't work.

(I had to buy a foot-lamp at Argos, to get light here).

Also I complained the smoke-detector had fallen down, because it made
a sound, the day I moved in, and I had to take it down, to stop it
making a noise.

Then the Housing Officer, (Sarah Vermiglio, I think her name is), got
a 'dodgy' electrician, to do a dodgy repair, on the smoke detector, so
that one can see a whole, in the roof, on the side, of the smoke

And then she got the proper electrician, to fix the earth-fault, or
what it was, that made only around half of the fuses work, in the

It's like this was the Albanian mafia, or something, I think.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 4:25 PM
Subject: To: Careline Adult Services. Complaint
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Cc: Pia Ribsskog <>


I'm refering to your letter from 11/4, which I received today, (and
which I attach a scanned copy of).

Your say you've received some information about my financial situation.

I would like to complain about that you don' write who has provided
you, with this information.

(What has initiated your enquiry, I was wondering.

That's normal politenes, to explain about this, I think.

Or else things could get a bit to 'clammy/sweaty', I think).

I also didn't want to give the Police my phone-number, since I didn't
think it was an emergency any longer, when they were at my door.

So I just told the Police I had better things to do, than standing in
my door all day, chatting with them.

(I had some errands to do, etc).

And I didn't give them my phone-number, due to that I didn't think it
was an emergency any longer, (due to that my sister had sent me some
money for food and electricity, etc).

So I wonder: How did you get my phone-number?

(So this is also a comlaint, I think.

Why have you tried to call me, when I explained to the police-patrol,
(Alan? and Colin?), that I didn't want any calls from the social
services, like I think they called it.

That's also a bit sweaty/clammy, I think, (that you try to call me
about something I didn't want you to call about, like I explained to
the police).

The problem is that the Jobcentre, have like five or ten times, just
stopped my jobseekers-allowance.

They also invent some romantic e-mails, which they say I've sent to their staff.

(But I'm not a hippie, I'm an earlier Store Manager, and am used with
not mixiing work and spare-time.

And I don't even like or fancy these two staff, at Ingeus and the
Job-centre, which they accuse me of sending romatic e-mails to.

I grew up by a fjord, in Norway, and had a steph-sister, who had a lot
of sex-appeal, (like they sang in her confirmation), so these two
'hags', (that I'm being accused of being in love with), don't really
wake me up.

Something like that).

So I was banned from the Jobcentres, and then I couldn't even get a
voucher for the food-bank, and had to look for coins on the street,
for spagetti, (that only costs 20 pence), and steal once, at Tesco.

So the Jobcentre make me into a criminal.

If I e-mail the food-bank, (about a voucher), then they don't reply.

I was at the CAB, to do with an employement-case against Arvato, in 2006.

But the CAB just messed with me, and made me lose control of the

So I have no confidence in them, after that, to be honest, so I don't
like to go there, after that.

And my doctor doesn't want to write a statement for me, regarding a
frost-bite-injury, that I got while I served my conscription-service,
in the infantry, in Norway.

(This injury made my mother almost cry, I remember.

So I guess my sister remembers about this).

The doctor, (Chang at Marleybone Healt Centre), said that injuries
like that meant I had been in a fight, and said he wouldn't write a
statement for me.

(So this is perhaps NATO who mess with me, trough CAB and my doctor, etc.

What do I know.

So to hide that I got a frost-bite injury while I served my
conscription-service, in Norway.

What do I know).

So the problems where just to do with that the Jobcentre doesn't
understand, that people are made of organic material, and need food,
to function, it seems.

One could say they are trying to kill me, I think.

They still haven't sent me the money they owe me.

And it seems like they don't plan to send any money.

(Due to some 'communist-mafia-stuff', I think I have to call it).

My sister has borrowed me around £100 twice, (the jobcentre owe me
around £500-600).

But she hasn't been clear, when I asked  her, how much money, that she
has, at the moment.

So I'm not sure how long I can go on borrowing money from her.

I have about £20-30 left of the money, that she has borrowed me.

And she'll be back at her work, (and see my e-mails), after the
Norwegian easter-holiday, (which is quite long), has finished.

So I try to get help from my sister, with this situation now.

I get frustrated, because I own some property, in Norway, which a
court in Drammen has refused me to sell, since 2011.

So this is like some communist-mafia-stuff, or something by Kafka or
Orwell, I have to say.

My mother died in 1999, and her last parent, (her mother), died in
2009, so my mothers inheritance should have been split, between my
siblings and I.

But when I ask my sister about this, (how it's going with the
inheritance, from 2009, in Norway), then she just ignores my question.

So it's a bit frustrating, with the Jobcentre, and the problems in
Norway, and all.

But my sister has more or less promised to borrow me around £100, (for
food, electricity and bills), each forthnight, untill I get my
allowance from the Jobcentre, again.

So I expect that my sister do like she has promised, (more or less, at least).

And I think the situation is under control.

Even if my sister doesn't reply to everything I ask about, (and she
didn't want to be my friend, on Facebook, some years ago.

So I wouldn't have contacted my sister about borrowing me money for
food, if it hadn't been an emergency).

The healt-problems was to do with that I ate to little food, (due to
that I didn't have money), I think.

(Or if it could have been that I ate food that made me constipated.

Due to that I sat in my flat in the dark, and I didn't get to cook the
spagetti properly, since I didn't have the electricity, in my flat.

Due to that I didn't get any jobseekers allowance, from 31/1 to 21/2.

And then again, from 6/3 to todays date.

So my jobseekers-allowance have been stopped twice, since January.

So I wasn't that on top perhaps, the second time, it was stopped.

I didn't have any savings because my Personal Advisor, at Aintree
Jobcentre, Sarah Bamber, had put pressure on me, to use my savings, on
courses from Learn Direct.

And also, when I moved in to Keith Court, a couple of years ago, then
it was unfurnished.

And the LHT-woman, who initated talking about a grant for furniture
etc., was chewing chewing-gum, in that meeting.

So I didn't think the LHT treated me with respect, and I also thought
that form had very many pages in it.

So I've had to buy furniture and kitchen-machines etc., for my
jobseekers-allowance, in the last years.

So I haven't had much savings.

And I could explain even longer back.

I was throuwn out a lot of times, for no good reasons, from Leather
Lane, University of Sunderland, Azalea Lodge in Sunderland, the
Scandinavian Church in Liverpool and MAS, between automn of 2011 and
spring 2012.

So it's like I have some nazis on my back, (the police often do these
evictions), or something like that).

And before that it was my employement-cases against Arvato/Microsoft, and more.

So this poor treatment of me, from the Jobcentre could be linked with
my employment-case, or something political, (the British Nationalist
Party probably don't like me, since I'm from Norway).

Who knows.

I think it's embarrasing to get letters from social workers.

So I'm going to try to solve this by borrowing money, from my sister
Pia, untill I get my jobseekers-allowance.

But thanks for being interested.

I hope you can reply about my two complaints, (above).

So if  you could escalate this e-mail to your line-manager, please.


Erik Ribsskog

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Elin Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog

Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper

Erik Ribsskog Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:57 PM
Cc: "larvik.tingrett" , "drammen.tingrett" , "agder.lagmannsrett" , "HRET (postmottak)" ,
Bcc: Rahel Savoldelli ,, she , Holtech Medical , Bjørn Ribsskog , Nord-Trøndelag Bondelag

er du enken etter min mor, (Karen Ribsskog), sin fetter, Ola Ribsskog?

Jeg ringte 'n Ola, for noen år siden, angående hvor det hadde blitt av
min fadder, Anna Holmsen.

Ola Ribsskog fortalte meg vel det, at hu nå het Annikken, og bodde i
Sverige, og fortalte adressen, (på telefonen, her fra Liverpool, for
cirka fire år siden vel).

Min mor er også død, (hu døde i 1999).

Og hennes mor, (Ingeborg Ribsskog), døde i 2009.

Det er dumt, at min mor døde før sin mor.

Og at jeg bor i England.

For min mor var storesøster.

Og hadde to yngre søsken, nemlig Martin og Ellen.

Og nå tuller de fælt i Norge.

Jeg har ikke fått noe arv, etter bestemor Ingeborg.

Enda min mor er død, så jeg skulle fått en del av min mors arv, etter
hennes mor.

Men men.

Og ikke nok med det.

Tante Ellen sender også mange tulle-eposter til meg.

Kjente du/dere Ellen?

Kan du be henne om å skjerpe seg litt, og slutte å sende all den
dritten sin, over Nordsjøen?


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ellen Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-20 20:59 GMT+01:00
Subject: Taper

Er det ikke snart på tide at du får deg en jobb?

Hilsen Tante