lørdag 26. juli 2014

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Kari Sundheim

Erik Ribsskog

Nok er nok Erik!

Erik Ribsskog Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 7:22 PM
To: karsun@ostfoldfk.no
Cc: Bjørn Ribsskog
Hei Kari,

det var hyggelig å høre fra deg.

Selv om du vel egentlig ikke har noe med dette å gjøre.

Jeg reddet en gang din slektning Odd Sundheim, (fra Valdres), når vi
var på en slags dødspatrulje, (sersjant Johansen hadde gått seg vill).

Og Sundheim så ikke hvor de andre i patrulja var, (i mørket).

Men jeg gikk bak tjukke Sundheim, og så dette.

Og pekte hvor han skulle gå.

Og nå dette.

Nei, dette har ikke du noe med Kari.

Du studerte kinesisk, og det er omtrent det eneste jeg vet om deg.

Og nå er du visst jurist, (ifølge Bjørn Ribsskog sin slektsforskning).

Og du jobber på sykehus.

Du er et surre-hue, må jeg si da.

Ching-chang-chong, som de sier, i Kina.

Erik Ribsskog


Vet du hva finansministeren i Kina heter?


PS 2.

Min far lot meg bo alene, fra jeg var ni år.

Og er etterkommer av en svensk spionsjef.

Så du får la dine barnebarn bo alene, som barn da, vet du.

Siden du er så fan av min far.

2014-07-26 18:40 GMT+01:00 Kari Sundheim <karsun@ostfoldfk.no>:
> Kjære Erik.
> Grunnen til at du ikke får sendt meg e-post lengre er fordi jeg har blokkert deg. Vær så snill ta et hint og få deg hjelp!
> Hvis "hele Norge" sitter og ser på at du ikke får dine "rettigheter", så er det fordi det er det er ingen "rettigheter" å gi deg!
> Hva skal politiet etterforske? At du hørte en gang en dame si noe som i ditt hodet hørtes ut som "forfulgt av mafian", og som du tror var myntet på deg når hun kunne snakket om hvem som helst, og kanskje ikke sa det du trodde hun sa engang? Hvis noen hadde vært etter deg så hadde de tatt deg allerede for adressen din ligger jo på nett. Er du dum, eller bare en dramaqueen?
> Jeg satser på det siste, for så dum er det vel ikke mulig å være?
> Det må vel en eller annen gang i løpet av de siste årene gått opp for deg at du har en psykose og nå vet du ikke hvordan du skal slutte.
> Men det kan du. Kontakt faren din, han vil skaffe deg hjelp. Selv om det altså er forferdelig hvordan du har behandlet ham i de senere år. Din far har aldri ønsket deg noe annet enn bare det beste og har gjort sitt beste for deg.
> Hvis ikke vil ingenting forandre seg, ingen vil ansette deg, du vil gå på arbeidskontoret for å få penger til du dør. Er det det du ønsker for resten av livet, at ingenting skal endre seg?
> Kari

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til DNB

Erik Ribsskog

Ny oppdatering/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper

Erik Ribsskog Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 6:31 PM
To: inga.sundheim@dnbeiendom.no
Hei igjen,

hvis jeg kunne fått en norsk konto, med et par hundre tusen, i
kassakreditt, så hadde det vært glimrende.

For min grandonkel Idar Sandersen bor i det sameiet enda, og har rett
til å bo der, til han dør.

Og det er kanskje bedre å selge det uten en Idar på kjøpet liksom.

Og jeg har masse ting, (fra da jeg bodde i Oslo, fra 1970 til 2004),
hos City Self Storage, i Oslo.

Så jeg skulle betalt dem regninga, og få dem til å sende meg tinga
mine, (noe de nekter).

Og da hadde jeg hatt litt penger i reserve, når jeg ikke får trygd, i England.

For min del av det sameiet, kan bli verdt flere millioner.

For Idar Sandersen er en ungkar, på mer enn 90 år.

Så jeg får muligens mer arv, når han dør.

Og Marit Olsen, hu veit jeg ikke mye om, men hu er også muligens en
gammel jomfru, liksom.

Så jeg kan ende opp med å eie en sjettedel der.

(Når Idar Sandersen og Marit Olsen er døde).

Og dette er et området, (Hurum/Holmsbu), hvor eiendommer er ettertraktet.

(Det ligger ved fjorden, og har strandlinje, og en ganske stor tomt,
må man vel si, med flere små hytter/badehus).

Og jeg har enda ikke fått min arv, etter min mors foreldre, (min
mormor døde i 2009 og min morfar på 80-tallet og min mor på

Så jeg er egentlig litt rik.

Men jeg har cashflow-problemer, må jeg si.

Så jeg holder likevel på å sulte ihjel, flere ganger i året, her i
England, (når britene tuller med meg, av en eller annen grunn).

Håper dette er i orden, nå som jeg har fått kontakt, med en
DNB-ansatt, mener jeg.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2014-07-26 17:22 GMT+01:00
Subject: Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder
Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
To: inga.sundheim@dnbeiendom.no

Hei igjen,

jeg eier del av et sameie, forstår du, på Hurumlandet.

Og det skulle jeg gjerne hatt taksert, og så fått lån på, for eksempel.

For jeg får nesten aldri arbeidsledighetstrygd, her i England, og
holder på å sulte ihjel, flere ganger i året.

Sender med papirer om eiendom.

Drammen tingrett sa, (da jeg kontaktet de), at de skulle foreta
oppløsing av sameie, i 2011, men de har ikke solgt det enda.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2014-07-26 17:18 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
To: Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no


takk for svar ihvertfall!

Da jeg avtjente førstegangstjenesten, i Geværkompaniet, forresten.

Så var jeg på lag med en Odd Sundheim, fra Valdres, (vår lagfører var
Marvin Bricen, og vår troppsjef var Sverre Frøshaug, det meste av
tiden, etterfulgt av en fra Elverum, som bare ble kalt 'Kalesj-Bjørn',
sa en Ragnhildsløkken, på laget).

Du får hilse hvis du er i slekt.

Jeg bor i England, og kunne trenge norsk konto, med mere, igjen.

Men da må jeg vel kanskje kontakte andre i DNB?

Igjen mange takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

2014-07-26 13:53 GMT+01:00  <Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no>:
> Jeg har snakket med flere av mine slektninger som heller ikke gjenkjenner noen av navnene. Jeg er derfor ikke i slekt med dem selv om jeg har samme etternavn. Mvh Inga Sundheim
> Sikker e-post sendt fra DNB Mobil.
> --Original message---
> Sender: "Erik Ribsskog" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Sent time: 26. juli 2014 03:33
> To: Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no
> Subject: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> Hei,
> jeg bare lurte på om du kunne sende denne videre, til Kari Sundheim,
> (min kusine Liv Kristin sin mor), i Ås.
> Hvis du vet hvem det er, og har e-post-adressen.
> På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <postmaster@ostfoldfk.no>
> Date: Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:48 AM
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> Subject: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> To: <karsun@ostfoldfk.no>
> CC: larvik.tingrett <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, drammen.tingrett
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> To: <karsun@ostfoldfk.no>
> Cc: larvik.tingrett <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, drammen.tingrett
> <drammen.tingrett@domstol.no>, agder.lagmannsrett
> <agder.lagmannsrett@domstol.no>, "HRET (postmottak)"
> <post@hoyesterett.no>, <Postmottak@domstoladministrasjonen.no>
> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:48:42 +0100
> Subject: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> Hei,
> er det Kari Sundheim, mor til min kusine Liv Kristin Sundheim?
> Jeg husker deg, fra høsten 1990, da onkel Martin lå på Sophies Minde
> sykehus, i Oslo, var det vel.
> Martin ble aggresiv, da han så meg.
> Men sa så, at han trodde at jeg var en medstudent, (eller noe sånt),
> fra landbrukshøyskolen.
> (Det var bestemor Ingeborg som ville at jeg skulle besøke Martin, på sykehuset.
> Men Martin ble visst ikke så glad).
> Du studerte kinesisk, fortalte du.
> Jeg husker deg også fra en sommer, i Stavern.
> Kan det ha vært sommeren 1991?
> Du, Martin, Pia og jeg, (var det vel), gikk tur, ned til Stavern sentrum.
> Og på veien tilbake, sa Martin at et hus var stygt.
> Og da vi kom noen meter lenger opp i bakken.
> Så så vi det, at de som bodde der, satt ute i hagen, og hadde hørt hva vi sa.
> Men men.
> Du var lav, husker jeg.
> Jeg erta Martin litt for at han 'alltid' fant seg lave damer.
> (Jeg lurer på om hun Ann var lav og).
> Tante Ellen møtte du kanskje ikke?
> Hu bodde jo i Sveits, på den tida.
> Hu tulle-sender masse e-poster nå.
> Og jeg får ikke min arv, etter Ingeborg, (som jo er min morsarv, siden
> min mor døde, i 1999).
> Men du er jo mora til Liv Kristin.
> Og da blir det jo mer på henne liksom, hvis ikke jeg får noe.
> Og du er jurist, leste jeg.
> Men men.
> Vanskelig for meg å si hvem som tuller her.
> Men hvis du prater med Ellen, så kan du kanskje be henne om å roe det
> ned litt, med e-post-skriving, (om åndsvakt tull).
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-07-20 22:57 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> To: baerum.husflid@online.no
> Cc: "larvik.tingrett" <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, "drammen.tingrett"
> <drammen.tingrett@domstol.no>, "agder.lagmannsrett"
> <agder.lagmannsrett@domstol.no>, "HRET (postmottak)"
> <post@hoyesterett.no>, Postmottak@domstoladministrasjonen.no
> Hei,
> er du enken etter min mor, (Karen Ribsskog), sin fetter, Ola Ribsskog?
> Jeg ringte 'n Ola, for noen år siden, angående hvor det hadde blitt av
> min fadder, Anna Holmsen.
> Ola Ribsskog fortalte meg vel det, at hu nå het Annikken, og bodde i
> Sverige, og fortalte adressen, (på telefonen, her fra Liverpool, for
> cirka fire år siden vel).
> Min mor er også død, (hu døde i 1999).
> Og hennes mor, (Ingeborg Ribsskog), døde i 2009.
> Det er dumt, at min mor døde før sin mor.
> Og at jeg bor i England.
> For min mor var storesøster.
> Og hadde to yngre søsken, nemlig Martin og Ellen.
> Og nå tuller de fælt i Norge.
> Jeg har ikke fått noe arv, etter bestemor Ingeborg.
> Enda min mor er død, så jeg skulle fått en del av min mors arv, etter
> hennes mor.
> Men men.
> Og ikke nok med det.
> Tante Ellen sender også mange tulle-eposter til meg.
> Kjente du/dere Ellen?
> Kan du be henne om å skjerpe seg litt, og slutte å sende all den
> dritten sin, over Nordsjøen?
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ellen Ribsskog <ripsen@gmx.ch>
> Date: 2014-07-20 20:59 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Taper
> To: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Er det ikke snart på tide at du får deg en jobb?
> Hilsen Tante

4 attachments





Jeg sendte en e-post til LHT

Erik Ribsskog

To: Income Management Officer Laura Murphy/Fwd: Your letter of 22 July with ref: 10055749/Fwd: Complaint to Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []

Erik Ribsskog Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 6:03 PM

To: LHT Customer Service
Cc: Benefits Service , Runcorn Office , Info
Bcc: Contact-Us , CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team , joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk, "emb.london" , Politikk Høyre , Akademikerforbundet , admin , post , she , Bjørn Ribsskog , rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, ~ RBS Customer Relations , me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, amnestyis

I'm refering to your letter from 23/7, (which I attach a scanned copy of).

It's really no change in my situation.

I've been unemployed since 2008.

It's just that the Jobcentre haven't gotten a letter I sent them, in June.

(Like I explain about, in the forwarded e-mail).

So I think this problem is going to be solved very soon.

And that the Council are going to start to sendt the Housing Benefit
again, as soon as possible.

So this is with the Council now, and I'm going to inform you, as soon
as possible, when I hear anything more from them.

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 12:04 AM
Subject: Your letter of 22 July with ref: 10055749/Fwd: Complaint to
Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter
from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate
Court/Fwd: Complaint []
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>
Cc: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, CONTACT-US
<CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team
<ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk, "emb.london"
<emb.london@mfa.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>,
Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, admin
<admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, post <post@mfa.no>, she
<she@topdanmark.dk>, Bjørn Ribsskog <bribsskog@gmail.com>,
rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, ~ RBS Customer Relations
me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, LHT Customer Service
<csc@lht.co.uk>, Runcorn Office <runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Info


I'm refering to your letter of 22/7, (which I attach a scanned copy of).

Like one can see, in the forwarded e-mail, there is no change in my situation.

I've been unemployed, since late in 2008.

This time, the problem is, that the Jobcentre doesn't seem to have
received a letter, which I sent them, (with the signing forms), on

(The Jobcentre are have banned me from several jobcentres and are
taking me to court, for something I haven't done, they acuse me of
sending inapropriate correspondence to one of their buraucrats).

I think the Jobcentre must be lieing about these 'missing letters'.

(This has happened around three times now, that JCP claim they haven't
received a letter I've sent them).

My mother moved to Larvik City Centre, in 1978, when I was seven years old.

And then she told my sister Pia and me, to run around in Larvik City
Centre, on our new bikes.

And then I got to know a lot of other kids there, and a boy named
Frode Kølner, at my age, became my best-friend.

And I ofter spent time, at their house, in Trygves gate.

And Frodes father, got me to start collecting stamps, (since Frode
collected stamps, and my father had bought me some first day-letters).

And then I moved to my father, when I was nine years old.

And I ate dinner, every day after school, where my fathers parents
lived, and they had a furniture-factory, in the neighbour-building.

So my grand-parents house, was also like the break-room, for the factory.

And they subscriped to three newspapers and 'always' watched the TV-news.

And my father would also buy tabloid-papers.

So I would read a lot of newspapers and watch the TV-news a lot,
during my upbringing.

And since I collected stamps, during my upbringing.

Then I would be interested, if some of the news-articles/stories, were
about the postal-service.

And as far as I know, it happens very rearly, that a letter goes
missing in the post.

And that three letters should be missing in the post.

I think I have to say, that it seems like, that the JCP, are lieing, here.

So the problem is just that the Jobcentre is full of lies, it seems.

It's now change in my situation, since 2008.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Complaint to Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd:
Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool
& Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
To: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team
<ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk


I'm refering to your letter from 18/7, (which I attach a scanned copy
of), which I received today.

You write:

'you did not attent to sign you declaration'.

Since you've banned me and are taking me to court for something I
haven't done, (sending a staff with you harassing e-mails).

Then I guess this must be some type of code.

And that you mean that you haven't gotten my signing by post-forms.

I've earlier sent you a copy of several proof of postage-receipts.

But I can happily send one of them again.

I've now found the receipt, for 18/6 again.

And I attach a scanned copy of that proof of postage-receipt.

This is like the third letter from me, that you say you haven't received.

(If I understand your 'code' right).

And I've earlier written that this is something that can only happen
in an African county, in a war-zone.

That the letters go missing like this.

I really think it seems you are at some kind of war against me.

With your court-cases without evidence and your missing letters.

But noone in my homeland Norway cares, (or here).

They have just sat and looked at, that the Jobcentre have messed with
me, (I think I have to say), for seven years or so, on my blog.

So I have no option, but to write to you about this.

Even if I think this becomes patetic.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 5:43 PM
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
To: DWP ICE gateway team <ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk, findasolicitor
<findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>, Contact-Us
<Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, CONTACT-US


I didn't get my jobseekers allowance, on the day before yesterday.

So I wanted to complain that I haven't gotten my jobseekers allowance,
for the following dates, this year:

31/1 to 21/2.

8/3 to 30/3.

23/5 to 9/6.

20/6 to 3/7.

And 4/7 to 17/7.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd:
To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
To: "findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk" <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
Cc: joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk, "emb.london <emb.london@mfa.no>,
post <post@mfa.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, Bjørn
Ribsskog" <bribsskog@gmail.com>, she <she@topdanmark.dk>, Politikk
Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, admin


well, I've already contacted the other company now.

So I think I should wait and see untill I hear from them.

But thanks for the information anyway.

(I've worked as a Company Researcher, and couldn't find the first
company's e-mail address on their website.

So that's a reason not to contact them, I guess).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 1:51 PM, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk
<findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk> wrote:
> Dear Erik Ribsskog
> Thank you for contacting The Law Society.
> Here is further information:
> DPP Law Ltd
> Tel:   01519225525
> Email:  info@dpp-law.com
> Web:    www.dpp-law.com
> Kind Regards
> Simon
> The Law Society
> PO Box 5050
> Annesley
> Nottingham
> NG15 0DL
> DX 308601
> Annesley
> Tel: 0870 8501422
> Fax: 01787 313995
> email: lawsociety@prolog.co.uk
> Website: http://www.lawsocietyshop.org.uk/
> ________________________________
> Original Message:
> From: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Sent: 12:43:33
> To: joannedalton@msbsolicitors.co.uk
> Cc: findasolicitor <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
> Subject: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To:
> Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
> Hi,
> I send about this case to you since the Law Society adviced me to.
> (I couldn't find the e-mail-address for the first company on the list).
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
> Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 10:04 AM
> Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To:
> Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
> To: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Dear Erik Ribsskog,
> Thank you for contacting Find a Solicitor (“FAS”), a service provided
> by The Law Society to assist members of the public obtain details,
> where possible, of an accredited firm or individual who may be able to
> advise and/or represent them on legal matters.
> Thank you for your email. The Law Society is not a law firm and we do
> not represent persons in legal matters. For any legal advice please
> contact the solicitiors recommended
> directly as they will be able to give the help you require.
> Please see below a list of 3 firms that practice in Benefits Law are
> qualified to advise you further:
> DPP Law Ltd
> 202 Stanley Road, Bootle,
> Merseyside, L20 3EP, England
> Tel: 01519225525
> 13 Floor, Silkhouse Court, Tithebarn Street,
> Liverpool, Merseyside, L2 2LZ, England
> Tel: 01512819040
> Canter Levin & Berg
> 1 Temple Square, 24 Dale Street,
> Liverpool, Merseyside, L2 5RL, England
> Tel: 0151 239 1000
> Please click on the following link to search for further solicitors in
> your area: www.lawsociety.org.uk/find-a-solicitor/
> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact
> us on 0207 242 1222 or via email at findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk
> Yours Sincerely,
> Simon
> Find a Solicitor Administrator
> DD: 020 7316 5550
> http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/find-a-solicitor/
> P Help save paper - do you need to print this email ?
> This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended
> solely for the addressee(s). If you have received this message in
> error please return it to the originator immediately and delete it
> from your computer. If you are not the intended recipient you should
> not use, copy, alter or disclose the contents of this message. All
> information or opinions expressed in this communication and/or any
> attachments are those of the author and not necessarily those of the
> company. The company accepts no responsibility for loss or damage
> arising from its use, including damage from viruses or other harmful
> content.
> The Law Society has authorised Prolog to respond to Find a Solicitor
> e-mails on their behalf.
> ________________________________
> Original Message:
> From: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Sent: 02:30:39
> To: findasolicitor <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
> Cc: "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>; post <post@mfa.no>; "Politikk
> Høyre" <politikk@hoyre.no>; "Bjørn Ribsskog" <bribsskog@gmail.com>;
> she <she@topdanmark.dk>; admin <admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To:
> Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
> Hi,
> yesterday, (Tuesday), I didn't get my jobseekers allowance, (for the
> tent time or so, this year).
> Instead I got a letter with lies, from the Treasury Solicitor's Department.
> They say:
> 'Desipite being banned, you have committed a further act of
> unacceptable behaviour.
> On 14 July 2014 you sent an abusive and initimidating email to staff
> at Aintree Jobcentre Plus. Your e-mail also contained language which
> was considered to be of a sexually explicit nature'.
> I haven't sent anything like this.
> They don't have any evidence eighter.
> This is just some lies they make up.
> It's some satanic programme the Government have.
> Or some muslim sharia.
> Or some mafia, or something.
> Something like that.
> The Jobcentre is at a war against me, it seems.
> They take me to court for something I haven't done.
> They ban me from my five closest jobcentres.
> They haven't sent me my allowonce, for these dates:
> 31/1 to 21/2.
> 8/3 to 30/3.
> 23/5 to 9/6.
> 20/6 to 3/7.
> And 3/7 to 17/7.
> There have also been a lot of delays, when the few times, (one have to
> say I think), that I've gotten my allowance this year.
> If I go to the Jobcentres I'm not banned for, (almost dead from
> starvation, since I don't get my allowance).
> Then Edge Hill Jobcentre tell me they don't have capacity for me to
> register there.
> And if I go to Williamsson Sq. Jobcentre.
> (I went there to get a voucher for the food bank.
> Since I ofter suffer from starvation, due to this war, from the Jobcentre).
> Then they tell me to I need to be seen in a 'screened room'.
> (Whatever they mean with that.
> I can't really ask them much, because they have a lot of
> security-guards at the jobcentre).
> And this is dramatized, I think.
> It's just a work-email address.
> So even if I had sent an e-mail like that, then this is dramatized, I
> think, (at least a bit dramatized, I'd say. They also sometimes call
> e-mails 'stalking', like in Court, where they take me, so they are
> dramatizing, I think, on top of lying about me sending these e-mails,
> because I haven't, and JCP haven't found the evidence yet, after three
> meetings in Liverpool and Knowsley Magistrates Court, (even if the
> Jobcentre is in Sefton), so they just make this up, like they are
> Albanian mafia, or something, I'd say).
> I blog about this, so 'the whole' of Norway can read about this.
> But they just sit and look on like Albanian mafia, I have to say.
> (I don't know what's wrong with them).
> It's clear some Albanian mafia or something, (I left Norway in 2004,
> since I overheard at work I was followed by the 'mafian'), has
> infiltrated the Jobcentre, and use it in a war against me, it seems.
> I'm an earlier Store Manager, and really more or less an expert on
> HR-stuff and I've gone to commerce and office-school for three years,
> in Norway.
> There we learned about 'kutymer', but noone care it seems.
> It's sickening I think.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool &
> Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint []
> To: "findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk" <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
> Cc: info <info@linskills.co.uk>,
> me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
> Hi,
> thank you for your e-mail!
> My post-code is L4 5XJ.
> Thanks again for the help with this!
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 4:30 PM, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk
> <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk> wrote:
>> Good Afternoon
>> Thank you for contacting Find a Solicitor (“FAS”), a service provided by
>> The
>> Law Society to assist members of the public obtain details, where
>> possible,
>> of an accredited firm or individual who may be able to advise and/or
>> represent them on legal matters.
>> In order for us to assist you, we require a postcode on which to base our
>> search. As we have not been provided with this information we are unable
>> to
>> give you details of firms/solicitors in your area. Please provide this
>> information to enable us to proceed with your search.
>> Alternatively, please click on the following link to search for a
>> solicitor
>> in your area: www.lawsociety.org.uk/find-a-solicitor/
>> If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
>> 0207 242 1222 or via email at findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk
>> If we do not hear from you within a period of 4 working days we will
>> assume
>> that you have found the assistance you require elsewhere.
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Find a Solicitor Administrator
>> DD: 020 7316 5550
>> http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/find-a-solicitor/
>> P Help save paper - do you need to print this email ?
>> This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely
>> for the addressee(s). If you have received this message in error please
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>> you are not the intended recipient you should not use, copy, alter or
>> disclose the contents of this message. All information or opinions
>> expressed
>> in this communication and/or any attachments are those of the author and
>> not
>> necessarily those of the company. The company accepts no responsibility
>> for
>> loss or damage arising from its use, including damage from viruses or
>> other
>> harmful content.
>> The Law Society has authorised Prolog to respond to Find a Solicitor
>> e-mails
>> on their behalf.
>> ________________________________
>> Original Message:
>> From: eribsskog@gmail.com
>> Sent: 15:43:03
>> To: findasolicitor <findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>
>> Cc: info <info@linskills.co.uk>;
>> me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
>> Subject: Letter from solicitor/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley
>> Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
>> Hi,
>> yesterday I got a letter from Colin Simber (Senior Criminal Clerk) at
>> Linskills Solictiors.
>> (A letter with the date 27/6).
>> Mr. Simber writes that:
>> 'I note you failed to keep a further appointment at our offices on
>> 25th June 2014 at 10am'.
>> But this is 'balony'.
>> I got a letter from Linskills, on 26/6 or 27/6 where they invited me
>> to the meeting, on 25/6.
>> So it's like they have wild parties there, and that they write their
>> letters, at these parties.
>> Something like that.
>> Then I send a complaint-e-mail, (which I copied the Law Society and
>> others), and Mr. Simber answeres it was a 'typo'.
>> But in the letter I got yesterday, he mentions the date 25/6.
>> So Mr. Simber seems to be shizofrenic.
>> He can't agree with himself, if the date, in the letter from his
>> collegue, (the old woman with yellow teeth), was a typo, or not.
>> So I think it would be madness of me, to stay with this solicitor-company.
>> So I wondered if you could give me some advice about how to get a new
>> solicitor-company, please.
>> Mr. Simber also lies in the letter from yesterday, (I think I have to
>> say).
>> He also writes that he had tried to call me, on my mobile, (he
>> mentiones my mobile-number), and that I didn't reply.
>> But I would have remembered it, if Linskills had called me, I think.
>> I would have Google-ed the number then, and seen it was Linskills, and
>> written them an e-mail, I think.
>> So this is a lie from Mr. Simber, I have to say.
>> He has earlier written a letter, that was sureal, I'd say.
>> For no reason, he wrote he had ended the job as a solicitor for me.
>> Even if it was evident that the case went on.
>> So it's something strange here.
>> Mr. Simber also wanted the password for my library-account in the last
>> meeting, at Linskills, in Castle Street.
>> And he also want the password for my blog and g-mail-account it seems.
>> I have my memoirs and employement-case against Bertelsmann Arvato's
>> Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, on my blog.
>> So I wouldn't want people to 'temper' with it, (I think they call it).
>> Also Mr. Simber mentioned that he bought computers for his kids, at a
>> perhaps a bit dodgy computer-store in County Rd., (where I had bought
>> my refurbished computer).
>> I think most solicitors would have bought Apple computers or something
>> for their kids.
>> And I think it's strange he mentioned his kids in the meetings.
>> I'm an earlier Store Manager who can't find new employement, so I'm
>> now poor and unemployed, and that's why I buy refurbished computers.
>> I'm also an economist, and a tech-guy.
>> The company I worked as a retail-manager in, (ICA), had the lowest
>> wages, in the retail-business, in Norway.
>> So I couldn't buy a fancy computer, when I bought my first new PC, in
>> 1996.
>> But I just bought the basic parts.
>> And when mp3-files where new, the next year, (which I found about on
>> the internet), then I bought a sound-card, for my PC, and installed
>> it, myself.
>> And then I got a hobby, to upgrade my PC.
>> And then when my moter died, in 1999, I inherited a bit more than
>> 100.000 NOK, (since my mother had some life-insurance, my sister told
>> me).
>> And back then computers where more expensive, and I upgraded my
>> computer, since I had a quite new cabinet, and all.
>> And then a woman named Linda Wold, in Halden, didn't like it, that I
>> didn't buy, a new computer.
>> She only liked new computers.
>> But I thought it would be un-economical to throw parts of my computer,
>> that were as good as new.
>> And buy the same parts.
>> In Norway I'm a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man, IT-graduate
>> and Data and Information Management Economist.
>> But here I get arrested all the time, my computers get stolen by the
>> Police all the time, I get thrown out all the time.
>> And don't get employment.
>> I have employment-cases here and in Norway.
>> I overheard at work, at Rimi Bjoerndal, in 2003, that I was followed,
>> by the mafian.
>> I'm a refugee, (after that), to the UK.
>> I try to warn on my blog, that I don't get my rights, to do with the
>> mafia-case and employement-cases, etc.
>> On the contrary, I'm also being messed with, by the Police and the
>> other governments, in Norway and the UK, I'd say.
>> And now I'm trying to find a new solicitor-company.
>> To do with these completely fabricated and scandalous charges against
>> me, from the jobcentre.
>> Now, a month or so ago.
>> Someone tricked the Jobcentre into stopping my allowance again.
>> And I haven't gotten any Jobseekers-allowance since May.
>> And Virgin have now stopped my internet-line from working.
>> Since I haven't gotten money to pay the bill.
>> So I write this e-mail from Fazakerly library.
>> (Since the one in Spellow is closed on Tuesdays).
>> And I therefore haven't gotten to scan the letter I'm refering to,
>> (from Mr. Simber on 27/6), like I normally do, when I have my
>> internet-line, (and electricity).
>> It's like I'm being kept poor by some network, I think.
>> It's like everyone who read my blog in Norway are 'aandsvake', like we
>> say there.
>> I hope you can help me find a new solicitor!
>> Thanks in advance for any help with this!
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:44:39 +0100
>> Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd:
>> Complaint
>> To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
>> Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Wedell-Wedellsborg
>> <ww@bruunhjejle.dk>, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK
>> <hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Phso Enquiries
>> <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post <post@mfa.no>,
>> Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Service
>> <csc@lht.co.uk>, Ribsskog <bribsskog@gmail.com>, she
>> <she@topdanmark.dk>, "hv-02.kontakt" <hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>,
>> "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no>, post
>> <post@spesialenheten.no>, "EUteam@amnesty.org" <EUteam@amnesty.org>,
>> "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" <sct@amnesty.org.uk>,
>> hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
>> <vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post@slottet.no, Office
>> <runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Service
>> <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>, "steve.rotheram.mp"
>> <steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, LO Postkasse LO <lo@lo.no>,
>> rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
>> <sande.vgs@vfk.no>, "president@ansa.no" <president@ansa.no>, Google
>> Press <press@google.com>, post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
>> Simber <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>, Contact-Us
>> <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, Politikk Høyre
>> <politikk@hoyre.no>, "mail.gva" <mail.gva@efta.int>,
>> info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
>> admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
>> <norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk>, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com
>> Hi again,
>> also, there is a website, on the internet, where some deranged people,
>> (I think I have to call it), encouriges other deranged people, to
>> troll againts me:
>> The "How to" Guide & Dox
>> Trolling Erik Ribsskog is about as difficult as stealing a bike from
>> yo former massas.
>> Send him an e-mail claiming to represent the mafia, and that you have
>> not forgotten him.
>> Make fake subscriptions for gay magazines. [13]
>> Plant strange ideas in his head, which he will subsequently process in
>> his batshit insane mind before sending enraged complaints to the
>> Norwegian government.[14]
>> Address him as "Miss Erik Ribsskog" (Merseyside Police once did this,
>> which has since served as a source of numerous conspiracy theories)
>> Although he is completely convinced that he is followed by the
>> "mafian" and that this mafia wants to kill him at all costs, he posts
>> his home address about 200 times daily on his blog. His address is:
>> 10 Keith Court
>> Keith Avenue
>> Liverpool
>> L4 5XJ
>> +44 0790 5206018
>> eribsskog@gmail.com'.
>> https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Erik_Ribsskog
>> This must be some nerds, (or something), who don't have a life.
>> And who think its fun, to be sadist, and distroy other peoples lives.
>> Something like that.
>> So even if e-mails appear to be from me, it could be e.g. these
>> maniacs, who fabricate them.
>> At least I haven't sent the mentioned e-mails.
>> And also, how can e-mails be stalking?
>> And also, the mentioned e-mails have been sent to a work email
>> address, and not a private e-mail address.
>> So I'm a bit worried if someone are also dramatising here, (not only
>> on the mentioned website).
>> Regards,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 1:03 PM
>> Subject: To: Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrate Court/Fwd: Complaint
>> To: me-customersupportliverpool@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
>> Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Wedell-Wedellsborg
>> <ww@bruunhjejle.dk>, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK
>> <hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Phso Enquiries
>> <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post <post@mfa.no>,
>> Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Service
>> <csc@lht.co.uk>, Ribsskog <bribsskog@gmail.com>, she
>> <she@topdanmark.dk>, "hv-02.kontakt" <hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>,
>> "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no>, post
>> <post@spesialenheten.no>, "EUteam@amnesty.org" <EUteam@amnesty.org>,
>> "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" <sct@amnesty.org.uk>,
>> hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche Molstad
>> <vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post@slottet.no, Office
>> <runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Service
>> <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>, "steve.rotheram.mp"
>> <steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, LO Postkasse LO <lo@lo.no>,
>> rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, "sande.vgs"
>> <sande.vgs@vfk.no>, "president@ansa.no" <president@ansa.no>, Google
>> Press <press@google.com>, post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com, Colin
>> Simber <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>, Contact-Us
>> <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, Politikk Høyre
>> <politikk@hoyre.no>, "mail.gva" <mail.gva@efta.int>,
>> info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
>> admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
>> <norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk>, royaldanishconsulate@dantechuk.com
>> Hi,
>> I'm refering to your letter from 19/6, which I received today, (and
>> attach a scanned copy of).
>> (I'm not sure if it was delivered with Royal Mail or TNT.
>> I just got a letter through the door now.
>> And the other day a guy in a white sweater was here with a letter, it
>> seemed.
>> So it isn't like in Norway, were we only have Posten, (like I remember
>> it, at least)).
>> I wanted to inform you, that I've now contacted the Law Society, about
>> Linskills, (since I have a bit low confidence in them now, like I've
>> explained, in the forwarded e-mail).
>> (Even if I've been having problems with the Law Society before.
>> To do with an employement-case, where I was messed with, (I think I
>> have to say), by the Citizens Advice Bureu and the Police and more).
>> I was wondering why you refer to Aintree Jobcentre as 'Walton Vale',
>> in your letters, (and in court).
>> Aintree is in Sefton.
>> So why isn't this case in Sefton Magistrates Court, I have been wondering.
>> Also, in Aintree they have a racehourse-track.
>> My grand-father Øivind Olsen, told me in the 70's or 80's that people
>> who went to the 'travbane', (like we say in Norway), weren't fine.
>> So he would probably have said that Aintree weren't since they have a
>> travbane, (or a 'galoppbane').
>> So are you trying to hide that this is the Jobcentre in a place where
>> they have a trav/gallopp-bane, I was wondering.
>> (So that this place isn't fine, like I think my grandfather would have
>> said).
>> Also, you write that I have bad character.
>> But one of the people who brought me up, was my Danish-born
>> grand-mother Ingeborg Ribsskog, who was from Danish nobility, (or at
>> least upper-class).
>> So I think this sounds a bit like an insult, when you write, that I
>> have bad character.
>> I lived my 34 first years, in Norway.
>> And I was never in prison, never arrested, never in jail, never in court
>> even.
>> So this I'm not sure if I agree on.
>> In Norway, I'm known as a respected Store Manager, Home Defence-man
>> and IT-graduate, I think.
>> This case seems silly to me.
>> It should just be to contact Google, and they should be able to
>> conform, (since I reackon they must have logged the e-mails I've sent
>> from my g-mail-accounst).
>> And then Google should be able to confirm that this is spoofing, and
>> not something I've sent.
>> I hope the law society can help me find a new solicitor now, for the
>> reasons mentioned in the forwared e-mail.
>> Even if my confidence with the Law Society isn't high, after what
>> happened to do with the mentioned employement-case, which I started
>> against Bertelsmann Arvato's Microsoft Scandinavian Product
>> Activation, (in the Cunard Building, here in Liverpool), in 2006.
>> Best regards,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:52 PM
>> Subject: Re: Complaint
>> To: Colin Simber <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>
>> Cc: julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk
>> Hi,
>> when I was at your office the last time, I walked there, from Walton.
>> The problem is that the Jobcentre mess with me, and don't send my
>> allowance.
>> Why don't you do anything with this, since you are my solicitor?
>> I now have around £3 on my bank-account.
>> And next-week it's not going to be any money there, due to that I need
>> these money for food.
>> And you don't want to correspond by e-mail.
>> Is this that you say I'm guilty?
>> And you don't write a salutation, (like 'regards').
>> I therefore send an update, of this e-mail, to Mr. Linskill.
>> I think you shouldn't let the Jobcentre mess with me, while you are my
>> solicitor.
>> I can't see that you have done anything to get the Jobcentre to stop
>> breaking the agreements, (I thnk I have to call it).
>> And why do you appologize on behalf of you collegue?
>> Shouldn't her manager do that?
>> And I'm not sure if you understand what the problem is, surrounding
>> that someone have been spoofing me.
>> So I send a copy e-mail to Mr. Linskills.
>> I have worked as a Store Manger.
>> But not as an Office Manager.
>> How can you have errors like that in your formal letters, I was wondering.
>> Regards,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> PS.
>> What's this title of yours: 'Accredited Police Station Representative'.
>> Does it mean you really are some kind of cop I was wondering.
>> Is this some kind of candid camera?
>> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Colin Simber
>> <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Sorry about the error.
>>> I have just written a letter to you with a new appointment for Thursday
>>> 03/07/14 at 10am.
>>> I have mentioned that if you have difficulty with travel costs we will
>>> refund your bus fare while you are here.
>>> I would rather not correspond by email bearing in mind the nature of your
>>> case.
>>> Save the environment by only printing this email if absolutely necessary.
>>> Colin Simber
>>> Senior Clerk/Accredited Police Station Representative
>>> DD: 0151 243 0111
>>> Email: colin.simber@linskills.co.uk
>>> This email and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged or
>>> otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended
>>> recipient
>>> you must not: copy or store this message or any attachment; disclose the
>>> contents to any other person; or use it for any purpose whatsoever.
>>> Copyright in this e-mail (and any attachments created by Linskills
>>> Solicitors) belongs to Linskills Solicitors. If you have received this
>>> message in error please notify us immediately.
>>> Any liability (in negligence, contract or otherwise) arising from any
>>> third party taking any action, or refraining from taking any action on
>>> the
>>> basis of any of the information contained in this e-mail is hereby
>>> excluded.
>>> Linskills Solicitors does not accept service of documents by e-mail
>>> unless
>>> otherwise expressly agreed.
>>> Linskills Solicitors is a Partnership Authorised and Regulated by the
>>> Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 00053249. The Partners are
>>> Julian Linskill, Alaric H. Walmsley. Any reference to Partner in relation
>>> the firm means a member, consultant or employee with equivalent standing
>>> or
>>> qualifications. Guidelines can be viewed at
>>> www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/code-of-conduct.page.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: 27 June 2014 12:56
>>> To: Julian Linskill
>>> Cc: Colin Simber
>>> Subject: Complaint
>>> Hi,
>>> I got a letter in the post today, from Carole Clarke, at your company.
>>> (She represented me in court, last week.
>>> And earlier I've had meetings with Colin Simber and Danielle to do with
>>> the same case).
>>> She says I'm supposed to go to a meeting, with Colin Simber, on 25/6.
>>> But that was the day before yesterday.
>>> Is this the candid camera, I was wondering.
>>> Perhaps Carole Clarke is overworked and needs a holiday, I was wondering.
>>> Regards,
>>> Erik Ribsskog
>> This e-mail is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient then
>> you
>> must not copy it, forward it, use it for any purpose, or disclose it to
>> another person. Instead please return it to the sender immediately and
>> copy
>> your communication to Postmaster@lawsociety.org.uk. Please then delete
>> your
>> copy from your system. Please also note that the author of this e-mail is
>> not authorised to conclude any contract on behalf of the Law Society by
>> e-mail.
>> Stay up to date by registering for the Society’s e-newsletters at
>> www.lawsociety.org.uk/newsandevents/newsletters.law
>> To help us improve our service, calls may be monitored or recorded for
>> quality and training purposes.
>> Thank you.
> This e-mail is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient
> then you must not copy it, forward it, use it for any purpose, or
> disclose it to another person. Instead please return it to the sender
> immediately and copy your communication to
> Postmaster@lawsociety.org.uk. Please then delete your copy from your
> system. Please also note that the author of this e-mail is not
> authorised to conclude any contract on behalf of the Law Society by
> e-mail.
> Stay up to date by registering for the Society’s e-newsletters at
> www.lawsociety.org.uk/newsandevents/newsletters.law
> To help us improve our service, calls may be monitored or recorded for
> quality and training purposes.
> Thank you.
> This e-mail is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient then you
> must not copy it, forward it, use it for any purpose, or disclose it to
> another person. Instead please return it to the sender immediately and copy
> your communication to Postmaster@lawsociety.org.uk. Please then delete your
> copy from your system. Please also note that the author of this e-mail is
> not authorised to conclude any contract on behalf of the Law Society by
> e-mail.
> Stay up to date by registering for the Society’s e-newsletters at
> www.lawsociety.org.uk/newsandevents/newsletters.law
> To help us improve our service, calls may be monitored or recorded for
> quality and training purposes.
> Thank you.



Her er vedlegget:


Jeg sendte en e-post til DNB

Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper

Erik Ribsskog Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 5:22 PM

To: inga.sundheim@dnbeiendom.no
Hei igjen,

jeg eier del av et sameie, forstår du, på Hurumlandet.

Og det skulle jeg gjerne hatt taksert, og så fått lån på, for eksempel.

For jeg får nesten aldri arbeidsledighetstrygd, her i England, og
holder på å sulte ihjel, flere ganger i året.

Sender med papirer om eiendom.

Drammen tingrett sa, (da jeg kontaktet de), at de skulle foreta
oppløsing av sameie, i 2011, men de har ikke solgt det enda.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2014-07-26 17:18 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
To: Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no


takk for svar ihvertfall!

Da jeg avtjente førstegangstjenesten, i Geværkompaniet, forresten.

Så var jeg på lag med en Odd Sundheim, fra Valdres, (vår lagfører var
Marvin Bricen, og vår troppsjef var Sverre Frøshaug, det meste av
tiden, etterfulgt av en fra Elverum, som bare ble kalt 'Kalesj-Bjørn',
sa en Ragnhildsløkken, på laget).

Du får hilse hvis du er i slekt.

Jeg bor i England, og kunne trenge norsk konto, med mere, igjen.

Men da må jeg vel kanskje kontakte andre i DNB?

Igjen mange takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

2014-07-26 13:53 GMT+01:00  <Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no>:
> Jeg har snakket med flere av mine slektninger som heller ikke gjenkjenner noen av navnene. Jeg er derfor ikke i slekt med dem selv om jeg har samme etternavn. Mvh Inga Sundheim
> Sikker e-post sendt fra DNB Mobil.
> --Original message---
> Sender: "Erik Ribsskog" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Sent time: 26. juli 2014 03:33
> To: Inga.Sundheim@dnbeiendom.no
> Subject: Fwd: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> Hei,
> jeg bare lurte på om du kunne sende denne videre, til Kari Sundheim,
> (min kusine Liv Kristin sin mor), i Ås.
> Hvis du vet hvem det er, og har e-post-adressen.
> På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <postmaster@ostfoldfk.no>
> Date: Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:48 AM
> Subject: Kan ikke leveres: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
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> Subject: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> To: <karsun@ostfoldfk.no>
> CC: larvik.tingrett <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, drammen.tingrett
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> To: <karsun@ostfoldfk.no>
> Cc: larvik.tingrett <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, drammen.tingrett
> <drammen.tingrett@domstol.no>, agder.lagmannsrett
> <agder.lagmannsrett@domstol.no>, "HRET (postmottak)"
> <post@hoyesterett.no>, <Postmottak@domstoladministrasjonen.no>
> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:48:42 +0100
> Subject: Fwd: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> Hei,
> er det Kari Sundheim, mor til min kusine Liv Kristin Sundheim?
> Jeg husker deg, fra høsten 1990, da onkel Martin lå på Sophies Minde
> sykehus, i Oslo, var det vel.
> Martin ble aggresiv, da han så meg.
> Men sa så, at han trodde at jeg var en medstudent, (eller noe sånt),
> fra landbrukshøyskolen.
> (Det var bestemor Ingeborg som ville at jeg skulle besøke Martin, på sykehuset.
> Men Martin ble visst ikke så glad).
> Du studerte kinesisk, fortalte du.
> Jeg husker deg også fra en sommer, i Stavern.
> Kan det ha vært sommeren 1991?
> Du, Martin, Pia og jeg, (var det vel), gikk tur, ned til Stavern sentrum.
> Og på veien tilbake, sa Martin at et hus var stygt.
> Og da vi kom noen meter lenger opp i bakken.
> Så så vi det, at de som bodde der, satt ute i hagen, og hadde hørt hva vi sa.
> Men men.
> Du var lav, husker jeg.
> Jeg erta Martin litt for at han 'alltid' fant seg lave damer.
> (Jeg lurer på om hun Ann var lav og).
> Tante Ellen møtte du kanskje ikke?
> Hu bodde jo i Sveits, på den tida.
> Hu tulle-sender masse e-poster nå.
> Og jeg får ikke min arv, etter Ingeborg, (som jo er min morsarv, siden
> min mor døde, i 1999).
> Men du er jo mora til Liv Kristin.
> Og da blir det jo mer på henne liksom, hvis ikke jeg får noe.
> Og du er jurist, leste jeg.
> Men men.
> Vanskelig for meg å si hvem som tuller her.
> Men hvis du prater med Ellen, så kan du kanskje be henne om å roe det
> ned litt, med e-post-skriving, (om åndsvakt tull).
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-07-20 22:57 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Til nestleder Elin Ribsskog/Fwd: Taper
> To: baerum.husflid@online.no
> Cc: "larvik.tingrett" <larvik.tingrett@domstol.no>, "drammen.tingrett"
> <drammen.tingrett@domstol.no>, "agder.lagmannsrett"
> <agder.lagmannsrett@domstol.no>, "HRET (postmottak)"
> <post@hoyesterett.no>, Postmottak@domstoladministrasjonen.no
> Hei,
> er du enken etter min mor, (Karen Ribsskog), sin fetter, Ola Ribsskog?
> Jeg ringte 'n Ola, for noen år siden, angående hvor det hadde blitt av
> min fadder, Anna Holmsen.
> Ola Ribsskog fortalte meg vel det, at hu nå het Annikken, og bodde i
> Sverige, og fortalte adressen, (på telefonen, her fra Liverpool, for
> cirka fire år siden vel).
> Min mor er også død, (hu døde i 1999).
> Og hennes mor, (Ingeborg Ribsskog), døde i 2009.
> Det er dumt, at min mor døde før sin mor.
> Og at jeg bor i England.
> For min mor var storesøster.
> Og hadde to yngre søsken, nemlig Martin og Ellen.
> Og nå tuller de fælt i Norge.
> Jeg har ikke fått noe arv, etter bestemor Ingeborg.
> Enda min mor er død, så jeg skulle fått en del av min mors arv, etter
> hennes mor.
> Men men.
> Og ikke nok med det.
> Tante Ellen sender også mange tulle-eposter til meg.
> Kjente du/dere Ellen?
> Kan du be henne om å skjerpe seg litt, og slutte å sende all den
> dritten sin, over Nordsjøen?
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ellen Ribsskog <ripsen@gmx.ch>
> Date: 2014-07-20 20:59 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Taper
> To: eribsskog@gmail.com
> Er det ikke snart på tide at du får deg en jobb?
> Hilsen Tante

4 attachments






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