fredag 11. november 2016
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Jeg sendte en e-post til Vegvesenet
Erik Ribsskog |
Oppdatering/Fwd: Spørsmål om arv/skifte og firmaopplysninger |
Erik Ribsskog | Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:13 PM | |
To: Vinje Kjell Bjørn
Cc:,,,, Statsarkivet i Trondheim - seksjon for formidling
| ||
Og enda enda mer om nettmobbing
Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Skincare at Sthetix
Erik Ribsskog Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:03 PM
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sthetix Clinic
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:17 PM
Subject: Skincare at Sthetix
To: Erik
Skincare at Sthetix Clinic, Liverpool
View this email in your browser
Skincare at Sthetix Clinic
Did you know that we have some of the best skincare product ranges available at Sthetix?
What is the Best Skincare?
We live in a society today where appearance is everything and beauty ideals are constantly being thrust upon the public, making us more self-conscious than we have ever been. When it comes to skincare, the market is undeniably vast... Read more...
Skincare at Sthetix
Obagi Skincare
Obagi is a prescription strength-medicated skincare range that we offer at Sthetix Clinic in Liverpool... Read more...
Obagi Skincare
Dr Levy Skincare
Dr Levy Skincare Dr Phillip Levy is a reputable and highly respected aesthetic dermatology pioneer, whose revolutionary Intense Stem Cell line of products are world- renowned. He has been named the number one Botox doctor in Switzerland... Read more...
Dr Levy Skincare
Aspect Dr
Aspect Dr is an Australian-owned skincare company just arriving to UK, which formulates clinical skincare products tailored to support the skin and address all skin conditions and concerns. Aspect Dr is a new direction in active, clinical grade skincare... For more information please contact us.
Book a Consultation
Copyright © 2016 Sthetix Ltd, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
20, Knight Street, Liverpool
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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
Klage/Fwd: Skincare at Sthetix
Erik Ribsskog
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sthetix Clinic
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:17 PM
Subject: Skincare at Sthetix
To: Erik
Skincare at Sthetix Clinic, Liverpool
View this email in your browser
Skincare at Sthetix Clinic
Did you know that we have some of the best skincare product ranges available at Sthetix?
What is the Best Skincare?
We live in a society today where appearance is everything and beauty ideals are constantly being thrust upon the public, making us more self-conscious than we have ever been. When it comes to skincare, the market is undeniably vast... Read more...
Skincare at Sthetix
Obagi Skincare
Obagi is a prescription strength-medicated skincare range that we offer at Sthetix Clinic in Liverpool... Read more...
Obagi Skincare
Dr Levy Skincare
Dr Levy Skincare Dr Phillip Levy is a reputable and highly respected aesthetic dermatology pioneer, whose revolutionary Intense Stem Cell line of products are world- renowned. He has been named the number one Botox doctor in Switzerland... Read more...
Dr Levy Skincare
Aspect Dr
Aspect Dr is an Australian-owned skincare company just arriving to UK, which formulates clinical skincare products tailored to support the skin and address all skin conditions and concerns. Aspect Dr is a new direction in active, clinical grade skincare... For more information please contact us.
Book a Consultation
Copyright © 2016 Sthetix Ltd, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
20, Knight Street, Liverpool
Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
Og enda mer om nettmobbing
Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Vi trenger din tilbakemelding for å bli bedre!
Erik Ribsskog Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 2:42 PM
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vertikal Helse
Date: 2016-09-22 7:09 GMT+02:00
Subject: Vi trenger din tilbakemelding for å bli bedre!
Vi tillater oss å sende en påminnelse om at du ikke har svart på vår undersøkelse.
Din tilbakemelding er svært viktig i vårt kontinuerlige arbeid med å forbedre oss, og vi håper du tar deg tid til å fylle ut denne korte undersøkelsen.
Vi understreker at din besvarelse er anonym, og kan ikke spores tilbake til deg.
Klikk på denne linken for å komme til undersøkelsen; (Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
eller klipp linken ut og lim den inn i nettleseren din
På forhånd takk for hjelpen!
Vennlig hilsen,
Vertikal Helse
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Klikk her hvis du ikke ønsker å motta flere e-post fra denne undersøkelsen.
Klage/Fwd: Vi trenger din tilbakemelding for å bli bedre!
Erik Ribsskog
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vertikal Helse
Date: 2016-09-22 7:09 GMT+02:00
Subject: Vi trenger din tilbakemelding for å bli bedre!
Vi tillater oss å sende en påminnelse om at du ikke har svart på vår undersøkelse.
Din tilbakemelding er svært viktig i vårt kontinuerlige arbeid med å forbedre oss, og vi håper du tar deg tid til å fylle ut denne korte undersøkelsen.
Vi understreker at din besvarelse er anonym, og kan ikke spores tilbake til deg.
Klikk på denne linken for å komme til undersøkelsen; (Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
eller klipp linken ut og lim den inn i nettleseren din
På forhånd takk for hjelpen!
Vennlig hilsen,
Vertikal Helse
Click here if you don't want to receive e-mail from this survey.
Klikk her hvis du ikke ønsker å motta flere e-post fra denne undersøkelsen.
Enda mer om nettmobbing
Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: NorgesEnergi - Kundeundersøkelse
Erik Ribsskog Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 2:38 PM
To: juridisk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
Birgitte Christensen
Date: 2016-06-23 1:24 GMT+02:00
Subject: NorgesEnergi - Kundeundersøkelse
Du mottar denne undersøkelsen fordi du nylig har vært i kontakt med vårt kundesenter.
I NorgesEnergi er vi opptatt av at våre kunder skal ha den beste kundeopplevelsen når de er i kontakt med oss. Da din tilbakemelding er viktig, håper vi at du vil sette av 2 minutter til å besvare noen enkle spørsmål.
All informasjon knyttet til denne undersøkelsen, vil kun være til bruk internt hos oss.
For å besvare undersøkelsen, "klikker" du på linken under.
(Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
Tusen takk for at du hjelper oss med å bli bedre.
Med vennlig hilsen
Birgitte Christensen
NorgesEnergi AS
NB! Svar sendt til denne e-postadressen vil hverken bli lest eller besvart. For kontaktinformasjon, gå inn på
Klikk her om du ønsker å melde deg av.
Tjenesten er levert av - Questback Essentials
Klage/Fwd: NorgesEnergi - Kundeundersøkelse
Erik Ribsskog
To: juridisk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
Birgitte Christensen
Date: 2016-06-23 1:24 GMT+02:00
Subject: NorgesEnergi - Kundeundersøkelse
Du mottar denne undersøkelsen fordi du nylig har vært i kontakt med vårt kundesenter.
I NorgesEnergi er vi opptatt av at våre kunder skal ha den beste kundeopplevelsen når de er i kontakt med oss. Da din tilbakemelding er viktig, håper vi at du vil sette av 2 minutter til å besvare noen enkle spørsmål.
All informasjon knyttet til denne undersøkelsen, vil kun være til bruk internt hos oss.
For å besvare undersøkelsen, "klikker" du på linken under.
(Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
Tusen takk for at du hjelper oss med å bli bedre.
Med vennlig hilsen
Birgitte Christensen
NorgesEnergi AS
NB! Svar sendt til denne e-postadressen vil hverken bli lest eller besvart. For kontaktinformasjon, gå inn på
Klikk her om du ønsker å melde deg av.
Tjenesten er levert av - Questback Essentials
Mer om nettmobbing
Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Welcome to YUDU – please verify your account
Erik Ribsskog Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 2:31 PM
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Welcome to YUDU – please verify your account
Hi superhomofil,
Welcome to YUDU!
Please click on the verification link below to activate your account:
(Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
You can then start exploring straight away... read, publish and share with the world for free.
The YUDU Team
YUDU: | My Library: | Help & Advice:
Klage/Fwd: Welcome to YUDU – please verify your account
Erik Ribsskog
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Welcome to YUDU – please verify your account
Hi superhomofil,
Welcome to YUDU!
Please click on the verification link below to activate your account:
(Sensurert av johncons-blogg).
You can then start exploring straight away... read, publish and share with the world for free.
The YUDU Team
YUDU: | My Library: | Help & Advice:
Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Brønnøysundregisteret
Erik Ribsskog |
Oppdatering/Fwd: Spørsmål om arv/skifte og firmaopplysninger |
Erik Ribsskog | Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 2:18 PM | |
To: OA pb Spesialprodukt og engelsk
Cc:,,,, Statsarkivet i Trondheim - seksjon for formidling
| ||
Jeg sendte en e-post til Brønnøysundregisteret
Erik Ribsskog |
Oppdatering/Fwd: Spørsmål om arv/skifte og firmaopplysninger |
Erik Ribsskog | Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 1:11 PM | |
To: OA pb Spesialprodukt og engelsk
Cc:,, Statsarkivet i Trondheim - seksjon for formidling
| ||
Enda mer om nettmobbing
Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: We Stand With Orlando, PROUD! 2016, The Agenda Ad Deadlines
Erik Ribsskog Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 9:05 AM
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:56 PM
Subject: We Stand With Orlando, PROUD! 2016, The Agenda Ad Deadlines
AGLCC : Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of CommerceCommunity
June 2016
PROUD! 2016
Celebrate LGBT Pride Month with the AGLCC at its annual awards and first fundraising gala on Saturday, June 25 at the W Austin. Toast to the Chamber turning 19, its many achievements in the past year, and the launch of the AGLCC Foundation.
The evening's keynote speaker will be Mellie Price, a 25 year Austinite, is the Executive Director of Technology Innovation at the Dell Medical School. She is an experienced investor, executive, fund manager and eight-time entrepreneur with a range of business experience from small private sector to a large publicly traded organization. She has created and managed both organic and explosive growth scenarios for variety of organizations.
Get your tickets today at
AGLCC's Statement on Orlando
Following the massacre in Orlando on June 12th, the AGLCC released the following statement:
"LGBT nightclubs are meant to be places where people from all walks of life feel welcomed and comfortable. They are not meant to be places where patrons feel frightened and threatened. However, the Orlando massacre at an LGBT nightclub, now the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, has struck fear and sadness in the LGBT community, particularly since the tragedy happened during LGBT Pride Month. The Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce condemns the violence in Orlando, mourns the victims who were lost and hopes for the speedy recovery of the victims who were injured. No one in Austin, Orlando or any other LGBT community ever should fear stepping foot in an LGBT establishment. We should not and we will not let the hateful, evil act of a lone person prevent us from fully and authentically living our lives as LGBT Americans."
On the same day, the AGLCC together with Austin Pride hosted a Vigil on Bettie Naylor Street/4th Street. You can watch the full vigil online.
Better Security in the Warehouse District
Last week the Austin Police Department met with Oilcan Harry's, Highland Lounge, Rain on 4th , Austin Pride and AGLCC to discuss improved security measures in the area. The improvements will include dedicated uniformed officers in the Warehouse District, improved lighting, area security cameras and signage.
The Agenda Advertising Deadlines
Production for the Pride issue of The Agenda will begin in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to advertise in this issue or need to make changes to your directory listing, the deadlines are as follows:
Ad space reservation : Thursday, July 7
If you need assistance with creating an ad, please let us know.
Changes to directory listing : Monday, July 11
Print-ready ads : Thursday, July 21
The back cover for this issue is still available! Reserve it now.
Please submit changes to directory listings and print-ready ads, and refer all questions, to Jeff Arnold at
NGLCC 2016 International Business & Leadership Conference
The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is heading to Palm Springs, California for the 2016 International Business & Leadership Conference August 23-26, 2016. The event will attract over 1,000 entrepreneurs, corporate decision-makers, affiliate chamber leaders, and government officials from across the country and around the world. The three-day educational conference delivers innovative leadership programming, networking and engagement opportunities, all leading to expansive economic impact and meaningful community services. Visit the conference website at for more information.
Are you an LGBT business owner?
Get certified! Multinational corporations, organizations, government entities and other certified LGBT-owned businesses want to work with you. If your business is at least 51% owned and operated by someone who identifies as LGBT, check into this opportunity to grow your business. Go to to get started!
Business Loans from the City of Austin
The Family Business Loan Program (FBLP) is a public-private partnership with the City of Austin, HUD and participating private lenders that offers low-interest loans to qualified small businesses that are expanding and are creating jobs. You must meet several criteria to obtain one of these loans, but this program could be the financial boost you need to grow your business! If you are interested in this program, please contact Ceci Gratias at
Do you have a gay agenda? We Do! Pick up your copy of The Agenda, available at retail locations throughout Austin. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest info.
We're #1! Our Facebook page has over 11,000 likes, making it the most liked chamber of commerce in the world. Like us today!
Follow us on Twitter @aglcc
Add us on Google+
Do you have friends who are business owners or who are thinking about starting a business? Forward this email to them. The AGLCC gets stronger with each new member!
City of Austin
AGLCC on Facebook AGLCC on Twitter AGLCC on Google+
Thanks to our Platinum Sponsor:
OutSmart Office Solutions
Gold Sponsors:
BBT&T Wealth
MassMutual Southwest
Oilcan Harry's
The Fowler Law Firm
And our Silver Sponsors:
Amy R. Cook, CPA
Capital Metro
Cecil Logistics
Keep Austin Weird Homes
The SMB Help Desk, Inc.
The Staging Guy
Upcoming Community EventsUpcoming Community Events View All Events »
Tue, Jun 21 : SBP Class: Roadmap to Success: How to Write a Business Plan
Wed, Jun 22 : SBP Class: Hiring Employees - The Basics of What You Need to Know
Thu, Jun 23 : SBP Class: How to Write a Business Plan
Thu, Jun 23 : Austin Pride's 6th Annual Stonewall Celebration!
Fri, Jun 24 : SBP Class: Quickbooks - Intermediate
Sat, Jun 25 : PROUD! 2016
Sun, Jun 26 : OCH Celebrates Marriage Equality
Mon, Jun 27 : AGLCC Toastmasters
Tue, Jun 28 : SBP Class: BizAid Business Orientation
Tue, Jun 28 : SBP Class: SBA Access to Capital : Microloans
Thu, Jun 30 : SBP Class: Small Business Sales Strategies
Tue, Jul 5 : Coping with Cancer
Tue Jul 5 : AGLCC Luncheon
© Copyright AGLCC. All Rights Reserved.
This email was sent to by
Click to Unsubscribe
P.O. BOX 49216
Austin, Texas 78765
(512) 761-LGBT (5428)
Klage/Fwd: We Stand With Orlando, PROUD! 2016, The Agenda Ad Deadlines
Erik Ribsskog
To: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:56 PM
Subject: We Stand With Orlando, PROUD! 2016, The Agenda Ad Deadlines
AGLCC : Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of CommerceCommunity
June 2016
PROUD! 2016
Celebrate LGBT Pride Month with the AGLCC at its annual awards and first fundraising gala on Saturday, June 25 at the W Austin. Toast to the Chamber turning 19, its many achievements in the past year, and the launch of the AGLCC Foundation.
The evening's keynote speaker will be Mellie Price, a 25 year Austinite, is the Executive Director of Technology Innovation at the Dell Medical School. She is an experienced investor, executive, fund manager and eight-time entrepreneur with a range of business experience from small private sector to a large publicly traded organization. She has created and managed both organic and explosive growth scenarios for variety of organizations.
Get your tickets today at
AGLCC's Statement on Orlando
Following the massacre in Orlando on June 12th, the AGLCC released the following statement:
"LGBT nightclubs are meant to be places where people from all walks of life feel welcomed and comfortable. They are not meant to be places where patrons feel frightened and threatened. However, the Orlando massacre at an LGBT nightclub, now the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, has struck fear and sadness in the LGBT community, particularly since the tragedy happened during LGBT Pride Month. The Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce condemns the violence in Orlando, mourns the victims who were lost and hopes for the speedy recovery of the victims who were injured. No one in Austin, Orlando or any other LGBT community ever should fear stepping foot in an LGBT establishment. We should not and we will not let the hateful, evil act of a lone person prevent us from fully and authentically living our lives as LGBT Americans."
On the same day, the AGLCC together with Austin Pride hosted a Vigil on Bettie Naylor Street/4th Street. You can watch the full vigil online.
Better Security in the Warehouse District
Last week the Austin Police Department met with Oilcan Harry's, Highland Lounge, Rain on 4th , Austin Pride and AGLCC to discuss improved security measures in the area. The improvements will include dedicated uniformed officers in the Warehouse District, improved lighting, area security cameras and signage.
The Agenda Advertising Deadlines
Production for the Pride issue of The Agenda will begin in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to advertise in this issue or need to make changes to your directory listing, the deadlines are as follows:
Ad space reservation : Thursday, July 7
If you need assistance with creating an ad, please let us know.
Changes to directory listing : Monday, July 11
Print-ready ads : Thursday, July 21
The back cover for this issue is still available! Reserve it now.
Please submit changes to directory listings and print-ready ads, and refer all questions, to Jeff Arnold at
NGLCC 2016 International Business & Leadership Conference
The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is heading to Palm Springs, California for the 2016 International Business & Leadership Conference August 23-26, 2016. The event will attract over 1,000 entrepreneurs, corporate decision-makers, affiliate chamber leaders, and government officials from across the country and around the world. The three-day educational conference delivers innovative leadership programming, networking and engagement opportunities, all leading to expansive economic impact and meaningful community services. Visit the conference website at for more information.
Are you an LGBT business owner?
Get certified! Multinational corporations, organizations, government entities and other certified LGBT-owned businesses want to work with you. If your business is at least 51% owned and operated by someone who identifies as LGBT, check into this opportunity to grow your business. Go to to get started!
Business Loans from the City of Austin
The Family Business Loan Program (FBLP) is a public-private partnership with the City of Austin, HUD and participating private lenders that offers low-interest loans to qualified small businesses that are expanding and are creating jobs. You must meet several criteria to obtain one of these loans, but this program could be the financial boost you need to grow your business! If you are interested in this program, please contact Ceci Gratias at
Do you have a gay agenda? We Do! Pick up your copy of The Agenda, available at retail locations throughout Austin. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest info.
We're #1! Our Facebook page has over 11,000 likes, making it the most liked chamber of commerce in the world. Like us today!
Follow us on Twitter @aglcc
Add us on Google+
Do you have friends who are business owners or who are thinking about starting a business? Forward this email to them. The AGLCC gets stronger with each new member!
City of Austin
AGLCC on Facebook AGLCC on Twitter AGLCC on Google+
Thanks to our Platinum Sponsor:
OutSmart Office Solutions
Gold Sponsors:
BBT&T Wealth
MassMutual Southwest
Oilcan Harry's
The Fowler Law Firm
And our Silver Sponsors:
Amy R. Cook, CPA
Capital Metro
Cecil Logistics
Keep Austin Weird Homes
The SMB Help Desk, Inc.
The Staging Guy
Upcoming Community EventsUpcoming Community Events View All Events »
Tue, Jun 21 : SBP Class: Roadmap to Success: How to Write a Business Plan
Wed, Jun 22 : SBP Class: Hiring Employees - The Basics of What You Need to Know
Thu, Jun 23 : SBP Class: How to Write a Business Plan
Thu, Jun 23 : Austin Pride's 6th Annual Stonewall Celebration!
Fri, Jun 24 : SBP Class: Quickbooks - Intermediate
Sat, Jun 25 : PROUD! 2016
Sun, Jun 26 : OCH Celebrates Marriage Equality
Mon, Jun 27 : AGLCC Toastmasters
Tue, Jun 28 : SBP Class: BizAid Business Orientation
Tue, Jun 28 : SBP Class: SBA Access to Capital : Microloans
Thu, Jun 30 : SBP Class: Small Business Sales Strategies
Tue, Jul 5 : Coping with Cancer
Tue Jul 5 : AGLCC Luncheon
© Copyright AGLCC. All Rights Reserved.
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P.O. BOX 49216
Austin, Texas 78765
(512) 761-LGBT (5428)