lørdag 3. desember 2016

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  • Samtale startet i dag
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog

    Hi there Steven,
    how are you?
    I found you on Taru's Facebook-page.
    Do you remember me, from Mandeville Street?
    I read, in a paper, that the landlord, (John), had bitten off someones ear.
    (The landlord had started a restaurant and bitten off a competitors ear, it said, in an online newspaper, a few years ago).
    I saw on the internet now, that Melissa still lives in Liverpool.
    She lives in Weaverthree, and runs a business.
    I also tried to run a small web-shop, in the UK, from 2010 til 2014.
    But am now back in Norway.
    It was though the last years, because the web-shop wasn't that well-established, and the Jobcentre messed with me, and didn't give me any jobseekers-allowance, about half of the times, I was supposed to get a payment, from them.
    So it was like when I worked at Arvato.
    I remember you worked for a company that produced airplanes, (or something), if I'm not mistaking.
    And you used to go to a pub named Black Horse, (I guess it was), in Walton.
    And you brought home a gang of local guys, all the time.
    But so did Janine England, I guess.
    (But that was another gang, I guess).
    I tried to go to the tourist information once, where Sarah worked.
    (In 2012, I guess it was).
    But she wasn't at work, an they weren't very helpful, I have to say.
    (I had to go to a place named Ellismore Port, for a job-interview.
    And they told me I could use the same bus-ticket there, or something, and sent me to the wrong address even.
    And the guys at the job-interview pointed at, a ship, outside their office, where the Queen stayed, for a couple of days.
    So I went there, after the job-interview.
    (It was just a few meters to walk).
    And an old guy, (who could have been the queens husband, I guess), asked me, if I knew, when/where the Queen was.
    But I didn't know.
    I just answered I was from Norway.
    But I remember seeing a Rolce Royce, when I walked to the train-station.
    So that could have been the Queen, I guess.
    I remember Melissa told me, that she knew, a lot of Everton-players, (like Tim Cahill and Joseph Yobo).
    Was that true?
    (Because I didn't meet any of them, at least).
    Just wondering.
    Thanks in advance for any reply!
    Best regards,
    Erik Ribsskog
    If I'm not mistaking, I think, that Margrethe Augestad, (me and Taru's collegue, from Arvato), said that she 'fancied' you.
    (Something like that).
    She moved to Manchester, in 2005 or 2006.
    And It could be she lives there still.
    (This was some years ago, so it could be that I remember a bit wrong, what she said).
    Just something I thought about.
    Thanks in advance for any reply!

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Her er mer om dette:

Det at min stesøster Christell, vil ha brannvesenet på besøk, (hjemme hos seg, i Drammen), er muligens, litt rart, siden at hennes mor og min far, er i konflikt, med Drammen kommune (les: Brannvesenet i Drammen), om byggingen, av en kombinert terrasse/garasje, i Tordenskioldsgate. Noe sånt

christell rart hm garasje



Her er mer om dette:

mer om carport osv avslag


PS 2.

Sånn som jeg husker det, (fra 80/90-tallet), så pleide forresten min far, å parkere, (med sin røde Toyota HiAce, var det vel), der hvor de nå ønsker, å bygge carport.

Men de har pussa opp, (eller restaurert), i perioder, (i Tordenskioldsgate 36).

Så det er mulig, at de parkerte andre steder, i perioder.

(For alt hva jeg vet).

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog