torsdag 3. august 2017

Mer fra Liverpool

I går, så var jeg innom, to banker, (RBS og Barclays), her i Liverpool.

(For jeg har konto hos begge.

Noe jeg har blogget om tidligere).

Og jeg hadde også skrevet, en handlelapp, (før jeg gikk ut døra, på hotellet).

Så jeg dro til apotek-kjeden Boots.

(Etter at jeg hadde vært, i de nevnte bankene).

Og Boots har et kjempestort apotek, like ved Claes Ohlson-butikken.

Og der har de kanskje hundre ganger så mange varer, som på Boots-apotekene, i Oslo.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Siden sist jeg bodde, i England.

(Jeg pleide blant annet å kjøpe Gillette-barberhøvler/blader, på Boots).

Så hadde det nevnte Boots-apoteket, nå fått selvbetjeningskasser.

Og ikke bare det.

Men de har også begynt, med en ny avgift, her i England.

(En avgift som britene visst, tar veldig høytidelig).

Og det er fem pence, (cirka 50-60 øre), i bærepose-avgift, (som visst blir kalt 'Government bag charge', kan det virke som, fra en Tesco-kvittering, som jeg har her).

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 2.

Og etter at den nevnte bærepose-avgiften dukka opp.

Så har visst det nevnte Boots-apoteket slutta, å ha bæreposer, i selvbetjeningskassene.

Så etter at jeg hadde betalt.

Så lurte jeg på, hvor bæreposene var.

(Jeg la tilfeldigvis merke til, at en kunde, som stod foran meg i køen.

Liksom fikk stukket til seg, en bærepose.

Av en Boots-dame, som etter dette, liksom gikk og gjemte seg litt, vel.

Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 3.

Så da bærepose-stativet, i min selvbetjeningskasse, var tomt.

Så så jeg meg rundt.

Og alle de andre bærepose-stativene, også var tomme.

Så jeg gikk bort, til 'bærepose-damen', for å be om, en bærepose.

Jeg sa 'carrier'.

For det lærte jeg meg, at britene sa, (for 'bærepose'), mens jeg bodde, i England, (fra 2004 til 2014).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 4.

Til slutt så endret jeg det, fra 'carrier', til 'carry-bag'.

Og da forstod 'plutselig' Boots-damen at jeg mente bærepose, (virket det som).

Etter at hu hadde vært vanskelig, og latt som, at hu ikke forstod meg.

(Vil jeg si).

Så Boots dummet meg ut, da.

(Må jeg si).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 5.

Min morfar Johannes, var veldig tøysete, (må man vel si).

Så jeg tenkte, at jeg skulle tøyse litt, jeg og.

(Når det gjaldt denne dumme, nye avgiften).

Så jeg fant fram en 20 pund-seddel, og ba om en bærepose, til fem pence.

(Og en 20 pund-seddel i England.

Den får man nesten like mye for, som en 500-lapp, i Norge, (må man vel nesten si).

Så det var nesten som at jeg stod der, med en tusenlapp, og skulle ha en bærepose, (til en krone), da.

Noe sånt).

Og Boots-damen spurte da, om jeg ikke hadde, noen litt 'mindre' penger.

(For britiske butikker, har ikke så mye veksel, som norske butikker.

Det husker jeg fra da jeg var på språkreise, til Brighton, i 1985.

Og ikke fikk kjøpt noen postkort, siden at kiosken/butikken, ikke kunne gi meg veksel, på en ti pund-reisesjekk, var det vel.

Og det at en butikk, ikke kan gi veksel, på en hundrelapp liksom, i Norge.

Det er vel, rimelig skandale, (i så fall), må man vel si.

Og det er også noen ganger sånn, på Liverpool-bussene, at du ikke får kjøpe billett, hvis du kun har, en seddel).

Og da fant jeg fram, en ti pund-seddel.

Og da klagde Boots-dama, på at jeg brukte en ti pund-seddel, på å kjøpe, en bærepose, til fem pence.

Men da klagde jeg og.

Og sa, at de bæreposene vel pleide, å være gratis.

Og at de skal være _så_ nøye, når det gjelder disse bæreposene.

Da tenker jeg, på min onkel Håkon, som mente, at bæreposer, burde være gratis, (siden at det var reklame).

Og på min tidligere 'butikk-undersott' Tove, (fra Rimi Langhus), som pleide å gi bort bæreposene gratis, (til mange av kundene), noe hu visst hadde pleid å gjøre, i 'alle år'.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 6.

Det var også det samme, på tirsdag, forresten.

Da gikk jeg først, til H&M, for å finne, en toalettmappe.

(Noe jeg kjøpte der, mens jeg bodde, i Liverpool sentrum.

Hvor jeg bodde, fra 2006 til 2011).

Men jeg fant de ikke der, (og H&M-dama forstod visst ikke, hva jeg mente).

Og så dro jeg, til M&S.

Og fant en toalettmappe der.

(Selv om den var større, enn H&M sin).

Og så betalte jeg for den.

Og spurte kasseren, (en middelaldrende mann).

Om jeg også kunne få, en pose, (til den varen).

(For jeg er vant til å ha varene jeg kjøper, i en bærepose, (fra den aktuelle butikken).

For hvis jeg bare legger, en vare, oppi en sports-bag, (for eksempel).

Så kan jeg jo da seinere, bli spurt, av en kasserer, i en annen butikk.

Om å få se, oppi bagen min.

Og da tar det seg ikke noe særlig ut, hvis varene bare ligger, oppi bagen, uten en bærepose, (fra den og den butikken), rundt seg, (må man vel si).

Så jeg er vant til å også få bærepose, da.

Men da jeg spurte M&S-mannen, om å få en pose.

Så sa han at det kostet fem pence, isåfall.

Men det skulle jo han ha spurt meg om.

(Om jeg ønsket, en pose).

_Før_ jeg betalte.

Men britene har visst klikka helt, (og blitt 'russiske'), etter at denne nye bærepose-avgiften, dukka opp, da.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 7.

Etter Boots, (var det vel), så dro jeg, til Burger King, i Lord/Church-street.

(Lord/Church-street er 'hoved-handlegata', i Liverpool.

En 'hoved-handlegate' kalles visst 'high street', på engelsk.

Og jeg vet at en sånn gate, i London, heter: Kensington High Street.

Men det finnes altså ikke, en Liverpool High Street.

Men de har likevel, en 'high street'/hovedhandle-gate.

Og den heter både Church Street og Lord Street.

Og den bytter navn, et eller annet sted, rundt midten, av 'hovedhandle-gata', da.

(Noe sånt).

Så det er kanskje enklere, i London.

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 8.

På Burger King, så var det, enda verre, enn på Boots.

Jeg kjøpte en dobbel Whooper Cheese-meny.

Og jeg syntes, at jeg var flink, siden at jeg hadde lært, å si: 'Go large'.

(Istedet for å be, om både stor pommes frites og stor cola).

Og så fikk jeg ikke servietter.

Og heller ikke ketsjup, (selv om Burger King-dama hadde spurt med spesielt, om jeg ville ha, noe saus, til pommes friten-en).

Så jeg gikk tilbake, til Burger King-dama.

Og ba, om 'napkins', (som vel betyr servietter, (på engelsk), hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Og da ble det enda latterligere, enn på Boots.

For Burger King-dama lot som, at de ikke hadde servietter, noe sted.

Og da smalt det, fra meg, (som da blir litt irritert), at jeg kunne jo bare sjekke, om de hadde servietter, hos McDonalds, (rett over gata).

(Hvor jeg var, og kjøpte, en meny, på tirsdag kveld/onsdag morgen.

For den restauranten er døgnåpen, vel).

Og det ble jeg enig med Burger King-dama, om at jeg skulle gjøre, da.

(For å si det sånn).

Så jeg gikk jo inn på McDonalds, med Burger King-beger og Burger King-papirpose, (med burger og pommes frites i).

Og så fant jeg McDonalds-servietter, da.

(Dette var en McDonalds, hvor jeg ble matforgifta, for noen år siden.

Mens jeg bodde, i Leather Lane, (hvor jeg bodde, fra 2006 til 2011).

Og det fikk jeg ikke noe erstatning for, (i det hele tatt).

Så jeg synes vel, at jeg i det minste, kan hente noen servietter der, (nå og da), hvis jeg trenger det, da.

For å si det sånn.

For jeg kjøpte også en lunsj, fra en 'budsjett-sandwich-butikk', i 'the high street', før jeg dro, til Barclays.

Og da fikk jeg ikke med servietter.

Så da gjorde jeg det samme, da.

Nemlig at jeg gikk inn på McDonalds og henta, noen servietter.

For jeg måtte nesten tørke av meg, noen Doritos-smuler, (for britene pleier å ha en liten pose snacks inkludert, i sine lunsj-deal-er, for å si det sånn), før jeg dro, på møte, hos Barclays, syntes jeg.

Noe sånt).

Og så gikk jeg inn igjen, på Burger King.

Og åt maten min der, da.

(For å si det sånn).

Så dette var helt 'ræva' kundeservice, fra Burger King, (må jeg si).

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 9.






















PS 10.

Etter at jeg var, på Burger King.

Så dro jeg, til Tesco.

(For å kjøpe noe drikkevarer og mat/snacks.

Til å ha, på hotellrommet).

Og det begynte å pipe, i selvbetjeningskassa.

(På Tesco Superstore Liverpool One).

Og jeg trodde at det var, på to rusbrus-bokser.

Som jeg kjøpte, siden at jeg noen ganger, tar en drink, etter middagen, for eksempel.

(Noe for eksempel bestemor Ingeborg også pleide å gjøre, vel.

For ikke å snakke om mine foreldre.

Min mor drakk ikke hver dag, men hu var veldig glad i rødvin, (sånn som jeg husker det).

Og min far drakk/drikker vel nesten aldri noe annet enn øl/vin/sprit, (sånn som jeg husker det).

Ihvertfall ikke etter frokost/lunsj).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 11.

Men da jeg prøvde å spørre Tesco-dama, (som hadde sminket seg feil liksom, (for sminken hadde 'sklidd ut'), ved øynene).

Om hva grunnen var, til at alarmen liksom gikk.

Så svarte hu bare: 'I don't know'.

Og da klagde jeg, i kundeservice-disken.

(Og jeg forklarte, at Sainsbury's, en gang hadde forklart meg, at butikkmedarbeideren alltid, måtte huske, (i selvbetjeningskassene), å: 'Explain the intervention'.

Noe som vel betyr, å: 'Forklare inngripenen').

Og da klagde jeg, på at butikkdama, (med den dårlige øyesminken), ikke hadde forklart, sin inngripen.

Og det kunne skyldes, (sa de to Tesco-kundeservice-damene, hvorav ei var blond, og hadde, et rødt sår, midt på haka).

At noen ganger, så var det ikke mulig, å forklare grunnen til, at selvbetjeningskassene 'peip'/varsla/stoppa opp.

(Noe sånt).

Så selvbetjeningskassene, (til Tesco), er noe slags skrot, (eller noe lignende), kan det nesten virke som.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn er visst det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 12.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 13.

Det var også sånn, at det stod, ei slags 'skrulle', (og hang), i køen, til kundeservice/klage-avdelingen.

(På Tesco).

Og hu begynte, å trakassere meg, (må jeg si).

For hu sa, at jeg skulle gå før henne.

For hu venta bare, på noe melk, (eller noe lignende), sa hu, (på engelsk).

Men hvorfor stod hu 'skrulla' da, i køen, liksom.

Nei, her var det, noe rart, (vil jeg si).

For hu 'skrulla', burde da heller ha stått, ved klage-avdelingen sin utgang, (eller noe lignende).

(Må man vel si).

Så dette var nok, noe slags gateteater, (eller noe lignende), hvis jeg skulle tippe.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var nok det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 14.

Det var også, to 'McDonalds-ungjente-kunder', på Burger King.

(Som 'surra rundt' der, etter at jeg hadde bestilt, liksom).

Og sånne ungjenter pleier vel vanligvis, å heller handle, på McDonalds.

Så dette var kanskje, noe slags gateteater, (hvis jeg skulle tippe).

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til the Financial Ombudsman Service

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)

Erik Ribsskog 3. august 2017 kl. 07:57
Til: ""
Kopi: "" , admin ,

I just remembered something more.

When I last year, (I think it must have been), tried to change my RBS-address, (to my Norwegian address).

Then I went to RBS's office, in Oslo.

(Because RBS had a big neon-sign, on a Oslo city center-building.

So I knew they were around.

Even if they had moved from the 'neon sign-building' to a building where Breivik, (and my half-brother), had worked.

It later turned out).

And RBS Oslo couldn't help me change my address.

They weren't a proper branch, it seemed.

So this I wanted to complain about.

Also I noticed, in the meetings with Carrie, (at Barclays Lord Street), that she doesn't use the 'thouch-method', when she types.

So is this the candid camera comedy TV-show, or something, I was wondering.

I thought all bank-staff had gone to business-school and learned to type using the thouch-method, (that we learn at business/mercantile-school, ('handel og kontor'), in Norway, at least).

This I wanted to complain about.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Sorry for all the typos, in the last e-mail.

But my hotel-room is a bit dark unfortunatly, (for some reason).

But now there's more daylight.

So this e-mail should hopefully be better that way, at least.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2017-08-03 7:08 GMT+01:00
Subject: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>, admin <>,


I've now moved back to the UK, and I've had a bit problems, with RBS and Barclays.

I've often used hostells as my bank-address, (the Scandinavian Church hostel in Liverpool, and also International Inn, in Liverpool).

But now RBS and Barclays first didn't want to accept my hotell-address.

Jayne at RBS said: 'Things have changed', (since 2014, I guess).

(This was on Tuesday).

But Anette there wondered if I had gotten my British phone-number.

But the phone-numbers stops working after six months, if one are abroad, Virgin told me, later on Tuesday.

So I got a replacement phone-number.

And I then went back to RBS yesterday.

And Heather there updated my phone-number and address.

At Barclays they said I had the wrong ID, (for updating my address).

Carrie there wouldn't accept my emergency passport, (I lost my passport, in Liverpool, around 2010, and needed to get a new one, at the airport in Oslo, (with the Police there), on Sunday).

And Barclays wouldn't accept my driving licence, (from 2002 (1995)).

Even if I must have used that exactly same driving licence, when I updated my address there, (in the same Barclays branch, in Church/Lord Street, in Liverpool), three times, (I think it must have been), in 2012.

So that I wanted to complain about.

Also I had a meeting with Carrie yesterday.

And on Tuesday, I had a meeting first with Carries collegue.

And I remember all the RBS-names.

But not the name of Carries collegues, (in/around the reception there).

RBS-staff have name-signs, but do really all Barclay staff have name-signs I'm wondering.

No, I deer to say that half the Barclays-staff aren't wearing name-signs, (at least).

So this I wanted to complain about.

Also Barclays-staff #1 wanted my to try my pin-code, on Tuesday.

I hide pin-codes a bit, because I read in a paper, you shouldn't just write the pin-code in case one are robbed.

So I didn't get the pin-code right.

(Because I have to Barclays-accounts.

One student-account from Sunderland, in 2004.

And one current-account from Bootle in 2014).

And I didn't want to try more than two pin-codes.

Because then the card would be blocked.

But even if I explained this to Carrie yesterday, even so she told my to type a pin-code.

With the result that my Bootle-Visa-card was blocked.

So this I wanted to complain about.

I also complained to Carrie that Barclays don't have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.

Then I would have contacted them much earlier.

Because all my stuff was stolen from my, when my bedsit/flat, (in Norway), was robbed, in February 2012.

There was only a bus-ticket and a razor-blade left.

All my clothes and my computer etc., was stolen.

Including a bard reader from Barclays and my Bootle-account cheque-book.

And I hadn't gotten to report about this, since Barclays don't use e-mail.

I also have an account with RBS.

(RBS had a promotion, where they gave me £100, in 2007, for switching to them.

And I had recently been a jobseeker then, I those money came in handy).

But for some reason, my sister sent me money, to my UK PayPal-account, last year, (I think it was).

And then I had to use a lot of time, to contact RBS.

Because those money ended up on my RBS-account.

And I had to chat with RBS for many hours, on their web-chat.

(A chat that doesn't e-mail the custommers a summary of the chat.

For some reason).

And I had to use many hundred NOK, to call RBS, (from my Norwegian mobile).

To change my address.

So that RBS could send me a Visa-card that worked.

Since my RBS Visa-card didn't work, (last year), even if it hadn't expired.

So I've used a lot of time and money, to contact RBS.

And hadn't gotten to Barclays yet.

Even if I had thought about that why don't Barclays have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.

Then I would have updated them about the stolen cheque-book etc., much earlier.

I had my Sunderland-account-Visa card.

But it had expired in 2016.

I said to Carrie that they should block the other Sunderland-cards issued after 2014.

Because I reackoned that those cards must have been sent to my old UK address.

And I also reackon that someone else lives there now, (on that address, in L4).

And then Carrie told me that no later cards had been issued/sent in the post, (since 2014).

Even if my old Sunderland-Visa-card expired in 2016.

So what has happened here, I was wondering.

I haven't gotten to tell Barclays that I've moved back to Norway, in 2014.

And still they stop the new card, in 2016.


That wasn't explained to me, what had happened here.

So that I wanted to complain about.

I deposited some money, (760 pounds), on my Barclays Bootle-account, on Tuesday.

But later the same day, I remembered, that the cheeque-book, for that account, was stolen, in 2015.

And yesterday, I asked Carrie if they could transfer those money to my Barclays Sunderland-account.

Because I thought those money would be safer on the Sunderland-account, because that acount, didn't have a stolen cheque-book.

But Carrie refused to transfer the money, (to my Sunderland-account).

So that I wanted to complain about.

(The reason I got a Bootle-account, is really because I was there to discuss a co-owned property, which I owned/own, a part of, in Norway.

But Barclays didn't want to sell this property for me, and instead I ended ut, with a new current-account.

Which I didn't really need.

So it's a bit chaos, with my Barclays-banking.

That's why I've gone to Barclays twice, about this, this week).

Also it was chaos at Barclays.

They've closed their branches in Water Street and Whitechappel.

And the Church Street/Lord Street one, has to many custommers in it.

Yesterday it was a queue, both for the chairs and for the reception, in the first floor, at Barclays Lord street.

I ended up, in an embarrasing situation, where I thought that two Chinese women, where queing, for a chair.

So I waited for them, so to let them have the only free chair, (after that I had been standing there, waiting for meeting with Carrie, for 20-30 minutes, or something like that).

But it turned out, that the Chinese women, where queing, not for the chair, but for the reception.

So they were insulted by me standing next to them, while I waited for them to grab the last chair, it seemed.

Because the waiting-room was to small.

And if I waited in the stair-case, then people thought I was queing there.

So this was chaos, and Barcalys/the Chinese women, made me look dum, I think.

So this I wanted to complain about.

(It also was a lot of circus/noise there, since a Pakistani family, had a meeting in the waiting room/reception there.

They were both parents, and at least one noisy child, and possibly also grand-parents.

So Barcalys Lord Street need more space, and perhaps they need to stop having a combined reception/waiting-room.

If they split them up, then that would perhaps be a good idea.

Even if they also have a second waiting-room, further inside, on that floor.

So it's a bit 'Russian' perhaps.

Barclays should perhaps then rather open up one or two of their old Liverpool City Centre-branches.

One could think.

So that people wouldn't stand as 'sild in tønne', (fish in a barrel), there.

So that I wanted to complain about).

Also Carrie still didn't want to accept my new address yesterday.

They want me to get a new passport.

But the Norwegian consulate in Liverpool, have stopped issuing passports, (a few years ago).

And it's quite far, to London.

And one need a special apointment, with the Norwegian embassy, (in London), to get a passport.

And that apointment, (that one get, if one call), can be, like many weeks/months, into the future.

So that could take several months for me, to get, a regular passport.

And I also have lots of other important things to do.

Like finding a flat, going to the dentist, etc.

So Barcalys are being a bit difficult and unreasonable, towards me, I think.

So this I wanted to complain about.

Carrie also wanted me to throw my expired Sunderand-Visa-card.

But that's the only place, where I have my Sunderland-account-number now.

(Since people don't get proper statements any longer.

People get nagged about switching to paperless statements.

And in the end it then can be difficult to find ones account-numbers etc.

So this I wanted to complain about.


Erik Ribsskog


Carrie want's me to call the Norwegian embassy in London.

But if I put the telly on, at my hotel-room.

Then people knock on my door, (due to that they are very sensitive towards sound), it seems.

So it's not easy finding a quiet place outdoors, (in Liverpool City Center), from which I can call the embassy, (from my mobile).

So Barcalys are being difficult, I think.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2017-05-21 6:27 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: "Reyneke, Andre" <>


I've learned about this, at business-school.

And it should be necessary, to fill out, a lot of forms, (all the time).

It should be enough, to just explain about this, in normal writing.

Erik Ribsskog


You also sent me e-mails, at 7.30, in the morning, a few years back, (while I lived, in the UK).

So this is something you do at your spare-time, I guess?

Thats why you don't understand this, about the forms, I reacon.
I also asked you to escalate, (to a line-manager), in the last e-mail.

I can't see that you've done that.

So that I wanted to complain about.

2017-03-20 15:58 GMT+01:00 Reyneke, Andre <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email. I have noted your comments. I think it may be helpful to explain the reason we require you to sign the declaration on our complaint form is because we require your consent to deal with the complaint. In addition we also need to show The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (the business you are complaining about) that you have given us the necessary authority to look in the complaint you are raising against them.

I hope this clarifies the process and I look forward to hearing from you. I also enclose our leaflet for you convenience.

Kind regards,

Andre Reyneke | Consumer Consultant | Financial Ombudsman Service | Tel 020 79641368| Fax 02079641369 | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 20 March 2017 05:41
To: Reyneke, Andre
Cc:; post; Shared_global_External Enquiries
Subject: Re: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)


it shouldn't be necessary to explain about this case, in a form, I think.

It should be enough to just explain about this, in normal writing.

Please escalate to a line-manager.

Erik Ribsskog

2017-02-21 10:22 GMT+01:00 Reyneke, Andre <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting us. Please find attached our complaint form and letter for your convenience.

Andre Reyneke | Consumer Consultant | Financial Ombudsman Service | Tel 020 79641368| Fax 02079641369 | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR


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Jeg sendte en e-post til the Financial Ombudsman Service

Erik Ribsskog

New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)

Erik Ribsskog 3. august 2017 kl. 07:08

Til: ""
Kopi: "" , admin ,


I've now moved back to the UK, and I've had a bit problems, with RBS and Barclays.

I've often used hostells as my bank-address, (the Scandinavian Church hostel in Liverpool, and also International Inn, in Liverpool).

But now RBS and Barclays first didn't want to accept my hotell-address.

Jayne at RBS said: 'Things have changed', (since 2014, I guess).

(This was on Tuesday).

But Anette there wondered if I had gotten my British phone-number.

But the phone-numbers stops working after six months, if one are abroad, Virgin told me, later on Tuesday.

So I got a replacement phone-number.

And I then went back to RBS yesterday.

And Heather there updated my phone-number and address.

At Barclays they said I had the wrong ID, (for updating my address).

Carrie there wouldn't accept my emergency passport, (I lost my passport, in Liverpool, around 2010, and needed to get a new one, at the airport in Oslo, (with the Police there), on Sunday).

And Barclays wouldn't accept my driving licence, (from 2002 (1995)).

Even if I must have used that exactly same driving licence, when I updated my address there, (in the same Barclays branch, in Church/Lord Street, in Liverpool), three times, (I think it must have been), in 2012.

So that I wanted to complain about.

Also I had a meeting with Carrie yesterday.

And on Tuesday, I had a meeting first with Carries collegue.

And I remember all the RBS-names.

But not the name of Carries collegues, (in/around the reception there).

RBS-staff have name-signs, but do really all Barclay staff have name-signs I'm wondering.

No, I deer to say that half the Barclays-staff aren't wearing name-signs, (at least).

So this I wanted to complain about.

Also Barclays-staff #1 wanted my to try my pin-code, on Tuesday.

I hide pin-codes a bit, because I read in a paper, you shouldn't just write the pin-code in case one are robbed.

So I didn't get the pin-code right.

(Because I have to Barclays-accounts.

One student-account from Sunderland, in 2004.

And one current-account from Bootle in 2014).

And I didn't want to try more than two pin-codes.

Because then the card would be blocked.

But even if I explained this to Carrie yesterday, even so she told my to type a pin-code.

With the result that my Bootle-Visa-card was blocked.

So this I wanted to complain about.

I also complained to Carrie that Barclays don't have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.

Then I would have contacted them much earlier.

Because all my stuff was stolen from my, when my bedsit/flat, (in Norway), was robbed, in February 2012.

There was only a bus-ticket and a razor-blade left.

All my clothes and my computer etc., was stolen.

Including a bard reader from Barclays and my Bootle-account cheque-book.

And I hadn't gotten to report about this, since Barclays don't use e-mail.

I also have an account with RBS.

(RBS had a promotion, where they gave me £100, in 2007, for switching to them.

And I had recently been a jobseeker then, I those money came in handy).

But for some reason, my sister sent me money, to my UK PayPal-account, last year, (I think it was).

And then I had to use a lot of time, to contact RBS.

Because those money ended up on my RBS-account.

And I had to chat with RBS for many hours, on their web-chat.

(A chat that doesn't e-mail the custommers a summary of the chat.

For some reason).

And I had to use many hundred NOK, to call RBS, (from my Norwegian mobile).

To change my address.

So that RBS could send me a Visa-card that worked.

Since my RBS Visa-card didn't work, (last year), even if it hadn't expired.

So I've used a lot of time and money, to contact RBS.

And hadn't gotten to Barclays yet.

Even if I had thought about that why don't Barclays have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.

Then I would have updated them about the stolen cheque-book etc., much earlier.

I had my Sunderland-account-Visa card.

But it had expired in 2016.

I said to Carrie that they should block the other Sunderland-cards issued after 2014.

Because I reackoned that those cards must have been sent to my old UK address.

And I also reackon that someone else lives there now, (on that address, in L4).

And then Carrie told me that no later cards had been issued/sent in the post, (since 2014).

Even if my old Sunderland-Visa-card expired in 2016.

So what has happened here, I was wondering.

I haven't gotten to tell Barclays that I've moved back to Norway, in 2014.

And still they stop the new card, in 2016.


That wasn't explained to me, what had happened here.

So that I wanted to complain about.

I deposited some money, (760 pounds), on my Barclays Bootle-account, on Tuesday.

But later the same day, I remembered, that the cheeque-book, for that account, was stolen, in 2015.

And yesterday, I asked Carrie if they could transfer those money to my Barclays Sunderland-account.

Because I thought those money would be safer on the Sunderland-account, because that acount, didn't have a stolen cheque-book.

But Carrie refused to transfer the money, (to my Sunderland-account).

So that I wanted to complain about.

(The reason I got a Bootle-account, is really because I was there to discuss a co-owned property, which I owned/own, a part of, in Norway.

But Barclays didn't want to sell this property for me, and instead I ended ut, with a new current-account.

Which I didn't really need.

So it's a bit chaos, with my Barclays-banking.

That's why I've gone to Barclays twice, about this, this week).

Also it was chaos at Barclays.

They've closed their branches in Water Street and Whitechappel.

And the Church Street/Lord Street one, has to many custommers in it.

Yesterday it was a queue, both for the chairs and for the reception, in the first floor, at Barclays Lord street.

I ended up, in an embarrasing situation, where I thought that two Chinese women, where queing, for a chair.

So I waited for them, so to let them have the only free chair, (after that I had been standing there, waiting for meeting with Carrie, for 20-30 minutes, or something like that).

But it turned out, that the Chinese women, where queing, not for the chair, but for the reception.

So they were insulted by me standing next to them, while I waited for them to grab the last chair, it seemed.

Because the waiting-room was to small.

And if I waited in the stair-case, then people thought I was queing there.

So this was chaos, and Barcalys/the Chinese women, made me look dum, I think.

So this I wanted to complain about.

(It also was a lot of circus/noise there, since a Pakistani family, had a meeting in the waiting room/reception there.

They were both parents, and at least one noisy child, and possibly also grand-parents.

So Barcalys Lord Street need more space, and perhaps they need to stop having a combined reception/waiting-room.

If they split them up, then that would perhaps be a good idea.

Even if they also have a second waiting-room, further inside, on that floor.

So it's a bit 'Russian' perhaps.

Barclays should perhaps then rather open up one or two of their old Liverpool City Centre-branches.

One could think.

So that people wouldn't stand as 'sild in tønne', (fish in a barrel), there.

So that I wanted to complain about).

Also Carrie still didn't want to accept my new address yesterday.

They want me to get a new passport.

But the Norwegian consulate in Liverpool, have stopped issuing passports, (a few years ago).

And it's quite far, to London.

And one need a special apointment, with the Norwegian embassy, (in London), to get a passport.

And that apointment, (that one get, if one call), can be, like many weeks/months, into the future.

So that could take several months for me, to get, a regular passport.

And I also have lots of other important things to do.

Like finding a flat, going to the dentist, etc.

So Barcalys are being a bit difficult and unreasonable, towards me, I think.

So this I wanted to complain about.

Carrie also wanted me to throw my expired Sunderand-Visa-card.

But that's the only place, where I have my Sunderland-account-number now.

(Since people don't get proper statements any longer.

People get nagged about switching to paperless statements.

And in the end it then can be difficult to find ones account-numbers etc.

So this I wanted to complain about.


Erik Ribsskog


Carrie want's me to call the Norwegian embassy in London.

But if I put the telly on, at my hotel-room.

Then people knock on my door, (due to that they are very sensitive towards sound), it seems.

So it's not easy finding a quiet place outdoors, (in Liverpool City Center), from which I can call the embassy, (from my mobile).

So Barcalys are being difficult, I think.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2017-05-21 6:27 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: "Reyneke, Andre" <>


I've learned about this, at business-school.

And it should be necessary, to fill out, a lot of forms, (all the time).

It should be enough, to just explain about this, in normal writing.

Erik Ribsskog


You also sent me e-mails, at 7.30, in the morning, a few years back, (while I lived, in the UK).

So this is something you do at your spare-time, I guess?

Thats why you don't understand this, about the forms, I reacon.
I also asked you to escalate, (to a line-manager), in the last e-mail.

I can't see that you've done that.

So that I wanted to complain about.

2017-03-20 15:58 GMT+01:00 Reyneke, Andre <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email. I have noted your comments. I think it may be helpful to explain the reason we require you to sign the declaration on our complaint form is because we require your consent to deal with the complaint. In addition we also need to show The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (the business you are complaining about) that you have given us the necessary authority to look in the complaint you are raising against them.

I hope this clarifies the process and I look forward to hearing from you. I also enclose our leaflet for you convenience.

Kind regards,

Andre Reyneke | Consumer Consultant | Financial Ombudsman Service | Tel 020 79641368| Fax 02079641369 | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 20 March 2017 05:41
To: Reyneke, Andre
Cc:; post; Shared_global_External Enquiries
Subject: Re: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)


it shouldn't be necessary to explain about this case, in a form, I think.

It should be enough to just explain about this, in normal writing.

Please escalate to a line-manager.

Erik Ribsskog

2017-02-21 10:22 GMT+01:00 Reyneke, Andre <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting us. Please find attached our complaint form and letter for your convenience.

Andre Reyneke | Consumer Consultant | Financial Ombudsman Service | Tel 020 79641368| Fax 02079641369 | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR


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This email is covered by our email disclaimer.
This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.

This email has been sent securely using TLS encryption.This email is covered by our email disclaimer.
This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.