torsdag 1. mars 2018

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Nobles County Historical Society

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Norwegian setlers

Erik Ribsskog 1. mars 2018 kl. 22:03
Til: Nobles County Historical Society

Hi again,

I checked the silver-mine-stuff now, and the year this happened with 1836, which was the same year my great-grandmother's foster-father/uncle Gullik Gulliksen was born.

So that was a different Gullik Gulliksen, (he was called Gullik Gulliksen Suren).

I attach the attachment, that I mentioned in the last e-mail.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2018-03-01 21:41 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Norwegian setlers
To: Nobles County Historical Society <>


thank you for your e-mail!

Hans Nelson is also mentioned by Ulvestad as one of the first Norwegian setlers in Nobles County.

And from one of the attachments you sent, it appears that Hans Nelson was married, from before he went to Nobles County.

So then it could be that these setlers traveled with their wifes etc., I guess.

And it could be that this is the my great-grandfather Gullik Gulliksen, (and that he traveled with his wife Aase and foster-daughter Birgit, my great-grandmother).

Gullik went to America in 1867, (see attachment), and then went back to Norway again in 1887, (see attachment).

And he worked as a farmer in America, (the attachment says, which is from a census, in Norway, it seems).

And the last state that Gullik lived in was North Dakota, (the same attachment says).

My great-grandmothers uncle and foster-father Gullik Gulliksen found a well-know viking-treasure in Rollag, in Numedal, on June 6th 1906.

(This treasure is called 'Traaen-skatten'.

I've wondered if Gullik could have found these viking-stuff in America, and brought it back to Norway, (because I also read in the Ulvestad-books, at the Norwegian National Library, that many of the indians were white, so they could have been decendants of the vikings perhaps.

But I guess that isn't that likely.

It's more likely that they were from Numedal.

Even if I today read at a library, (in an old newspaper), that a Gullik Gulliksen from Numedal had been cought trying to sell silver from the Kongsberg silver-mines, in Oslo.

But I haven double-checked this yet, with the years etc.).

I was wondering if Hans Nelson's desendants perhaps would know more about this, (if Hans Nelsons travel-mate Gullik Gulliksen had a wife named Aase etc, and where Gullik went to after Nobles County).

Are there any Nelsons in Nobles County that perhaps would know this, (I was wondering).

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Nelson btw. also seems Americanized to me.

Nilsen is the 'normal version' of hit name, in Norway, (I'd say).

And also Hans Nelson's mother's name was Betsy, (it says in your attachment).

But Betsy isn't a 'normal' Norwegian name.

It could be Americanised from like 'Beate' perhaps, (I was wondering).

But I guess Mr. Nelson had stayed for a long time in America, when he went to Nobles County, so he perhaps has gotten a bit Americanized byt the time he got there.

But I could also be wrong, I guess.

But this, (Mr. Nelson), I can also try to find out more about in Norwegian sources.

Thanks again for the help!

2018-03-01 20:21 GMT+01:00 Nobles County Historical Society <>:
The only reference to Gullik Gulliksen that I was able to find was in the book Illustrated History of Nobles County History by Arthur P. Rose, published in 1908. Gullik's name is mentioned in the biography of Has Nelson, who was one of the first to settle in Ransom Township in Nobles County. I note that Gullik's name most likely was changed at some point to Gullick Gullickson. As you may know, that happened to family names frequently to more "Americanize" the name. I believe this is the name you are looking for. I have attached Hans Nelson's biography from Rose's history which mentions Gullick's name and the 1888 plat map of Ransom Township where Hans nelson farmed Sections 19 and 20. I'm sorry that i could not find any other reference to Mr. Gullicksen.
Roger Zarn
Collections Assistant


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Erik Ribsskog <> wrote:

I contacted Nobles County on Facebook, and they adviced me to contact you.

I'm trying to find out more about my great-grandmother Birgit Mogan's uncle and foster-father Gullik Gulliksen.

Gullik went to America with his wife Aase and also with Birgit as a foster-daughter.

Gullik was from Rollag, in Numedal, in Norway.

And I read in a book at the Norwegian national library, that a Gullik Gulliksen was one of the first setlers in Nobles County.

(And it also says in the same book, that many of the first setlers in Nobles County were from Numedal, where my relative Gullik/Gullich Gulliksen was from).

I attach a photo from the mentioned book from the Norwegian National Library.

(The author of the books name was Ulvestad, if I remember right).

I was wondering if my great-grandmothers foster-father and uncle Gullik Gulliksen is the same Gullik who setled in Nobles County, (as one of the first setlers there)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Please become a member of the Nobles County Historical Society, 501(c)(3) organization
Don't forget to check out the web-page for the Society:

more about gullik gulliksen.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

more about gullik gulliksen

Jeg sendte en e-post til Nobles County Historical Society

Erik Ribsskog

Norwegian setlers

Erik Ribsskog 1. mars 2018 kl. 21:41
Til: Nobles County Historical Society


thank you for your e-mail!

Hans Nelson is also mentioned by Ulvestad as one of the first Norwegian setlers in Nobles County.

And from one of the attachments you sent, it appears that Hans Nelson was married, from before he went to Nobles County.

So then it could be that these setlers traveled with their wifes etc., I guess.

And it could be that this is the my great-grandfather Gullik Gulliksen, (and that he traveled with his wife Aase and foster-daughter Birgit, my great-grandmother).

Gullik went to America in 1867, (see attachment), and then went back to Norway again in 1887, (see attachment).

And he worked as a farmer in America, (the attachment says, which is from a census, in Norway, it seems).

And the last state that Gullik lived in was North Dakota, (the same attachment says).

My great-grandmothers uncle and foster-father Gullik Gulliksen found a well-know viking-treasure in Rollag, in Numedal, on June 6th 1906.

(This treasure is called 'Traaen-skatten'.

I've wondered if Gullik could have found these viking-stuff in America, and brought it back to Norway, (because I also read in the Ulvestad-books, at the Norwegian National Library, that many of the indians were white, so they could have been decendants of the vikings perhaps.

But I guess that isn't that likely.

It's more likely that they were from Numedal.

Even if I today read at a library, (in an old newspaper), that a Gullik Gulliksen from Numedal had been cought trying to sell silver from the Kongsberg silver-mines, in Oslo.

But I haven double-checked this yet, with the years etc.).

I was wondering if Hans Nelson's desendants perhaps would know more about this, (if Hans Nelsons travel-mate Gullik Gulliksen had a wife named Aase etc, and where Gullik went to after Nobles County).

Are there any Nelsons in Nobles County that perhaps would know this, (I was wondering).

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Nelson btw. also seems Americanized to me.

Nilsen is the 'normal version' of hit name, in Norway, (I'd say).

And also Hans Nelson's mother's name was Betsy, (it says in your attachment).

But Betsy isn't a 'normal' Norwegian name.

It could be Americanised from like 'Beate' perhaps, (I was wondering).

But I guess Mr. Nelson had stayed for a long time in America, when he went to Nobles County, so he perhaps has gotten a bit Americanized byt the time he got there.

But I could also be wrong, I guess.

But this, (Mr. Nelson), I can also try to find out more about in Norwegian sources.

Thanks again for the help!

2018-03-01 20:21 GMT+01:00 Nobles County Historical Society <>:
The only reference to Gullik Gulliksen that I was able to find was in the book Illustrated History of Nobles County History by Arthur P. Rose, published in 1908. Gullik's name is mentioned in the biography of Has Nelson, who was one of the first to settle in Ransom Township in Nobles County. I note that Gullik's name most likely was changed at some point to Gullick Gullickson. As you may know, that happened to family names frequently to more "Americanize" the name. I believe this is the name you are looking for. I have attached Hans Nelson's biography from Rose's history which mentions Gullick's name and the 1888 plat map of Ransom Township where Hans nelson farmed Sections 19 and 20. I'm sorry that i could not find any other reference to Mr. Gullicksen.
Roger Zarn
Collections Assistant


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Erik Ribsskog <> wrote:

I contacted Nobles County on Facebook, and they adviced me to contact you.

I'm trying to find out more about my great-grandmother Birgit Mogan's uncle and foster-father Gullik Gulliksen.

Gullik went to America with his wife Aase and also with Birgit as a foster-daughter.

Gullik was from Rollag, in Numedal, in Norway.

And I read in a book at the Norwegian national library, that a Gullik Gulliksen was one of the first setlers in Nobles County.

(And it also says in the same book, that many of the first setlers in Nobles County were from Numedal, where my relative Gullik/Gullich Gulliksen was from).

I attach a photo from the mentioned book from the Norwegian National Library.

(The author of the books name was Ulvestad, if I remember right).

I was wondering if my great-grandmothers foster-father and uncle Gullik Gulliksen is the same Gullik who setled in Nobles County, (as one of the first setlers there)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Please become a member of the Nobles County Historical Society, 501(c)(3) organization
Don't forget to check out the web-page for the Society:


Her er vedleggene fra Nobles County Historical Society:

Gullick Gullickson


Det her er han Dennis, som var med sin mor Siv og min søster Pia, og besøkte meg, (sammen med Pia sin sønn Daniel), på the Forge, (et bolig-kompleks som da var eiet av University of Sunderland), i jule/nyttårs-ferien, mens jeg studerte, i Sunderland, (studieåret 2004/2005)

dennis sunderland


Her er mer om dette:


















PS 2.

Dennis har forresten også, en slags funksjonhemning, (som gjør at han går litt rart vel).

(Selv om det ikke står nevnt, i artikkelen ovenfor).

Det ødela faktisk min mors 50 års-dag, (i Drøbak).

(Sommeren 1998.

Var det vel).

'Plutselig' så begynte Siv og spille gateteater, (må man vel si).

Hu ville ha det til at noen hadde mobba Dennis, for hans funksjonshemning.

Men jeg stod like ved, da Siv klikka.

Og jeg så ikke noe sånt.

Men hele 50 års-dagen ble jo ødelagt, (må man vel si).

(Da Siv begynte å klage høyt.

Før hu så stakk av derfra.

Og tok bussen tilbake til Oslo, vel).

Og da Pia, Siv og Monica Lyngstad bodde sammen, i Christies gate.

(Hvor de ikke hadde en hustavle, akkurat.

Men de hadde etterhvert en slags 'tegneserie-aktig' tegning, (inne på kjøkkenet vel), som nesten var, som en slags hustavle.

Og den forestilte Pia, Siv og Monica, som gikk arm i arm vel, ned til det afrikanske gangster-utestedet Jollys).

Så bodde Siv, på et slags kammers, innenfor Pia sitt rom, (husker jeg).

Så min lillesøster Pia hadde nok rimelig grei kontroll/oversikt.

Når det gjaldt hva Siv foretok seg, osv.

Så det kan være, at Pia liksom har kontrollert Siv.

Og at Pia liksom hadde 'programmert' Siv, til å klikke, i 50 års-dagen til mora mi, da.

(Noe sånt).

Pia fortalte meg, våren 2005, (var det vel), at Siv hadde fått diagnosen manisk-depressiv.

(Noe sånt).

Jeg klarer ikke å finne Siv, på Facebook.

Det er mulig at hu heter noe mer enn bare Siv Hansen.

Sønnen hennes Dennis har asiatisk far, vel.

(Noe sånt).

Men faren til Dennis var ikke med og besøkte meg, i Sunderland.

(For å si det sånn).

Det var ikke helt klart for meg, hvorfor Siv skulle være med dit.

(For med fire gjester, så ble det litt vel mye.

For disse hadde ikke råd til å bo på hotell.

Så jeg måtte liksom underholde de, hver dag, på the Forge, da.

Så det gikk ut over studiene mine, må jeg si).

Jeg har aldri kjent Siv, på noe annet, enn en overfladisk måte, (må jeg si).

En gang mens jeg avtjente førstegangstjenesten.

Så traff jeg tilfeldigvis Siv, på en Rimi, ved Wessels plass, (i Oslo).

(Hvor jeg dro, for å kjøpe inn mat, for helgen.

En helg jeg hadde helgeperm).

Siv klagde over at det var så dyrt på Rimi, (sånn som jeg husker det).

(Noe sånt).

Og hu hadde masse svart sminke, rundt øynene, (nesten som en blitzer), husker jeg.

Så hu så muligens litt outrert ut, da.

(For å si det sånn).

Og det kunne kanskje virke litt som, at hu venta på meg der.

Og noen helger før dette, så overhørte jeg at noen Hokksund-jenter vel, (som jeg såvidt kjente fra da jeg 'besøkte' min søster Pia, på kafeteriaene, i Drammen sentrum, skoleåret 1988/89, da jeg var utvekslingselev i Drammen).

At de var innom der, (på Rimi ved Wessels plass), og 'babla' om meg.

(Når jeg gikk rundt der, rett fra 'helgeperm-toget', i perm-uniformen min).

De sa at jeg var den de minst hadde ventet, at skulle fullføre førstegangstjenesten.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Og selv om Siv Hansen ødela 50 års-dagen til mora mi, (og ikke var i slekt).

Så skulle hu absolutt ha et fint salongbord, (med løveføtter vel), i arv, etter mora mi.

(Et drøyt år seinere).

Noe min lillesøster Pia forklarte til meg, mens hu dreiv med arveoppgjøret etter mora mi.

(Noe det ble til, at min lillesøster Pia skulle drive med, siden at hu var arbeidsledig, på den tida.

Mens jeg var en travel Rimi-butikksjef, da.

For å si det sånn).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Jeg husker en gang, på slutten av 90-tallet.

Da fikk jeg besøk av min tidligere klassekamerat Magne Winnem og hans kone Elin, på St. Hanshaugen, (hvor jeg bodde, i en hybel-leilighet, som jeg leide, av Rimi).

Og da sa Magne Winnem, at jeg ikke kunne reservere meg mot telefonsalg.

Siden at jeg hadde jobbet som telefonselger, (i noen måneder), noen år tidligere, (i en ekstrajobb, for å tjene penger, til å ta lappen, noen år på etterskudd).

Og jeg prøvde å forstå Magne Winnem.

Men jeg forstår fortsatt ikke logikken her.

(Og hvorfor Magne Winnem liksom syntes, at jeg var umoralsk, (eller hvor han liksom ville), da.

For å si det sånn).

Men jeg tenkte mer på dette tidligere i dag.

Og min stesøster Christell jobber jo som anestesi-sykepleier.

Så hu kan da ikke gå på do.

Hu må da ha sånn pose, på magen, liksom.

For ellers er hu umoralsk, liksom.

Ifølge Magne Winnem sin logikk.

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog