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Thursday, 30 August 2007
E-mail to the Assistant Ombudsman on 29/8.
This e-mail is an answer to the e-mail from the Assistant Ombudsman on 29/8.


Erik Ribsskog

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6:54 pm (6 hours ago)


st3 york


Aug 29, 2007 6:54 PM


Re: Complaint about Liverpool City Council




thank you very much for your e-mail!

There are still some things that I'm not that sure about regarding the LGO complaint-
procedure, so if it's alright then I'll try to explain.

I hope you have the chance to be patient with me regarding this, since I'm not so used
to dealing with complaints like this.

1. You made a complaint to us on 5 August 2007 by email. The complaint was the one you sent to Linda Lennon on 08 June 2007 about women/girls in the men's changing rooms during opening hours.
Well, Linda Lennon answered my complaint from 8/6, two or three weeks later. She told me to contact Richard Little at the gym
about these issues. It was this complaint, from 12/7, that I sent you on 5/8, and I complained to you since the Council hadn't
answered it.

Question A: It's right that it is the complaint from 12/7 we are dealing with isn't it? Since I seem to remember clearly that it
was the complaint from 12/7 that I sent you on 5/8.

2. Under UK Law, Section 26(5) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Ombudsman must give the Council an opportunity to investigate and resolve the complaint for itself. We felt the Council had not had sufficient opportunity so on this basis we sent it to the Council on 07 August 2007 and wrote and told you we had done that.

Well, like I've written earlier, I sent the Council the complaint on 12/7, and they used more than four weeks before they
replied. (On 10/8, after they had been contacted by you).

Question B: On 7/8, the Council had had almost four weeks to answer the complaint, shouldn't that be sufficient time?

3.Every Council has its own complaint process. You will find Liverpool City Council's on its web site at http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Feedback/Complaints/index.asp.
Yes, I was refering to this complanit-process in the e-mail I sent you on 5/8. It was also from that web-page, that I first
read about the LGO.

On the webpage in the link it says about the Council complaint-process: 'Step one: Deal with your complaint within two weeks.'.

The Council clearly didn't do this.

4. Before the Ombudsman investigates a complaint, she expects you to have exhausted the Council's complaint procedure. Until you have done that, we will not investigate.

I'm not really sure where exactly the process is in the complain-procedure.

The Council sent me an e-mail on 10/8, where they wrote: 'Thank you for sending us your comments dated 6th August 2007'.

I have not sent the Council any comments like this. (I sent the Council a complaint on 12/7).

It is these comments that the Council are dealing with.

It's really not possible for me to know exactly what the Council are refering to when they are dealing with some comments
from 6/8, which I haven't sent them.
So I don't think it can be expected of me to exhaust the Council's complaint procedure, when it's not the right case that
is being put through it.
For me to be expected to exhaust the Council's complaint procedure, I think it should be the complaint I sent the Council
on 12/7 that should be put through the complaint-procedure.

And this procedure started on 12/7, and the Council should have dealt with it within two weeks witch they didn't.

So what exactly is going on now, I'm not really sure about.

Question C: Shouldn't the Council deal with the complaint I sent them on 12/7?

Question D: Do you agree with me that the Council breached the Council complaint procedure, when they didn't
reply to my complaint within two weeks?

Question E: When the Council breach their own complaint-procedure, (like they did with the complaint I sent them
on 12/7, when they didn't reply at all until after more than four weeks, after they had been contacted by the LGO),
shouldn't this be reason for the LGO to investigate?

5.The Council wrote to you on 10 August 2007 advising you to tell it if you were not happy with the content of its letter so that your complaint could be escalated to the next stage of its complaint procedure.

Yes, and I wrote an e-mail back were I expressed many things I weren't happy with, and at the end of the e-mail I wrote:
'Hope that this is alright, and please tell me if there is anything else I need to take into concern, to get my answer in line with your complaint-procedure.'.

But in the next e-mail the only answer I got was:

'I am sorry but I am having difficulty understanding exactly what you are asking for. Rather than exchange lengthy e-mails I would suggest discussing over the telephone or meeting when you next use Lifestyles would be most beneficial.'.

Even if Lesley Southern from the Council wrote this on 3/7:
'Your account has now been set to expired and no payment was requested in July.'.

So it should be clear to them that I'm not a user of Lifestyles any longer.
And I also wrote in the answer that I wanted the complaint to be dealt with in public, since I myself had brought these issues
up on a public message board, and I thought that these issues were issues that concerned all the people paying Council-tax,
and who are using the gym.

So I wanted the Council to answer my complaint from 12/7 in writing and in public, since the complaint I sent to them on
12/7, was in writing and I had made it public, by puting it on the message-board.

But, I also wrote in the answer, a question if they didn't look at my complaint from 12/7 as an offical complaint.
I think it's right to take first things first.
I think first it should be explained to me which complaint it is that the Council are dealing with, because I wasn't sure,
and I'm still not sure, about what the Council means with ''Thank you for sending us your comments dated 6th August 2007',
since I didn't send them any comments or letters or any correspondence on this date.

It could be that what they are refering to something they were sent by you. And that they had misunderstod, and thought
that some letter/correspondence they recieved from the LGO on 6/8 was actually sent them by me.

But it¨s of course impossible for me to know what you the LGO has sent to the Council. It could be a letter with only
excerps of the complaint from 12/7, I'm not really sure what you sent the Council?

Question F: It's maybe not my business, but to try to get this clear, have you sent the Council my complaint from 12/7?

My point is, that how am I supposed to escalate something I don't understand what is? I wasn't sure if they were refering
to my complaint from 12/7 at all, because they didn't mention the 12/7 complaint. They were only refering to these comments
from 6/8, which could be anything as far I know. They must have mixed it up, and I wanted to make sure that it was the
complaint from 12/7 that was being dealt with, and not some comments only containting an excerpt of the 12/7 complaint,
or containing something totally different for all that I knew/know.

So thats why I thought it would make sence to first try to find out if it was the 12/7 complaint that was being dealt with.
But this I haven't found out about yet, and now the Council wants to meet at the gym the next time I'm there to discuss
the comments from 6/8, which they think I've sent them, but I haven't. And which I don't know what's about.
And they want to meet me next time I go to the gym, even if they sent me an e-mail a couple of months ago, telling
me that my subscription is finished.

I think it first should be made clear if it is the complaint from 12/7, that is being dealt with or not.

I don't think it's fair to ask me to go the gym to discuss something I don't know what is.

So what I'm wondering about, is:

Question G: How do you think I should go forward, to get a process started, surrounding my complaint from 12/7,
(the complaint I sent the LGO on 5/8)?

6.I understand that since then the Council has also offered to meet you to discuss your complaint.
Like I wrote above, the Council has offered to meet me to discuss some comments from 6/8, which they say I've
sent them, but which I haven't. And this does not mean that they have offered to meet me to discuss my complaint
(from 12/7), this means they have offered to meet me to discuss something which it hasn't been expained to me
what is.

And I'm still waiting for their answer, if they look at my complaint from 12/7 as an official complaint or not.

And then it should make more sense to go on with the process.
But I also think it should be clear from my e-mail from 10/8, that I wanted to escalate, but then I only got an e-mail
back saying that he didn't understand what I meant. So he wanted to meet at the gym next time I was there, to
discuss this.
And thats why I think that the process is out of hand. He asks me to discuss this the next time I'm going to the
gym (which I'm no longer going to), and the process is not dealing with the complaint I sent on 12/7.

So there seems to be some misunderstandings involved here.
But, I'm not sure how I should go forward to try to clear this up, because the Council don't seem to understand what
I'm writing to them.
They say 'I am having difficulty understanding exactly what you are asking for' and 'Rather than exchange lengthy e-mails'.

So I'm not sure how I should go forward to clear up the misunderstandings regarding that I'm not a member at the gym
any longer, and that they aren't dealing with the right complaint.

And also how I should explain to them that I want this to be dealt with in public.

Since they don't seem to understand e-mails, and I on my side, would like to have the process documented, since
I've started to document it, and I would prefer to have the comunication on e-mail for the sake of keeping the process
documented. (To try to contribute to do my part on making sure that these problems are being dealt with responsibly,
with that I mean that they are brought up in public, since it concerns the people paying their Council-tax, and it has
already been brought into public from before).
Question H: Do you think it is unreasonable of me to want to have the comunication in writing, when I'm not longer
a member at the gym, and I also want to keep the process surrounding this well documented?

I'm sorry if used many words to try to tell what I mean, but I hope you understand what I mean with the questions.

I'm not so used with dealing with these things, so I thought it would be best to ask precise questions, so maybe
I will learn a bit more on how this is.

Also, while I remember it:

When I sent you the comlaint by web-form message on 5/8, then I forgot to take a back-up of the message I sent

You don't think it would be possible, just so that I have all the documents, (like I wrote earlier I wanted to try have
the process quite documented, and I've made the complaint from 12/7, and some of the correspondence regarding
the complaint public on the internet, so I thought it would be benefical for the total overview to have copies of all
the correspondence available.
Question I: So thats why I was wondering if you think it would be possible for me to recieve a copy of the web-form
message I sent you on 5/8, in an e-mail maybe, if you think thats possible, just to keep as much of the corresondence
documented as possible?

Hope that this is alright, and sorry if I'm asking many questions! (It's very fine of you to be so patient with me who
isn't used to dealing that much with complaints and things like this).

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
- Show quoted text -

On 8/29/07, st3 york <st3york@lgo.org.uk> wrote:

Rosemary Agnew
Assistant Ombudsman
Commission for Local Administration in England
Beverley House
17 Shipton Road

Tel: 01904 380206
Fax: 01904 380200
NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Posted by johncons at 2:14 AM BST Updated: Thursday, 30 August 2007 3:08 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
E-mail from the Assistant Ombudsman on 29/8.
After sending the e-mail to the Deputy Ombudsman on 22/8, I recieved this e-mail from the Assitant Ombudsman on 29/8:

st3 york

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Aug 29 (14 hours ago)

Erik Ribsskog


Aug 29, 2007 11:09 AM


Complaint about Liverpool City Council

Rosemary Agnew
Assistant Ombudsman
Commission for Local Administration in England
Beverley House
17 Shipton Road

Tel: 01904 380206
Fax: 01904 380200

NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Ribsskog 07c06289 letter3.doc85K View as HTML Open as a Google document Download
29 August 2007

BY EMAIL to eribsskog@gmail.com

Mr E Ribsskog
Flat 3
Leather Lane
L2 2AE

Our Ref: 07/C/06289/RA/25(5)
(Please quote our reference when contacting us. If emailing please quote it in the subject title)

If telephoning contact: Rosemary Agnew on 01904 380 201
If e-mailing contact: st3york@lgo.org.uk

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Complaint about Liverpool City Council

Thank you for your email. Your email seems predominantly to be about process and what the Council is doing.

I am sorry but I cannot advise you specifically on the Council’s actions, all I can do is reiterate what I have already told you.
You made a complaint to us on 5 August 2007 by email. The complaint was the one you sent to Linda Lennon on 08 June 2007 about women/girls in the men’s changing rooms during opening hours.
Under UK Law, Section 26(5) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Ombudsman must give the Council an opportunity to investigate and resolve the complaint for itself. We felt the Council had not had sufficient opportunity so on this basis we sent it to the Council on 07 August 2007 and wrote and told you we had done that.
Every Council has its own complaint process. You will find Liverpool City Council’s on its web site at http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Feedback/Complaints/index.asp.
Before the Ombudsman investigates a complaint, she expects you to have exhausted the Council’s complaint procedure. Until you have done that, we will not investigate.
The Council wrote to you on 10 August 2007 advising you to tell it if you were not happy with the content of its letter so that your complaint could be escalated to the next stage of its complaint procedure.
I understand that since then the Council has also offered to meet you to discuss your complaint.

As far as the Ombudsman is concerned your complaint is closed and is currently a matter between you and the Council. It is up to you whether you take up the offer to meet with them but currently the onus lies with you to contact the Council.

You have asked if the matter can be ‘sorted out’ and the answer to that is yes, but it is up to you to contact the Council (Mr Steve Kneale) to discuss how this might be done.

I hope this answers your question about process. If you have further questions about the Council’s process they should be addressed to the Council. I have copied the Council into this letter so it is aware of the situation.

Yours sincerely

Rosemary Agnew
Assistant Ombudsman

CC: Liverpool City Council

Posted by johncons at 1:32 AM BST Updated: Thursday, 30 August 2007 3:17 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
E-mail to the Deputy Ombudsman on 22/8.
Like I'm explaining in this entry, there were still a few things I was wondering about regarding how the complaint from 12/7 was being dealt with.
But I read on the LGO website, under "How to complain about us", it says that one can: 'ask for your complaint to be referred to the Deputy Ombudsman of the office you have been dealing with'.
So, on 22/8, I tried sending the Deputy Ombudsman an e-mail to try to maybe get some advice on the things I was wondering about:

Erik Ribsskog

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Aug 22



Aug 22, 2007 8:09 PM





I sent the Liverpool City Council a complaint about the local gym at 12/7.
I sent the LGO a complaint about the Liverpool City Council earlier this month. (5/8).
The LGO sent me an answer, where they wrote that they had sent the Council a
copy of my complaint, for them to put it through their complaint-procedure.
(The case-number is: 07/c/06289/RA/ch).
I've got two e-mails from the Council after that, and it has arised several problems
with the procedure.
I've brought up some of these problems with the LGO case-worker, since I think
the process is a bit out of control.
But, last week, I got an e-mail from the LGO case-worker saying that she wouldn't
send me any more answer to my enquieries.
I haven't been living in Britain that long, so I'm sometimes a bit clumsy in my corresponance,
and I have also been having much work and other things to do lately, so it's likely that this
has reflected on my correspondence.
But I've not intended to be inpolite in any way, I'm afraid that the case-worker maybe thinks
that I have been impolite, but then I appologise, I have not meant to be impolite at all!
So sorry about this!
But I have still got some questions about the process.
(it's a bit unclear to me if the Council are actually dealing with my complaint from 12/7 or not,
and I've tryed to ask the Council if they are regarding my complaint from 12/7 as an offical
complaint or not (that is if they are actually dealing with this complaint, since it doesn't seem
that way to me), but they haven't answered me on this.
And I think it's a bit tricky for me to contibute in a meaningful way to the process, if it's not
clear to me which case it is that we are dealing with.
So I was trying to bring this up with the Ombudsman, if they could help me with finding out
exactly which case it is, that the Council are dealing with.
And then, after this has been made clear, then I think it would be easier for me to contribute
to the process in a meaningful way.)
So I've brought this up with the case-worker, but she isn't replying to my e-mails any more.
And I read one of your folders, and it said that I could try to contact the case-worker to
then get to speak with the case-worker line-manager.
But I'm not sure if I should contact the case-worker when she isn't answering my e-mails.
I'm afraid that I could have unintentionaly been impolite to her, and that this is the reason
that she's not replying, and this makes me unsure if I should contact her at all, like if
I should contact her to ask if I could speak with her line-manager, like it says in your
So the reason I'm sending this e-mail, is that I was wondering if it would be possible for
you to give me some advice on how I should go forward with this, to appologice to
the case-worker, and how you think I should go foward if I wanted to find out about
the things I'm unsure about regarding the process.
Also I have some other questions that I have wondering about, like which complaint it
was that was sent to the Council, (the one from 12/7 or the one from 5/8), and also
some other questions, so I think it would be very fine if it would be possible for me to
get some advice on these questions I've been mentioning, and also some other questions
I was wondering about.
So I hope very much that it's possible to sort this out!
Please just tell me if you want me to forward you any of the correspondence that has been
sent regarding this!
Yours Sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

Answer from the Assistant Ombudsman
Posted by johncons at 12:29 AM BST Updated: Thursday, 30 August 2007 1:55 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
Friday, 17 August 2007
More on mystery.
In the last entry, a mystery occured. On the Local Government Ombudsman website, it says that the address-field is requiered. Yet in an e-mail I got from the Ombudsman on 5/8 (its pasted in the first part of this entry), it says 'Thank you for your complaint. Could you please let me have your address as this was not on your correspondence.'.
I didn't want to try to send the Ombudsman a new message, just to check if an address really is required. (To find out if the reason for the mystery is a technial error with the 'address'-field).
This because I've already had quite a lot of correspondence, with the Ombudsman, so I wouldn't want to send some spam messages to them, since it seems like they've already had enought of my correspondence. (They write: 'Dear Mr Ribsskog, this is the last email I will send you on this subject.', so I think I that any new correspondence I should send them would have to thorowly considered first, and I don't think I should send them anything that resembles spam).
So that option is ruled out.
However, when I swithced to my new bank, some months back, I sent them some complaints from a webform. (I wont mention the name of the bank, since this is still being dealt with by another Ombudsman).
But anyway, I didn't recieve any answer to the first message I sent from their webform.
And later, the bank has been unable to locate this webform message.
So thats why I've written a bit about webforms in the last entries on the blog, because I have been having problems with these from before.
So, when I sent the Local Government Ombudsman the complaint about the Council on 5/8, then I took a screen-shot of the complaint. (Just to have some documentation, since I tryed to learn from the earlier problems with the missing message, then I at least had a screen-shot, to show I had sent a comlaint, just in case).
I was a bit stressed when I sent the complaint on 5/8, I had work to do, so I didn't remeber to take a screen-shot of the form itself.
But I managed to take a screen-shot of the confirmation screen. That confirmes that the complaint has been sent.
I've tryed to upload the file with the screenshot in it to this (Edit: 150907 http://johncons.angelfire.com/council_ombudsman.rtf)

I'm a bit new to this site, but I'm going to test to see if it works, and I'm going to look a bit more to see if it can lead to solving the mystery.
Posted by johncons at 8:28 PM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
More about webforms.
I'm not having a go at the Local Government Ombudsman here, but at the webforms in general:
For example, the Local Government Ombudsman webform.
It has a field called 'Email'. So I was thinking, when one has already got a field called email, and
the person sending the form, often or sometimes ends up without a copy of the correspondence,
since it can sometimes be a bit tricky to take a back-up of the form.
Then I was thinking, couldn't there be like a box on these webforms, at least the webforms that
has got an email-field.
A box one could tick if one wanted a receipt.
Then the webform-program could just send you a recept to your e-mail address. Easy and it should
be simple to program.
And as far as I know it's also free to send e-mails, so it wouldn't cost the organisation very much,
and I think a function like this, would reduce the confusion for the people who are sending webform-
messages, who when they recieve a reply to their message, maybe a couple of weeks later, have
forgotten a bit of what they wrote.
Unless there is some smart way to take backup of these webforms, that I haven't understood yet.

Also on this form I can see that it says that Address is required. This makes it a bit of a mystery
to me that I was sent the e-mail from the Local Government Ombudsman on 6/8, saying: 'Thank you for your complaint.
Could you please let me have your address as this was not on your correspondence.'.
But like with most mysteries there is often an explanation. It was probably a technical error somewhere. I am not
going to try to send a new message to the Ombudsman, without the address on it, just to check if it's possible to send.

(This entry is further to the first half of this entry: http://johncons.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1286207/email-sent-to-the-local-government-ombudsman-on-138/.)
More on mystery
Posted by johncons at 4:26 AM BST Updated: Friday, 17 August 2007 9:21 PM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
E-mail sent to the Local Government Ombudsman on 13/8.
This e-mail should be linked to from this entry: http://johncons.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1286016/correspondence-with-the-local-government-ombudsman-from-158/

Update from 17/8:
In the e-mail in this entry, I'm refering to the e-mail I was sending the Local Government ombudsman on 5/8. Actually, it wasn't a regular e-mail I sent them, I sent them an enquery from the web-form on their website (http://www.lgo.org.uk/reqinfo.htm). But I'm not sure how one should refer to a message like that, it seems propable to me that there is another term for this type of message, like web-form message, or something like that, but the Ombudsman itself refers to it as an e-mail both on their website and in confirmation postcard I recieved from them in the post on Thursday last week. The thing is that if you forget to print the form, or save the form, before you send it, then you don't have a copy of what you wrote, and on 5/8, I was writing the message in a break from work, so I unfortunatly didn't remember to take a back-up.
I'm not really sure what the best way to take back-ups of webforms like that is, but I think that maybe if websites also wrote a general enquiery email-address on their websites, then people would have an alternative to sending the comlaint by post or webform, I mean if one are a bit in a hurry, and also if one wants to keep a copy of what one have written in a convenient way, then a general enquiery e-mail address is a good solution, I think, but it could be that it's possible to contact eg. the Ombudsman and ask them if they could send you a copy of your enquiry, so thats is another possible way to get to remember what you have written if you have forgotten to take a back-up.
I must have been a bit stressed on 5/8, because on the next day, I received this e-mail:

st3 york

hide details
Aug 6



Aug 6, 2007 9:49 AM


Complaint against Liverpool City Council

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your complaint. Could you please let me have your address as this was not on your correspondence.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Carol Harvey
Team Secretary
Commission for Local Administration in England
Tel 01904 380219
Website: www.lgo.org.uk

NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Here they call the webform message 'correspondance'. But the information between these horisontal lines are mostly curiosities, but I have to remeber to try to find out if there is another term, other than 'e-mail', that should be used for webform-messages, since I think that it could possibly sometimes cause confusion to refer to both e-mails and webform-messages as 'e-mails'.

Erik Ribsskog

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Aug 13 (4 days ago)



Aug 13, 2007 4:41 PM


07/c/06289/RA/ch/Fwd: Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.



I'm not sure if I think my complaint is being dealt with seriously, I don't really
understand how it can be that the Council finds it difficult to understand my
e-mail from 10/8, and why they can't answer it.
Im not sure at the moment if the complaint is being dealt with accordingly to
the Council complaint-procedure, so I'm going to try to update myself more
on what the complaint-procedure says.
Also, I have some more questions regarding the e-mail I sent to you on 5/8, and
also the procedure surrounding that.
I thought I'd just update you at once, and then contact you again, later this week,
when I've had the chance to update a bit on the complaint procedure.
So if it's alright, then I'm going to contact you again later this week, with some
questions surrounding the complaint from 12/7, and the one from 5/8.
Hope that this is alright!
Please just tell me if there is any more information you want me to provide in the mean-time!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Kneale, Steve <Steve.Kneale@liverpool.gov.uk >Date: Aug 13, 2007 9:41 AMSubject: RE: Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.To: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>Cc: "Braithwaite, Jolene" < Jolene.Braithwaite@liverpool.gov.uk>
I am sorry but I am having difficulty understanding exactly what you are asking for. Rather than exchange lengthy e-mails I would suggest discussing over the telephone or meeting when you next use Lifestyles would be most beneficial.
Steve Kneale Sport & Recreation Service - Facility Operations Business Development Manager
Office location: 1st Floor, Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Tel: +44 (0)151 233 6362 Fax: +44 (0) 151 233 6300
Web: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/lifestyles
Liverpool - European Capital of Culture 2008

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 10 August 2007 19:56 To: Kneale, SteveSubject: Re: Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.
thank you very much for your answer.
Like I was writing in the complaint to the ombudsman, I think that the council should maybe
have answered the complaint in public, since I have brought this things up in public myself,
since these are things that concern the other users of the gym, and the people who are paying
tax to the council.
Also, it would have been very fine if it also was explained why I wasn't recieving any answer
from the Duty Officer, and also why it is that it isn't him who is answering the complaint.
Also, I was wondering if my complaint to the Duty Officer isn't being regarded as an official
Also I think that all the points in the complaint should have been answered. Even if some of
the points are brought up in another e-mail, I'm explaining about this in the complaint, and
making it clear that I think it would have been fine to hear what the Duty Officer has to say
about this, aswell as hearing what Lesley Southern had to say about this, since I haven't
really been explained what position in the Council he has, and also since all the points
have been mentioned together when I've comented on the complaint in public, so then
I think it would be most apropriate if all the points in the complaint were answered
togheter aswell, even if some of the points also has been brought up in another context.
Also I think it add to the general overviewabilty of the answer, if the original indexing
from the complaint was kept.
I haven't comented on the indiviadual points from the answer here, I think it would be
smartest to sort with the issues above first, and then deal with the individual complaints
later, if you think this would be alright.
Hope that this is alright, and please tell me if there is anything else I need to take into
concern, to get my answer in line with your complaint-procedure.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 8/10/07, Kneale, Steve <Steve.Kneale@liverpool.gov.uk > wrote:
Please find attached a response to the matters pertaining to Lifestyles Fitness Centres and your recent complaint.
Steve Kneale Sport & Recreation Service - Facility Operations Business Development Manager
Office location: 1st Floor, Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Tel: +44 (0)151 233 6362 Fax: +44 (0) 151 233 6300
Web: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/lifestyles
Liverpool - European Capital of Culture 2008
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Posted by johncons at 2:26 AM BST Updated: Friday, 17 August 2007 3:24 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
E-mail sent to Lesley Southern from the Council on 31/7
This e-mail should be commented on at the end of this entry: http://johncons.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1286137/email-sent-from-the-council-on-138/

Erik Ribsskog

hide details
Jul 31

"Southern, Lesley"


Jul 31, 2007 10:27 PM


Re: Earlier e-mails



like I wrote in the e-mail from 10/7, I would also contact the duty officer at the gym about these
questions, which I did, I sent him an e-mail on 12/7, which I also forwarded to you.
Since I last week still hadn't recieved an answer to this e-mail, and since I think that the problems
on the gym is something that also conserns the other users of the gym, and the people who are
paying tax to the council (since the gym is run by the council), then I thought it was right to
post on the Daily Mail debate internet site, especially since I thought I should have received an
answer to the e-mail, and I reckoned that something could be wrong since I didn't revieve an
answer, (which I still haven't recieved).
So I'm still waiting for the answer from the duty officer, and since I have addressed some of the
same problems in that e-mail, like in the one I sent you, then I think it might be best if I waited
and heard what the duty officer on the gym have to say about the problems mentioned in the
e-mail from 12/7, before I coment more on your e-mail from 25/7.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On 7/25/07, Southern, Lesley <Lesley.Southern@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
I apologise for not getting back to you earlier only I have been waiting to get the correct information from our Direct Debit Team.
If a member misses a Direct Debit payment for whatever reason the sale is rejected in our system and automatically changed to a cash payment that is then requested over the counter on the member's next visit so it is not included in the following months Direct Debit run.
What happened in your case was that this unpaid sale from January was not changed to a Cash payment and was left on the system as an unpaid Direct Debit (DD) sale.
The Direct Debit collection run that happened in June was told to pick up all due DD payments; therefore this missed payment was included.
Your bank then rejected the second payment and it went back onto the system as an unpaid DD sale again and was not picked up in any rejection report as that only looks for the previous months unpaid DD sales and this one was for January 07.
Then the whole process was repeated again in July, before we stopped the payments and voided all of your unpaid sales , and that is why 2 payments were waiting to come out of your account in July.
All Millennium users should have got July free unfortunately you were not included in this report as you were in arrears on your account by 3 months for March 07, April 07 and May 07 and we unfortunately cannot give a member a free month if they have not made the last 3 months payments.
In respect of the agreement you had with the gym for the outstanding arrears to be paid at a later date, the gym staff did not have the authority to agree to this and I will be looking into who agreed this with you as they did not pass this information on to us, looking at your attendance record you have actually had 26 visits to Lifestyles Millennium free of charge during the months of March, April and May as no Direct Debit payments have been received for these months.
As your bank rejected your second payment in June then no cancellation fee has been paid.
I can assure you that we do not have 2 direct debits set up in your name and that your bank details were only in our system once.
In respect of your claim for a refund, we cannot refund a payment we have not received and we can also not refund a payment to a customer that has outstanding debt on their account.
Your membership is now expired and no more payments will be requested from your account.
I hope this clears up this matter and answers all your queries.
Lesley Southern
-----Original Message-----From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto: eribsskog@gmail.com ]
Sent: 24 July 2007 10:01To:
Southern, Lesley
Subject: Fwd: Earlier e-mails

I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm trying to forward it again.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Erik Ribsskog < eribsskog@gmail.com> Date: Jul 10, 2007 6:18 PMSubject: Re: Earlier e-mails To: "Southern, Lesley" <Lesley.Southern@liverpool.gov.uk>
thank you very much for your answer.
I think it was very fine that you had the time to answer me, and I also think that it was very
fine that you have taken off my arrears due to the amount of time/inconvinience I have had
due to this.
But since there were still some things I was wondering about, I thought I could try to send
you an enquiery about this, to try to maybe found out about this.
I've written an explanation below, as comments on your e-mail, since I thought it was easier
to explain/answer this way.
To summarize my questions:
1. Shouldn't the gym have asked me first if they wanted to withdraw an extra payment (that they
had no mandate for) from my account in June?
2. How come that there were still two payment-requests from the gym waiting to be withdrawn
from my account on 27/6, when firstly, the gym only have a mandate to withdraw one monthly
payment from my account. Secondly, I had agreed with the staff at the gym, that I would pay the
arrears when I recieved the swith-bonus from the bank. And thirdly, I had sent Linda Lennon,
Administration Manager at the Council an e-mail about this problem on 8/6, with a copy of the
statement from the bank, showing that there was a problem with the gym charging me duplicate
payments from my account for the month of June?
3. How come that the gym still wanted to withdraw a (duplicate) payment from my account for the
month of July, when the gym was closed for refurbishment for six weeks from 25/6?
I'm also going to contact the Duty Officer at the gym regarding why the gyms members weren't
informed about the six weeks closure of the gym and more. So it might be that I'll also ask him
about some of the same questions. (Like about why the gym still wanted to charge me even
if they were going to be closed etc.)
I hope you have the time to answer me about this questions, since I thought some of these things
were a bit strange, so it would be nice to be informed about this.
So I hope that you bear over with me if I'm asking many questions!
Thank you very much in advance!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 7/3/07, Southern, Lesley < Lesley.Southern@liverpool.gov.uk > wrote:
Your enquiry regarding your direct debit payments has been passed onto myself for further investigation.
Unfortunately we cannot refund a payment to a member that has outstanding arrears, this is for audit purposes as we are required to provide details of all miscellaneous payments made to our members.
The action we have taken to date is to take your 1 month overpayment as your cancellation fee (which is normally 2 months) and we have taken your arrears off your membership record for the inconvenience caused as a result of the error.
- Regarding the overpayment, it wasn't actually an overpayment, because when the bank saw that it had been a
process error/duplicate payment from the gym, then they transferred the duplicate payment back as a
'interbranch payment' on 6/6.
(Secondly, I think that I shouldn't recieve a cancellation fee, when the gym suddently closes for 6 weeks
for refurbishment. I think that then the gym should have first sent its members a letter about this, put
up a poster at the gym about this, and also not charged its members for the month that they are closed,
but I have to contact the Duty Officer at the gym about something else, so I'll bring this up with him.)
I have checked the Direct Debit report and it seems that the overpayment dates back to a missed January payment which has been allocated to your account on 30 th May. I will need to speak to our Direct Debit team to determine why a payment for January has been included in June's Direct Debit report.
I've been speaking with the staff (including the Manager) at the gym several times about the arrears, and we agreed that I would
pay the arrears later, when I recieved some money I was expecting (a switch-bonus from the bank).
This was agreed with Craig at the gym, when we set up the direct-debit agreement in May.
I spoke with Craig about this on 1/6 as well, since I hadn't recieved the switch-bonus yet, and then I was informed
that the arrear was £70.50, and we agreed that I would pay this when I recieved the money from the bank.
So my point is, that they should have told me first if they wanted to withdraw an extra payment from my account
on 1/6, so that I could have planned this in advance.
Also, this (RBS) bank account was set up in May, so I don't really understand how a missed direct-debit
payment to my old (Barclays) account in Januray, could suddently appear on my RBS-account in June?
It seems a bit strange to me that this could happen, when I also had agreed several times with the staff
at the gym (in the month of March and then monthly), that I would pay the running bills, and that I'd pay the
arrears when I recieved the switch-bonus from RBS.
Also I had been told by the staff at the gym, that there was no hurry at all with the arrears, as long as I
paid the running bills.
- Also the bank told me when I called them in the beginning of June, that the gym wasn't allowed to
withdraw more than one payment a month from my account, since they only had one mandate.
- Also, when I called the gym on 26/6, to ask if they were open on 26/6, (since they were closed for
no apparent reason on 25/6), then I was told that the gym was closed for refurbishment for six weeks.
I then thought that it wasn't right that the gym should charge me for the month of July, when they were
closed. (I also thought they should have informed the members about the six weeks closure). So due
to this, I called my bank (the RBS customer-support line) on 27/6 to cancel the direct-debit.
I was then told that there were still two direct-debits from the gym on my account, both with the same,
reference-number (LIFE 800 1561).
- So I was wondering, how come that there were still two payment-requests from the gym waiting to
be withdrawn on my account on 27/6, when firstly, the gym only have a mandate to withdraw one
monthly payment from my account. Secondly, I had agreed with the staff at the gym, that I would
pay the arrears when I recieved the swith-bonus from the bank, and thirdly, I had sent Linda Lennon,
Administration Manager at the Council an e-mail about this problem on 8/6, with a copy of the
statement from the bank, showing that there was a problem with the gym charging me duplicate
payments from my account?
Your account has now been set to expired and no payment was requested in July.
Well, there were actually two payments requested in July (see above).
I hope this matter is now resolved and you are happy with the outcome.
Lesley Southern
-----Original Message-----From: Lennon, Linda Sent: 03 July 2007 08:41To: Southern, Lesley Subject: FW: Earlier e-mails
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto: eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 28 June 2007 16:36To: Lennon, LindaSubject: Re: Earlier e-mails
Hi Linda,
I found the note now from my phone-call to RBS yesterday.
I spoke with Greg at the RBS telephone customer-support (0845 724 2424).
He said that yesterday it was still two direct-debits from the gym (Liverpool City Council),
each on £23.50.
He said that they both had the reference-number: LIFE 800 1561.
I told him to check to be absolutly sure about the fact that it still was two direct-debits
from the gym on the account.
Since when I called them at the beginning of the month, I was told that the gym only
had one mandate (which is right), and that they therefore only could withdraw one payment
each month.
I was told then that what had happened was a duplicate payment/processing error, so its
a bit strange I think, that it still was two direct-debits registered from the gym onto my
account yesterday.
Ive also managed to find a note about this.
It was Jamie on the same RBS department that told me that the gym only had one mandate
on 8/6.
He also said that it was a processing error from the gym (a duplicate payment), and that the
gym would need to have more than one mandate if they are to collect more than one payment.
Ive agreed with Craig at the end of May, and with the manager and other members of staff, that
I'll continue to pay the monthly payments (£23.50), and then pay the arrear later, (when I recieved
the payment from RBS).
So I think its a bit strange that its two direct debits registered to my account, both in the beginning
of June, and also now at the end of June, when the gym only have one mandate, and I have agreed
with the staff on an arrangement on how to pay the arrear.
But this is probably something that I also could speak with the Duty Officer at the gym about? Or
should I wait untill you have had the chance to have a look a it?
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 6/25/07, Lennon, Linda < Linda.Lennon@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
Hi Erik
I forwarded your email to the Duty Officer at Lifestyles Millennium regarding your complaint please give the centre a call and ask to speak with Richard Little on 0151 233 5414.
With regards to your membership do you still have a problem with it if so then please let me know the details and I will bring it up to date.
Many thanks for your email
Linda Lennon Administration Manager Facility Operations Culture Media & Sport
Office location: 1st Floor Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Mailing location: Municipal Building Dale Street Liverpool L2 2DH
Tel: 0151 233 6370 e-mail: Linda.Lennon@liverpool.gov.uk " Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008"
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 23 June 2007 14:04 To: Lennon, LindaSubject: Earlier e-mails
I'm refering to the emails I sent you the week before last, since I cant
see that I have recieved an answer to them.
Please just tell me if you want me to send the emails again.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Erik Ribsskog" < eribsskog@gmail.com>To: "Lennon, Linda" <Linda.Lennon@liverpool.gov.uk > Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 22:58:14 +0100Subject: Fwd: Statement
I just got back from the gym, it closed at 9 pm.

I just had to eat a bit and relax a bit after the work-out, or else I would have sent the
email at once.
Because what I'm wondering about with the gym, is:
Is it really right that there should be female washing-staf in the mens wardrobe
at 8.45 pm, when the gym closes at 9pm?
This happened again today, and it has also happened once before.
I used to workout a bit when I lived in Oslo and Sunderland as well, but they never
used to start washing the wardrobe until after the closing hours.
So I think that since the gym is run by the Council, I think that they shouldn't
have the washing-routines that includes female staff starting to wash in the
mens wardrobe as early as 8.45 pm.
I think they should wait until after closing-hours to wash the mens wardrobe,
and that if they have to wash, then they could maybe instead wash the machines
in the gym or something else before the gym is closed.
When I went into the mens wardrobe at 8.45 pm then there was a female washing
staff washing there, about 40 years maybe with dark hair.
I think she was talking with a colleague in there, it was probably the other washing-
I was working out on the tread-mill by the reception untill a bit before 8.45 pm, and
then I saw the washing-staff walking around in the reception-area at around 8.40 pm.
And one of the washing-staff looked quite young, maybe 16-17 years.
I think it must have been her that the washing-woman with dark hair spoke with in
the mens wardrobe at 8.45.
I don't think there should be that young female washing staff in the mens wardrobe
at 8.45, when the gym closes at 9.00pm.
It has happened once earlier as well that there were female washing staff in the
mens wardrobe at around 8.45, and I just think that this isnt right.
I think that both the staff in the gym and the washing staff should understand by
themselves that the female washing staff shouldnt start to wash in the mens
wardrobe untill after the closing hours at 9 pm, so thats why I havent complained
about this to the staff in the gym or the washing staff.
I think that it should be unecessary for me to tell this to them, I think they should
have understood this by themselves.
And Im not really sure whos in charge there in the evenings eighter.
There has also been other incidents at the gym that I have thought to complain
about, but I havent untill now.
But with the washing-staff in the mens wardrobe again today at 8.45 pm, was
a bit like the final drop, so since Im not really sure whos in charge there in the
evening I thought that I could send you an email about this.
And also since one of the washing women was so young, it makes me a bit
worried about whats going on in the gym, when they put a washing woman/
girl that looked like she was maybe 16 or 17 in the mens wardrobe at 8.45pm,
so therefore I thought I should really just write the email now, because that this
is a bit unacceptable for a gym thats run by the Council.
I know its a bit late to send emails at this hour, but it thought that since I think
that this way of organising the washing-routines in the gym is a bit unaceptable,
I thought that if I sent the email about this right after I got back from the gym,
then there would be less possibilites that eg. someone could say that I must have
mistaken the time etc, since now its just a quite short time since I left the gym,
so I reckoned that its best to send it right away, while I still have the details at
mind so to speak.
So I hope that this is alright!
Sorry that I send the email this late.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Erik Ribsskog < eribsskog@gmail.com>Date: Jun 8, 2007 3:45 PM Subject: StatementTo: linda.lennon@liverpool.gov.uk
I refer to the phone-call earlier today, and send the statement from
the bank about the duplicate payment with the direct-debit.
Pleare just contact me if there is anything else I should have remembered.
Hope that this is alright!
Erik Ribsskog
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Posted by johncons at 12:48 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
Thursday, 16 August 2007
E-mail sent from the Council on 13/8.
I didn't get to add this yesterday, it should be linked to from this entry: http://johncons.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1286016/correspondence-with-the-local-government-ombudsman-from-158/.

"Kneale, Steve"

hide details
Aug 13 (3 days ago)

Erik Ribsskog

"Braithwaite, Jolene"


Aug 13, 2007 9:41 AM


RE: Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.

I am sorry but I am having difficulty understanding exactly what you are asking for. Rather than exchange lengthy e-mails I would suggest discussing over the telephone or meeting when you next use Lifestyles would be most beneficial.
Steve Kneale Sport & Recreation Service - Facility Operations Business Development Manager
Office location: 1st Floor, Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Tel: +44 (0)151 233 6362 Fax: +44 (0) 151 233 6300
Web: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/lifestyles
Liverpool - European Capital of Culture 2008

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 10 August 2007 19:56To: Kneale, SteveSubject: Re: Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.
- Show quoted text -
thank you very much for your answer.
Like I was writing in the complaint to the ombudsman, I think that the council should maybe
have answered the complaint in public, since I have brought this things up in public myself,
since these are things that concern the other users of the gym, and the people who are paying
tax to the council.
Also, it would have been very fine if it also was explained why I wasn't recieving any answer
from the Duty Officer, and also why it is that it isn't him who is answering the complaint.
Also, I was wondering if my complaint to the Duty Officer isn't being regarded as an official
Also I think that all the points in the complaint should have been answered. Even if some of
the points are brought up in another e-mail, I'm explaining about this in the complaint, and
making it clear that I think it would have been fine to hear what the Duty Officer has to say
about this, aswell as hearing what Lesley Southern had to say about this, since I haven't
really been explained what position in the Council he has, and also since all the points
have been mentioned together when I've comented on the complaint in public, so then
I think it would be most apropriate if all the points in the complaint were answered
togheter aswell, even if some of the points also has been brought up in another context.
Also I think it add to the general overviewabilty of the answer, if the original indexing
from the complaint was kept.
I haven't comented on the indiviadual points from the answer here, I think it would be
smartest to sort with the issues above first, and then deal with the individual complaints
later, if you think this would be alright.
Hope that this is alright, and please tell me if there is anything else I need to take into
concern, to get my answer in line with your complaint-procedure.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 8/10/07, Kneale, Steve <Steve.Kneale@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
Please find attached a response to the matters pertaining to Lifestyles Fitness Centres and your recent complaint.
Steve Kneale Sport & Recreation Service - Facility Operations Business Development Manager
Office location: 1st Floor, Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Tel: +44 (0)151 233 6362 Fax: +44 (0) 151 233 6300
Web: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/lifestyles
Liverpool - European Capital of Culture 2008
______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER:The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those of the author and not necessarily those of the author's employer or service provider. This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection______________________________________________________________________

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Update 17/8:
In the e-mail this entry is regarding, there is copied an e-mail which I sent to the Council on 10/8.
In this e-mail, I write: 'Also I think that all the points in the complaint should have been answered. Even if some of the points are brought up in another e-mail, I'm explaining about this in the complaint, and making it clear that I think it would have been fine to hear what the Duty Officer has to say about this, aswell as hearing what Lesley Southern had to say about this, since I haven't really been explained what position in the Council he has, and also since all the points have been mentioned together when I've comented on the complaint in public, so then I think it would be most apropriate if all the points in the complaint were answered togheter aswell, even if some of the points also has been brought up in another context.'.
When I write 'Even if some of the points are brought up in another e-mail', then I'm refering to the e-mail sent to Lesley Southern in the Council on 10/7, and this entry: http://johncons.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1286191/email-sent-to-lesley-southern-from-the-council-on-317/ contains correspondence which is about these three points, which are mentioned both in the e-mail to Lesley Southern on 10/7 and the Duty Officer in the gym on 12/7.

Posted by johncons at 5:15 PM BST Updated: Friday, 17 August 2007 1:30 AM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
GMTChanged the time-setting to GMT.
Posted by johncons at 5:13 PM BST Post Comment Permalink Share This Post
E-mail sent from the Council on 10/8.

"Kneale, Steve"

hide details
Aug 10 (6 days ago)



Aug 10, 2007 5:33 PM


Lifestyles Liverpool complaint.

Please find attached a response to the matters pertaining to Lifestyles Fitness Centres and your recent complaint.
Steve Kneale Sport & Recreation Service - Facility Operations Business Development Manager
Office location: 1st Floor, Lifestyles Everton Park Great Homer Street Liverpool L5 5PH
Tel: +44 (0)151 233 6362 Fax: +44 (0) 151 233 6300
Web: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/lifestyles
Liverpool - European Capital of Culture 2008
______________________________________________________________________DISCLAIMER:The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those of the author and not necessarily those of the author’s employer or service provider.This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection______________________________________________________________________

Ribsskog various Millennium 9-8-07.doc27K View as HTML Open as a Google document Download
10th August 2007 Enquiries: Steve Kneale
Direct Line: 0151 233 6362
Our ref. SK 10Au 07
Mr. E. Ribsskog
via e-mail.
Dear Eric,

Thank you for sending us your comments dated 6th August 2007, that have fed into our ‘Have Your Say’ customer feedback system.
Your communication raises a number of issues, some of which I understand have resulted in responses. However, if any of your previous communications have not been satisfactorily resolved or even responded to then please accept my sincere apologies. I will however try to address your concerns below.
1. With regard your direct debit subscription to Lifestyles. I am aware of some problems you encountered. In November 2006 we installed a new It system into the Lifestyles centres that did result in a number of problems with collections. These are now resolved and I understand your account is in balance, as advised via e-mail dated 3rd July 2007.
2. Within the Lifestyles Millennium we strive to provide a high quality service. We do employ cleaners who should not have entered the male changing areas when persons were present and we have changed the cleaning regime to stop this happening in future. Cleaning staff, together with the fitness instructors are required to clean all areas including the fitness equipment but not interfere with member’s enjoyment of using the centre.
3. Lifestyles Millennium has been closed since 25th June and will re-open on Monday 13th August 2007 to allow essential repairs in the shower areas. Messages were put on the Wellness system and notices displayed in the facility for 2 weeks prior to closure in accordance with our customer charter. We have informed Liverpool Direct of updates and tried to keep the internet updated as we received feedback from contractors with regards the re-opening date.
4. Members who used Lifestyles Millennium were reimbursed due to its closure and were informed in writing to their home address.
5. All staff are expected to wear identity badges at all times. Although this does not denote their designation nor authority. Members should be encouraged to report any incidents to any member of staff who will attempt to resolve the matter or report it to a senior colleague. If you have any further cause to report a matter at our facilities I would ask you ask to speak with the duty manager. If you feel this is inappropriate at the time, please can you contact me directly, ideally by telephone to discuss at the earliest opportunity.

I wish to thank you again for your valued feedback.
If you remain dissatisfied with the response to your complaint, please contact me either via e-mail, telephone or in writing, where the matter can be escalated to a further stage.
Yours faithfully
Steve Kneale
Business Development Manager
Sport & Recreation Service

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