From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 02:47:12 +0100
Subject: Regarding help from Amnesty
I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, and I've been in contact with the
Norwegian department of Amnesty,
regarding lack of respect from the Government in connection with human
rights issues.
What I've contacted them about, was that the Norwegian Government,
isn't answering my e-mails.
And also the 'Spesialenheten' (the Norwegian equivalent of ipcc), have been
using more than six months,
and have still not decided if they are going to investigate my complaint
against representatives from
the Norwegian special police 'Kripos', or not.
So it's obvious that they are delaying this.
This might not seem so important, but the point is, that this is in regards
to me being followed by organised
criminals or mafia, in both Norway and Britain.
And the point is, that this can lead to people being
And also, if the police is aware of this, like the Norwegian police are,
since I've told them, and still don't help,
maybe they have problems getting evidence against the criminals/mafia, and
then hope that they will kill,
so that they will get evidence in that way. (I would call it people
This is how it seems to me that it must have been, or still is, for all that
I know.
And I contacted the Norwegian department of Amnesty, earlier this week, but
they only said that Amnesty
wasn't dealing with investigating crime.
But that's not at all what I contacted them about, I contaced them about the
problem that the Government
are ignoring peoples rights, with the consequense that people can end up
murdered/tortured etc.
So I think, since they are working with human-rights issues, on a daily
basis, then I can't really understand,
how it could be possible for them to not understand what I was contacting
them about.
So I'm a bit worried that something might be wrong in the Norwegian Amnesty
And this case is also linked to Britain, so I was wondering if it's right
that Amensty aren't dealing with
serious breaches of human rights from Governments.
And also how I should go forward if I wanted to complain about the Norwegian
of Amnesty, since it seems to
me that something must be wrong there.
And I think that this would be serious, since I've always thought that
Amnesty is an important organisation,
and that you are doing valuable work around the world.
I'm also going to forward you copies of the correspondence I've been having
with the Norwegian deparment
of Amnesty regarding this.
I know that they are in Norwegian, but I'm sending them anyway, just for
formalitys sake.
I hope that this is alright, and I hope that you have the chance to have a
look at this!
Thank you very much for your help in advance!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog