fredag 2. november 2007

From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 13:13:50 +0000
Subject: Re: Regarding help from Amnesty


thank you very much for your answer, and the link!

The 'sivilombudsmannen' in Norway, is the person who helps the unions and
the employer organisations,
if there are difficulties in settling the yearly salary-agreements in
Norway, beetwen the employee and the
employer organisations.

Like if they aren't agreeing about how high the minimum-wage should be, and
things similar to that.

But thanks very much anyway.

You write, that you can't help me with my situation.

Well, since the last e-mail, I've aknowlegded more information about the
situation, and the new situation,
is that I seem to be followed by the

Even if I haven't heard that much about them before recently.

But even if it's so, I'd also like to mention, that I've also got some
documentation, which seems to support
this, the latest knowledge I've accuired surrounding the situation.

So I'm not sure if you think that this in any way would change your answer
regarding if you think you have
any possibilities to give advice regarding this problem?

I'm just sending this e-mail just in case, I know that I have sent you
several e-mails earlier, so due to this,
I would understand it, if you have don't have the time to answer me, so if
you can't help, then you could just
skip the writing of an answering e-mail if you like.

Because I know that I have sent you many e-mails from before, and I
understand it isn't that fun to have to
answer many e-mails from one person, when one have many other important

So this I understand completely.

I'm just sending this e-mail just in case the new information, changes
anything regarding the way my situation
should be viewed in regards to your mandate.

But please feel free to not answer, due to the number of e-mails I've been
sending you, I understand it if your
patience with me is running out, so that's no problem at all.

So thanks again for the answer I'm replying to now.

And thank you very much in advance for any help!

And sorry again about the frequent communication!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 11/2/07, wrote:
> Dear Erik
> Thank you for your further email. I am sorry that Amnesty International UK
> is unable to advise on your situation, although I have come up with the
> following link to the website of the Norwegian Ombudsman, who may be able to
> help.
> I hope you are successful in finding some assistance.
> Best wishes
> John Hook
> Supporter Care Team
> Amnesty International UK
> Tel: 020 7033 1777
> Amnesty International UK
> The Human Rights Action Centre
> 17-25 New Inn Yard
> London
> EC2A 3EA
> *"Erik Ribsskog" *
> 30/10/2007 00:48
> To
> "" cc
> Subject
> Re: Regarding help from Amnesty
> Hi,
> thank you very much for your answer!
> Are you sure that don't getting help when one are in the risk of being
> executed/sacrificed/tortured, isn't
> under the cathegory 'cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment', like you are
> mentioning in your e-mail?
> I also suspect that this case falls under this point: 'ending
> extra-judicial executions and "disappearances"'.
> At least this is how it seems to me, even if these things can be difficult
> to document sometimes I
> guess, at least before it has happened.
> But not getting help from the government is a specific human rights
> violation.
> Your Norwegian section, answered me that they can't investigate
> crime-cases, which was not what I
> asked them for advice on at all.
> So I don't understand how they could be right, since they didn't even
> understand the problem.
> The problem was lack of help from the Government, and also harassment,
> probably 'set ups' from the
> Government, and that they speculate, in not answering e-mails etc.
> And it seem like someone have instructed my bank, not to give me a loan or
> an overdraft as well.
> And the Government isn't informing me on what's goving on, even it's clear
> to me that I'm followed
> by mafia, like I've heard it being said.
> And also, even if the company I used to work in is/was full of criminals,
> I guess mafia/mob, and
> the Police are only pretending that nothing is going on, and are keeping
> me in the dark about all
> this.
> So without me being an expert on human rights, I can't see it differently,
> than that the Government
> must be breaching my human rights, and I haven't managed to get any help
> regarding this.
> But since you are working with human rights issues, then maybe you know a
> bit about how to
> deal with problems like this, so maybe you could give me some advice
> regarding who I should
> contact, or how should go forward with cases like this?
> I understand that you aren't working on cases were human rights are being
> breached by Governments(?)
> And I know that I've already written an e-mail to you regarding this.
> But I thought I'd try just once more, to hear if you knew about any
> organisations who deals with problems
> involiving human rights being breached by Governments, in the way I've
> explained in this e-mail.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> On 10/29/07, ** <*
>* > wrote:
> Dear Erik,
> Thank you for your email.
> However, I'm afraid that the Norwegian Section is correct as the issue you
> raise does not fall within our mandate.
> Amnesty International works on specific human rights violations, and our
> mission focuses in particular on:
> - campaigning to abolish the death penalty, torture, and other forms
> of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
> - ending extra-judicial executions and "disappearances";
> - protecting the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers;
> - protecting the human rights of non-combatants in armed conflicts;
> - working for fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners;
> - seeking the release of all prisoners of conscience.
> Of course there are many other issues of concern around the world, but
> Amnesty does not have the resources to work on every issue.
> The issues we work on are decided by our membership through our internal
> democratic decision-making processes.
> I hope that you may be able to find some assistance from another
> organisation.
> Rachel Armitage
> Supporter Care Team
> Amnesty International UK
> Tel: 020 7033 1777*
> ***
> Amnesty International UK
> The Human Rights Action Centre
> 17-25 New Inn Yard
> London
> EC2A 3EA
> *"Erik Ribsskog" <*** *>*
> 26/10/2007 02:47
> To
> ** cc
> Subject
> Regarding help from Amnesty
> Hi,
> I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, and I've been in contact with the
> Norwegian department of Amnesty,
> regarding lack of respect from the Government in connection with human
> rights issues.
> What I've contacted them about, was that the Norwegian Government,
> (Politidirektoratet/justisdepartementet),
> isn't answering my e-mails.
> And also the 'Spesialenheten' (the Norwegian equivalent of ipcc), have
> been using more than six months,
> and have still not decided if they are going to investigate my complaint
> against representatives from
> the Norwegian special police 'Kripos', or not.
> So it's obvious that they are delaying this.
> This might not seem so important, but the point is, that this is in
> regards to me being followed by organised
> criminals or mafia, in both Norway and Britain.
> And the point is, that this can lead to people being
> killed/executed/tortured.
> And also, if the police is aware of this, like the Norwegian police are,
> since I've told them, and still don't help,
> maybe they have problems getting evidence against the criminals/mafia, and
> then hope that they will kill,
> so that they will get evidence in that way. (I would call it people
> sacrifice).
> This is how it seems to me that it must have been, or still is, for all
> that I know.
> And I contacted the Norwegian department of Amnesty, earlier this week,
> but they only said that Amnesty
> wasn't dealing with investigating crime.
> But that's not at all what I contacted them about, I contaced them about
> the problem that the Government
> are ignoring peoples rights, with the consequense that people can end up
> murdered/tortured etc.
> So I think, since they are working with human-rights issues, on a daily
> basis, then I can't really understand,
> how it could be possible for them to not understand what I was contacting
> them about.
> So I'm a bit worried that something might be wrong in the Norwegian
> Amnesty department.
> And this case is also linked to Britain, so I was wondering if it's right
> that Amensty aren't dealing with
> serious breaches of human rights from Governments.
> And also how I should go forward if I wanted to complain about the
> Norwegian of Amnesty, since it seems to
> me that something must be wrong there.
> And I think that this would be serious, since I've always thought that
> Amnesty is an important organisation,
> and that you are doing valuable work around the world.
> I'm also going to forward you copies of the correspondence I've been
> having with the Norwegian deparment
> of Amnesty regarding this.
> I know that they are in Norwegian, but I'm sending them anyway, just for
> formalitys sake.
> I hope that this is alright, and I hope that you have the chance to have a
> look at this!
> Thank you very much for your help in advance!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog