torsdag 24. januar 2008

Erik Ribsskog

Flat 3

5 Leather Lane


L2 2AE 9. January 2008

Burger King

Louise Mander

Lakeside House

1 Furzeground Way

Stockley Park East



UB11 1BD


I'm refering to our phone-call yesterday, and I'm sending a copy of the explanation I wrote, about the

incident, some hours after the incident, which was on boxing-day.

Theres is also a web-link:

Where it also says the time and date for when the explanation was written etc.

I think, like I said in the phone-call yesterday, that this should be formally investigated.

Since it seems clear to me that the staff was involved, and that this probably must have been an

atempt to attack me physically in some way, or something like this.

And it seems clear to me that the staff must have been involved.

I think the asian girl must have hidden the receipt, and one of the other staff must have called the

person acting aggressive, and who is described about in the explanation.

So I would think that the right thing to do, would be to investigate this formally, and report about this

to the appropriate goverment institutions etc.

So I hope that this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


- Copy of receipt.

- Copy of explanation written on 27/12.

- Copy of letter from Burger King, written on 3. January 2008.