torsdag 14. februar 2008

E-mail to CAB, 11/2.

14 February 2008
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 10:47


I've been filing a complaint against the Liverpool Central CAB, and I've also been
apealing to The Chair there.

In the last letter/e-mail from them, I was told that I could contact the Complaints
Officer, at Midleton House, I think it was.
The problem is, that I've already been in contact with the Complaints Officer,
regarding some problems with the Liverpool Central CAB, not answering
the complaint, within the earlier mentioned date.
And then, I didn't get answers back, to the e-mails, that I sent the Complaints

Then I didn't know who to contact regarding this problem, so then I sent an
e-mail to the CEO or Managing Director in your organisation, because I
found the name on your website.
It was to someone on the top of higher management.

(I'm sorry I haven't got all the names etc. in my head now, I'm a bit in a hurry,
with delays with my work etc., sorry about this!).

And then, after this, I got answered back from the Liverpool Central CAB,
but they didn't say if this was due to my correspondence with the officials
at Middleton House.

After I got the last letter from the The Chair, at Liverpool Central CAB, I
was adviced to contact the Complaints Officer.
But due to the mentioned earlier problems, I've been in contact with HR,
on 0207 833 2181, several times last month.

And I was told, on 30/1, that you where the line-manager, of the Complaints
Officer, that I had been having problems with, last year, regarding not
getting answers back to my correspondence.

I've been a bit busy the last days, with work etc., but I called back to HR
today, to get your e-mail address, since I had orginially planned to send
a letter, but it turned out that it was bit low on printer-ink etc., unfortunatly,
for the printer, so I thought I could maybe send an e-mail.

I'm going to forward copies of the mention correspondence with the CAB.

Thanks in advance for the help, and sorry about the problem with not sending
this in the form of a letter, due to the unfortunate problems with the ink etc.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog