tirsdag 12. februar 2008

Facebook, 12/2.

Erik Ribsskog

Today at 12:33am

I'm sitting in from of the computer now, so I saw your answer right away.

Well, I've been having some problems with some criminal networks it seems, in Norway and Britain.

And being used as a 'target guy' by the American government, and as a spy by the British government it seems.

So I think things were a bit more sivilised perhaps, in Sunderland.

I have a picture of my passport, so you can see what the Imigration Control in Detroit wrote in my passport, so that you don't think I'm making all this up:


I've got some copies of some e-mail I've sent Amnesty and Human Rights Whatch, as well, if you want to read more.

But anyway, this is a bit boring stuff, to write about.

And now I'm working in the packaging business, with work a British company, working as self employed, with company research, from home.

And I used to work for Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, about a year ago, in Liverpool.

So I've been mostly in Britain since Sunderland, except for a few months.

Say hello to Anja, if you speak with her.

Dorte, wrote on a note, on which my flat-mates had written their e-mail addresses. (For future contact after Sunderland).

And Dorte wrote the address black_lady2@gmx.de., or something like that.

So when the Imigration control (I was just going to America, to go on holiday for two-or three months doe, I had planned to maybe rent a car, and see a bit of the country).

But I think the imigration-control officer, reacted when he saw Dortes e-mail address, that was something with 'black lady' etc.

Maybe he thought I was racist or something, I don't know.

But I was sent back to Oslo, via France, and I think I maybe was lucky not to end up like Tom Hanks in The Terminal, on the airport in Paris.

But nevermind me, it seems like things are a bit more quiet now, so it shouldn't be a problem.

And yourself, what are you up to these days.

I remember I was very impressed by the party you and your flat-mates were having.

I think it probably must be the only pary I've been to with free beer.

So that I remeber I thought that was a very smart solution.

So thanks very much for the beer-cans again.

I'm not sure if I remembered to say thanks for all of the beer-cans I drank.

Sorry about the boring update.

What are you doing yourself these days?

Thank you very much for your answer, and also thank you very much again for the beer-cans back then.

Erik Erik Ribsskog

Today at 1:12am
Hi, sorry I'm writing several times.

But something more came to mind when I was making dinner here.

It was.

I'm a bit old-fashioned, but I understand that people are writing a lot between the lines these days.

Maybe, the Imigration Officer in Detroit, thought I had a slave, or something like that.

Since it said something with 'black_lady' in the e-mail address on the paper-sheet from Sunderland.

And then they made up this 'The Terminal plot'.

Because, when I was to go through Imigration-control in Paris, De Gaule airport, then there suddently appeard a lot of pretty 16-17 y.o. girls that one had to switch queue, a lot of times, to avoid standing right behind, since they moved from queue to queue all the time.

So I'm suspecting a bit, that this could be some kind of plot, by eg. the CIA, to check if I was a pervert or something, due to that I had a note with an e-mail address, that it said 'black_lady' on etc.

Because, I think, I have stood right behind the pretty young girls, then I think the French Imigration Control-ladies, would have looked through my passport more thorowly maybe.

And then I think they probably would have found the lines the Detroit Imigration Control had written in my passport.

And then I think I could have into problems, because France are in the EU, while Norway aren't.

And I don't much French, but it seemed a bit to me, that the Imigration Control women there, were speaking to eachother, and said something in French, like they had been warned to check Norwegian passports thorowly.

But they smiled, and were friendly, I think they let me go, since they thought I behavied fine in the queue.

At least that's how it seemed to me at the time.

I'm not sure why I'm writing all of this to you, but it came to my mind now, so I thought I'd try to write it down, while I'm still remembering it.

I'm publishing these two last posts on my blogg, but it doesn't say your name or anything in it, so I reackoned that that would be alright.

Since it seems like it something going on.

So I hope it is alright with the blog-posts, and sorry that I didn't ask if it was alright to put the post I've written on the blog.

Erik Erik Ribsskog

Today at 1:45am
And this, I forgot, sorry that I'm writing a lot.

But the Detroit Imigration Control, asked if I knew any Americans.

I'm sure exactly if I remembered your name then, I had a bit of jet-lag etc., but I think I rememberd Nicole's first-name, from the neighouring-flat in Sunderland.

And in that flat, Brusk, I think Julian and myself watched 'The Terminal'.

I'm not sure if Nicole watched it, but I remember we watched 'Joe Dirt', four or five of us, on her laptop.

So she propably picked it up that we watched 'The Terminal', in the lounge there.

I suspected a bit before, since I had to wait for many hours in The Detroit Imigration Control, while the officers were taking phone-calls or something like that.

That maybe they eg. called Nicole, and asked her about things like that.

And decided to have some fun, and maybe set up a 'The Terminal'-plot.

Or something like that.

But this is just something I've been suspecting, so I guess I should just rather ask Nicole about this, and not bother you with all these messages.

So I'm sorry about all the messages, and that I'm putting the ones I'm writing on the blog.

But it seems a bit like theres something going on I think.

But I hope this is alright, and sorry again about the inconvenience with all the messages.

I'll try to behave better now, sorry again!
