torsdag 6. mars 2008

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Photos from Arvato Liverpool
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Erik Ribsskog wroteat 11:28pm
.. timekeeping issues ( 5 min late or 5 hours make no difference).Well, I'd think that, if you are 5 min late, and get to work at 7.05 am, then there were usually very few calls.So probably, you wouldn't miss a single call, if you got to work at 7.05 am.Maybe the bus was delayed, or something like that.I was reported twice, for being two minutes late. (Problems with the bus, or I was really calling the Police in Oslo).And this was reported to Randstad, and brought up in a meeting with them.Where as, if you are 5 hours late, then I'd guess that you miss about 50 calls, or something like this, and then this would have negative effect on the service-level, the campaign might get complaints etc.So to say, that 5 minutes late, makes no difference from being 5 hours late.I'm not sure if I'm agreeing with this.

Erik Ribsskog wroteat 11:46pm
I called to the Police in Oslo, because I had been getting strange phone-calls from my sister.And since there were some problems there, with organised crime etc.,then I though this could be connected.So then, I called the Oslo Police, anonymious.Since my uncle insisted, that I had to go to a psycologist in Larvik, since he didn't belive about the mafia-stuff.So then I thought it probably wasn't a good idea to say my name.And then I was speaking with a police-woman there, and explained that my sister was probably under control by some criminal network.This must have been in one of the first months of 2006, if I remember correctly.And then I think that it seemed on people, who probably must have uniformed police or something like that.It isn't easy to say, because I was very stressed then, due to beein f-ed with on work, in the shops and in the house I lived etc.By someone I don't know who was.

Erik Ribsskog wroteat 11:46pm
A couple of weeks later, I called again, in the same way, regarding my brother.