onsdag 5. mars 2008

Explanation about the Police using phoney general enquiery e-mail addresses, from Facebook, 5/3.

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Remove This Photo Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 8:33pm
On the meeting at Walton Lane Police Station, 8/11/07, when this statement was written, by a sergant there:


Then the sergant assistant in the meeting, I think it was Rachel, wrote the note above.


Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 8:37pm
On the note, it says that their e-mail addresse is:


Where as the real e-mail address, is



Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:22pm
Like one can see, if one look on this letter:


Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:27pm
Even so, the Police, are using this phoney e-mail address, and are claming it's correct:

From: Civil.Litigation.E@merseyside.police.uk
To: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 16:19:39 +0000
Subject: Re: Fwd: PSD 07/0519/Sgt. Smyth/Rachel

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email and the enclosures you have sent today.

I can confirm that we have today received thirteen emails from you, eleven
of which contain attachments. The other two emails are your emails making
contact with us. The email address I gave you yesterday is the correct

As discussed with yourself and Sgt John Smyth yesterday, your complaint
will now be dealt with by way of a Full Investigation.

Yours sincerely

Rachel Coyne
Liverpool North Standards Unit
Walton Lane Police Station


Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:39pm
Here the letter, from the Police, with the right e-mail address is, with better resolution:

