fredag 14. mars 2008

Liverpool Central CAB V.

Regarding complaint

14 March 2008

Subject Regarding complaint
From Erik Ribsskog
Sent 14 March 2008 22:46

sorry that I'm sending another e-mail.

But I read through your letter again now.

And there are some more points, that also weren't right:
- You write in your e-mail, that the CAB informed me that it was only the first 30 minutes of legal advice,
that was fee of charge.
This isn't right.
Noone at the CAB informed me about this.

I thought it was free advice, since the Police, had sent me to the CAB, to 'get the case brought up for
the Crowns Court'.

The Police also said that the CAB, 'was Government'.
If the CAB, had told me, when I went there in February, straight from the Police, with the documents,
that I had given them.

If the CAB had made this clear, that it was only the first thirthy minutes that were free advice.

Then I would have gone back to the Police, and complained.
So it seems to me, like I have suspected from before.

That it must have been a plot, involving the Police, and the CAB, to make problems for me, or the
case I was bringing up against Arvato's Microsoft-campaign.
(See also my main complaint from my e-mail earlier today).
Also, when I called EAD, they said that the time-limit was out for the harrasment at work case.

Then I went to Morecrofts the same day, and they said it had a longer time-limit, since it was an
harassment at work case, and not an employment case.
I think the issues I bring up in this e-mail, and the issues from the e-mail earlier today, seems like,
they probably all are part of a plot, to make me loose control, on the case against Arvato Microsoft
campaign, or something like this.
So I just thought I'd also add this perspective to my comlaint.

I think it isn't right of the CAB, to take part in CIA-plots, or what it is, in a way like this.

So I wanted to also complain about this!
I'm sorry if I'm sending many e-mails!
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog